Best recreation ever in this world .... it would be so kool for amusement park designers to see theses types of rides so they can come to life ... if u kno what i mean
How do you get bubbles and things? I have the edition where you have all 3 animals, Rollercoaster Tycoon, and Water park, but this one is very amazing and I was wondering how to get the bubbles!
Those are actually colored walls that you can get in the regular version of RCT3. You simply put them in the spots you want, and click on one, it has a little paint bucket icon where you can choose it's color
Just wondering, what CS packs did you use? You didn't use the in-game camera did you? I can't get sound with that one, and it runs the video too fast in playback.
Hey I think your recreation is good compared to what I could do, so that's awesome, but watch splash mountain rct3 recreation by kairubix. He in my opinion has the best and realistic copy from Disney. Watch his video and then learn what he did and correct yours. After that, this would be perfect, but as I said dude, you did good on this recreation, so good job!
@Pokemon22414 I honestly don't see how it cud be... The track and te scenery is wwaayyyy off. But nice try w/ the ride poster. Some practice and you could have an amazing ride
Best recreation ever in this world .... it would be so kool for amusement park designers to see theses types of rides so they can come to life ... if u kno what i mean
I been on it I like the drop in the dark
wasnt too accurate, i thought it was even better, great work
okay this is officially the most amazing rct3 ride that i have EVER seen! great job! :)
Fantastic ! Reminds me of my trips to Orlando Parks ( even if i've never been to EPCOT but the vibe is the same ).
Enjoyed this virtual ride !
Man this is unreal!!! You've done an amazing job!!
the best reaction of this ride on rct3 by far, good job
Great job! I like how you used elements from both attractions
That's outstanding! Great job!
@rct3recreations yw, and thx dude
That is pretty darn close to the real one, brother. Nice job!
that Huge Drop is
incredible !!
That is incredible!
Great job!
How do you get bubbles and things? I have the edition where you have all 3 animals, Rollercoaster Tycoon, and Water park, but this one is very amazing and I was wondering how to get the bubbles!
I went to Splash Mountain 2010 Summer it was soo scary!
wow and you made the whole park to
Did anyone notice the taradactyl at 3:31
how do u get the flue to stay in the water instead of the track being on top??
GREAT VIDEO! its just a little thing but Splash mountain is not a log ride. other than that this is really good :)
What do you mean man?
Nice man
WOW nice
Where did you get the orange walls behind the riverboat at 6:39?
Those are actually colored walls that you can get in the regular version of RCT3. You simply put them in the spots you want, and click on one, it has a little paint bucket icon where you can choose it's color
Wasn't all that accurate to be honest. It looked lovely, great work on everything, just didn't follow the actually ride very well.
Just wondering, what CS packs did you use? You didn't use the in-game camera did you? I can't get sound with that one, and it runs the video too fast in playback.
Can you upload the daytime version?
i want the whole set ride can you upload this?
where did you find the music from the actual ride?
Hey I think your recreation is good compared to what I could do, so that's awesome, but watch splash mountain rct3 recreation by kairubix. He in my opinion has the best and realistic copy from Disney. Watch his video and then learn what he did and correct yours. After that, this would be perfect, but as I said dude, you did good on this recreation, so good job!
@Pokemon22414 I honest do see how it can be the one fromdisneyland in ca. The senery
6:11 Is that KohrsFilm's Haunted mansion????
Is he actually underground at 3:35? I didn't think you could go underground. Lol
Why is we sitting in the back, everyone likes the front better :P
good log flume ride but looks nothing like splash mountain!!
I agree.
PacoTheBoss158 yeah, me too.
-Jacob Nichols That's because he used RTC3 and not professional autocad software.
There's a literal Taradactal in the how do you do scene and the celebration scene
how do u make the roof
@rct3recreations the roof with the rocks i can never do it =(
Do you build coaster first, hen scenery?
Splash mountain doesn't even look 30% like that Disney land and Disney world
Did anyone else see the security camera?
@Pokemon22414 I honestly don't see how it cud be... The track and te scenery is wwaayyyy off. But nice try w/ the ride poster. Some practice and you could have an amazing ride
This is wdw right?
Fantastic ! Reminds me of my trips to Orlando Parks ( even if i've never been to EPCOT but the vibe is the same ).
Enjoyed this virtual ride !
TNCMAD rervggggv