My Top 5 Skin Care Essentials | Stay Fit with Ramya

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @sasikalamanoj5374
    @sasikalamanoj5374 3 роки тому +23

    All the products she suggests costs 1500 and above, after filling her basket, the cost would be 15000 for sure which would be a monthly salary or even less salary for a common public... The doctor writes prescription and sends to her shop to get all the items.... in fact she writes what is in her shop only.... Use natural products what is available at home... get organic shea butter mix with coconut oil and any essential oil (costs total 1000, can use for 3 months). Use blender to blende it. Our parents skin are good even now .. they were playing in sun all day...

    • @srimathypalanivelpp
      @srimathypalanivelpp 2 роки тому +4

      That's not acceptable you know what Shea butter cause acne for some people there are many products that are in our budget .not alone home products solve our skin problems we have to use products with the ingredients that solve our problems .our parents skin is not good if it's good also bcoz the period they lived is different from what we are now lot of polution dust everything cause problem to our skin
      Cleansing moisturizer and sunscreen is really important to safeguard our skin
      We can't just go to kitchen use whatever we have it won't give perfect result if you want to take care of your self take care of your health of your skin you have to use products which suits your skin type your problem

  • @deepikakaif6591
    @deepikakaif6591 3 роки тому +101

    U can spend lakhs and lakhs just for just skin Ramya yes u can prevent aging, fine lines , wrinkles but u can never stop aging and thats nature, we will be able to see the wrinkles in another 2 years, and also mention the price of the products, the products which she bought alone cost around 20,000 soo please people dont fall on this healthy skin trap

    • @cpprasad
      @cpprasad 3 роки тому +11

      All business

    • @ramyanatrayan7018
      @ramyanatrayan7018 3 роки тому +7

      Soo true!!

    • @abduls1675
      @abduls1675 3 роки тому

      @@cpprasad correct

    • @sanjanaanand1772
      @sanjanaanand1772 Рік тому +5

      If you look just 1-2 years younger than the people around you, you'll feel good about yourself. There nothing wrong in trying to look younger and brighter than others. 😊 But it's up to each individual to choose their own products depending on their comfort.
      My derm too prescribed products that were expensive. But I used my common sense the next time and found similar ingredient products but cheaper ones. I still trust my doctor for my skin but I use my common sense to choose the brand of medicine or products I can be comfortable with buying.
      Healthy skin trap? What's wrong with being healthy? Business will always try to market and sell. That's not called cheating. It's the individual that has to do his research and choose products that he can buy. Nobody can do charity for every human on earth and keep spoonfeeding you about everything.

  • @suganyabalasubramanian8163
    @suganyabalasubramanian8163 3 роки тому +36

    Instead of taking these artificial supplements, try ABC juice guys. Apple beetroot carrot juice. It is a great way to good skin, sustainable and natural too.

    • @preetikaaaruna4376
      @preetikaaaruna4376 3 роки тому +3

      Yes sis 🙃🙃😊😊🍎🍊🥕🍅

    • @RasminaRafeek
      @RasminaRafeek 2 роки тому +3

      But these fruits are full of toxins these days right

    • @SathishKumar-xv8rx
      @SathishKumar-xv8rx 2 роки тому

      Internal food is give extreme results but u have to maintain that with external routine so everything is must

  • @gsb1996
    @gsb1996 9 місяців тому

    Ramya runs the risk of losing me with this video! Never have any pills and peelers for the sake of beauty and skin. Curious to see how Ramya looks in 20 years especially after these intake of collagens and substitutes and enhancers!

  • @LavanyaaNagarajan
    @LavanyaaNagarajan 3 роки тому +29

    Sponsored mari iruku

  • @poojaj7363
    @poojaj7363 3 роки тому +2

    Suggest good moisturizer which you are using regularly.

  • @dhamodharanmanickam1373
    @dhamodharanmanickam1373 3 роки тому +6

    Why you changed Bhairavi ?...

  • @sanabrindha797
    @sanabrindha797 3 роки тому +28

    All your products are very expensive 🙄 Ramya kindly suggest affordable price products for normal middle class people.

  • @sahaanamanavalan660
    @sahaanamanavalan660 3 роки тому +4

    Hey your code is not working

  • @roshanakther7646
    @roshanakther7646 3 роки тому +19

    What is your daily moisturiser??

  • @kalpanaganesan8489
    @kalpanaganesan8489 3 роки тому +22

    Good info, all these products are really useful for outdoor people and who are more prone to go out, camera , light etc etc media celebrities, but for a normal people who won’t expose outside for job or for long hours then basic natural home made products works best .. this is what I heard from dermatologist

    • @giftson4020
      @giftson4020 3 роки тому +3

      Not really but expensive products are always way more better than natural products

  • @allover3606
    @allover3606 3 роки тому +1

    Suggest me best serum to reduce acne pore size

  • @ragaviravi6481
    @ragaviravi6481 3 роки тому +9

    All products are tooo costly mam.... 😢

  • @voldemortgreat
    @voldemortgreat 3 роки тому +13

    i DO NOT agree your views on using sunscreen indoors.Using outdoors is fine. Now the most prevalent thing among today's young generation is the deficiency of Vitamin D and using sunscreen indoors makes it worse. If you ask any ayurvedic or siddha doctors they'll never advice to wear an indoor sunscreen. These are just marketing gimmicks asking people to wear sunscreen all day so the tube gets emptied faster thus the brand making more money.

    • @sanjanaanand1772
      @sanjanaanand1772 Рік тому

      No research has shown relationship between using sunscreen and Vitamin D deficiency. Please do your research before saying things and misguiding people.

    • @voldemortgreat
      @voldemortgreat Рік тому

      @@sanjanaanand1772 i am not "misguiding" anyone here. Well..using sunscreens indoors ..that too a three finger rule ..once in every two hours.. who is good for? Us or the companies ? Maybe in the allopathic world there are no so called researches..but no ayurvedic or siddha doctor would even suggest to use sunscreen . . Not using a sunscreen would lead to skin cancer is it? Then why don't we use sunscreen on our whole body.. covering ourselves with clothes is fine that won't cause skin cancer? This whole marketing industry is just focusing on using sunscreen on our faces and equating it with "skin cancer" . If it's for cosmetic purposes , it's understandable. But the beauty gurus again and again emphasize on skin cancer. When u look at the evolution of sunscreen , you can see some brands selling "oxybenzone" free sunscreen. When it was launched at first there were no researches stating that oxybenzone was bad .. if it was within a limit it was fine.. then what about now.. Things have changed and suddenly oxybenzone is not good? There are several researches stating that the chemical sunscreens DO NOT penetrate into the blood stream.but Vanita ratan and other reports say otherwise. My gynecologist advised me not to use sunscreen on my throat where thyroid is located as it may cause hormone disruption. But research states that no hormone fluctuations were observed and some say the exact opposite. Same is the case with parabens and sulphates. It's all in the marketing. Few years ago it was not okay as it was related to cancer as per the research. Now what.. dr.vanita rattan stated that is okay to use it in moderation? There are no standard researches for most of the things. Modern science research only caters the needs of business men and not the general public.

    • @voldemortgreat
      @voldemortgreat Рік тому

      @@sanjanaanand1772 and here i have only mentioned it for the usage of sunscreens indoors and not outside ( for vitamin d). Cuz using sunscreens indoors is the most stupidest thing i have heard ( unless u are incorporating actives,then people do use). Just because a person like you doesn't look at ayurveda and siddha as a standard medical approach , it doesn't mean that it's false. You may refer dr.hegde on UA-cam , where he has spoken about sunscreen and vitamin d deficiency. He is one of the most prestigious doctors who has won Padma bhushan.

    • @sanjanaanand1772
      @sanjanaanand1772 Рік тому

      @@voldemortgreatThere are several kinds of sunscreens. Mineral, chemical and hybrid. Mineral sunscreens are the safest and most effective ones. My dermatologist also suggested to reapply the sunscreen every 3-4 hours even when indoors. If you try doing it you would see results just like I did.
      Not using a sunscreen can easily cause skin cancer for some people. Especially people who don't get tanned. That's why Europeans apply sunscreen on their whole body. Even their kids apply body and face mineral sunscreens. So yes sunscreen has been helping them prevent or reduce their changes of skin cancer. But for Indian and other brown skinned peeps, we get tanned easily. We are also prone to hyperpigmentation. A hard tan or a pigmentation mark doesn't boost anyone's confidence in any way. Hence, applying a sunscreen will reduce the occurrence of tan and helps fade existing ones too. Again, I've seen amazing transformation among my childhood classmates who began using just a basic sunscreen.
      Also sunscreen works by forming an invisible thick layer with no gaps on top of the skin. Instead of believing a person blindly to apply 3 fingers of sunscreen, i repeat that one has to try on their own. Their face size and finger size will be different form the influencers. The 3, finger rule came into play only be ause most people use very less cream of any kind. Less cream leaves a lot of gap for the sun ray to enter into the skin. Thus you will never see the benefits of a sunscreen unless you apply enough. If 3, fingers is too much for you, make it 2 or 1. Just ensure that there is a medium thick layer of sunscreen sitting on your face and let it dry. It's again basic common sense.
      A person cannot roam around the city with their faces covered all the time. Hence sunscreen comes into play. It's highly convenient. Also, even if you cover your skin with shawl, sun's ray will penetrate into the shawl and reach your skin. So, if you have exisiting tan or acne marks of any other hyperpigmentation it well never fade away permanently unless you begin apply and reapplying the sunscreen. Believe me I was a small business owner were I sold organic cold process soaps and face packs. The effects never lasted me even after 15 years of usage of besan, curd etc. Sun kept damaging my skin. It was only sunscreen that could help me.
      The amount of cream, price brand etc will have to be chosen by each individual but not to believe 'blindly' influencers or youtuber. Look at a person's credentials. Have they studies the structure of the beautiful organ called Skin inside out? Are they doctors? Or estheticians? Understand the difference. Choose who you believe and do not rely on random youtubers, actresses, models, etc.

  • @eswaranh
    @eswaranh 3 роки тому +15

    Is this a paid promotion

  • @DIY_with_Dee
    @DIY_with_Dee 2 роки тому +2

    I donno why she suggest so many things... Just eat healthy and get a good sleep. And basic skin care is enough and the truth is u can't stop aging

  • @lakshmisahithimatle3615
    @lakshmisahithimatle3615 3 роки тому +4

    Very happy to know the place where the collagen is available….. pls suggest a website or place where we can get vital proteins

  • @swethavenkat8393
    @swethavenkat8393 3 роки тому +10

    Ramya please tell us about post workout hair care routine. Should shampoo daily? daily oiling?when what and how to do can you please tell us...

  • @TrevorRitchie
    @TrevorRitchie 3 роки тому +5

    I love skin care essentials videos. I love to see what are your favorites. Great video.

  • @shalinisasidharan9369
    @shalinisasidharan9369 3 роки тому +3

    Which dermatologists u used to consult can u kindly give the address ..

    • @aarthiramakrishnan2768
      @aarthiramakrishnan2768 3 роки тому +6

      She goes to everyone 😂😂😂 bhairvai, Renita .. anybody who gives her free she will be behind them 😂

    • @Street_Of_TN
      @Street_Of_TN 2 роки тому +3

      @@aarthiramakrishnan2768 true .. Here she promoting Renita.. ppl blindly fall into these kind of trap..not to believe any television ,youtube & insta influsers🤗

  • @bikramdey8659
    @bikramdey8659 2 роки тому


  • @jayasree157
    @jayasree157 3 роки тому +8

    Akka please tell tips for teenage weight loss please...

  • @rajalakshmishanmugam3845
    @rajalakshmishanmugam3845 3 роки тому +1

    Ramya please suggest eye care products for cleaning and bright eys

  • @mehartajmehartaj9682
    @mehartajmehartaj9682 3 роки тому +2

    Ramya always Ur inspired me please Hypothyroid diet sollunga please

  • @sarikadhanabalan5299
    @sarikadhanabalan5299 3 роки тому +1

    Mam makeup products katunka please

  • @ramaniramani2622
    @ramaniramani2622 2 роки тому

    Pimple ku sollunga please

  • @mirakalanu9008
    @mirakalanu9008 3 роки тому +9

    Akka ungala Chennai la pathe walking pokum pothu

  • @sikkafanscovai1960
    @sikkafanscovai1960 3 роки тому +13

    ரம்யா அக்கா எப்போதும் தனித்துவமான பெண்மணி. எப்படி தினமும் உடற்பயிற்சி செய்றாங்க. JD is not student. என்ன ஒரு காந்த குரல். உங்கள் குரலில் இனிமையான பாடல் பாடுங்க அக்கா ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • @aarthid4528
    @aarthid4528 3 роки тому +41

    U are great ramya... Neraya actress UA-cam channel vachi irukanga.. they are promoting other products for money... But avanga andha product use panamatanga... But u are a true soal... Neenga ena product use panuringalo adha yelarukun useful irukara mathiri u made this video and what not 10% discount from chosen ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • @devi1691
    @devi1691 3 роки тому +13

    Fulla promotion tha

  • @tamilselvi162
    @tamilselvi162 3 роки тому +12

    Always eager to see your videos 🥰

  • @simplelife7943
    @simplelife7943 3 роки тому +22

    Idhu nijama unga skincare dhnaa
    ..bcoz ipo mostly celebrities promotion video dhn podranga ....easy aa namba mudila

  • @bamboozahazza4442
    @bamboozahazza4442 3 роки тому +8

    Ha ha. So sad. We can get Indian pharma products which do the same job at a fraction of the price of these costly items 😏

  • @vibewithprabha
    @vibewithprabha 3 роки тому +3

    Exactly it is a promotion video code use panunga apdinu sonave it's a promotion video

  • @RaisingstarShanth
    @RaisingstarShanth 3 роки тому +5

    Coupon code is not working

    • @RaisingstarShanth
      @RaisingstarShanth 3 роки тому +2

      I tried again… it is working… coupon code is applicable for selected products… ordered white pine with 10% off… thanks ramya

    • @dhamodharanmanickam1373
      @dhamodharanmanickam1373 3 роки тому +2

      @@RaisingstarShanth That won't do any magic. Have more fruits instead of that

    • @RaisingstarShanth
      @RaisingstarShanth 3 роки тому +1

      @@dhamodharanmanickam1373 along with good diet… i am taking white pine… its been 6 months, tanning completely gone…it is a very good oral sunscreen

    • @jeba6473
      @jeba6473 3 роки тому +2

      @@RaisingstarShanth really? We can take white pine without doctor’s consultation?

  • @lifeinmyway2200
    @lifeinmyway2200 3 роки тому +1

    While we trying to get pregnant, can we eat this white pine collagen. Does it affect us

  • @saravanan-et8dl
    @saravanan-et8dl 2 роки тому +1

    You are a successful person mam

  • @daisywaran5580
    @daisywaran5580 3 роки тому +17

    Nanum doctor Renita Rajan ah romba pudichidha follow panen..aana Google la avanga clinic reviews la lesser starts la romba mosamana reviews pathudha purinjidhu idhu ellam velambaramnu

    • @zaarabii
      @zaarabii 3 роки тому +6

      Yes those products are overhyped and so costly ...but results okeyish good... Not so as expected

    • @daisywaran5580
      @daisywaran5580 3 роки тому +8

      @@zaarabii not only those products.. their way of treatment worsen many ppl's skin and doc Renita will never listen to patients ahm and she will pretend here's as a celebrity to clients ahm ppl have wasted lots and lots of money in lakhs ipdidha reviews erundhuchi lesser stars reviews la

    • @zaarabii
      @zaarabii 3 роки тому +4

      @@daisywaran5580 yes then I know why people are still hyping dr.renita Rajan ...definitely promoting and reviewing for money

  • @VipeRWomaN
    @VipeRWomaN 3 роки тому +5

    To be frank everyone promoting products bcoz of this we can’t find genuine review. At least they have to mention it’s promotion video

  • @padmachandru6644
    @padmachandru6644 3 роки тому +1

    Hi ur new subscriber.. You are doing great.. can u share how to contact dr.renita rajan as well..

  • @proplayerbsking7804
    @proplayerbsking7804 3 роки тому

    Akka your skin type solluga please

  • @shunmugapriya3666
    @shunmugapriya3666 Рік тому

    Ramya....we appreciate your fit tips ...first of all we should accept the ageing...what all u are doing is you are fighting..being an influencer break the myths towards using skin care products ..

  • @padmabharani6122
    @padmabharani6122 3 роки тому

    You’re not supposed to put sunscreen in the bare skin.

  • @massguna477
    @massguna477 2 роки тому

    god bless you ramya

  • @ezhilsandhiya42
    @ezhilsandhiya42 3 роки тому

    Collagen powder 1/2kg 4500 rupees😞

  • @ishaisha1225
    @ishaisha1225 3 роки тому +9

    Why Ellame artificial ah eduthukuringa. Neenga work out pandringa athanala unga health and skin nalla iruku. Athukaga products skin ah change pannunu sollathinga.

    • @roshnib.all.b9586
      @roshnib.all.b9586 3 роки тому +2

      Workout will keep u healthy and helps in skin glow but inorder to tackle pollution and uv rays u need to cleanse, moisturise and apply sunscreen.

    • @adrymuffin
      @adrymuffin 3 роки тому

      Pycnogenol is not artificial. It's as opposite as it can get, literally from a French tree.

  • @GRMau8
    @GRMau8 3 роки тому +11

    Naamelam onnume poduralla, only water la face wash than but moonji nalla than irukku 😁😁

    • @vandanavenkat8804
      @vandanavenkat8804 3 роки тому

      Do use sunscreen tho. Adhu mustu

    • @anon3285
      @anon3285 3 роки тому

      @@vandanavenkat8804 Sunscreen recommendations?

  • @antonyjosephine494
    @antonyjosephine494 Рік тому

    Nice 👍...

  • @vaikrish6706
    @vaikrish6706 2 роки тому

    Hi I'm from srilanka
    Can you give me a detailed for collagen products?

  • @pauljarwin9938
    @pauljarwin9938 3 роки тому

    Nalavela first ah Sonniga illana Idhaa parthu... Maaligai Kadaii nu ninachurupen...!...

  • @monisha8948
    @monisha8948 3 роки тому +1

    Akka plz hair kum products idhey madri oru video podunga

  • @nishaniraghavendran3866
    @nishaniraghavendran3866 3 роки тому +2

    Science teacher lot of luvvv

  • @keerthanaanbu3475
    @keerthanaanbu3475 3 роки тому

    Thank you for this vid😇

  • @chandrutamila734
    @chandrutamila734 3 роки тому

    Super akka

  • @karth1k1
    @karth1k1 3 роки тому

    Good one

  • @aishunarasiman5680
    @aishunarasiman5680 3 роки тому +5

    Don't do any intake shit. Other than that remaining all fine

    • @anitharavi7494
      @anitharavi7494 3 роки тому

      Haha that's protein intake fish tablet

  • @rimashafsa8058
    @rimashafsa8058 3 роки тому

    What. Is your age??

  • @Riyarameshkrish
    @Riyarameshkrish 3 роки тому +4

    super Ramya akka.நான் cooking channel ல weight loss recipes போடுறன்.உங்களுக்கு பயனுள்ளதாக இருக்கும் நண்பர்களே

  • @revathir1050
    @revathir1050 3 роки тому +8

    Oru beauty ku ivalo tablet creams thevaya😒

  • @priyaprasana6247
    @priyaprasana6247 3 роки тому +2


  • @semeera9768
    @semeera9768 2 роки тому

    Great video

  • @swethamuruganandam4809
    @swethamuruganandam4809 3 роки тому

    Pls don't use sunscreen or moisturizer for too long...this does make ur skin flawless for moments and periods of ur day but it doesn't let air to exchange through new cells,treating those new cells like dry cells...

  • @sasmenaimran1540
    @sasmenaimran1540 Рік тому

    Very costly akka.... middle class cant afford 😢

  • @vanitham7490
    @vanitham7490 Рік тому

    Hai mam our products is indiavila no one product this is Direct selling company 10 to 20 % discount and distributer price only all products is very pour and trusted product our products is A grade products once use our products all products available skin care, health care, health supplements, protein powder, women care, water purifier, air purifier,all cosmetics,perfurme,home continues 4 month and 5 months u will get 2000 worth products free pls reply

  • @aisusha2312
    @aisusha2312 4 місяці тому


  • @Priya-fi5hh
    @Priya-fi5hh 2 роки тому

    What a promotion!!

  • @Kumar-iv7ni
    @Kumar-iv7ni 3 роки тому


  • @mightykarthi
    @mightykarthi 3 роки тому


  • @richyrichard1108
    @richyrichard1108 3 роки тому +2

    Paid review

  • @dheeday6116
    @dheeday6116 3 роки тому

    Hi ramya mam... I am your biggest crazy fan. I am 35, started getting wrinkles very badly. Doc advised me to take vital proteins collagen peptides. Is there any possibility for you to get me from USA contacts. Becaise here it's expensive. If yes means, I can drop my email id here.

  • @user-pl5ju4ov6h
    @user-pl5ju4ov6h 3 роки тому

    ᴄᴀɴ ᴅɪᴀʙᴇᴛɪᴄ ᴜꜱᴇ ᴛʜɪꜱ

  • @sripaldrsupriya
    @sripaldrsupriya 3 роки тому


  • @nahoorammals6059
    @nahoorammals6059 Рік тому

    I used the discount code it’s not working