how change your sp with thought transmission | law of assumption

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @velv3tangel
    @velv3tangel  26 днів тому +20

    hey angels!😇
    don't forget: you select the version of your SP that you want to experience.
    every moment, every second is an opportunity to flip the script.
    you never have to accept anything that you don't want to experience!
    when you change your thoughts, your sp changes as well.
    the key is to be single-minded.💖

  • @KennyChensey
    @KennyChensey 21 день тому +58

    Great video. My relationship of five years ended a month ago when the love of my life decided to move on. I loved her deeply, and I can't stop thinking about her and the memories we created together. I've done everything I can to try to bring her back, but nothing has worked. I'm feeling frustrated and can't imagine my life with anyone else. I've tried to push the thoughts away, but they keep coming back. I’m not sure why I'm sharing this here, but I really miss her and wish I could have her back.

    • @EricScofield22
      @EricScofield22 21 день тому +2

      I've been in a similar situation. My relationship ended about three years ago, but I couldn't let her go. I did everything I could to win her back, including seeking the help of a spiritual advisor who guided me in bringing her back into my life. We're together again now, and I can honestly say I'm enjoying every moment.

    • @KennyChensey
      @KennyChensey 21 день тому +1

      That's amazing! How did you find a spiritual counselor, and how can I get in touch with one?

    • @EricScofield22
      @EricScofield22 21 день тому +2

      Her name is Maurice Gleti, and she is an exceptional spiritual counselor with the ability to help reunite you with your ex.

    • @KennyChensey
      @KennyChensey 21 день тому +1

      Thank you for sharing this valuable information. I just looked her up online. impressive!

    • @ThaiWithSarah
      @ThaiWithSarah 21 день тому +5

      Why do I keep seeing this exact comment on almost every video about SP? 😅

  • @Xoxo4444s
    @Xoxo4444s 21 день тому +6

    I feel a huge change inside me & recreating my story with him. I will come back to update because I feel like things are moving!!!😊

    • @velv3tangel
      @velv3tangel  21 день тому +3

      that's amazing to hear that. the inner shift is what matters most because all else will fall into place as a result of it ✨️😊

  • @yourstrulyanshika
    @yourstrulyanshika 16 днів тому +5

    he’s my boyfriend. he’s my boyfriend. he’s my boyfriend. he’s my boyfriend. he’s my boyfriend. he’s my boyfriend. he’s my boyfriend. he’s my boyfriend.

  • @therealmusen
    @therealmusen 26 днів тому +13

    Girl everything is so perfect with him ❤ I'm so happy, I'll continue persisting 💕💘

    • @lori8885
      @lori8885 25 днів тому +2

      fr gorl heoow tips please

    • @velv3tangel
      @velv3tangel  21 день тому +3

      yes girl! don't ever give up, you can either persist in the wanted or the unwanted.. you're manifesting anyway. 🎀

  • @Zack-dv6rz
    @Zack-dv6rz 26 днів тому +4

    Glowing as always! Another solid video! I love thought transmission so much!

    • @velv3tangel
      @velv3tangel  21 день тому +1

      thank you so much! ✨️ i really appreciate it 🙏

  • @michellelouise8865
    @michellelouise8865 22 дні тому +1

    Thank you ❤

  • @nillbrain
    @nillbrain 22 дні тому +2

    Girl im loving your videos. I have a question. With all the thought transmission research ive been doing, is the viral whisper technique also like thought transmission?

    • @velv3tangel
      @velv3tangel  21 день тому +2

      this is also thought transmission. it works well. in the end all you're doing is telling that person what to do which is essentially not different from having inner conversations with them, just a different approach.

    • @snowfall7557
      @snowfall7557 14 днів тому

      may I ask, what ´s the whisper technique? I´ve never heard of it.

    • @nillbrain
      @nillbrain 12 днів тому +1

      @@snowfall7557 well basically you imagine walking upto the person whoever it may be a boss or whatever and whisper in their ear what you want them to do or feel

    • @snowfall7557
      @snowfall7557 12 днів тому

      @@nillbrain alright! Thanks☺

  • @officialzacadammorrison
    @officialzacadammorrison 23 дні тому +1

    How to be physically immortal please

  • @DishaKanchan-y6k
    @DishaKanchan-y6k 26 днів тому +5

    Can I use name of my sp????

    • @koelha222
      @koelha222 25 днів тому +2

      in your affirmations? of course you can

    • @DishaKanchan-y6k
      @DishaKanchan-y6k 25 днів тому +3

      @margarid444 yes in my affirmations and scripts

  • @jasonellis8180
    @jasonellis8180 21 день тому +1

  • @SerenityLoman
    @SerenityLoman 26 днів тому +2

    wish it was simple for other people that aren't Sp

    • @mikailar3443
      @mikailar3443 25 днів тому +7

      sp doesn’t have to be romantic not sure what you mean?

    • @snowfall7557
      @snowfall7557 14 днів тому

      everyone is you pushed out. So it should work for everyone, I guess.

  • @genuinelynat
    @genuinelynat 21 день тому +1

    I’ve tried affirming and visualizing and the love letter method and scripting… nothing has gotten me movement in the 3D… and all I’m trying to manifest is a first date. It’s very discouraging…😢

    • @velv3tangel
      @velv3tangel  20 днів тому

      you need to stop telling yourself that there is no movement. if what you tried did not "work", build your self concept by proving your own power to yourself with other desires (that seem easy to manifest.)
      also ask yourself what you've been thinking about this person most of the time (besides doing the methods). monitor your self concept and the way you view yourself - as desirable? as someone who is chosen?

    • @MightyMama
      @MightyMama 12 днів тому

      U r not wholeheartedly believing in it! Things will feel true once u shift to a true belief of it happening now.

  • @hyghpriestesss
    @hyghpriestesss 25 днів тому +1
