Deal Or No Deal - 15th August 2011

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @eileenmcfarlane-j1n
    @eileenmcfarlane-j1n Рік тому +13

    I like the noel Edmonds version better than the 2023 version

  • @MultiVince95
    @MultiVince95 2 роки тому +6

    Monday 15th August 2011

    • @matthall3077
      @matthall3077 Рік тому +4

      1st Episode Of Series 7!

    • @MarbleRunGuys
      @MarbleRunGuys Рік тому +3

      The day that changed my life. It's Andrew from the show

  • @christianfrost8660
    @christianfrost8660 2 роки тому +7

    The truth is that more people walked away from the power five than the amount of people who went home with the Banker's power five. Not enough people were able to read the board and have the courage to follow it.

    • @bencalebrod
      @bencalebrod 2 роки тому +6

      Did you not watch the game, Andrew was one the best readers of the board the UK version of Deal had!
      He took a few risks while the odds were in his favor but knew at 5 box £15,000 was an amazing offer for the board at 80% of the average and the only way to improve significantly on it was to get really lucky and hit the 20% chance of keeping the £50k backed up by another red.
      I agree that a lot less people won £35,000+ than there should've been due to overly cautious deals, but this wasn't one of them. If you blindly chase the big money you're gonna end up with next to nothing more often than not.

    • @christianfrost8660
      @christianfrost8660 2 роки тому +3

      @@bencalebrod I think you have misread the board. There is a 40% chance of gaining the big money, the exact same chance of getting a Blue. With a 20% chance of gaining a slightly smaller yet still reasonable red. A 60% chance of having a red in your box. To get me to deal then, the banker would have to make me an offer that was closer to £35,000 than £10,000 or I'd take my 40% with backup of 60% onwards and upwards to the bank by the looks of it.

    • @MarbleRunGuys
      @MarbleRunGuys Рік тому +2

      Tough decisions to make on the spot. This is Andrew from the show by the way.

    • @MarbleRunGuys
      @MarbleRunGuys Рік тому +2

      ​@@bencalebrodthanks for that, I've just showed the kids this comment. I said I was good at reading the board haba
      It's Andrew from the show by the way

    • @MarbleRunGuys
      @MarbleRunGuys Рік тому +2

      ​@@christianfrost8660hard decisions to make on the day, you've also got to weigh up what was on in the shows previous and take that into consideration. It's Andrew from the show by the way

  • @Kacper-yw5pb
    @Kacper-yw5pb 2 роки тому +6

    boxs is back. pilgrims is £250.000 is back. deal or not deal is back.

    • @MarbleRunGuys
      @MarbleRunGuys Рік тому +1

      It was an honour opening the new season, it was so long ago now. It's Andrew from the show

  • @kennethaninon6913
    @kennethaninon6913 Рік тому +6

    the pilgrims booing to the Banker at 43:18 is so making me want to boo the Banker too........

    • @MarbleRunGuys
      @MarbleRunGuys Рік тому +2

      Wanted to cry, I was an emotional wreck. It's Andrew from the show by the way.

    • @kennethaninon6913
      @kennethaninon6913 Рік тому +1

      @@MarbleRunGuys you're Andrew? by the way, welcome to UA-cam......

  • @samstrainthings7540
    @samstrainthings7540 Рік тому

    Amazing intro, a refresh for the imo better days of deal.
    Here is imo the comparison.
    22 boxes. £250,000. One question. Deal or no deal?
    The boxes are back! The pilgrims are back! The money is back! We are back for a new season of deal or no deal!

  • @doyinolugbusi4270
    @doyinolugbusi4270 2 роки тому +5

    They changed the music slightly at 0:35

    • @declangaming24
      @declangaming24 Місяць тому

      It's still the 2005 - 13 theme the iconic theme

  • @kacpertrendowicz4408
    @kacpertrendowicz4408 2 роки тому +3

    Money is back. Pilgrims is back. Yes is brand new series of deal or no deal!

    • @MarbleRunGuys
      @MarbleRunGuys Рік тому +2

      It was an honour opening the new season, it was so long ago now. It's Andrew from the show

    • @lukemccorkell6533
      @lukemccorkell6533 Рік тому

      You Mean Are Kacper

    • @lukemccorkell6533
      @lukemccorkell6533 Рік тому

      ​@@MarbleRunGuysWhat Show Is Andrew From Exactly?

  • @MarbleRunGuys
    @MarbleRunGuys Рік тому +3

    Hey everyone it's Andrew from this tv clip here. Thanks for posting this, I've lost my footage. Where did you get this from?

    • @kennethaninon6913
      @kennethaninon6913 Рік тому +2

      I didn't expect that you're gonna comment here, but I've watched your game several times, yet you missed out on a guaranteed £35,000-£50,000 climax, did you feel any regrets after taking the 5th offer or not?.........

    • @kennethaninon6913
      @kennethaninon6913 Рік тому +2

      this video? probably from the Internet Archive

    • @MarbleRunGuys
      @MarbleRunGuys Рік тому +3

      ​@@kennethaninon6913not regrets, but I did feel as if I should have kept going. But how do you turn down 15 grand cash when it's there for you. Reality hit home when I lost the 17.5k

    • @kennethaninon6913
      @kennethaninon6913 Рік тому +3

      @@MarbleRunGuys you're right, I can understand that £15,000 is too much money for you & yeah, many people couldn't risk their chances.........

    • @aiabthecgaf
      @aiabthecgaf Місяць тому

      Oily greasy balls

  • @Lewis-g2f8z
    @Lewis-g2f8z 11 місяців тому +2

    Deal or no deal news 39:15

  • @ksspqf6016
    @ksspqf6016 6 місяців тому

    Five thousandths of a million pounds 😮

  • @janefraser1878
    @janefraser1878 7 місяців тому
