• @amannndaa
    @amannndaa 4 роки тому +74

    I’ve been getting migraine with aura since I was 12. I’m 30 now. They are truly awful and I wouldn’t wish them on my worst enemy. I would do anything to be able to live a life without migraines 😞

    • @hannahparrish4125
      @hannahparrish4125 4 роки тому +5

      I'm so sorry you deal with them, too. I hope that someday we both "grow out of" them... I've heard it can happen!

    • @betochipistube6543
      @betochipistube6543 3 роки тому +2

      I am suffering with this as well and I have been dealing with it since I was 19 I am know 27 it suck's.😭

    • @trixietannagan
      @trixietannagan 3 роки тому

      Im 12 yo rn and Its just starting Im actually crying rn🙂😪

    • @brandonperry6698
      @brandonperry6698 3 роки тому

      I understand how you feel. I've been getting migraines since I was 18 and now I'm 40. I used to get them 6 days a week, but my doctors got me down to 1 or 2 a week. Migraines are a life changing experience that I wouldn't want for anybody. 6 months ago I got a really horrible migraine that turned out to be a Thunderclap which is 20 times worse than any migraine I've ever had. I hope nobody gets these. Best luck and wishes to you and I hope you end those migraines.

    • @CMVTV
      @CMVTV 2 роки тому +1

      Same feeling 😔 I hope we can get out of it one day 🙏🏼

  • @Jaysmami3011
    @Jaysmami3011 Рік тому +3

    I always got migraines since i was 8 years old. I remember having to throw up to feel better.. im 31 now and have experienced the hemiplegic migraine ONCE and that was scary!! I legit thought i was having a stroke.. i couldn’t feel my face or entire left side and legs. Yawning, jaw pain, speech slurring/impairment, brain fog, nausea, head pain, are just a few things i suffer with. I know this might sound crazy but after a migraine episode i legit feel euphoric after i wake up.. takes hell to fall asleep but that feeling is amaaaazinggg! Like a calm after a storm. What i have to do now is as soon as i start seeing blurry i have to take my medicine and a pepto for nauesa! That helps so much. Ive been told to take CVS tension headache pills since they arnt that harsh on stomach/liver!

  • @alimarzorati8714
    @alimarzorati8714 2 роки тому +11

    I have had migraine with aura since I was 10 and I am 52. After countless tests, going to different doctors to get second opinions, several different prescriptions for meds, I came across a book about migraines and read in this book about the power of magnesium. After years of research, I discovered that my migraines were hormonal and that during ovulation or right before, during or after that time of month, the heightened estrogen prevents the body from absorbing the proper amounts of magnesium. So, I started supplementing with mag daily and the only time I got migraines after that was when I forgot to take the magnesium. Life changer. And if I did forget and started getting a migraine, I immediately took 1000mg of mag and although that does not stop the migraine, the migraine "hangover" is pretty much stopped and I don't feel like crap for a day or two. Amazing after all these years and meds and doctors trying to give me the meds to take after the migraine has already started, mag is the cure for me. I just wanted to figure out WHY they were starting in the first place and stop them. Finally figured it out!

    • @MaryFredette
      @MaryFredette Рік тому +1

      I second this. My Dr actually prescribed me magnesium.

    • @Lesaly
      @Lesaly Рік тому

      What form of Magnesium do you take? I have tried Mag Malate, Mag Glycinate, Elemental Magnesium thus far but haven’t noticed any real improvement with chronic migraine & these types of Magnesium (although I was only taking 400 mg./day of any of those forms daily). Thanks!

    • @vizerialovegood
      @vizerialovegood Рік тому +1

      I'll try it

    • @Lesaly
      @Lesaly Рік тому +1

      What form of Magnesium do you take at 1,000 mg?
      I read the book ‘The Magnesium Miracle’ (for migraines?) and it was a valuable resource for me several years ago!

    • @alimarzorati8714
      @alimarzorati8714 Рік тому

      @@Lesaly I take Mag citrate!

  • @Mountaingypsytrading
    @Mountaingypsytrading 2 роки тому +7

    I’ve been getting migraine with aura since I was 7. I’m 52 in May 2022. I still get them. Sometimes they effect my sinuses, or my stomach, and sometimes no precursor whatsoever. They can be scary af. Sending you a big hug 🤗😊💛
    We’ll get through this!

    • @zenobiuskondo4200
      @zenobiuskondo4200 2 роки тому

      Rolling exercise with your eye balls, for me it works.
      I have it since 8, I am now 53. And I can handle it so well.... Try it sist.....

  • @eoinbarry5162
    @eoinbarry5162 3 роки тому +4

    This video has me me feel so much better about my migraines with aura. I got my first when I was 10 and I'm now 17. They get worse with stress and when I have exams. This has led me to struggle with study and school work in general. I just wish my family and friends understand what I go through

  • @alexandraclaudia799
    @alexandraclaudia799 4 роки тому +13

    I had 3. I had panic attacks because of this. I was so scared, terified. I went to the hospital, they couldn't say what I had. I did an MRI, eye scans, it's all fine. Now knowing what it is I feel like I can live my life again. I lived for almost half a year so scared that I might have one again but now I know what it is, I'm not going blind.. Thank you! ♥️

    • @hannahparrish4125
      @hannahparrish4125 4 роки тому +3

      It's so scary when you don't understand what your body is going through... especially for something as intense as this. I'm glad you're feeling better about it now though:) Once you know what's going on, it becomes about managing the symptoms instead of being scared that you're dying!! I know the feeling.

    • @zenobiuskondo4200
      @zenobiuskondo4200 2 роки тому

      Rolling eye balls exercise sist. Try it, I made comment to explaint it

  • @zenobiuskondo4200
    @zenobiuskondo4200 2 роки тому +2

    I have migraine with aurora since I was in junior school, thatbwas 40 years ago. That almost ruin my life, sometimes aurora last all day long., till Couple of days
    In my twenties I acidently find the way to handle it. Especially aurora.
    What i do is eye exercise, by making rolling movement with my eye balls...
    For me it works.....!!!!
    If often imagine my self pushing that aurora outward.,...
    And i am now 50s, only have that symtom 2-3 times a year, and in minutes I can turn off the light of aurora...!!
    Hope it would be helpfull guys....

  • @aj3738
    @aj3738 3 роки тому

    Thank you so much for sharing! You may have no idea how much helpful this video is.

  • @brittanycowan455
    @brittanycowan455 3 роки тому +4

    Migraines are mostly an invisible disease and for those who don’t get them it’s hard to understand how debilitating they can be-so, I really appreciate you sharing. Your story is so similar to mine, it’s comforting in a way! First one I can ever remember was in the 5th grade losing my vision and I have gotten them sporadically ever since. I too had a doctor prescribe me an estrogen birth control, and then in my 20s started getting the numbness. It makes a huge difference when you find the right help. Rizatriptan and sumatriptan that I discovered at 24 changed my life. So grateful for it, it helps to know that should I get one at least I can deal with it. It’s hard knowing that I could get one at anytime especially when there are others relying on you or you are doing something special but having support makes all the difference. It is so helpful to spread awareness and education. Wishing you luck and further success on your health journey!

  • @mylife-brendaleefabela-kno6901
    @mylife-brendaleefabela-kno6901 3 роки тому +2

    Thank you so much. Sounds a lot like my experience. I didn't know what was going on. Thought I might have something worse. This helped so much to understand what's going on. God bless you and stay healthy!

  • @SilentServiceCode
    @SilentServiceCode 4 роки тому +3

    Thank you for this video. I'm a 35 year old man and have had migraine with aura attacks for 12 years. I usually treated with ketorolac and metclopramide in the early days, and Cambia for the last couple years.

  • @madisondegraffenreid
    @madisondegraffenreid 2 роки тому +3

    This video hit home from the eyes to the body falling asleep, because I have visual aura migraines I’ve had them practically all of my life and mine came as long as it wants to and as short as it wants to even having them as a little girl that I can remember. I am now 24 and they are horrible they got so bad after first moving to where I am now. Along with me having a stigmatism in my eyes I also have pcos I also have type two diabetes which definitely triggers it I also have attention deficit disorder. One day I had migraine with aura and it escalated into my whole body going numb and I took my blood sugar with my meter and my blood sugar was practically bottomed out at like 71 or something like that and I get really scared and I immediately got a bag of chips for my next stop and try to raise my blood sugar. When I had checked my blood sugar I happen to be at a truckstop with my mom and when I went in to pay for the gas I look like a drunk person about to pass out going into the gas station I was so scary someone might call The law or something because I straight up looked like a drunk person The headache with it the migraine aspect of it lasted like a couple of days luckily my mom was driving and not me. Aura migraines are what’s making me terrified to get my drivers license I wish someone like my mom and dad could do a simulator of what I go through a different points during the year so they could understand better. My mom says she gets them sometimes but I know it’s not as bad as what I go through. I have even woken up in the middle of the night with them and threw up sick from them.

  • @jeanasena788
    @jeanasena788 3 роки тому +2

    Thank you for sharing. I have struggled with migraine with aura for 14 years now and if there is anything I could change it would be to never have one again. I am 41 now and they have gotten increasingly worse. They are debilitating. Your story sounds exactly like mine. If I don’t have a migraine I have anxiety about when the next one will hit. Hang in there girlfriend. 💜

  • @katb6112
    @katb6112 3 роки тому +9

    I have had constant migraines since I was 11 from an accident where I developed a brain injury (I’m almost 25 now) and I completely agree that more research needs to be put into migraines. I couldn’t function properly throughout school and graduating was difficult since I missed so many days due to doctor appointments and “sick” days. Thank you for sharing your story, I’m hoping more people make content on this because it really does make people like us feel less alone 💕 p.s: light therapy or colored lenses have helped me tremendously 💙💜💖

    • @kathleengivant-taylor2277
      @kathleengivant-taylor2277 2 роки тому

      I had migraines before my brain injury caused by being hit by car as I crossed street but they became much more frequent and severe and had spinal headaches as well both of with I would not wish on an enemy

  • @kelsiknowles5279
    @kelsiknowles5279 4 роки тому +2

    Thank you so much for making this video! There defiantly needs to be more awareness spread about migraines with aura. I am 20 and have also experienced this since I was 10, and went years having no clue why I suddenly wouldn't be able to see. I first get the visual aura where half of my visual field disappears, than I always get numbness and tingling down my arm and face which is a sign that the aura phase is ending, however sometimes I also will get aphasia (the inability to speak/communicate the words i'm thinking). Once the aura phase has passed than I get the migraine headache part which is horrible. After the migraine has passed I usually cant do much for about a day since my head is so sensitive. The longest Migraine with aura I have ever had has also been a week, and this has happened a few times.

    • @hannahparrish4125
      @hannahparrish4125 4 роки тому +1

      Thanks for sharing that. I know, it is so unsettling to have all those symptoms and have NO CLUE what is going on!! I hope that yours don't last forever. Thanks for watching Kelsi:)

  • @jacintatate
    @jacintatate Рік тому +1

    Thanks for sharing your experience, ITs encouraging to hear stories from other with the same migraine as very few people experience the aura with migraine. Ive had aura migraines since I was 15 and they've got progressively worse. Im 24 now and just a couple days ago it was so bad that I couldn't see and I had to leave the shops, I headed straight home and put myself in the bathtub for 30 minutes. Then I was lying on the floor with a towel over my eyes for another 40minutes with immense pain from the migraine kicking in and ended up throwing up. My aura is slightly different, I get a fuzzy zigzag spot in my vision and it moves across the field of vision until it creates almost tunnel vision. I think certain lighting triggers it and if I eat too many carbs. Not sure how to stop them from coming on : (.

  • @betochipistube6543
    @betochipistube6543 3 роки тому +1

    Thank you Hannah. I am 27 and been suffering from this since I was 19. I am a male and the doctor just prescribed me sumatripten.

  • @si1az0
    @si1az0 Рік тому +2

    I've had migraines with aura a couple times a month for over 5 years now and It still freaks me out when I see the aura start forming. So sorry for anyone else who has to go through this. I hate throwing up so that's another part that I hate besides the pain and not being able to fall asleep because of the anxiety.

  • @athenahaka7328
    @athenahaka7328 3 роки тому +6

    I relate to this the feeling of my usual are someone breaking my skull and the tingling numbness and paralizational state is a super anxious state

  • @Ketu71491
    @Ketu71491 3 роки тому +9

    I get migraine with aura, although they're less common in men for whatever reason. I average a handful a year. First one was when I was 16 and I'm 29 now. My treatment is always the same: The second I notice the aura, I pop 2 excedrin with pepto bismol and slowly sip on coffee as I wait out the aura, usually 20 mins.(Caffeine constricts blood vessels, it's actually in excedrin too). This ritual I do probably knocks out 80% of the pain for me. I'll take pepto as needed if any residual nausea creeps in. For the most part they seem entirely random. I only know of one FOR SURE trigger I have. Over exposure to strong chemical smells like bleach, strong cologne, stuff like that. Hope your doing okay with yours!

  • @Nyx_wolfe
    @Nyx_wolfe 4 роки тому +3

    Omg girl I feel you!
    I just started getting migraines at 31 years old. I've had 2 in the last 2 weeks and it always starts with the zig zaggy lines in a crescent shape in my right eye 🤦🏼‍♀️
    I hope it starts to ease for you xxx

    • @hannahparrish4125
      @hannahparrish4125 4 роки тому +2

      Oh my goodness, I hope they get better for you as well. The aura is scary because once you see those zig zags you know what is coming😅

  • @mariammohammed1146
    @mariammohammed1146 3 роки тому +2

    I experienced disturbed vision followed by a severe headache today (it’s still actually happening as of now, and I’ll see a doctor soon). Right now I am doing research and I came across this video which is very helpful. I hope you stay healthy!
    My guesses for why I got this:
    -no breakfast before going to work
    -exercise right after waking up (stupid of me)
    -super bright environment
    -coffee consumption at night & long study hours

    • @hannahparrish4125
      @hannahparrish4125 3 роки тому +2

      Those definitely are some of my triggers, too!!! I hope you begin feeling better soon and that the doctor appointment helps!!

  • @michaelnaughton5413
    @michaelnaughton5413 3 роки тому +1

    Hi Hannah, great video and thanks for sharing your personal story. I have had them my whole life and will go long periods without and then, bam...! I think barometric pressure changes are a trigger with me and I also notice I get them on the weekend (I keep a journal). Lights and flashes can trigger them, so I avoid the red carpet :) I found magnesium to be helpful. Do you take vitamins?

  • @michelleslifeonrepeat
    @michelleslifeonrepeat 4 роки тому

    My triggers are barometric pressure drops, stress and fluorescent lighting. I also get Hemiplegic migraines. It is very scary. I’m thankful that I had a total hysterectomy two years ago helped level the hormones. Bless you.

    • @hannahparrish4125
      @hannahparrish4125 4 роки тому

      Thanks for sharing-- I'm glad to hear that things have improved for you with hormones! Those are all of my triggers also! Be well:)

  • @StiffAftermath
    @StiffAftermath 2 роки тому +2

    Had chronic migraines all my life. Fixed it with food. No migraine for over a year now since i started eating well. Go figure.

  • @workfromhome411_
    @workfromhome411_ Рік тому

    I am so sorry, my mom had a migraine with an Aura and I pray anyone reading this, never gets one again 🙏🙏🙏

  • @happygirl4life
    @happygirl4life Рік тому

    Great video, thanks! I often get these awful ocular migraines with the shiny zigzag half circular aura. They are usually triggered by bright lights. The aura lasts about 20 minutes or so. Lately I've been getting them in the shower or when I'm sleeping in a dream. When I wake up the aura is still there and eventually moves out into my peripheral vision. I don't always get a headache but nearly always get very nauseous afterwards.

  • @Glitteryglows
    @Glitteryglows 3 роки тому

    I have it since 6th grade probably. I always get them with aura as well and my symptoms do vary. Sometimes my face and arm go numb, or I can’t remember what I wanted to say anymore. Sometimes I vomit.. not to talk about the horrible pain that follows. It is NOT just a headache. I get it so often, that it is chronic. I use sumatriptan for it. But I try to stay positive no matter what 🙏🏽

  • @zs1vk
    @zs1vk Рік тому +1

    I have been getting them since about 9 yrs old. I am now 63…..I deal with them by taking 2 paracetamol tabs immediately after spotting the aura. It doesn’t stop the aura but I then don’t get the headache. If I don’t take the tabs I get horrendous headaches which can last a week. I have also had body numbness as well as mixing up words when speaking.

    • @kathym6603
      @kathym6603 Рік тому

      Good to know. Why wait when you can nip it in the bud.

  • @mikewoodley8767
    @mikewoodley8767 2 роки тому

    I started with a rectangle of scintillating swatches of neon colours. This moved towards a big C of flashing blurred neon rainbow colours. Now I see electric blue dots in the far distance which enlarge when it starts to come on and it goes zig zag wavy patterns. I used to get pain migraines that required blackened rooms and were debilitating. The aura migraines are painless but fill my entire field of view.

  • @lanapoulliot7682
    @lanapoulliot7682 3 роки тому +1

    I am on a 3 day headache now, I had a visual disturbance yesterday lasting 20 minutes. My neck hurts as well. No throwing up but massive light sensitivity. Mine always happen during my cycle too. I'm 54 so hopefully I'm nearly finished with having periods at least! Tylenol just barely takes the edge off, but all I want to do is lay down in a quiet dark room and try to sleep

  • @johnkennethgallardo2303
    @johnkennethgallardo2303 3 роки тому +18

    Whenever I get migraine with aura, I just take a sit and embrace the pain like a warrior

    • @rrrrttt366
      @rrrrttt366 3 роки тому


    • @rrrrttt366
      @rrrrttt366 3 роки тому +2

      I just take a nap

    • @TheTKTwins.
      @TheTKTwins. 2 роки тому

      @@rrrrttt366 u cant take a nap.

    • @Wlf-ij7fq
      @Wlf-ij7fq 2 роки тому +1

      @@TheTKTwins. why not?! I do the same but why u can’t take a nap???

    • @marleanamarlianamont5939
      @marleanamarlianamont5939 2 роки тому

      @@TheTKTwins. exactly why not? My first time experiencing the aura with migraine and all I want to do it take a nap.. cause I wanna wake up from the nightmare of this pain

  • @jhkevina931
    @jhkevina931 2 роки тому +1

    I have migraine too. I have the visual aura before the headache.😭
    It is really annoying when people say "everyone has migraine". I'll make it clear migraine is much much much worse than a normal headache.

  • @dacytoxic8179
    @dacytoxic8179 2 роки тому +1

    Don't have them all the time but had one last night. I knew it was coming because the day before that, I had been just dizzy like waves of dizziness kept coming and I was really hungry, like couldn't stop eating (Oh and also my speech was playing up, usually that is a sign in general for migraine coming with my speech.) It's around the time of the month for me too, and as I suffer from Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, I think it might be a hormonal thing. The worst one i had was for three days and had the worst headache after it.

  • @KatsAcoustic
    @KatsAcoustic 3 роки тому

    I share the same story as you! I remember telling my high school teacher that I couldn't see and they would never believe me. They seemed to go away when I was in college - but they came back even worse unfortunately :(

  • @normalotus1071
    @normalotus1071 2 роки тому +3

    Had anyone tried magnesium for their migraines? I get menstrual migraines and I started taking magnesium daily along with iron, leading up to my period and while on my period. I also take ginger when I feel like I might get one that day and it takes away the tingly, pressure feeling not sure how to explain it but it’s called the predromal phase I believe. So far this has helped.
    My migraines are with visual aura and I also get motor aura sometimes

    • @hannahparrish4125
      @hannahparrish4125 2 роки тому +1

      This is something that has been so helpful to me! My doctor had me start taking it about 8 months ago and I’ve only had one migraine since. Im so glad it works for you too.

    • @CMVTV
      @CMVTV 2 роки тому

      Same for me😌

  • @funkyflights
    @funkyflights 4 роки тому +7

    I get migraine with aura also, they’re a dam curse .... !! I have to cover my eyes during the aura or I throw up, makes me so nauseated trying to look through it ... Headache blasts me afterword, so it’s important to take pain meds right when you see the aura !

    • @hannahparrish4125
      @hannahparrish4125 4 роки тому

      That’s what I’ve learned too, is to take the medication as soon as aura appears! Thanks for sharing, sorry you deal with that too :(

  • @hbrookes
    @hbrookes Рік тому

    My first migraine was at 9 years old after falling off my bike! I didn't tell my parents because they would get mad! I thought i was going blind, I saw the aura start on the left and slowly move across my eyes to the right in what seemed like hours but was really about 30 minutes. I could not see anything when it reached the middle for about 10 minutes before that it was just the edges that were blurred. After wards i had severe headache for hours.
    I am now 65 and get at least once a month in the summer mostly, heat and light triggers. Sometimes I can beat them if caught early and I have some 800 ibuprofen handy. Scarry for sure but im used to them I guess.

  • @SuperDrLisa
    @SuperDrLisa Рік тому

    Migraines with aura since puberty. Some times totally disabling, can't get out of bed. Never vomited with my migraines just lots of nausea. My aura is visual, lots of spinning and shape changes. All my senses are heightened, sound is louder, lights brighter, smells worse even touching is odd. I'm 65 now. Still get migraines, even though my sister's stopped after she retired 24 years ago and my niece's stopped after she stopped working to be a stay at mom 26 years ago. Mine have never stopped

  • @adityakhot6750
    @adityakhot6750 3 роки тому +9

    Hey, Hanna can you describe which medicine you took that reduced your migraine headache. It would be very helpful.

  • @stylinzon
    @stylinzon 11 місяців тому

    i started experiencing them a few months after i started taking birth control in 2019, i don’t know if they’re correlated but i find that interesting. my first experience i was just laying in bed and my right hand/arm/face and tongue went numb. i have severe anxiety disorders so i started panicking heavily and had my boyfriend drive me to the hospital. i ended up crying in the parking lot until it faded and then he took me back home. i remember having a really bad headache afterwards but i just associated it with me crying a lot and panicking and tried to sleep it off but started vomiting. i was petrified of this happening again and i thought it was purely anxiety. less than a year later, it happened again. a few weeks after, i went to the hospital for this constant headache i was having for almost a week nonstop. they ran so many tests on me etc and just told me i was “just experiencing migraines,” hooked me up to some ivs, put a bunch of drugs in my system that basically knocked me out for the whole day but i felt better. then the visual auras started happening and now i always get a visual aura directly followed by a sensory aura and then a massive migraine for at least a day or two and i feel completely exhausted. i had a really bad one last september and went to the emergency room and they tried to convince me i was having a stroke but all of my tests came back fine. i’ve had two bad migraines with aura in the past 3 weeks, i’m 9 weeks pregnant and i think that’s making them worse. during my visual aura the other night, i had my mom google my symptoms and i just found out about all of this. for the past 3 and a half years i’ve been living my life in extreme fear thinking i was having life threatening anxiety attacks and possibly going blind. when my arm started going numb this last time, i didn’t panic because i knew what it was finally and it faded a lot quicker. my primary care is awful so i’m not sure where to go from here or who to see. i don’t even know if mine are severe enough to be put on medication. thank you so much for sharing your experience and story. i’m learning so much about this finally and i feel like i’m finally getting answers that no doctor has been able to give me for years. ❤

  • @athenahaka7328
    @athenahaka7328 3 роки тому +1

    I also get them daily and I have to learn to cope with them because they dont want to diagnose me and it makes me hide in my room for days afraid to eat and drink anything

  • @kyvi4872
    @kyvi4872 2 роки тому +1

    I had my first one today and im seventeen. I thought i was going blind but i went to the ER and they said it was a migraine, i did my research and i'm 100% sure its this kind

  • @melduric1274
    @melduric1274 4 роки тому +1

    I also have migraines with aura... i just had one today. I almost flipped cuz i was in school. Its super uncomfortable and annoying but the pain is even worse

  • @jamienevill1768
    @jamienevill1768 3 роки тому +1

    I've had migraines since childhood. I'm now 50 & now they're chronic as a result of epilepsy developing when I was 49. Like you, I also have hemiplegic migraines when there's a change in barometric pressure. My GP is referring me to my neurologist though as there may be other issues. Either way, migraines with and without aura are definitely an absolute pain! Take care 👍☺

    • @ilqar887
      @ilqar887 2 роки тому

      Do they come and go ? Or they are persistent

    • @jamienevill1768
      @jamienevill1768 2 роки тому

      @@ilqar887 they were occasional, but after my first seizure two years ago, they became permanent. I'm now on medication to treat both, but I still have persistent 'breakthrough' migraines that last several days.

    • @ilqar887
      @ilqar887 2 роки тому

      @@jamienevill1768 I had 1 seizure when I was 16 .then my headaches started when I was 20 ..I wonder now ...if my headaches have something to do with my seizure

    • @jamienevill1768
      @jamienevill1768 2 роки тому

      @@ilqar887 it is believed that there is a link between the two. Some neurological research agencies for both are cooperating with each other on research into both conditions. I also have Parkinson's disease & think there is a common link to most neurological conditions.

  • @jennifergiuffre5475
    @jennifergiuffre5475 2 роки тому +4

    No matter how many times this happens to me, an aura always scares me so badly...

    • @hannahparrish4125
      @hannahparrish4125 Рік тому +1

      It’s a scary feeling. I’ve been working on relaxing when I get one to try to limit stress. It’s not easy though.

  • @twizop1906
    @twizop1906 3 роки тому +1

    Had one last night, get them every three months or so. I’ll go a year without having them and then have 3 in a year it’s so whack. Gets me so pissed cause you can’t rlly do shit besides sit in the dark and deal wit it. I get visual aura as well but it’s mainly double vision like symptoms, it’s hard to focus on two things at once which leads me to believe it’s one eye issue or a ocular migraine. I have never had a migraine without aura as well we are very alike in that way but the best thing to do is take 2 aleves gel capsules and drink a lot of water and go to bed. I’d say always stay hydrated, kick nicotine if your a user, workout regularly. Thc products also really help if your comfortable with the effects.

  • @jacks316
    @jacks316 11 місяців тому

    I do and their awful my experience start with an aura lasting about 30 or more minutes and then I get numbness in my hand face other places sometimes can’t talk and they are scary …. I started getting them in my late teens and I am now 60+ and they are worse than ever always thinking brain tumor always I have scaring on my brain from all my migraines lately i will get them and they leave and come back again
    I now take Nurtec but last migraine didn’t even work
    I have a lot of the same systems you have ❤

  • @oana1638
    @oana1638 4 роки тому +1

    Hello.The fact that you had your migraines when you were in Math class reminds me of the fact that I used to have my migraines on Fridays.It was so weird I actually started to be very scared on Fridays.Nevertheless,I haven't had one migraine with aura for almost 2 years and I used to have them for like 7 years...once a year at first and then maybe once every two months,three months etc.I don't know if it was the medicamentation or if I'm just lucky for the moment.I hope everybody feels better and remember you all are very strong for going through this.

    • @hannahparrish4125
      @hannahparrish4125 4 роки тому +1

      Thanks for sharing that. I know the fear when it becomes regular and you're expecting it... I can't believe you knew you would get one each Friday! I'm glad you've had some relief though... It's nice to know we are in it together :)

    • @oana1638
      @oana1638 4 роки тому

      @@hannahparrish4125 It would be nice to talk to more people that experience those kind of migraines because sometimes I was scared that my migraines are different.Like one time when my aura would come and go.I couldn't see for like 3 hours and I know that these auras aren't supposed to last more than an hour and they should go after the pain begins.It wasn't my case.I think I experienced all kind of auras and one that I find very weird too is when I didn't understand the person who was talking next to me in the hospital while I was waiting for the doctor.My hearing was also affected and my dad told me that I asked pretty loudly what was the man saying even tough I thought I whisperd that.The man was actually speaking my native language and I can't imagine how confused I was.Fourtunately,this hearing thing didn't last that much,but then I couldn't talk because my tongue went completely numb.I'm sorry for writing this much,but it would be just nice to know if there are people who experienced those kind of things.Thank u for reading❤

    • @hannahparrish4125
      @hannahparrish4125 4 роки тому +1

      @@oana1638 It's really comforting to talk to everyone on this video actually. It can feel so isolating. I can't give a medical perspective, but from my own experience, my aura also comes and goes. Throughout it's difficult to understand what someone is saying, and I can't read or type. Even if I can see the words they don't make sense in my head-- super scary! It goes away but I really can't communicate or understand much through the experience either. I've only experienced the numbness once badly, but now that I know how it feels it'll be easier to spot next time and I won't be as scared. Hang in there. Thanks for chatting:)

    • @oana1638
      @oana1638 4 роки тому

      @@hannahparrish4125 That's actually very true.It does feel isolating.In fact,I don't even know someone who has a similar type of migraines like mine.Even doctors look weird at me and they can't find anything wrong with me.In my country, doctors don't even give you medicamentation for this,because they don't know what to give you.I was just lucky that someone prescribed me some pills.

  • @wulfsragar
    @wulfsragar 2 роки тому

    i experience it only with aura, no headaches, first time i was 36 and was driving on a road, suddenly a grey spot appeared in both my eyes, got larger and also with wavy colours in a ringlike shape, i couldnt see anymore but luckily i could stop at the side of the road, got scared, after awile the ring slowly disappeared and i was allright again, i didn't feel sick though, from then on i have those only on rare occasions

  • @stefanoallari2154
    @stefanoallari2154 10 місяців тому

    I started having migraine with aura when I was 30. Very scary especially when you do not know what it is! My aura is sporadic, lasts around 20-30 minutes and ends up with a headache and some mental confusion. One very simple remedy that works for me is aspirin. It does not have a direct effect on the visual aura, but it greatly reduces migraine afterwards. I don't know if it can work for others...

  • @athenahaka7328
    @athenahaka7328 3 роки тому +1

    I remember my doctor giving me estrogen birth control it was absolutely terrible. I dont have any side effects on norithrodrone

  • @nyamerica6682
    @nyamerica6682 3 роки тому

    I have same thing 12 years ago now I went to eye doctor she told me about this

  • @benpearson2228
    @benpearson2228 4 роки тому +7

    i was in the cinema at 13 years old when i had my first blind spot and anything i looked directly at i couldn’t see, was awful and scared me badly. wasn’t until i googled it and found migraines my mind was at rest lmao

    • @hannahparrish4125
      @hannahparrish4125 4 роки тому +2

      it's so unsettling. That's a good way to describe it, that you can't see anything you look at directly. It happens to me too

    • @sheikhmohd7509
      @sheikhmohd7509 4 роки тому

      Can migrain aura get well? Pls reply

    • @daveexel77
      @daveexel77 3 роки тому

      One of my migrains with aura happened just before I went to the theatre to watch Titanic when it came out. I was with my cousin and her friend. My aura ended right before the movie started and I was sitting in the last seat of the row on the farthest left, right underneath the speaker. I new that headache was coming next and had to battle through it. Gosh, I still remember that one like it was yesterday.

  • @richard63
    @richard63 3 роки тому

    Hi Hannah. My first experience was when i was 11 after jumping on a trampoline. Every bout started with the bright spot that became larger, either a C shape or a circle, both of which i seemed to be passing through. Once they were on my outer edge of my vision and started to disappear i would get a headache. I have had it at work and sometimes at home. Three days ago i had another after jumping on my kids mini trampoline, go figure, but did not have a headache. I am 60 now, so i guess trampolines are out for me. I feel sorry for people who get migranes and i hope you don't suffer too much from this.

    • @hannahparrish4125
      @hannahparrish4125 3 роки тому

      That's so strange that it happened every time while jumping!! I hope you are feeling okay these days!

  • @heyizcourt
    @heyizcourt 3 роки тому +1

    I've always struggled with anxiety but once i got to my college years i think that was when my anxiety got out of control. I started experiencing the aura but didn't know it was an aura so I went to multiple doctors who eventually referred to me a neurologist. They put me on Nortriptyline but I would still have light auras? During quarantine my auras and migraines completely vanished and that was when i was the happiest i had ever been in three years. But now theyre back so i was put on Aimovig injections as another option because notriptyline was making me lose hair :( . I currently have the auras everyday where it's a cycle of an aura then the pain of a migraine then back to an aura the next day. It's really discouraging and I honestly don't know what to do right now. Im supposed to wait for Aimovig to do the trick. But atleast now i know stress, caffeine and alcohol are definite triggers!

    • @nilsuyu
      @nilsuyu 2 роки тому

      I am in the same situation as you are. Since 3 months, I am having the auras without pain and sometimes a little pain. But everyday non-stop auras. They are not a lot but I have them. Psychologically, I feel so terrible because I have text neck too. It causes much more pressure on my head. Really don't know what do do.

  • @michaelortiz7924
    @michaelortiz7924 4 роки тому

    I tore my acl and pcl and my physical therapist said it was rare. The first couple days were hard and I thought that it was gonna get better but the things that hurt the most was the swelling in my thigh and my foot was starting to hurt like a needle pointing in my foot and burning feeling and sting. Idk what to do it hurts so bad

  • @bethanyt6107
    @bethanyt6107 3 роки тому +3

    I've had migraines for 11 years now, they started when I was 11. Firstly I had migraines with aura, I would lose feeling in half of my body and would be sick, now they come on like thunder claps and I get them about 3-4 times a week! I've tried so many medications and nothing helps me. Sending love and healing to you ❤

    • @hannahparrish4125
      @hannahparrish4125 3 роки тому

      Thanks for commenting. The same to you too, I hope you eventually find some relief!

    • @franzcheyennearnaiz8431
      @franzcheyennearnaiz8431 3 роки тому

      me too were same

    • @user-xb4mh6jz3g
      @user-xb4mh6jz3g 2 роки тому

      God loved the world so much He sent His one and only Son Jesus Christ to save us. Jesus was crucified, buried and then rose again on the third day. Believe in Him and you will have eternal life and forgiveness of sins. God loves you, repent (turn away from your sins). Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. Worship the one true God, Jesus Christ.

    • @CMVTV
      @CMVTV 2 роки тому

      I know that feeling .. I hope we can all heal from it ❤️

    • @rojitakhadgi3980
      @rojitakhadgi3980 2 роки тому

      Please try to avoid coffee and see the results you ll feel better

  • @kaitlyns9972
    @kaitlyns9972 2 роки тому

    I also have pain at the base of my neck and behind one eye but it doesn’t ever really go away. It seems like I always have a headache and visuals. It’s so difficult 😞

  • @damienkellem8619
    @damienkellem8619 3 роки тому +1

    I have been getting my visual aura migraine starting 20 years ago. I lived in a house where complaining was forbidden and meds where to. They would rather pray then get me help.Most likely mine started from the beatings I received from step father. He broke my nose one time with a cattle prod and everyday I have gotten them. Never knew what to take once I left home. Started with ibu profen then somebody told me I need excedrine. Darkness helps me hot showers or bio freeze on the forehead. I have had ones severe enough where half my body was numb and could not eat anything except what was in the “brat diet”. Few men do get them and guess I drew the short straw here. I always joke when I get one and say “hello darkness my old friend”. Now 34 and most likely I will get them to my grave. Their not everyday thankfully. But a inconvenient thing. I avoid using the salt shaker and not buy anything that has more then 25% salt in it. It’s in everything as a cheap preservative. I also avoid msg (found in soy sauce). I just had one and I have to ride it out. I am moving I’m at my old place without any excedrine. Probably hunger is what triggered this one. I have had nothing to eat today. It’s the witching hour here and that’s good for the ride home. No blinding light except for the jerks who drive with their high beams on or have super bright “standard” lights/ have their fog lights on with their regular headlights. Grinds my gears. Like what more light do you want? The Batman signal?!

  • @fayriella
    @fayriella 4 роки тому +1

    Thank u for this! I am 14 years old and i just started getting these i have had them 3 times... and im really scared. I know its happening when i feel like this blurry spot on the side of my eye and it is glitchy and werid, and i then afterwards i get a very bad headache. It makes me really scared 😭😭 I hope i grow out of them when i get older, im praying so much 😭
    UPDATE:: i finally stopped getting them and im so happy! idk what it was or why i got them but they're finally gone. Im 16 now!

    • @hannahparrish4125
      @hannahparrish4125 4 роки тому

      I'm so sorry you are going through them! They are scary, but they won't last forever. Hang in there.

    • @trishavirrey7162
      @trishavirrey7162 2 роки тому +1

      omg, we are in the same state. after I see flashes, I feel nauseous and extreme headache occurs. I am also 14 like you, I'm also scared.

  • @NewtGoreHound
    @NewtGoreHound 2 роки тому

    Ice pick pain, Tingling in lips, half my face goes numb, one eye goes blurry, one arm goes numb, nausea, super bad migraine kicks in right after. Super fun. 4 or 5 times a year for that last 5 or 6 years.

  • @HristoDimitrov04
    @HristoDimitrov04 2 роки тому

    I have that too...It's awful and I hope someday we can get out of having it.

  • @prashitadas
    @prashitadas 2 роки тому

    Hi i have lost one eye to CRAO in april this year and since few weeks i am having migrane with aura sometimes i am loosing vision

  • @chiarafumagalli8075
    @chiarafumagalli8075 3 роки тому

    Can you please share with us the list of triggers the doctors gave you? It would be super helpful

  • @claudiabarajas2430
    @claudiabarajas2430 3 роки тому +1

    Been getting aura migraines since I was 17 years old 🥺 once I see the zig zags I know I need to take my meds and go to a dark place for the rest of the day 😩

  • @CMVTV
    @CMVTV 2 роки тому

    I literally had my first migraine at math class too.. It was 17 years ago and I still suffer till this day 😌

  • @belindawest3558
    @belindawest3558 Рік тому

    I have a aura migraines and I have found that if I chug a coffee cup of salt in the bottom and filled with water quickly it stops it before the pain starts. I just feel dumb for a few days. I have found barometric pressure that changes causes mine often. A flash from a car can trigger it and some food causes it. I can see a dot like I’ve had my pic taken

  • @Raykiyah
    @Raykiyah 3 роки тому

    I get them , most of mines are triggered by certain foods, such as caffeine, artificial sweetners, certain seasoning foods, chocolate and a few others. When I get Arora most of the time I know what caused it by tracking the food that I ate.

  • @hunterj1312
    @hunterj1312 Рік тому +1

    hey I'm 23 been getting these since I was 14. Could you tell us what the medication I'm got prescribed? That sounds life changing I ended up losing my job recently as a result of migraines with aura. Would really appreciate some incite as to literally anything that would help

  • @genevacastillo2159
    @genevacastillo2159 Рік тому

    I get visual aura migraine only and its getting worse 😫. I've been getting them for 20 years now but more frequently now that I'm older...

  • @surecutlandscapinginc626
    @surecutlandscapinginc626 3 роки тому

    I have been getting them since I was a kid

  • @meishot00
    @meishot00 3 роки тому

    I am a guy and i have ocular migraines (which is migraine with aura) since i was 15. I am taking Triptans or Triptans+Pentalgin which is a medicine against migraine pain. They are helping with pain a lot so I don’t experience any pain after the aura. But the other symptoms like aura, feeling sick, nausea, fear of light, sound , smells and dizziness i still experience. Luckily my migraine with aura lasts 4-5 hours without even taking the medicine, but it’s still ruining my whole day. Hate them so much....

    • @hannahparrish4125
      @hannahparrish4125 3 роки тому

      I can relate so much. That is how I experience too and it definitely does ruin the whole day! I hope yours stop eventually!

  • @trixietannagan
    @trixietannagan 3 роки тому +1

    Stay strong guys Im really crying why I had this😭

    • @trixietannagan
      @trixietannagan 3 роки тому

      My dad has Migrain but I dont know why i had with aura😪

  • @carinalynn1383
    @carinalynn1383 3 роки тому

    I think I had this. About three weeks ago My vision went blotchy and I couldn’t see certain letters on a page. Then about 20 minutes later my speech was jumbled and I couldn’t form my words properly when trying to speak to my mum, this was followed by numbness in my right forearm and the right side of my mouth and tongue. I was so scared and thought I was having a stroke. The doctors took me off the birth control pill and I had an MRI scan of the brain which came out as normal. I’ve just had two more happen since coming off the pill, one being a bad headache and nausea that kept me up for 4 hrs at night. Some people just don’t realise the full extent of migraines.

    • @theentity05
      @theentity05 3 роки тому

      I have these same symptoms when I get migraines. Exactly the same. It’s a horrible experience.

  • @KnaughtyKnancy
    @KnaughtyKnancy 4 роки тому

    omg you’re the first person i’ve heard of whose had migraines at such a young age too. I’m 22, but my first migraine was at the age of 3. I didn’t have one for years then I did in 7th grade, which I just figured at the time was because I needed to puke. I somewhat had them in high school, but back then if I puked, the migraine went away. Around the age of 19, my migraine with aura got significantly worse and more common. I get them worse than winter time and usually during summer they relax, however I’ve been getting them ever 2-3 weeks now and I’m not sure what my triggers are 😭 I get a C shape aura that grows out of my vision(about 20-40 minutes) then the pain for 4-8 hours. I was prescribed fioricet and sumatriptan (pill) and absolutely loved the fioricet when it worked, but now it’s less effective because i’ve built a tolerance :/ the sumatriptan was awful the one time I took it so i’m scared to take it again. What were you prescribed? None of us are alone in this so i’m glad youve shared your story! I’ve been thinking of filming my story in hopes to reach others too who are scared but I’m not sure.

    • @hannahparrish4125
      @hannahparrish4125 4 роки тому +1

      Wow Baylee that is so upsetting that you’ve had to deal with them for so long. I truly hope that eventually they start to go away for you. I take sumatriptan, and if I take it early enough, it does help significantly. I think everyone is just affected by things differently, though. Good luck💓

    • @KnaughtyKnancy
      @KnaughtyKnancy 4 роки тому +1

      Hannah Parrish do you take the sumatriptan in the pills?? I’ve heard tons of people have good experiences with the nasal spray so I’ve been thinking of asking my doctor to switch me so I can try that instead. Also, if you want a “community” I found a lot of solace from the facebook page “Migraine with aura worldwide”. It’s so nice to have people who can relate to you and also ask if something abnormal to you is normal for others😌

    • @hannahparrish4125
      @hannahparrish4125 4 роки тому

      @@KnaughtyKnancy That's good to know, I hadn't heard about that group before!!

  • @Anikethsaha
    @Anikethsaha 2 роки тому +1

    I often get migraine with aura and I feel like it would be my last day. Nothing feels worse and more painful than the migraine I get after blind spot.
    In my work I often get them during lunch time, or meeting time and I never know what to do as I don't get a space to lie down.
    There should be proper research done on this space and we should urge WHO to increase the funding for this RnD. Let's not pass this to next gen

  • @hyperhk1350
    @hyperhk1350 3 роки тому

    i get the aura first only blur in both eyes i cant even see my hands when it happen.and i get the miggraine massive pain behind my head.than my right arm leg and right side of face get numm and after that vomiting and it happen without a warning
    i was in college today and it happens truly horrible experience. i wish noone get these its painfull

  • @janecamingue0721
    @janecamingue0721 2 роки тому

    hi i am 13 years old and it starts when I am 12 I have aura with migraine as well and I hate the fact that I need to skip some class just for me to recover and rest

  • @angellaryea-adu4450
    @angellaryea-adu4450 4 роки тому

    Hi hanna i also suffer from migranes i have being suffering since 15 years old and i still suffer from migranes and i have being to my Gp and i had and MRI scan i have to go back to my conultan in 6 months for another MRI scan i have got a frontal lobe but i have never had aura i have just had chronic migranes

    • @hannahparrish4125
      @hannahparrish4125 4 роки тому

      I’m sorry you deal with it too!! I hope you get some answers soon!

  • @mayakirie1769
    @mayakirie1769 2 роки тому

    I get crazy migraine auras. I lose vision, my arm, leg, lip, and throat go numb. I can't think. I get weak and then feel like i'm going to throw up. My headaches last up to 5 hours afterwards. Migranes suck. I need to get genetic testing done and see if I have HM migranes. :(

  • @lorenzolleras1507
    @lorenzolleras1507 3 роки тому +3

    My first experience was also in math class 😶 it was scary, I thought I was going blind. I’m going to the neurologist tomorrow. Wish me luck😐

    • @fion8071
      @fion8071 3 роки тому

      omg my first experience was ALSO in math class.. in 8th grade

  • @raec8850
    @raec8850 3 роки тому

    Stress trigger too!!

  • @sunshinemoore8190
    @sunshinemoore8190 4 роки тому

    Thank you for sharing your experience. It's reassuring to know that other people deal with them. I have had a couple. Usually in Summer or around September strangely. I'm in Florida, so the weather can be crazy all the time. I get different types of migraines and headaches all the time, but I only get aura once in awhile. One time I got them everyday for a week, and I still wonder what triggered them that week. Mine usually go away after thirty minutes. Mine are usually right sided, but start in my left eye and then transfer the aura to my right eye and sometimes both. I just had a migraine with aura, I had took Ibuprofen right before it, but it didn't help stop it at all. My left arm went sort of numb. It's so scary, I had a panic attack the first time it happened. I've had all types of aura. Something I wanted to ask you, not that long ago I would see random stars pop in to my vision quickly, but disappear. They didn't stay in my vision, but they would almost like pop up or explode kind of. I usually got a small headache before or after. Do you ever get that? I know they say you can get a migrain aura without a migraine first. I hope we can all grow out of them soon. It's so difficult if your trying to drive or talk or study or do basically anything. All I can do is lay down and close my eyes. Thank you for talking about it!🙂

    • @hannahparrish4125
      @hannahparrish4125 4 роки тому +1

      I’m sorry you get them, too. Ibuprofen doesn’t do anything for me, either!!! And yes sometimes I’ll get a really mild version of it, with my aura just being a little “sparkle” or seeing stars and then I get a headache but no vomiting or nausea or anything. It’s only happened a few times but I know it’s possible!

    • @sunshinemoore8190
      @sunshinemoore8190 4 роки тому

      @@hannahparrish4125 Thank you for your reply! I hope we can both one day not have them anymore and that scientists will do more research on them and help find the root of the problem and a more effective way to reduce them. Your video helped a lot though, I found out a lot of things I didn't know. Thank you! 🙂

    • @hannahparrish4125
      @hannahparrish4125 4 роки тому +1

      Thanks Sunshine :) Thanks for watching, and I hope that both of us can someday “grow out” of them too!!

    • @sunshinemoore8190
      @sunshinemoore8190 4 роки тому

      @@hannahparrish4125 Hi again Hannah👋 I have a question. I've sometimes see quick stars like usually before or paired with a headache. Sometimes when I'm very tired or before or during my hormone fluncuations throughout the month. Do you ever see quick flashes of light like sparkles or stars? I was just curious if anyone else deals with that and I see good so I don't feel like it's my eyes, I feel like its part of the headache

    • @hannahparrish4125
      @hannahparrish4125 4 роки тому +1

      Yes I do! Someone else commented their experience about that recently, you might want to take a look at theirs. Sometimes I do see a small aura with just stars or “sparkles”

  • @HD-eu5dv
    @HD-eu5dv Рік тому

    Thank you for sharing your experience. I’m dealing with this sense age of 10, now i m 34 If you don’t mind can you share the medicine name i will share with my doctor?

  • @raec8850
    @raec8850 3 роки тому +1

    I suffer from Migraine with the VISUAL aura- They are Worse in Pregnancy due to Hormones- I can actually Handle the headache it’s the AURA - Causes MAJOR vision interruption The lights u describe for about half hour to forty five mins..So my TRIGGER IS USUALLY HORMONES TOO- Any advice how to not get Anxiety during the Aura when it’s intense and long lasting??

  • @stephaniedillard1527
    @stephaniedillard1527 2 роки тому

    i have had migraines for the past 25 year just started to get aura migraines which makes me not able to do anything till it passes ,how do you learn to live with and work with if your a health care worker

  • @maltezz
    @maltezz 2 роки тому

    had them for like almost 20 years, yet i always get scared when i get them ;/. just had 2 visual auras in a row in the last 1 hour, been over an hour now since my last visual sympton went away, but now im sitting here in fear that i get another one for the rest of the day -.-

  • @michelleslifeonrepeat
    @michelleslifeonrepeat 4 роки тому

    I take Midrin for my HM and it is amazing.

    • @funkyflights
      @funkyflights 4 роки тому

      Midrin is getting harder and harder to find ...

    • @michelleslifeonrepeat
      @michelleslifeonrepeat 4 роки тому

      @@funkyflights I have to get mine compounded at the pharmacy. The doctor writes the script for the three main ingredients and the pharmacist goes from there. Its called a compounding pharmacy look around on a Google search and see if there are any in your area. I k ow my one takes dictirs scripts from around the USA and mails them. Its about 1.50 a pill. But for me it's the only thing that aborts my Hemipmegic migraines. I literally have to use Fioricet (which is very similar) for my other migraines. But only the Midrin on my Left sided ones. Crazy.

    • @funkyflights
      @funkyflights 4 роки тому +1

      Michelle's Life on Repeat .... Interesting, that’s definitely one way to get it done ... I used Midrin for a long time but then couldn’t find it ... I’ve been taking “butalbital acetaminophen” which is helpful, does the job fairly well... Midrin is better though ...

  • @lemdrix8071
    @lemdrix8071 3 роки тому

    I cut sugar out and this has helped....i take ibuprofen and paracetamol once my aura appears....

  • @viewr8036
    @viewr8036 2 роки тому

    Wgat do you guys use to prevent?

  • @ciarafitzpatrick9248
    @ciarafitzpatrick9248 4 роки тому +1

    Had my first migraine with Aura yesterday. Have had migraines before but none like this.

  • @brdaily2656
    @brdaily2656 2 роки тому

    What is the medication

  • @isabellah6512
    @isabellah6512 3 роки тому

    The first time I had one of these I freaked out and ended up in A&E now I know what the are I know the best thing to do is remain calm. Still scary though and they make me me feel like shit 😑

  • @brittpower
    @brittpower 3 роки тому

    Which medicine is it you're talking about in the end??

  • @abbigailnovotny3901
    @abbigailnovotny3901 3 роки тому

    i had Migraine i was 20 year Old And i still had migraines i am 23 Now Want i feels my Eye is Spin i am Dizzy when i sick Migraine When i feel crying i am Sick i don want to Throw up in the Bathroom i sit down Grown i am crying i did throw up Aging, Aging i feel bad my self My Mom Care of me when Sick Migraine

  • @Tiffany-hj8cf
    @Tiffany-hj8cf 3 роки тому

    All I can do when I get a migraine is keep my eyes closed and try to sleep light is so painful 😖 I have had migraines since elementary I’m 30 now

  • @estmike2795
    @estmike2795 3 роки тому

    What medicine you take? Pleaaaaase 😇

  • @halitrainor2872
    @halitrainor2872 2 роки тому

    What's the medication?

  • @Sofieemi
    @Sofieemi 3 роки тому +1

    I suffer almost the exact same symptoms as you and it gives me anxiety every day because it's so unpredictable. every medicine I have tried has never worked. what's the name of the medicine you said you were prescribed that has helped you a lot?

    • @hannahparrish4125
      @hannahparrish4125 3 роки тому +1

      It is a triptan, but there are some different kinds. It kind of depends on what your doctor decides is the best option for you. I know it is so unpredictable and tough. I'm been having them a lot recently, so I feel for you! I would definitely talk to your doctor about medicine options.