Your 2 guests today have hit the nail on the head. In HK, its about repetition, here is about intellectual development of the child ! Language is and will be an issue but there is no quick solution to that other than time.
I like the idea of the score distribution of an exam should be uniform. there are questions that test basic understanding, while some to see how smart the students are.
The mode of delivery in UK and Hong Kong is very different. Due to resource limitations, Hong Kong is more incline to spoon feed students with knowledge. The assessment is based on how well a student can recall what his/her have been told (taught). However, in UK, assessment is more incline to how well a student can digest the information, and then express in his or her own view. The answer can be very different from the text book answer. In Hong Kong, this would simply deemed fail. In UK, as long as it is a sound answer with strong supportive arguments, the student will get awarded appropriately. The latter, allow student to gain factual information as well as developing more useful, beneficial lifelong skills such as data research, data analysis and information dissemination. Also about a teacher's answers are often vague in UK. This again, may due to the teaching methodologies difference. Depending on the subject or the assessment, a teacher instead telling a student the exact answer as in Hong Kong, the teacher is often guiding a student to approach his/her answer instead. Since the student didn't get told the answer directly as he/she was in Hong Kong, he/she may not feel his/her question is properly answered.
@@MsWONG-q6u The concept of education in here is educate young person how to be a good team when they graduate from university, not just look for a result of GCSE. Every year is more than 500k students taking GCSE, they provide a lot of supporting for those students not having a good result , like apprenticeship. Team work and respect each other is more important than just a result in GCSE.
@@MsWONG-q6u Please don't forget in Hong Kong, a student was assessed before they get into a secondary school. When people said Hong Kong students are better, I would guess the students they met are from band 1 and band 2 schools. They seem to forget there are students from band 3, 4 and 5 whose academic achievement is less desired. I can't say about private schools as I have never been to one, but state schools take students from all walks of life, and therefore student abilities can vary a lot. In Hong Kong academic achievement is everything, and a person can only get developed in very limited paths. This leads to very limited types of jobs. Whereas in UK, a person can still get a good job or a good life by developing their craft/artistic skills, and hence the job market is more diverse and can take in people from all paths.
你好似偏激咗少少, 好負面喎. 英國好大, 可能你住的城市有這樣的情況, 但不代表其他地方都一樣. My daughter is studying at state school, she got 9A at GCSE a year ago. If she were studying in HK , I bet the result would completely different. 我認識有好幾位醫生朋友, 他們亦是讀state school 的. 私校不是天之嬌子, state school 亦可以培育人才, 這才是教育的理念.
Besides of going to the University, a lot of corporations offer degree or professional certification apprenticeships as alternative which has the benefit of gaining actual work experience and earning professional recognition without result into large amount of student loan
其實都係要背,不過唔使成份mark scheme 食落肚, 因為除咗Maths其他科都好flexiable, accept multiple answers, as long as there is a logical chain of reasoning. 只要個老師好,平時有教答題技巧, HK 學生好快會pick up 到exam techniques, exam前用一兩日背一背啲野就ok.但係如果個老師冇料到就... 所以揀a level 科除咗自己interest 會諗埋個老師o唔ok,特別英國大學冇咩pre requisite a level 科一定要讀
🌱 到網站 每月或單次
好記得大學最後一年時,自問英文都對答如流了。申請了某間鬼佬公司一個職位,招聘過程的最後一關assessment day,其中一項評估是分十個人一組做一個小組討論。玩法是設定一個遇難的情景,然後要大家討論應否留在原地還是去求救,有一個面試官在旁邊聆聽並為各人評分。
雖然我完全聽得明其他人講的說話,但是幾乎插不到口(get a word in),除了因為有兩條PK霸住自己講之外,每次他們停頓時等我組織到想講的話,已經有其他人插口(如果我照講就是打斷人家的說話,是一定會被扣分的)。當然我的評分不合格,就被這樣篩出來了。
當一班英語的native speaker七嘴八舌,諗到乜就講乜時,你就算只需要一兩秒時間組織想講的說話,就已經跟不上這個討論,可以收皮矣。
當然家長不應該給太多壓力或者急於求成,但是學生也應該有一個長遠目標,務求達到英語可以完全不需組織和思索就可以出口成文的水準。如果想做一份專業工作和本地人平起平坐,native standard的英語能力在面試時和職場上是幾乎必須的。
1. 英文係世界語言
2. 大學排名以學者研究為首要條件,英美大學重視科研成果,入境及法制不限制創新 (留意英國最近入境及移民政策,正推翻自身優勢)
3. 以成果看成就,不是看學者來歷
其實英國教育好喺太過以偏概全的講法,大學一樣好多垃圾tutors, 本地學生唔少能力有限,1st hon, 研究院唔少喺非英藉人士
英國大學世界排名高 是當然的。 一個接受性既態度已經勝過一切。 英國人絕對理解你一定要表達出來,你自己先會學得最好。 最能掌握自己既學問, 學既係學習能力,心態,而唔係學D 可以俾電腦取代既野。
多謝Ms Lo 同 Natalie 分享,非常貼地又有建設性。多謝周萬聰主持。
8:44 英國人學野既 small talk 願意分享,對也好,錯也好。 討論傾談。 跟港人思維: 對錯,取分,用理由說服, 對就有分,錯就被鬧, 係更進一步令佢地既 soft skill 提高。
你問下香港人以前點解如果有個英國老闆會覺得咁舒服同合理? 呢個就係英國人既軟實力。
教育係香港同歐美最大分別係, 香港著重正確答案, 而歐美著重分析同理解。用幾個比較具爭議議題做 examples: 墮胎應否合法化, 同性婚姻, 和學校應否派發避孕套。 香港學生會下意答出一個社會比較認可答案。但歐美會睇一個學生點樣透過分析, 而得出佢嘅觀點。 老師可能不認同學生觀點, 但如果學生分析夠全面, 亦可以攞到高分。而點樣可以提升分析力能, 其中一個方法就係溝通, 接觸唔同嘅人同事, 開拓視野。
係美國, 有時連理科都未必有正確答案。 我有朋友係美國讀 Bio 時, 老師要求佢地對植物作出描述。老師想學生透過自己既觀察去理解棵植物。係描述過程唔需要用好多學術嘅字眼, description 夠 detail 都可以高分。 另外, math 都會求學生做 presentation.
多謝 3 位分享🙏🙏💪💪
我仔雖然都重細,喺澳洲返學,啲老師係帶佢地去圖書館,學校有圖書角,老師每日講幾次故事,都會同佢地佢圖書館,借唔借書唔係重點,重點係佢地自己會組隊行吓攞吓書睇,佢哋好多時都係group 咁!佢哋真係好鐘意講嘢🗣️ 好願意發表自己諗法,亦都會尊重人地諗法,我覺得香港同外國教育最大分別係分享同溝通交流。我最鐘意係佢地學習過程
其實要搵啲同學仔問佢親身經驗, 每科搵人講一講心得.
Your 2 guests today have hit the nail on the head. In HK, its about repetition, here is about intellectual development of the child ! Language is and will be an issue but there is no quick solution to that other than time.
12:50 邊個未入Google Classroom未交功課㗎?!
I like the idea of the score distribution of an exam should be uniform. there are questions that test basic understanding, while some to see how smart the students are.
The mode of delivery in UK and Hong Kong is very different. Due to resource limitations, Hong Kong is more incline to spoon feed students with knowledge. The assessment is based on how well a student can recall what his/her have been told (taught). However, in UK, assessment is more incline to how well a student can digest the information, and then express in his or her own view. The answer can be very different from the text book answer. In Hong Kong, this would simply deemed fail. In UK, as long as it is a sound answer with strong supportive arguments, the student will get awarded appropriately. The latter, allow student to gain factual information as well as developing more useful, beneficial lifelong skills such as data research, data analysis and information dissemination.
Also about a teacher's answers are often vague in UK. This again, may due to the teaching methodologies difference. Depending on the subject or the assessment, a teacher instead telling a student the exact answer as in Hong Kong, the teacher is often guiding a student to approach his/her answer instead. Since the student didn't get told the answer directly as he/she was in Hong Kong, he/she may not feel his/her question is properly answered.
我係英國教育制度下大, 小學到大學 一直都開開心心平平安安。。。中五個年我啊爸啊媽因為唔太了解英國教育覺得我太開心太輕鬆。。。中五係我放假個時飛左黎迫我讀書。。港式教育我。。。最後搞到我生蛇番唔到學😂同埋抵抗力勁差狂病 一年番左2/3學, 之後去到中六至大學佢到直接放棄唔敢再迫我, 連我話想讀master佢地都會問會唔會太大壓力😂 到宜家最後都有份唔差安安穩穩既工, 睇番一齊大既同學最多野講既同學都好成功好敢去做生意, 我呢啲無壓力下大都可以做到自己想到既目標,相反以前讀書最好既同學反宜而家最愛自由最唔賺錢既工作
香港所謂英文中學, 但課餘時大教說廣東話,包括問老師問題,所以香港學生不適應不足為奇
@@juliewong5236 我知有一個在香港中學教英文的老師, 來到英國只是在GP 做receptionist, 她說有時聽不明對方的英文, 老師尚且如此
@@juliewong5236 It is just an excuse. 英國人聽印度和蘇格蘭口音不見有問題, 為何香港人有?
@@Nelson-n1i 英國人聽蘇格蘭口音點會冇問題😂 印度重口音嘅,大家咪又係1999。 當然英國人唔係一個人,聆聽想像力亦有高有低嘅。
香港-->PHD=Pay Hard Doing
英國-->PHD=Play Hard Done
以前試過GCSE Maths寸錯perpendicular比佢扣分...
Thank you so much from Chung Gor and two Missies!
英國教育,學生需要主動搵資料、自己做notes、思考和分柝,考試偏向測試考生對該學科的「理解」。頂尖大學收生要求,「成績」是基本,學生還需要表現對報讀科目的興趣和能力(可以係課外活動、對該學科有獨到的理解、工作經驗internship 等…)家長的陪伴、支持和鼓勵好重要,要明白小朋友需要面對新生活、建立新朋友圈子的困難,同時要兼顧學業並不容易,多體諒和陪伴,一起適應和處理問題。
Miss Lo & Miss Lai講嘅嘢唔剩止移民英國的家長去留意,不能離開留港嘅更加要反思。
我本人考gcse, 本身year 9-10 eng lit 係最差(得4),我根本學唔識。
最後用好多努力背誦別人的觀點都考到gerade 8,所以我覺得背誦唔係完全冇用😂
state-funded schools 教師,唔單止無時間落堂答學生問題
private school唔會無bullying但教師有比較多時間處理呢啲。。。
UK education is providing analysis, building self confident, team work and cooperate with others. The concept is much better than HK.
@@MsWONG-q6u The concept of education in here is educate young person how to be a good team when they graduate from university, not just look for a result of GCSE. Every year is more than 500k students taking GCSE, they provide a lot of supporting for those students not having a good result , like apprenticeship. Team work and respect each other is more important than just a result in GCSE.
@@MsWONG-q6u Please don't forget in Hong Kong, a student was assessed before they get into a secondary school. When people said Hong Kong students are better, I would guess the students they met are from band 1 and band 2 schools. They seem to forget there are students from band 3, 4 and 5 whose academic achievement is less desired. I can't say about private schools as I have never been to one, but state schools take students from all walks of life, and therefore student abilities can vary a lot. In Hong Kong academic achievement is everything, and a person can only get developed in very limited paths. This leads to very limited types of jobs. Whereas in UK, a person can still get a good job or a good life by developing their craft/artistic skills, and hence the job market is more diverse and can take in people from all paths.
@@maggiepoon4320 你話教concept好過香港都係視乎邊類學校,私校係好好,類似香港既國際學校或有IB課程既直私校。但公營學校情況之差你究竟有冇身歷其境?我哋響英國所有教師朋友都覺得學生學習態度+資源+學校管理都比香港做開既學校差,特別係學生學習態度同紀律,連本地老師都表達呢2年係比以前差左好多好多,學生唔尊重老師同同學,攪事,刻意挑釁,做到好多人depression 。中途離職既教師比以往多左好多,差不多間間學校都唔夠教師,教師走得愈多學生情況更差。完全教唔到野,仲講乜concept?
你好似偏激咗少少, 好負面喎. 英國好大, 可能你住的城市有這樣的情況, 但不代表其他地方都一樣. My daughter is studying at state school, she got 9A at GCSE a year ago. If she were studying in HK , I bet the result would completely different. 我認識有好幾位醫生朋友, 他們亦是讀state school 的. 私校不是天之嬌子, state school 亦可以培育人才, 這才是教育的理念.
Besides of going to the University, a lot of corporations offer degree or professional certification apprenticeships as alternative which has the benefit of gaining actual work experience and earning professional recognition without result into large amount of student loan
然後就會賴係 unfortunately
思考分析係要用腦! 如果背書就ok, 都唔為何要返學!
香港教育制度係靠死記, route memory,歐美反而著重分析。即係,佢唔會直接俾標準答案你。佢要睇你點分析。唔單止係香港嘅同學仔要重新適應。連父母都要。
Rote memory ?
其實都係要背,不過唔使成份mark scheme 食落肚, 因為除咗Maths其他科都好flexiable, accept multiple answers, as long as there is a logical chain of reasoning. 只要個老師好,平時有教答題技巧, HK 學生好快會pick up 到exam techniques, exam前用一兩日背一背啲野就ok.但係如果個老師冇料到就... 所以揀a level 科除咗自己interest 會諗埋個老師o唔ok,特別英國大學冇咩pre requisite a level 科一定要讀
就係因為呢種無棱兩可嘅教育, 英國先出現本地理科生不足, 文科生過剩嘅現況
無正確答案嘅問題先令教育更加不公平, 令階級更加固化
後者學習地方只有學校, 前者則仍有大量資源支持.
主持人認為英國教育 能令學童有多源發展. 忽略以上種種, 不能說全面.
英國出產大量國際級大學嘅原因唔係因為本地人才出眾 中小學教育優質
大學排名係基於研究成果, 研究成果在於資金及人才投入, 係一門生意. 同一般中小學教育冇乜關系.
你真係好適合留港 - 讀書、做嘢、生活。。。。。。。
Keep up all and green beans 😊
Analysis is unique to individuals. 背書😮💨背離把鬼!
我女香港都係讀brand 1, 剛好相反,GCSE 8科❤8/9,尤其Eng lit 都考到8,估唔到,而家上到sixth form AL 而家4科pre緊4A*, 直頭開左掛,可能呢個教學模式先啱佢
香港人只追mirror, 好少人真係explore 英國流行文化
愛丁堡蘇 Sir
Mandy in UK
因為大學係睇研究. 同埋top students 好多都5係白人. 5一定係外來人, 不過好多係non white british
Oxford and Cambridge 讀錯都
典型香港人,重視口音,重視grammar. 你有冇同local 人溝通過既經驗😂😂
@@nancylee7428 I have been living in London for 9 years
在英教中學, 但 presentation 說的是美國口音,奇怪
@@twh8279 不是捉人口音,是要融入,我識有個馬拉會計師他說要學當地人口音,他已成功介左馬拉英文
因材施教。 從體驗中學習。 開而不達。
在英教中學, 但說presentation 是美國口音, 奇怪
@@iamjimfan 英國本身東南西北口音是不同,但不至於說美國音, 如process 這字,我聽 10個英國人10個說 pro cess, 不是paul cess, 香港人說的就是 paul cess
其實只有香港人先執著英文口音同grammar. 尼d先奇怪
@@nancylee7428 I have been living in London for 9 years
從來都唔認同香港教育制度,重分數、輕視品格,所以細路仔被逼做個小家子,視野短視😢害死人。 成日都反過來要照顧父母及其他長輩嘅感受同期望😮💨😪
個主持啲比喻真係九唔搭八,咩「10個人煮1碟餸,1個人煮10碟餸」,關讀書咩事😂. 讀書一定要讀入自己係腦,即係10樣餸自己都要識煮,明未?!個主持咁樣真係too bad
香港所謂英文中學, 但課餘時大教說廣東話,包括問老師問題,所以香港學生不適應不足為奇