Dr. Iona Locke "I Am That I Am"

  • Опубліковано 2 жов 2024
  • Dr. Iona Locke at Greater Mt. Calvary (Washington, D.C.)


  • @fiercejarret
    @fiercejarret 17 років тому +14

    Yes, she is one of the greatest. I remember her in the 80's. Never heard anything like it! She was/is so amazingly on fire. What makes her so great is that she really paints the story before she gets in "HIGH GEAR" you think you're there in biblical days when she's teaching/preaching!

  • @cjcalled
    @cjcalled 16 років тому +22

    I love how she pronounces words!

  • @organplaya
    @organplaya 17 років тому +19

    I love IONA LOCK.
    Highly Anoited
    Just Awesome!

  • @daroc23
    @daroc23 17 років тому +9

    she is one of the baddest evangelist of the pentecostal age!

  • @DrGraves21
    @DrGraves21 14 років тому +11

    I have some sermons if anyone would like some copies of Bishop Iona Locke....

  • @29psalm
    @29psalm 15 років тому +12

    i remember a message she preached when i was young called "Somebody's Torn Between Two Lovers". she could always preach.
    she is a a woman on fire!

  • @pancakes126
    @pancakes126 16 років тому +9

    I love this woman. When I first got saved years ago, her tapes inspired me. God is using her in a mighty way. She is the real deal. Thanks for the info on where to get this tape from. God Bless!!

  • @fiercejarret
    @fiercejarret 17 років тому +6

    Can someone PLEASE, PLEASE put up more Iona?? PLEASE??

  • @pricej4
    @pricej4 16 років тому +6

    do ya thang, girl - gotta love that preacha drawl! cain't nobody do it quite like a pentecostal!

  • @jwm66
    @jwm66 14 років тому +16


  • @DrKesha
    @DrKesha 14 років тому +7

    Explain Deborah? She was a judge and a leader. Gal 3:28 Indicated "there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus." What about Joel 2:28?
    "Daughters shall prophesy" A leadership role in church over men. Rom 16:1 Paul recommend Phebe our sister a servant of the church. In the greek servant is translated minister and deacon. Rom 16: 27 again as a deacon in translation. I don't limit God, he can use whom he will. There are no gender roles in kingdom business.

  • @bonsoir4toi
    @bonsoir4toi 15 років тому +6

    throughout the Bible women were always preaching the word of God. people saying women cannot preach it is a tactic that the devil used to shut the people of God off.
    Preach my sister the word is yes and Amen May God give you a double portion.

  • @Houseofgoodwillministry
    @Houseofgoodwillministry 12 років тому +15

    Preach Woman Of God, I AM THAT I AM !!!! God bless you always :-)

  • @apostolic660
    @apostolic660 17 років тому +7

    Praise God for, her grace the Bishop Iona Locke

  • @marymagh
    @marymagh 11 років тому +16

    This is a blessing to my soul.

  • @greg46162003
    @greg46162003 16 років тому +7

    I love this women of god she can preach!!!!!
    May the lord continue to keep her and bless her.
    Love Lady Martha THomas

  • @bigbobbymike
    @bigbobbymike 15 років тому +10

    Who cares? The woman can preach!

  • @town528
    @town528  17 років тому +6

    Ex 3:13-14
    13 And Moses said unto God, Behold, when I come unto the children of Israel, and shall say unto them, The God of your fathers hath sent me unto you; and they shall say to me, What is his name? what shall I say unto them?
    14 And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you.

  • @DrKesha
    @DrKesha 15 років тому +4

    Actually 1 Tim 3:1-2 says:
    This is a true saying, If a man desire the office of a bishop, he desireth a good work.
    A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behavior, given to hospitality, apt to teach;
    The subject is a man that desires the office, so that's why it's describing the male qualifications to the office. Show me in the scriptures where it says that a woman cannot aspire to same office. Looking forward to reading your comments. Shalom

  • @Ninadedios
    @Ninadedios 17 років тому +6

    I love this woman of God! I love it when she claps too!

  • @pinkdogwood757
    @pinkdogwood757 16 років тому +3

    Paul was speaking in the context of the cities where he preached. Pray and read and eat the Word and see what Jesus said. The angel at the open tomb said to the Women, " Go and tell.." The Holy Bible also says that in the last days the Spirit will be poured upon all flesh.

  • @DrGraves21
    @DrGraves21 14 років тому +6

    @ministerro if u still want some sermons...hit up my inbox and i can get you some of her stuff...

  • @town528
    @town528  16 років тому +4

    If you are talking about this sermon, look at the title in quotation. You can order this one from Greater Mt. Calvary Holy Church in Washington, D.C. Bishop Alfred and Susie Owens.

  • @praiseleaderATL
    @praiseleaderATL 16 років тому +2

    There is so much to teach, if u ever want me to come and sit at a forum call me. Only serious replys. Dr. Locke is TRULY a women chosen and SENT by God to Preach and Lead. I'm ready to come and discuss this on a serious level. But it must b for a group of people ready to learn. Until then may God continue to keep his children until dat day.

  • @HiddenbutAnointed
    @HiddenbutAnointed 14 років тому +4

    I like this! Is there a part 2 to this?

  • @Goodforyouman
    @Goodforyouman 17 років тому +2

    Does anyone have any of her from back in the day? Would love 2 see it. Please post more of Ms. Locke.

  • @rqhmd
    @rqhmd 17 років тому +3

    Because he is " I am that I am " we are today.

  • @JeromeKnyszewski
    @JeromeKnyszewski 16 років тому +3

    Exodus 6:2-3 And God went on to speak to Moses and to say to him: I am the LORD (YHWH,Jehovah). 3 And I used to appear to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob as God Almighty, but as respects my name of the LORD (YHWH, Jehovah) I was not known to them.
    YHWH, Yahweh, Jehovah is replaced 7000 times in the bibles by LORD (all caps)

  • @tlew137
    @tlew137 15 років тому +4

    Samuel was a Judge as well, and Deborah was also.

  • @ministerro
    @ministerro 14 років тому +2

    @DrGraves21 I owould love some of her sermons she has a peculiar anointing!

  • @KingdomLife
    @KingdomLife 15 років тому +1

    This is so funny, we were just talking about this in bible study...the bible says that the bishop is to be a man of one WIFE...read 1 Timothy 3:2...man didn't make that up, it's in the word!

  • @DrKesha
    @DrKesha 15 років тому +1

    Because the bible, in the latter part of Rom 4:15, also says that:
    For where no law is, [there is] no transgression.
    If there is no law considering the issue of women preaching or taking an office of bishop, then there is no transgression.
    So the question then becomes, where is the law regarding such issues?

  • @KingdomLife
    @KingdomLife 15 років тому +1

    Samuel was not a Bishop, he was a seer...totally different office. I believe that Bishop is the only office where gender is mentioned.

  • @AJLD1
    @AJLD1 17 років тому +2

    lol, that's so true!

  • @rubband
    @rubband 17 років тому +1

    Where can I get more of Dr. locke

  • @syphkqube
    @syphkqube 16 років тому

    no. folk always run to galatians 3:28 and acts 2:17. it's amazing! peace

  • @KingdomLife
    @KingdomLife 15 років тому

    Point 1...but it was Adam's job to exercise his authority and he didn't and they fell and you see now, men have fallen away in the church (coming back strong though) and the women have taken on the authoritative roll just like Eve did...the point? Man Up, lol (make sure you laugh, it's a joke)
    point 2: The women were loud and gossiping in the church, that's why he told them not to speak...before him, during and after Paul women were in the forefront of the movement!

  • @JeromeKnyszewski
    @JeromeKnyszewski 16 років тому

    galatians 3:28 refers to the fact that there is no race, gender, class distinction as to whom can be "saved".
    All based on faith backed up by actions (James 2:17, 2:26)
    Nothing to do with teaching or preaching to the Christian congregation.

  • @jamesjohnson60
    @jamesjohnson60 13 років тому +1


  • @Divinetruth2314
    @Divinetruth2314 16 років тому

    Proof for what she's not prophesying she's preaching there's a dfference.

  • @ebonyb08
    @ebonyb08 14 років тому

    @DrGraves21 My name is Bro.darnell thismy wife page I would love to get my hands on some of her message's

  • @Divinetruth2314
    @Divinetruth2314 16 років тому +1

    no it is you who has the misunderstanding of Joel's prophecy. When you prophesy you're not preaching and the bible is very clear on that.

  • @BishopJr8
    @BishopJr8 16 років тому

    On 3:07, is that a man dressed as a woman?

  • @JeromeKnyszewski
    @JeromeKnyszewski 16 років тому

    The women were to preach and teach "gentiles", people "out from the nations", "non believers in the Christ" (Acts 2:1-21) NOT teach or preach inside the Christian congregation or church. (1 Timothy 2:11-14)
    They should reach out to "outsiders" NOT towards or to the "insiders"
    Pretty simple stuff to understand.

  • @JeromeKnyszewski
    @JeromeKnyszewski 16 років тому

    You are on something here, the women were to preach and teach "gentiles", people "out from the nations", "non believers in the Christ" (Acts 2:1-21)
    NOT teach or preach inside the Christian congregation or church. (1 Timothy 2:11-14)
    They should reach out to "outsiders" NOT towards or to the "insiders"
    Funny how everyone debating the "Word" never uses the scriptures to back up there statements.

  • @JeromeKnyszewski
    @JeromeKnyszewski 16 років тому

    That's what God ordered to be:
    (1 Timothy 2:11-14) . . .Let a woman learn in silence with full submissiveness. 12 I do not permit a woman to teach, or to exercise authority over a man, but to be in silence. 13 For Adam was formed first, then Eve. 14 Also, Adam was not deceived, but the woman was thoroughly deceived and came to be in transgression.

  • @syphkqube
    @syphkqube 16 років тому

    thank u sister. these folks don't know what they're doing? especially the so called apostolicdiva... no women bishops!!!! peace!

  • @Divinetruth2314
    @Divinetruth2314 16 років тому

    Ok But i wolud like for you to show me where in the bible does it say that a woman preached. And i don't want a prophetess

  • @Divinetruth2314
    @Divinetruth2314 16 років тому

    this lady really needs to stop because God never used a woman to preach his word
    if you don't like what i just said let me know

  • @JeromeKnyszewski
    @JeromeKnyszewski 16 років тому

    Paul was councelling the Christian congregation as to what to do and not to do sothat there is a unity in worship in ALL the churches. So that, in a orderly way, in all churches the worship was the same. Please, back up your statement with scriptures when you say: "Paul always made a difference between the command of the Lord, and what he command" give examples.
    As to Joel and Acts, the women, indeed, were to PREACH to outsiders (Gentiles), but NOT TEACH insiders (Christians). Big difference.

  • @Divinetruth2314
    @Divinetruth2314 16 років тому

    I know the difference between the two and a woman can't preach or teach God's word.And i'd rather hear a man that's not under the anointing than a woman.