[Eng Sub] DBSK Bonjour Paris Full Version (Part 1/12)

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @nb7367
    @nb7367 7 років тому +28

    Watching this in 2017. No matter how much time passes, these 5 are and will always be the kings of Kpop #AKTF

    • @niania641
      @niania641 7 років тому +3

      Xxx 5871 Thank you ♡

  • @littleteaspooon
    @littleteaspooon 7 років тому +13

    Having anxiety, I've had so many panic attacks as a teenager, I was about 16 when I started liking k-pop and TVXQ was the first band I really seriously became a fan of. I remember I used to watch this to calm down every single time I didn't feel well. :) I'm French Canadian so it was funny to watch them speak /or struggling to speak xD/ French. It's now July 13th 2017, I'm 24, and stanning other groups but I'll forever be a DB5K fan and funny enough, after 8 years, I'm still coming back to this when I'm feeling anxious! Always keep the faith~~~ Hoping that one day they get back together!

    • @supriyasharma8538
      @supriyasharma8538 7 років тому +1

      Cristelle Aucoin was really touched to read this. Take care.

  • @tuamourju
    @tuamourju 10 років тому +6

    That adorable moment when Yoochun tries to show off pictures of his dogs during Jaejoong's interview

  • @thewittydreamer5100
    @thewittydreamer5100 9 років тому +18

    I always end up here!miss them so much

  • @jollyroger221b
    @jollyroger221b 10 років тому +10

    oh my god. Such a little thing but ahhhh my fangirling heart

  • @ambime
    @ambime 11 років тому +12

    I watched this like at least 5 times in 2009 and I'm here to watch it again:D

  • @cynaralle7150
    @cynaralle7150 2 роки тому +1

    Thank you for the subs! I'm watching this in 2022

  • @alieemae4597
    @alieemae4597 10 років тому +21

    Still watching this 2015 ^^~

  • @carryoutbox
    @carryoutbox 12 років тому +6

    I LOVE how Yunho looks in this

  • @malangmalangcheollie9829
    @malangmalangcheollie9829 5 років тому +2

    It's 2019 and still re watching this. after all, they are the one that made me fall deep into kpop

  • @bittersweet000
    @bittersweet000 15 років тому

    it's nice to see them having so much fun making this. they're so busy right now :(

  • @glenda1088
    @glenda1088 9 років тому +5

    Miss this so much. AKTF :)

  • @jaejoongiekim
    @jaejoongiekim 12 років тому +1

    their best 'vacation' dvd ever. they are so carefree...running around like idiots, screaming. love this so much

  • @KaityD
    @KaityD 16 років тому +2


  • @Aheartism
    @Aheartism 11 років тому +8

    Junsu: "It's one of the countries I've always wanted to come"
    Yoochun: "Why?"
    Yoochun: "There aren't any palm trees here!"
    LOL! XD Junsu's love for coconuts!!

  • @DGKEN
    @DGKEN 10 років тому +12

    still watching this in 2014

    • @bluepearlvia
      @bluepearlvia 10 років тому +5

      me too .. I miss them so much ..

  • @beribiru
    @beribiru 14 років тому

    the dorky boys~ they sure know how to entertain people! missing their moment like this, so i keep replaying these old vids.
    thanks for sharing ne~ ^_^

  • @xXAsianMusicLoverXx
    @xXAsianMusicLoverXx 15 років тому +3

    I love looking at JaeJoong!
    he's so cute!

  • @dysphoricactus
    @dysphoricactus 13 років тому

    T___T watch ths like so many times now n still didn't get sick of it..i miss those happy days whn they're together...

  • @haneulbori_
    @haneulbori_ 5 років тому +2

    오랜만에 보는 봉쥬르파리

  • @kazeroohan6505
    @kazeroohan6505 10 років тому +17

    'ang cafe silver spoon' lol XD

  • @Ayumura96
    @Ayumura96 16 років тому

    I LUV U
    .....thankx 4 uploading

  • @Assassin2009100
    @Assassin2009100 14 років тому

    T^T I MISS THEM T^T this is about the 10th time watching this and am stell enjoying it TVXQ FOREVER T^T COME BACK SOON AM WITING FOR YOU T^T
    thanx for uploading

  • @msasoq
    @msasoq 11 років тому +4

    Junsu's gag at the beginning -> forever alone XD

  • @BouMLune
    @BouMLune 12 років тому

    Wahhh I was really wanting to see this! Thanks so much for subbing =)

  • @micmoiii
    @micmoiii 15 років тому

    Thanks for the subs! =D

  • @NyNyTube
    @NyNyTube 16 років тому

    glad u got this

  • @loolu6002
    @loolu6002 12 років тому +2

    Watching this in 2013! ^_^
    DBSK Forever!

  • @MsSweetyghurl028
    @MsSweetyghurl028 12 років тому

    thanks for uploading...

  • @Yoongwon
    @Yoongwon 16 років тому

    wow, thank you so much

  • @WordsofIce
    @WordsofIce 15 років тому

    They're ALL hilarious! :D and yay for Junsu! For making the atmosphere XD

  • @clubbingpink
    @clubbingpink 16 років тому

    omg cute dbsk on vacation

  • @kawaiiaix
    @kawaiiaix 15 років тому

    lol!..love..the paris rap..Thank you ^_^

  • @mandela85
    @mandela85 12 років тому +2

    2:46 Changmin humor LOVE IT!

  • @L4kmnr
    @L4kmnr 11 років тому +5

    aww~J'adore leur accent *-*

  • @raindrops219
    @raindrops219 13 років тому +2

    hahaha changmin's face and 3:00 when the others start to sing, he's totally like "oh god hyungs..."

  • @tohoshinki86
    @tohoshinki86 16 років тому

    thank you.i've waiting for this. are you going to sub all the video? thanks for uploading anyway ^^

  • @Caiecaie
    @Caiecaie 3 роки тому +1

    Here we go, watching 2021 !

  • @Llamaluff
    @Llamaluff 15 років тому

    Ooh, I'm going to Paris with school this year. o: Looking way more forward to it knowing that they have been there too~

  • @xp0108
    @xp0108 12 років тому +4

    I'm learning french and I laught like crazy when I heard them speaking french XD
    "Ang cafe silver spoon"?? LOL~~ Junsu's so cute~~ XD

  • @Chimi860
    @Chimi860 15 років тому

    ooh~~ hope they will come here again .. maybe I was too young when they came here~.. dang~! I missed it~!... DBSK!! PLX COME HERE AGAIN!!!

  • @longestpossiblename
    @longestpossiblename 15 років тому +1

    I don't think I ever noticed before that when they're mentioning famous things in Paris...Changmin says "Xiah Junsu"!! LOL x

  • @keyhae294
    @keyhae294 15 років тому

    i really miss dbsk D:
    always keep the faith ~ !

  • @Maudiej
    @Maudiej 15 років тому

    I'm watching this again cause I'm going to Paris tomorrow myself

  • @angelfairylily
    @angelfairylily 15 років тому

    lmao i dunno how many times i watch this but i love it! all of thier hair are beauitful n fit tem so well they all look gorgeous! n haha junsu jokes were funny silver spoon haha n chun french accent is really good

  • @FagHagBienchen
    @FagHagBienchen 11 років тому

    this one is really good! :) And I am so upset they still didn't come back. :(

  • @ApHoEbE1027
    @ApHoEbE1027 12 років тому

    watching this ryt now :')) REALLY REALLY MISS THEM!!!!

  • @yunho0569
    @yunho0569 16 років тому +1

    yunnie so cute in here. xiah's dolphin laugh in the beginning so cute too

  • @foreverwithDBSK
    @foreverwithDBSK 13 років тому

    love this ♥

  • @BlueBat101
    @BlueBat101 13 років тому

    How the heck did I JUST find this?!?!?! I miss the original DBSK :'( I remember when I was at their first debut and I knew they were going to be a great hit from the moment I heard their angelic voices..

  • @sakuraryeong2849
    @sakuraryeong2849 11 років тому +17


  • @hilaim
    @hilaim 14 років тому

    LOL !
    I'm a new fan of DBSK. I didn't like them much in the past, i thought xiahjunsu's image was matured blabla. But after watching variety shows of them, junsu's like a kid. He's so adorable, seriously. I fell in love :b

  • @anroherms
    @anroherms 12 років тому +4

    i'm watching this now in june 2012. i was wondering, if Jaejoong, Yoochun, Junsu of 2012 will time slip to 2008 and met their younger selves in Paris, what would they say to them?

  • @Misskpop27
    @Misskpop27 12 років тому

    I love how when they list famous places they all each repeat each other!!!!

  • @dordor7260
    @dordor7260 13 років тому +1

    ''What's something famous in Paris?"
    "Eiffel Tower, Opera House, Louvre, etc...(and then the quiet Changmin popped out an unexpected answer. "Xiah Junsu")

  • @tombiyvic
    @tombiyvic 13 років тому +1

    max and hero are the silent types. :) on the other hand, xiah, very talkative. :)

  • @yustikafams
    @yustikafams 11 років тому

    watching this video in 2013. AMAZINGG

  • @엔아이-백조의삼시세
    @엔아이-백조의삼시세 4 роки тому +1


  • @HoneySoifon
    @HoneySoifon 15 років тому

    their " bonjour" is so cute xD love them

  • @KakashiandShikamaruFan
    @KakashiandShikamaruFan 15 років тому

    Thanks :)

  • @nariounette
    @nariounette 13 років тому

    Ils sont trop mignoooooon

  • @hazel-mv3qm
    @hazel-mv3qm 4 роки тому +2

    I never usually write these types of comments but...
    Anyone watching in 2020?

  • @paradisepurple
    @paradisepurple 15 років тому

    thanks for sharing~~ merci~~

  • @lyarunde
    @lyarunde 13 років тому +1

    i used to NEVER notice jaechun, but now i notice their moments in everything :0 and i notice so much homin!!!! :0 :0. junsu can be with me ;)

  • @feyn
    @feyn 15 років тому

    icic.. thanks for replying :)

  • @RubyMoon507
    @RubyMoon507 16 років тому +1

    Love how Changmin says "thats correct" to Joongie saying Picasso comes from Paris... WRONG!! XD dont try to act so smart Changminnie~ XD gotta love him though, he barely speaks at all in the beginning of the clip ... so shy...

  • @jayceetsab
    @jayceetsab 13 років тому

    gahhh, so cute! their looks! lol., blows me away

  • @BerryzBasketballTeam
    @BerryzBasketballTeam 15 років тому

    Yunho unintentionally has a PERFECT British accent saying Paris at 4:06 lol
    Love this

  • @annczacorpuz
    @annczacorpuz 12 років тому

    For me, JJ's hairstyle here is his cutest hairstyle ever. He look so young and careless.

  • @crazylazybum
    @crazylazybum 16 років тому +1

    junsu is so cute. laughing at his own mosquito joke

  • @pinkmercy123456789
    @pinkmercy123456789 15 років тому

    aww they say bonjour soo adorable :D

  • @hajumofi1501
    @hajumofi1501 14 років тому

    @ThecrazyMama888 Seriously, you do??? HEHEHEHE, so how were their concert? I'm in love with Jae and Chun's angelic voices.^^ I'm really glad to know that DBSK/JYJ also have a non-teenager fan like you. YAY! DBSK'S Power :))

  • @kaishi2483
    @kaishi2483 14 років тому

    oh noooo~ i miss these boys so much~ :'(

  • @ohretro
    @ohretro 16 років тому

    LOL, I knew taking French in school would come in handy one day. Xiah's French is so cute!

  • @smnudalo
    @smnudalo 15 років тому

    yes they have been to Philippines on 2004. they did a commercial here..

  • @chocholeaf
    @chocholeaf 14 років тому

    ah i love yunho's fast reaction when yoochun says:" oh junsu-yah!"

  • @p1nk41
    @p1nk41 12 років тому

    2012 and i 1st time watch this :)

  • @theshrekwashere
    @theshrekwashere 16 років тому

    Haha. I love the way he totally distorted "Un cafe, s'il vous plait".

  • @peakabooox3
    @peakabooox3 14 років тому

    ang cafe silver spoon ? ♥
    as expected ^^

  • @bluestarr4
    @bluestarr4 15 років тому

    lol ! this is so funny !

    @BELINDALOVESANIME 15 років тому

    he was doing a CF, a commercial for a cellphone, the brand is called "ANYCALL" =]

  • @punkvietgirl
    @punkvietgirl 16 років тому


  • @xXSoraiaXx
    @xXSoraiaXx 14 років тому

    Lol i don't know if it only happens with me, but when jae is talking I can't concentrate my self in the subtitles XD
    I only can look at his face

  • @xXChronosKittyXx
    @xXChronosKittyXx 13 років тому +1

    lol Yunjae being silly as usual at beekee beekee paris XD lol its party time!
    Then Changmin comes up with the sensible answer "This is a bridge" like duh XD

  • @Cath9135
    @Cath9135 12 років тому +2

    6:15 of course it's similar to Czech, in Prag it's the "Paris concept"

  • @IreneWit
    @IreneWit 15 років тому

    Haha een van de weinige DBSK-fans in nederland! Maar ik zou ook als een echte trouwe fan op schiphol staan :P

  • @allyssalwt
    @allyssalwt 14 років тому

    i love their expression at 4:45....seems like everyone is waiting for junsu to return..

  • @McAvoyKate
    @McAvoyKate 11 років тому +1

    I always will love their french accent :)

  • @SterreRem
    @SterreRem 13 років тому

    It's cute how they're trieng to speak France ! (:

  • @Hahahyun2309
    @Hahahyun2309 15 років тому

    ooo i used to have that anycall phone! It is nicee!

  • @zeezangadh
    @zeezangadh 13 років тому

    love yoochun here...he was like so much younger like an innocent boy..now he is so mature man

  • @koolkatz333
    @koolkatz333 15 років тому

    so cute/funny when hero screams "bonjour!" to the people on the boat thing

  • @FlyingFanC
    @FlyingFanC 15 років тому

    lol I know right!! XD a friend of mine went to Paris a few days before DBSK =( and I was in Asia .... -.- but yea that time I didn't know them that well and now I do!! seriously they need to come back!!

  • @happyjellyfish
    @happyjellyfish 13 років тому

    @TaniLPA "Un cafe, s'il vous plait" = "ang cafe silver spoon". Es divertido como pronuncian todo en 'frances', y ademas de eso, hay una banda japonesa de visual kei que se llama An Cafe (アンティック-珈琲店) asi que da un poquito mas de risa. :)

  • @SpiritDreamsInside
    @SpiritDreamsInside 16 років тому

    HAHAA their french is precious.
    Also, I can't help but notice that Yunho looks even better than usual here... maybe it's the lightning?? xD

  • @niania641
    @niania641 7 років тому +4


  • @KeiiFu
    @KeiiFu 13 років тому

    Junsu is the cutest grown-up man I have ever seen.

  • @japans1girl
    @japans1girl 13 років тому

    aw even from the beginning @0:15, uri junsu is adorableeeee ^^

  • @FagHagBienchen
    @FagHagBienchen 11 років тому

    Ah, thank you :)
    So was it like he came later and they shot the Eiffel tower thing etc. later together or was it like he went earlier or was it like he had to go in the middle of their Paris trip and then had to come back? Do you know that maybe? Because I think it's quite nonsense of SM to plan it like this. :/

  • @Borahae08
    @Borahae08 15 років тому

    they want to go out secretly!.haha..
    omg..jaejoong randomly said bonjour and waved!.love him!