Here is Marxism before Marx. I first stumble on this sometime last year and could not believe what I was reading. let's break this down, you spend your whole life working in the vineyard of truth and righteousness while the other fellow toils dedicates his life to unrighteousness. At the reaping of the harvest, this parable suggest we should be paid the same wage by the same pay master. Are you kidding me? Let the unjust man go to his employer and receive his just reward. This is one of the weaknesses in Christian doctrine, you invite others to make a fool and mockery of your theology.
When I came to know Jesus I was soon horrified that I did not have a lifetime to right my wrongs or to make changes, etc. This parable shows His Mercy and tells the elders of the church that He isn't concerned with their opinions.
Wow. I heard the first shall be last and the last shall be first. I thought it was for me, to help me feel better about feeling overlooked and ironically you used music and gifts and that’s exactly the area of struggle that has caused me to be jealous. Just when I thought I could finally operate in that gift someone else comes and takes that position/spot that hasn’t been there as long. This convicted me in a good way. Yes, God can do whatever he wants with us and I can either be mad or glad that, that person is edifying Christ and being obedient to the call. I’m currently in a season where I have to serve my family because my husband had a stroke. They all need me and some days the enemy fills me with so much frustration, depression and sadness that I can’t praise my way through or pray my way through the emotional hardship. I’m tired, mentally and physically drained. So seeing others do what my heart desires saddens me but now I understand this parable and now I know why God whispered it in my ear and led me to your video. God bless you!
I felt this once at my church. I was on fire. Ready to change the world. In fact I lead some people to the lord. People laughed at me IN THE CHURCH! I didn’t much care but I remembered it. Guess what now that would probably be me. I hope not. I pray that if I ever see someone on fire I will either catch fire by staying close or at very minimum fan the flame.
Thank you! God led me to Matthew 20 this morning. There’s been a ton of structural changes at the company I work for. I’ve been praying for clarity and God has told me to stay put & continue to seek him to get back on track with work. Although I’m not seeking a promotion, Matthew 20 served as a reminder to stay humble-embrace the change- and take joy in trusting God fully because he has the right to use us as he pleases for the greater good of his kingdom!
I loosen the promise of matthew 20:16, 2 corinthians 6:14-18, binding the first to be last and the last to be first in my life, the lives of my family, friends, colleagues, neighbours, acquintances, opponents and the body of Christ, me being first and my opponents being last from now on, binding myself not being unequally yoked and have any common share with those being first that now will be the last, while I will shine and my enemies lick their wounds from now on, in the name and blood of Jesus Christ, amen and hallelujah!
NO BECAUSE I AM SO HAPPYYYYYYY at first i didn't quite understand in Bible what Jesus ment with this and then i went searching on yt and i found video(one video before this one) and before the guy in the video explained what the message was about i just knew it. I just started writing and i knew what Jesus wanted to tell us in this verses. But i wasnt like 100% sure and the previous video was like 30min 😅so i just went looking for a little less minute video just to see if im understanding correctly so thats how i found this. AND now im so happy because i was thinking the same way!!! THANK YOU JESUSS
It might be saying now matter how long we’ve been serving the Lord the reward is the same? This parable is interesting and I’ve heard slightly different interpretations
This parable is for the catholics and eastern orthodox who are backslidden pagans. They always claim to be the true church while they insult protestants.
It's about Nepotism plain and simple , the workers who started late in the day didn't show up late when asked why they weren't working they said because"no one would hire us" when they where their "early" in the morning because they didn't know those who were hiring . That's why it says at the end will come a time when the 1st will be last , the last 1st.
Everyone who studies the parables finds many different interpretations. The question, is, how does this apply to your life, what is your interpretation based on your life experiences?
@@pastorstan3720 thank you and I do believe God allowed American Blacks to be hurt and mistreated because we demonstrate true faith in him and he made us strong, and it's going to be found out that we are the chosen and our rewards will be in Heaven along with the poorer White folks that helped along the way. The last shall be first.....stay humble. Like this latest murder of the 23 year old Airmen and his funeral full of about 100 of his colleagues of all types......he will be first. Is that clear as mud?😂God never meant for race and culture to be a caste system.
@@pastorstan3720 like the one of the owner given three men money to invest for him. Here I go, right there with the one who protected the money given, one because why would a slave make more money for a nasty person and two why take chances and lose his money? Once again the Bible and I fighting it out!🌺
This is the loophole sinners use to be saved at the end of their life because they'll say they really mean it at the end so they've had all their fun this is also the loophole that socialist use in order to stay at home and not work so I'm really conflicted with this personally. It's like when the phrases "don't let anybody tell you you can't do something" and "don't care what other people think" It allows anybody to do whatever they want including sin.
*ELOHIM* AND ONLY *ELOHIM* SEES AND KNOWS THE 💝 *YESHUA MESSIAH* has NO trap doors NOR "loopholes". This is a Service for the Called Out Ones given to us freely by Pastor Stan. . . I see no place for donations. . . You are seeking a "religions of the world" under grad course with debate: You could check your local community college to find such a class you may audit.
Im pretty sure God can tell when you are trying to take advantage of him and so can the devil so he will use it against you. Also as a human you have no idea when "the end" is. The end could be 7 minutes from now 🤷🏽♀️
God is no respecter of persons. Those who are saved earlier in their life will be privileged to be faithful servants denying themselves daily and carrying their cross longer than those who get saved later in their lives and carry their cross for less temporal time, and deny themselves for a shorter period of time in the here and now; However, when we all reach ETERNAL LIFE and are in the hereafter we will all have equal rewards from our Master in heaven.
@@wrongfullyaccused7139 Wrongfully accused??? Wrongfully... accused?🤔 I really don't know if I even want to dialogue with🙄u? However, since your so smart, please explain to me the meaning of Jesus' parable to his disciples in Matthew 20:1-16? And oh, just one more thing, if you're following the Lord and Savior for Spiritual, Capitalistic, Kingdom of Heaven REWARDS... then you're in for a RUDE AWAKENING in the hereafter. Never take CREDIT, Rewards, or GLORY for what God has done {through you}. Capiche?
@@christopherbellore3511 : Thank you for letting me know you have written your own bible in favor of your own man made doctrine. You have saved me a great deal of time. One of the crucial things the Bible has taught me is about pearls and swine. All of my words on this parable are already posted. You were given a fair chance. Shaking off the dust. Goodbye.
@@wrongfullyaccused7139 how's it going under that bridge, where you live? Troll master, you still haven't said anything. You are indeed, a brother of the Accuser. Stop attacking me, stop criticizing me, and start teaching me about WHERE it is WRITTEN in the HOLY WORD of God about these 'rewards,' that you are planning to receive in the Kingdom of Heaven. I am giving you the opportunity to show me that what you originally said to me is what the Bible teaches. So, go ahead professor. Have a go at it. Let's hear what you want everyone to know. Especially me, since you've ACCUSED me of being a heretic, and you've called my interpretation of God's Holy Word, "blatantly false." Please reprove me with good doctrine! Help me, to STOP blaspheming. I'm ALL 👂👂👂😊👂👂👂🙏
Completely wrong discernment of that scripture. Nothing but the same old polly parrot rhetoric. That is NOT what that parable means. I will keep looking to see if anyone has it right.
@@artoke84 ; When people read this verse they immediately forget to place it in spiritual terms If you were a scrupulously honest employer there is only one reason why you would pay someone who had worked one hour the same as someone who had worked eight (or any number of hours you feel fills a day). The person who worked one hour accomplished as much in one hour as the others took all day to do! In the natural, that is practically impossible. However, the Bible is a spiritual book meant to be spiritually discerned and to be employed spiritually. Our number one task as Christians is to die out to our natural human will/flesh and replace it with the nature of Jesus and the will of God. One piece at a time. When we pray, we pray in the natural and in the spirit. We battle spiritually daily. As Paul said "I die daily". Some people attempt this battle all on their own, using their ideas and plans on what they think they need and do not rely on the guidance of God. So as a result, they gain maturity ever so slowly if at all. When someone truly yields to the spirit of God and lets God write the lesson plan so to speak, He can accomplish more in their spirit in one day than they can do in a year. One principle states that God gives the best to those who leave the choices to Him. That is the lesson of the parable of the vineyard.
@@wrongfullyaccused7139 that is the same conclusion I arrived after reading preceeding verses and especially the words of Jesus right before parable "For the Kingdom of Heaven is like... " so whatever comes after that, must be understood in the spiritual. Thanks for expressing your thougths so clearly. I might take them in tonight´s speech.
WOW steelflex your DISRESPECT IS ASTOUNDING. . . *YHWH* WANTS ALL *HIS CHOSEN* In Heaven. . . you don't chose *ELOHIM* chooses you! Some people WHO ARE Written In THE LAMBS BOOK OF LIFE may receive YESHUA on their Deathbeds. . . (Just as the Thief Receives *Yeshua* next to HIM on the cross!) . . . Your attitude and problem is not with Pastor Stan your attitude &problem is with *ELOHIM* and *None of them OWE you any 'explanations' .* Open *IT IS WRITTEN* like an adult for yourself. Stop expecting Pastors, and everyone else to bottle feed you, pat your back and burp you.
@@doctorathena2802 I don’t have a problem with him, it’s his inadequate explanation, and to be frank, I can’t decipher what you said, either. In any case, I’m glad you get it. Good on you. 👍🏼
@@steelflex I can't tell in text whether or not you're being sarcastic I would like to believe the best of you. These are not difficult terms to understand *Elohim* is the Aramaic Hebrew word for the entire Trinity when you see "im" at the end of an Aramaic- Hebrew word it's plural. *ELI* is the name YESHUA aka Jesus called to ABBA *YHWH* while on the Cross. The letter J was not introduced until sometime I believe in the 16th century or could have been the 15th century I have dyslexia there was no J for " jesus" that name basically means Zeus. You need to understand the Bible was not penned in English. It Was Written in Aramaic Hebrew. Names have been changed the proper name of *YHWH*has been taken out NEARLY 7,000 times. The Halleluyah Scriptures help you go directly from Aramaic Hebrew to English . . .if you're not a student of Aramaic Hebrew as I am. I'm not showing off I'm simply not going to call THE HOLY TRINITY by improper names. "Lord" happens to be the proper name for baal. do you think that our "Lord" would share THE TITLE with Lord of the Flies?? NO of course not ! None of what I'm saying is inaccurate. Again I'm not trying to show off but once you know the true name of the Father the true name of the Son and the true name of the Holy Spirit you want to use those names and honor them. When Yeshua says Hallowed Be Thy NAME-what name is that what name? *YHWH* WHEN YESHUA is talking in John " I have revealed you to them I have revealed you and your name to them that name is *YHWH* said "Yah-Whah" the "Wha" like a literal breath of air. If you understood and went back to the original Aramaic Hebrew to Greek you get a completely different understanding of the Words of The Parables and of The Message. Man was instructed do not take away do not add that was done when it was changed from Aramaic Hebrew to Greek- much was added much was taken out they did not understand what they ~greek scribes~ were reading they changed entire Concepts. Then you go to Latin then you go to The King's English then you go to what we have today= near train wreck it really is. You're working with like the game telephone come down thousands of years with many of these writers not knowing what the Aramaic Hebrew word meant so they put in what they thought it meant not what Yeshua through the Ruach Hakodesh aka the Holy Spirit IS saying. So if you don't understand what I'm saying trust me you don't understand *IT IS WRITTEN* I can't call the Creator of the Universe~ of all that is seen and unseen~ AS ONCE YOU KNOW~HE NOT ACCEPTING the proper name for baal. Nor using the word "god" which just happens to be the first part of a name of one of the fallen angels.( Nowhere in the Bible does it say one-third of the Angels were cast down with hashatan aka satan yet I'm sure you accept that as truth.) Only in Revelation is 1/3 and Angels found together and that's RE: Warfare. So basically what I'm saying is Pastor Stan is doing the best he can speaking to "The Called Out Ones" because that's what we are there is no such word as Church anywhere in the Bible that word does not exist - we are not what is called the 'church' we are what are called literally in Aramaic Hebrew " THE CALLED OUT ONES" so as I witness you two men argue and beat this Man up and disrespect Him the Ruach Hakodesh is Greaving Within Me it stirs up pain and the desire to knock over your tables because Pastor Stan is very clear very concise and has a very good grasp on the original Aramaic Hebrew scripture . .. He may not know it but He's definitely sharing it! Until you know that until you know Aramaic Hebrew you really shouldn't be arguing with another Pastor who has dedicated his life to understanding scripture and being able to present it to people without confusing the bujinkies out of them like you may feel I am now. yes I'm speaking another language I'm speaking the literal language of *ELOHIM* 22 letter OTIOT. so unless you know Aramaic Hebrew and the scripture from the original language you're in no position to be telling Pastor Stan "that's not good enough" for you. you want good enough? Search yourself. you should find somewhere in your Bible I'm not your secretary so I'm not telling you where. As you are told IN SCRIPTURE~ALIVE~ IN OF *YESHUA* you are to search out The Kingdom of Heaven ~seek seek and you will find. . .You need TO SEEK . Not expect any other to do that seeking for you. Is what I was saying: Am saying. The Beauty of Pastor Stan is the Simplicity in which he speaks~ Verily~ once you SEEK *ELOHIM* you will Hear just how close Pastor Stan is to The Original Literal Aramaic Hebrew. . . *THE LIVING WORD*
I was reading this , this morning and was confused, and this video helped me to understand. Thank u sm God bless u
Here is Marxism before Marx. I first stumble on this sometime last year and could not believe what I was reading. let's break this down, you spend your whole life working in the vineyard of truth and righteousness while the other fellow toils dedicates his life to unrighteousness. At the reaping of the harvest, this parable suggest we should be paid the same wage by the same pay master. Are you kidding me? Let the unjust man go to his employer and receive his just reward. This is one of the weaknesses in Christian doctrine, you invite others to make a fool and mockery of your theology.
Beautiful!!! I LOVED that saying! “The ground is all level at the foot of the cross” 🧡🧡 AMEN
When I came to know Jesus I was soon horrified that I did not have a lifetime to right my wrongs or to make changes, etc. This parable shows His Mercy and tells the elders of the church that He isn't concerned with their opinions.
Great teaching
Wonderful message thank you sir praise Jesus
Yes, praise be to Jesus!
Wow. I heard the first shall be last and the last shall be first. I thought it was for me, to help me feel better about feeling overlooked and ironically you used music and gifts and that’s exactly the area of struggle that has caused me to be jealous. Just when I thought I could finally operate in that gift someone else comes and takes that position/spot that hasn’t been there as long. This convicted me in a good way. Yes, God can do whatever he wants with us and I can either be mad or glad that, that person is edifying Christ and being obedient to the call.
I’m currently in a season where I have to serve my family because my husband had a stroke. They all need me and some days the enemy fills me with so much frustration, depression and sadness that I can’t praise my way through or pray my way through the emotional hardship. I’m tired, mentally and physically drained. So seeing others do what my heart desires saddens me but now I understand this parable and now I know why God whispered it in my ear and led me to your video.
God bless you!
God's blessings upon you and your family.
Thank you for sharing this! Really helped
I felt this once at my church. I was on fire. Ready to change the world. In fact I lead some people to the lord. People laughed at me IN THE CHURCH! I didn’t much care but I remembered it. Guess what now that would probably be me. I hope not. I pray that if I ever see someone on fire I will either catch fire by staying close or at very minimum fan the flame.
Thank you! God led me to Matthew 20 this morning. There’s been a ton of structural changes at the company I work for. I’ve been praying for clarity and God has told me to stay put & continue to seek him to get back on track with work. Although I’m not seeking a promotion, Matthew 20 served as a reminder to stay humble-embrace the change- and take joy in trusting God fully because he has the right to use us as he pleases for the greater good of his kingdom!
Chris, that is a great demonstration of God's wisdom and the understanding. I will be praying with you. Pastor Stan
Very encouraging and biblically sound, thank you !
I needed this teaching right now!
“God makes all of us equal in His sight when we accept Jesus” ❤🙌🙏
Nicole; Equal only in the degree of opportunity to grow up spiritually.
Thank you!!!!!! was abit confused on this appreciate you bringing it into light Pastor Stan
Thank you sir. Praise God 🙌
The Lord bless you too, Bellebasauras. Pastor Stan
Very powerful message
I loosen the promise of matthew 20:16, 2 corinthians 6:14-18, binding the first to be last and the last to be first in my life, the lives of my family, friends, colleagues, neighbours, acquintances, opponents and the body of Christ, me being first and my opponents being last from now on, binding myself not being unequally yoked and have any common share with those being first that now will be the last, while I will shine and my enemies lick their wounds from now on, in the name and blood of Jesus Christ, amen and hallelujah!
This was powerful 🙏🙏
Very good explanation best I've heard this far thanks
Good exposition!
Thank you 🙏🏽
so good
Good video. Thank you for your videos.
Great explanation.
NO BECAUSE I AM SO HAPPYYYYYYY at first i didn't quite understand in Bible what Jesus ment with this and then i went searching on yt and i found video(one video before this one) and before the guy in the video explained what the message was about i just knew it. I just started writing and i knew what Jesus wanted to tell us in this verses.
But i wasnt like 100% sure and the previous video was like 30min 😅so i just went looking for a little less minute video just to see if im understanding correctly so thats how i found this. AND now im so happy because i was thinking the same way!!! THANK YOU JESUSS
Good explanation
No it's not terrible read my comment
God Bless you bro have a good Monday
Wow, this video is so amazing!!
It might be saying now matter how long we’ve been serving the Lord the reward is the same? This parable is interesting and I’ve heard slightly different interpretations
At the end of life the reward we all get is the same, eternal life due to Christs sacrifice
This parable is for the catholics and eastern orthodox who are backslidden pagans. They always claim to be the true church while they insult protestants.
I interpret this parable as "never enter a contract without negotiations." Otherwise you'll get ripped off.
Next up, do the parable of the talents
It'll be up soon!
it better be.
Otherwise, houston........ We have a problem!
What about equal pay in the work place?
Equal pay = same salvation for everyone..... equal grace.
Vanessa; What about it?
The Last Will Be First.
It's about Nepotism plain and simple , the workers who started late in the day didn't show up late when asked why they weren't working they said because"no one would hire us" when they where their "early" in the morning because they didn't know those who were hiring . That's why it says at the end will come a time when the 1st will be last , the last 1st.
does he care if you are a immigrant ?
I know secrets about the parable of Jesus Christ 🕊️
That's interesting, as a Black person we've been given a different interpretation of this last first, first last thing. Um???
Everyone who studies the parables finds many different interpretations. The question, is, how does this apply to your life, what is your interpretation based on your life experiences?
@@pastorstan3720 thank you and I do believe God allowed American Blacks to be hurt and mistreated because we demonstrate true faith in him and he made us strong, and it's going to be found out that we are the chosen and our rewards will be in Heaven along with the poorer White folks that helped along the way. The last shall be first.....stay humble. Like this latest murder of the 23 year old Airmen and his funeral full of about 100 of his colleagues of all types......he will be first. Is that clear as mud?😂God never meant for race and culture to be a caste system.
@@pastorstan3720 like the one of the owner given three men money to invest for him. Here I go, right there with the one who protected the money given, one because why would a slave make more money for a nasty person and two why take chances and lose his money? Once again the Bible and I fighting it out!🌺
This is the loophole sinners use to be saved at the end of their life because they'll say they really mean it at the end so they've had all their fun this is also the loophole that socialist use in order to stay at home and not work so I'm really conflicted with this personally. It's like when the phrases "don't let anybody tell you you can't do something" and "don't care what other people think" It allows anybody to do whatever they want including sin.
There hearts may becomes to calloused to truly repent in the end. Given over to a reprobate mind!
has NO trap doors NOR "loopholes". This is a Service for the Called Out Ones given to us freely by Pastor Stan. . . I see no place for donations. . .
You are seeking a "religions of the world" under grad course with debate: You could check your local community college to find such a class you may audit.
Im pretty sure God can tell when you are trying to take advantage of him and so can the devil so he will use it against you. Also as a human you have no idea when "the end" is. The end could be 7 minutes from now 🤷🏽♀️
God is no respecter of persons.
Those who are saved earlier in their life will be privileged to be faithful servants denying themselves daily and carrying their cross longer than those who get saved later in their lives and carry their cross for less temporal time, and deny themselves for a shorter period of time in the here and now; However, when we all reach ETERNAL LIFE and are in the hereafter we will all have equal rewards from our Master in heaven.
Christopher; Absolutely, blatantly false. Your comment is direct contradiction to the word of God and the lessons it teaches on degrees of rewards.
Wrongfully accused???
Wrongfully... accused?🤔
I really don't know if I even want to dialogue with🙄u?
However, since your so smart, please explain to me the meaning of Jesus' parable to his disciples in Matthew 20:1-16?
And oh, just one more thing, if you're following the Lord and Savior for Spiritual, Capitalistic, Kingdom of Heaven REWARDS... then you're in for a RUDE AWAKENING in the hereafter.
Never take CREDIT, Rewards, or GLORY for what God has done {through you}.
@@christopherbellore3511 : Thank you for letting me know you have written your own bible in favor of your own man made doctrine.
You have saved me a great deal of time. One of the crucial things the Bible has taught me is about pearls and swine.
All of my words on this parable are already posted.
You were given a fair chance.
Shaking off the dust.
@@wrongfullyaccused7139 how's it going under that bridge, where you live?
Troll master, you still haven't said anything.
You are indeed, a brother of the Accuser.
Stop attacking me, stop criticizing me, and start teaching me about WHERE it is WRITTEN in the HOLY WORD of God about these 'rewards,' that you are planning to receive in the Kingdom of Heaven.
I am giving you the opportunity to show me that what you originally said to me is what the Bible teaches. So, go ahead professor. Have a go at it.
Let's hear what you want everyone to know. Especially me, since you've ACCUSED me of being a heretic, and you've called my interpretation of God's Holy Word, "blatantly false."
Please reprove me with good doctrine! Help me, to STOP blaspheming. I'm ALL 👂👂👂😊👂👂👂🙏
@@wrongfullyaccused7139 Citations please.
Completely wrong discernment of that scripture. Nothing but the same old polly parrot rhetoric. That is NOT what that parable means. I will keep looking to see if anyone has it right.
What does the Parable of the Vineyard mean to you?
please, share with us the right discernment. I mean it.
@@artoke84 ; When people read this verse they immediately forget to place it in spiritual terms
If you were a scrupulously honest employer there is only one reason why you would pay someone who had worked one hour the same as someone who had worked eight (or any number of hours you feel fills a day). The person who worked one hour accomplished as much in one hour as the others took all day to do!
In the natural, that is practically impossible.
However, the Bible is a spiritual book meant to be spiritually discerned and to be employed spiritually.
Our number one task as Christians is to die out to our natural human will/flesh and replace it with the nature of Jesus and the will of God. One piece at a time.
When we pray, we pray in the natural and in the spirit. We battle spiritually daily. As Paul said "I die daily".
Some people attempt this battle all on their own, using their ideas and plans on what they think they need and do not rely on the guidance of God. So as a result, they gain maturity ever so slowly if at all.
When someone truly yields to the spirit of God and lets God write the lesson plan so to speak, He can accomplish more in their spirit in one day than they can do in a year.
One principle states that God gives the best to those who leave the choices to Him.
That is the lesson of the parable of the vineyard.
@@NoANaga ; Check out what I wrote to David Ramirez. It is too long to repeat it to you.
@@wrongfullyaccused7139 that is the same conclusion I arrived after reading preceeding verses and especially the words of Jesus right before parable "For the Kingdom of Heaven is like... " so whatever comes after that, must be understood in the spiritual.
Thanks for expressing your thougths so clearly.
I might take them in tonight´s speech.
This is your explanation?? Not good enough...
WOW steelflex your
*YHWH* WANTS ALL *HIS CHOSEN* In Heaven. . . you don't chose *ELOHIM* chooses you! Some people WHO ARE Written In THE LAMBS BOOK OF LIFE may receive YESHUA on their Deathbeds. . . (Just as the Thief Receives *Yeshua* next to HIM on the cross!) . . . Your attitude and problem is not with Pastor Stan your attitude &problem is with *ELOHIM* and *None of them OWE you any 'explanations' .*
Open *IT IS WRITTEN* like an adult for yourself. Stop expecting Pastors, and everyone else to bottle feed you, pat your back and burp you.
@@doctorathena2802 I don’t have a problem with him, it’s his inadequate explanation, and to be frank, I can’t decipher what you said, either. In any case, I’m glad you get it. Good on you. 👍🏼
@@steelflex I can't tell in text whether or not you're being sarcastic I would like to believe the best of you. These are not difficult terms to understand *Elohim* is the Aramaic Hebrew word for the entire Trinity when you see "im" at the end of an Aramaic- Hebrew word it's plural. *ELI* is the name YESHUA aka Jesus called to ABBA *YHWH* while on the Cross. The letter J was not introduced until sometime I believe in the 16th century or could have been the 15th century I have dyslexia there was no J for " jesus" that name basically means Zeus. You need to understand the Bible was not penned in English. It Was Written in Aramaic Hebrew. Names have been changed the proper name of *YHWH*has been taken out NEARLY 7,000 times. The Halleluyah Scriptures help you go directly from Aramaic Hebrew to English . . .if you're not a student of Aramaic Hebrew as I am. I'm not showing off I'm simply not going to call THE HOLY TRINITY by improper names. "Lord" happens to be the proper name for baal. do you think that our "Lord" would share THE TITLE with Lord of the Flies?? NO of course not ! None of what I'm saying is inaccurate. Again I'm not trying to show off but once you know the true name of the Father the true name of the Son and the true name of the Holy Spirit you want to use those names and honor them. When Yeshua says Hallowed Be Thy NAME-what name is that what name? *YHWH* WHEN YESHUA is talking in John " I have revealed you to them I have revealed you and your name to them that name is *YHWH* said "Yah-Whah" the "Wha" like a literal breath of air. If you understood and went back to the original Aramaic Hebrew to Greek you get a completely different understanding of the Words of The Parables and of The Message. Man was instructed do not take away do not add that was done when it was changed from Aramaic Hebrew to Greek- much was added much was taken out they did not understand what they ~greek scribes~ were reading they changed entire Concepts. Then you go to Latin then you go to The King's English then you go to what we have today= near train wreck it really is. You're working with like the game telephone come down thousands of years with many of these writers not knowing what the Aramaic Hebrew word meant so they put in what they thought it meant not what Yeshua through the Ruach Hakodesh aka the Holy Spirit IS saying. So if you don't understand what I'm saying trust me you don't understand *IT IS WRITTEN* I can't call the Creator of the Universe~ of all that is seen and unseen~ AS ONCE YOU KNOW~HE NOT ACCEPTING the proper name for baal. Nor using the word "god" which just happens to be the first part of a name of one of the fallen angels.( Nowhere in the Bible does it say one-third of the Angels were cast down with hashatan aka satan yet I'm sure you accept that as truth.) Only in Revelation is 1/3 and Angels found together and that's RE: Warfare. So basically what I'm saying is Pastor Stan is doing the best he can speaking to "The Called Out Ones" because that's what we are there is no such word as Church anywhere in the Bible that word does not exist - we are not what is called the 'church' we are what are called literally in Aramaic Hebrew " THE CALLED OUT ONES" so as I witness you two men argue and beat this Man up and disrespect Him the Ruach Hakodesh is Greaving Within Me it stirs up pain and the desire to knock over your tables because Pastor Stan is very clear very concise and has a very good grasp on the original Aramaic Hebrew scripture . .. He may not know it but He's definitely sharing it! Until you know that until you know Aramaic Hebrew you really shouldn't be arguing with another Pastor who has dedicated his life to understanding scripture and being able to present it to people without confusing the bujinkies out of them like you may feel I am now. yes I'm speaking another language I'm speaking the literal language of *ELOHIM* 22 letter OTIOT. so unless you know Aramaic Hebrew and the scripture from the original language you're in no position to be telling Pastor Stan "that's not good enough" for you. you want good enough? Search yourself. you should find somewhere in your Bible I'm not your secretary so I'm not telling you where. As you are told IN SCRIPTURE~ALIVE~ IN OF *YESHUA* you are to search out The Kingdom of Heaven ~seek seek and you will find. . .You need TO SEEK . Not expect any other to do that seeking for you. Is what I was saying: Am saying. The Beauty of Pastor Stan is the Simplicity in which he speaks~ Verily~ once you SEEK *ELOHIM* you will Hear just how close Pastor Stan is to The Original Literal Aramaic Hebrew. . .