Big & Small : Lightning Mcqueen vs Shark Car on a motorcycle with Saw Wheels - which is best?

  • Опубліковано 29 кві 2024
  • Big & Small : Lightning Mcqueen vs Shark Car on a motorcycle with Saw Wheels - which is best?
    Big & Small Cars Climb to Highest Level in Teardown. Wow, look what it is? Yes, it's a highest climb on stairs. In this video Big & Small cars will climb high colorful levels, let's see if cars can climb to the very top stairs in game Teardown. Here are collected small cars, monster car, crane, big lightning McQueen. Let's see who is better than Big & Small Cars or Highest Climb on Stairs.
    ❤️ If you like Fastest Cars, then SUBSCRIBE to my channel and LIKE this video
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  • @chikieu97
    @chikieu97 Місяць тому +3

    Trust in the process of life; everything happens for a reason.

  • @lamquoc79
    @lamquoc79 Місяць тому +1

    Celebrate your uniqueness; there is no one else like you in the world.

  • @ducbadau
    @ducbadau Місяць тому +1

    Embrace uncertainty as a natural part of lifes journey.

  • @minhlapchung
    @minhlapchung Місяць тому +1

    Every journey begins with a single step; keep moving forward.

  • @TranHoangKhaiDinh
    @TranHoangKhaiDinh Місяць тому +1

    Trust in your ability to navigate lifes challenges with grace and resilience.

  • @SuperCar3D184
    @SuperCar3D184 Місяць тому

    The way they transformed these cars is so clever and fun.

  • @kieukienly
    @kieukienly Місяць тому

    Celebrate the beauty of imperfection; its what makes us human.

  • @oanHoangThai
    @oanHoangThai Місяць тому

    Embrace the unknown; it holds the potential for growth and discovery.

  • @HoangEm-fl1mc
    @HoangEm-fl1mc Місяць тому

    Embrace the process of becoming; growth happens in the journey.

  • @trangcongluong
    @trangcongluong Місяць тому

    Celebrate the uniqueness of your journey; there is no one else like you.

  • @dangman70
    @dangman70 Місяць тому

    Embrace the journey of self-discovery; its where true growth happens.

  • @chamantrinh
    @chamantrinh Місяць тому

    Choose kindness as your default mode of interaction with the world.

  • @dautrang81
    @dautrang81 Місяць тому

    Trust in your resilience; youve overcome challenges before and will again.

  • @tuandam18
    @tuandam18 Місяць тому

    Celebrate the diversity of perspectives and experiences in the world.

  • @PhanHuynhTanHuynh-mv6cq
    @PhanHuynhTanHuynh-mv6cq Місяць тому

    Choose courage over comfort; thats where real growth happens.

  • @anhthe32
    @anhthe32 Місяць тому

    Embrace uncertainty as a natural part of lifes ebb and flow.

  • @ngatruong23
    @ngatruong23 Місяць тому

    Embrace change as a natural and necessary part of life.

  • @BuiMinhKhoiHuy-vd6ck
    @BuiMinhKhoiHuy-vd6ck Місяць тому

    Celebrate the beauty of diversity in all its forms.

  • @tangthuc74
    @tangthuc74 Місяць тому

    Celebrate the beauty of diversity; it enriches our world.

  • @ManQuang-vf1tmanquang
    @ManQuang-vf1tmanquang Місяць тому

    Choose courage over comfort; its the path to personal growth.

  • @quehoang32
    @quehoang32 Місяць тому

    Trust in the process of life; everything happens in its own time.

  • @NgoThuy-qu8rngothuy
    @NgoThuy-qu8rngothuy Місяць тому

    Embrace vulnerability as a sign of courage and authenticity.

  • @thukhanhton
    @thukhanhton Місяць тому

    Embrace change as a natural and inevitable part of life.

  • @quehoang43
    @quehoang43 Місяць тому

    Celebrate the diversity of the human experience; it enriches us all.

  • @ngodoan82
    @ngodoan82 Місяць тому

    Celebrate your growth and progress; youve come so far already.

  • @tonnhan51
    @tonnhan51 Місяць тому

    Choose compassion over judgment; everyone is fighting their own battles.

  • @NguyenNgocTho-sl5uj
    @NguyenNgocTho-sl5uj Місяць тому

    Embrace vulnerability as a gateway to deeper connections with others.

  • @quachphucxuan
    @quachphucxuan Місяць тому

    Trust in your intuition; its your inner compass guiding you.

  • @quocphucto
    @quocphucto Місяць тому

    Trust in your ability to adapt and thrive in any circumstance.

  • @giabaonhu
    @giabaonhu Місяць тому

    Celebrate the moments of joy and beauty that are scattered throughout life.

  • @angVanong-sb5du
    @angVanong-sb5du Місяць тому

    Trust in your ability to navigate the challenges that come your way.

  • @khuehai97
    @khuehai97 Місяць тому

    Trust in the process of life; everything unfolds as it should.

  • @hahan20
    @hahan20 Місяць тому

    Trust in the process of life; every experience has something to teach us.

  • @tangthanhnhu
    @tangthanhnhu Місяць тому

    Embrace uncertainty as a chance to cultivate resilience and adaptability.

  • @ducha52
    @ducha52 Місяць тому

    Trust in the power of resilience; you are stronger than you realize.

  • @truongtrao60
    @truongtrao60 Місяць тому

    Choose to see failure as a stepping stone on the path to success.

  • @datgiango65
    @datgiango65 Місяць тому

    Embrace change as a chance to learn, grow, and evolve.

  • @trongkieu38
    @trongkieu38 Місяць тому

    Choose to see setbacks as opportunities for growth and learning.

  • @camdong79
    @camdong79 Місяць тому

    Trust in the timing of your life; everything unfolds as it should.

  • @nhuchung37
    @nhuchung37 Місяць тому

    Trust in your intuition; its often wiser than you realize.

  • @anhtang75
    @anhtang75 Місяць тому

    Embrace vulnerability as a sign of strength, not weakness.

  • @vuquang37
    @vuquang37 Місяць тому

    Celebrate your journey, with all its ups and downs; its uniquely yours.

  • @votram10
    @votram10 Місяць тому +1

    Celebrate your journey, with all its twists and turns, highs and lows.

  • @doanquoc90
    @doanquoc90 Місяць тому

    Choose kindness in all your interactions; it costs nothing but means everything.

  • @trantruongpham
    @trantruongpham Місяць тому

    Celebrate your progress, no matter how small; every step forward counts.

  • @hatuandau
    @hatuandau Місяць тому

    Celebrate your journey, with all its twists and turns, ups and downs.

  • @quoctruongho11
    @quoctruongho11 Місяць тому

    Celebrate your journey; it has shaped you into the person you are today.

  • @lamvi88
    @lamvi88 Місяць тому

    Embrace challenges as opportunities for growth and self-discovery.

  • @trongnghi06
    @trongnghi06 Місяць тому

    Choose gratitude for the abundance in your life, both big and small.

  • @tacan71
    @tacan71 Місяць тому

    Choose gratitude for the blessings in your life, both big and small.

  • @doanhong80
    @doanhong80 Місяць тому

    Choose to see setbacks as opportunities for redirection and growth.

  • @NguyenKieuBich
    @NguyenKieuBich Місяць тому +1

    Embrace authenticity; let your true self shine brightly in the world.

  • @HuynhMinhHien-rs7kt
    @HuynhMinhHien-rs7kt Місяць тому

    Embrace the unknown; it holds the potential for growth and discovery.

  • @tontrungchien
    @tontrungchien Місяць тому

    Choose kindness as your default mode of interaction with the world.

  • @huonghai99
    @huonghai99 Місяць тому

    Trust in your resilience; youve overcome challenges before and will again.

  • @onphuong94
    @onphuong94 Місяць тому

    Trust in your resilience; youve overcome challenges before, and you will again.

  • @mannuihuynh
    @mannuihuynh Місяць тому

    Trust in your intuition; its your inner compass guiding you.

  • @trinhthai69
    @trinhthai69 Місяць тому

    Choose to see setbacks as opportunities for growth and learning.

  • @tonquoc14
    @tonquoc14 Місяць тому

    Embrace vulnerability as a sign of strength, not weakness.

  • @nganthiencao
    @nganthiencao Місяць тому

    Celebrate your progress, no matter how small; every step counts.

  • @thutruyen
    @thutruyen Місяць тому

    Choose gratitude for the abundance in your life, both big and small.

  • @huynhquocpham76
    @huynhquocpham76 Місяць тому

    Trust in your resilience; youve overcome challenges before and will again.

  • @caothuthuy54
    @caothuthuy54 Місяць тому

    Embrace the journey of self-discovery; its a lifelong adventure.

  • @vodungtu
    @vodungtu Місяць тому

    Trust in your intuition; its your inner compass guiding you.

  • @daitruongtang
    @daitruongtang Місяць тому

    Choose to see setbacks as opportunities for growth and learning.

  • @DuongLam-sq7xduonglam
    @DuongLam-sq7xduonglam Місяць тому

    Choose gratitude for the abundance in your life, both big and small.

  • @bichdongngo
    @bichdongngo Місяць тому

    Celebrate your progress, no matter how small; every step forward counts.