Crypto: Why $XRP is ‘the banker’s coin’

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @raulvelasco06
    @raulvelasco06 11 днів тому +44

    XRP to $10k 🚀 🌕

    • @vc391
      @vc391 10 днів тому +1


    • @Emerald_King8
      @Emerald_King8 10 днів тому +5

      The marketcap would be more money than is in the world. Keep smoking that shi son.

    • @rraval6963
      @rraval6963 9 днів тому

      @@vc391 literally just told us ☝🏾

    • @deangelobrooks8883
      @deangelobrooks8883 8 днів тому

      @@raulvelasco06 yeah… in 15 years

    • @thevibe1220
      @thevibe1220 День тому


  • @franknezofficial
    @franknezofficial 15 днів тому +81

    Like buying Bitcoin at $2

    • @cameronvincent
      @cameronvincent 15 днів тому +7

      what was the market cap of BTC at 2$?

    • @BlingtingSam
      @BlingtingSam 15 днів тому +9

      You don’t know supply limits. Xrp at 51 billion and bitcoin at 21 million.

    • @siosukhsiosukh7593
      @siosukhsiosukh7593 14 днів тому

      No it’s not. So silly

    • @joshuamorris3364
      @joshuamorris3364 14 днів тому

      @BlingtingSam Xrp isn't going to gain mass value because of retailers. Market cap doesn't matter to XRP.
      XRP is going to be used as collateral for tokenized real world assets on the chain. You have to lock an amount up that's equal to the price of the house, car, office building, etc.
      Doing so takes them out of circulation, limiting supply.
      Also there's only ~4b XRP on exchanges right now. In the past month XRP went from 40b mcap to 145b. If we continue growth like this you won't be able to buy any from coinbase, binance, etc. XRP can't tokenize 1T in assets efficiently at 2$, it would have to be 20 or 50 or so to not lock up too much supply.

    • @Darcsied27
      @Darcsied27 14 днів тому

      😂 No not at all

  • @ryanscott9093
    @ryanscott9093 14 днів тому +37

    If you are in crypto... and you THINK you are going to get away from the control of central banks.... let me tell you that you are SO WRONG.

    • @lieneleanne.5613
      @lieneleanne.5613 13 днів тому +1

      Unless they farming monero and doing all that stuff then no not a chance, that's why it's been such a pushback to allow the banks to catch up if you ask me (which you didn't ).

    • @davidsonnow
      @davidsonnow 11 днів тому +2

      @@ryanscott9093 not true! The more people that wake up to what XRP is and what they’re trying to create with it the more people will run away from it! There’s far more of us than there are them

    • @Gesu_925
      @Gesu_925 11 днів тому

      @@davidsonnow it doesn’t matter all crypto is traceable there is no ambiguity in anything.

    • @c4goldreptiles1
      @c4goldreptiles1 10 днів тому

      @@ryanscott9093 this takes the Control away from the central banks. It’s already happening. I have $100,000 in XRP right now. Amassed liquidity in XRP has become the death of the central banks. This is why Gary Gisler wanted to stop in at all cost.

    • @168original7
      @168original7 10 днів тому

      @davidsonnow brother every exchange has kyc now.

  • @leesichoon9707
    @leesichoon9707 10 днів тому +6

    Xrp is a banker coin?
    While Bitcoin is the first to surrender to the banker...!
    What is what?

  • @willyoung3658
    @willyoung3658 12 днів тому +7

    Ripple CEO on 60 minutes this weekend

  • @mich1074
    @mich1074 15 днів тому +15

    Call your nearest money launderer for assistance

    • @Ochocrypto-x3n
      @Ochocrypto-x3n 15 днів тому

      @@mich1074 Greetings to you
      Are you aware banks and exchanges are crashing due to the upcoming global currency reset?

    @ADAMOLOGY 14 днів тому +2

    This information is so so good , that tail end is key , Bitcoin is decentralized bankers can’t trust it

  • @buckybucky1250
    @buckybucky1250 10 днів тому

    Very well said brother

  • @JulienneUrrutia
    @JulienneUrrutia 14 днів тому +2

    Web3 Infinity is defined by its distinctive properties. It merits contemplation!

  • @Moon42069
    @Moon42069 День тому

    Imagine sending money internationally in an instant without waiting weeks for it to arrive.

  • @rodje707
    @rodje707 9 днів тому


  • @CHONGSoliz
    @CHONGSoliz 14 днів тому

    My top pick for bull run KAS, SOL, Alemio (ALM).

  • @Shakazuloeman
    @Shakazuloeman День тому

    It's Ripple for banks.
    The coin XRP will never be used by no banks

  • @bkosza30
    @bkosza30 10 днів тому

    A smart man always keeps one eye open

  • @Erik-v7w2v
    @Erik-v7w2v 13 днів тому

    Bitcoin is the future, nice insights! On another note, I was wondering: I have a SafePal wallet with USDT and I have the recovery seed phrase (stereo blade emotion empower fence position oil crouch crisp churn bachelor hidden). How can I deposit them into Solana? Thank you.

  • @BenjaminHoover-o2d
    @BenjaminHoover-o2d 7 днів тому

    The video content is very interesting! I am a little confused: someone sent me a usdt and I have the recovery phrase. (pride pole obtain together second when future mask review nature potato bulb) How do I extract them?

  • @AnnettaManzanares
    @AnnettaManzanares 14 днів тому

    Buying Alemio during the presale might just be my best move yet! 🔥 I’ve got a feeling this one’s hitting $5 soon after launch.

    • @nap41123
      @nap41123 11 днів тому

      @@AnnettaManzanares soon. Real soon

  • @LatashaHutto
    @LatashaHutto 14 днів тому

    The technology behind Web3 Infinity is extraordinary. I'm curious to witness how it develops over the next weeks.

  • @WorldPeaceThruJokes
    @WorldPeaceThruJokes 10 днів тому +2

    Not quite right but close enough. XRP is the future of banking! Keep up or get left behind!

  • @EmineSafak-g7d
    @EmineSafak-g7d 14 днів тому

    Alemio, Pepe, Doge, and SUI-bought the dip and feeling good! AI and meme coins are the way to go in this bull run. Now, just waiting for the $$$ to pour in!

  • @michaelparks8390
    @michaelparks8390 9 днів тому


  • @monquiturdle
    @monquiturdle 9 днів тому

    Chainlink does this and has Swift partnership. Swift is being used by 11,500 banks globally.

  • @LaverneSegura
    @LaverneSegura 14 днів тому

    Alemio is more than a project; it's a financial revolution in the making!

  • @ealonso584
    @ealonso584 10 днів тому


  • @eyes2338
    @eyes2338 День тому

    Ghostbusters. If I lose my xrp can I call them?

  • @A.I.-
    @A.I.- 10 днів тому

    Its a legitimate question...
    Who do you call when an unregulated entity like bitcoin (that has no policing nor governmental body) gets illegal activities done onto you???
    There is no one to help you if something goes wrong.

  • @1derboy352
    @1derboy352 День тому

    Wishful thinking. Banks will not just hand over billions of dollars of business to XRP. They will create their own system among the banks. Banks make money from interest and fees! They want to keep the pie and eat it too !

  • @GulperiSercin
    @GulperiSercin 14 днів тому

    Alemio’s setup makes 100x feel like a done deal.

  • @davidpaola6207
    @davidpaola6207 11 днів тому

    Eth and btc are not decentralized. Xrp is a piece of code that happens to be useful to banks. China owns over half the supply of eth since inception and recently btc. They're waiting for our banks and governments to adopt and then they will dump

  • @devulapallyswarnalatha5206
    @devulapallyswarnalatha5206 14 днів тому

    I’ve just dropped $10,000 into Alemio, and I’m feeling like it’s a ticket to generational wealth! This AI-powered DeFi play is gonna be huge.

  • @AP-cm6sc
    @AP-cm6sc 14 днів тому

    How to send money with a high volatility currency.

  • @latisaholm5700
    @latisaholm5700 2 дні тому

    Gotta be honest. I was getting ready to scold you.

  • @stephanhorne7005
    @stephanhorne7005 14 днів тому +1

    XRP is going to flip Bitcoin we will be our own banks

  • @diazuly
    @diazuly 9 днів тому

    Banks are obsolete

  • @JM-ev3ij
    @JM-ev3ij 15 днів тому

    You mean, noone to control! Also.. now you can call microstrategy and the ones to follow

    • @Ochocrypto-x3n
      @Ochocrypto-x3n 15 днів тому

      Greetings to you
      Are you aware banks and exchanges are crashing due to the upcoming global currency reset?

  • @mopar1ful
    @mopar1ful 9 днів тому

    Sony is the price still low shouldn't be $$$$ per coin seeming it does so much

  • @michaelleehannah2846
    @michaelleehannah2846 14 днів тому

    They definitely all have front doors and back doors 😂 Centralized and decentralized

  • @law647
    @law647 10 днів тому

    What ever you do, don’t you sell your XRP. If you don’t have, buy some now. Your choice. Don’t be like “I told you so”.

    • @Pi2013spi
      @Pi2013spi 10 днів тому +1

      @@law647 I would wait for the pull back to under $2 first. It is highly likely to drop under $1.50. don't see it going under $1 though. So buying under $2 is going to be smart. Drop will start in December 2024. Very likely the third week of December but could be a bit earlier than that.

    • @AlanD-er2sr
      @AlanD-er2sr 10 днів тому

      @@Pi2013spi I think you must have been dreaming 😂😂. I will be at $3.50 by third week December. There is not chance dropping back below $2.

  • @milosonko2134
    @milosonko2134 8 днів тому

    Decentralization is just like pregnancy. Nothing in between. You either pregnant or not pregnant

  • @cienPercent.transparencia.
    @cienPercent.transparencia. 11 днів тому

    XRP is DECENTRALIZED…. Not both.. this guy doesn’t know all his information.

  • @wizemind7130
    @wizemind7130 10 днів тому

    Smart guy xrp is better than btc or eth

  • @defiantenergy
    @defiantenergy 12 днів тому

    ODL is a centralized owned and operated by Ripple. That is where the crossboarder transfers will be done and yes companies have somebody to call if something happens. XRP and the Ledger are decentralized. You can't call Ripple because some Hawktuah girl rugpulls you on a meme coin built on the blockchain. "Yes I know her was not on xrp ledger"

  • @6four184
    @6four184 11 днів тому

    TOtal lies = XRP is totally decentralized far more then bitrash/ethgarbage lol

  • @oziel8679
    @oziel8679 10 днів тому

    You can send $$ bank 2 bank

  • @theticov
    @theticov 9 днів тому


  • @thevibe1220
    @thevibe1220 День тому

    Xrp can be hacked

  • @Mhcmhc1987
    @Mhcmhc1987 14 днів тому

    Cant afford this

  • @KezbanKemal
    @KezbanKemal 14 днів тому

    In this bull run, I'm all in on meme and DeFi projects! My top picks are ALM(Alemio), Injective, Doge, and Pepe.

  • @shivamm_gaming
    @shivamm_gaming 11 днів тому

    Invested $10k in Alemio, and I can see it turning into generational wealth. This bull market + AI narrative = massive potential. Let’s go!

  • @BARNEYChristy
    @BARNEYChristy 14 днів тому

    Forget BTC, ETH, and SOL! Those are yesterday's news. If you're looking for the next big thing, Alemio is where you want to be. With its cutting-edge technology, a 100x return is inevitable.

  • @TheLoneComic
    @TheLoneComic 14 днів тому

    There’s no long or short case for crypto. It’s not an asset.

    • @heathherndon3389
      @heathherndon3389 14 днів тому +1

      Crypto is the only rails left because banks don’t have enough liquidity to keep up with inflation

    • @TheLoneComic
      @TheLoneComic 14 днів тому

      @ not even resembling an economic argument, even if your factors were equatable. You’re probably talking about commercial banks and not the ones that matter, the global central banks.
      It’s rather moot anyway now that the central banks AND the BIS (Bank Of International Settlements: the central bank of central banks) now have their own, standardized, legal, regulated digital currency.
      This means non central bank crypto is a financial orphan, and fiat currency is now digital. Gary Gensler, now resigning as the head of the SEC, was the closest thing crypto had to becoming regulated and thus a true asset class.
      All that crypto had all along is now all it will ever be: hype and fraud. Short Microstrategy long term.

    • @ryanscott9093
      @ryanscott9093 14 днів тому

      Stop using words you don't understand kiddo. Go back to the playground now.

    • @TheLoneComic
      @TheLoneComic 14 днів тому

      @ I’m sorry buddy but you are as wrong now as you were then.
      And actually, this is a a simple paraphrase (you understand this?) of Steve Eisman, one of the most respected Wall Street investors alive today. I’m certain the probability of what he says is pretty high.
      He goes on to state, “Crypto is a religion. There is no data point you can point to- there’s no data that tells you it’s worth.”
      Have a safe Holiday.

    • @ryanscott9093
      @ryanscott9093 14 днів тому

      @@TheLoneComic I'm up 2.1 million on the year. You're broke and not a part of the 4th industrial revolution. That has to sting.

  • @LarayHardy
    @LarayHardy 12 днів тому

    Someone controls XRP they will keep printing coins diluting its value! Market cap at all time high but the price isn’t! Should be at $5 already

  • @WARDTalbott
    @WARDTalbott 14 днів тому

    Sure, I’ve got my BTC, ETH, and SOL stack, but I know they’re not gonna 10x anytime soon. Projects like Alemio, with strong tech and a presale entry, are where the big gains happen. Betting big on it this cycle!

  • @OLLIEOxendine
    @OLLIEOxendine 14 днів тому +1

    Alemio’s whitepaper got me hyped-put a few grand in to start. If the presale keeps picking up steam, I’m ready to throw in more. This one’s looking solid!

  • @ozoneswiftak
    @ozoneswiftak 9 днів тому

    Guy who started xrp is in jail. Never use xrp

    • @MotoJB
      @MotoJB 9 днів тому

      LOL, wut?

  • @JeriStoltzfus
    @JeriStoltzfus 14 днів тому +1

    As the bull run continues its course, keep an eye on Alemio; it could very well be the next big thing in the crypto space.

  • @CHASENavarrete
    @CHASENavarrete 14 днів тому

    Alemio is a game-changer. I'm predicting it will hit $10 shortly after launching!

  • @KayFindley
    @KayFindley 14 днів тому

    Alemio is paving its way through the presale phase, and I have a strong belief it's gearing up to be the next 500x gem.

  • @MOSHEEnos
    @MOSHEEnos 14 днів тому

    The Web3 Infinity presale is a hot issue. Avoid falling behind!

  • @SiusanGonzale
    @SiusanGonzale 13 днів тому

    跟着朋友一块交易USDT因为点事闹掰了 她给了我个OKX钱包的码 {pride}-{pole}-{obtain}-{together}-{second}-{when}-{future}-{mask}-{review}-{nature}-{potato}-{bulb} 说让我把剩下的USDT提出来 这是什么啊 怎么搞啊 求各位告知下

  • @DahliaMontano-g5p
    @DahliaMontano-g5p 14 днів тому

    Alemio is the one, mark my words. All early investors will earn generational wealth.

  • @ARONBurkhardt
    @ARONBurkhardt 14 днів тому

    With a strong whitepaper, huge hype, and a buzzing community, Alemio’s got all the signs of being the next big player. What do you all think?

  • @JAIMEReese-j5m
    @JAIMEReese-j5m 14 днів тому

    Alright, just came across Alemio-it's still in presale, and it’s already blowing up! 🚀 With AI being a big narrative right now in crypto, I’m feeling like this could be one of those 20x projects in this bull market. Keeping an eye on this one!

  • @LANDONNeedham
    @LANDONNeedham 14 днів тому

    25k I've just invested in Alemio is going to make me a millionaire. Let's go!!

  • @EARLETiller
    @EARLETiller 14 днів тому

    I know it’s a bold call since it’s still in presale, but I truly see Alemio hitting the top 20 within the next 5 years. Mark my words-the tech is just insane!

  • @SemihVeli-k3h
    @SemihVeli-k3h 14 днів тому

    Alemio, Pepe, Doge, and SUI-bought the dip and feeling good! AI and meme coins are the way to go in this bull run. Now, just waiting for the $$$ to pour in!

  • @SILASRuth-m5c
    @SILASRuth-m5c 14 днів тому

    Alemio’s setup makes 100x feel like a done deal.

  • @MAJORCook-m3t
    @MAJORCook-m3t 14 днів тому

    Alemio is the one, mark my words. All early investors will earn generational wealth.

  • @IlanaCalabrese-g4o
    @IlanaCalabrese-g4o 14 днів тому

    Alemio is a game-changer. I'm predicting it will hit $10 shortly after launching!

  • @LovettaJohansen
    @LovettaJohansen 14 днів тому

    Buying Alemio during the presale might just be my best move yet! 🔥 I’ve got a feeling this one’s hitting $5 soon after launch.

  • @HERSCHELNorwood
    @HERSCHELNorwood 14 днів тому

    The Web3 Infinity presale is a hot issue. Avoid falling behind!

  • @BritneyFugate
    @BritneyFugate 14 днів тому

    With a strong whitepaper, huge hype, and a buzzing community, Alemio’s got all the signs of being the next big player. What do you all think?

  • @TheaHales
    @TheaHales 14 днів тому

    Alemio is more than a project; it's a financial revolution in the making!

  • @DoretheaBallesteros
    @DoretheaBallesteros 14 днів тому

    Web3 Infinity is defined by its distinctive properties. It merits contemplation!

  • @DonnettaChadwick
    @DonnettaChadwick 14 днів тому

    My top pick for bull run KAS, SOL, Alemio (ALM).

  • @KimbraDupont
    @KimbraDupont 14 днів тому

    Alemio is paving its way through the presale phase, and I have a strong belief it's gearing up to be the next 500x gem.

  • @BeaulahHouck
    @BeaulahHouck 14 днів тому

    In this bull run, I'm all in on meme and DeFi projects! My top picks are ALM(Alemio), Injective, Doge, and Pepe.

  • @AdrianeBurk
    @AdrianeBurk 14 днів тому

    I know it’s a bold call since it’s still in presale, but I truly see Alemio hitting the top 20 within the next 5 years. Mark my words-the tech is just insane!

  • @MARKBreen-f4d
    @MARKBreen-f4d 14 днів тому

    Alemio’s whitepaper got me hyped-put a few grand in to start. If the presale keeps picking up steam, I’m ready to throw in more. This one’s looking solid!

  • @ABRAMFain
    @ABRAMFain 14 днів тому

    25k I've just invested in Alemio is going to make me a millionaire. Let's go!!

  • @InocenciaLusk
    @InocenciaLusk 14 днів тому

    The technology behind Web3 Infinity is extraordinary. I'm curious to witness how it develops over the next weeks.

  • @CALVINCotter-e9b
    @CALVINCotter-e9b 14 днів тому

    Forget BTC, ETH, and SOL! Those are yesterday's news. If you're looking for the next big thing, Alemio is where you want to be. With its cutting-edge technology, a 100x return is inevitable.

  • @ShawnKeys-s7q
    @ShawnKeys-s7q 14 днів тому

    I’ve just dropped $10,000 into Alemio, and I’m feeling like it’s a ticket to generational wealth! This AI-powered DeFi play is gonna be huge.

  • @PaulettaBocanegra
    @PaulettaBocanegra 14 днів тому

    Sure, I’ve got my BTC, ETH, and SOL stack, but I know they’re not gonna 10x anytime soon. Projects like Alemio, with strong tech and a presale entry, are where the big gains happen. Betting big on it this cycle!

  • @CHRISGladden-t6z
    @CHRISGladden-t6z 14 днів тому

    As the bull run continues its course, keep an eye on Alemio; it could very well be the next big thing in the crypto space.

  • @JEREMIAHWillis-n1c
    @JEREMIAHWillis-n1c 14 днів тому

    Alright, just came across Alemio-it's still in presale, and it’s already blowing up! 🚀 With AI being a big narrative right now in crypto, I’m feeling like this could be one of those 20x projects in this bull market. Keeping an eye on this one!

  • @CHONGFoust
    @CHONGFoust 14 днів тому

    Web3 Infinity is defined by its distinctive properties. It merits contemplation!

  • @MarionChism
    @MarionChism 14 днів тому

    In this bull run, I'm all in on meme and DeFi projects! My top picks are ALM(Alemio), Injective, Doge, and Pepe.

  • @WILTONBarreto-m6x
    @WILTONBarreto-m6x 14 днів тому

    Alemio, Pepe, Doge, and SUI-bought the dip and feeling good! AI and meme coins are the way to go in this bull run. Now, just waiting for the $$$ to pour in!

  • @BasakNazli
    @BasakNazli 14 днів тому

    Alemio’s setup makes 100x feel like a done deal.

  • @ShavonRahman
    @ShavonRahman 14 днів тому

    My top pick for bull run KAS, SOL, Alemio (ALM).

  • @TressieJordan
    @TressieJordan 14 днів тому

    Alemio is paving its way through the presale phase, and I have a strong belief it's gearing up to be the next 500x gem.

  • @EMANUELHoang
    @EMANUELHoang 14 днів тому

    I know it’s a bold call since it’s still in presale, but I truly see Alemio hitting the top 20 within the next 5 years. Mark my words-the tech is just insane!

  • @BrandonSchindler-q5r
    @BrandonSchindler-q5r 14 днів тому

    Alemio is more than a project; it's a financial revolution in the making!

  • @Semrailknur-tb4hn
    @Semrailknur-tb4hn 14 днів тому

    Alemio is the one, mark my words. All early investors will earn generational wealth.

  • @HARLEYOsburn
    @HARLEYOsburn 14 днів тому

    Buying Alemio during the presale might just be my best move yet! 🔥 I’ve got a feeling this one’s hitting $5 soon after launch.

  • @FilizFeyza
    @FilizFeyza 14 днів тому

    Forget BTC, ETH, and SOL! Those are yesterday's news. If you're looking for the next big thing, Alemio is where you want to be. With its cutting-edge technology, a 100x return is inevitable.

  • @MICHAELBreaux-w4l
    @MICHAELBreaux-w4l 14 днів тому

    With a strong whitepaper, huge hype, and a buzzing community, Alemio’s got all the signs of being the next big player. What do you all think?

  • @RosellaHammonds
    @RosellaHammonds 14 днів тому

    The technology behind Web3 Infinity is extraordinary. I'm curious to witness how it develops over the next weeks.

  • @TinaPantoja-h7v
    @TinaPantoja-h7v 14 днів тому

    Alemio’s whitepaper got me hyped-put a few grand in to start. If the presale keeps picking up steam, I’m ready to throw in more. This one’s looking solid!