Why Cheap Apple Lightning AV Adapters Don't Work

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @jdujnd173
    @jdujnd173 3 роки тому +124

    perfect example of how we don’t own the devices that we pay for

    • @petervonpanda
      @petervonpanda  3 роки тому +19

      Ain’t that the truth, Jimmy!!

    • @djignoremusic2297
      @djignoremusic2297 2 роки тому +4

      That’s no bullshit man

    • @djscottymaxx
      @djscottymaxx 8 місяців тому +1

      Mine works so like 🤷‍♂️

    • @Flashingthunder
      @Flashingthunder 8 місяців тому +1

      @@djscottymaxxThank you for your anecdotal and unconstructive response to a two year old comment. You’re everyone’s hero!

  • @SyedHousein
    @SyedHousein 4 роки тому +117

    The official Apple one doesn't work for those apps either. Streaming to external devices is blocked by the apps not the type of adapter you're using.

    • @louuuuuu5
      @louuuuuu5 4 роки тому +20

      If this is true, then this video is pointless and should be taken out.

    • @lazyhustler4475
      @lazyhustler4475 4 роки тому +6

      miriam tan my Netflix & UA-cam don’t work

    • @lazyhustler4475
      @lazyhustler4475 4 роки тому +4

      miriam tan it’s blocked for business purposes

    • @hi_carebear_hi
      @hi_carebear_hi 4 роки тому +7

      @@Sensei-gk3wo Its not always apple fault, its because restrictions from the app

    • @EgonTonsic
      @EgonTonsic 4 роки тому +17

      That’s not true, I have an original Apple HDMI adapter and works fine with Protected DRM content.
      App tested on iPhone 11 Pro iOS 14:
      - Netflix
      - HBO Go
      - Apple TV+
      - UA-cam Premium Series

  • @bobdrums
    @bobdrums 4 роки тому +17

    My OnePlus does the same over a USB C hub, it's actually the apps blocking it which is so frustrating!

  • @aaroncano2247
    @aaroncano2247 4 роки тому +9

    I have the same one but when i got it fresh out the box never touched i tested it and it never worked and it doesnt even wanna charge my device

  • @Sparkie075
    @Sparkie075 3 роки тому +12

    I just found this out this morning. No Netflix no matter what I tried. Sucks. Well, at least I’d been using it for UA-cam all this time at work.

    • @101RealTalker
      @101RealTalker 3 роки тому

      Really? That's literally all I am trying to help my dinosaur in-laws with, via their gifted ipad to relic of a tv with this adapter. Was hoping could set them up with such accounts, like Netflix and whatnot, but have you already tried to bypass the issue by opening Netflix from your browser instead of app and playing it from there???

    • @GreeniusGenius
      @GreeniusGenius 3 роки тому +1

      @@101RealTalker Get them a Fire TV Stick or a Chromecast with Google TV.
      It will let you hit the cast button in Netflix, and still control it from the mobile device.
      Essentially, when casting from the mobile device to the streaming stick, the mobile device tells the streaming stick what needs to be played, and the streaming stick then plays it directly, but lets you control it on the mobile device as well.

  • @SylphidUndine
    @SylphidUndine 9 місяців тому +3

    this pretty much covered everything i needed to know. great video. thanks!

  • @ItalyHart
    @ItalyHart 3 роки тому +19

    It’s DRM. Nothing new, it’s expected. The apple adapter will not let you mirror content like NFL, FUBo, Netflix etc. The licensing agreements for most state that the video has been modified and it’s for private use. To them, mirroring it on a larger screen is the same as selling the movie.

    • @Username_Invalid
      @Username_Invalid 3 роки тому +1

      Late reply, but a lot of these services will let you mirror it only if you go through their actual website such as MTV, or even the local channels. But it’s still it in miss.

    • @dakotabedwell6829
      @dakotabedwell6829 8 місяців тому +1

      It’s HDCP copy protection bullshit that’s built into the HDMI port and there’s no way to bypass that

  • @adriiko
    @adriiko 4 роки тому +28

    My adaptor worked at the beginning and now it doesn't- a screen with a qr code shows up, similar to what's on your TV screen, but it does not mirror. When I scan the QR code it takes me to a drong cast app which is useless and kind of sketchy. Do you know how to fix this issue ?

    • @SelcukDemiray
      @SelcukDemiray 4 роки тому +1

      Same here. My adapter was working with IOS 13.x after upgrading to 14.1 it does not work.

    • @GinenInuYashaAkuma
      @GinenInuYashaAkuma 4 роки тому +1

      Have fix this ?

    • @SelcukDemiray
      @SelcukDemiray 4 роки тому

      @@GinenInuYashaAkuma unfortunately no !

    • @yuid39
      @yuid39 4 роки тому

      Is there any fix for the creepy adapter?

    • @jinnij9721
      @jinnij9721 3 роки тому +1

      Just buy original one. I lost so many hours explaining people it won't work lol

  • @theunsophisticatedplatypus4685
    @theunsophisticatedplatypus4685 4 роки тому +10

    Dude I gotta tell you, I showed a video of yours to my and she her-hawed laughed! She loves your energy and happiness. Helps that it was the cheese bread from Costco. Also the Subway toasted cold cuts. TheBest!!!

  • @A_Acars
    @A_Acars 4 роки тому +5

    Does it work for sports stream sites?? Football boxing ufc etc

  • @trapperainsworth2435
    @trapperainsworth2435 3 роки тому +3

    I bought one on ebay for like $8 & it worked at first but stopped working later. It shows an initial screen of the dongle but no iphone display on the hdmi. I tried resetting trust settings but it didn't work. I think I need to re-trust it because after I trusted it originally it worked.

  • @SecretOfMonkeyIsland784
    @SecretOfMonkeyIsland784 3 роки тому +4

    Good video, can you use this adapter for facetime calls (Useful in the pandemic to make the video call display on a larger device) ?

  • @thernsa
    @thernsa 3 роки тому +8

    Why does no one real-time test the aftermarket adapter against the apple adapter?

  • @stephenkarpath
    @stephenkarpath 3 роки тому +14

    Thank you for this Review. Thinking about buying a HDMI for a IPAD game to use with a controller. Almost Bought Apple one but trying to save money. Worried lesser price ones didn't 100% work.

  • @cgjocson
    @cgjocson 4 роки тому +9

    I used a 3rd party lightning to HDMI adapter too. I tried scanning the QR code displayed on the TV just like yours (1:56). This QR code shows up when the HDMI adapter is plugged in with a power supply but with no Apple device connected (just like when you disconnected your phone, it showed up on screen - 2:37). I scanned the code and installed the app from the app store (EZcast - this app may differ depending on the brand). Now I can use AirPlay (screen mirroring) and I don't have to connect my phone to the HDMI adapter at all. Have you tried that?

    • @iiiamsheshexx
      @iiiamsheshexx 2 роки тому

      How do you do that please the EZCast won’t pop up when I’m trying to mirror the screen

    • @normabournes5789
      @normabournes5789 Рік тому

      What 3rd party lighting to HDMI adapter did you buy?

  • @Indica_mal
    @Indica_mal 4 роки тому +5

    👏🏾👏🏾 bro ur the best UA-camr I’ve seen explain anything, u answered every question and were quick to the details 💯

    • @petervonpanda
      @petervonpanda  4 роки тому +2

      Thanks, Jamal!!

    • @Icanttellwhosrealanymore
      @Icanttellwhosrealanymore 3 роки тому +1


    • @alcameron6071
      @alcameron6071 10 місяців тому

      This guy is a freaking idiot. He paid almost $20 for that? And then he cries because it doesn't work? I bought one for $8.95 on eBay and it works perfectly. Stop encouraging this guy, he's a moron, lol

  • @antasytaccount
    @antasytaccount 11 місяців тому

    nice one you discovered it just by accident. i was just browsing apple store and found also by accident that those connectors need to be compatible with protocol HDCP 2.2 to stream such drm content.

  • @benjaminp2405
    @benjaminp2405 4 роки тому +7

    Thank you for the video, I still have one question: does blockage happen on game apps like Call Of Duty: Mobile?

    • @kirayu1
      @kirayu1 4 роки тому

      No it doesn’t

    • @CashbagGaming
      @CashbagGaming 4 роки тому

      a fellow codm player ;3

    • @jamesdejuan9206
      @jamesdejuan9206 4 роки тому

      LOL this the reason why I watched this vid.

    • @SADBOYKILLAofficial
      @SADBOYKILLAofficial 4 роки тому

      Came for this👍🏾

    • @individous2833
      @individous2833 4 роки тому +1

      In the case of the cod mobile:
      well, I tried exactly that about an hour ago, drove over to my sister today just to get this adapter, it's the lightning to HDMI version directly from apple.
      my tv has almost no latency or input delay (is like super snappy when I use a raspi with a mouse connected i.e.) but the lightning interface seems to produce some lag and it only outputs at 30fps, unfortunately. I find it very much unplayable. even though it's just barely noticeable, it drastically affects my aim. would be alright even for a racing game but a competitive fps... no thanks!
      If what you want is a bigger screen to play cod mobile on, either use a USB-C to HDMI adapter on an android (as this interface supports up to 4k@60fps) or go ahead and install an emulator on your pc or laptop to have android running on a pc or mac that you can use to play call of duty mobile, also on a tv off course and even with mouse and keyboard support. this would be kind of overkill though and you might run into a few technical difficulties regarding the compatibility of graphic-processing-units. Really geeky would be to install an android fork on a single-board computer and hook it up to a tv. to not use a raspi3b for this tho: it god damn slow!

  • @LifeofDayy
    @LifeofDayy 2 роки тому

    I bought one recently and it was working just fine. What ever was on my phone screen would pop up in the tv right away. Now it’s not working at all. When I plug it all in, the screen goes black and there’s no audio or video. 😩

  • @vaughncatacutan2217
    @vaughncatacutan2217 4 роки тому +17

    This is informative thank you sir!

  • @jeffyshorts7079
    @jeffyshorts7079 4 роки тому +3

    My mom gave me a $280 limit to spend at Walmart and I bought the $50 adapter I didn’t get the cheap on because they don’t last long
    (By the way Iam watching this on the adapter plugged into my projector)
    I set mine up when I watch UA-cam it doesn’t say connected to airplay I have it set up like it does everything my phone does

  • @felixroldan2026
    @felixroldan2026 Рік тому

    Hi Peter I noticed when I use my Apple iPad and Air Play to my Apple TV Box it does this Stall thing too but when I hit the Home Button it connects then I can watch the Video on the TV. let me know if the Lighting Adapter is the same.

  • @lightvalve
    @lightvalve Рік тому +2

    Same issue for me using $20 Dansrue "compatible" lighting to HDMI adapter. I will buy the expensive Apple version for best chance of success. Thanks for the tip!

  • @magc08
    @magc08 4 роки тому +6

    Awesome TV stand set up Mr Von Panda!😁

  • @axlerod6663
    @axlerod6663 4 роки тому +22

    Most of the streaming app use content/copyright protection. In india Netflix mobile only subscription is much cheap, so they don't want you casting that on a TV screen. I think this holds true for Apple Adapter also

    • @individous2833
      @individous2833 4 роки тому +1

      interesting, what about installing android forg on a single-board computer connected to a tv via HDMI? one could install netflix app over the playstore to watch on tv, maybe... ^^

    • @SaladinoPrince1
      @SaladinoPrince1 3 роки тому

      Individous netflix dont need android. It can run on web browser. Windows have a app native too. But how cares for netflix. Torrent + realDebrid have all the movies e shows new and olds

    • @individous2833
      @individous2833 3 роки тому +1

      @@SaladinoPrince1 the man was talking about the fact that Netflix mobile subscription being more affordable in India... of course Netflix has various interfaces but that’s not the point. Please read the conversation before you comment redundant or irrelevant information. Thanks!

    • @SaladinoPrince1
      @SaladinoPrince1 3 роки тому

      @@individous2833 If you were informed you would know that it is possible to run android applications as extensions of google chrome.

    • @SaladinoPrince1
      @SaladinoPrince1 3 роки тому

      @@individous2833 I almost forgot ... You're welcome!

  • @joshxmuhozi
    @joshxmuhozi 4 роки тому +5

    Does it work on safari

  • @BallisHobby
    @BallisHobby 5 місяців тому

    Yeah I brought one and it worked the first time and every time after that it loads a screen but does not cast

  • @1tzelG_
    @1tzelG_ 2 роки тому

    works for Clean HDMI camera signal out? with filmic pro and other apps. i need it to use it like a DSLR camera for my livestream.

  • @EPettersen
    @EPettersen 9 місяців тому

    I have lightning from my iPad to HDMI to external monitor. When I play a video, it shows fine on the external monitor, but the video is gone from my iPad. The screen says "Video is playing on TV". How do I get it to play on both?

  • @metaldragongaming597
    @metaldragongaming597 3 роки тому

    I couldn’t get UA-cam or Tubi to work had like a 30 second delay in sound and I get the same stalling loading circle on a few other apps like the movies play perfect then plug it in makes the phone go black then it’s all pixelated butchered up at times I have the iPhone X is there a link I could get the one that works for all apps?

  • @pabloosvaldopenizzotto1098
    @pabloosvaldopenizzotto1098 Рік тому

    Does it work with Tidal transfer audio to an AV receiver? Did you try this? Did someone else that may help? Thank you!

  • @jazzminejackson9181
    @jazzminejackson9181 Рік тому

    I bought the apple lighting and it worked for several months. I bought a new one, because the old one is not connecting. It's doing the same things as in your video. The new one does not connect to my direct tv either. So, Im going to return it.

  • @Ywatch01
    @Ywatch01 4 роки тому +2

    What if you use Netflix through safari?

  • @vladleonard86
    @vladleonard86 4 роки тому +2

    How about the download content on netflix. Will they stream?

    • @individous2833
      @individous2833 4 роки тому

      no, why would it? look into "High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection (HDCP)" for more information.

  • @AirknightTails
    @AirknightTails 10 місяців тому

    I was considering getting something like this to potentially Stream some games from Apple Arcade. Would that work by any chance?

  • @futbol1972
    @futbol1972 2 роки тому

    I bought this adapter like a week ago. it was working fine with iphone x to 24 inch roku tv but now it does not wanna connect. I tried the 3 hdmi ports on tv and same thing. I have to unplug the adapter or turn off tv and sometimes it works that way, but it is a hit and miss. Am I suposused to just plug in the HDMI cable to ipnone and to Tv and just select on tv the HDMI port that HDMI cable is pluged in right? or do I need to do something extra on iphone to connect it?

  • @vancerosentreter5960
    @vancerosentreter5960 Рік тому

    Is there a way to jailbreak or bypass the restriction?

  • @theprimestonecollection295
    @theprimestonecollection295 11 місяців тому

    Is it “Veetone” brand?

  • @elchinoxl3034
    @elchinoxl3034 3 роки тому +2

    Does it work with the iPhone 12pro max and a projector??

    • @wandertobeaches7778
      @wandertobeaches7778 3 роки тому

      Mine did the same thing, I got it off Amazon. UA-cam was fine.

  • @UltimatumDemon
    @UltimatumDemon 10 місяців тому

    I got a problem, I can't hear the sound in my games, but i can on social media apps

  • @Thekidtaino
    @Thekidtaino 4 роки тому

    Does the quality still look good

  • @lrchapa23
    @lrchapa23 3 роки тому +4

    This question is for anyone that has used a non apple brand lightning to HDMI adapter. Did it ask if “ Do you trust this computer” when connecting your phone to the adapter?

    • @ab-ly7sd
      @ab-ly7sd 3 роки тому +1

      Yes that’s the msg I got and it led me to the code to scan that takes you to a site that wants your credit card, etc. I read the fine print in the knock off device I bought and it’s says it will not play Netflix or Amazon. Mirrors everything else just fine

    • @lrchapa23
      @lrchapa23 3 роки тому

      @@ab-ly7sd one more thing. What is “the computer” they are referring to? My tv is not a smart TV and the adapter isn’t a computer right?

    • @ab-ly7sd
      @ab-ly7sd 3 роки тому

      @@lrchapa23 I don’t have smart TV either. I think they are using @computer@ as a generic terminology. The info insert is my box is mostly Chinese so I’m thinking I got scammed by buying what was advertised as authentic apple product. I’m returning mine to Amazon. I spoke to Apple and for $69 I can get the real thing and he said there shouldn’t be any issue and if there was I could return it no problem

  • @lusiamora1168
    @lusiamora1168 3 роки тому +1

    Can you plug a lighting USB two a nextar lx 25 epick keyboard two a phone .will it work.

  • @vix1865
    @vix1865 3 роки тому

    No sound with monitor. Any fix?

  • @scapegoat_tom2412
    @scapegoat_tom2412 2 роки тому

    Does is work with video players like VLC or the build in one from Apple?

  • @Vicente99969
    @Vicente99969 3 роки тому +1

    Do web browsers work?

  • @draugrhart121
    @draugrhart121 3 роки тому +1

    Will it work with photos app

  • @scar5ace231
    @scar5ace231 3 роки тому

    So it only works on UA-cam and your Home Screen?

  • @LILIANA11able
    @LILIANA11able 3 роки тому +4

    I’m thinking about getting one of those, but I’ve heard that they can seriously damage the phone. Is it true?

    • @jeevanraj4168
      @jeevanraj4168 3 роки тому

      Just use Chromecast. All streaming apps in iPhone natively support Chromecast. Proof: I am using it that way🙂

    • @alozzzy1213
      @alozzzy1213 2 роки тому

      Only possible if it’s not an official adapter with an MFI (made for iPhone) certification.

  • @DinkyDoughnut
    @DinkyDoughnut 9 місяців тому

    Thank you my man, I’ll give it a shot.!❤

  • @byzaha1238
    @byzaha1238 2 роки тому

    When I connect my iPad to my tv via hdmi with a 3rd party adapter, the screen shows what’s on my iPad but in a pink hue. Works as normal on every other tv

  • @DejaGruvBand
    @DejaGruvBand 4 роки тому

    Mine is after market works if I plug in power but it does not charge my device any ideas

  • @caiscorner8852
    @caiscorner8852 3 роки тому +2

    I bought one a couple of weeks ago and it worked fine until I plugged my device in and it’s not recognizing my iPhone

      @ZAYKROSSI 3 роки тому

      You need to plug in the lightning charger along with the hdmi.

    • @caiscorner8852
      @caiscorner8852 3 роки тому

      @@ZAYKROSSI you obviously can’t read i obviously did that it stopped working 🙄

      @ZAYKROSSI 3 роки тому

      @@caiscorner8852 you never specifically said what cord you had plugged in. A better description would have been nice obviously

  • @xray6216
    @xray6216 3 роки тому

    if I connect my iPad to a monitor can I still use the zoom app

  • @hoonhog28
    @hoonhog28 2 роки тому

    Thanks you saved me the time and money to end up buying an OEM part. Want to play Apple music from iPhone to DAC

  • @palomatalledo896
    @palomatalledo896 4 роки тому +1

    This work for me too but Can’t cast hbo go. 🥺

  • @rrealjuliuss
    @rrealjuliuss 3 роки тому +1

    I think it’s my hdmi cord. It shows nothing on any hdmi channel. I just got my lighting adapter today! From Walmart.

  • @joserizal877
    @joserizal877 3 роки тому

    Can you connect projector via hdmi, tia

  • @marichelle13613
    @marichelle13613 2 роки тому

    already ordered mine and it cannot be canceled. :(

  • @pacitataylor3840
    @pacitataylor3840 3 роки тому

    I have the Apple adapter and some movies on some apps won’t play

  • @kingdavid3318
    @kingdavid3318 3 роки тому

    Even with the official apple adaptor the NFL games do not work? why?

  • @BOSS77332
    @BOSS77332 4 роки тому

    Dos it works for aother vidios i can find on internet ?

  • @yusuf_manjra
    @yusuf_manjra 3 роки тому

    When I press trust on my iPhone it doesn’t cast

  • @jeffbrown773
    @jeffbrown773 3 роки тому

    I bought this so I could monitor while filming. One problem I ran into is I can’t rotate the image on the monitor when I rotate the phone in film mode.

  • @_733t
    @_733t 8 місяців тому

    Mine just didn't work at all. Paid £7 for mine. Was all white with no light or brushed metal. Didn't look like this one.
    Was looking for a cheap solution with my ipad air 2

  • @tomalafleur8602
    @tomalafleur8602 2 роки тому +1

    The iPhone lightning to hdmi doesn’t work with certain apps either. Has nothing to do with the adaptor.

  • @djscottymaxx
    @djscottymaxx 8 місяців тому

    I got rid of my NETFLIX and went with Prime instead because of this very issue but since 3 weeks ago even my PRIME stopped working VIA HDMI to TV. So its a problem with the apps, my youtube still works though "FOR NOW" 🙄

  • @mariajacobo6814
    @mariajacobo6814 Рік тому

    Thank you for the info.

  • @4dinteriorprojects728
    @4dinteriorprojects728 2 роки тому

    its not working with laptop mirroring?

  • @phoenixgaming2652
    @phoenixgaming2652 3 роки тому

    Will the Apple one work with Netflix

  • @saifmohd4501
    @saifmohd4501 4 роки тому +1

    Is it must that the connecting cable be charging (via the charging port) to mirror your iPad screen to projector? I will have my iPad charged.

  • @potatoflop1137
    @potatoflop1137 3 роки тому

    can i use this if i need to connect my ipad to my smart tv? i just need it for powerpoints for class presentations, not netflix or hulu

  • @YesNo-sz6pp
    @YesNo-sz6pp 3 роки тому +8

    Directions unclear I chopped my hand off

  • @loubecker8784
    @loubecker8784 Рік тому

    I know UA-cam works but does UA-cam tv work with the Apple lightning hdmi? Thank you

  • @tmargosian
    @tmargosian 3 роки тому

    I have the apple version and it’s garbage too. On HBO max and Disney it stops for any show right when the “previously on” or previews start. I have to fast forward through them and then the show will also blip in and out a lot. So annoying.

  • @littleleaguegamer460
    @littleleaguegamer460 4 роки тому +1

    Thank you very much this helped a lot

  • @susan6351
    @susan6351 4 роки тому

    Can anyone guide me as to how I can connect my iphone 11 to my Samsung TV to watch Hulu, Netflex etc.? Not sure what i need to purchase to connect.

    • @nmjeevan6084
      @nmjeevan6084 4 роки тому +4

      Purchase a lightning to hdmi adaptor and a hdmi cable. Then just plug the adaptor into the charging port of your phone and plug the hdmi cable into the adapter where it says “hdmi” and plug the other end of the hdmi cable into the tv and then just turn your phone on and it should work

  • @Baby_Boo
    @Baby_Boo 3 роки тому

    Mine did not work on my RCA tv.😢

  • @thegarce86
    @thegarce86 2 роки тому

    Really helpful! Thanks so much!

  • @UNSC-ow3bh
    @UNSC-ow3bh 4 місяці тому

    To make sure we cannot stream for profit...Like a bar owner plugging into their phone and showing a UFC fight over the TVs there type stuff

  • @KremoMusic
    @KremoMusic 8 місяців тому

    So i bought a cheap adapter last year around september and it worked fine for just mirroring my camera, didn't use it for like 4-5 months and now it doesn't mirror anymore.
    I bet its because of IOS updates :(

  • @vincemoore7662
    @vincemoore7662 4 місяці тому

    I have one from Apple…was working just fine yesterday,now it’s not working. 🤷🏿‍♂️

  • @DinkyDoughnut
    @DinkyDoughnut Рік тому

    Thanx, Great Info to realisation.!❤

  • @bigguns126
    @bigguns126 5 місяців тому

    Mine only works for angles studios app

  • @DJDuncan100
    @DJDuncan100 3 роки тому

    How was the camera and apps other than the streaming ones for you?

  • @davidqiu769
    @davidqiu769 2 роки тому

    Shenzhen Shenlan Tongda Electronic Cable Co., Ltd. specializes in the production of lightning iPhone 3.5mm audio adapter Type-c 3.5mm headphone audio converter

  • @alliancepeoplegroupyoutube1048
    @alliancepeoplegroupyoutube1048 3 роки тому

    If you use a iPad with a keyboard does it still work and can you play games on ROBLOX that need pc?

    • @SaladinoPrince1
      @SaladinoPrince1 3 роки тому

      This cheap one is inviable by high latency. The original have very lower latency, BUT still with +/-1sec latency

  • @nightcoder5k
    @nightcoder5k 3 роки тому

    Thank you for the video.

  • @NomusaMagical
    @NomusaMagical 2 роки тому

    Bought $19 adapter off Amazon. Does NOT connect iPhone 11 ProMax to monitor nor TV. Samsung device from years ago DOES work using 2017 Samsung Note 8 + 2020 iPad Pro 12.9. Both being USB-C. Neither needs charging cord🤷🏽‍♀️

  • @SILKYFINE2424
    @SILKYFINE2424 3 роки тому

    I bought the apple one it doesn’t work either however you can stream most apps

  • @student8015
    @student8015 4 роки тому

    Does this work for Roku tv

  • @alibenyahia1583
    @alibenyahia1583 3 роки тому

    It’s work for pc ?

  • @mariagutierrez3018
    @mariagutierrez3018 3 роки тому

    I bought one keeos switching off my headphones with my amplifier I use apple music my amplifier is FIF and my headphones is Beyerdynamic DT990 259 oms I have no idea if is the ligting camera it seems my amplifier works fine I have to keep turning off and on for my music to come out sound on my headphones not my speakers on the IPhone 11 is so frustrating I rather lesson my music on my headphones sound better

  • @dustyrhodes2717
    @dustyrhodes2717 2 роки тому

    Great video!

  • @northlander4370
    @northlander4370 2 роки тому

    the standard apple a/v adapter does not work ...i purchased to apple adapters and they do not work !! same issue as the cheap adapter , i returned the apple adapter and the ipad and bought a samsung galaxy tablet ....problem solved .

  • @w2385-i2s
    @w2385-i2s 3 роки тому +3

    They did that so you can't copy the movie. Instead of connecting to a TV, they connect to a HDMI recorder.

    • @Entertainment-
      @Entertainment- Рік тому +1

      It doesn’t even make sense, you could just as easily connect your Apple TV or other streaming box to an HDMI recorder.

  • @daniellevelarde3427
    @daniellevelarde3427 3 роки тому

    cuz every streaming app like prime video netflix etc prevent u from capturing thier content.DRM and hdcp works to prevent doing screen capturing this apps content

  • @knightrida6829
    @knightrida6829 Рік тому

    Very helpful

  • @djscottymaxx
    @djscottymaxx 8 місяців тому

    Amazon prime wont work ANYMORE with the Apple lightning adapter and been fighting with them for weeks

  • @THgaming1985
    @THgaming1985 2 роки тому

    I bought a $10 one off of Amazon and it made a iPhone loose connection I couldn’t regain it