Tibqawx ittuh air time il jamie, ghar minn tifel ta hames snin dan hu wihed minn dawk li kif ra il fama tieghu qed tghola kibritlu rasu, ibqaw sejrin hekk bil podcast ha nihdu pjacir ahna li naprezzawkom.
So concerning how Judas died, here is a simple reconciliation of the facts: Judas hanged himself in the potter’s field (Matthew 27:5), and that is how he died. Then, after his body had begun to decay and bloat, the rope broke, or the branch of the tree he was using broke, and his body fell, bursting open on the land of the potter’s field (Acts 1:18-19). Note that Luke does not say that Judas died from the fall, only that his body fell. The Acts passage presumes Judas’s hanging, as a man falling down in a field does not normally result in his body bursting open. Only decomposition and a fall from a height could cause a body to burst open. So Matthew mentions the actual cause of death, and Luke focuses more on the horror surrounding it. Concerning who paid for the field, here are two possible ways to reconcile the facts: 1) Judas was promised the thirty pieces of silver several days before Jesus’ arrest (Mark 14:11). Sometime during the days leading up to his betrayal of Jesus, Judas made arrangements to purchase a field, although no money had yet been transferred. After the deed was done, Judas was paid, but he then returned the money to the chief priests. The priests, who considered the silver to be blood money, completed the transaction that Judas had begun and bought the field. 2) When Judas threw the thirty pieces of silver down, the priests took the money and used it to buy the potter’s field (Matthew 27:7). Judas may not have purchased the field personally, but he provided the money for the transaction and could then be said to be the purchaser. - (dan kollu min il- website ta' gotquestions.org)
Ricky bellahtni u dahhaqtni fl istess hin proset hafna kemm int legend ostja ❤
Ricky needs to be a recurring guest or mixed in with other guests. This was the best episode yet.
proset episode tad-dahq iktar mil-iehor, keep it up Patrick u Max ,VIVA BUB🤣🤣🤣😂😂
Dan il liba podkast bhal inbid dejjem jitjieb qijad ❤
aaahhh xkumment dan!
xfarsa ta podcast ahahahaahah. gennint lalla Ricky ahahaha. Top!!
Proset tal- podcast❤, imma x’antipatija ta sketches 😭
sketches jibqaw!!
Ja hamalli 😝
Prosit guys kollhu rajtu 😅😅😅😅
Ricky jaf il-paragrafi tal-istqarrijiet religjuzi iktar minn qassis
Tibqawx ittuh air time il jamie, ghar minn tifel ta hames snin dan hu wihed minn dawk li kif ra il fama tieghu qed tghola kibritlu rasu, ibqaw sejrin hekk bil podcast ha nihdu pjacir ahna li naprezzawkom.
thank you guys for the shout, hope you enjoyed the mead
Sayan jiekol il hobz , mhux ha jmut bil guh!!
qaddisa maduma l-kazin ir-rahal hemm giddibin imma Rikky top kemm jghid zinnijiet 😂😂😂
Best episode so far
Laqwa episode da 😂 ta vera
L anglu top!
Li titkellmu baxx u doppju sens , ifhem, passabbli, imma li tidghu b-Alla mhux accettabbli.
Prosit tal-programm. Ricky bniedem bil-bajd... U bejken...
Correction zghira ghal min irid jaqra aktar: Diogenes kien il filosfu li kien igerrieh quddiem in nies u jbul fuqhom mhux Epicurus.
L-iskola ta' Fillsofija tiegħu kienet Cynicism mingħalija...
@@matthewgrech7131Le ta’ nahseb Sacred heart kienet
bejn 1000 u 1500.... u halinaaaa. Podcast tajjeb ima fih x tarbel e
Jien għandi 70 sena u vera tajbin intom u toġbuni well done 😅😅
Ricky I have 1 word for you. AGREED!
Ricky top
Proset ta vera 😅😅😅😅
Kings ostja 😂❤😂
hemm hu ta barox ... keep it up
Ostia Madonna kif fqajtu alla li ħalaqhkom 😝😝😝😝
Malla kien dal-episode
ara il legend!
prosit Ricky , imma mhux bil liba jp faqa dduluri ehhhh
Imma kif int tried tkun.... imbierhekk .....qeda nikol U xeraqtni ....
Dan Ricky .. meta jirraguna, jirraguna ta ..
50 elf!!! Tajba JD😂
L-isponsors judhom live bil-finger food u open bar. Mlejniek euros iftah idejk broooo
jigdeb iktar mil joy dan 🤣
Imma kemm tifilhu tkunu hammalli ... 😂 😂 😂 😂
Wihed Mill laqwa program sissa
ricky bellahtom loooool
So concerning how Judas died, here is a simple reconciliation of the facts: Judas hanged himself in the potter’s field (Matthew 27:5), and that is how he died. Then, after his body had begun to decay and bloat, the rope broke, or the branch of the tree he was using broke, and his body fell, bursting open on the land of the potter’s field (Acts 1:18-19). Note that Luke does not say that Judas died from the fall, only that his body fell. The Acts passage presumes Judas’s hanging, as a man falling down in a field does not normally result in his body bursting open. Only decomposition and a fall from a height could cause a body to burst open. So Matthew mentions the actual cause of death, and Luke focuses more on the horror surrounding it.
Concerning who paid for the field, here are two possible ways to reconcile the facts: 1) Judas was promised the thirty pieces of silver several days before Jesus’ arrest (Mark 14:11). Sometime during the days leading up to his betrayal of Jesus, Judas made arrangements to purchase a field, although no money had yet been transferred. After the deed was done, Judas was paid, but he then returned the money to the chief priests. The priests, who considered the silver to be blood money, completed the transaction that Judas had begun and bought the field. 2) When Judas threw the thirty pieces of silver down, the priests took the money and used it to buy the potter’s field (Matthew 27:7). Judas may not have purchased the field personally, but he provided the money for the transaction and could then be said to be the purchaser. - (dan kollu min il- website ta' gotquestions.org)
Le hemm nies ohra li kitbu fuq guda u jerga differenti mi rakkont bibliku
@@RickyCaruanaokay, interessanti... Tista' tipprovdili min fejn ġibt l-informazzjoni jekk jogħġbok?
tinsewx li GESU kien li vinta QPEN BAR
Prosit @ricky. Jien ikkumentajtlek f'ta John Dalli. Hawnhekk hrigt hafna riflessi genwini.
Wisq tifqaeni kemm inkun qed nistennikom
ha mut 😂
bhalek ezatt nahsiba ricky fuq il Palestina mija fil mija ili neqred ghal xejn
Prosit habib bhall dejjem
Dan il-Podcast kienet tassew mimli daqs bajda, ma stajtx nieqaf nidħak, u Ricky Caruana leġġenda naturali. Proset Hafna!
1500 dan faqaw lil Joy ostja XD XD
Manche insuh li jigi jiddiskuti. jekk m hemmx business u qliegh ta flus m ghandux hin
Kemm inhob nismakom tidaw
Ricky ragel bravu u namirah wisq
Ricky proset ghal darba ohra hahaha
Hi kemm Hu hamallu dan ta llum…
Ovja ir-ricky ta qed tghid...hamallu m'ghawnx 😅
Ha toqtolni imbierhekk....