Before and After....Our Cottage Garden Story

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @jflgreen
    @jflgreen Рік тому +17

    Bringing a tear to my eye seeing how much you have loved the land back to life

  • @debravogt7139
    @debravogt7139 Рік тому +5

    Your love made a miracle!

  • @kristepioneerprincess
    @kristepioneerprincess Рік тому +33

    Your comment, "The land didn't know it was loved", touches my heart. It is exactly how I feel when I have to move to a new place. I encourage and appreciate the land and plants and in return they show me love.
    Thank you, sister of my heart ❤️

  • @LindaHarrison-q8c
    @LindaHarrison-q8c Рік тому +33

    Just so beautful to see Mother Nature free to thrive

  • @walkingwater893
    @walkingwater893 Рік тому +4

    Paradise!!! Proof is in the pudding! 🐞🐝🐛

  • @tennesseenana4838
    @tennesseenana4838 Рік тому +33

    My word - what a night and day difference in the 'before' pictures and how things are now. Thank you so much for sharing those pictures with us! You two put in many hundreds of hours of work. You definitely have a magical garden to relax and enjoy a cup of tea in. It's beyond beautiful.

    • @quartzite4845
      @quartzite4845 Рік тому

      I thought of Orchney when I saw the before pictures. Ochney is beautiful to. Not that I've been there. ❤from the Jade isles of new zealand

  • @pattisimmons67
    @pattisimmons67 Рік тому +60

    This was such an amazing video. I have to tell you, just walking with you through you garden is the MOST relaxed I've felt in months. My husband Ken is making/growing/building/loving his own version of this here in uptight, Upstate New York (NOT the city! We live 8 hours NW of NYC in an area called the Finger Lakes). It's been such a labor of love for him. It has gotten to a place now where folks stop on the side of the road to tslk to him about what he's doing this year and tell him how much they love coming over te hill to see all the flowers herbs and vegetables growing and looking so beautiful. It really is a special place.

    • @wallyfayewells
      @wallyfayewells Рік тому +4

      I love the finger lakes! Such a beautiful place. I live near Pittsburgh.

    • @ColleenReid-h8m
      @ColleenReid-h8m Рік тому

      I live in Ontario and have three acres near the baseball hall of fame with a mobile home. it is so beautiful. we are the lower Catskills leather-stocking near Cooperstown area

    • @quartzite4845
      @quartzite4845 Рік тому +1

      Has an Ancient feel about it. ❤

    • @rowan7658
      @rowan7658 9 місяців тому +1

      You should both be proud as you have now made it even more special ❤ love from England.

  • @dianesimmons9199
    @dianesimmons9199 Рік тому +5

    OMG Terri….amazing…so beautiful 👍❤️☘️

  • @kavannahlight5378
    @kavannahlight5378 Рік тому +10

    Your work and love have had transformational effects! You deserve to kick back and really, truly appreciate the mark you have made on Mother Earth!

  • @MissPrissy6688
    @MissPrissy6688 Рік тому +22

    It’s Sunday morning and I’m propped up in bed having my morning coffee and breakfast cookie enjoying Teri’s tour of the Irish garden. Pure bliss…. ❤️🙏🏻😁

    • @milenapoljak1186
      @milenapoljak1186 Рік тому

      Love Terry's garden ! Terry is beautiful and loving person 💖

  • @arvettadelashmit9337
    @arvettadelashmit9337 Рік тому +5

    Your dogs are so cute. They stay close to you. Your place looked almost as ugly as mine did over 13 years ago. Yes. It takes years for nature to recover (even if you are trying to help).
    When we lived deeper into the country, mother grew many kinds of flowers, trees, and a big kitchen garden, My Grandfather lived on the much larger farm next to ours. He grew fields of corn, tobacco, hemp, and many kitchen gardens. He had a large fruit tree orchard, bees (and bee hives), and his magical (to me) herb garden. There were also cows, mules, chickens, ducks, rabbits, dogs, and cats. Both farms were wonderful places to be as a child. With the passing of my grandfather, and later my parents, both farms disappeared. A large Public School building now sits on a good part of what was my grandfather's farm.
    However, I now live in a growing subdivision. My house was the first house built here; and, a full acre of land came with my house (mostly hillside). There was no grass here when I moved in. There was the edge of the woods next to my drive way (a small part of the woods is mine). It has taken me over 13 years to get enough trees established to have a little shade in my front yard, back yard, and on the half acre garden plot (which now has one pear tree and one apple tree doing very well on it). If every tree I planted had lived and grown, I would have a fruit orchard and herb garden there now. I just keep trying. When something that I planted does not live and thrive (I don't buy that again, and try something else). Now that I know my land better, it is time to start building raised gardens. It has to be raised gardens; because, we have flash flooding that washes away top soil and many things; Plus flooding does bring in things that I may not want (like trash, poison ivy, and ground ivy).
    The ground ivy is a beautiful plant. Someone told me that the leaves are used to make tea. Do you grow ground ivy with the round lacy-like leaves, and dark blue/purple flowers? It has a strong smell when walked on or cut. It thrives here, is greener than grass, and is a great ground cover. I think it may be a wild native plant. It grew on both my parents'and grandfather's farms (wild under the shade trees).

  • @marydunn3867
    @marydunn3867 Рік тому +6

    Magical transformation 💜💜

  • @moiragoldsmith7052
    @moiragoldsmith7052 Рік тому +22

    Looks like Heaven on Earth Terri and Lol. Time, patience and love cures the lost and the barren; beautifully done👏👏👏🥳🌻💞.
    I woke this morning to see two poppy blooms in my garden.....I was straight out the door to greet them🥳🤣.

  • @jennydunlop5572
    @jennydunlop5572 Рік тому +26

    What a lovely and inspiring way to start my Sunday! I’m always amazed at Nature’s ability to respond to a little TLC and give us back so much beauty and healing in return! To watch how things grow from small seeds or cuttings is truly miraculous… your land is an oasis of beauty - thanks for sharing your journey!

  • @nathalieeisele6130
    @nathalieeisele6130 Рік тому +7

    ❤ What a wonderful place and way of life✨🌷🌳🌻😻🐾🐾

  • @Wewillbeokay8
    @Wewillbeokay8 Рік тому +7

    I absolutely love this!

  • @rayclay2
    @rayclay2 Рік тому +4

    what and amazing and fullfilling accomplishment. im sure you have a calm peacefulness and loving feelings from your labor of love..

  • @elizabethwoodhouse9461
    @elizabethwoodhouse9461 Рік тому +8

    Great to see nature allowed to blossom.

  • @AK-tv5cc
    @AK-tv5cc 8 місяців тому +1

    God's beautiful creation, and to be part in taking care of them is such a joyful thing.

  • @gail-elizabethengland7853
    @gail-elizabethengland7853 Рік тому +9

    The transformation of your land is amazing! I'm so glad you took photos when you began, because no one would ever guess it's the same place. It is inspiring. Thank you for sharing with all of us. Blessings to you both and the animals.

  • @irishk.1041
    @irishk.1041 Рік тому +3

    Man lived FIRST in the garden :) Our souls are happiest in the garden. My garden has a sign saying "I am closer to God in my garden than any place else on earth" - truer words were never spoken. Your garden shows years of LOVE. so beautiful. thank you for showing before and after pics. Love and joy in the making over years of LOVE. Gorgeous!!!

  • @lorrainerichardson3280
    @lorrainerichardson3280 Рік тому +2

    There is nothing more satisfying than sitting in the garden listening to and watching the birds, butterflies and bees with the occasional hedgehog wandering about. Take care =-)

  • @nathalie2753
    @nathalie2753 Рік тому +4

    Ever time a look is it 🎁🎉

  • @takesallkinds22
    @takesallkinds22 Рік тому +8

    I love it. It's beautiful!

  • @barbararoyal6139
    @barbararoyal6139 Рік тому +1

    Good morning Terri ☀️
    This was like watching you and the land develop a relationship and a friendship with each other over the years. It looks like the trees and plants are embracing you with gratitude for your attention to them and your love for the land itself. You continue to inspire. Thank you 🌿🐚

    • @DanusIrishHerbGarden
      @DanusIrishHerbGarden  Рік тому

      Hello Barbara - how are you? It feels like that sometimes, brushing past tree branches. Yes, I do feel love from my garden as I am sure you do too xx

  • @susannautterback6815
    @susannautterback6815 Рік тому +11

    Hello Terri…lovely. Thank you for the back history of your land. I’m so happy that you and Colette are friends. I love her so much and I love her story. Much love to you, your family, your land and your precious dogs. Have a wonderful week

  • @triciac4240
    @triciac4240 Рік тому +8

    Thank you Danu for sharing the comfort and beauty of Nature with us..

  • @elizamoore1221
    @elizamoore1221 Рік тому +5

    Thank you so much for showing us your progress over the years. It gives me hope that it is never too late to expand my own garden and pursue a mystical magical place of my own.

  • @mirandaandrea8215
    @mirandaandrea8215 Рік тому +5

    Fabulous! x

  • @Meinvt
    @Meinvt Рік тому +3

    Amazing in that rocky soil, with that salty wind. I just have tired soil. Inspiring!

    • @lolhardiman5247
      @lolhardiman5247 Рік тому

      When you encourage and work with nature anything is possible!

  • @deirdreclark2128
    @deirdreclark2128 Рік тому +3

    Fascinating, thank you.

  • @dianegoldsmith4830
    @dianegoldsmith4830 Рік тому +3

    Fantastic,Terri and Lol. What a difference to when I saw it 13 years ago (doesn’t time fly !!) Love from the Pyrénées Orientales.

    • @lolhardiman5247
      @lolhardiman5247 Рік тому

      Hi aunty! Yes of course you were here when it was still pretty bleak. It's been amazing to us to revisit the old pictures and remind ourselves of how much it has changed.

  • @cormac_harkin
    @cormac_harkin Рік тому +6

    Definitely very inspiring.

  • @cynthiahamblin-perry5880
    @cynthiahamblin-perry5880 Рік тому +3

    Yes, I need to just be - in the garden. I tend to work, work, work and never take the time to sit with it! My husband takes his coffee outside early in morning and walks around "checking" on all the fruit trees, bushes and plants. I need to join him!
    You have done so much there! Looks amazing. Have a blessed week.

  • @jlppjo
    @jlppjo Рік тому +4

    I absolutely adore Sunday in the wee hours! Here in California I often hear Lol's lullaby before drifting off to sleep...much love

  • @wallyfayewells
    @wallyfayewells Рік тому +13

    My heart is full ❤ thank you so much for sharing your amazing and beautiful journey with all of us. My little plot of land is in a small town in western Pennsylvania in the USA. We are in the midst of our own terra transformation and the deep connection I’ve made to the plants, trees, pollinators, insects, and birds has been life changing. I really don’t think I could be happier than I am now ❤

  • @lm9753LyndaAnn
    @lm9753LyndaAnn Рік тому +3

    Terri! Astounding! Really fun vid. Keep going!

  • @suegentry2913
    @suegentry2913 Рік тому +5

    I wish you could be commissioned to take over all urban planning! Imagine what our cities could look like :) Thanks for sharing your beautiful story.

  • @tuto108
    @tuto108 Рік тому +3

    Dear Terri, What a lovely film! I lost myself in your garden and all the way through I dreamed about how I might pour more love into my own. Thank you for sharing all the love and beauty in your garden and for your healing, inspiring messages!

  • @redwing3969
    @redwing3969 Рік тому +6

    This is a joy to watch especially as I live in a city tenement. At least I have a beautiful tree to look out on. I love seeing the growth and development in your garden, your cats and dogs, and all the information about herbal medicine. Thank you both for this.🥰💜💫

  • @bernadetteoconnor4591
    @bernadetteoconnor4591 Рік тому +7


  • @gwynnielcurtis585
    @gwynnielcurtis585 Рік тому +3

    I adore you and your videos! Good morning from the Appalachian mountains of Virginia!

  • @margarertstewart9121
    @margarertstewart9121 Рік тому +4

    Very much enjoyed your tea. Will join you in a cuppa :)

  • @barbararoyal6139
    @barbararoyal6139 Рік тому +4

    Terri this is wonderful!! You continue to inspire🕊Thank you so much 🌱!

  • @lmbendall5967
    @lmbendall5967 Рік тому +5

    Blessings to you ❤❤

  • @loisbanks3614
    @loisbanks3614 Рік тому +7

    Stunningly beautiful transformation- great to see before and after shots!
    Thanks for inspiring us all as always ❤

  • @priscillajoseph765
    @priscillajoseph765 Рік тому +1

    The transformation you have made Terri is so amazing. The garden looks rich and exciting with so many varieties of plant life. Feels homely and safe.

  • @daggy1778
    @daggy1778 Рік тому +5

    dear Terri.thanks a create such a loveley area........same as Colette..................everytime I,m in Ireland,I,m amazed by your fuchsia trees and in Germany we must buy every year a new one and only small perhaps 30 cm high................and I love that fuchsia...................Blessings and Greetings from Daggy,Kiel,Germany☘☘☘

    • @tuckedup
      @tuckedup Рік тому +1

      well, you never know what the fuchsia will bring......

  • @sueellencurtis7056
    @sueellencurtis7056 Рік тому +4

    Beautiful gardens! Thank you for sharing...

  • @karennewbury6430
    @karennewbury6430 Рік тому +4

    Thank you again Terri and Lol. Paradise found. Please share your story about how you found yourself on the 'plant path'. I'm following the herbal plant path myself. 🐝 Bee well ...

  • @hetty2974
    @hetty2974 Рік тому +3

    Terri, I don't have enough words to say how absolutely heavenly and joyful all the whole garden ground s looks as though they love their home an c each other im feeling very emotional for you, xxxxxthankyou so much for joyful film and music. Absolutely enchanting. And your darling dogs a nd garden creatures, I love it,xxhas made me very cheerful thanks, take good care, wel, done, xxx

  • @NickSBailey
    @NickSBailey Рік тому +5

    really inspiring, hard to imagine the potential at the start of how green and full of life it could be

  • @Rita-Indigo1111
    @Rita-Indigo1111 Рік тому +1

    Absolutely gorgeous! 😍❤️ Love your piece of paradise 🌳🌿🍀

  • @apriljo1968
    @apriljo1968 Рік тому +4

    There is a Fuschia Bush????😮😮😮
    I buy a potted plant every year. I love them. I had no idea they were a BUSH!😮
    I'm in the states/TN. Now I'm gonna have to look and see if that can be achieved here.
    I've also wanted to grow at least one of all the different trees. I don't think I can tho.
    I so much loved walking with you in your garden. Thank you❤❤

  • @jamieloom22
    @jamieloom22 Рік тому +5

    Wow, thank you so much for this incredible and inspirational video. You have accomplished so much with your land and you can tell how much your efforts are appreciated by Mother Nature. Truly a labor of love. Blessings xx

  • @carolyn3749
    @carolyn3749 Рік тому +4

    This brings me joy this morning. Yours and Collete's stories and journeys have brought so much hope, empowerment, inspiration and I am so grateful to you both for sharing your wisdom and knowledge. There are many perspectives you both have individually shared that I connect with and have helped me come to terms with in my life recently and going through healing and embracing my life's experiences on a level of finding peace I suppose. Thank you, Terri.

  • @deb5207
    @deb5207 Рік тому +1

    I just love how relaxing this video is. ❤ I enjoy all your videos and the knowledge you share. Thank you!

  • @michelepfaff5363
    @michelepfaff5363 Рік тому +4

    Love your garden & all you do for nature, how you honor her.❤ I learn so much from you. Thank you!

  • @peterleprevost2154
    @peterleprevost2154 Рік тому +3

    Thank you for sharing your story book garden! It looks as loved and respected as our own which has taken abour fifty years to have unfold about us. Have a beautiful week. Susan

  • @cheryl-lylbaldr4560
    @cheryl-lylbaldr4560 Рік тому +6

    Heaven on earth as they say its breath taking love it you are truly gifted with nature and her plant life. thanks for sharing love to you friend.

  • @Daantje2022
    @Daantje2022 Рік тому +7

    Thank you plant mama you did a fantastic job, nature loves you, it looks beautiful 💚

  • @sandrasenergy
    @sandrasenergy Рік тому +5

    Such a beautiful home. Building and land together are so welcoming and nurturing. Fantastic job. Thank you for great inspiration 💚

  • @mandysweeney8273
    @mandysweeney8273 Рік тому +1

    Such an inspiration Terri and Lol! Y
    When I watch your videos it reconnects me to my inner wise woman. Hugs to you both ❤

    • @DanusIrishHerbGarden
      @DanusIrishHerbGarden  Рік тому

      Big hugs to you too Mandy. Sending lots of love and hope to see you soon xx

    • @mandysweeney8273
      @mandysweeney8273 Рік тому

      @@DanusIrishHerbGarden I hope it won't be too much longer before we see each other. The weather has not been great at all here but everything is green and well watered 🙏🏻❤️ x

  • @karenneese3115
    @karenneese3115 Рік тому +4

    Inspired!!!! 😊

  • @renata_of_the_craft
    @renata_of_the_craft Рік тому

    Thank you Terri to invite us into your garden and giving us this walk through and giving us a glimpse of how the land was before you settled there and gave this land your love and made it so fruitful again. You made a little piece of paradise!

  • @cynthiatalbert3037
    @cynthiatalbert3037 Рік тому +2

    Beautiful Terri, have a great weekend 🌙💚🌿

  • @juliefermer3257
    @juliefermer3257 Рік тому +3

    A wonderful transformation! Inspiring ❤

  • @samanthahoos9827
    @samanthahoos9827 Рік тому +1

    Thank you for that beautiful glimpse into your life! I often look back on my home/gardens and wonder if anyone can appreciate all the time/effort it takes to get such beautiful land that explodes with happiness. I have been told repeatedly I transform my homes into peaceful places that settle all of life outside stress away.

  • @kimprocarione5473
    @kimprocarione5473 Рік тому

    Lovely example of love filled patience and time come to fruition. And will evolve evermore ❤

  • @monicacanney
    @monicacanney Рік тому +3

    Absolutely love, love love this video❤ super inspiring, I’m learning so much from your platform, thank you soooo much.
    What an oasis you and nature have created, blessings to you 🧚🙏💞

  • @laurapavone3513
    @laurapavone3513 Рік тому +1

    You are such an inspiration. Keep up the marvellous gardening

  • @lorihouchin4732
    @lorihouchin4732 Рік тому +3

    It's amazing all you have accomplished. How lovely. Everything is thriving and lush the land has benefited from you being there. Thank for the tour I live in Indiana in the United States. I feel blessed to have found your channel it's magical. You teach me so much and just watching brings me joy. I look forward to seeing you next time 👍❤️🌱

  • @kimoshea
    @kimoshea Рік тому +5

    Absolutely stunning 😍. Very inspirational xx

  • @trishgraham7639
    @trishgraham7639 Рік тому +1

    Hello Terri! Love seeing the before and after of your cottage gardens. This gives so much inspiration to make your own, one day at a time. So beautiful. Thank you for sharing ❤ Take Care xx

  • @martinebeck8769
    @martinebeck8769 Рік тому +3

    That was so inspiring , thank you and wish you a beautuful Sunday from Alsace near by Germany (in France).

  • @tintinjacks4371
    @tintinjacks4371 Рік тому +5

    it looks amazing xx

  • @P.e.m.a.
    @P.e.m.a. Рік тому +6

    So beautiful! ☺️❤️

  • @slaturwinters1828
    @slaturwinters1828 Рік тому +1

    Hello sister, what a beautiful garden! Im currently cultivating my own sacred grove but haven't found a Red Oak in the wild. May the green voice keeps you guided and protected 💚🙏

  • @rowan7658
    @rowan7658 9 місяців тому

    Lovely to see one of your lovely old dogs from the past. We never ever forget them ❤

    • @DanusIrishHerbGarden
      @DanusIrishHerbGarden  9 місяців тому

      He was Chief. Miss him all the time, he was irreplaceable and a great family dog

  • @idontbelieveyou
    @idontbelieveyou Рік тому +1

    That's an extraordinary transformation and video. A true labor of love if there was one. The land is loving you back in so many ways and on so many levels. Thank you Terri... oh and you have the best doggos!

  • @asiamarie113
    @asiamarie113 Рік тому

    Thank you for reminding us that everything is a process and nature doesn’t need to be completely controlled. It’s just needs to be loved and enjoyed.

  • @vintagesue
    @vintagesue Рік тому +5

    So Wonderful what you’ve achieved! Very inspiring 💚

  • @hetty2974
    @hetty2974 Рік тому +3

    Hello xxxxxx😊

  • @zaibcom
    @zaibcom Рік тому +5


  • @amyjones2490
    @amyjones2490 Рік тому

    It’s amazing what just a little nurturing from humans can encourage Mother Earth to abundance.

  • @cristinaluciacibils6554
    @cristinaluciacibils6554 Рік тому +6

    Amazingly beautiful, and to know and feel a part of Nature is the Best gift of all ❤️🧡💜🧡❤️ thank You so much for sharing your garden 🤗🤗 and your love for it .

  • @migdaliasantiago9473
    @migdaliasantiago9473 Рік тому +1

    Lovely!!! Amazing work and care of nature.

  • @TheStarcruiser
    @TheStarcruiser Рік тому +1

    What an incredible transformation! I follow the same principle as you & Colette, even though I live in a very different climate. My garden microcosm is a sanctuary for the wallaby's, birds/parrots & bees. You & Colette have inspired me to keep planting with' Love'.🪲🐝🦋🌺

  • @hrm266
    @hrm266 Рік тому

    A garden created by ourselves has a soul...greetings from Italy

  • @homeandgardenwithnick678
    @homeandgardenwithnick678 Рік тому +1

    Beautiful Gardens and Cottage, Well done 💚🍀🍀

  • @agardenbeyondparadise9787
    @agardenbeyondparadise9787 Рік тому +4

    You've brought so much life to your landscape. It's such a lovely garden 😊

  • @reginamaloney224
    @reginamaloney224 Рік тому

    Magical! Thanks Terri and Lowell, for your re-wilding, inspiring all of us as you go. 💞

  • @sagimoon54
    @sagimoon54 Рік тому +4

    Thank you so much for the show & tell. You're like a kindred spirit that always keeps me inspired & motivated. I really look forward to all your videos of knowledge, advice & ideas. Thanks you for sharing. Many Blessings...

  • @olgaholow2901
    @olgaholow2901 Рік тому

    My dearest word....thank you very much for your lovely work on this planet...❤❤❤❤❤

  • @tuckedup
    @tuckedup Рік тому +3

    a lovely and fascinating video, thank you for sharing your outdoor experience, peace out from holland, we now have your two " tincture " books and have begun in our small way, uh....along the way.....

  • @michelewhite36
    @michelewhite36 Рік тому +3

    So inspiring, Terri! I am always trying to get a close-up of the hawthorns because I don’t believe there are that many here in Ontario Canada. I could very well be wrong, but it’s not a common bush where I live anyway. And they are so magical. Thank you so much for the beautiful tour. I think I’m going to have to get planting this afternoon!

  • @marielbello6305
    @marielbello6305 Рік тому +1

    Hi Again!!!! Thank you so very much for everything you are showing, for your teachings and kindness and love of nature and life!!! Blessings to you and your family and Ireland as well!!!

  • @earthdogpj1
    @earthdogpj1 Рік тому +1

    Lovely transformation and so filled with fairy cubbyholes. You have a fascinating story. I’m looking for a video that tells your story, how you and your family chose this cottage to live at full time. I love autobiography’s!!!

  • @roselynepegeault4267
    @roselynepegeault4267 Рік тому +3

    Thank you for sharing your amazing garden metamorphosis Danu, you are a fairy, the seeds and seedlings have responded to your loving care and grown with so much grace, they are dancing with the wind and singing with the birds, hi from Brittany in france where I also enjoy growing new green friends 💚🌻🌱

  • @foreverautumn63
    @foreverautumn63 Рік тому

    Thank you for sharing all you have done. What a beautiful wildlife haven you have created. Amazing to see the difference you have made…so much love and time. 💚💚💚