Me too, My brother and i, didnot understand what happend and we started to think You have to throw to the Center of the room but the crystal had to hit a npc to work (funny part, if You throw something to a fixed place is almost imposible fail)
This glitch happened to me as a kid in every playthrough I did. Never knew how I did it. I started searching the internet to see if I was the only person this happened to a year ago or something. Only found that video at the time. I thought I would finally get to know how I did it. Well now I finally know. Thanks.
Here I am now. 14 years later, after having this glitch happen to me, finally finding peace. Some video uploaded literally 2 weeks ago finally explaining what happened. I've searched the Web far and wide over many year and never found a single thing. Thank you alot.
I paused just before the explanation, said "that sounds like an underflow", talked to my dad who said "that sounds like an underflow", then listened to the explanation, which is that it's an underflow. Programmers. We understand code sometimes.
Not fully related, but a few times I've accidently gotten 11/10 minikits in a stage that stayed. Only stage I remember this happening on was one of the last stages of the Holy Grail episode (2nd to last maybe?). It was on the Xbox 360 version that came bundled with Kung Fu Panda in that odd double case.
Great video! Actually didn't know there was people actively speedrunning this game from my childhood! Just little correction : what's happening is an integer underflow not overflow as we're doing under 0 not over the maximum. Doesn't change much as both wrap around the same way. I'm also excited for the history of Indiana Jones world records tho! Keep up the good work!
@@TypeZeroEdge Oh really? I've heard it said like this quite a bit before but I never really checked it, I learned something today! Thanks for the correction
I actually thought that integer underflow meant that a number going below its minimum would wrap around to its maximum, and overflow being the opposite, a large wrapping to small/negative
@@TypeZeroEdge @Wither_Strike @9000albin after looking into it, there doesn't seem to be a real definition and depends on who you talk to. CWE-191 defines it as "Integer Underflow (Wrap or Wraparound)" but other people say overflow. so nobody's right or wrong for this!
A minor glitch I've barely seen discussion about in the Xbox 360 (and maybe PS3) version of TCS: skipping torpedo dispenser activation by playing those levels online.
as someone who experienced this themselves while playing with my neighbor as a child, it's great to finally have an explanation. always did wonder what happened back then
Bloody hell! A single, easily-reproducible glitch that shaved *half an hour* off in a hundred-percent category!? AND it's one that can be discovered completely by accident in casual play yet went almost entirely unnoticed by dedicated speedrunners? This is truly an anomaly in the speedrunning world!
:0 this is crazy I just finished bingeing a ton of your other videos and the second I click off I get a notification that you uploaded 1 minute ago haha
I found a similar glitch in Lego Batman 2 a while back where I logged off one day and then came back to see my account with over 10 billion studs. Idk what happened because it was so long ago but it’s worth looking into
I don't know if this happened for anyone else, but something similar happened to me on LSW: TCS and LIJ: the Original Adventures on DS. I remember barely starting the game and beating the first level or two of both, and upon reopening the game the next day I had a max % save file in the other save slot. Happened twice.
Yep, overflow is funny like that. This can happen in Ratchet and Clank 2 in the opposite way, not a speedrun trick and not useful, but one person played it about 100 playthroughs (security guard job at night but in a time where mobile phones weren't like now) and he kept gaining currency, called bolts in that game, and he got over 4.2 billion bolts causing the counter to flip to negative 4.2 billion bolts. Then you'd have to gain another 4.2 billion bolts to get it back to 0, otherwise the game was unbeatable because you can't make a single purchase while you have negative currency.
In computer programming, an integer overflow occurs when an arithmetic operation attempts to create a numeric value that is outside of the range that can be represented with a given number of digits - either higher than the maximum or lower than the minimum representable value.
your nitpick wasn't entirely wrong. what led to the glitch is called integer overflow or arithmetic underflow. Arithmetic underflow deals with any list of numbers not just 32 bit integers.
dude i remember this glitch i was playing when i was younger and all of a sudden I had a max studs i was like wtf this is great to learn about this lol.
The more I learn about games and their mechanisms the more it becomes clear they're basically just held together with toothpicks, spit, and desperate prayers to old and dangerous gods. Most games functioning mostly okay most of the time, and most players never having/needing to peek behind the curtains and breaking the illusion, seems like a minor miracle all on its own.
as a child me and my brother played this game on coop on the same keyboard and one time we had way too many studs, so we must've stumbled upon this bug unknowingly
Bruh, I used to legit do this all the time as a kid and thought everyone knew about it. I used to go around school and tell the other kids about it. I just thought I had to beat the game to be able to do it. Never realized people never knew about it.
This glitch is actually why I never got to play this game and only played the second LEGO Indy game. My brother encountered the glitch when he was playing, and he said it sucked the fun out of the game so much that he sold our copy.
In computer programming, an integer overflow occurs when an arithmetic operation attempts to create a numeric value that is outside of the range that can be represented with a given number of digits - either higher than the maximum or lower than the minimum representable value.
oh that negative 1 wrapping around to the biggest thing is also how gandhi nuked people in civilization 1 really funny when that happens in older games lmao
In the first Lego Batman (i played on the ps2) there was a weird glitch where if u ran around as a custume character in the villian hub jumped into the Penguin's sub then immediately left and ran back to the character custumizer ur character would appear back on the hooks, if you then left the room the textures would break causing ur character to change everytime u loaded into a new room and the textures that would load wouldn't be norma.l for example u could get something like a face on a cape. Idk if it was something specific to the ps2 but i havent been able to find any clips of anyone else being able to do the same.
I always thought this happened based on percentage completion. This happened in each play through I had when I got to around 60-70% completion. Though I usually got only three and a half billion and it sometimes happened without even buying minikits.
So that's why me and my friend suddenly became billionaires when playing the game back in the day, I remember we both laughed for an entire hour because we thought we had "hacked" it, we both were like 10 years old
Did this as a kid with a friend, we were hiding in bushes and jumping out of them inside of the college area and then magically we had like 16 billiob studs
This remindes me of my first Playthrough on the Wii, for some reason instead of spending studs for purchasing the artifacts, it gave me money. No 4 billion stud overflow shenanigans, it just gave me money. Realised on the second Playthrough, that this was not indended and it charged me money instead. But it could be possible that it had something to do with the coop mode.
I also did this glitch as a kid, playing with my brother so i did the glitch as it's shown here, and was very aware that we broke the counter, but did know how. After some years my brother forgot we did the glitch, but i remember it very clearly, but since i didn't knew how to replicate it i could never prove to him that we did it, so he kept telling me it never happened and for some time i believed it, thinking it was just a dream or i was miss remembering it. Funny enought the glitch happens with any item you buy in the game, beacuse we max out the stud counter when buying characters in the shop, i never know you could just buy the rest of a minikit
I remember seeing that video years ago, it feels weird to see it pop up again. Also I have 100%ed the game and didn't even know you could buy the artifacts.
I did this too once, can confirm it works on the wii version. at the time i was mad at the game because i sucked at it, I dont remember buying the artifact. I remember bashing the buttons on the wii version and I managed to get 4 billion out of thin air
I skipped 4 levels in lego harry potter years 5-7 on year 7 part 1 by using hermiones bag at hogwarts after level 2 ps4 double pack version not sure how and once you beat the game you can't use dark magic
Keep exploring at Get started for free, and hurry-the first 200 people get 20% off an annual premium subscription!
Hey, i discovered this glitch as a kid on the PS2 when the game comes out. I've buyed an extra in the Shop and got 4 Billion studs.
What’s most surprising about this glitch going undiscovered is that thousands of people did this in their childhood according to the comments here
I think I remember getting this as a kid and not realizing what happened
@@matthewcrane5294 YES
@@shadoink nah.
Me too, My brother and i, didnot understand what happend and we started to think You have to throw to the Center of the room but the crystal had to hit a npc to work (funny part, if You throw something to a fixed place is almost imposible fail)
bro I remember this happening too, we just got out of a level and had billions of studs
I remember having this occur when I was a small kid, and I just assumed I had forgotten that I had gotten that many studs.
This glitch happened to me as a kid in every playthrough I did. Never knew how I did it. I started searching the internet to see if I was the only person this happened to a year ago or something. Only found that video at the time. I thought I would finally get to know how I did it. Well now I finally know. Thanks.
awesome video! thanks for having me on and continuing to make great lego speedrunning content :)
Here I am now. 14 years later, after having this glitch happen to me, finally finding peace.
Some video uploaded literally 2 weeks ago finally explaining what happened. I've searched the Web far and wide over many year and never found a single thing.
Thank you alot.
I paused just before the explanation, said "that sounds like an underflow", talked to my dad who said "that sounds like an underflow", then listened to the explanation, which is that it's an underflow. Programmers. We understand code sometimes.
Seeing the stud count end in 6 instead of 0 is just, *PANIK*
Honestly, I didn't expect the game to store that 0 at all and instead have the cap be closer to 43 billion than 4.3 billion.
Not fully related, but a few times I've accidently gotten 11/10 minikits in a stage that stayed. Only stage I remember this happening on was one of the last stages of the Holy Grail episode (2nd to last maybe?). It was on the Xbox 360 version that came bundled with Kung Fu Panda in that odd double case.
yeah, that’s a fairly common bug when the game miscounts minikits
I had that happen *three times* in LB2(PC) when going for 100% -- although after beating the level it said I only got 10
I’ve gotten 11/10 on the minecart ride level in Lego Indy 1
Great video! Actually didn't know there was people actively speedrunning this game from my childhood!
Just little correction : what's happening is an integer underflow not overflow as we're doing under 0 not over the maximum. Doesn't change much as both wrap around the same way.
I'm also excited for the history of Indiana Jones world records tho! Keep up the good work!
@@TypeZeroEdge Oh really? I've heard it said like this quite a bit before but I never really checked it, I learned something today! Thanks for the correction
I actually thought that integer underflow meant that a number going below its minimum would wrap around to its maximum, and overflow being the opposite, a large wrapping to small/negative
@@Wither_Strike Oh, it was a reply to darius, I just have a habit of deleting the @ for the reply lmao
@@TypeZeroEdge @Wither_Strike @9000albin after looking into it, there doesn't seem to be a real definition and depends on who you talk to. CWE-191 defines it as "Integer Underflow (Wrap or Wraparound)" but other people say overflow. so nobody's right or wrong for this!
Whenever I'm playing through a LEGO game, I'm usually in co-op mode, so the fact that I never figured this out boggles my brain.
LEGO Batman is the only game where 4 billion is used to buy something being the final intel called “the end”
A minor glitch I've barely seen discussion about in the Xbox 360 (and maybe PS3) version of TCS: skipping torpedo dispenser activation by playing those levels online.
Can confirm this works on the Steam version too. Just did it on a dupe save.
as someone who experienced this themselves while playing with my neighbor as a child, it's great to finally have an explanation. always did wonder what happened back then
Bloody hell! A single, easily-reproducible glitch that shaved *half an hour* off in a hundred-percent category!? AND it's one that can be discovered completely by accident in casual play yet went almost entirely unnoticed by dedicated speedrunners? This is truly an anomaly in the speedrunning world!
:0 this is crazy I just finished bingeing a ton of your other videos and the second I click off I get a notification that you uploaded 1 minute ago haha
I found a similar glitch in Lego Batman 2 a while back where I logged off one day and then came back to see my account with over 10 billion studs. Idk what happened because it was so long ago but it’s worth looking into
Wanna know what's really hidden? LEGO Dimensions
Recognizing scynor and wiisuper in this video because of summoning salt is crazy
I don't know if this happened for anyone else, but something similar happened to me on LSW: TCS and LIJ: the Original Adventures on DS. I remember barely starting the game and beating the first level or two of both, and upon reopening the game the next day I had a max % save file in the other save slot. Happened twice.
Yep, overflow is funny like that. This can happen in Ratchet and Clank 2 in the opposite way, not a speedrun trick and not useful, but one person played it about 100 playthroughs (security guard job at night but in a time where mobile phones weren't like now) and he kept gaining currency, called bolts in that game, and he got over 4.2 billion bolts causing the counter to flip to negative 4.2 billion bolts. Then you'd have to gain another 4.2 billion bolts to get it back to 0, otherwise the game was unbeatable because you can't make a single purchase while you have negative currency.
Great vid :)
Edit: nitpick was wrong, my bad
In computer programming, an integer overflow occurs when an arithmetic operation attempts to create a numeric value that is outside of the range that can be represented with a given number of digits - either higher than the maximum or lower than the minimum representable value.
this is blatantly objectively incorrect misinformation
your nitpick wasn't entirely wrong. what led to the glitch is called integer overflow or arithmetic underflow. Arithmetic underflow deals with any list of numbers not just 32 bit integers.
dude i remember this glitch i was playing when i was younger and all of a sudden I had a max studs i was like wtf this is great to learn about this lol.
The more I learn about games and their mechanisms the more it becomes clear they're basically just held together with toothpicks, spit, and desperate prayers to old and dangerous gods. Most games functioning mostly okay most of the time, and most players never having/needing to peek behind the curtains and breaking the illusion, seems like a minor miracle all on its own.
hearing revita music after taking a break from it to wait for 2.0 makes me nostalgic for... less than a year ago.
as a child me and my brother played this game on coop on the same keyboard and one time we had way too many studs, so we must've stumbled upon this bug unknowingly
Ouch! I can imagine the cramps.
peak video and ty for having chimkin on
Bruh, I used to legit do this all the time as a kid and thought everyone knew about it. I used to go around school and tell the other kids about it. I just thought I had to beat the game to be able to do it. Never realized people never knew about it.
Love all the speedrun tech vids. Hope your channel growth explodes soon!
Are u an angel?
@@Curlyheart Why do you ask?
@@shiruotakuno28 I've heard the deep space pilots talk about them! They're the most beautiful creatures in the universe!
Just got recommended this video. Glad to see people still speedrun this game, I used to glitch hunt for it.
I always wondered how i managed to get that many studs in the game, and how i unlocked every character, now i know
And knowing is half the battle
I remember this happening to me when I was young! I suddenly had 4 billion studs and was very very confused... but I just took it!
It's always integer overflow, every single time lmao
This glitch is actually why I never got to play this game and only played the second LEGO Indy game. My brother encountered the glitch when he was playing, and he said it sucked the fun out of the game so much that he sold our copy.
actual brainlet lmao he couldve just erased the save
Been watching your channel recently and I love these types of videos. I love seeing all these bugs in old lego games
Happened to me and my bro once when we were playing this many many years ago. I managed to recreate this once but never again
Cool video, though I feel obligated to mention that this isn’t an integer overflow, but an integer underflow. Small distinction, but an important one.
In computer programming, an integer overflow occurs when an arithmetic operation attempts to create a numeric value that is outside of the range that can be represented with a given number of digits - either higher than the maximum or lower than the minimum representable value.
@theghostnarwhal9187 an overflow is _only_ when its higher than the maximum. if its lower than the minimum, its typically called an underflow
oh that negative 1 wrapping around to the biggest thing is also how gandhi nuked people in civilization 1 really funny when that happens in older games lmao
In the first Lego Batman (i played on the ps2) there was a weird glitch where if u ran around as a custume character in the villian hub jumped into the Penguin's sub then immediately left and ran back to the character custumizer ur character would appear back on the hooks, if you then left the room the textures would break causing ur character to change everytime u loaded into a new room and the textures that would load wouldn't be norma.l for example u could get something like a face on a cape. Idk if it was something specific to the ps2 but i havent been able to find any clips of anyone else being able to do the same.
I remember when that video came out on UA-cam…crazy to think it’s been so long
I always thought this happened based on percentage completion. This happened in each play through I had when I got to around 60-70% completion. Though I usually got only three and a half billion and it sometimes happened without even buying minikits.
I used to play with my neighbor and we did it every time. We thought it must be some cheat that the developers put in and forgot to remove lol
If only bank accounts worked like that lol
Always cool finding lost videos, that's awesome you could track it down
So that's why me and my friend suddenly became billionaires when playing the game back in the day, I remember we both laughed for an entire hour because we thought we had "hacked" it, we both were like 10 years old
Did this as a kid with a friend, we were hiding in bushes and jumping out of them inside of the college area and then magically we had like 16 billiob studs
Billion 🐿️
I remember this happening to me as a kid after I bought the black cat sphinx thing
This remindes me of my first Playthrough on the Wii, for some reason instead of spending studs for purchasing the artifacts, it gave me money. No 4 billion stud overflow shenanigans, it just gave me money. Realised on the second Playthrough, that this was not indended and it charged me money instead. But it could be possible that it had something to do with the coop mode.
I had this glitch happen to me when I was like 6-7, I still have the save file on my Wii! Never understood why it happened but I'm not mad lol
Ty Bd1p
This vid helped me get back into LIJ 1
and this glitch also works for me!
Have 80% on my 8 month safe file
And 6% on the glitch one
What a wholesome record vid
yooo, this happened to me on Ps3 and someone finally explained how that happened
I'm sorry I had no friends to test this glitch further
I also did this glitch as a kid, playing with my brother so i did the glitch as it's shown here, and was very aware that we broke the counter, but did know how.
After some years my brother forgot we did the glitch, but i remember it very clearly, but since i didn't knew how to replicate it i could never prove to him that we did it, so he kept telling me it never happened and for some time i believed it, thinking it was just a dream or i was miss remembering it.
Funny enought the glitch happens with any item you buy in the game, beacuse we max out the stud counter when buying characters in the shop, i never know you could just buy the rest of a minikit
I remember seeing that video years ago, it feels weird to see it pop up again. Also I have 100%ed the game and didn't even know you could buy the artifacts.
I did this too once, can confirm it works on the wii version. at the time i was mad at the game because i sucked at it, I dont remember buying the artifact. I remember bashing the buttons on the wii version and I managed to get 4 billion out of thin air
Yes it's even work on the streaming version all version of Indiana Jones complete other than the portable console ports it works
Now I have to test this in Lego Batman after previously finding a 1 second cut for Lego Starwars 3 100% :) (it saves 1 to 3 seconds)
So Lego Indiana Jones went from a max stud score being stupidly hard to stupidly fast
Please make more lego speedrun videos
I remember this happening on my wii and I was so shocked it was insane to like 8 year old me
I spent so many hours grinding studs for this game😭😭
Wait, you can buy artifact pieces??
Okay so , This glitch happend to me while playing with my dad on the ps2 version of the game , until this video i dint a idea what caused
Mmm that sweet, sweet integer overflow.
Yeah I had this happen to me on the wii
So that's why I had 3 billion when I was younger
cool vid man
Someone please let me know if the same type of glitch is discovered in Lego batman thr videogame, thanks
Brick by brick
so that's how it works
very good video good job
you could buy artifact pieces??
nice shirt in the thumbnail
When i was kid i remeber having 4b and just ignore it lol
Bugs are great!
For real though, nice video!
Its integer overflow or arithmetic underflow
*integer underflow not overflow
The video is a month older then i am
very cool
I skipped 4 levels in lego harry potter years 5-7 on year 7 part 1 by using hermiones bag at hogwarts after level 2 ps4 double pack version not sure how and once you beat the game you can't use dark magic
this is as old as me XD
Does this work in real life?
Can I do this glitch with my bank account?
Maybe they used a cheat device thing to get those studs
We are early
Programming is funny.
Try me
John 3:16
I remeber wiriting this code in my mums womb, cant believe yall didn't know about this.
just got this but it was 4294923396