Joe Biden talks about Proposition 8

  • Опубліковано 2 жов 2024
  • As well as congratulating Ellen on getting married.


  • @majorbelov
    @majorbelov 16 років тому

    He just said both himself and Obama voted against a similar bill on a national level.

  • @Somnilocus
    @Somnilocus 16 років тому

    Paardems - He didn't say he's against gay marriage in the debate exactly. He said he's not for redefining the term "marriage" on a FEDERAL level, which is what he's talking about in this vid. He's not against gay people marrying, but, for example, doesn't think a church should be forced to marry a gay couple when it goes against their beliefs.

  • @brayfogle08
    @brayfogle08 16 років тому

    This is where I will not allow you to shove God in my face. 'God' labeled slaves as inferior, and treated them as such. Are you really going to argue that their civil liberties were never theirs to demand? Man can label morals without religion. It's called, common sense and rationality. You cannot have facets of equality. The term is all-encompassing. I suggest you cease these 'violent' generalizations about the gay community. Your prejudice doesn't make you look any better.

  • @brayfogle08
    @brayfogle08 16 років тому

    Livyvy dear, you do realize that marriage has been redefined several times over the course of our history. Its origins were not brought about by the romanticism we equate such unions with today. Why be so selfish as to limit these bonds to a specific group of people? Our founding fathers gave us sound notions of equality, distinct from religious prejudice of any denomination. The Church and our government was not a 'match made in Heaven.' Let's be sure to keep it that way.

  • @Livyvy
    @Livyvy 16 років тому

    I can't believe what you did Ellen! But remember, he & Obama said that they didn't support same sex marriage! At least not in the way you wanted. We're not saying we don't want you to legally unite, but not by changing the definition of marriage. When you start to try taking away our spiritual beliefs, imposing your selfish views, then we have to fight back to protect what our founder fathers gave us & our spiritual beliefs. I don't support your show anymore! We should start with ur sponsors!

  • @Livyvy
    @Livyvy 16 років тому

    Strip what away? We adopted marriage from the bible. We're fairly a young nation. Understand that our founder fathers wrote the constitution based upon the values of the scriptures. Our country was built upon Judaeo Christian values. Separation from religion doesn't mean we don't follow values & laws. The 2 are distinguishable from one another, but not, not existent. A favorable & fair agreement would be in the form of win win. We've have the right 2 protect our family values & spiritual beliefs

  • @Mattixxg
    @Mattixxg 16 років тому

    Well. See, heres the thing. People are viewed foolish for asking a gay person why they are gay.
    To them, it is natural, if you will and the question is absurd.
    My issue is, why when someone disagrees, they need to fill out an application to explain themselves.
    That should not be. Im not going to ask a gay person why theyre gay.
    But, every reason people have give, they have been ridiculed. In other words, NO reason will be good enough for a gay rights activist period.
    We are at an impass.

  • @Mattixxg
    @Mattixxg 16 років тому

    Its on a different level. Especially the civil rights movement of the 60s.
    If i were to do hang a gay person, im going to jail. No ifs ands or butts. Period. (thats an awful thing to do, this is just an example).
    There was a time where that was completely acceptable.
    Im just irritated that you think this issue is on par with the one of old. Sorry, but again, people arent buying it.

  • @Mattixxg
    @Mattixxg 16 років тому

    The "old school" Blacks..altho can see similarities, many of which are very offended by the constant equalizing of the two..i can write a book about how much worse it was for blacks that makes this issue look like disneyland in comparison.
    Gays are living the good life in comparison to Blacks back in the day.
    Sexual prefrence should NEVER be equal to someones race. I just find that ridiculous.
    Hell, i played basketball too, but does that mean im in the same class as Micheal Jordan?
    Hell no..

  • @Mattixxg
    @Mattixxg 16 років тому

    Re read my post.
    and the "un educated" african americans have spoken.
    funny as how MANY of my "un educated" african american friends are all college graduate, NON church going individuals. I find that hilarious.
    And the many Whites and Hispanics who voted yes.
    There is a biological difference. Its not just some plain old plain old.
    The sad part also, is that no one can simply disagree with the gay lifestyle w/o name calling.
    Keep up with the condescending "your uneducated" remarks.

  • @yamilink03
    @yamilink03 16 років тому

    church and state are seperate! and how is it irrelevant? back then blacks were not allowed to marry whites. this is the same thing only instead of blacks marrying whites its men marrying men and women marrying women? besides. what right have you to tell someone who theyre to love and marry? the bible has no right to be in the state. this is a secular government regardless of what you believe. church and state should be seperate so anything to do with marriage is a constitutional right.

  • @brayfogle08
    @brayfogle08 16 років тому

    It's quite an obvious observation that from the history of our cumulative society we've been, "eating and drinking, and marrying and being given in marriage" since the days of Noah, and sorry to disappoint, but we are all still here... You probably should get a start on that ark then, huh?

  • @Mattixxg
    @Mattixxg 16 років тому

    VERY interesting post. I agree fully. Gays really dont want to "go there" if you will.
    Thats something that they will have an EXTREMELY hard time dealing with and i think they are conveniently jumping over that fact in the exit polls.
    They basically wrote the book on civil rights.

  • @ppzav
    @ppzav 16 років тому

    he's never said he's for it - he said he's against prop 8 which would ban it in CA constitution - there is a big difference between both - so mr/mrs abelsbombdiggity - listen first then do your ugh

  • @joelwiklund90
    @joelwiklund90 13 років тому

    @mzgunaz I accidentally clicked on the "dislike"-button for this comment. Then I read it, and now I wish I could click again (and again, and again, and again).

  • @Chironshands
    @Chironshands 15 років тому

    Hahaha. That's awesome. Basing an entire life on fear. Living by the rules put forth by ancient Jews.
    Thanks for making it easy to disagree with you :)

  • @tonganamericana
    @tonganamericana 16 років тому

    Deal breaker Joe. You say you would vote no on 8, that is a deal breaker for many Californians. If you are Yes on 8 you are No on Joe!

  • @theseay
    @theseay 16 років тому

    Marry a dog? Right right..because kanine's can sign legal documents of marriage. That analogy is POINTLESS. Gay marriage doesn't affect the life of your children. You're making it into a life or death situation. Their LIFE is not at stake if they interact with a gay. You are too close minded and are teaching your children the same. What's BEST for us all? Um..49% voted against prop 8, so almost half. So now what do you think everyone thinks is best?

  • @philosopher1a
    @philosopher1a 16 років тому

    Look at this from the debate with palin
    he outright lied

  • @upabittoolate
    @upabittoolate 16 років тому

    that's no quite what he said. he said that he didn't want gay people to be included in the definition but he was all for the legal benefits that accompany marriage

  • @truthofevolution
    @truthofevolution 16 років тому

    its not up for us to judge others on what is normal and abnormal, and what is right and wrong. All that matters is the right of equality that is guaranteed by the constitution. Trying to ignore that is unamerican.

  • @Civsuccess2
    @Civsuccess2 16 років тому

    Discrimination has nothing to do with fairness. Prop 8 pp don't discriminate. It's just that we don't "support" or try to normalize it.

  • @brayfogle08
    @brayfogle08 16 років тому

    And I have every right to demand the equality that is set forth by the law. Separation of church and state is a binding concept. Morality is not a product born solely from religious doctrine, nor is it incapable of existing in the absence of such beliefs. You are very much entitled to your religion, but the code of ethics and standards derived from your 'faith-based' beliefs should not interfere with my right to be treated equally. 'God' was not elected president, and this is not a theocracy.

  • @jazmundln
    @jazmundln 16 років тому

    Daddy had his turn but he said I'm the best!

  • @nytransplnt
    @nytransplnt 15 років тому

    To: dulosforchrist

  • @nytransplnt
    @nytransplnt 15 років тому

    1. Marriage predates religion.
    2. We live in a Democracy, not a Theocracy.
    How's Theocracy been working out for the Middle East?
    3. You have the right to believe in whatever religion you want to, so long as doing so does not take away from others, the same civil rights that you enjoy.
    4. Since when is it up to the general public to interpret constitutional law? i.e. Prop 8.
    African Americans did not gain their right to vote via a general election. Supreme court justices ruled it.

  • @yamilink03
    @yamilink03 16 років тому

    hes using examples in history. the gay marriage thing now is like interracial marriage. people didnt want to approve of it because back then it was "immoral". same thing with gay marriage. this country has let religion get in the way too much which is why we're behind so many countries in technology and political issues.

  • @Jackaldoublenine
    @Jackaldoublenine 16 років тому is self-explainatory

  • @nytransplnt
    @nytransplnt 15 років тому

    mockingyouingeneral, Your analogy was poor. Also, you said you'd "rather live in a world where we don't dilute the meaning of things" i.e. Marriage. Over 50% of heterosexual marriages wind up in divorce, so it's obvious the institution of marriage has already become eroded over the past few decades, and gays had nothing to do with it. I am heterosexual, but at least I'm honest enough to recognize that marriage amongst we straight people has already become "diluted".BTW, No divorce here!

  • @gibson7654
    @gibson7654 16 років тому

    what does gay marriage have to do with african-americans? anyway, i do not know any black person that's lived 100 years.

  • @NicholasSullivan
    @NicholasSullivan 15 років тому

    The real problem with what you just said, is that jesus christ did not write the bible. Biblical scholars even admit that the first gospels werent written till AD 70 (most people would say 70 ad, but thats wrong since it means in the year of our lord. so would have to be AD 70)
    Since they werent written till then, that means the person who wrote it, probably never even met "jesus"

  • @gibson7654
    @gibson7654 16 років тому

    i dont think comparing gay-mariage to an interracial marriage is relevant. i bet you know the definition of MARRIAGE as a religious bond between a MAN and a WOMAN. Anyway, how do you thing gay-marriage is going to get us ahead of the technology and politics? you dont make any sense.

  • @NicholasSullivan
    @NicholasSullivan 15 років тому

    Another issue your should look up, is did jesus even exist? there is no evidence that says it. no philosopher's mention him at the time. no historian. no one who we know to have truly lived makes any mention of Jesus of Nazareth.

  • @CuzShezCrazy
    @CuzShezCrazy 16 років тому

    depends one who his audience this case its a liberal audience with a gay host so he responded the debates he was speaking to mainstream america who is generally against gay marriage and altered his position accordingly