Estoy escribiendo párrafos Empezando por el prólogo Con la rima soy pícaro Me lo dice el oráculo Aunque a veces siento vértigo Por no cuidar al prójimo Estoy dando el máximo Por eso sueño místico Me ahogo en el océano Pero no es el pacífico Entonces quedo náufrago Y no nada en el frigorífico Se me cierran los párpados Descifro jeroglíficos
Vers 1: Îmi bag creionu-n hârtie, fraza prinde formă, Old school pe beat, e vibe-ul care transformă. De pe stradă la studio, frate, șlefuim sunet, Am crescut cu basu’ greu, cu vibe-ul care tună. Scriu despre timpuri când contau valorile pure, Când vorbeai adevăr și simțeai că rupi ziduri dure. Acum toți vor bani, faimă pe o pistă strâmbă, Dar noi rămânem aici, să lăsăm în urmă o limbă. Refren: Boom bap în vene, simți cum ne ridicăm, Vechi stil, dar mereu fresh, nu ne schimbăm. Pe beatul ăsta simplu, punem suflet și foc, Așa e rapu’ pur, rămâne-n veci un bloc. Vers 2: Sunt dintr-o epocă unde vorbele aveau greutate, Când tot ce conta era mesajul, nu doar fapte. Un flow bine pus, o rimă care să te țină, Să te facă să reflectezi, nu doar să-ți vândă o minciună. Nu cer respect, că-l câștig cu fiecare bară, Poezie de stradă, aruncată peste tobe de piatră. Mă uit în jur și văd cum totu-i plastic și fațadă, Dar eu scriu pentru cei care simt hip hopu’ în stradă. Refren: Boom bap în vene, simți cum ne ridicăm, Vechi stil, dar mereu fresh, nu ne schimbăm. Pe beatul ăsta simplu, punem suflet și foc, Așa e rapu’ pur, rămâne-n veci un bloc. Vers 3: Nu-s aici pentru click-uri, doar să pun adevăru’ pe foaie, Rapu’ vechi e-n mine, frate, sânge-n picioare. Cresc pe sunete de blocuri, tobe grele, fără frică, Versuri pe care le simți, nu doar o piesă mică. Nu-i vorba de trend, ci de-a rămâne real, Când pui inimă-n versuri, le faci să sune imortal. Nu vând iluzii, doar rime care te pătrund, Cu rădăcini adânci, ca hip hop-ul din pământ. Refren: Boom bap în vene, simți cum ne ridicăm, Vechi stil, dar mereu fresh, nu ne schimbăm. Pe beatul ăsta simplu, punem suflet și foc, Așa e rapu’ pur, rămâne-n veci un bloc.
Tengo métricas Pero no frías Este flow se vende No sé fia Cómo un Fiat Añejado Enfocado en lo que Me decía Ahora volando En mi ego Pero no me dejo Llevar por ese pendejo Materializar mis sueños Es lo que quiero Haciendo hip hap Hasta llegar al extranjero La meta no es esa pero si la quiero Ser mejor persona en el proceso La envidia nuca estuvo en mis pensamientos
I'm just going to go randomly on it though. Also I'mma be using some of your beats and promoting your channel on my page okay b? Peace ✌🏼🕊️ Maca E'Q'Lib
Proste sprawy robia zlozone jakie to proste, czuje sie wzrostem wzrostowo wagowo, Kiedyś byś nazwał to lagowo,.teraz pisanie nałogowo, Jezeli mam byc cpunem rapów, no to bede rapował, Jak ktos lubi to se bedzie jarał browar, Nic sie nie schowa, po ścieżce odlatujesz, Wracasz na ziemie myslac sobie jakim byles durniem, Nawet szkoda Wsadzić to w urne, To kurewski proszek za który jedziesz w turne. Te rymy piszą mi sie w koturnie, Jak chcą to niech robią, jak im wygodnie, Dziwisz sie ze jest niedobrze, O Ty chuju bobrze to klasyk nad Odrę, Isc nad wodę, zobaczyć dusze młode, Duszę tym stylem zastanów się może. Leci z akacza, masz tu palacza, to jest watacha. Tamto to proszek partacza, zobacz ilu ludzi wylądowało w Monarze, masz uderzenie Bach macha
J'ai la faim, j'ai la vraie J'ai l'instinct, les poumons délabrés J'vais pas m'restreindre, j'veux être libre comme Trevor Mon esprit un trésor, qu'j'vais déchainer J'suis né créatif, j'chouinais mais j'ai eu cette inventivité très hative J'me démarque et j'démarre très rapid'ment J'déballe Mon sceau, j'ai trop d'idées qui fusent, comme dans un vaisseau J'veux échapper à ma destinée comme Les ratri J'vais faire de Vous mes vasseaux, puis Vous envoyer en thérapie Prêt, feu, c'est parti J'lache des phases et ils Les comprennent que très tardivement J'vais Vous envoyer à la r'traite à Dix ans J'suis artisan d'art, j'écrit au feu et j'l'éteins dans un p'tit cendar J'étale ma voix, car sans foi, tu peux Rien faire sans dalle Donc j'graille, et j'mets Des aromates J'vais péter saruman, comme si j'étais gandalf J'te mets une patate, à la Ali Provoque un cratère, ouais prends ta praline
I want to write shit so deep/ my words only hit after I'm six feet/ under a beat/ death is not defeat/ when u come back to change beliefs/ change how u percieve/inter😢 dimensional beings/ stranded on our plane/ forever in 3d/ u cant imagine the fourth anymore than someone in 2 could imagine the third/ U think I'm counting numbers is all u heard/ I'm just passing through my own multi verse/ If this one was bad the next will be worst/ or better I'm not sure which direction I'm headed/ back forward straight ah forget it/ but my dimension might give me a hint/ if I've passed from the second/ maybe I've done it before/ I don't know I could live anymore/ I'd like to reincarnate as myself again to come back settle the score/ Its really just theory/ But in an infinite universe every possible probability has the ability to become a reality/ So everyone sooner or later will be proven right/ Maybe not now but In a different time somewhere in space/ mass murder is fine nd u won't catch a case/ Depressed?/ Hey I'll help/ end u now my knife the last he felt/ The body? / here they have s public grave/ to take our brave/ ones away/ investigate?/ Don't be rude/
Do another one b. Peace. Can you remember what it was about? Let's do One right now and do one together. Who wanna start you or me. Tell me about it. Peace ✌🏼🕊️ Maca E'Q'Lib
özgünüm hislerim aykırı değil derinden nameler üzgünüm sevgiye dair herşey gömüldü aniden şimdiye kadar ki tüm kelimeler beynimin zifiri karanlığından çıkartılmış hazineden esanteler flowla dans,bulunmaz kibir sadece ego zihin içi boş olsa iyi olur lanet olsun depo defolu pantalon bol t’shirt kuzenden çalıntı sözlerinizin hepsi old school rapçilerden alıntı sıkıntı bastı yine gece saatlerim ağlamaklı dağladığım tüm acılarım bünyeyi sardı weede umut bağlandı açık yara kapandı çocuksu travmalar saçta aka savaş açtı dünden ümidi kestim bugün daha ihtişamlı yaşamama imkan vardı dozumu şaşırmadım iç karartıcı mevsim düzenine ayak uydur narsistik bakış açısı seçim değil huydur
(just some lyrics of mine over this phat beat of yours though) If heaven was just a one way drive away not even needed to turn a corner straight path no complications or diversions no side blinkers blind'did'ness would you already have the tank filled up the keys already ignitioning seat beat forgotten what a rush forgetting yourself in lush but how would you know, how would of you knew, how could you show, how could you of shown, to have known that path you taken the right one? I'm beaten beating my own death breath jerking my chest unopen causing what's chocking here's hoping that with time passing airwaves clearing but just as soon as everything seems clear plains start interrupting dropping smoke chock bomb catches my open eyes now I look highs am I a dead given unliven mertchent just selling fake dream tickets really got the black full body robe with the sick'sic'cool skeletal. If heaven was just a one way drive away not even needed to turn a corner straight path no complications or diversions no side blinkers blind'did'ness would you already have the tank filled up the keys already ignitioning seat beat forgotten what a rush forgetting yourself in lush but how would you know, how would of you knew, how could you show, how could you of shown, to have known that path you taken the right one? I'm a receiving receptivity recepti'cool a alive liven thing or am I just physical raw material that just happened to chemical ignite fire department never called this fire'cool let it sizzle that smoke burning isn't fallen darks is the universes back drop happ'not now do I foolishly build blocked of ice vaporizer coldness is the opposites of hotness shall I become a cloudy rain fall or bump together light up with thunder strike a sparkle bright lite blub moments fizzle the smell is scorched metallic iron ore it's okay just like this life in that creation alone I bore borrowing unknown core is my allure wore what I swore I become more but known I can only become so much until smashed a collide wait I'm trying to stop time unknown until now it's conception both ever fell in felling or new untouched parts that were partly alone particles was what I just felt love now I'm feeling what was once that connection zooming away both doing what ever could be done just to one more time felt that way If heaven was just a one way drive away not even needed to turn a corner straight path no complications or diversions no side blinkers blind'did'ness would you already have the tank filled up the keys already ignitioning seat beat forgotten what a rush forgetting yourself in lush but how would you know, how would of you knew, how could you show, how could you of shown, to have known that path you taken the right one? Forming into just more than dust vapour chemicals and minerals vitamins zenerals pinticals and unlawn forms of a bing bang theory innercals something called and pulled inside'ding me outside'dong wait a minute is this all in my head did I just have a huge boom on a waterfall and a bong nd the smells the pong. No no that feeling felt can't be or feel wrong because I'm still drawn every whatever concept of a day is I'mma still waiting until dawn to return to what made me feel like I became from I'm nom sigma alpha beta omega yom the feminine ying ta ma yang connections happened what must've felt enos ago masculine still waiting to learning more from waiting wanting it with none else peace ✌🏼🕊️ is Maca E'Q'Libz
Nigga here's some tips for writing a rap don't write too much shi that won't song good on a beat you gotta have a flow to it so i recommend freestyling on a beat first to help find a flow and then you can start writin
Kol mangol najnd nalga les sentiment 3ndhm hadra khlaf Habin nsoviw adi bayna mais asko yarta7 lbel Ghir ki n9im slatt n7ass bli mzl l7al Mazl l7al 3a lkhsara l3ali ybadl l7wal ida galbk 7did shybi l millieu dkir Ida jatk drba tfatn tbdl trig khir Radi b maktob Ida katbllk rabi dhab w ana 7bal Hayji nhar w ytyhna fi biir Adi hi khalik positif Mem ana kant tghibli Wch mn chemin nmchi fih Mthkmch 3liya doro la lhumain tbn h9i9to ki ykon lbs bih madiyan Nta shybi w 9der nty7 sor mdrongik Ki nchm riht loch kifkif nty7 mais f klm ces logique Ki tchofni harg goli happiy birthday Tem nhas wlat m jdid Ana miytin fi noss kartti baytin b garo jwana naydin nsanaw kch affair ghdwa n3wdo nafs routin pfff ababa Tellment ktro lhmom grib nremplaciw 9hba b Bira Ana mtkyf Kiosk w daf3 200 t2chira Ghdwa ngbl prof thki lzaby 3a dara Mol cv wli ghdwa w dir dora Li kan b3a9lo hbal basah basta Li kan 3a9l wla sovage bsh basta Li kan b chiyo wla doro la bsh basta Li kan m3aya
J'appelle les loups j'appelle les louve Pourquoi mon art ne finirai pas au Louvre Y'a trop de cafards j'parle bien de vous toutes ses politiques qu'ont des fondement chelou Chef je vais faire un gros coup bref eux ont un long cou why? ? Parce qu'il Leche trop de couilles Sa crache tout sur leurs bouille Et ils viennent te dire que c' est eux les bouillant à force j'trouve ça soûlant J'ai avancer solo Solo dans l'océan Solo en sous marin parfois c'est ennuyant Tismey sucre à pour vous que des texte salée Mon dieu pourquoi je suis entraînez dans toutes ces salades attaquant gaucher sur le côté comme moha sallah j'ai entendu des salades j'ai ignoré pour le salaire ses PD me rendent malade mais j'fais comme si tout allait ça va à 200 à l'heure j'men blc de mon allure
No me digas nada más Siento que tengo el corazón que se me divide Entre lo que puedo hacer y lo que puedo lograr Pq a veces el mínimo paso en falso te puede echar a perder Me ha pasado muchas veces eso de perder el tren Es muy difícil entenderse Cada día cuesta más verse Esq no me puedo ver o que me cuesta verme Ojalá ver en mi lo que los demás ven Pq dicen cosas que jamás llegaré a ser Joder No lo entiendo quiero verme como me ven ellos Tire mi último suspiro y con el se fue mi último aliento El porro se iba consumiendo pero no por mis calos Si no pq se lo fumo el viento
Download / Purchase This Beat Here (Untagged):
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100% realest gangster beat
Love the beats from dextah real.gangsta beats !
I appreciate that bro 💪🏼
The best beats here 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Dope beat!
Great work production 🫵🏾🔊
DEXTAH "you are very talented keep it up 🫵😎
Fire beat 🔥⚠️
Thank you 🙏🏼
Fire bro 🔥🔥🔥
Thanks 🙏🏼
Makiaaa 🔥
Too lit to be real
Thanks 🙏🏼
God Bless You
Feuer Beat
Thank you 💪🏼🖤
Estoy escribiendo párrafos
Empezando por el prólogo
Con la rima soy pícaro
Me lo dice el oráculo
Aunque a veces siento vértigo
Por no cuidar al prójimo
Estoy dando el máximo
Por eso sueño místico
Me ahogo en el océano
Pero no es el pacífico
Entonces quedo náufrago
Y no nada en el frigorífico
Se me cierran los párpados
Descifro jeroglíficos
This beat HARD WTF
Gracias por escuchar el mensaje, 🙏
🖐 westside 4 ever
Beat 🫠🤤🤤
How to use beat? I like
Dm me on Instagram: xdextah
Vers 1:
Îmi bag creionu-n hârtie, fraza prinde formă,
Old school pe beat, e vibe-ul care transformă.
De pe stradă la studio, frate, șlefuim sunet,
Am crescut cu basu’ greu, cu vibe-ul care tună.
Scriu despre timpuri când contau valorile pure,
Când vorbeai adevăr și simțeai că rupi ziduri dure.
Acum toți vor bani, faimă pe o pistă strâmbă,
Dar noi rămânem aici, să lăsăm în urmă o limbă.
Boom bap în vene, simți cum ne ridicăm,
Vechi stil, dar mereu fresh, nu ne schimbăm.
Pe beatul ăsta simplu, punem suflet și foc,
Așa e rapu’ pur, rămâne-n veci un bloc.
Vers 2:
Sunt dintr-o epocă unde vorbele aveau greutate,
Când tot ce conta era mesajul, nu doar fapte.
Un flow bine pus, o rimă care să te țină,
Să te facă să reflectezi, nu doar să-ți vândă o minciună.
Nu cer respect, că-l câștig cu fiecare bară,
Poezie de stradă, aruncată peste tobe de piatră.
Mă uit în jur și văd cum totu-i plastic și fațadă,
Dar eu scriu pentru cei care simt hip hopu’ în stradă.
Boom bap în vene, simți cum ne ridicăm,
Vechi stil, dar mereu fresh, nu ne schimbăm.
Pe beatul ăsta simplu, punem suflet și foc,
Așa e rapu’ pur, rămâne-n veci un bloc.
Vers 3:
Nu-s aici pentru click-uri, doar să pun adevăru’ pe foaie,
Rapu’ vechi e-n mine, frate, sânge-n picioare.
Cresc pe sunete de blocuri, tobe grele, fără frică,
Versuri pe care le simți, nu doar o piesă mică.
Nu-i vorba de trend, ci de-a rămâne real,
Când pui inimă-n versuri, le faci să sune imortal.
Nu vând iluzii, doar rime care te pătrund,
Cu rădăcini adânci, ca hip hop-ul din pământ.
Boom bap în vene, simți cum ne ridicăm,
Vechi stil, dar mereu fresh, nu ne schimbăm.
Pe beatul ăsta simplu, punem suflet și foc,
Așa e rapu’ pur, rămâne-n veci un bloc.
Tengo métricas
Pero no frías
Este flow se vende
No sé fia
Cómo un Fiat
Enfocado en lo que
Me decía
Ahora volando
En mi ego
Pero no me dejo
Llevar por ese pendejo
Materializar mis sueños
Es lo que quiero
Haciendo hip hap
Hasta llegar al extranjero
La meta no es esa
pero si la quiero
Ser mejor persona en el proceso
La envidia nuca estuvo en mis pensamientos
What time is hook and verse?
Intro 0:00
Verse 0:20
Hook 1:20
Verse: 1:21
Hook: 2:42
Outro: 2:43
I'm just going to go randomly on it though. Also I'mma be using some of your beats and promoting your channel on my page okay b? Peace ✌🏼🕊️ Maca E'Q'Lib
How much
Link in video description
Гуё реперо рафтиян ай мода
Proste sprawy robia zlozone jakie to proste, czuje sie wzrostem wzrostowo wagowo,
Kiedyś byś nazwał to lagowo,.teraz pisanie nałogowo,
Jezeli mam byc cpunem rapów, no to bede rapował,
Jak ktos lubi to se bedzie jarał browar,
Nic sie nie schowa, po ścieżce odlatujesz,
Wracasz na ziemie myslac sobie jakim byles durniem,
Nawet szkoda Wsadzić to w urne,
To kurewski proszek za który jedziesz w turne.
Te rymy piszą mi sie w koturnie,
Jak chcą to niech robią, jak im wygodnie,
Dziwisz sie ze jest niedobrze,
O Ty chuju bobrze to klasyk nad Odrę,
Isc nad wodę, zobaczyć dusze młode,
Duszę tym stylem zastanów się może.
Leci z akacza, masz tu palacza, to jest watacha.
Tamto to proszek partacza, zobacz ilu ludzi wylądowało w Monarze, masz uderzenie Bach macha
J'ai la faim, j'ai la vraie
J'ai l'instinct, les poumons délabrés
J'vais pas m'restreindre, j'veux être libre comme Trevor
Mon esprit un trésor, qu'j'vais déchainer
J'suis né créatif, j'chouinais mais j'ai eu cette inventivité très hative
J'me démarque et j'démarre très rapid'ment
J'déballe Mon sceau, j'ai trop d'idées qui fusent, comme dans un vaisseau
J'veux échapper à ma destinée comme Les ratri
J'vais faire de Vous mes vasseaux, puis Vous envoyer en thérapie
Prêt, feu, c'est parti
J'lache des phases et ils Les comprennent que très tardivement
J'vais Vous envoyer à la r'traite à Dix ans
J'suis artisan d'art, j'écrit au feu et j'l'éteins dans un p'tit cendar
J'étale ma voix, car sans foi, tu peux Rien faire sans dalle
Donc j'graille, et j'mets Des aromates
J'vais péter saruman, comme si j'étais gandalf
J'te mets une patate, à la Ali
Provoque un cratère, ouais prends ta praline
If only you could do a deal for me with this. Bro i need
Dm me on Instagram: xdextah
Le hablé de mi locura al cura
Me dijo hijo mio eso Dios no lo cura
can u send me a drum pack?
Link in video description
Jestem dżentelmenem, zapłacę za ciebie
I want to write shit so deep/ my words only hit after I'm six feet/ under a beat/ death is not defeat/ when u come back to change beliefs/ change how u percieve/inter😢 dimensional beings/ stranded on our plane/ forever in 3d/ u cant imagine the fourth anymore than someone in 2 could imagine the third/
U think I'm counting numbers is all u heard/ I'm just passing through my own multi verse/
If this one was bad the next will be worst/ or better I'm not sure which direction I'm headed/ back forward straight ah forget it/ but my dimension might give me a hint/ if I've passed from the second/ maybe I've done it before/
I don't know I could live anymore/ I'd like to reincarnate as myself again to come back settle the score/
Its really just theory/
But in an infinite universe every possible probability has the ability to become a reality/
So everyone sooner or later will be proven right/
Maybe not now but In a different time somewhere in space/ mass murder is fine nd u won't catch a case/
Depressed?/ Hey I'll help/ end u now my knife the last he felt/
The body? / here they have s public grave/ to take our brave/ ones away/ investigate?/ Don't be rude/
I wrote lyrics to shi right here but i accidentally loss it tho
Do another one b. Peace. Can you remember what it was about? Let's do One right now and do one together. Who wanna start you or me. Tell me about it. Peace ✌🏼🕊️ Maca E'Q'Lib
özgünüm hislerim aykırı değil derinden nameler
üzgünüm sevgiye dair herşey gömüldü aniden
şimdiye kadar ki tüm kelimeler
beynimin zifiri karanlığından çıkartılmış hazineden esanteler
flowla dans,bulunmaz kibir sadece ego
zihin içi boş olsa iyi olur lanet olsun depo
defolu pantalon bol t’shirt kuzenden çalıntı
sözlerinizin hepsi old school rapçilerden alıntı
sıkıntı bastı yine gece saatlerim ağlamaklı
dağladığım tüm acılarım bünyeyi sardı
weede umut bağlandı açık yara kapandı
çocuksu travmalar saçta aka savaş açtı
dünden ümidi kestim bugün daha ihtişamlı
yaşamama imkan vardı dozumu şaşırmadım
iç karartıcı mevsim düzenine ayak uydur
narsistik bakış açısı seçim değil huydur
Lo rapie
(just some lyrics of mine over this phat beat of yours though)
If heaven was just a one way drive away not even needed to turn a corner straight path no complications or diversions no side blinkers blind'did'ness would you already have the tank filled up the keys already ignitioning seat beat forgotten what a rush forgetting yourself in lush but how would you know, how would of you knew, how could you show, how could you of shown, to have known that path you taken the right one? I'm beaten beating my own death breath jerking my chest unopen causing what's chocking here's hoping that with time passing airwaves clearing but just as soon as everything seems clear plains start interrupting dropping smoke chock bomb catches my open eyes now I look highs am I a dead given unliven mertchent just selling fake dream tickets really got the black full body robe with the sick'sic'cool skeletal. If heaven was just a one way drive away not even needed to turn a corner straight path no complications or diversions no side blinkers blind'did'ness would you already have the tank filled up the keys already ignitioning seat beat forgotten what a rush forgetting yourself in lush but how would you know, how would of you knew, how could you show, how could you of shown, to have known that path you taken the right one? I'm a receiving receptivity recepti'cool a alive liven thing or am I just physical raw material that just happened to chemical ignite fire department never called this fire'cool let it sizzle that smoke burning isn't fallen darks is the universes back drop happ'not now do I foolishly build blocked of ice vaporizer coldness is the opposites of hotness shall I become a cloudy rain fall or bump together light up with thunder strike a sparkle bright lite blub moments fizzle the smell is scorched metallic iron ore it's okay just like this life in that creation alone I bore borrowing unknown core is my allure wore what I swore I become more but known I can only become so much until smashed a collide wait I'm trying to stop time unknown until now it's conception both ever fell in felling or new untouched parts that were partly alone particles was what I just felt love now I'm feeling what was once that connection zooming away both doing what ever could be done just to one more time felt that way If heaven was just a one way drive away not even needed to turn a corner straight path no complications or diversions no side blinkers blind'did'ness would you already have the tank filled up the keys already ignitioning seat beat forgotten what a rush forgetting yourself in lush but how would you know, how would of you knew, how could you show, how could you of shown, to have known that path you taken the right one? Forming into just more than dust vapour chemicals and minerals vitamins zenerals pinticals and unlawn forms of a bing bang theory innercals something called and pulled inside'ding me outside'dong wait a minute is this all in my head did I just have a huge boom on a waterfall and a bong nd the smells the pong. No no that feeling felt can't be or feel wrong because I'm still drawn every whatever concept of a day is I'mma still waiting until dawn to return to what made me feel like I became from I'm nom sigma alpha beta omega yom the feminine ying ta ma yang connections happened what must've felt enos ago masculine still waiting to learning more from waiting wanting it with none else peace ✌🏼🕊️ is Maca E'Q'Libz
Thank you very much for the like. Keep making your awesome instrumentals though b. Peace 🕊️ Maca E'Q'Lib
What an incredibly long comment
I wonder what type of flow you would need to make dis song good
Nigga here's some tips for writing a rap don't write too much shi that won't song good on a beat you gotta have a flow to it so i recommend freestyling on a beat first to help find a flow and then you can start writin
U sampled from cymatics 😶
Kol mangol najnd nalga les sentiment 3ndhm hadra khlaf
Habin nsoviw adi bayna mais asko yarta7 lbel
Ghir ki n9im slatt n7ass bli mzl l7al
Mazl l7al 3a lkhsara l3ali ybadl l7wal
ida galbk 7did shybi l millieu dkir
Ida jatk drba tfatn tbdl trig khir
Radi b maktob
Ida katbllk rabi dhab w ana 7bal
Hayji nhar w ytyhna fi biir
Adi hi khalik positif
Mem ana kant tghibli
Wch mn chemin nmchi fih
Mthkmch 3liya doro la
lhumain tbn h9i9to ki ykon lbs bih madiyan
Nta shybi w 9der nty7 sor mdrongik
Ki nchm riht loch kifkif nty7 mais f klm ces logique
Ki tchofni harg goli happiy birthday
Tem nhas wlat m jdid
Ana miytin fi noss kartti baytin b garo jwana naydin nsanaw kch affair ghdwa n3wdo nafs routin pfff ababa
Tellment ktro lhmom grib nremplaciw 9hba b
Ana mtkyf Kiosk w daf3 200 t2chira
Ghdwa ngbl prof thki lzaby 3a dara
Mol cv wli ghdwa w dir dora
Li kan b3a9lo hbal basah basta
Li kan 3a9l wla sovage bsh basta
Li kan b chiyo wla doro la bsh basta
Li kan m3aya
Intro Part Hook Part ?
Yes but you can also decide that on your own
Just Feel You Got Hook And Verse Part ❤
gerees garangaa tamhi zuungaa hdn zuil bodold
usiij undiisun 3.4 horoolold
daraalal ochir baihgui urduurana
amidral uruudna huruudana hamuud
hajuud hiisen zutuguulsun zuild huch hudulmur
J'appelle les loups j'appelle les louve
Pourquoi mon art ne finirai pas au Louvre
Y'a trop de cafards j'parle bien de vous toutes ses politiques qu'ont des fondement chelou
je vais faire un gros coup bref eux ont un long cou why? ? Parce qu'il Leche trop de couilles
Sa crache tout sur leurs bouille
Et ils viennent te dire que c' est eux les bouillant à force j'trouve ça soûlant
J'ai avancer solo
Solo dans l'océan
Solo en sous marin
parfois c'est ennuyant
Tismey sucre à pour vous que des texte salée
Mon dieu pourquoi je suis entraînez dans toutes ces salades attaquant gaucher sur le côté comme moha sallah j'ai entendu des salades j'ai ignoré pour le salaire ses PD me rendent malade mais j'fais comme si tout allait ça va à 200 à l'heure j'men blc de mon allure
No me digas nada más
Siento que tengo el corazón que se me divide
Entre lo que puedo hacer y lo que puedo lograr
Pq a veces el mínimo paso en falso te puede echar a perder
Me ha pasado muchas veces eso de perder el tren
Es muy difícil entenderse
Cada día cuesta más verse
Esq no me puedo ver o que me cuesta verme
Ojalá ver en mi lo que los demás ven
Pq dicen cosas que jamás llegaré a ser
No lo entiendo
quiero verme como me ven ellos
Tire mi último suspiro y con el se fue mi último aliento
El porro se iba consumiendo pero no por mis calos
Si no pq se lo fumo el viento