Theodicy - If God is Good, Why is There Evil?

  • Опубліковано 11 вер 2024
  • The problem of evil in three minutes.


  • @donhattery3383
    @donhattery3383 3 місяці тому

    Excellent explanation❕
    "And ye shall know THE TRUTH, and
    THE TRUTH shall make you free."
    John 8:32

  • @bdave2049
    @bdave2049 4 місяці тому +1

    He missed the most obvious problem with the free will argument. There is so much suffering caused by natural means outside of human control and will.

  • @alcolumbo4460
    @alcolumbo4460 Місяць тому

    Thank you for the short video. The person in the video made some good points. My only issue is the question "why is there evil" was not explained.
    The first point states without God, an objective standard for goodness does not exist.
    The second point defines evil as the privation or the absence of good.
    The final point states God is sovereign over evil and can use it for the good.
    I agree with all three points, but the title of this video was not answered. If God is good, why is there evil? Where did evil come from?
    God created everything but evil is not a thing to be created. Thus, God did not create evil.
    Also, the free will defense apparently does not work. So man is not the reason for the origin of evil?
    Once again, why is there evil? Where did it come from?

  • @sbm1994
    @sbm1994 2 роки тому +4

    Love these videos, there’s a theological sophistication with such a simple straightforward explanation that I haven’t really seen much of elsewhere. Thank you and God bless you!

  • @TheArthurAbbott
    @TheArthurAbbott Рік тому +1

    I also think the problem of evil can be gutted in a similar way, simply by offering up the suggestion that an all knowing being is likely ineffable, so good luck trying to figure out whether or not the stuff he does is evil or good. And if God were all powerful, would be the standard for good if He so chose.

  • @nathangaspacio6128
    @nathangaspacio6128 10 місяців тому +2

    There is one theodicy i've seen that I'm still figuring out, but I don't agree with any of these supposedly "good" answers. Anyone feel free to respond if I am misinterpreting these though.
    The first one asserts that evil can only exist if it can be compared to a standard of good, which is god. However, there are many potential sources of moral goodness, many of which predate christianity. One clear example of this is that some things I believe are good or indifferent are not cool with christianity. This means I have a standard of good that isn't based on god, so I can have a standard of evil that isn't based on god.
    As for the second one, by creating free will, god created our ability to do evil. Even if evil is a lack of goodness, surely an omnipotent being could create that goodness where it is lacked.
    The third answer is just not an answer at all. God created evil for an ultimately good purpose, but I cannot fathom such a purpose that does not contradict other fundamental aspects of christianity. If god is doing it for a good purpose, he ought to at least make us capable of understanding that purpose. To rebut by saying he didn't tell us for a purpose would be a circular argument.

    • @Phoenician4922
      @Phoenician4922 2 місяці тому

      I'm not sure about your 1st and 3rd argument, however I believe I have an answer to your second one.
      There is a misconception that God by being omnipotent can do do absolutely anything. Several have argued that such is not the case. For instance, you cannot ask from God to create a square circle. Such a thing is simply illogical in every way. Similarly, it would be impossible to ask God to give us free will while preventing evil since the two cannot be separated. Any way God chooses to make all of our actions "good" would be by controlling us/manipulating us thus taking away our free will. Hence it is safe to assume free will = choice = possibility of evil = God can't be blamed for it, we are to be blamed for it.
      The nice thing about this argument is that it can be used to justify all evil whose origin is from humans. However, it does not answer other forms of "evil" (some would call them evil others would not) that take the form of suffering induced by natural disasters, diseases, etc. since these often do not involve human choice.

  • @Lucas-gm3bv
    @Lucas-gm3bv 3 місяці тому +1

    Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait.
    2:06 is … nonsense!
    With all due respect to this Boethius fellow: yes, we can. Watch my lips:
    “How can there be evil if God exists?”
    What you have just witnessed me raise the former question in Boethius’ little mind bender without raising the latter. Nothing ties the two together (except Boethius’ cutesy quip).
    As a candle’s light can exist in a dark room or a bright and sunny patio, so good can exist in the presence of evil just as well as it can in the absence of evil.
    Good is not the opposite of evil. Good is the opposite of bad.
    Dark is not the opposite of light. Dark is just the absence of light. There is a difference.
    God’s existence isn’t necessary for any of the above. It is superfluous, if God exists, at all. And … we’re all here because we’re questioning the existence of God, not the properties of light or the quality of goodness. Those are diversions. So, if you don’t mind, set them aside, as they are unnecessary.
    It’s almost 5am. My brain is fried.
    Please, someone, help me solve this.
    (Or tell me if I already have; I’m known to get stuck in loops, sometimes.)
    I’m out. ✌🏼

  • @whitneystone1929
    @whitneystone1929 3 роки тому +1

    Yes!!! I’ve needed this in my life! Thank you guys for making these awesome short videos

  • @elrikard7909
    @elrikard7909 Рік тому +2

    No. The concept of good and evil exists recognizably in belief systems with no god. Also, use of evil for a purpose is a useless idea, it suggests there is a positive outcome. God is omnipotent, he could just create the outcome. That what a human being says who assumes experience, time, learning from suffering, and growth. God is timeless and omnipotent. He doesn't need to wait.

    • @ChrisMusante
      @ChrisMusante 6 місяців тому

      There is a 'positive outcome' of God's use of 'evil'... and why in Isaiah 45:7 it says that the LORD CREATES EVIL. There is a 'staff' AND a 'rod' for a reason. If one will not do what is 'right' and with knowledge (and choice) demonstrate 'wisdom', then there is a 'rod' for those who choose to 'learn the hard way'.
      What is not understood is that God is POWERLESS against our choices... and why scriptures say that we are the BODY. IF the body is NOT doing what it is supposed to do - then what is 'experienced and known' is (justly) whatever is sown.
      Jesus cannot show up and WAVE a MAGIC WAND and make everything better... BUT, He can show up at the right hand of power (as He already did in 70 AD) and destroy what deserves to be destroyed. And I don't know about you... but I'm not seeing a whole lot of 'feeding, clothing, and praying for our enemies'.
      The prophet Amos nailed it... (Amos 5: 18)
      "Woe to you who long
      for the day of the Lord!
      Why do you long for the day of the Lord?
      That day will be darkness, not light."

    • @saturnhex9855
      @saturnhex9855 6 місяців тому

      Right!? Evil is not equivalent to the scalpel in the last example, it's equivalent to the murdering. Evil isn't a tool, it is the outcome and reasoning itself. Definitely still theodicy issues with his arguments.

  • @ChrisMusante
    @ChrisMusante 6 місяців тому

    Wait wait wait... you just said that God has 'freewill' ??? This is crazy - if God had 'freewill' then He could do whatever He wanted and that is very far from the truth. God has PROMISES that MUST be kept - or else He is NOT GOD - unworthy, unjust, and so on and so on. Where God's 'power' is displayed is in His 'word' and I am referring (and not) to Jesus here. As it is BY the 'word' that all things are 'made'. Thus, when we (as the body) 'manifest' the word by doing the works that are required... then and ONLY then will we 'see' God. Jesus makes this clear when He says that if you do NOT believe what I say, then judge me by my works as I (Jesus) can ONLY DO that which the Father commands. Thus ALL who are led by (born of the spirit) are Sons of God - as Paul makes clear.
    This 'born of the spirit' is referring to the word 'know'... as in "He knew her and she concieved" or to say 'fruit' of the woman. IF Jesus 'knows' you, then it is by the Spirit that the 'fruit' that we produce is associated with and accredited to the Holy Spirit. This is the reason that Paul says what He does when He says that "what he wants (desires, willingness) to do, he (Paul does not do) but it is Christ (the annointing) that is working THROUGH him. And Paul, in being humble, then points out that he will ONLY lay CLAIM that that which he wishes that he DOES NOT want (rebellion, sin) to do.

  • @aaroncrumbley
    @aaroncrumbley Рік тому

    Thank you for making this!

  • @Joe-lb8qn
    @Joe-lb8qn Рік тому +4

    He made Satan, correct? So, that is something evil he made, its not just an absence.
    Regards third point, lets look at the long term goal of a baby that dies still born or very early on with some sort of painful cancer......hmm, you'll have to work harder to convince me thats because theres a better "ultimate good purpose" there.
    Does your back hurt from bending over so hard to avoid the logical inconsistencies in all this?
    (On theupside, good for you for disnissing the usual 3 poor arguments "for" evil.

    • @ChrisMusante
      @ChrisMusante 6 місяців тому

      I have (2) still born babies - twins - and tomorrow is their birth and death day. IF I am to believe in heaven, would I really want them to be here, even during these days? The news is not good. Cancer can be cured and is the results of bad diet and worse 'stress'. I have a friend (many of them actually) who have cured their own cancers by natural means, instead of trusting doctors with poisons that are supposed to help them.
      There is a reason that there are (2) lions. And that reason can be seen in Isaiah 45: 7, which says...
      "I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things."
      What should be noticed is that what is 'created' is darkness and evil, while light and peace are formed and made - or the results of 'works'. This is also why the man who neither he or his parents sinned was 'born blind' - that the works of God could be displayed in Him. The tragedies that come in this life are there so that it can allow us to 'love' each other. Some day - and maybe soon if my teachings can get out there - we will learn that we should love each other first and ask questions later.
      As for the 'theodicy' - I have my own... it is scripturally backed and I can PROVE where it came from, why it is here, and why it is a GOOD THING that the 'Lord' created it, and it's NOT some mocked up mess made by some wizard who invented Calculus (Leibniz). It's simple and will 'break' the current understanding of how it is that we view 'God'. When that happens, I will fulfill Isaiah 52:15... so yeah... I get to be 'that guy'.
      In a nutshell it's as follows... To disobey God is unjust and cannot go unpunished, thus 'grace' and even mercy are forms of partiality, which means that either the scriptures lie in stating that God cannot be impartial (Romans 2:11) OR that 'grace' and 'mercy' are 'evil'... and they are. 'Grace' allows one to (for a limited time) 'bend' (not break) God's 'law'... this is the TRUTH that is spoken of that Jesus brings, the 'grace' part was Him spilling His own blood (Jesus became 'sin' - and the worst kind) in order to teach us these things that I too teach.
      Thus, when it says 'salvation by grace' - it is NOT referring to rights to murder the Son of God - but by the fact that those who do not obey or are 'ungodly', are 'beaten' until they break, and then repent - as in "He scourages those whom He loves", and also, "faithful are the wounds of a friend."
      I would add that people do NOT like what I teach, because they would rather believe that they are not 'bound' by any laws or rules which is hog wash - Romans 2: 12-14 is very clear that ALL are bound to the 'effects' (promises) of the law, regardless of whether they are privy to it or not. But goes on to clarify the mission with with Jesus the Christ came which was to show how the laws of God - as promised in the final days - will be written upon the heart... and NOT come from a book.
      That 'book' is very dangerous... a 'paper sword'. And we are hacking each other to pieces with it - and sadly... in the name of God.

  • @baptistboy2882
    @baptistboy2882 Рік тому +1

    In Samuel Yahweh incited David to take a census. In Isaiah we read that Yahweh makes weal and creates woe.
    Your argument is flawed. Your video caters to church people.

    • @ChrisMusante
      @ChrisMusante 6 місяців тому

      Brother... people do NOT want to believe ALL of scriptures - only the parts that make them feel good and they are unwilling to do the work to understand and seek to resolve the parts of it (scripture) that seem to have conflicts. I will say truly that there are NO conflicts whatsoever. And with that Isaiah 45: 7 says the following...
      "I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things."
      The problem is as follows: They have 'lumped together' the (3) different 'roles' of the (1) True God. Those 'roles' or maybe 'character traits' can be seen by seeing God in (3) parts... Elohim (God), Lord (YHWH), and Lord God (YHWH Elohim).
      Look at Genesis... Elohim 'creates' man. YHWH Elohim 'forms' man. I got it all worked out... and we are in a LOT of TROUBLE. Help people find me if you can. Shalom.

  • @wanersanja461
    @wanersanja461 Рік тому

    Thank you very much ! Blessings ! Good ending !

    • @marculatour6229
      @marculatour6229 Рік тому

      Yes, there is a simple explanation. Imagine you have brought a child into the world and at some point
      it no longer works as it should. It does bad things from your perspective and from other people's
      perspective. For example, God created something as senseless as brain tumors in infants.
      To keep someone or everyone from throwing your child in the trash can, you have to present your
      obviously bad child's behavior in a better light. That's where theodicy comes in. And for that they
      need many understanders of God.

  • @user-ug7wm7tl7m
    @user-ug7wm7tl7m Рік тому

    God does not uses evil rather, He permits it.

    • @evanholland1538
      @evanholland1538 Рік тому

      who created cancer? who made the oceans salt water when all animals need freshwater to survive? who creates a lack of food causing world hunger?

    • @evanholland1538
      @evanholland1538 Рік тому

      who creates natural disasters? i assume it has to be some other force if it’s not god

    • @danielmann5427
      @danielmann5427 9 місяців тому

      It's the same thing - if meant by secondary causes

    • @ChrisMusante
      @ChrisMusante 6 місяців тому

      No... God uses evil too. What did Joseph say to his miserable brothers? "What you thought was for evil - God used for 'good'." I will add that God uses a LOT OF EVIL... we just aren't 'learning' anything from our 'experiences' and so like a broken record, history keeps repeating itself. And why so? Because God will not give up on us and will either use a 'staff' to 'guide us'... or a 'rod' to 'break us'.
      "He scourages those whom He loves."

    • @ChrisMusante
      @ChrisMusante 6 місяців тому

      @@evanholland1538 - natural disasters - yeah that thing. Question for you: "Who was it that sinned, him or his parents that he was born blind?" Answer: Neither Natural disasters should be taken advantage of to show the 'works of God' - in other words to care for and love each other. Natural disasters are an 'opportunity' - not some kind of punishment. God is NOT in the 'storm'... He is in the tiny little voice - and hopefully that 'voice' is not only 'inside' of you... but able to 'come out' of you - as your 'kingdom' is not here or there... it's 'inside you'. Do the 'works'. Simple.

  • @carolmueller3191
    @carolmueller3191 2 роки тому +1

    Satan is misleading the entire inhabited earth, Revelation 12:9; time and unforeseen occurrence befalls us all, Ecclesiastes 9:11; we all sin and fall short of the glory of God, our sins can deeply hurt others! God cannot be tried, nor does he try anyone will evil things, James 1:13! Soon the Creator will bring beautiful changes to the earth. Those changes will repair all the damage, hurt and misery done on earth! Jesus told Christians to pray for God's Kingdom to come and for His will to be done on earth as it is in heaven, Matthew 6:9,10! God's Kingdom is a heavenly government ruled by Jesus Christ as King. Soon Jesus will bring beautiful changes to the earth. There will be no more death, pain or sorrow on earth, Revelation 21:4,5! All those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice and come out! John 5:28,29! In order to receive everlasting life and the blessings that God has promised, either in heaven or on a Paradise earth, we must worship the Father with spirit and truth, John 4:22-24; Isaiah 42:8; Psalms 83:18!

    • @marculatour6229
      @marculatour6229 Рік тому

      Yes, there is a simple explanation. Imagine you have brought a child into the world and at some point
      it no longer works as it should. It does bad things from your perspective and from other people's
      perspective. For example, God created something as senseless as brain tumors in infants.
      To keep someone or everyone from throwing your child in the trash can, you have to present your
      obviously bad child's behavior in a better light. That's where theodicy comes in. And for that they
      need many understanders of God.

    • @baptistboy2882
      @baptistboy2882 Рік тому +1

      Learn the difference between first temple Judaism and second temple Judaism. Satan is noticeably absent in the Hebrew bible. Satan wasn't even a proper name in first temple Judaism. Ha-Satan was a title found in Job. He wasn't God's archenemy either he was a member of the divine counsel. His role was prosecuting attorney.
      The first part of Job actually comes from Oriental stories in circulation from the third Millennium BCE. They were added to the Hebrew bible at some point during the David /Solomon monarchy. Later on poets added the conversations between Job and his friends.

  • @abimaildaimari5866
    @abimaildaimari5866 Рік тому

    You have to understand the bible first and you'll find the truth

    • @ChrisMusante
      @ChrisMusante 6 місяців тому

      We do not understand the 'bible' - it is the most purchased book and the least read, annually millions of copies sold and that this point a waste of trees as it (scriptures) are used as little more than the means by which we use 'paper swords' to ruin each other. If there is a 'truth' to be found in scriptures (I do NOT like to say 'bible' because there are many versions of it and some are demographically designed) it is that God can fight His own battles. And that we should test him CONTINUALLY by paying attention to a very tiny word. A word called... "IF".
      Whenever God says IF, He is giving you an opportunity to CALL HIM OUT for one of his promises - and if one has any 'faith' they will learn to do that... to DO the 'ifs'.
      Numbers 23:19 says...
      God is not human, that he should lie,
      not a human being, that he should change his mind.
      Does he speak and then not act?
      Does he promise and not fulfill?
      God is POWERLESS against our freewill to choose. And if we DON'T choose Him... then He will then have His back turned to us - NOT because HE TURNED... but because WE TURNED. Thus... 'draw near to me and I will draw near to you'. And IF we do not turn to Him... then we are left without His protection and will JUSTLY suffer, for every single choice and decision that we make.