FIMI PALM ND Filter Accessory Test
- Опубліковано 10 лют 2025
- Let's test usable ND Filters and lens accessories for FIMI Plam.
Camera : Fimi Palm / Osmo Pocket / Sony NEX5 R
Fimi Palm Setting : 4K25P | Auto Shutter Speed | Auto Exposure | Auto WB | F-Log
Post Editing : Premiere Pro
Music : Sneaky Snooper by Audionautix
Creative Commons Attribution License (creativecommon...)
Faceoff by Kevin MacLeod
Creative Commons Attribution License (creativecommon...)
Front Porch Blues by Chris Haugen
Awaken by Anno Domini Beats
안녕하세요? 오즈모포켓을 최근에 구매하여, 타이드님 영상으로 공부중입니다. 감사의 말씀을 드립니다. 한가지 질문이 있는데요, Kase 가변ND 필터 다른 리뷰를 보니 ND64 이후로는 X밴드 또는 얼룩 현상 때문에 사용할 수 없다고 하던데 혹시 어떠신가요? 보통 대낮이면 ND64 안쪽으로도 충분히 커버가 가능해서 X밴드가 생겨도 어차피 안쓰니까 괜찮은건지요? 채널 흥하시길 바랍니다 :)
저는 일반 ND64도 있어서 양쪽을 조절해가면 비교해 봤습니다만 Kase 가변ND는 ND64 이상도 무난히 가능했습니다. 🤔
일단 사진을 찍을 때는 상하 화각이 넓기 때문에 ND64를 넘는 선에서 X밴드가 가장자리부터 보이기 시작합니다. 동영상을 촬영할때는 상하가 크롭되기 때문에 저의 경우에는 한 ND100 정도까지는 X밴드가 잘보이지 않는 선에서 촬영이 가능했습니다.
저는 주로 4K 24P로 촬영하기 때문에 밝은 낮에는 셔터스피드 1/50에서 ND100까지 필요한 경우가 종종 있어서 가변ND필터를 잘 사용하고 있습니다. 제가 올린 터기여행영상이 주로 ND100까지 사용하며 촬영한 영상들이라 X밴드가 신경쓰이신다면 참조가 될 것 같습니다.
@@Tide11 오 방금 터키 에페소 보고 왔는데, X밴드 잘 못찾겠네요! 아아 ㅠㅠㅠㅠ 이러면 나가린데 ㅠㅠ 지를수 밖에 없는건가... 답변 감사합니다! 정말 많은 도움이 되었어요 ㅠㅠ
@@Tide11 알리에서 결국 질렀습니다 ㅎㅎ
Thanks Tide.
Great work! 👍
Thanks Udo as always. 😃
Nice video, They now have filters for the fimi palm which I'm going to get, It will make filming in the sun so much better.
Add to that Fimi just updated manual shutter speed control yesterday. 😀
It is still not perfect but now using ND filter makes much more sense.
so I believe almost everything changed from the publishing of the video :) now the manual adjustments are in place, and some filters are there in the market as well. Still thanks fot the video :)
Glad you fine the video still useful after all. 😄
Thanks for the video, this was exactly what I was looking for!! If they have shutter speed control for videos, I would take that, I will wait a little more until a buy this or the osmo pocket.
I figured there would be others who also curios about this like I did. 😄😄😄
스노파 브이메이트에 추가적으로 구매가능한 필터가 없어서 고민이었는데 포켓 필터가 맞으면 걱정이 없겠어요. 혹시 브이메이트에 실험해 보신적은 없으실까요?
아쉽게도 브이메이트는 테스트해본적이 없습니다.
Hi Tide, I purchased a Ulanzi Anamorphic filter for my Fimi Palm and notice that I get cropping of the image (no more wide angle) and heavy distortion at the edges of the frame. Am I using the filter improperly, is the filter possibly defective, or is this to be expected?
Hi Keith,
Since I can’t see the exact state of the cropped and distorted image you are having. I have to speculate the cause. 😉
We can check two iㅣcases,
1. Check if your Fimi Palm aspect ratio setting is in the usual Ultra wide mode. (Not narrow or superscope)
2. Anamorphic lens squeezes cinemascope image into usual 16:9 wide aspect ratio. So you need to desqueeze the image back to cinemascope.
Check out this video to learn more how desqueeze works.
Hope it answers your question. 😃
@@Tide11 Thank you. I will check these things.
I use iMovie to edit my movies, but the version that I have doesn't seem to have a good way to change the aspect ratio. How do you do this with your movies?
As far as I know, I don’t think iMovie has a ‘scale tool’ needed for desqueeze. 🤔
You will need other editing app with a scale tool to stretch only the horizontal width of the video clip.
If you edit on iOS mobile device, there is ‘LumaFusion’ which is a great editing app that can do the desqueeze.
If you edit on Mac, ‘final cut’ or ‘Davinci Resolve’ (free) is a good choice.
@@Tide11 Hello. I have been playing with desqueezing the video from my Fimi Palm. Regardless of what aspect ratio I use I see distortion at the edges of the image. Is that to be expected, since the lense wasn't designed for the Fimi? Thanks.
재밌게 잘 봤습니댜 ㅎㅎ 실험정신 대단하셔요!
재미있게 보셨다니 다행입니다. 😆
영상용 서브카메라로 피미팜을 생각 중이었는데 오즈모포켓과 그 악세서리에 대해서도 공부해 보아야겠어요😄
조금 더 진지한 촬영을 생각한다면 오즈모포켓이 더 유용하기는 합니다. 🤔
@@Tide11 알리익스프레스 세일이길래 미러리스, dslr(크롭바디)의 서브로 고민 중이었는데 답은 오즈모2를 기다리는 것일까요 ㅎㅎ 친절한 답변 감사합니다!
저도 APS-C 미러리스의 서브로 오즈모포켓을 구매했다가 지금은 주력이 되었습니다. 😅
(미러리스는 심도가 필요한 촬영에만 쓰고 있네요.)
B롤이나 특별한 움직임을 위한 서브로서는 피미팜도 충분히 훌륭하다고 생각합니다.
(오즈모포켓2는 아직 소문도 없어서 언제 나올지 예상이 안됩니다. 저도 기다리고 있지만요.🤞)
Perhaps instead of grinding on camera, grind on the filter(s)... yeah, lots more work this way, but it's much safer. Happy filming/vlogging.
Yeah it could also work but filters are made of metal and much harder to sand it off. 🤔
Happy filming 👍
Bom dia sou Brasileiro e tenho uma duvida meu Palm Fimi aquece no local da bateria quando ele eta ligado é norma? Agradeço sua resposta
My Fimi Palm usually runs just warm to touch.
If your Fimi Palm runs very hot, it seems like a bug in firmware. 🤔
@@Tide11 mine too i thought it was a problem it heats to the touch, i believe because of the battery, it arrived this week i just saw your video and updated it, this update is good what would be good would be to improve the video images to be clearer , I am using iso 3200 thanks for responding. subscribe to my channel. and good sunday
4:12 부터의 영상은, 댓글들을 보니 PAL 4K 25fps로 촬영하신 것 같은데, 거기에 추가로 슬로모션으로 프레임을 늘리셨나요? 늘리셨다면 얼마나 늘린건지 알려주십사 부탁 드립니다.
그부분은 피미팜으로 30프레임 촬영을하고 24프레임 영상에 맞춰 약간의 슬로우모션을 걸어줬습니다. 🤔
30프레임 슬로우모션이 좋은 것이 거의 리얼타임으로 보이면서도 영상의 움직임에 여유가 생겨 소소하게 시네마틱한 느낌을 챙길수 있어 자주 활용합니다. 😀
Hi Tide. Could you make technical tutorial video with fimi palm using ND Lens?
Since we can't use aperture with fimi palm. So it would be ISO + Shutter Speed + ND Filter setting in this condition and that condition, etc.
Thank you in Advance.🙏
Yes it is tricky to optimize ND setting with Fimi Palm as it doesn’t have exposure meter.
I was going to make a tips for ND setting but since you need to change ND setting too frequently, I am looking for if there is a better way.
What ND filter in this video you reccomend to use, considering Fimi Palm firmware update up until now?
And consider fimi palm allready has wide angle view than osmo pocket, do you consider the wide angle lens with the distortion is worth it?
As Fimi updated manual shutter speed control, I recommend Kase Variable ND Filter. It is one ND filter for all setting solution and very convenient.
Wide angle lens for Fimi Palm is more like an interesting gimmick if you already have one for Osmo Pocket but not a practical accessory to buy only for Fimi Plam. 😁
Does Kase Variable ND2-400 filter also have polarize feature?
Because i'm kind of confuses if i buy Kase ND2-400 filter, should i buy PL filter or ND/PL Filter again?
Variable ND filter is basically 2 PL glass put together. Changing cross section angle of this 2 PL glass makes variable ND strength possible.
So it has unintended PL effect as a byproduct. But since it cannot control the PL strength, if you want PL effect specifically, you better get the separate ND/PL filter.
Latest firmware seems to be 20th Jan - since then perhaps the virus has disrupted their work. Very interesting tests of filters - I didn't realise there is no control of shutter speed - perhaps this another area where they have cut costs to keep the price down, and to keep things simple for users who don't want complication. I think even the wide filter works as an effect for occasional shots. I am still waiting for my Palm to arrive...
Yes I presume the virus impacted the situation. Hope you can get yours delivered soon. 😅
Since they have F-Log for pro users, I think it would be natural to update manual shutter speed control. Osmo Pocket also released without shutter speed control but later updated.
@@Tide11 the video camera of the fimi x8 does not yet have the shutter adjustment ... and has been on the market for a long time
Hey Tide, thanks for experimenting with the Osmo Pocket filters...although I'm happy to see filters specifically designed for the Palm now being released.
I have a question about the Ulanzi OP-11...what 'de-squeeze' setting did you use...I've seen one review that said 1.15 was a more accurate ratio...using the 1.33 setting in Premiere Pro made the faces look distorted... Anyway, I have been trying to purchase one of these lens and they appear to be sold out everywhere...
I tested exactly about de-squeeze in previous video.
The magic number for me was 1.125 😁
Which one have the better image quality fimi or osmo pocket ?
Osmo Pocket has a better image quality as a camera. 🤔
Wider dynamic range and less ISO noise.
Are there any manual options like controlling shutter speeds and apertures? also Tell me about the light trails on fimi palm bro.
You can check my 3 part Fimi Palm review video and 4 part Fimi Palm firmware update video. It has more detailed testing and answers you are looking for. 🤔
At the moment, Fimi Palm doesn't have manual shutter speed option in video which is a shame. Fimi might update manual shutter with firmware update but so far no luck.
Therefore Fimi Palm cannot create light trail in video. There is a manual shutter speed oprion in photo mode but not in time-lapse mode. 😓
Thanks for the information bro ❣️
영상 보기 전부터 좋아요 누르고 시작합니다
재미있게 보셨기를 바래봅니다. 🤞😆
Thanks for trying these out, but have you looked at the usual online sites? They are starting to have filters for the fimi palm but they seem to be cheap generic brands so can’t be sure of how well they fit or work
Oh I looked up AliExpress, Amazon, Gearbest and B&H but none had one for Fimi Palm. It would be good if 3rd party accessories are starting to comeing out. 😀
@@Tide11 There are some on eBay but the shipping times are about 1 month away. I ordered a dedicated Fimi stand last week from eBay and may order the dedicated filters as well...
Oh wow you are right eday has it. 😮
I usually prefer variable ND filter over normal ND for the convenience any way. 😉
Plus, smaller Osmo Pocket filter can be used on Fimi Palm but I don't think Fimi Palm filters can fit Osmo Pocket.
@@Tide11 Yes, hopefully we will begin to see other items designed specifically
for the Fimi Palm.
I want bigger gimbal cover so I can leave my filter attached and can cover it. 🤔
I think an ND filter on a Fimi Palm have no sens, the lens it's already F 2.8
You are right, it is already dark enough. 😆
However I am using both Osmo Pocket and Fimi Palm and to match both footage in the edit, I want Fimi Palm to match 180 shutter angle as well.
(Currently not possible with no manual shutter speed control)
It is a minor detail but for my own self satisfaction. 😎
Probably not worth it though... 😂
재미있게 보셨다니 보람이 있네요. 😁
I want to ask something. Do I need to take a narrow-angle lens to shoot in depth, or can I reduce the angle from the settings of this fimipalm?
2 questions and 2 answers.
There is now narrow angle lens accessory as far as I know and since Fimi Palm has fixed infinite focus, there is know way to shoot depth of field with Fimi Palm.
You can reduce the angle from Fimi Palm's setting. Change frame setting to narrow to have reduced angle. However it is just a crop and as same as you crop in editing later.
울란지 아나몰픽 렌즈는 어디서 구매해야하나요?
저는 알리익스프레스에서 직구했습니다.
와이드 엄청 맘에 드는데 이거.... 오즈모포켓의 유일단점이 광각이 아니란건데....
기기 완성도는 애매한 부분들이 많지만 확실히 광각은 시원시원 합니다. 🙂
저는 그냥 둘다 쓰는 걸로 해결을... 😆
와 거리 영상에 상하 진동이 안느껴지는데 어떤 방법을 쓰신건가요?!?!!
짐벌에 전달되는 걸음의 진동을 줄이는 짐벌 위킹이라는 걸음걸이 테크닉을 사용했습니다. 🤔
보통 바닦이 부드러운 신발만 신어도 어느정도 효과를 볼수 있습니다. 👟
오... 경공술을... 알리발 진동흡수 악세사리를 사야하나 고민했는데 감사합니다!
저도 상하진동을 줄여주는 4축 스테빌라이저와 짐벌스탭을 비교해본 적이 있습니다.
지금은 간편하게 스탭으로만 진동을 줄이고 있습니다.
렌즈를 구입 안 하셔도되겠네요
25프레임 세팅이니깐 pal으로 촬영 하시는건가요?
네 24프레임 셋팅이 불가능해서 가장 가까운 PAL셋팅을 사용하고 있습니다. 😀
Tide 답글 감사합니다. 그나저나 화면비율이 16:9가 아니라서 불편하더군요 ㅠ 1080 30L만 제대로된 비율이고 나머지는 비율이 이상더라고요 ㅠ
아 그게 피미팜 셋팅에 멀트 프레임이라고 사진 모양이 변하는 메뉴가 있을 겁니다. 그게 변경되어져 있으면 시네마스코프 같은 길죽한 비율로 촬영이 됩니다. 🤔
이건 단순한 크롭 설정이라 왜 있는지는 모르겠지만 비율이 이상하다면 이 메뉴를 바꿔보거나 전체설정 리셋을 해보세요.
Tide 아...그렇군요... 저는 그냥 넓게 보이는 화면 설정인줄 알았는데 .... 거기가 비밀이 있었군요 ㅠㅠ
Unfortunately i don't have the money for this camera
Fortunately Fimi Palm is a cheap alternative to this camera at reasonably similar performance. 😉