@@cordeliachase601 Yeah everyone always makes a big deal about getting blood on things but it's really easy to get out just use some washing up liquid. Breaking down that kind of thing is literally what is made for. "Ooooo I have blood on my hands" Just use soap for Christ sake!
I enjoy this line because it fits into the greater themes of Angel as a show and character as well. Just because something is one thing now, doesn't mean it can't be something else better. The money will wash, and will be used for the good of the kids. Angel might've been a soulless monster, but now he can be a force for good, if he wants to be.
@@bornonthecusp19 That's how I took it. Sort of like how Buffy symbolizes the overall journey of becoming an adult, Anne symbolizes becoming realistic in our hopes (another part of growing up). Not everything is idle and easy. Anne has learned this lesson the hard way time and time again.
I think what I like most about Anne's return is how sure of herself she is. Where before it felt like she was going with the flow and just doing whatever made her beloved or even just liked by others, she is standing up to Angel because she knows her path and has someone and something depending on her now. In a moment where Angel is regressing and falling into bad old habits (stalking blondes especially), Anne is growing more certain that what she is doing is just and worthy than almost any other character in either Buffy or Angel.
Yeah this is the beginning of the Anne we see in the Series Finale. It's one of my favourite moments of the Finale honestly. When Charles asks her what she would do if he told her none of it all matters, thats its all controlled by powers so far above her head, and that they'd never let it get any better, and she doesn't even hesitate "I'd get this stuff packed up before the new stuff gets here. Want to help me?" If nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do.
I've always loved how they sprinkled "Chantilly" throughout Buffy & Angel, she didn't show up enough to be a regular so she was like an Easter egg for die-hard fans. Her (mostly off-screen) character development is impressive and speaks volumes about the long-term ripple effects that Buffy had on people she helped/saved. Plus the acting range that Julia Lee showed makes me wish she'd had a spinoff.
This is my favorite arc in all of Angel, actually. I love the idea that the enemy of good isn't evil, it's apathy. Angel's "darkness" here is a very real, very human one, and has nothing to do with a soul, and everything to do with depression, fixation, and feeling overwhelmed by the size of the problem in front of you--something that I can deeply relate to when at the news these days.
What I don't like is how despite locking the Wolfram And Hart lawyers in the wine cellar and leaving them to die, setting Darla and Dru on fire and setting it up as if Angel is going to war on W and H he pulls stupid pranks to embarrass and humiliate them instead.
@@Xehanort10 Angel is predictable in their eyes, him changing up the rules is how he stays ahead and makes them scared of his next movies Paranoia is better than a fast kill, it’s what he enjoys anyway, it’s fitting
To be fair, the humiliation wasn't the point. It was a distraction so Boone could steal the money. But, yes, I am also disappointed that Angel's never remotely as dark as he was in Reunion until Reprise.
You know, I'd never stopped to consider the possibility that Angel might have lost that fight. But Boone is presented as a character who might win the fight and leave the money. Something else to consider on my next runthrough. Thank you, sir!
Great job. If there was only one Buffyverse character who i could see where they are now it would be Anne. How would her shelter have grown, how would she have grown as an advocate. She is the answer to Joyce's question because she's taken the good Buffy did for her and built on it.
I relate heavily to the struggle Angel and past Buffy were facing. I work in mental health and often feel like I am doing no good despite how hard I try. It is rough, witnessing suffering daily for a job that I care deeply about, and having to accept the struggle. Keep pushing the boulder.
Of all the random one off demons from a single episode in the Buffyverse, Boone is up there for me. Cool design, awesome brass knuckle powers, and I just love that he's willing to lay it all on the line at the end... he's just gotta know.
I love Anne. She's a great character and she's another element to show how the Buffyverse is a place where actions have long lasting consequences, good or bad ones. Some recent teen shows seem to forget about characters entirely and it makes them feel more like fanfiction (*cough* Chilling Adventures of Sabrina *cough*), like the writers just drop and forget characters/plot points once they've served their purpose for a few episodes. Thank you for another great video!! I've been a lurker on this channel for more than 6 years now and I may not comment often but I watch every single episode guide when they come out! Keep up the good work ♥
I remember hearing a writer on a DVD commentary track that if a character that was intended to be a one-off episode appearance was reused in a subsequent episode, the writer who created the character originally got a little bonus (and maybe also the writer who reused them). I remember because she was good-naturedly disappointed that she set up a perfect little side-character that could be referenced regularly and make small cameos, but it didn't count because the actual actor never appeared on screen again, what with Phantom Dennis being an invisible ghost and all.
"It'll wash" - (which gets us to:) "I'd get this truck packed before the new stuff gets here. " - (which gets us to:) "Let's go to work. (shwing!!)" (I can never do this one without the sound effect, sorry) Anne(tarelle) is my secret favorite character (arc) of the Buffyverse. While the last line isn't hers, she always represented that big picture struggle of our main characters to just keep fighting the fight. Because if nothing we do....you know where this is going :)
The scene with Gunn and Anne in the Series Finale is low key my favourite moment of that episode. It so perfectly captures the "If nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do" theme that Angel always had, and was what their big last stand was all about. Love it!
Angel called Anne a fool in "Lie to Me" (in front of her face). She remembered that. In the present (tense) of the scene (in this Ep) she did the math. (And yes, it could be about either Angel or Spike.) Anne: "I used to think vampires were the coolest." Angel: "What happened?" Anne: "I met one."
Again, watch the full scene of this episode. Angel had just got in a fight with Boone. He sustained injuries that would put a normal person in the hospital, which Anne remarks on. Before, she didn't know he was a vamp, now she does.
@@rahlmaclaren1478 But she didn't remember him from back in Buffy S2, had she known then that he was a vampire then he would most likely have remembered him but now he was just some "non-believer" spouting nonsense and he quickly vanished from her memory, Spike however she clearly etched into her memory.
I love anne and angel interacting in this episode because anne absolutely checks all his flawed logic but he doesnt even care. This was a great use of the character by the writers especially because anne is such a buffy figure here, working and fighting and reminding angel of the two loves he’s lost which brought him here. Also i love the connection between anne and gunn explored in thin dead line and throughout the rest of the series, where retrospectively anne reminds us of the AI team who are currently working twice as hard without him. Also the steele reserve -> anne steele
I thought it was a shame that they didn't have Anne in season 4 when the show actually had a troubled teen that needed help. Having Anne meet Conor while he is sleeping rough and offer him a safe place to stay. All the while Angel watches from a distance.
@@PassionoftheNerd After Angel kicks Connor out in S4e1, they could have shown Gunn pulling him aside and giving him a quiet word / slip of paper with the Anne's name & location. Heck, Connor could have easily hooked up with Gunn's old crew - he distrusts Angel, is good in a fight, and wants to kill all Demons - perfect fit. Connor as a character could have been saved from a lot of viewers' annoyance if the writers had included one or two scenes in S4 where he gets to be a bit playful with associates outsideof Angel Investigations.
This episode has one of my favourite moments of the entire series: Angel threatening Lilah in her car. That's all I have to add to another great review. Happy 2022!🤗
I really enjoy the Ballad of the Paladin used as the opener here. I have always seen lots of correlation between Angel and Paladin. You pointed out a few of them here, but I also love that both live in and operate out of a hotel in a prominent California city (San Francisco in Paladin's case). The hero living in a place where most only visit for a night is interesting symbolism.
"Don't you people know anything about honor?"" One of my most favorite lines from the show, which explains a lot about Lilah and Lindsey, and the whole concept about evil humans with a soul, and is delivered by a freaking demon! One thing that bothers me is that some episodes later, Anne actually says to Gunn how selfish Angel was, but it certainly didn't prevent her from taking all the money. The line that in a way blemished her character. And i love her character
Yeah I was down with Anne in this episode, she called Angel on his shit, but later on in that other episode I thought her attitude was lame, and clearly just written in to further the divide between Angel and his team. I kind of doubt her reaction to the guy who won a fight to the death to get her all 2 million, rather than the 5% she expected, would be to call him a selfish prick, even if he did have to trick her and embarrass some lawyers to do it.... lazy writing.
Watching it the first time it took me longer then it should have to realize Anne was THAT character and not just a one off character but I was so happy they showed her progression.
YESSSSSS THIS IS HOW I WANTED TO START THE YEAR OUT WITH A NEW VIDEO OF YOURS! I just finished your last Buffy one, I was heart broken that I ran out and now this GIFT has arrived!!
I like that Anne's gone from a "this is the worst of what you could be" for Buffy to a "this is the best of what you can be" for Angel. How Buffy's decision to handle Angel's death maturely gave Anne hope and a way to handle her boyfriend's death maturely, and now Angel's dealing with Darla's death in a less than mature, extremely absolute way, he sees this proof that it can get better. But of course, he doesn't understand that, because he has no idea who she is or her connection to Buffy -- and even if he did, he's not in a place to hear it. Also like Angel having a chance to flex off his stalker skills LMAO. Imagine how easy Angelus would have had it if people back in the ye olde days carried around photo ID with their full name and address on it ...
I loved the Anne character in this. The fact that she developed and found herself off screen makes the 'verse feel that much more rich. Like there's all this stuff going on away from what we see, with every minor character we meet along the way. Props to the actor for conveying such depth and to anyone involved in the creative process. There a reason this is an all time favourite show of mine
I like to head canon that the reason Angel isn't 'dark' after making it seem that's what was going to happen is because Darla isn't around, and that combined with his separation from the group makes him seem a little more like a mean-spirited BtVS S1 Angel and his attitude over the episodes leading to when she is back depend on the situation and his own mood. He's still the guy who killed the lawyers and sought after Darla and Dru, but now it seems more an 'I don't care' over 'dark' nature because he isn't as bad without Darla around. Two and a half years after only a brief moment of talking to each other seems enough of a reason for Angel and Anne to not recognize each other. Buffy didn't recognize her in _Anne_ either. Joyce's speech in _Gingerbread_ doesn't make sense (the speech is something Joyce would say both under the thrall and not under the thrall -- but not the point of what I am getting at) because Sunnydale isn't meant to be getting better. The Hellmouth drawing vampires and other demons to it will always make sure evil won't get better in Sunnydale. Buffy's job is to make sure it doesn't get worse. And that isn't even taking the yin/yang aspect of good and evil into account aka victory will never happen because evil will always exist in the world. I find it great that Buffy tells Joyce off for her absolutes and Anne (who Buffy helped in the BtVS _Anne_ episode and is paralleling Buffy to Joyce's Angel in the two situations) does the same to Angel's absolutes.
@@ronaldfasshauer4390 But in this episode, I, and the characters, can see her doing exactly what she does under the Hansel & Gretel demon's spell, without the spell on her. In other words, she doesn't act differently under the spell, which shows a lot of the annoyance I find in her character as a whole aka in all episode until now.
Thanks again for another great video. Even on an episode that we generally write off/phone in because it's not the best episodes, you've managed to find something worthwhile. I'm excited for Thin Dead Line and Happy Anniversary as I vaguely remember those episodes but remember they happen next.
Alley Box recently watched this episode on her Patreon and it got me wondering whether Boone's fight with Angel had any kind of narrative role in his arc - killing off an old friend to score a win in the bigger fight.
Thanks Ian and Happy New Year all ... I always thought Joyce missed the point...the fight keeps them there living...as we saw in the wish what happens when you don't fight.. Great episode guide...you always give me more to appreciate every time in shows I love already that is a gift
I'm fairly new to the Buffyverse. I am binge watching both Buffy and Angel now for the first time, alternating between both shows. Around season 2 of Buffy I found your guide and up until now I watched it immediately after each episode. It's great to get all this background info, new insights and your interpretations, even if I don't always agree with you. Now I'm at 5x12/2x12. What am I going to do without you? As I watch new episodes, I find myself thinking, "I wonder what Ian has to say about this scene". Your guide made this experience so much better for me, but I guess you ruined the rest for me because now I have to continue on my own without your input.🙈 (Of course waiting is not an option, I need to know what happens next). Keep up the good work, I am desperately waiting for more videos. It's really amazing how much love and effort you put into these. You're really gifted.
So you won't show us Cordy saying Gunn's name because it would be mean but you'll show us the Riley sex face how many times? 🤔 I have a tiny issue with Wes in this episode regarding the recording of him. Why was he doing a private strip dance for himself at work? Angel lives there and could walk in at any minute or Cordy or Gunn could walk in and see him. What was he thinking?
Perhaps he was rehearsing something for a case and got carried away. The case of the...demonic...male stripper? The thing that makes me feel bad for him is that he appears to punch himself in the testicles by accident before shutting the camera off. As for the cordy/riley hypocrisy...guilty as charged. I NEVER claimed to be objective.
I always took it as he maybe had plans to entertain that Ginger chick he was dating at the time with a sexy strip tease, but wanted to run some practices drills first and see how his moves looked, so he could put together a real show. Maybe the camera belongs to Angel Investigations, so he had to sneak it in at work, lol
I swear the Buffyverse has the best continuity of ANY shows I’ve seen outside of it. I love how seemingly one off characters that add nothing much to the episode itself end of being fully developed characters that mean so much more in the long run. It’s unreal!! Oh I can’t wait for “Happy Anniversary”! It’s so…..entertainingly pathetic if that makes sense!!!! 🤔🤪👍😅😂
I still wanna see a buddy adventure movie between Merle and Willie the Snitch. It could be like Bulk and Skull from Power Rangers except with demonic and organized crime undertones.
I love the character of Anne and how she can been seen as being a proxy to Buffy, a reminder to Angel to have hope and that there are things worth fighting for
Hi again Mr Passion of the Nerd! Are you also a fan of the David Greenwalt series Grimm? I'd love to watch a video or three from you about that series as it is something worthy of comment from start to finish. From somebody who can be constructive and appreciative. With the unique attention to detail and insight you have yourself as a commentator!
I didn't remember that angel had seen Anne in lie to me. that he wouldn't remember her seems out of step with the way they have presented angel at other times as having an impeccable, photographic memory over the course of hundreds of years. I love "Holland Lite." This is the first of your Angel guides I've watched bc I'm not as into Angel, but I have a feeling watching your videos will actually make me like the series more. thanks for doing this!
The fact that they don't recognize each other; It hasn't just been a couple of years - Angel has in the meantime been to a hell dimension for god knows how long (is it ever really concluded or just theorized that he was there for a hundred years?). I feel like we often glaze over that part 😅 He is much older than what is often stated.
Next to Wes, Anne’s character development from Buffy to Angel is the most momentous. But it also makes a bit sad a lot of the Buffy cast don’t go through anything similar.
I understand your issues with Angel not being dark enough at this stage, but I think more than anything what we see here is that Angel's true nature can't be suppressed. Once the splinter in his eye (meaning Darla and WRH) is not immediately around dick Angel falls away in the face of good people, and we get regular Angel. He's still made his choices and at this point he still thinks they are the right choices, he's still after WRH with a vengeance, but when he doesn't have to be a dick to get the job done he isn't. I think too this was the writers letting folks know we would get regular Angel back at some point, he's got a mission and made a mistake in its execution, but he's still Angel. And that's a pretty realistic way of going about it. Life isn't linear. You do better, you do worse, certain things can trigger harder and revert you to old ways of thinking. If you're a decent person your baseline is to be decent in absence of the specific stimuli that might make you less decent. Let's not forget triggers work for good or ill. So, as you rightly pointed out, when confronted with a passionate blonde do-gooder, we got a softer Angel.
Hey Ian, just wondering, would you consider doing a guide for Dollhouse in the future? I just finished a rewatch and I think there's actually quite a lot to unpack there
I actually like this little Angel solo arc (especially Happy Anniversary) but it does feel very tonally out of place crammed between Redefinition and Epiphany
There is also the idea of how the hardboiled PI took the place of the lone gunfighter as “civilization” replaced the uncivilized west. Eddie Muller’s book Dark City: The Lost World of Film Noir has a funny little into on the chapter about shamuses, where a dying gunfighter comes in to pass the torch (or gun, in this case) to a private dick. Both are considered knights errants in their own milieu.
@@defrostedrobot77 they’re the railroad company or big rancher who control the sheriff or marshal or hanging judge facing off against the lone gunfighter.
I have to say, I grinned like an idiot at the use of the end credits theme from Have Gun - Will Travel, and even more at how tied into the actual episode review. Granted, Hey Boy and Hey Girl do not play well at all from a modern perspective, but on the whole it's a fantastic TV show, with a number of great episodes written by this Roddenberry guy (I wonder what happened to him).
@@PassionoftheNerd I was a teenager when the episode first came out so I immediately noticed it because it was the beer I associated with house parties and the "bad element" who had mo-peds and wispy mustaches.
What's so cringe about Cordy making fun of Gunn's name? I always find that moment super cute, fun bonding moment of the team that always puts a smile on my face.
I'm actually related to Richard Boone, according to my family at least. Boone being a revision of our family name which is not English and many people find odd to pronounce. Richard also being a very common first name passed down the family (theres like 4 others). He also bares a decent resemblance to my great grandfather. Considering I have near a hundred cousins on that side of the family it's not unlikely its true So that gave me a bit of a chuckle lol
Ok, I'm thinking about this too much. Now I want a fanfiction story about Anne and Phantom Dennis hooking up and helping the forgotten victims of this supernatural world.
"life lessons" because it was the lessons they learned when they were still alive and. hadn't gotten completely cold, or they see they are cold and are inspired by those still alive, whether they show it or not
Anne was character i wish was showcased in the expanded works from darkhorse but its been so long since i read them i cant tell if she was or wasnt. Somehow that feels.....right?
Great vid, but the only thing I disagree with is your dislike for the Cordy scene of her mocking Gunn’s name. I think she’s adorable there, same with every Cordy scene imo.
Blood Money was always on the top of my list of episodes to skip whenever doing and Angel rewatch, but I've...softened to it in recent years. I think a lot of it is it has a lot of tropes that aren't to my taste that highlight some of the more awkward moments, but that's not this episode's fault.
He might, but I doubt it. He spent like a couple hundred years in hell after Lie to Me. And she wasn’t of any significance to him. Just a teenage girl in vampire wannabe clothes. Of all the stuff that happened between Lie to Me and this episode, including Angels 200 years of torment, I don’t think a random vampire cult (which he admitted to seeing dozens of times before) would be a core important memory for him. Plus, it’s not like she would remember him anyway. She met him 4 years prior for legit 30 seconds. And unlike Spike, she didn’t know Angel was a vampire. To Anne, Angel was no different than Willow or Xander, who I doubt she would remember. I also doubt Willow or Xander would remember her if she suddenly showed up. Buffy and Anne only remembered eachother because the vampire cult happened 10 months before that. And it took Buffy a few moments to remember. Anne actually had to remind Buffy. Anne remembered Buffy because Buffy saved her life and it was the first time she ever saw a vampire (Spike)… who would forget that? I wouldn’t. But to remember some people she talked to for 30 seconds is pushing it. I certainly don’t remember people I met at parties from 4 years ago that I talk to for a whole 30 seconds.
@@TheForgottenMyth Something like that but I don't know what that means. If has to recreate the entire scenario then it's not really perfect recall it's just normal memory lol.
I'm subscribed to your Patreon, and I let most commercials run, but lately the ads are 38 mins long (this vid Angel 2.12) and 19 mins (Angel 2.11). I recommend tweaking ads to be much shorter, I doubt I'm the only person clicking Skip Ads.
MARSIA! I will look for those settings. I turned off unskippables and I believe that was after a comment you left on a video a year or so ago. PLEASE, no need to watch the ads. Please don't, in fact. That's like torturing yourself on behalf of the UA-camrs you like. I wouldn't ask you to do that. Being a Patron is already above and beyond the call. If you want to support the UA-camrs you like AND rid yourself of hateful advertisements on EVERY UA-cam video you watch, maybe signup for UA-cam Premium. I've had it since its inception. I hate ads and my views with UA-cam Premium actually pay the creators I watch more than my view without it in which I watch an ad. But, either way, thank you.
That coversation with Buffy and her Mum is like saying why is there still crime when we have police officers? Not matter how many officers you have they'll still be crime, it's about keeping under some sort of control.
OR why are there still fires when we have a fire department. And we know from The Wish how Sunnydale without Buffy would look like so yeah she is definitely making things better.
It's a question everyone needs to answer for themselves with this kind of thing - definitely something we're working out in the zeitgeist right now through people like Whedon and Rowling. I have talked about this at length during previous stops along the Whedon news cycle but, in brief: 1. Unlike something like a Harry Potter book, a single episode of television is a massive undertaking. The creative sum of the work of a HOARD of people. Looking at the IMDB credits listed for THIS episode alone, there were 116 people involved. Performances. Makeup. Lighting. Photography. Technical. I don't want to throw away the work of 115 people because one was a turd. 2. Residuals are financial compensations that are paid to the actors, film or television directors, and others involved in making TV shows and movies in cases of reruns, syndication, DVD release, or online streaming. What happened to someone like Charisma was terrible. I also have read that she makes residuals so, in my mind, the thing to do is to raise awareness to prevent that from happening again in the future. Not to take money out of the pockets of people who suffered through the experience. There is no way to target ONE of those 116 people by giving up the show. Again, this is different from someone like a Rowling, who still partially owns the Potter trademark. 3. The shows are complete. What they MEAN now belongs to the fans, not him. Over the years of doing this, I have met tons of people who learned something about themselves from these shows. Episodes carried them through terrible periods of depression or abuse. He cannot take that away. And we shouldn't give back the good thing that exists in the world that came out of what he did. Rather and again, just do what we can to prevent it from happening further. And I believe that is occurring. 4. In regard to preventing future abuses from this one person, his public reputation is already in tatters. This is the news cycle that never seems to end. It looks unlikely to me that he will ever be given a show-runner or director position again. All of that said, I wouldn't begrudge anyone where they land on this topic. As I began, I think it's something that every individual needs to sort out for themselves when they discover that a hero of their fandom is not who they thought they were.
@@PassionoftheNerd thanks for taking the time to reply. I've been conflicted with Whedon and his shows since the end of season 4 Buffy when Buffy's stunt double and fight coordinator/boyfriend was fired . Even as kid there were suspicions that Whedon was not a good one but that was less important than me enjoying Buffy. As a middle aged man with kids now, there is a certain sense of unease I feel whenever I come back to these shows, knowing I supported his work during his peak period, especially as more information becomes available. I wish I could separate the art from the artist, but its difficult
Because the Steel Reserve was all they could afford. I've been there. Tastes awful but does the job. I was more of a refined Colt45/Jungle Joose kinda guy in my hay.
Interesting. I never saw that ending as ambiguous about who wins the fight. Angel having the money and the money being covered in blood (but not seemingly his own) was kind of a firm statement that Angel wins. I always took it as, it's not about the fight, but the outcome. Anne has the money. What it took to get there is useless. Like she said, "It'll wash". The money is what matters. Not the lives lost to get it.
Oh. Perhaps my high opinion of Blood Money is informed by the fact that I usually skip Redefinition in rewatches because Beige Angel feels too tryhard in that ep. Here's how the episodes should have aired: Reunion Blood Money A new episode that shows life without Angel as an attractive option for AI Redefinition Reprise And then put the Thin Blue Line before or after this arc (or even in another season) when the gang is together, put the excellent Lorne/Angel exchanges from Happy Anniversary into Redefinition or Blood Money and scrap the rest.
When Anne asks about the blood only to follow with "It'll wash," I always get chills. One of my favorite lines from an episode I often overlook.
I mean, she’s not wrong. It’ll come out.
@@cordeliachase601 Yeah everyone always makes a big deal about getting blood on things but it's really easy to get out just use some washing up liquid.
Breaking down that kind of thing is literally what is made for.
"Ooooo I have blood on my hands"
Just use soap for Christ sake!
I enjoy this line because it fits into the greater themes of Angel as a show and character as well. Just because something is one thing now, doesn't mean it can't be something else better. The money will wash, and will be used for the good of the kids. Angel might've been a soulless monster, but now he can be a force for good, if he wants to be.
Me too, not sure why, is it to show she's been slightly compromised morally?
@@bornonthecusp19 That's how I took it. Sort of like how Buffy symbolizes the overall journey of becoming an adult, Anne symbolizes becoming realistic in our hopes (another part of growing up). Not everything is idle and easy. Anne has learned this lesson the hard way time and time again.
I think what I like most about Anne's return is how sure of herself she is. Where before it felt like she was going with the flow and just doing whatever made her beloved or even just liked by others, she is standing up to Angel because she knows her path and has someone and something depending on her now.
In a moment where Angel is regressing and falling into bad old habits (stalking blondes especially), Anne is growing more certain that what she is doing is just and worthy than almost any other character in either Buffy or Angel.
Angel does have a type doesn't he
Yeah this is the beginning of the Anne we see in the Series Finale. It's one of my favourite moments of the Finale honestly. When Charles asks her what she would do if he told her none of it all matters, thats its all controlled by powers so far above her head, and that they'd never let it get any better, and she doesn't even hesitate "I'd get this stuff packed up before the new stuff gets here. Want to help me?" If nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do.
@@KS-xk2so Anne got such an impressive amount of character development for someone who only has a handful of appearances in Buffy and Angel
I've always loved how they sprinkled "Chantilly" throughout Buffy & Angel, she didn't show up enough to be a regular so she was like an Easter egg for die-hard fans. Her (mostly off-screen) character development is impressive and speaks volumes about the long-term ripple effects that Buffy had on people she helped/saved. Plus the acting range that Julia Lee showed makes me wish she'd had a spinoff.
Chanterelle. It’s a type of mushroom.
one of my fav minor characters
@@HuntingViolets I love that scene! Hehe
This is my favorite arc in all of Angel, actually. I love the idea that the enemy of good isn't evil, it's apathy. Angel's "darkness" here is a very real, very human one, and has nothing to do with a soul, and everything to do with depression, fixation, and feeling overwhelmed by the size of the problem in front of you--something that I can deeply relate to when at the news these days.
What I don't like is how despite locking the Wolfram And Hart lawyers in the wine cellar and leaving them to die, setting Darla and Dru on fire and setting it up as if Angel is going to war on W and H he pulls stupid pranks to embarrass and humiliate them instead.
@@Xehanort10 Angel is predictable in their eyes, him changing up the rules is how he stays ahead and makes them scared of his next movies
Paranoia is better than a fast kill, it’s what he enjoys anyway, it’s fitting
@Miriam I hear you with that last sentence.
To be fair, the humiliation wasn't the point. It was a distraction so Boone could steal the money.
But, yes, I am also disappointed that Angel's never remotely as dark as he was in Reunion until Reprise.
You know, I'd never stopped to consider the possibility that Angel might have lost that fight. But Boone is presented as a character who might win the fight and leave the money. Something else to consider on my next runthrough. Thank you, sir!
Great job. If there was only one Buffyverse character who i could see where they are now it would be Anne. How would her shelter have grown, how would she have grown as an advocate. She is the answer to Joyce's question because she's taken the good Buffy did for her and built on it.
Me too, does anyone know if she’s in the comic books?
@@JDLegal7 no she's not sadly
@@SkarrGaming He'd be on my short list for sure
I relate heavily to the struggle Angel and past Buffy were facing. I work in mental health and often feel like I am doing no good despite how hard I try. It is rough, witnessing suffering daily for a job that I care deeply about, and having to accept the struggle. Keep pushing the boulder.
Of all the random one off demons from a single episode in the Buffyverse, Boone is up there for me. Cool design, awesome brass knuckle powers, and I just love that he's willing to lay it all on the line at the end... he's just gotta know.
The “It’s metaphorical!” clip is my new favorite thing. Also, loved the music at the beginning.
I love Anne. She's a great character and she's another element to show how the Buffyverse is a place where actions have long lasting consequences, good or bad ones. Some recent teen shows seem to forget about characters entirely and it makes them feel more like fanfiction (*cough* Chilling Adventures of Sabrina *cough*), like the writers just drop and forget characters/plot points once they've served their purpose for a few episodes.
Thank you for another great video!! I've been a lurker on this channel for more than 6 years now and I may not comment often but I watch every single episode guide when they come out! Keep up the good work ♥
I remember hearing a writer on a DVD commentary track that if a character that was intended to be a one-off episode appearance was reused in a subsequent episode, the writer who created the character originally got a little bonus (and maybe also the writer who reused them).
I remember because she was good-naturedly disappointed that she set up a perfect little side-character that could be referenced regularly and make small cameos, but it didn't count because the actual actor never appeared on screen again, what with Phantom Dennis being an invisible ghost and all.
"It'll wash"
- (which gets us to:)
"I'd get this truck packed before the new stuff gets here. "
- (which gets us to:)
"Let's go to work. (shwing!!)" (I can never do this one without the sound effect, sorry)
Anne(tarelle) is my secret favorite character (arc) of the Buffyverse. While the last line isn't hers, she always represented that big picture struggle of our main characters to just keep fighting the fight. Because if nothing we do....you know where this is going :)
The scene with Gunn and Anne in the Series Finale is low key my favourite moment of that episode. It so perfectly captures the "If nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do" theme that Angel always had, and was what their big last stand was all about. Love it!
I think the fact that Angel doesn't come across as particularly fallen is part of the point. He's always capable of this.
Angel called Anne a fool in "Lie to Me" (in front of her face). She remembered that.
In the present (tense) of the scene (in this Ep) she did the math. (And yes, it could be about either Angel or Spike.)
Anne: "I used to think vampires were the coolest."
Angel: "What happened?"
Anne: "I met one."
Oh...I always considered that she meant Spike when she said that she met one 😅
@@Werac98 She did. She didn’t know Angel was a vampire.
@@RB-vo4gi Thank you for the confirmation. I thought that I remembered it wrong.
Again, watch the full scene of this episode. Angel had just got in a fight with Boone. He sustained injuries that would put a normal person in the hospital, which Anne remarks on.
Before, she didn't know he was a vamp, now she does.
@@rahlmaclaren1478 But she didn't remember him from back in Buffy S2, had she known then that he was a vampire then he would most likely have remembered him but now he was just some "non-believer" spouting nonsense and he quickly vanished from her memory, Spike however she clearly etched into her memory.
I love anne and angel interacting in this episode because anne absolutely checks all his flawed logic but he doesnt even care. This was a great use of the character by the writers especially because anne is such a buffy figure here, working and fighting and reminding angel of the two loves he’s lost which brought him here. Also i love the connection between anne and gunn explored in thin dead line and throughout the rest of the series, where retrospectively anne reminds us of the AI team who are currently working twice as hard without him.
Also the steele reserve -> anne steele
I love Anne's character development. What a journey for a minor character
I am ashamed that I didn’t realize Anne was THAT Anne. Adds a lot more to the episode and the character.
I thought it was a shame that they didn't have Anne in season 4 when the show actually had a troubled teen that needed help. Having Anne meet Conor while he is sleeping rough and offer him a safe place to stay. All the while Angel watches from a distance.
Oh God. If Anne could've straightened Connor out? That would've been amazing.
@@PassionoftheNerd Could you imagine them having group therapy sessions? Such missed opportunities.
@@PassionoftheNerd After Angel kicks Connor out in S4e1, they could have shown Gunn pulling him aside and giving him a quiet word / slip of paper with the Anne's name & location.
Heck, Connor could have easily hooked up with Gunn's old crew - he distrusts Angel, is good in a fight, and wants to kill all Demons - perfect fit.
Connor as a character could have been saved from a lot of viewers' annoyance if the writers had included one or two scenes in S4 where he gets to be a bit playful with associates outsideof Angel Investigations.
This episode has one of my favourite moments of the entire series: Angel threatening Lilah in her car. That's all I have to add to another great review. Happy 2022!🤗
I really enjoy the Ballad of the Paladin used as the opener here. I have always seen lots of correlation between Angel and Paladin. You pointed out a few of them here, but I also love that both live in and operate out of a hotel in a prominent California city (San Francisco in Paladin's case). The hero living in a place where most only visit for a night is interesting symbolism.
The western exploration here feels likes like a spark that leads down to Firefly
"Don't you people know anything about honor?"" One of my most favorite lines from the show, which explains a lot about Lilah and Lindsey, and the whole concept about evil humans with a soul, and is delivered by a freaking demon!
One thing that bothers me is that some episodes later, Anne actually says to Gunn how selfish Angel was, but it certainly didn't prevent her from taking all the money. The line that in a way blemished her character. And i love her character
I mean, she did say it here
If an evil law company is going to raise millions of dollars for her kids who desperately need them, she'll take it
Yeah I was down with Anne in this episode, she called Angel on his shit, but later on in that other episode I thought her attitude was lame, and clearly just written in to further the divide between Angel and his team. I kind of doubt her reaction to the guy who won a fight to the death to get her all 2 million, rather than the 5% she expected, would be to call him a selfish prick, even if he did have to trick her and embarrass some lawyers to do it.... lazy writing.
Watching it the first time it took me longer then it should have to realize Anne was THAT character and not just a one off character but I was so happy they showed her progression.
Same, I spent half the episode going "Who the heck is she and why does she look so familiar" before it clicked.
YESSSSSS THIS IS HOW I WANTED TO START THE YEAR OUT WITH A NEW VIDEO OF YOURS! I just finished your last Buffy one, I was heart broken that I ran out and now this GIFT has arrived!!
I like that Anne's gone from a "this is the worst of what you could be" for Buffy to a "this is the best of what you can be" for Angel. How Buffy's decision to handle Angel's death maturely gave Anne hope and a way to handle her boyfriend's death maturely, and now Angel's dealing with Darla's death in a less than mature, extremely absolute way, he sees this proof that it can get better. But of course, he doesn't understand that, because he has no idea who she is or her connection to Buffy -- and even if he did, he's not in a place to hear it. Also like Angel having a chance to flex off his stalker skills LMAO. Imagine how easy Angelus would have had it if people back in the ye olde days carried around photo ID with their full name and address on it ...
I loved the Anne character in this. The fact that she developed and found herself off screen makes the 'verse feel that much more rich. Like there's all this stuff going on away from what we see, with every minor character we meet along the way. Props to the actor for conveying such depth and to anyone involved in the creative process. There a reason this is an all time favourite show of mine
“There is only the battle...” Hey, go down there and get your rock.
Always makes my day when an episode guide drops!
Now every time I look at Dark Angel all I can think is "He's so FUNKY!" soooo thanks a lot, lol
I like to head canon that the reason Angel isn't 'dark' after making it seem that's what was going to happen is because Darla isn't around, and that combined with his separation from the group makes him seem a little more like a mean-spirited BtVS S1 Angel and his attitude over the episodes leading to when she is back depend on the situation and his own mood. He's still the guy who killed the lawyers and sought after Darla and Dru, but now it seems more an 'I don't care' over 'dark' nature because he isn't as bad without Darla around.
Two and a half years after only a brief moment of talking to each other seems enough of a reason for Angel and Anne to not recognize each other. Buffy didn't recognize her in _Anne_ either.
Joyce's speech in _Gingerbread_ doesn't make sense (the speech is something Joyce would say both under the thrall and not under the thrall -- but not the point of what I am getting at) because Sunnydale isn't meant to be getting better. The Hellmouth drawing vampires and other demons to it will always make sure evil won't get better in Sunnydale. Buffy's job is to make sure it doesn't get worse. And that isn't even taking the yin/yang aspect of good and evil into account aka victory will never happen because evil will always exist in the world. I find it great that Buffy tells Joyce off for her absolutes and Anne (who Buffy helped in the BtVS _Anne_ episode and is paralleling Buffy to Joyce's Angel in the two situations) does the same to Angel's absolutes.
@@ronaldfasshauer4390 But in this episode, I, and the characters, can see her doing exactly what she does under the Hansel & Gretel demon's spell, without the spell on her. In other words, she doesn't act differently under the spell, which shows a lot of the annoyance I find in her character as a whole aka in all episode until now.
Wonderful! I love Anne returning and how she's kinda grown up to provide hope and resources to those she can. Thank you for sharing
Thanks again for another great video. Even on an episode that we generally write off/phone in because it's not the best episodes, you've managed to find something worthwhile.
I'm excited for Thin Dead Line and Happy Anniversary as I vaguely remember those episodes but remember they happen next.
I love how you approach to this episode. As always another good episode guide.
Just saw this episode last week, and watching this video really made me happy. Thanks for the amazing content.
Alley Box recently watched this episode on her Patreon and it got me wondering whether Boone's fight with Angel had any kind of narrative role in his arc - killing off an old friend to score a win in the bigger fight.
Alley is that far into season 2 of Angel on Patreon?? Wowsers. Way ahead of UA-cam :)
As a little girl Have Gun will Travel was a favorite of mine. Great Job POTN… right on point and full of things Id never noticed. As per usual! 🥰
Thanks Ian and Happy New Year all ...
I always thought Joyce missed the point...the fight keeps them there living...as we saw in the wish what happens when you don't fight..
Great episode guide...you always give me more to appreciate every time in shows I love already that is a gift
I'm fairly new to the Buffyverse. I am binge watching both Buffy and Angel now for the first time, alternating between both shows. Around season 2 of Buffy I found your guide and up until now I watched it immediately after each episode.
It's great to get all this background info, new insights and your interpretations, even if I don't always agree with you.
Now I'm at 5x12/2x12. What am I going to do without you? As I watch new episodes, I find myself thinking, "I wonder what Ian has to say about this scene". Your guide made this experience so much better for me, but I guess you ruined the rest for me because now I have to continue on my own without your input.🙈 (Of course waiting is not an option, I need to know what happens next).
Keep up the good work, I am desperately waiting for more videos. It's really amazing how much love and effort you put into these. You're really gifted.
Yaaaaaaaaaas! Always a great night when I see you post a new guide video
1:40 the greatest transition of any of your videos.
love these episode guides, as always
So you won't show us Cordy saying Gunn's name because it would be mean but you'll show us the Riley sex face how many times? 🤔
I have a tiny issue with Wes in this episode regarding the recording of him. Why was he doing a private strip dance for himself at work? Angel lives there and could walk in at any minute or Cordy or Gunn could walk in and see him. What was he thinking?
Perhaps he was rehearsing something for a case and got carried away. The case of the...demonic...male stripper? The thing that makes me feel bad for him is that he appears to punch himself in the testicles by accident before shutting the camera off.
As for the cordy/riley hypocrisy...guilty as charged. I NEVER claimed to be objective.
@@PassionoftheNerd Wait Wes hits himself I never noticed that aww poor Wes.
I always took it as he maybe had plans to entertain that Ginger chick he was dating at the time with a sexy strip tease, but wanted to run some practices drills first and see how his moves looked, so he could put together a real show. Maybe the camera belongs to Angel Investigations, so he had to sneak it in at work, lol
@@KS-xk2so Yes, that's what it probably is. This crossed my mind last night after I went to bed.
12:26 Yeah, that's what the Reavers said in Firefly as well! We saw how that went.
First of all, how dare you?
Aw I just watched Anne earlier today
I swear the Buffyverse has the best continuity of ANY shows I’ve seen outside of it. I love how seemingly one off characters that add nothing much to the episode itself end of being fully developed characters that mean so much more in the long run. It’s unreal!! Oh I can’t wait for “Happy Anniversary”! It’s so…..entertainingly pathetic if that makes sense!!!! 🤔🤪👍😅😂
I still wanna see a buddy adventure movie between Merle and Willie the Snitch. It could be like Bulk and Skull from Power Rangers except with demonic and organized crime undertones.
I love the character of Anne and how she can been seen as being a proxy to Buffy, a reminder to Angel to have hope and that there are things worth fighting for
Hi again Mr Passion of the Nerd! Are you also a fan of the David Greenwalt series Grimm? I'd love to watch a video or three from you about that series as it is something worthy of comment from start to finish. From somebody who can be constructive and appreciative. With the unique attention to detail and insight you have yourself as a commentator!
I didn't remember that angel had seen Anne in lie to me. that he wouldn't remember her seems out of step with the way they have presented angel at other times as having an impeccable, photographic memory over the course of hundreds of years. I love "Holland Lite." This is the first of your Angel guides I've watched bc I'm not as into Angel, but I have a feeling watching your videos will actually make me like the series more. thanks for doing this!
The fact that they don't recognize each other; It hasn't just been a couple of years - Angel has in the meantime been to a hell dimension for god knows how long (is it ever really concluded or just theorized that he was there for a hundred years?). I feel like we often glaze over that part 😅 He is much older than what is often stated.
Another great video that brought me to tears😍
The James Bond parody fits, Wesley thinks he's Sean Connery but is actually George Lazenby.
Then, a couple of seasons later, he becomes Daniel Craig.
@@SirDanFilmsUnltd Wrong JB. Jack Bauer...thanks Eggsy.
Sweet point, I forgot that.
Next to Wes, Anne’s character development from Buffy to Angel is the most momentous. But it also makes a bit sad a lot of the Buffy cast don’t go through anything similar.
I understand your issues with Angel not being dark enough at this stage, but I think more than anything what we see here is that Angel's true nature can't be suppressed. Once the splinter in his eye (meaning Darla and WRH) is not immediately around dick Angel falls away in the face of good people, and we get regular Angel. He's still made his choices and at this point he still thinks they are the right choices, he's still after WRH with a vengeance, but when he doesn't have to be a dick to get the job done he isn't.
I think too this was the writers letting folks know we would get regular Angel back at some point, he's got a mission and made a mistake in its execution, but he's still Angel.
And that's a pretty realistic way of going about it. Life isn't linear. You do better, you do worse, certain things can trigger harder and revert you to old ways of thinking. If you're a decent person your baseline is to be decent in absence of the specific stimuli that might make you less decent. Let's not forget triggers work for good or ill. So, as you rightly pointed out, when confronted with a passionate blonde do-gooder, we got a softer Angel.
Hey Ian, just wondering, would you consider doing a guide for Dollhouse in the future? I just finished a rewatch and I think there's actually quite a lot to unpack there
@@defrostedrobot77 cool, thanks for the info!
I actually like this little Angel solo arc (especially Happy Anniversary) but it does feel very tonally out of place crammed between Redefinition and Epiphany
Another great guide!
Can't wait for you to get to season 3!
The best is how you say focus on a pretty good episode with the pretty lady on screen perfectly at 0:52. 😹
The "Angel dance party" at the end of one episode will always be a well remembered scene when most of it is gone from memory.
I haven't seen these episodes in so long, I'd forgotten she appeared ever again.
Hey, you know something? That coat is kinda brown.
He's basically wearing Captain Mal's outfit.
Given Firefly's western roots, that makes a lot of sense here.
4:43 Nathan Reed looks sort of like the British comedian Harry Hill.
There is also the idea of how the hardboiled PI took the place of the lone gunfighter as “civilization” replaced the uncivilized west. Eddie Muller’s book Dark City: The Lost World of Film Noir has a funny little into on the chapter about shamuses, where a dying gunfighter comes in to pass the torch (or gun, in this case) to a private dick.
Both are considered knights errants in their own milieu.
@@defrostedrobot77 they’re the railroad company or big rancher who control the sheriff or marshal or hanging judge facing off against the lone gunfighter.
Awesome review.
2:06 WOH, do you mean ANASTASIA STEEL?
I don't think the timeline would be right for that reference.
@@TraceyMush ... Which would mean that E L James might have taken the name from here because she is a Buffy fan, stew on that
I wish I knew who was the one always like my comments, either its my brother or some stalking me, either way , rude
I have to say, I grinned like an idiot at the use of the end credits theme from Have Gun - Will Travel, and even more at how tied into the actual episode review. Granted, Hey Boy and Hey Girl do not play well at all from a modern perspective, but on the whole it's a fantastic TV show, with a number of great episodes written by this Roddenberry guy (I wonder what happened to him).
The Steel Reserve tallboys thing always gets me too.
Right? Nice to know I'm not alone on that one.
@@PassionoftheNerd I was a teenager when the episode first came out so I immediately noticed it because it was the beer I associated with house parties and the "bad element" who had mo-peds and wispy mustaches.
I love Boone, great dude
What's so cringe about Cordy making fun of Gunn's name? I always find that moment super cute, fun bonding moment of the team that always puts a smile on my face.
Also I think they're drinking Steel Reserves because they're BROKE lol
The Church of the Algorithm officially certifies this video in the ones and zeroes of The Recommending Holiness.
Anne shares her last name with "Remington Steele" and I absolutley love that.
I've figured out where I know that song from. It's the song the boys sing in Stand by Me. Now I'm curious about it.
I'm actually related to Richard Boone, according to my family at least. Boone being a revision of our family name which is not English and many people find odd to pronounce. Richard also being a very common first name passed down the family (theres like 4 others). He also bares a decent resemblance to my great grandfather. Considering I have near a hundred cousins on that side of the family it's not unlikely its true
So that gave me a bit of a chuckle lol
Ok, I'm thinking about this too much. Now I want a fanfiction story about Anne and Phantom Dennis hooking up and helping the forgotten victims of this supernatural world.
"life lessons" because it was the lessons they learned when they were still alive and. hadn't gotten completely cold, or they see they are cold and are inspired by those still alive, whether they show it or not
Thank you sir I needed some truth
Anne was character i wish was showcased in the expanded works from darkhorse but its been so long since i read them i cant tell if she was or wasnt. Somehow that feels.....right?
weird how i never picked up on the western vibes until watching this video but they're so obvious lol
Great vid, but the only thing I disagree with is your dislike for the Cordy scene of her mocking Gunn’s name. I think she’s adorable there, same with every Cordy scene imo.
Aaah yes: "Diet Holland" aka Junior Soprano if he stayed in school
After this I'm looking forward to your thoughts on Gunn visiting Anne as his "last day alive" thin he does
Blood Money was always on the top of my list of episodes to skip whenever doing and Angel rewatch, but I've...softened to it in recent years. I think a lot of it is it has a lot of tropes that aren't to my taste that highlight some of the more awkward moments, but that's not this episode's fault.
Angel has a photographic memory but he doesn't remember Anna.
I think he remembers her but doesn't won't to remind her of who he is at this point. He was kind of a jerk to her the last time they met.
@@jamie7398 He was kind of a jerk to her here too.
@@MrSupertallblackman Doesn't Angel say that it's not automatic? Like, he has to activate the ability or something to have the perfect recall?
He might, but I doubt it. He spent like a couple hundred years in hell after Lie to Me. And she wasn’t of any significance to him. Just a teenage girl in vampire wannabe clothes. Of all the stuff that happened between Lie to Me and this episode, including Angels 200 years of torment, I don’t think a random vampire cult (which he admitted to seeing dozens of times before) would be a core important memory for him.
Plus, it’s not like she would remember him anyway. She met him 4 years prior for legit 30 seconds. And unlike Spike, she didn’t know Angel was a vampire. To Anne, Angel was no different than Willow or Xander, who I doubt she would remember. I also doubt Willow or Xander would remember her if she suddenly showed up. Buffy and Anne only remembered eachother because the vampire cult happened 10 months before that. And it took Buffy a few moments to remember. Anne actually had to remind Buffy. Anne remembered Buffy because Buffy saved her life and it was the first time she ever saw a vampire (Spike)… who would forget that? I wouldn’t.
But to remember some people she talked to for 30 seconds is pushing it. I certainly don’t remember people I met at parties from 4 years ago that I talk to for a whole 30 seconds.
@@TheForgottenMyth Something like that but I don't know what that means. If has to recreate the entire scenario then it's not really perfect recall it's just normal memory lol.
@4:12 PHRASING!!!
Yeah, those Steel Reserve's stuck out to me too. Super gross malt shit.
I'm subscribed to your Patreon, and I let most commercials run, but lately the ads are 38 mins long (this vid Angel 2.12) and 19 mins (Angel 2.11). I recommend tweaking ads to be much shorter, I doubt I'm the only person clicking Skip Ads.
MARSIA! I will look for those settings. I turned off unskippables and I believe that was after a comment you left on a video a year or so ago. PLEASE, no need to watch the ads. Please don't, in fact. That's like torturing yourself on behalf of the UA-camrs you like. I wouldn't ask you to do that. Being a Patron is already above and beyond the call. If you want to support the UA-camrs you like AND rid yourself of hateful advertisements on EVERY UA-cam video you watch, maybe signup for UA-cam Premium. I've had it since its inception. I hate ads and my views with UA-cam Premium actually pay the creators I watch more than my view without it in which I watch an ad. But, either way, thank you.
Hmm is Number Eleven missing? I really like your worke btw 🤗
Here you go: ua-cam.com/video/HVJ7GvHUtQY/v-deo.html
That coversation with Buffy and her Mum is like saying why is there still crime when we have police officers? Not matter how many officers you have they'll still be crime, it's about keeping under some sort of control.
OR why are there still fires when we have a fire department. And we know from The Wish how Sunnydale without Buffy would look like so yeah she is definitely making things better.
How do I watch these shows knowing Josh terrorised the actors and writing staff
It's a question everyone needs to answer for themselves with this kind of thing - definitely something we're working out in the zeitgeist right now through people like Whedon and Rowling. I have talked about this at length during previous stops along the Whedon news cycle but, in brief:
1. Unlike something like a Harry Potter book, a single episode of television is a massive undertaking. The creative sum of the work of a HOARD of people. Looking at the IMDB credits listed for THIS episode alone, there were 116 people involved. Performances. Makeup. Lighting. Photography. Technical. I don't want to throw away the work of 115 people because one was a turd.
2. Residuals are financial compensations that are paid to the actors, film or television directors, and others involved in making TV shows and movies in cases of reruns, syndication, DVD release, or online streaming. What happened to someone like Charisma was terrible. I also have read that she makes residuals so, in my mind, the thing to do is to raise awareness to prevent that from happening again in the future. Not to take money out of the pockets of people who suffered through the experience. There is no way to target ONE of those 116 people by giving up the show. Again, this is different from someone like a Rowling, who still partially owns the Potter trademark.
3. The shows are complete. What they MEAN now belongs to the fans, not him. Over the years of doing this, I have met tons of people who learned something about themselves from these shows. Episodes carried them through terrible periods of depression or abuse. He cannot take that away. And we shouldn't give back the good thing that exists in the world that came out of what he did. Rather and again, just do what we can to prevent it from happening further. And I believe that is occurring.
4. In regard to preventing future abuses from this one person, his public reputation is already in tatters. This is the news cycle that never seems to end. It looks unlikely to me that he will ever be given a show-runner or director position again.
All of that said, I wouldn't begrudge anyone where they land on this topic. As I began, I think it's something that every individual needs to sort out for themselves when they discover that a hero of their fandom is not who they thought they were.
@@PassionoftheNerd thanks for taking the time to reply. I've been conflicted with Whedon and his shows since the end of season 4 Buffy when Buffy's stunt double and fight coordinator/boyfriend was fired . Even as kid there were suspicions that Whedon was not a good one but that was less important than me enjoying Buffy. As a middle aged man with kids now, there is a certain sense of unease I feel whenever I come back to these shows, knowing I supported his work during his peak period, especially as more information becomes available. I wish I could separate the art from the artist, but its difficult
Because the Steel Reserve was all they could afford. I've been there. Tastes awful but does the job. I was more of a refined Colt45/Jungle Joose kinda guy in my hay.
why are the subtitles for your videos always inaccurate? do you put the original script you planned on reading instead of what you ended up editing?🤔
Great review as always, but dude it's obvious Angel won the fight and killed the other dude, before bringing the money to Anne.
oh heck yes
Didn't know the Anne "Steel" thing. I'd have gone with Anne Silver or Anne... (na-Christina-Emanuella-Jenkins-Harrris-the 4th) But that's just me.
Season 2 is about moral disengagement, I’m telling you….
Interesting. I never saw that ending as ambiguous about who wins the fight. Angel having the money and the money being covered in blood (but not seemingly his own) was kind of a firm statement that Angel wins. I always took it as, it's not about the fight, but the outcome. Anne has the money. What it took to get there is useless. Like she said, "It'll wash".
The money is what matters. Not the lives lost to get it.
where's anne tattoo?
How does Merl have a computer in the sewers? Must be the good service they get in the new HS basement.
Oh. Perhaps my high opinion of Blood Money is informed by the fact that I usually skip Redefinition in rewatches because Beige Angel feels too tryhard in that ep.
Here's how the episodes should have aired:
Blood Money
A new episode that shows life without Angel as an attractive option for AI
And then put the Thin Blue Line before or after this arc (or even in another season) when the gang is together, put the excellent Lorne/Angel exchanges from Happy Anniversary into Redefinition or Blood Money and scrap the rest.