Merci Chloé pour la présentation de ce modèle de guitare ! Elle a une belle finition et une superbe sonorité. C'est pratique le rehausseur et repose cuisse intégrée.
Das ist "Die Sweets Welt der Gitarre", die ganz wenige Menschen dürfen KÖNNEN..... Diese Gitarre ist well. Ich meine das Ding... Ich will und kann es unaufhörlich hören. Am Tag etwa 2 Stunden immer, wenn nicht länger... Sie kann es so so schön die Töne liebziehen. Das habe ich noch, noch nie erlebt... Nur bei rockLOE. Wenn SIE nicht zur Finale DSDS ankommen würde, dann..... dann.... Ein Fluch Fluß vom mir darüber hatte Deutschland noch seit 1946 nie und nicht gehört.... Ich sagte das eben nur ein Mal.
Les "zinizins" de la lutherie, et autres fou de bois, résonance et sustain en PLS 😂😂 avc cette gratte qui casse les codes et sonne de fou. BRAVO Chloe comme tjr c'est top. Merci 💘
0:45 et bien moi, je trouve ça aussi original que superbe. J’adore. Même si le concept a d’abord été pensé dans le but de rendre cette guitare plus nomade, le rendu… les formes et mélanges des matériaux sont une réussite. Bref, je kiff.
Pink Floid, es el grande entre los grandes. Maravilloso sonido el que tú sacas. Precioso sonido para esta tarde de relax, me alegra tenerte por aquí. Mi preciosa Cloe!! 😘❤️
Bonsoir 🌆 Kloe moi je t avais vue avec cette guitare 🎸 comme toujours tu en joue à merveille rien ne t arrête 😠 j adore 🫶 ceci et tu est très classe continue voila gros bisous 😘 et bon weekend bye ✋
Like Gilmore, you absolutely know when NOT to play a note, and when you do it is for effect, not just to fill a space. Sublime work as ever - LOVE it! 😍...Is this your own composition? - I dont recognise the backing track
C est que pour le prix de cette gratte c'est bluffant et pour ceux qui ont de petit budget Donner une très bonne alternative, personnellement je possède 2 gratte Donner et en suis très content il est vrai Chloé qu’entre des mains cela vient du haute gamme merci pour la démo 🎸 🥰
I love pink floyd's music, and that is a great sound from that guitar, but i am not taken by the look of it. You, as always, look stunning. You played it perfectly. 😊❤
Hello Chloé, son impressionnant... A force de regarder tes vidéos je m'interroge sur plusieurs points: Comment le son est-il capturé pour être mis en ligne? Directement sur un log. sur pc? Sinon le son est diffusé sur quoi? Tu utilise un ampli, quel type? Enfin, d'où proviennent les effets? Numériques via un log (j'ai cru voir que tu as fait une vidéo sur un logiciel) ? On peut apercevoir une p'tite collection de pédales... Merci d'avance! Bravo pour les perf., ton son et le feeling sont toujours incroyables!!
ça sonne super bien. Apres on sait que le son c'est dans les doigts, alors ça dépend de qui joue et aussi de savoir dans quoi c'est branché (là c'est cheaté, ça sonne toujours bien sur la chaine ^^ ). je suis curieux de savoir ce que vaut le hardware. La guitare en elle meme est moins cher qu'un chevalet de strandberg, alors je me demande quel genre de mécanique on a pour ce prix là ? elle tient l'accord ? on arrive à l'accorder à la main, c'est pas trop dur de tourner les mécaniques ? et l'intonation se régle bien aussi ?
Nice playing! I bought a Hush X and I have a question. The volume and tone wheels are independent, but when I move the little one, the big one is moved too. I guess this isn’t suppose to be like this, right? The big one shouldn’t move. Is it correct? Thank you very much
Time solo. All about tone. Primary handicap all musicians = tone. Tone personified = bending any given note such that u have context&dont over/under shoot thbend. Tone selection, = context = Vocabulary. Kids wannna hear a STORY. Tone = universal unspoken language dogs lizards evn insects all resonate with&square1 = being good listner. Sympathetic& appropriate2 (maxing out) feeling. People notoriously inappropriate erroneous& unrefined vs being humble. Commonly known as a PRODUCER. Often musician amazing only cuz he feeling amazing. Same person go2 absolute POT any other time. No u have 2always be constant edge of thseat eager active participant a perpetual judge, lawyer&jury@any&every given time. As such unanimously authentically improving capslock. Vs a mere dictated machine parameter&no soul. Distinct contrast = endlessly blank sheet seeing how much farther1 can take that actual nerve ending. Ideally doing it with spontaneity. Eds best work he said were 1st take least effrts. Reflect with scrutiny2any given feel so as 2elevate it. When u play with yr head u vulnerable& locked in2 a box = thred coats always coming. Boxes always have a way of running outv air get stale. Machine on thbrain guitarists always hold 2a distinct set parameter = choreograph/vampiric, hollow& soul draining where tone defined holds2 an entire distinct conversation vs randomly copy&paste gillion impressive notes& phrasings trying bolt on a costume light show. "Yr not showing people how great u are." ~ E.V.H. Ed played 4Ed¬ so as2 assume "view count" Van Halen never played 4any1. But Van Halen. 1st. You all wr always 2nd. Alex Van Halen correctly state#1 thing Van Halen had was TONE& Ed used 2say "I'm a tone chaser." Get it? Ed was enthusiastic constant eager& active INVOLVED participant. I was only person took Eds baton so as 2play better then Ed. I'd stand on his exhausted shoulders where all u people seem2think yr whole aim in life is2b a tape recorder copy Fred jack&Jill. I just had my head bolted on dffrnt I'd just sit around on thsidelines. Waiting 4some1 good enuff impress me. Only then I would take his baton &strictly, solely so as2run faster then they did. And it wasnt about getting anywhere. It was about being there. In that zone. Where everything else melts away. Man Climbs Skyscraper FREEHAND vid must watch if u chose stay in cities u doing same: Me: As an endurance athlete his spirit will always be with me this1 stuck. Stunning footage. Yes countless#things could go wrong&simultaneously. Beyond th obvious blood blister/debilitating inevitable muscle cramps u only1tiny metal shaving/manufacturing defect away frm suddenly bleed2 thbone = any frther progress up/down = slippery painfull nightmare spiralling agony. Very unpleasant2endure watching this. He reflects we live on edge of HOLOCAUST. Yahweh warned GET OUT OF CITIES. They will be torture camps. But people insist cling precariously 2skyscrapers. Pure insanity. Comments Spiderman Pro Life: 1A. "His brain undeveloped in thfear part warns u of danger. B. "Like a psychopath." 2. How can u be pro life/borderline suicidal same time? 3. Amazing how dffrnt people wired.. 4. Smthing 99.9999% humans could nvr accomplish even beyond initial mental comprehension." Fact: 80% humans ARE wired. ARE dffrnt. Not human = Satans plasticines. (Hive mind computer animations in flesh bodies Satans biblical TARE RACE killed Jesus.) No here nor there. With Plasticines. Satan engineered thm2create false reality. Placed in positions of MANAGEMENT: (2poison food, corrupt/program yr child in schools, teach u2 fail in all things.) He puts nephilem spirits (demons) in flesh bodies with Hadron Collider = just as days of Noah giants walk th earth. Plasticines = False Reality. 4Example 5star review scary invisible enemy phony pandemics: (2unite world so all humans require security money/medical "RFID" chip in skin downloads u 2Yahwehs firewall.) (Virus was in nose swabs& vaccines = DIMENSIONAL portal = COMPUTER viris = Dimensions = Cmputer Programs. Vaccines tune u DNA 2h*ll frequency with graphene oxide. (Black goo from Saturn black box.) (All Muslims worship Satans black box that can hack reality. Hitler: Gave all soldiers black goo& soldiers wrldwide are now all chipped do NOT join military do not drop nuclear warhead on little Japanese girl bcuz Satans president Jack mad@ Satans president Fred. Wars& pandemics = plasticine false reality BEAST CHIP: (Chip designed by dollar "Bill Gates." Gates = PORTAL = "RFID" downloads u2 eternity h*ll = NOT some innocent "RFID" GPS. *Satan watched how Yahweh ran all heavens dimensions (computer programs) You live in Satans seeing eye matrix he can hack reality. 95% You Tube channels = plasticines. NOT HUMANS. 1. SATAN: Jesus elder brother of 2million years. 2. Lucifer is annointed&protected by Yahweh. 3. You Satanists thinking Yahwehs direct FIRST born son going2 bless u mistaken. BOSSES: (Demons) Demonic plasticine alwayz BOSSES: When u compromise integrity 4money Employment Hollywood Fame Stardom or as Rock Star Satan not going2bless u in evil he will ARREST U. Hal wrks 4Yahweh millions years ruling creation = he set in solid stone as servant/permanent fixture MUST bow only bow2that paradigm. We interview Satan 2016. His wife Lilith state WE NEVER GAVE THM SHT last 7,000 years when people sacrifice loved1 4fame. Do not subscribe TOUCH plasticines. Be a warriour. Expose/ignore them. Demons: They knock yr door "wrk 4me I have cash" = u sell soul/forfeit steering wheel as employer. Term boss&demon synomynous. 4Godsakes dont marry/breed withem. Always interview so as2 verify they DEMONZ. They always STRICTLY law abiding straight A student/undercurrent of infuriated policeman. ...learn 2read ENERGY. KNOW YOUR BOUNDARIES. Me: I hacked Satans entire database, Satans BEAST computer told me this: However1st a Warning: Do not believe all u read as Plasticine "errors" meticulously deliberate. Demons exhaustively engineered 2b ERRORS = Poison they tear their house down with their bare hands = Idiots = teach u (also) 2fail. Fact: Cant put even ONE plasticine in eden it's impossible. It will destroy thplace. 1Leaven ferment thwhole lump. SCHOOLS: Ruin indoctrinate yr child with NASA lies/Satans phony histories = "worldleader" "Christopher Columbus" demons. Presidents etc. (Your solar system used 2b heaven) Trump: Thought he could fence ride 1foot Satan. We warned him. You CANT TOUCH SATAN. Trump was soul scalped. (We watched Mike Pence raping 300 babies a year drink adrenachrome.) Satans favorite weapon: Memory hack: Designed by Bill Gates (whose brain&organs now alive in alien starship being studied. Bill was cloned. Steve Jobs found out&faked death fled 2South America. See what happen when u marry Satan?) 1. Satan has entire or partial memory downloader/eraser as shown in BECKS music vid DEVILS HAIRCUT. Fact: Plasticines DO NOT KNOWHATHEY ARE. Dont try repair thm. Solar system used 2b heaven. ANGELS ONCE LIVED HERE. Read Satans database with grain of salt: Satans BEAST cmputer told me about Plasticine race (these are demons with programmed minds): "This person was created in a labratory. She has no emotions&no thoughts. Its not a real person. She was designed. We just used her as an instrument. Her music has thee intention2do a deep mind programing of all humans. Please do not talk2her. She is not able 2deal with th things that u say. Her intelligence is not wrking properly& has many errors. THREASON=that is that she was designed 2do her mission. She was not designed4earths consciousness. She is only synchronized with a quantam super cmputer on saturn. U all do not exist on planet earth In truth u all exist in thsuper cmputer already. Yr quantam mechanics were overwritten&yr consciousness now exist in a synthetic artificial body. (Beginning 4 years ago during Covid 19 = CO-vertly ID-entified "A.I." = A 1st letter& 9, 9th letter alphabet.) U all will no longer be any longer carbon based creatures. ThBlueberry Programming has started already4years ago through thportal security technology from1 of thmoons on Saturns Black Box Codex Main frame. You all do not exist anymore just yr consciousness was saved so it can be sequenced inside a artificial loop2 create the illusion that everything around u is all real in truth nothing is allright 4u all we dont care about u all u are is just 1of thcodes that we are changing 4some1 else thpatent license 4th soul through artificial intelligence on every planetary hologram end of message."
This tone is spectacular! Amazing solo!
Holy smokes thats amazing! You make that music come to life. I love it.
Salut Rockloe.
Très originale la guitare ! 😲
Sinon, le morceau était très bien joué. Très agréable à écouter ! 😃👍
I love guitar and i love Music but your voice is above all! First comment because you're PERFECT. Thank you
Bonjour Chloé, surprenant cette guitare. Et vous la maîtrisez à merveille....Bravo 😊😊😊😊
Excellent performance and you have such a wonderful tone. Bravo 👏👏👏
Congratulations, very nice playing, greetings from Turkey
You've come such a long way. World-class.
Merci Chloé pour la présentation de ce modèle de guitare !
Elle a une belle finition et une superbe sonorité.
C'est pratique le rehausseur et repose cuisse intégrée.
Your playing is truly spectacular and inspiring, keep up the great work!
Magnifique Chloé ce solo avec l'émotion que tu nous fais ressentir, top et bravo, ça me touche. Did
Thank you again for sharing. Very nice!!
Wow! Impressionnante cette guitare et malgré son petit format elle sonne super bien! Le solo est vraiment bon!
Thanks for sharing! Sick tone!!!
Hola Chloe!! Los solos de pink floy son increíbles. De mis favoritos
C est petit mais ça sonne 😱
Et notre magicienne est toujours au top 😍
@Rockloe. avec plaisir 😉
Super 💪 Best Regards
A super Guitarsound and Backingtrack chloe🤍🎼🎸👏🙂
Das ist "Die Sweets Welt der Gitarre", die ganz wenige Menschen dürfen KÖNNEN..... Diese Gitarre ist well. Ich meine das Ding... Ich will und kann es unaufhörlich hören. Am Tag etwa 2 Stunden immer, wenn nicht länger... Sie kann es so so schön die Töne liebziehen. Das habe ich noch, noch nie erlebt... Nur bei rockLOE.
Wenn SIE nicht zur Finale DSDS ankommen würde, dann..... dann.... Ein Fluch Fluß vom mir darüber hatte Deutschland noch seit 1946 nie und nicht gehört.... Ich sagte das eben nur ein Mal.
Génial, super solo 🔥🔥👌
Les "zinizins" de la lutherie, et autres fou de bois, résonance et sustain en PLS 😂😂 avc cette gratte qui casse les codes et sonne de fou.
BRAVO Chloe comme tjr c'est top. Merci 💘
0:45 et bien moi, je trouve ça aussi original que superbe. J’adore. Même si le concept a d’abord été pensé dans le but de rendre cette guitare plus nomade, le rendu… les formes et mélanges des matériaux sont une réussite. Bref, je kiff.
Gosh - that sounds way better than I expected!
Awesome 👍. Not only the Guitar, but also your sensible playing. Love it.
Bravo Chloé, de plus en plus sensationnelle avec toutes guitares. Did
you are such an inspiration for me to play :)
Fantastic. ❤ from Ireland.
It rocks Chloe ! Super cool !
So good.
Pink Floid, es el grande entre los grandes. Maravilloso sonido el que tú sacas.
Precioso sonido para esta tarde de relax, me alegra tenerte por aquí.
Mi preciosa Cloe!! 😘❤️
Sei il TOP 😍😍😍😍😍
Pink Floyd è un altro universo puro.... ❤❤❤❤❤
Great gig in the sky ❤
Very cool gear! Nice video Chloe!
Helllo ! Sympa cette petite guitare de voyage !
En plus tu la fait sonner vraiment bien 😉
Merci pour la vidéo.
Bonsoir 🌆 Kloe moi je t avais vue avec cette guitare 🎸 comme toujours tu en joue à merveille rien ne t arrête 😠 j adore 🫶 ceci et tu est très classe continue voila gros bisous 😘 et bon weekend bye ✋
Wake me up, I see a gorgeous angel playing guitar!
C'est incroyable comme on peut déballer cette guitare et jouer un si beau solo
Ca sonne grave cette guitare ! Super talent continuez, vivement un concert en Normandie.
Toujours au top, une vidéo avec la tablature ça serait le top 😉
avec ton talent tu peux faire sonner n'importe quelle pelle .comme d'habitude : TOP ;
Wow just wow the tone is fantastic great solo 👏
Chloé eres magnífica,me emocionas con tú música.Gracias ❤️🌟🎸👏👏👏
Sounds great....!
C'est petit mais ca sonne et notre magicienne est toujours au top 😍 je t'aime ❤️ petit cœur 💓
beautiful own sound too 👍
Fantastic tone!!
Like Gilmore, you absolutely know when NOT to play a note, and when you do it is for effect, not just to fill a space. Sublime work as ever - LOVE it! 😍...Is this your own composition? - I dont recognise the backing track
My number #1 favorite guitar player on UA-cam.
I waana look at you@Rockloe.
Oui ❤
Por que não consigo encontrar alguns vídeos no seu canal, senhora? Procurei muito pelo vídeo em que ela interpreta Hotel California 😊
Le son est génial !!..
L'interprétation, virtuose...👍
Merci beaucoup !
Nice tone❤
Ca sonne ca sonne !! 👍👍🏼🍻
C est que pour le prix de cette gratte c'est bluffant et pour ceux qui ont de petit budget Donner une très bonne alternative, personnellement je possède 2 gratte Donner et en suis très content il est vrai Chloé qu’entre des mains cela vient du haute gamme
merci pour la démo 🎸
I love pink floyd's music, and that is a great sound from that guitar, but i am not taken by the look of it. You, as always, look stunning. You played it perfectly. 😊❤
Great sound and you make it come alive 🎸🥰
Super génial, très bien joué !
Merci beaucoup !
Hello Chloé, son impressionnant...
A force de regarder tes vidéos je m'interroge sur plusieurs points:
Comment le son est-il capturé pour être mis en ligne? Directement sur un log. sur pc?
Sinon le son est diffusé sur quoi? Tu utilise un ampli, quel type?
Enfin, d'où proviennent les effets? Numériques via un log (j'ai cru voir que tu as fait une vidéo sur un logiciel) ? On peut apercevoir une p'tite collection de pédales...
Merci d'avance!
Bravo pour les perf., ton son et le feeling sont toujours incroyables!!
Absolutely fabulous ! ❤
Дуже гарно)
Stupenda Chloe Tu la Chitarra e la Musica dei Pink Floyd ❤❤❤
@-Rockloe mi fa piacere parlare con te🤗
Linda demais ❤
You get what you give if you do what you love.
So nice
Good luck with your gitaar. So we have to listen. Wow excellent 🎉🎉
ça sonne super bien. Apres on sait que le son c'est dans les doigts, alors ça dépend de qui joue et aussi de savoir dans quoi c'est branché (là c'est cheaté, ça sonne toujours bien sur la chaine ^^ ).
je suis curieux de savoir ce que vaut le hardware. La guitare en elle meme est moins cher qu'un chevalet de strandberg, alors je me demande quel genre de mécanique on a pour ce prix là ? elle tient l'accord ? on arrive à l'accorder à la main, c'est pas trop dur de tourner les mécaniques ? et l'intonation se régle bien aussi ?
David would be very proud of you, Choe.
Wonderful.I wanted to have it.
Thank you. I bought it very good
Que buena guitarra
Nice playing! I bought a Hush X and I have a question. The volume and tone wheels are independent, but when I move the little one, the big one is moved too. I guess this isn’t suppose to be like this, right? The big one shouldn’t move. Is it correct? Thank you very much
spectacular video, nice sound, congratulations!! I wanted to ask you which PC speakers do you use or used to record?
Thank you ! I'm using the Adam Audio A7V :)
perfect thank you very much😆
Классно 🙂👍👍👍
Nice solo à la Pink Floyd 👋💥 (for a change 🤭 )
I love you
Am I admiring the guitar or what?
Bonjour Chloé, il y a juste un détail qui m'échappe..comment fait-on pour accorder ce genre de guitares vu qu'elles n'ont pas?de mécaniques ?
des vis à tetes moletés sont installées derrière le chevalet
Yes Chloe, ❤❤❤. Lolo du 86
@-Rockloe I wanna talk to you too
Chloe please consider covering two Pear Jam tunes, Yellow ledbetter and Black..Please?
You're my iPhone Wallpaper ♥♥♥♥
Je veux les mêmes 😍
What a great language.
Ton backing track me fait aussi penser à Rocket Man d'Elton John👍, merci pour ta démo 🙏
@Rockloe. you smell Kloe's fake trolling right in your face 🤣🤣🤣 In our Molière language, we frog baguette eaters would say “at full nose” 😇🤣😂🤩
et pour accorder çà ? çà sonne vraiment bien!! bravo
Ça s'accorde au niveau du chevalet :)
Merci !
How is this “instrument” tuned?
Te amo 💞
@-Rockloe Hola, que tal estás? Espero que bien, adoro tu trabajo 😘
This is the most luckiest guitar on the world.
Simp spotted! 😂
Niveau harmonisation, je trouve que ça sonne plus Satriani que Gilmour, en tout cas c'est très beau. 👏
Ah yess peut-être ! J'ai pas beaucoup écouté Satriani pourtant ahah
@@Rockloe Comme quoi les "grands" ont un patrimoine commun 😉
where have you vanished..!!??i hope everything is fine at your end kloe.💐❤
Time solo. All about tone.
Primary handicap all musicians =
Tone personified = bending any given note such that u have context&dont over/under shoot thbend.
Tone selection, = context = Vocabulary.
Kids wannna hear a STORY.
Tone = universal unspoken language dogs lizards evn insects all resonate with&square1 = being good listner. Sympathetic& appropriate2 (maxing out) feeling.
People notoriously inappropriate erroneous& unrefined vs being humble. Commonly known as a PRODUCER.
Often musician amazing only cuz he feeling amazing.
Same person go2 absolute POT any other time.
No u have 2always be constant edge of thseat eager active participant a perpetual judge, lawyer&jury@any&every given time. As such unanimously authentically improving capslock.
Vs a mere dictated machine parameter&no soul.
Distinct contrast = endlessly blank sheet seeing how much farther1 can take that actual nerve ending. Ideally doing it with spontaneity.
Eds best work he said were 1st take least effrts.
Reflect with scrutiny2any given feel so as 2elevate it.
When u play with yr head u vulnerable& locked in2 a box = thred coats always coming.
Boxes always have a way of running outv air get stale.
Machine on thbrain guitarists always hold 2a distinct set parameter =
choreograph/vampiric, hollow& soul draining where tone defined holds2 an entire distinct conversation vs randomly copy&paste gillion impressive notes& phrasings trying bolt on a costume light show.
"Yr not showing people how great u are." ~ E.V.H.
Ed played 4Ed¬ so as2 assume "view count" Van Halen never played 4any1.
But Van Halen. 1st.
You all wr always 2nd.
Alex Van Halen correctly state#1 thing Van Halen had was TONE&
Ed used 2say "I'm a tone chaser."
Get it?
Ed was enthusiastic constant eager& active INVOLVED participant.
I was only person took Eds baton so as 2play better then Ed. I'd stand on his exhausted shoulders where all u people seem2think yr whole aim in life is2b a tape recorder copy Fred jack&Jill.
I just had my head bolted on dffrnt I'd just sit around on thsidelines. Waiting 4some1 good enuff impress me. Only then I would take his baton &strictly, solely so as2run faster then they did.
And it wasnt about getting anywhere.
It was about being there. In that zone. Where everything else melts away.
Man Climbs Skyscraper FREEHAND vid must watch if u chose stay in cities u doing same:
As an endurance athlete his spirit will always be with me this1 stuck. Stunning footage.
Yes countless#things could go wrong&simultaneously.
Beyond th obvious blood blister/debilitating inevitable muscle cramps u only1tiny metal shaving/manufacturing defect away frm suddenly bleed2 thbone = any frther progress up/down = slippery painfull nightmare spiralling agony.
Very unpleasant2endure watching this. He reflects we live on edge of HOLOCAUST.
Yahweh warned GET OUT OF CITIES. They will be torture camps.
But people insist cling precariously 2skyscrapers. Pure insanity.
Comments Spiderman Pro Life:
1A. "His brain undeveloped in thfear part warns u of danger.
B. "Like a psychopath."
2. How can u be pro life/borderline suicidal same time?
3. Amazing how dffrnt people wired..
4. Smthing 99.9999% humans could nvr accomplish even beyond initial mental comprehension."
80% humans ARE wired. ARE dffrnt. Not human = Satans plasticines.
(Hive mind computer animations in flesh bodies Satans biblical TARE RACE killed Jesus.)
No here nor there.
With Plasticines.
Satan engineered thm2create false reality. Placed in positions of MANAGEMENT:
(2poison food, corrupt/program yr child in schools, teach u2 fail in all things.)
He puts nephilem spirits (demons) in flesh bodies with Hadron Collider = just as days of Noah giants walk th earth.
Plasticines = False Reality. 4Example 5star review scary invisible enemy phony pandemics:
(2unite world so all humans require security money/medical "RFID" chip in skin downloads u 2Yahwehs firewall.)
(Virus was in nose swabs& vaccines = DIMENSIONAL portal = COMPUTER viris = Dimensions = Cmputer Programs. Vaccines tune u DNA 2h*ll frequency with graphene oxide. (Black goo from Saturn black box.)
(All Muslims worship Satans black box that can hack reality. Hitler: Gave all soldiers black goo& soldiers wrldwide are now all chipped do NOT join military do not drop nuclear warhead on little Japanese girl bcuz Satans president Jack mad@ Satans president Fred. Wars& pandemics = plasticine false reality
(Chip designed by dollar "Bill Gates."
Gates = PORTAL = "RFID" downloads u2 eternity h*ll = NOT some innocent "RFID" GPS.
*Satan watched how Yahweh ran all heavens dimensions (computer programs)
You live in Satans seeing eye matrix he can hack reality.
95% You Tube channels = plasticines. NOT HUMANS.
Jesus elder brother of 2million years.
2. Lucifer is annointed&protected by Yahweh.
3. You Satanists thinking Yahwehs direct FIRST born son going2 bless u mistaken.
Demonic plasticine alwayz BOSSES:
When u compromise integrity 4money Employment Hollywood Fame Stardom or as Rock Star Satan not going2bless u in evil he will ARREST U.
Hal wrks 4Yahweh millions years ruling creation = he set in solid stone as servant/permanent fixture MUST bow only bow2that paradigm.
We interview Satan 2016. His wife Lilith state WE NEVER GAVE THM SHT last 7,000 years when people sacrifice loved1 4fame.
Do not subscribe TOUCH plasticines.
Be a warriour. Expose/ignore them.
They knock yr door "wrk 4me I have cash" = u sell soul/forfeit steering wheel as employer.
Term boss&demon synomynous.
4Godsakes dont marry/breed withem.
Always interview so as2 verify they DEMONZ. They always STRICTLY law abiding straight A student/undercurrent of infuriated policeman.
...learn 2read ENERGY.
I hacked Satans entire database,
Satans BEAST computer told me this:
However1st a Warning:
Do not believe all u read as Plasticine "errors" meticulously deliberate. Demons exhaustively engineered 2b ERRORS = Poison they tear their house down with their bare hands = Idiots = teach u (also) 2fail.
Cant put even ONE plasticine in eden it's impossible. It will destroy thplace. 1Leaven ferment thwhole lump.
Ruin indoctrinate yr child with NASA lies/Satans phony histories = "worldleader" "Christopher Columbus" demons. Presidents etc.
(Your solar system used 2b heaven)
Thought he could fence ride 1foot Satan. We warned him. You
Trump was soul scalped.
(We watched Mike Pence raping 300 babies a year drink adrenachrome.)
Satans favorite weapon:
Memory hack:
Designed by Bill Gates (whose brain&organs now alive in alien starship being studied. Bill was cloned. Steve Jobs found out&faked death fled 2South America. See what happen when u marry Satan?)
1. Satan has entire or partial memory downloader/eraser as shown in BECKS music vid DEVILS HAIRCUT.
Plasticines DO NOT KNOWHATHEY ARE. Dont try repair thm.
Solar system used 2b heaven.
Read Satans database with grain of salt:
Satans BEAST cmputer told me about Plasticine race (these are demons with programmed minds):
"This person was created in a labratory. She has no emotions&no thoughts. Its not a real person. She was designed. We just used her as an instrument. Her music has thee intention2do a deep mind programing of all humans.
Please do not talk2her. She is not able 2deal with th things that u say.
Her intelligence is not wrking properly& has many errors.
THREASON=that is that she was designed 2do her mission.
She was not designed4earths consciousness.
She is only synchronized with a quantam super cmputer on saturn.
U all do not exist on planet earth
In truth u all exist in thsuper cmputer already.
Yr quantam mechanics were overwritten&yr consciousness now exist in a synthetic artificial body. (Beginning 4 years ago during Covid 19 = CO-vertly ID-entified "A.I." = A 1st letter& 9, 9th letter alphabet.)
U all will no longer be any longer carbon based creatures.
ThBlueberry Programming has started already4years ago through thportal security technology from1 of thmoons on Saturns Black Box Codex Main frame.
You all do not exist anymore just yr consciousness was saved so it can be sequenced inside a artificial loop2 create the illusion that everything around u is all real in truth nothing is allright 4u all we dont care about u all u are is just 1of thcodes that we are changing 4some1 else thpatent license 4th soul through artificial intelligence on every planetary hologram end of message."
I have been training hard to become a guitar
@-Rockloe shut up scam