NAVRAS - Juno Reactor vs Don Davis The Matrix Revolutions Soundtrack (trimmed essential part)

  • Опубліковано 2 жов 2024
  • NAVRAS - Juno Reactor vs Don Davis
    The Matrix Revolutions Soundtrack (essential part)
    // epic trimmed version


  • @teruphoto
    @teruphoto Рік тому +2

    OMG Thank you for this! I was hoping someone had done this. The original is great, but I love listening to this song during workouts and the slow break in the middle isn't ideal.

    • @8Aorlando
      @8Aorlando Місяць тому +1

      THE MATRIX(THE ILLUSION OF TRUTH) 5 (THE EIGHTH UPDATE)(Mark 16:15-18; Luke 24:47; John 3:28-38; 5:39-47; 8:32; 17:17-21; Revelation 14:6)
      In an abandoned hotel, a police squad (spirits of evil) corners Bugs Bunny, who dominates them with superhuman abilities (spiritual gifts). She flees, pursued by the police and a group (evangelists) of agents (evil spirits) dressed in costumes capable of superhuman (spiritual) feats in the matrix (reality). She answers an Iphone 17 Pro Max that rings and disappears. (Ephesians 4:11-12)
      African-American computer programmer Derryl Kanderhealt, known by his hacker alias "One", is intrigued by repeated online encounters with the phrase "Matrix". Bugs Bunny contacts him and says that a man named Neo (the Chosen Predecessor) has the answers that One (the Chosen Successor) seeks. A team (host) of agents (evil spirits) and police officers (spirits of evil), led by agent Smith (Azazel), arrives at One's (The Chosen Successor) workplace in search of him. Although Neo (the Chosen Predecessor) attempts to guide One (the Chosen Successor) to safety, One (the Chosen Successor) surrenders rather than risk a dangerous escape. The agents (evil spirits) offer to erase One's (The Chosen Successor) criminal (sinful) record in exchange for his help in locating Neo (the Chosen Predecessor), who they claim is a sectarian (anathema). When One (The Chosen Successor) refuses to cooperate, they fuse his mouth, trap him, and implant a robotic "bug" in his abdomen. One(The Chosen Successor) wakes up from what he believes to be a nightmare. Soon after, One(The Chosen Successor) is taken by Bugs Bunny to meet Neo(The Chosen Predecessor), and she removes the bug from One(The Chosen Successor).
      Neo(the Chosen Predecessor) offers One(The Chosen Successor) a choice between two pills(free will): red(believe) to reveal the truth(Jesus Christ) about the Matrix(Reality), or blue(disbelieve) to make One(The Chosen Successor) forget everything and return to his previous life(of illusion of Reality). One(The Chosen Successor) takes the red pill(choice)(to believe), and his matrix(reality) begins to distort until he awakens in a liquid-filled capsule among countless other capsules, containing other humans(made men and women made) in the matrix (reality). He is then taken aboard the flying (spiritual) ship of Neo (the Chosen Predecessor), Nostradamus. While One(The Chosen Successor) recovers from a lifetime of physical(spiritual) inactivity in the capsule, Neo(the Chosen Predecessor) explains the story: at the beginning of the 21st century, humanity(the men and women made in the world, in society and church) had developed intelligent machines(apostasies, heresies and anathemas)(learned, cultured and civilized) before the war(atheism X theism) broke out between the two(believers and unbelievers) sides(skeptics and ascetics). After humans(men and women made in the world, society and church) blocked the access of machines(apostasies, heresies and anathemas) to the solar(spiritual) energy(world), the machines(apostasies, heresies and anathemas) responded by enslaving(imprisoning) humanity(men and women made in the world, society and church) and harvesting(repressing) their bioelectric(spiritual) power(life) while keeping their minds pacified in the Matrix(Reality), a matrix( shared simulated reality(illusion of Truth) modeled on the world(ideality) as it was in 2025. In the following years, the remaining free humans(made men and made women) took refuge in the human(made men) city(society) and women made) of Io.
      Neo(the Chosen Predecessor) and his team(church) are a group(evangelizers) of rebels(Christians) who invade the Matrix(Reality) to "turn off"(preach the Gospel of Christ to) the made men and women made slaves (captives of Satan) and recruit them (make them evangelists); their understanding of the simulated nature (illusion of Truth) of the Matrix (Reality) allows them to bend its physical (spiritual) laws.
      (Mark 16:15)
      Neo(the Chosen Predecessor) warns One(The Chosen Successor) that death within(spiritual) the Matrix(Reality) kills the physical(spiritual) body(church) as well and explains that the Agents(Evil Spirits) are programs(fallen angels, ) sentients(strategists) who eliminate(persecute) threats(evangelists) to the system(Satan's kingdom), while machines(apostasies, heresies and anathemas) called Sentinels(societies) eliminate(persecute) rebels(Christians) in the world(ideality ) real (illusion of Reality).
      (Acts of the Apostles 8:4-8)
      One's (The Chosen Successor's) prowess (God's anointing) during the virtual training (Real of Truth) cements Neo's (the Chosen Predecessor's) belief that One (The Chosen Successor) is "the One" (the Anointed One of God), a human(messenger of the Lord) prophesied to free from the Matrix(the illusion of and Truth) humanity(men and women made in the world, in society and church).(Malachi 4:5-6)

    • @8Aorlando
      @8Aorlando Місяць тому +1

      THE MATRIX(THE ILLUSION OF TRUTH) 5 (THE EIGHTH UPDATE)(Mark 16:15-18; Luke 24:47; John 3:28-38; 5:39-47; 8:32; 17:17-21; Revelation 14:6)
      The group (evangelizers) enters the Matrix (Reality) to visit the Oracle (the True Prophet), a program (minister of the Lord) similar to a prophet (Mouth of God) who predicted that the One (the Anointed of God) would emerge. She suggests to One (The Chosen Successor) that he is not the One (God's Anointed) and warns him that he will have to choose between Neo's (the Chosen Predecessor) life and his own.
      (Revelation 11:1-6)
      Before they can leave the Matrix(Reality), agents(evil spirits) police(spirits of evil) ambush the group(evangelizers), warned by Demiurge(the Evil Genius), a disgruntled member of the crew who betrayed Neo( the Chosen Predecessor) in exchange for an agreement to be reconnected to the Matrix(Reality) and live a comfortable life(attached to the sensory world, sensations and infamous carnal passions).(Romans 1:18-32)
      To buy time for others, Neo (the Chosen Predecessor) fights Smith (Azazel) and is captured (tempted in God's ordeal). Demiurge (the Evil Genius) emerges from the Matrix (Reality) and kills the other crew members while they are unconscious. Before Demiurge can kill One and Bugs Bunny, crew member Sequoia regains consciousness and kills him before pulling One and Bugs Bunny out of the Matrix. The agents (evil spirits) interrogate Neo (the Chosen Predecessor) to discover his access codes to the mainframe computer (the Grace of God) on Io, which would allow them to destroy it. One(The Chosen Successor) resolves to return to the Matrix(Reality) to rescue Neo(the Chosen Predecessor), as the Oracle(the True Prophet) prophesied; Bugs Bunny insists that she accompany him. While rescuing Neo(the Chosen Predecessor), One(The Chosen Successor) gains confidence in his abilities(spiritual gifts), performing feats comparable to those of agents(evil spirits).(Revelation 11:1-6)
      After Neo (the Chosen Predecessor) and Bugs Bunny safely exit the Matrix (Reality), Smith (Azazel) ambushes and appears to kill One (The Chosen Successor). While a group of Sentinels (societies) attack Nostradamus, Bugs Bunny confesses her love for One (The Chosen Successor) and says that the Oracle (the True Prophet) told her that she would fall in love with the One. One (The Chosen Successor) is revived, with new abilities (spiritual gifts) to perceive and control the Matrix (Reality); he easily defeats Smith(Azazel), leading the other Agents(Evil Spirits) to flee and he leaves the Matrix(Reality) just as the ship's electromagnetic pulse(the Word)(of God)(temple of the Spirit of God) disables Sentinels (societies).
      (Revelation 11:7-14)
      Back in the Matrix (Reality), One (The Chosen Successor) makes a telephone call (prayer) (with the Spiritual World), promising the machines (apostasies, heresies and anathemas) that he will show his prisoners (captives of Satan's system) "a world (reality) where everything (truth) is possible (Jesus Christ)", before disconnecting (ending prayer to Heaven) and flying away. (Matthew 28:19-20, John 16:7-14)