The sad thing is that many innocent American Chinese have been persecuted simply for exchanges with PRC, or just for being ethnic Chinese. Wen Ho Lee was a famous case. You are adding to the discrimination by suggesthing that Chinese Americans should be trusted less. Spying danger is important. There should be investigation which does not rely on ethnicity.
There're too many cases of mainland Chinese or Chinese-born employees stealing intellectual property and fleeing to China, such as Apple cars, artificial intelligence, blueprints of weaponry, etc. If I were a hiring manager, I wouldn't hire ethnically mainland Chinese for technical development.
These non guilty people were not persecuted but prosecuted. There were enough evidence for them to be prosecuted, and they had their days in courts. There are many more chinese americans who were convicted than exonerated. The people who were charged, whether guilty or not, had more than simply exchanges with chinese in China who were not their relatives or friends. Check out Wikipedia: List of Chinese Spies in US includes recent cases of people found guilty who were not chinese or married to a chinese. There's simply no evidence that these investigations were based on ethnicity.
Remember, it’s not just about ethnicity. There are over 90 million card-carrying CCP members, many of whom are trained and educated in Chinese higher education institutions and eventually move to the U.S., legally or otherwise. They have pledged loyalty to the CCP, which is a hostile entity toward Western democracy. Of course, any country, including the U.S., must remain vigilant, closely screening anyone with close tie to CCP ensure they do not have divided loyalties and may eventually turn against the U.S. This is the only prudent course of action.
@@Wind308 "not just about ethnicity." means it does involve ethnicity (and also national origin). Neither ethnicity and national origin should be a factor at all,
多謝分享, 辛苦哂
Ng Ng 好,支持Ng Ng,支持森哥。
望穿秋水,Ng Ng駕到。🤣
Good morning Ng Ng一哥。😉
支持Ng Ng,Sa姐,Cathy,小虎,支持森哥!
Support NgNg and Sam
支持森直口快, 多謝分享!
@@francischeng9083 以後最多只能做到中層,而且嚴禁接觸機密文件。
@@theresatang8467 同意!
謝謝🙏🏻森哥 辛苦你了
謝太后良心論述 太后萬福
謝謝詳細資料📃分析及分享 支持森直口快
黎留言,like and share
@@kinshingchao 唔使希望。係即將立法!😂
@@francischeng9083 你話希望盡快嘛
大家珍惜生命,不要同五毛爭論 😂
@@kinshingchao 得把口9 up 洗地無用架!
Support the right Sam
契弟@Tao 的 U形 反彈 呢...
咁久 未現, 可能 S咗 了
@@theresatang8467 Princess,How Many?🤣👉🦁🐯
@@vsteel5421 敢死硬,中国唔會養一個無用癈物。
@@kamshingchoi7843 衛生棉條 , 用完即棄 !
森哥:色字頭上一把刀,西方政客都係普通人,而且佢哋對住亞裔女性,確實更容易滿足其大男人加埋白人嘅優越感,而啲帶住目的嘅亞裔女性尤其係華人亦都樂意『放下身段』取悅佢哋。其他人就算發現苗頭,基於平等同埋對少數族裔指控往往更敏感,容易被指歧視,一般唔敢出聲,唔係佢打份工咁奢華一早俾人查啦。我都懷疑過一個強國移民嘅華人business partner造假,我老細(老白男)多次叫我唔好戴有色眼鏡,結果後尾證明我啱。雖然陶傑啲極右言論好乞人憎,不過呢一點我覺得佢係一眾KOL中睇得比較通透嘅。只不過佢不嬲唔理政治正確,講出嚟難聽啲,對女性又可能唔夠尊重:姣婆遇著脂粉客,要啲狗公唔發情好難囉。不過話時話,如果你唔係嗰啲以性別紅利周圍勾人達到目的嘅女仔,其實係唔會因為佢講得難聽就覺得全體女性被侮辱物化,畢竟佢嘅語境都係指呢啲女間諜啫。
CLS lttle xts ancient characteristics fo the gut oil ter since leaving the caves
@@kinshingchao 咁咪就係証明午無久揾野嚟 9 up 囉!
The sad thing is that many innocent American Chinese have been persecuted simply for exchanges with PRC, or just for being ethnic Chinese. Wen Ho Lee was a famous case. You are adding to the discrimination by suggesthing that Chinese Americans should be trusted less. Spying danger is important. There should be investigation which does not rely on ethnicity.
There're too many cases of mainland Chinese or Chinese-born employees stealing intellectual property and fleeing to China, such as Apple cars, artificial intelligence, blueprints of weaponry, etc. If I were a hiring manager, I wouldn't hire ethnically mainland Chinese for technical development.
These non guilty people were not persecuted but prosecuted. There were enough evidence for them to be prosecuted, and they had their days in courts.
There are many more chinese americans who were convicted than exonerated.
The people who were charged, whether guilty or not, had more than simply exchanges with chinese in China who were not their relatives or friends.
Check out Wikipedia: List of Chinese Spies in US includes recent cases of people found guilty who were not chinese or married to a chinese. There's simply no evidence that these investigations were based on ethnicity.
Remember, it’s not just about ethnicity. There are over 90 million card-carrying CCP members, many of whom are trained and educated in Chinese higher education institutions and eventually move to the U.S., legally or otherwise. They have pledged loyalty to the CCP, which is a hostile entity toward Western democracy. Of course, any country, including the U.S., must remain vigilant, closely screening anyone with close tie to CCP ensure they do not have divided loyalties and may eventually turn against the U.S. This is the only prudent course of action.
@@Wind308 "not just about ethnicity." means it does involve ethnicity (and also national origin). Neither ethnicity and national origin should be a factor at all,
Many Chinese immigrants and Chinese who pledged allegiance to Britain and the United States suppressed Hong Kong people
衛生棉條 , 用完即棄 !