Deep in the Mines & Flirty Times 🌺 Coral Island Lets Play w Cozy Gameplay Part 3

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @LoveEngineFive
    @LoveEngineFive 5 днів тому

    It's so fun watching someone start the game. I've got over 270 hours in and STILL am nowhere close to 100% completion. I started out trying to do it all and now just play it cozy. I'm in Winter of Year 7 I believe, and the new update released yesterday made me jump back in after a few month haitus!

    • @persephoneplays
      @persephoneplays  5 днів тому

      I’m so happy I decided to pick this up again, this is such a massive project that they are working hard to deliver on, and apart from the game breaking bug I found, I’m loving every second!! Playing this cozy is definitely the move, and this game needs more love!! Oh wow there was a new update??? 👀👀 I somehow missed that! Thank you for the support!!! ❤️❤️ I hope to still be playing into the winter of year 7!