The question about aliens, he answered in detail in another discussion, it's a bit ambiguous and lengthy for a short video like this. He basically affirms ( I suppose talking as a Christians) that some people he met at a certain forum had such far out views, that he couldn't believe they were from our civilization. This is what I understood and it made some sense. The other questions are also complex, it's unfair to pin one to give a short answer yes/no to issues that deserve a serious debate.
Why can't the Romanians just vote for an E.U. / Washington puppet? I mean, he doesn't even want the war in Ukraine to continue! I must be a Kremlin stooge! Surely he couldn't actually be a politician who wants what's best for ordinary Romanians!
Lucky that other candidate words in past to not make deals with PSD and PNL today still stand no ? Now they are not the bad wolf any more eh? With such a thinking...
@@Valisimal As always , very hard to listen to this man as he says a lot of things but nothing clear. This is the russian wisdom he is talking about. Elena Lasconi stands for Romania ideal to continue the pro EU path and NATO.
A fost foarte constant in declaratiile lui, poti sa-mi arati o declaratie cu care s-a contrazis? Lasconi in schimb a zis acum cateva luni ca nu ar face niciodata echipa cu PSD si s-a prezentat in campanie ca liderul opozitiei acestui partid corupt, si dupa ce v-a luat voturile in turul 1 a facut alianta cu ei impotriva "PERICOLULUI RUSESC"...
de ce... ca ai auzit si continuarea ti se pare ca a schimbat ceva? Manipulatorii neomarxisti au luat din context cateva cuvinte iar explicatia urma dupa acestea. Greseala lui este ca foloseste prea multe metafore de care profita canaliile.
I class this as being a fan :))). It is like this. I bloody hate that football team but I do go to their games whenever they play. That guy makes no sense in Romania and he keeps at it in english too.
@@Andre-iv1yn nu ai inteles mesajul lui Decebal are tenta sexuala, nu trebuie sa mearga in Rusia pentru ce vrea el, el si Vladimir se pot vedea si in North Korea, a friendly country, plus ca petru prima oara tot timpul sa fie teritoriu neutru. Asta este un tip pt Decebal
@@muskyvictimno,he said he talked sith klaus swap and said he is another human specie,a satanist,with no soul…because he porposed a plan with no chemical in human food and kalis swap refused!!thats why georgescu quit onu!! thats what he said word by word ,not aliens that your small brain think of !!
Polskich bohaterów w Polskim sejmie okupant amerykański zamordował,pozostałych zastraszył a resztę przekupił.Tak wygląda od 35 lat Polska -RP demokracja.Rumunio patrz na PRL,ZSRR w prowincji Ukraina-jesteście następni.
He said NATO is the weakest military alliance in the world and Putn is a man that loves his country and is a great leader but now looks like his boss told him to back off a bit until he won the elections 🤣 He seems to be a lot more careful with his statements regarding master especially in front of a western reporter watch him smiling exactly like Iliescu
Why can't the Romanians just vote for an E.U. / Washington puppet? I mean, he doesn't even want the war in Ukraine to continue! I must be a Kremlin stooge! Surely he couldn't actually be a politician who wants what's best for ordinary Romanians!
@@bddjdjdnndjddnnd8779 ce-mi e trump, ce-mi e georgescu dpdv politic, doi incompetenti, si la fel doar incompetentii din tara lor respectiva ii voteaza.
Trump is not the president of Romania, USA has never been under attacked by Russia, Usa was never forced to cease it s own teritory to Russia, people from Usa did not suffer crimes, rapes, cruelty from Russia, romanian lived all that with Russia, in the last 200 years. As a romanian and especially as a candidate for the presidential seat, to publicly say that romanians should learn from the russian wisdom and that Putin is a hreat lider ia just a slap on the face of all.Romanians, on our history and our ancestors. And that s just one of tje bs this guy stated in his many interevies this year and the years before his run for.presidency, they are free on utube, enjoy!
Presa noastră e coruptă. Nu intră în polemici cu ei pt ca are stima de sine. El vrea să vb cu românii. E atât de simplu. Aveți programe mentale inflexibile?
@@rambotheragdoll8940how so? there are so many journalists who said georgescu refuses to come to any debate he doesnt agree with, and that his team is asking to see the questions beforehand.
Lasconi is literally the off brand Kamela, same sick ideologies. As same with Trump, George is going to win, people got enough of manipulation and corruption, and that's what the liberal always does. Woke has no place in Romania and not from a LGBT Lasconi.
he has physical documents proving expenses that don’t exist? interesting. also, Romanians laughed at Lasconi’s english. his is much worse. it’s barely understandable.
@@alina98503 that might be so, but everybody is lauding his intelligence and erudition, and here he is, speaking like a potato and lying strategically while doing so. minimizing his preposterous theories or straight up, absolutely lying.
@@kristeo3859 I worked for the United Nations, this clown has a fabricated CV, he was never employed by United Nations, who now oficially sent a letter denying he was ever employed by them. His 2 year job as a special council was a political appointment from Romania, nothing to do with the United Nations. He claimed 18 years of experience with United Nations, one of his many lies. He is the product of Russian propaganda and disinformation and all countries from the former Soviet block are susceptible to such propaganda, large parts of our populations are still brainwashed from decades of communism.
Polityka wielokierunkowa daje krajom wolność.Polityka USA w PRL to czysta agresja i niewolnictwo od 1989r.-35lat naród polski jest niewolnikiem NATO I UE.Państwo Polskie-PRL od 35lat jest okradane przez USA i kraje NATO-wskie.A partie w sejmie mają samych zdrajców wrogów Ojczyzny.
He should be in jail. Tik Tok reported that scammer Georgescu was promoted by 115,000 fake accounts and 11 million fake friend lists and 7 mil fake likes and 1100 accounts claiming to be presidential candidate, spreading fake news and lies. without declaring it as campaign, without declaring any 0 campaign funds?! And he got only 23% in 1st round.
Polskich bohaterów w Polskim sejmie okupant amerykański zamordował,pozostałych zastraszył a resztę przekupił.Tak wygląda od 35 lat Polska -RP demokracja.Rumunio patrz na PRL,ZSRR w prowincji Ukraina-jesteście następni.
Romanians voted for him big time. We will vote for him again. 🎉 He’s real, honest and an amazing human being, plus, he cannot be manipulated. So sleep well, 🐑
What a liar. He spent 0 euros, but he also said in other interviews that his sponsors spent money for him. But he never said who are the sponsors and how much they spent. His campaign has been 100% illegal according to romanian laws. I am waiting for when he will go to jail for this scam.
se stie cine a platit. Nu am auzit insa sa fi fost intrebat si sa nu fi raspuns cumva. El personal nu a decontat nimic. Intrebarea este daca e rau asta... sau milioanele de euro bani publici cheltuiti de ceilalti.
This man says it's honoured we did not enter in Schengen area from EU. Also says that NATO is a weak alliance and EU helped Romania with nothing. Also says there is no war in Ukraine. Who supports: Elena Lasconi - President of France, President of Republic of Moldova, President of Georgia, George Calinescu - Alexander Dughin and Putin
People are unhappy, and they are looking for change. Any change .. It is the same in the USA, Germany, France, Italy, Moldova, Georgia, UK (4 PM in 3 years) ....
@kjdtm Trump is different, is really clever in his madness but this person is a clown, he didn't do anything relevant in his life except to procreate three boys and set fire to a country that was already lost.
@@emanuels4961taken over by manipulation by taking it out of context. He literally "said" that... he was a non-human being... speaking of a neo-Marxist from Davos. Schwalb? : p
I don’t care what he thinks about water or what the f*ck he was talking about. He knows basic geopolitics and that’s more than all of NATO has with every advisor on foreign affairs combined.
Can anyone help Romania found a rehabilitation center for personality disorders? This would be a great start. Perhaps we could also introduce regular psychological evaluations for people in position of power - those who stray off course could go through a review process to teach them what real impact feels like. This video is proof we need help.
He should be in jail. Tik Tok reported that scammer Georgescu was promoted by 115,000 fake accounts and 11 million fake friend lists and 7 mil fake likes and 1100 accounts claiming to be presidential candidate, spreading fake news and lies. without declaring it as campaign, without declaring any 0 campaign funds?! And he got only 23% in 1st round.
E nebun de legat! Dar autoritatile au gasit-o pe Sosoaca in loc de Georgescu! Autoritatile din Romania au plecat pe fenta! Votam Democratie, Votam Lasconi!
Guys, try to have a conversation with other candidates, like Nicolaie Ciuca, Ciolacu, Simion, Lasconi...they won't be able to sustain a basic conversation in English language.
Călin Georgescu says that if he would be President ALL foreign companies that today operates in Romania as well as ALL future ones MUST give 51% of their stock to Romania Government… This is just one of multiple stupid statements Calin Georgescu made…
Călin Georgescu speaks very bad in EN… He said “to the last piece ok my blood”… blood is liquid can’t be separate in “pieces”… but he doesn’t know the word “drop”. Many similar errors but the most problematic are the aberrations he declared…
He should be in jail. Tik Tok reported that scammer Georgescu was promoted by 115,000 fake accounts and 11 million fake friend lists and 7 mil fake likes and 1100 accounts claiming to be presidential candidate, spreading fake news and lies. without declaring it as campaign, without declaring any 0 campaign funds?! And he got only 23% in 1st round.
A speriat sistemul Nu mai știu ce minciuni sa bage au văzut că nu m-ai tine minuna cu Rusia o bagă pe aia cu legionari Călin Georgescu Trump de Romania
We the peopleywill still vite for CALIN GEORGESCU, because we want our state back and he cares about the romanian people and our childern. And not abiut the ukrainian childern who get 10 times more money from the EU... First ROMANIAN, than everyone else. That's shoukd be our goal and only CALIN GEORGESCU has this plan💙💛❤️God blessed Romania
WTF Tik Tok reported that scammer Georgescu was promoted by 115,000 fake accounts and 11 million fake friend lists and 7 mil fake likes and 1100 accounts claiming to be presidential candidate, spreading fake news and lies. without declaring it as campaign, without declaring any 0 campaign funds?! And he got only 23% in 1st round! Crook should be in jail.
@@danieltodea8424 pentru că următorea țintă va fi Moldova și după asta noi, e așa de greu de înțeles? Rusia e foarte clară, vrea că toate țările de pe linia Romania - Ungaria - Slovacia - Polonia - țările baltice sa fie iasă din UE și NATO.
Toți vă întreceți în comentarii "pă ingliș". Doar că prea puțini au comentarii care spun ceva, majoritatea doar vor să demonstreze "cunoștințele lor " in engleză , doar atât.
where is Lasconi interview? why nobody cares about her? or she is not a person of interest because she is a woman or because 9 years ago she was selling toilet seats, while this dude was a career diplomat?
Nu vă supărați, împărtășesc asta doar cu bune intenții. Salutari tuturor si frumos video. Tranzacționarea zilnică este cea mai bună modalitate de a câștiga bani cu ajutorul unui trader experimentat. În opinia mea, aceasta este una dintre cele mai importante abilități de învățat, toată lumea ar trebui să investească în loc să economisească. Unii pot fi de acord, alții nu. Cele mai mari complimente ale mele pentru Harris Dallas, semnale zilnice și sfaturi pentru previziunile bine analizate pe care le-am primit !!!.........
Ca aia care zic ca or sa faca si ca opresc ei razboiul intre niste tari mai mari si la o distanta la care, daca oricum n-aveau nicio putere sa o faca, distanta face imposibila treaba asta, sunt mai buni? Ti se pare ca aia care au promis marea cu sarea au facut ceva vreodata?
@@Verdemparat nu înțeleg dihotomia asta, idea ca Lasconi o să ne trimită în război și Georgescu nu, ca o să putem menține o neutralitate. De la WWI nu prea mai există neutralitate, dacă conflictele regionale escale așa la nivel mondial, România nu va fi Elveția, va fi trasă în război. Idea e dacă vrea să ducă un război singură, fără aliați, sau să fie parte dintr-o alianță militară. Dacă nu eram deja în NATO aveam deja drone rusești survolând spațiul aerian “din greșeală” fix ca în Moldova.
This man is a joke, a very bad one. Everything he says makes absolutely no sense. The reporter did not even try or need to challenge him because things are so obvious and illogical. He is making a mokery of the country through everything he says. In the end, for now, Romania is still a democracy - if he gets elected, this would mean that, on average, this is the intellectual level of the people.
@PiloBla I really hope that our politics and press will understand what can happen if people can t get throught manipulation and do more to educate our next generation. History is very important, we should learn it.
His intentions are more important than the accuracy of the spoken language. Let's look at those who have led us so far. Impotent even to the spoken language, some puppeteers of those who do not allow the validation of the Romanians' vote. Those who sit in the shadows, unknown to us and give orders. Romania is not left and has never been left to manage its own resources, but only milked like a cow with the best it had. Let's admit that this is the truth. The question is why Romanians are not allowed to choose who they want? Is it still called democracy, is it still called a free country? Unfortunately, those who roar furiously against a new system based on meritocracy are actually those who lose the privileges they had until now. Whoever is sincere can accept this point of view. Corruption and inflation in Romania are at the highest levels due to this sick system in the phase of terminal cancer. This is the truth and reality.I mention that I am an apolitical person, but I support the good and not the destruction of Romania.
He should be in jail. Tik Tok reported that scammer Georgescu was promoted by 115,000 fake accounts and 11 million fake friend lists and 7 mil fake likes and 1100 accounts claiming to be presidential candidate, spreading fake news and lies. without declaring it as campaign, without declaring any 0 campaign funds?! And he got only 23% in 1st round.
The same happened to Trump. I distrust mainstream media so much I always assume the opposite of what they say and that strategy has a pretty good success rate sadly. What a disgrace. and then crying about manipulation, misinformation and propaganda.. shame on them
Mai vorbește excelent spre deosebire de alți dar important este ce a zis :ca mai presus de orice este țara și ca a recunoscut tot ce a zis ca nu crede in covid și multe altele.Omul știe sa se comporte și cu alte popoare.Respect
A quick glance at the Romanian Wikipedia pages of the members of the Constitutional Court (which annulled the election) shows that out of 9 members, the impartiality of 6 (two thirds!) is clearly suspect, coming from parties radically hostile to Georgescu, or appointed by the current president, which amounts to the same thing. In this respect, reading the relevant article of the Constitution (available in unofficial French translation by the Court itself on the Francophonie website) is revealing. "Article 146. The Constitutional Court shall have the following powers: a) it ... f) shall ensure compliance with the procedure for electing the President of Romania and shall confirm the results of the suffrage..." A priori, the article does not give it any power to rule on the campaign itself. And now, AFTER having prevented the election, the police goes on a hunt for proof to back it all up. Does anyone have a doubt that the giant machine of power will" find" something?
Calin Georgescu ne-a abandonat, a fugit din tara de frica, de-aia nu a venit la dezbatere cu Elena Lasconi. Nu mai votez cu tradatorul, stau acasa in semn de protest.
He only got 23% of the votes first round and now almost all the other major parties joined together against him. That is over 50% of the votes from first round. He is not "almost certain to be elected". And please get better journalists, he didn't answer most questions and your guy just let him be.
am indoieli ca partidele au control deplin asupra membrilor... Membrii sunt una simpatizantii altceva. Suveranistii sunt suficienti iar diaspora va pune capacul.
Asa se intampla efectiv mereu, dar mereu. Este exasperant cum nimeni nu insista sa ofere raspunsuri la ce a fost intrebat si cum toti ii pun aceleași intrebari ca sa demonteze tot ce a afirmat el ca un idiot. Cred ca Gojira a fost singurul care l-a pus bine la zid si a constatat: ba, n am cu cine sa discut si cred ca si Tatulici.
Călin Georgescu wants to take Romania backward, not forward. 🇷🇴 He’s praised Putin, dismissed Ukraine’s sovereignty, and supports extremist ideologies. Democracy is at risk. 🔗 Learn the facts 💡
@ No, the power to Romania, not foreign entities, as it is now. Anyway, "democracy" won, elections are cancelled. We officially live in a dictatorship. But hey, it's at least European.
What were the 6 languages he speaks so well? Because english is obviously not one of them
He can speak in 6 Russian accents
O h yes,, do to somzting 😅
romanian is not one of them either
So, he didn't answer the questions...
he never does
The question about aliens, he answered in detail in another discussion, it's a bit ambiguous and lengthy for a short video like this. He basically affirms ( I suppose talking as a Christians) that some people he met at a certain forum had such far out views, that he couldn't believe they were from our civilization. This is what I understood and it made some sense. The other questions are also complex, it's unfair to pin one to give a short answer yes/no to issues that deserve a serious debate.
He only answers to his alien overlord 😂
Why can't the Romanians just vote for an E.U. / Washington puppet? I mean, he doesn't even want the war in Ukraine to continue! I must be a Kremlin stooge! Surely he couldn't actually be a politician who wants what's best for ordinary Romanians!
@@98krkrwHe was talking about Klaus Schwab, and he used the metaphor "alien" for him
He says 100 words that mean 0...
Lucky that other candidate words in past to make deals with red plague PSD and the PNL thief's still stands today and she's a veritable leader no ?
Lucky that other candidate words in past to not make deals with PSD and PNL today still stand no ? Now they are not the bad wolf any more eh? With such a thinking...
Bolshevik style is well known in Eastern Europe.
Lasconi is worse then him,she know zero words in english,she hardly speak her own language …
@@Valisimal As always , very hard to listen to this man as he says a lot of things but nothing clear. This is the russian wisdom he is talking about.
Elena Lasconi stands for Romania ideal to continue the pro EU path and NATO.
Now I want to see an interview in english with his oponent, Ms. Lasconi😊
she doesn't know her native language well but English😂😂😂😂😂
She does not need to talk. A chair, a Simply chair will be much better as president than this man.
She is incompetent to do so
Mai bine il avem pe Bahoi presedinte, daca tot am ajuns aici 😅
deja de cate ori si-a retras cuvintele legate de anumite subiecte, am pierdut numaratoarea..
Poti sa imi arati vreun politician roman care nu face asa?
A fost foarte constant in declaratiile lui, poti sa-mi arati o declaratie cu care s-a contrazis? Lasconi in schimb a zis acum cateva luni ca nu ar face niciodata echipa cu PSD si s-a prezentat in campanie ca liderul opozitiei acestui partid corupt, si dupa ce v-a luat voturile in turul 1 a facut alianta cu ei impotriva "PERICOLULUI RUSESC"...
de ce... ca ai auzit si continuarea ti se pare ca a schimbat ceva? Manipulatorii neomarxisti au luat din context cateva cuvinte iar explicatia urma dupa acestea. Greseala lui este ca foloseste prea multe metafore de care profita canaliile.
@@danieltodea8424metafore ca "apa nu e H2O"?? Sau ce??
@@danieltodea8424😂😂😂 am ascultat versiunile fooooarte raspunde la nimic si nu, nu vorbeste in metafore. Este in imaginatia voastra...
What does he mean he's not a fan? I quote him: "Vladimir Putin is a true leader. One of the few true leaders of the world".
I class this as being a fan :))). It is like this. I bloody hate that football team but I do go to their games whenever they play. That guy makes no sense in Romania and he keeps at it in english too.
@@decebalus3465 du-te in Rusia terminatule
@@decebalus3465mars la el
@@Andre-iv1yn nu ai inteles mesajul lui Decebal are tenta sexuala, nu trebuie sa mearga in Rusia pentru ce vrea el, el si Vladimir se pot vedea si in North Korea, a friendly country, plus ca petru prima oara tot timpul sa fie teritoriu neutru. Asta este un tip pt Decebal
@@decebalus3465 e usor, au nevoie de oameni, poti sa mergi cu barca din constanta... gg!
He said he knows 6 languages 😂
English is not one of them 😂😂😂
He knows romanian and 5 alien dialects....:))
@@Valisimal😂😂😂😂😂 trueee
@@Valisimal 🤣🤣🤣👍
Serios nu vorbeste engleză? Trebuie sa vorbeasca perfect? Vorbeste f bine
@@Valisimal 😂
He doesn't believe in Covid because he didn't see it😂😂
And yet met an alien 😂
tu l-ai vazut? Ai vazut macar o fotografie a lui? Doar desene exista. Eu stiam ca poti fotografia si microscopic nu doar invers planete.
@@danieltodea8424 virusul poate fi vazut microscopic, ca deaia s-au inventat
@@danieltodea8424 am văzut eu poze cu covid facute la ME
@@muskyvictimno,he said he talked sith klaus swap and said he is another human specie,a satanist,with no soul…because he porposed a plan with no chemical in human food and kalis swap refused!!thats why georgescu quit onu!! thats what he said word by word ,not aliens that your small brain think of !!
He has documents that prove he didn't spend any money :))) what kind of document proves a negative?
😂😂Good point !
bank statement
Polskich bohaterów w Polskim sejmie okupant amerykański zamordował,pozostałych zastraszył a resztę przekupił.Tak wygląda od 35 lat Polska -RP demokracja.Rumunio patrz na PRL,ZSRR w prowincji Ukraina-jesteście następni.
@@matyasmenyhart6912 cash
Mate he didn’t use his money he used other communist followers money
He said NATO is the weakest military alliance in the world and Putn is a man that loves his country and is a great leader but now looks like his boss told him to back off a bit until he won the elections 🤣 He seems to be a lot more careful with his statements regarding master especially in front of a western reporter
watch him smiling exactly like Iliescu
Npc ule trump a zis lfl de putin , ala mai e pro russia?
Why can't the Romanians just vote for an E.U. / Washington puppet? I mean, he doesn't even want the war in Ukraine to continue! I must be a Kremlin stooge! Surely he couldn't actually be a politician who wants what's best for ordinary Romanians!
@@bddjdjdnndjddnnd8779 ce-mi e trump, ce-mi e georgescu dpdv politic, doi incompetenti, si la fel doar incompetentii din tara lor respectiva ii voteaza.
he told the truth about putin.
Trump is not the president of Romania, USA has never been under attacked by Russia, Usa was never forced to cease it s own teritory to Russia, people from Usa did not suffer crimes, rapes, cruelty from Russia, romanian lived all that with Russia, in the last 200 years. As a romanian and especially as a candidate for the presidential seat, to publicly say that romanians should learn from the russian wisdom and that Putin is a hreat lider ia just a slap on the face of all.Romanians, on our history and our ancestors. And that s just one of tje bs this guy stated in his many interevies this year and the years before his run for.presidency, they are free on utube, enjoy!
I am Romanian and i am embarrassed by this man.
I am Romanian and I am PROUD of this man!
this is already my President
@@blgWaaq sa-i dai limbi in koor!
@@Valisimal Dece nu Lui Lesbianca Lasconi
@@Valisimal 😄
Domnul Georgescu nu vrea să răspundă la întrebările jurnaliștilor români, doar la cei străini. Așa face un patriot adevărat.
e crestin cu contacte celeste nu patriot serios
Normal, scrie in manualul presedintilor infractori.
Da noi avem jurnalisti? 🤣🤣🤣
Presa noastră e coruptă. Nu intră în polemici cu ei pt ca are stima de sine. El vrea să vb cu românii. E atât de simplu. Aveți programe mentale inflexibile?
toata lunea stie ca e un tradator incredibil ca unii in can au aflat
Such a patriot... refusing any debate or to reply to journalists, but holds interview with foreign press...
Sorry, but he is the one pushing to have a debate but the other candidate doesn’t want to.
@@rambotheragdoll8940how so? there are so many journalists who said georgescu refuses to come to any debate he doesnt agree with, and that his team is asking to see the questions beforehand.
@@rambotheragdoll8940there was a debate last night to which he didn’t respond. Explain that.
@@Squidboyy He wanted 1vs1 debate. The offer was he to come from 20:30 and Ms. Lasoni at 21:30 and it came after a precedent Refuse
Another lie. Georgescu wanted a debate under his own rules in which he's not asked questions and only questions approved by him.
Calin Georgescu - our president - presedintele nostru. Good Lord help us - Doamne ajuta !
Now tell me he's not creepy
He is not he’s cool
Lasconi is literally the off brand Kamela, same sick ideologies.
As same with Trump, George is going to win, people got enough of manipulation and corruption, and that's what the liberal always does.
Woke has no place in Romania and not from a LGBT Lasconi.
more then creepy
@@VASKbrah cool like Iliescu
@@VASKbrah perv
he has physical documents proving expenses that don’t exist? interesting. also, Romanians laughed at Lasconi’s english. his is much worse. it’s barely understandable.
He speaks very clearly and correctly
@@abiprocopoi5015 no, he doesn’t. neither clearly, nor correctly.
@@abiprocopoi5015 he makes grammatical mistakes and mumbles through the parts that are probably more difficult for him.
@@monicad99 his english is our smallest problem!
@@alina98503 that might be so, but everybody is lauding his intelligence and erudition, and here he is, speaking like a potato and lying strategically while doing so. minimizing his preposterous theories or straight up, absolutely lying.
so he doesn't believe in covid because he can't see it, but he believes in God because he sees what, the church?
deci covidul e Dumezeu, sau cum?
@@danieltodea8424 deci de vreme ce nu crede in lucrurile pe care nu le vede, ma intrebam cum de crede in Dumnezeu, ca nici pe El nu il vede
Oh, don't bother. Logic thinking is not what he is known for.
he is not a liar he is the patriot.
Good point
O persoana cu adevarat pregatita,sincera,care va trage pentru noi si tara,iar noi cu el!
Pregătit pentru penitenciarul Jilava 😂😂😂
@vasileterente8441 cei care au condus pana acum,unde ar putea merge dupa parerea ta?
@@gustygrigore9637cu siguranță la Moscova, sunt eroii lui putinel 😢😢
His English is just intermediate.....nowhere near that of a ONU politician...
it's been proven he lied about his CV regarding ONU and Roma Club.
Well said!!!!
@@kristeo3859 I worked for the United Nations, this clown has a fabricated CV, he was never employed by United Nations, who now oficially sent a letter denying he was ever employed by them. His 2 year job as a special council was a political appointment from Romania, nothing to do with the United Nations. He claimed 18 years of experience with United Nations, one of his many lies. He is the product of Russian propaganda and disinformation and all countries from the former Soviet block are susceptible to such propaganda, large parts of our populations are still brainwashed from decades of communism.
He never was an ONU politician. It was just another lie in his CV.
that's because he was never a ONU politician. He was just some guy that was allowed to be there a few times until they found out what he does
votăm Călin Georgescu președinte....
votezi pentru ca e misogin sau pro-rusia?
is there a full version of this interview?
He doesn’t believe in Covid because he can’t see it, but does believe in nanobots 🤦♂️
Polityka wielokierunkowa daje krajom wolność.Polityka USA w PRL to czysta agresja i niewolnictwo od 1989r.-35lat naród polski jest niewolnikiem NATO I UE.Państwo Polskie-PRL od 35lat jest okradane przez USA i kraje NATO-wskie.A partie w sejmie mają samych zdrajców wrogów Ojczyzny.
And does believe in God.
"I didn't use and i don't use TikTok" 🇷🇺👴🏼
Minte de îngheață apele.
@Lorvina1 Un "profet" mincinos🙂
@@Lorvina1 Apele non-H2O, să clarificăm.
Of course he is mostly 70 years ,where the heck does he know to manipulate Tik Tok?
Respect Calin Georgescu our president 🙏🏻🇷🇴🙏🏻
He should be in jail. Tik Tok reported that scammer Georgescu was promoted by 115,000 fake accounts and 11 million fake friend lists and 7 mil fake likes and 1100 accounts claiming to be presidential candidate, spreading fake news and lies. without declaring it as campaign, without declaring any 0 campaign funds?! And he got only 23% in 1st round.
"I don't against NATO" - bahahahaha
Suntem in Nato... Suntem in UE... De ce se insista pe ideea ca ar putea fi impotriva?
@@danieltodea8424Pentru că este pro Rusia și directivele de la Moscova sunt să părăsim NATO și UE. Atunci să vezi război
@@danieltodea8424 Poate pentru că a zis că îl doare la bască de Articolul 5?
@@danieltodea8424ca el a zis asta?!
Polskich bohaterów w Polskim sejmie okupant amerykański zamordował,pozostałych zastraszył a resztę przekupił.Tak wygląda od 35 lat Polska -RP demokracja.Rumunio patrz na PRL,ZSRR w prowincji Ukraina-jesteście następni.
Romanians voted for him big time.
We will vote for him again. 🎉
He’s real, honest and an amazing human being, plus, he cannot be manipulated.
So sleep well, 🐑
scared the system and 🐑 the idiot sheep he is a patriot like Trump
🤡 and deflection! A typical example of a narcissist politician! A commi!
Shame so many have been manipulated and encourage to distort his words.
There are people who distort his words, and he himself, is one of them
Bots 🤖🤖🤖
All politicians are narcisstic people,OK Biden is senile narcisstic now.
What a liar. He spent 0 euros, but he also said in other interviews that his sponsors spent money for him. But he never said who are the sponsors and how much they spent. His campaign has been 100% illegal according to romanian laws. I am waiting for when he will go to jail for this scam.
se stie cine a platit. Nu am auzit insa sa fi fost intrebat si sa nu fi raspuns cumva. El personal nu a decontat nimic. Intrebarea este daca e rau asta... sau milioanele de euro bani publici cheltuiti de ceilalti.
Where is the lie?
Și Lasconi face campanie din banii nostrii publici, ce merită?
@@danieltodea8424 Campaniile sunt din bani publici ca sa nu exista interese externe in politica. Cel putin in teorie.
He is Pro Romania! That is all!
El este un patriot
A speriat sistemul și oile proaste care încă m-ai pun botul la vrăjeala ieftina din 89 cu Ruși și legionarii 🤦🤦🤦
Bro answered all questions the other way around
He answered in the mirror :))
Romania is best country in world 🇲🇱
This is not the romanian flag..
Not if Madame Lasconi is in it! :)))
@@Alexa-cz1fy Forget her.. Monday will be the last day we hear about her:))
No ! Portugal is !
This man says it's honoured we did not enter in Schengen area from EU. Also says that NATO is a weak alliance and EU helped Romania with nothing. Also says there is no war in Ukraine.
Who supports:
Elena Lasconi - President of France, President of Republic of Moldova, President of Georgia,
George Calinescu - Alexander Dughin and Putin
@@sipriano812 60 billions absorbed from EU and 170 to 200 billions debt, a good chunk of it to european banks. Now try again.
@@lsd8497 EU gave Romania 70 bln EUR and we gave EU 24 bln EUR. The debt is a completely different conversation.
Călin Georgescu prezident Romania 🇹🇩👍👏🇺🇲❤️
I also didn't buy a car, a political campaign and the Mona Lisa yesterday, and I have all the documents to prove it
Te-a spălat pe creier antena 3 …
100%Russian to bracia narodu Polskiego-niech żyje przyjażń Polsko-Rosyjska.
@@miosaw6459 ww2?
People are unhappy, and they are looking for change. Any change ..
It is the same in the USA, Germany, France, Italy, Moldova, Georgia, UK (4 PM in 3 years) ....
It's true, but we should choose the change wisely!
"European union is very fine" 😂😂😂😂😂😂 this is the greater liar in the world. Netflix, this is a subject for a movie, please, note this character. 😅😅😅
Trump is the same, they must be related... maybe they went to the same school ?
@@kjdtmbelieve me, Trump is a delicate floral parfume comparing to this individual😢
@kjdtm Trump is different, is really clever in his madness but this person is a clown, he didn't do anything relevant in his life except to procreate three boys and set fire to a country that was already lost.
@@silvykara2927 not so sure... although Trump dosn't deny his campain spending...
hmm maybe your right... but they are close none the less...
He’s a sociopath.
Soft questions. How about asking if man ever stepped on the moon.
he literally said he met an alien years ago. Edit: He Personally met an alien
or about nanochips in soft drinks?
@@emanuels4961taken over by manipulation by taking it out of context. He literally "said" that... he was a non-human being... speaking of a neo-Marxist from Davos. Schwalb? : p
@@emanuels4961 an illegal russian spy ?
I think some of his fans prove it. They went and are still there
Does air exist? Electricity?
Of course not, because he didn't see those either 😂😂
100%Russian to bracia narodu Polskiego-niech żyje przyjażń Polsko-Rosyjska.
I don’t care what he thinks about water or what the f*ck he was talking about. He knows basic geopolitics and that’s more than all of NATO has with every advisor on foreign affairs combined.
Can anyone help Romania found a rehabilitation center for personality disorders? This would be a great start. Perhaps we could also introduce regular psychological evaluations for people in position of power - those who stray off course could go through a review process to teach them what real impact feels like. This video is proof we need help.
Great idea. Can we start with those who have been in power for 35 years and are responsible for the terrible state Romania is in? Including Lasconi?
Ramona, cred că și dvs aveți nevoie de ajutor.
@@manueladenise4358fac tot posibilul sa il solicit persoanelor competente, cand este cazul. Multumesc pt grija.
Ramona ai fost la pensionul Socola 😂😂asa se explica profunzimea gândirii tale😂😂
Ellie, mi-ar plăcea să ai dreptate. așa s-ar explica și alegerea ta actuală
Vot Călin Georgescu.
Pentru ca nu ai creier…
Where's the full interview?
Calin Georgescu Presedinte!❤
Diana Iovanovici Șoșoacă și Călin Georgescu sunt alegerea poporului român!
Calin Georgescu is the Best for Romania
He should be in jail. Tik Tok reported that scammer Georgescu was promoted by 115,000 fake accounts and 11 million fake friend lists and 7 mil fake likes and 1100 accounts claiming to be presidential candidate, spreading fake news and lies. without declaring it as campaign, without declaring any 0 campaign funds?! And he got only 23% in 1st round.
This guy says there are Nanochips in Pepsi, that Romania should leave an alliance like Nato.
tu te auzi ce spui? AI visat foarte rau.
E nebun de legat! Dar autoritatile au gasit-o pe Sosoaca in loc de Georgescu! Autoritatile din Romania au plecat pe fenta! Votam Democratie, Votam Lasconi!
@@RomaniiCredinBlestem din pacate, au trasat. Au scos-o pe Sosoaca ca să-i facă loc la nebuni
@@RomaniiCredinBlestem mai sunteti multi ? :))
Romanii sunt orbi, pacat de noi!
Sustin CG!
The president of Romania is Calin Georgescu 🇷🇴🇷🇴🇷🇴
Narcissist boastful guy ... This guy needs a medical exam, I can feel he's ill
It is obvious, not for all, unfortunately
Ce de usr-iști pe aici!
Yes he s very sick. Romania is in great danger. One of my nephews has been brain washed by the telegram groups, it s very sad what s going on.
Guys, try to have a conversation with other candidates, like Nicolaie Ciuca, Ciolacu, Simion, Lasconi...they won't be able to sustain a basic conversation in English language.
Nici în limba română, nu doar în engleză!
Călin Georgescu says that if he would be President ALL foreign companies that today operates in Romania as well as ALL future ones MUST give 51% of their stock to Romania Government… This is just one of multiple stupid statements Calin Georgescu made…
Călin Georgescu speaks very bad in EN… He said “to the last piece ok my blood”… blood is liquid can’t be separate in “pieces”… but he doesn’t know the word “drop”. Many similar errors but the most problematic are the aberrations he declared…
Sistemul doar pe Călin Georgescu îl atacă este Trump de Romania
Ceilalți joaca după sistem
Beware: this man seems to be a future dictator.
We are aware, that’s why we don’t want him.
No, he seems like a past dictator.
didn't the communist , globalist shill say the same thing about Trump
He is not
Bots 🤖🤖🤖
Călin Georgescu prezident. The hero of romanians people! ❤❤❤
Vote for Calin 😁
Călin Georgescu is an Patriot, he love Romania 🇷🇴 more than his life! 🙏
this îs our president. True patriot❤
yeah, every True patriot sell his country
@@radubogdan5725 he has God în his heart..îs not the same
@@resurseortodoxe NO.
He should be in jail. Tik Tok reported that scammer Georgescu was promoted by 115,000 fake accounts and 11 million fake friend lists and 7 mil fake likes and 1100 accounts claiming to be presidential candidate, spreading fake news and lies. without declaring it as campaign, without declaring any 0 campaign funds?! And he got only 23% in 1st round.
I also haven't seen the flu, so I won't be having it anymore. I also haven't seen any sounds, so I don't believe in words or songs anymore
They should tolerate the shrooms then, afterwards the sight of the sounds will be unlocked :)))))))))
România este stat naţional, suveran şi independent, unitar şi indivizibil.
A speriat sistemul
Nu mai știu ce minciuni sa bage au văzut că nu m-ai tine minuna cu Rusia o bagă pe aia cu legionari
Călin Georgescu Trump de Romania
Pentru noi românii, domnul Calin Georgescu este deja preşedintele României şi al românilor.
Very proud about my president GEORGESCU!!
dont forget to visit in prison, your president.
a lot of Bots in the comments.🤣
And 🐑
A lot of bots in Lasconi favor.
russian bots trying hard same is on other socials
@florian-e7jin cur sa te arza😂😂
Da ,cred ca iar a facut Soros promisiuni financiare. Maine astia vor scanda Sorors Soros Where is our money 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
🤡🤡🤡🤡 He didn't see the virus so that makes it OBVIOUSLY not real. (Un)fortunately we see his bs and that makes it real.
Unfortunately 2 millions didn't see it coming.
Curios om, așa încrezut, se crede mare și tare, cam antipatic, nu-mi place ‼️Unul deștept că NICUȘOR DAN îmi place ‼️😂😂👍🙋
Și eu 💪🇷🇴🇷🇴 Trump al României
We the peopleywill still vite for CALIN GEORGESCU, because we want our state back and he cares about the romanian people and our childern. And not abiut the ukrainian childern who get 10 times more money from the EU... First ROMANIAN, than everyone else. That's shoukd be our goal and only CALIN GEORGESCU has this plan💙💛❤️God blessed Romania
WTF Tik Tok reported that scammer Georgescu was promoted by 115,000 fake accounts and 11 million fake friend lists and 7 mil fake likes and 1100 accounts claiming to be presidential candidate, spreading fake news and lies. without declaring it as campaign, without declaring any 0 campaign funds?! And he got only 23% in 1st round! Crook should be in jail.
Make Romania Greater than Ever Before !!!
great in stupidity, anarchy ?!
@@vladbasca1097 Lipovean?
Rusian bots everywere
Opa, stiti sa folositi google translate😂😂😂😂
He will only make Romania a russian sattelite country.
I love this man ❤
Take him home and let Romania to prosper 😇🤔
This guy is incapable to understand a NATO alliance. If they help us, sure! If we have to help them, nope! What a freaking joke!!!
Ucraina nu este in Otan... de ce ar trebui sa ajuti pe cineva cu care nici macar nu ai relatii cordiale?
1 ucraina nu e in nato 2 atat timp cat un razboi nu e declarat cu nato nicio tara nu ar trebui sa se implice.
@@danieltodea8424 pentru că următorea țintă va fi Moldova și după asta noi, e așa de greu de înțeles? Rusia e foarte clară, vrea că toate țările de pe linia Romania - Ungaria - Slovacia - Polonia - țările baltice sa fie iasă din UE și NATO.
@@danieltodea8424Din interes national. Pentru că e infinit mai bine să ne invecinam cu ucrainienii - cum or fi ei - decât cu rușii.
Haterii sorosisti ii vedeti in comentarii. Repeta dupa dictare
singurul care are fituica este CG. a primit-o de la rusi.
Toți vă întreceți în comentarii "pă ingliș". Doar că prea puțini au comentarii care spun ceva, majoritatea doar vor să demonstreze "cunoștințele lor " in engleză , doar atât.
he said and i quote '' romanias future lies in russian wisdom '' but now he is saying hes not fond of putin?ok lol
😂 Georgescu 👉🤡
May the Lord bless free and independent Romania!🙏🏻
The whole Paradice, just malefic daemons and devils everywhere.
We are so lucky to have him !❤
Congratulations Călin Georgescu for your resilience and courage.
the courage to betray his country and tell women that their role in society is to have babies.
where is Lasconi interview? why nobody cares about her? or she is not a person of interest because she is a woman or because 9 years ago she was selling toilet seats, while this dude was a career diplomat?
Well said👏
Nu vă supărați, împărtășesc asta doar cu bune intenții. Salutari tuturor si frumos video. Tranzacționarea zilnică este cea mai bună modalitate de a câștiga bani cu ajutorul unui trader experimentat. În opinia mea, aceasta este una dintre cele mai importante abilități de învățat, toată lumea ar trebui să investească în loc să economisească. Unii pot fi de acord, alții nu. Cele mai mari complimente ale mele pentru Harris Dallas, semnale zilnice și sfaturi pentru previziunile bine analizate pe care le-am primit !!!.........
Acest lucru este interesant. Am auzit multe despre aceeași persoană nu cu mult timp în urmă, vă rog, cum încep?
este activ pe Telegram...;(🚀
Multumesc pentru informatii... il voi contacta in cel mai scurt timp posibil. De asemenea, vreau să obțin cunoștințe bune și să nu mai pierd.
Expertiza lui Harris Dallas este cu adevărat lăudabilă. Are o abilitate remarcabilă în a face concepte criptografice complexe ușor de înțeles.
“It’s not my problem”- definitely the definition of true leadership. Bravo, Romania. Bet this will be his response when things go wrong too.
Ca aia care zic ca or sa faca si ca opresc ei razboiul intre niste tari mai mari si la o distanta la care, daca oricum n-aveau nicio putere sa o faca, distanta face imposibila treaba asta, sunt mai buni? Ti se pare ca aia care au promis marea cu sarea au facut ceva vreodata?
@@Verdemparat Rămâi focusat, majestate. Problema de față nu dispare doar pentru că găsim exemple greșite în altă parte.
@@Verdemparat nu înțeleg dihotomia asta, idea ca Lasconi o să ne trimită în război și Georgescu nu, ca o să putem menține o neutralitate. De la WWI nu prea mai există neutralitate, dacă conflictele regionale escale așa la nivel mondial, România nu va fi Elveția, va fi trasă în război. Idea e dacă vrea să ducă un război singură, fără aliați, sau să fie parte dintr-o alianță militară. Dacă nu eram deja în NATO aveam deja drone rusești survolând spațiul aerian “din greșeală” fix ca în Moldova.
This man is a joke, a very bad one. Everything he says makes absolutely no sense. The reporter did not even try or need to challenge him because things are so obvious and illogical. He is making a mokery of the country through everything he says. In the end, for now, Romania is still a democracy - if he gets elected, this would mean that, on average, this is the intellectual level of the people.
Asta a facut engleza cu Iliescu :)) cica vorbeste fluent
Reporterul vorbește cu el în chineza sau în ce limba?
This person needs a doctor and the Romania people to be more educated. I still cannot believe that this shady character was voter by 2M ppl.
@PiloBla I really hope that our politics and press will understand what can happen if people can t get throught manipulation and do more to educate our next generation. History is very important, we should learn it.
his party is the romanian people andhe doesn't want any other political parties.. like North Corea's Kim
TikTok viewers… incredibly sad
People are unhappy, and they are looking for change. Any change ..
It is the same in the USA, Germany, France, Italy, UK (4 PM in 3 years) ....
He is Dr.Phil. teaching at Magtna Aula of Ployesty,actual President just a microbian teacher of Phisicks at Cibiu.
Calin Georgescu the Hero of Romania!!!! 🫡
His intentions are more important than the accuracy of the spoken language. Let's look at those who have led us so far. Impotent even to the spoken language, some puppeteers of those who do not allow the validation of the Romanians' vote. Those who sit in the shadows, unknown to us and give orders. Romania is not left and has never been left to manage its own resources, but only milked like a cow with the best it had. Let's admit that this is the truth. The question is why Romanians are not allowed to choose who they want? Is it still called democracy, is it still called a free country?
Unfortunately, those who roar furiously against a new system based on meritocracy are actually those who lose the privileges they had until now. Whoever is sincere can accept this point of view. Corruption and inflation in Romania are at the highest levels due to this sick system in the phase of terminal cancer. This is the truth and reality.I mention that I am an apolitical person, but I support the good and not the destruction of Romania.
God bless Călin Georgescu and his family!!!❤
He should be in jail. Tik Tok reported that scammer Georgescu was promoted by 115,000 fake accounts and 11 million fake friend lists and 7 mil fake likes and 1100 accounts claiming to be presidential candidate, spreading fake news and lies. without declaring it as campaign, without declaring any 0 campaign funds?! And he got only 23% in 1st round.
Which God, the one of dark and crimes?!? as he has around him mercenars and legionars/criminals 😇🤔
This gentleman here have all his speeches 1:1 with some series from HBO and Ion Antonescu, it's fcking hilarious =))
"ricordar" sunt platiti sa il denigreze :)))) asta o sa fuga din tara, aici o sa se ajunga.
yes he is copying verbatim from a lot of other's people speeches and make them his own
ce bine vorbeste engleza, sunt curios cum vorbeste si celelalte 5 limbi 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Spune multe despre el având în vedere că omul s-a școlit pe-afara.
@razi-elinho poate vorbeste mai bine rusa 😂
I will vote with Călin Georgescu, if they don't let him run again, I won't vote with anyone else.
All systems, against One man ❤ that telling enough
The same happened to Trump. I distrust mainstream media so much I always assume the opposite of what they say and that strategy has a pretty good success rate sadly. What a disgrace. and then crying about manipulation, misinformation and propaganda.. shame on them
@@ancagologan uff poor guy, take him home
At least he goes to foreign media. Cuz he thinks he is above the romanian one.
Romania’s media is way too corrupted and low for this man.
❤Respect și felicitări domnule președinte...!❤❤❤
He is saying different things here in romania ........
The internet is everywhere, there is no "here"
No ,he is saying the exact same things
Go back and serve the false propaganda and get paid for it.
@@lucianboar3489 He says the same things here also, but no one listens to him.
@@AlinaAlina-cv3snalina, he literally said what a great lider Vladimir Putin is, one of the few greatest leaders world wide.
Mai vorbește excelent spre deosebire de alți dar important este ce a zis :ca mai presus de orice este țara și ca a recunoscut tot ce a zis ca nu crede in covid și multe altele.Omul știe sa se comporte și cu alte popoare.Respect
A quick glance at the Romanian Wikipedia pages of the members of the Constitutional Court (which annulled the election) shows that out of 9 members, the impartiality of 6 (two thirds!) is clearly suspect, coming from parties radically hostile to Georgescu, or appointed by the current president, which amounts to the same thing.
In this respect, reading the relevant article of the Constitution (available in unofficial French translation by the Court itself on the Francophonie website) is revealing.
"Article 146. The Constitutional Court shall have the following powers:
a) it ... f) shall ensure compliance with the procedure for electing the President of Romania and shall confirm the results of the suffrage..."
A priori, the article does not give it any power to rule on the campaign itself.
And now, AFTER having prevented the election, the police goes on a hunt for proof to back it all up.
Does anyone have a doubt that the giant machine of power will" find" something?
Romania the most beautiful country in the world ❤❤❤
Hmmmm ,its a pitty that there are inhabitants for sure.
I think he will be a very good president for our country Romania 🇷🇴. A very well spoken person 👏 😀lets see 👀
without exaggeration, GC is the smartest and most honest politician that Romania has had. So: CG president!!!
Calin Georgescu ne-a abandonat, a fugit din tara de frica, de-aia nu a venit la dezbatere cu Elena Lasconi. Nu mai votez cu tradatorul, stau acasa in semn de protest.
Iliescu vorbea mai bine engleza, prietene😂
o da mai in gluma mai inserios da asa e
si cica mintea creduli ca a lucrat la ONU
da era o gluma: tho teas to two two...
Let nations respect the election decision of people be respected. Why blame any opposition succession on Russia?
Corect sa respecte voturile românilor
Minciuna cu Rusia și cealaltă cu legionari nu m-ai țin de prin anii 90
He only got 23% of the votes first round and now almost all the other major parties joined together against him. That is over 50% of the votes from first round. He is not "almost certain to be elected".
And please get better journalists, he didn't answer most questions and your guy just let him be.
am indoieli ca partidele au control deplin asupra membrilor... Membrii sunt una simpatizantii altceva. Suveranistii sunt suficienti iar diaspora va pune capacul.
Asa se intampla efectiv mereu, dar mereu. Este exasperant cum nimeni nu insista sa ofere raspunsuri la ce a fost intrebat si cum toti ii pun aceleași intrebari ca sa demonteze tot ce a afirmat el ca un idiot. Cred ca Gojira a fost singurul care l-a pus bine la zid si a constatat: ba, n am cu cine sa discut si cred ca si Tatulici.
@@verginiaatomei4894 unde-i aia cu Gojira ca eu sunt în Germania și nu știu tot ce-i la voi....
@@verginiaatomei4894 o sa il pun pe Tatulici ringtone =)))
Faptul ca partidele principale au facut o coalitie impotriva lui nu inseamna ca electoratul lor migreaza spre de prosti puteti fi
Forza Calin Georges and Trump
Călin Georgescu wants to take Romania backward, not forward. 🇷🇴 He’s praised Putin, dismissed Ukraine’s sovereignty, and supports extremist ideologies. Democracy is at risk. 🔗 Learn the facts 💡
He supports Romanian sovereignity. This is all that matters.
That seems like a white dude for Harris
@@andreiu5352 By giving away the power to Rusia. Great logic, Andrei.
@ No, the power to Romania, not foreign entities, as it is now. Anyway, "democracy" won, elections are cancelled. We officially live in a dictatorship. But hey, it's at least European.
It is not true! Călin Georgescu is a Patriot, those who led us for 35 years took us back, in the mud, in poverty.
Easiest report of misinformation in my life . 0 RON spent on his campaign btw.
Because he had 0$ budget 😏
0 banii din banii publici fraiere
A primit banii din donații
@@Alin-rl3nq sigur Sky news îți ia interviu vineri înainte de prezidențiale. Așa pe degeaba.
Pai parca stia engleza varu??? I dont against????
hau du iu du, hau hau?