These guys should contact sly media and get contact details dza sekuru Tasvu or sekuru Kanengo,either 1of those 2 is more than capable to handle their issue all the best them and hopefully they will be able to get their manhood back
Sometimes I feel like tete tilder doesn’t handle these issues well!mukazoona warume wakuru wauya kuzotaura something so sensitive sekusamira kwenhengo wanenge watambura.Its not something minor!The way they are not able to articulate themselves well itori mhepo yacho iyoyo ikuita kuti pashaye anowatora serious 😢sad sad sad
Tilda is just horrible. The way she talks to people it's so disrespectful and cold. And nyaya yavo yekuti, "munonamata here?" Of course vanenge vatoedza everything. Pane zvimwe zvinhu zvakawandisa that prayer can't solve. Chivanhu chiriko vana Tilda we.... Nonsense journalism 🙄
ini hangu what really shocks me is that those guys vauya ku studio nedambudziko ravo and then vabva vapesana neavo vazouya after varikuti huyai kuchurch ko dai vabva vangotanga neavo kaa vauya ku studio
Hi tete do you read our comments vanhu vachema chema with the way you are doing interviews mazuvano and also chirongwa che behind bars chava netime shoma zvekuti munhu anenge asati anyatsopedza kutaura nyaya yake plus munova cutter cutter pavanenge vachitaura hamuchanyatsopa munhu mukana wekutaura. We love you tete watching from Ca
Ko munoitirei show yacho kana musina time, your interviewing skills leaves a lot to be desired.Give people free space and platform to narrate their stories
Nhamo nekutambura is not only in zimbabwe ndapota zwangu hamadzagu it is a big secret in uropeane countries we are dying we have are ill treated until you are die tromitised until you die this is what I exprianced you will never understand because they do it little by little please please help
Tete tiridha l feel like you are educated, tell these people chakwadi pavanotaura rubish like vana vedu vakatorwa brain kuisa panevake like seriously 😂 mwana ari grade one anonzi aimbogona chiridzii, that dont add up.
shuwa these days all her programs ffrom even domestic issues akuto svota to teerera because of the way she treats and speaks to her guest. its becoming annoying.
nhamo nekutambura is very common in Zimbabwe, hapana kuroyiwa apa. The difference is that one guy is working hard for his family ivo they are living like Adam & eve waiting for mana from heaven. work hard, learn a new skill, look for mentors, ask for how they did it, go to school etc these will change your life kwete kun’anga kunotsvaga huroyi husipo
Kana musina time musaite show aunt Tilda munobhowa zvekut your interview skills are so annoying give people time to narrate their stories or else we won't support/watching this show
These guys should contact sly media and get contact details dza sekuru Tasvu or sekuru Kanengo,either 1of those 2 is more than capable to handle their issue all the best them and hopefully they will be able to get their manhood back
There is only 1 Tasvu, usasanganisa that name nezvesezvese…
Sometimes I feel like tete tilder doesn’t handle these issues well!mukazoona warume wakuru wauya kuzotaura something so sensitive sekusamira kwenhengo wanenge watambura.Its not something minor!The way they are not able to articulate themselves well itori mhepo yacho iyoyo ikuita kuti pashaye anowatora serious 😢sad sad sad
Tilda is just horrible. The way she talks to people it's so disrespectful and cold. And nyaya yavo yekuti, "munonamata here?" Of course vanenge vatoedza everything. Pane zvimwe zvinhu zvakawandisa that prayer can't solve. Chivanhu chiriko vana Tilda we.... Nonsense journalism 🙄
Tete Tilda nzwisisai chivanhu, vanhu ivavo varikukuudzai chokwadi imi chenyu teererai musavavhiringidze nemibvunzo, hurombwa muvanhu hurimo vaendesei kwasekuru Tasvu anouya muroyi iyeye pasina kumanikidzwa
Hurombwa huriko true ...this is very similar to the problem iri kwedu
Ngavaende kwaSekuru Tasvu Tete zvinopera
Mai inonzi Tilda interview inoinetsa kungo cutter cutter vanhu
ini hangu what really shocks me is that those guys vauya ku studio nedambudziko ravo and then vabva vapesana neavo vazouya after varikuti huyai kuchurch ko dai vabva vangotanga neavo kaa vauya ku studio
Imbava idzi havabatsire chinhu vanhu avo
Exactly..ndopaunoona matsotsi vanonyepera Jesu
Hi tete do you read our comments vanhu vachema chema with the way you are doing interviews mazuvano and also chirongwa che behind bars chava netime shoma zvekuti munhu anenge asati anyatsopedza kutaura nyaya yake plus munova cutter cutter pavanenge vachitaura hamuchanyatsopa munhu mukana wekutaura. We love you tete watching from Ca
For e first time in history tete iyi nyaya hainyatsonzwike
Varikui vhiringidza ivo tete vanhu ava vane nyaya izere asi tete asi tete this interview vaitadza
Zvakaoma zvemuhupenyu. Varoyi vane hutsinye.
Yoo tete anotsanangura seyi imi muchimumhanyisa
Nguva ndiyo shoma paprogramme yatete iyi maybe ndosaka vachizopedzisira vakukamhanisa vanhu kuti gaga kkk
@@tsitsimutombo2216 manje hazviite mufunge program yavo dai yawedzerwa time mbichana hey kuti vnhu vnyatsonzwisisa
@@tsitsimutombo2216 yes the program needs time because hazvibatsire kuita zve kumhanya
Tete Tilda connect these man with those prophets from high filds
Madzibaba Magirazi
Ndevapi ivavo magirazi haana chaanoziva uye kubira vanhu chete
@@blessingmashandureblessing9650 asi magirazi anobhadharisa vanhu ndaifunga kuti anongoita zvepasowe with no payment.
@@Rumbie87 kkkk ukaona munhu oda Mari waromba ndoidi
@@Rumbie87 anobhadharisa kunamatirwa unofanira kutanga calendar rake 20 dollars or 400 rand
Ko munoitirei show yacho kana musina time, your interviewing skills leaves a lot to be desired.Give people free space and platform to narrate their stories
She should use her UA-cam account instead of this radio interviews
Zvakaoma chokwadi tete Tilder
Umm tete Tildah mune imwe rough nekucutter cutter vanhu zvinotobhowa
Ngavaende kuna sekuru Tasvu ndivo chiranga varoyi chete chete
mkoma vekutemwa nyora dzemsana havas kuburitsa zvese vane kuzvichenesa panarrative yavo , chektanga vanoratidza kuti mun'anga vaienda nekuda uye mushonga yemusana inowanzo nwiwa kwete kutemwa nyora n also kana ndanzwa zvakanaka vakatemerana newavari kuti akaromba then also munhu angarambirwe mukadzi nemukoma or munin'ina iye ongogamuchira asina chaanoziva
Vakabata vese vanhu ava but iye akuda kuzvichenesa Kune vamwe kuti awane kufambwa naye for help
@@tsitsimutombo2216 u can say that again
Mudhara haana kutora chikwambo here
@@godwinchiutsi9183 i think akatora but haasi kuda kubuda pachena
@@kudakwashegwanzura1954 I think so as much. Explanation yacho ine maburi
Handisi kuona dambudziko ra Tilda ini.
She has to lead the interview.
Tete ,mukavati itai gaga vanotaura cey
They must go to Uncle Tasvu
Tete tilda munomhanyisa vanhu zvinobhowa zvkt tinenge tchida
Kunzwa zvakaitika zvese
Nhamo nekutambura is not only in zimbabwe ndapota zwangu hamadzagu it is a big secret in uropeane countries we are dying we have are ill treated until you are die tromitised until you die this is what I exprianced you will never understand because they do it little by little please please help
Help how?? Sorry to here this sisi. Stay strong. Life is not easy for us all.
Ivo vaisatya n'anga sey
Ngavaende kuna Sekuru Tasvu vanozvigona izvi
Sekuru Tasvu kana sekuru Kanengo
Kumhanyisa nyaya tete bhooo here
Zvakawoma kunobuda vane dambudziko kouya vanoti tinobatsira. Ko vadii kubatsira avo vane dambudziko.
Tete Tilder wakomana wakaterera varimuzvitima ZVITIMA ZVIPI KO ??
Tete tiridha l feel like you are educated, tell these people chakwadi pavanotaura rubish like vana vedu vakatorwa brain kuisa panevake like seriously 😂 mwana ari grade one anonzi aimbogona chiridzii, that dont add up.
😂 😂 😂 😂 😂
Tilder wava very rough zvekt
honey service🤔, Jeso chidzokai henyu!
Ngavaende kwasekuru tasvu
Don’t like the way she is handling nyaya idzi this days she is too harsh😢she must take a break kana vaneta
Exactly zero compassion chaiyo
I think if she doesn't have time its best not to do it because its rushed ku advert
shuwa these days all her programs ffrom even domestic issues akuto svota to teerera because of the way she treats and speaks to her guest. its becoming annoying.
Murisei tte❤❤
Sekuru Tasvu, Kanengo and others will help and find that man
yes true
Tete muri sei ngavaende kwa sekuru tasvu
Mishonga vanhu vachaisiya havo vatii vati vadiii
Kushambadza madverts kurikurebesa kupfuura interview yenyu nevanhu
I don’t see any thing wrong with how she is conducting the interview, tbh
nhamo nekutambura is very common in Zimbabwe, hapana kuroyiwa apa. The difference is that one guy is working hard for his family ivo they are living like Adam & eve waiting for mana from heaven. work hard, learn a new skill, look for mentors, ask for how they did it, go to school etc these will change your life kwete kun’anga kunotsvaga huroyi husipo
Pamucharomberwa muchazozvionawo
Hamusati maona henyu imi munhu anotora jere achishandisa for own benefits achitosimbisa zvinhu zvake
@@werowerohamutyi6461 I believe in kuromba,kuroyiwa etc just this case it seems its a medical problem
@@faraimagwa it must be difficult but scientifically and biblically its not possible
Panonzi pa Bethesda kwete Bethsidha. Munhu waMwari nzverai magwaro zvakanaka 😂
Ko chikonazi varikupfeka cei ma phones
Akapiwa mushonga usiri wemusana
Kkkkkk nyanyest
Kuna sekuru tasvu yasvika hre iyi
Endai kwasekuru Tasvu or Kanengo or Bvunza wabaya nguva Zhou etc
Chokwadi chavari kutaura chekutorerwa vana brain zvinoiitika
Why vanhu vachiti vakabvunzwa kuti makadii henyu here natete tilda vanopindura vachiti tinofara makadii ivo vari pama1
😂😂😂Ndomamhoresere edu chero parufu tozviita kkkkkk Wandinakidza
Yaa tinodaro shuwa but l think inyaya yekuti panyama ndiriright.
Vanhu varikuromba votambudza vanhu
weduwee siyai Tete tilder vanogona basa why wachimhanyis bco chirongwa ichii chine 1hour chete ska vakatenderera nhaya haiperi guys ..... Tete tilder munogona zvenyu
Kana zvapresa muchataura
Ummmm zvakaoma tete ngavaende kwasekuru tasvu zvinopera izvi
Ko chinangwa chekuuya kuradio ndechei idzo n'anga nemaporofita dzakazara kunze uko.
Kuda kuwana rubatsiro hama
marwadzo shuwa
Ko nhai tete ava wiych killer havana kunzwawo dambudziko revarume vabva here vavabatsire
The guys havagone kutsanangura.
Vana witch killer vanogodiiko kubatsira
Ummmm hapana vana vanobiwa njere. Hapana munhu anombobvuma kuti vana vake havagoni. Environment and heredity contribute to intelligence.
Scieñce dze munhu dzaipa these years hama vanhu varikuita zvinogara zvakadeno
Tunenge tuma drama utwu
Gavayende kwasekuru shumba sekuru shumba uyu mukazi vanogoti sekuru kunagogo ivava anozwipedza
Iwe wakambo endako here
@@chingombedaries 😂😂😂😂😂😂 dhevhi ka😂😂😂😂
As for me I will stop watching Tilda show it's boring now munongokata and you're rough haaa😮
Kana musina time musaite show aunt Tilda munobhowa zvekut your interview skills are so annoying give people time to narrate their stories or else we won't support/watching this show
Iwe Tilda saka wadii kuti boyfriend yako postor avo vashandire vana baba avo
Kkkkk boyfriend hr amana
Kkkk zvakaoma
Really 🙄🙄🙄
Havatsuri pa jekerere kt endai kwakati zveboy friend izvo ndezvako