(少女前線/Girls Frontline)"Frontline"(English Version)
- Опубліковано 5 лют 2025
- Vocal. Guriri
Compose. B@kamin, M2U
Arrange. B@kamin
Lyrics(KR). TMDC
Lyrics(JP). JiHEE, shimauma
Lyrics(EN). NICODE
Mix & Mastering. TMDC
Recorded at SQUARE MUSIQ Studio A
The evanescent scene of
The futile time of the past
Looms out of a veil of haze
Now it's simply a blur
This shabby feeling's been with
Me since I can remember
I know it's just a piece of
An echoic trace
Here we are
In the line of fire
The after time and over again
"It feels like my faded memories
Will eventually cease to exist"
My last and only hope is to go
Into the chaotic battlefield
The iron-blood is still raining
Heavily on us without a break
I'll stand on
The edge of the world
Where none can reach of
Find me at all
Then I will leave my wish and
The last of me just for you
(An artificial emotion.
No display of sentiment)
This shabby feeling's been with
Me since I can remember
I know it's just a piece of
An echoic trace
Here we are
On the firing line
Repeatedly over again
"I guess my haze reminiscence
Will eventually cease to exist"
My last and only hope is to go
Into the chaotic battlefield
The iron-blood is still raining
Heavily on us without a break
I'll stand on
The edge of the world
Where none can reach of
Find me at all
The I will leave my wish and
The last of me just for you
We've been fighting so hard and
So long for
This ultimate destiny
Even if the iron-blood is still
Raining heavily on us
Without a break
I'll enter the edge of the world
Where someone could
Be joining me
Then I will leave my wish and
The last of me just for you
All along front line
M2U and Nicode!
That's one banging OP
shame its not a real op unless they use it in the new anime coming soon
nice song
23." 因为世人都犯了罪,亏缺了神的荣耀。"
罗马书 3: 10+ 23 (圣经)
8." 惟有基督在我们还作罪人的时候为我们死,神的爱就在此向我们显明了。"
9." 现在我们既靠着他的血称义,就更要借着他免去神的忿怒。"
罗马书 5: 8-9 (圣经)
9." 你若口里认耶稣为主,心里信神叫他从死里复活,就必得救。"
10." 因为人心里相信,就可以称义。口里承认,就可以得救。"
13." 因为凡求告主名的,就必得救。"
罗马书 10: 9-10+13 (圣经)
16." 神爱世人,甚至将他的独生子赐给他们,叫一切信他的,不至灭亡,反得永生。"
17." 因为神差他的儿子降世,不是要定世人的罪,(或作审判世人下同)乃是要叫世人因他得救。"
36." 信子的人有永生。不信子的人得不着永生,(原文作不得见永生)神的震怒常在他身上。"
约翰福音 3: 16-17+36 (圣经)
27." 按着定命,人人都有一死,死后且有审判。"
28." 象这样,基督既然一次被献,担当了多人的罪,将来要向那等候他的人第二次显现,并与罪无关,乃是为拯救他们。"
希伯来书 9: 27-28 (圣经)
" 惟有胆怯的,不信的,可憎的,杀人的,淫乱的,行邪术的,拜偶像的,和一切说谎话的,他们的分就在烧着硫磺的火湖里。这是第二次的死。"
启示录 21: 8 (圣经)
" 因为罪的工价乃是死。惟有神的恩赐,在我们的主基督耶稣里乃是永生。"
罗马书 6: 23 (圣经)