  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @Nightblue3
    @Nightblue3  7 років тому +684

    FISTED ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • @Zer0-0
    @Zer0-0 7 років тому +130

    She did go to the left. Her left

  • @clappanoia9970
    @clappanoia9970 7 років тому +43

    6:29 "You're such a master baiter!"

  • @amputeeguy9619
    @amputeeguy9619 7 років тому +241

    Do you know what you say to jhin when he is upset ?
    Keep your "jhin" up

  • @ericyan1585
    @ericyan1585 7 років тому +6

    A guy asks Riven
    Guy: Why is your sword broken.
    Riven: They say that the sword represents the user.

  • @jianlofi
    @jianlofi 7 років тому +52


  • @lajnu2594
    @lajnu2594 7 років тому +58

    It's funny, that he grabs everyone in league, but he will never be able to grab a girl from bar/club XD

    • @Nightblue3
      @Nightblue3  7 років тому +46

      but that's where I met your mum ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    • @lajnu2594
      @lajnu2594 7 років тому +7

      I feel roasted as a marshmallow

    • @saadsippo1660
      @saadsippo1660 7 років тому

      Jeeeez 😁

    • @ethalli1975
      @ethalli1975 7 років тому


    • @Ynos1
      @Ynos1 7 років тому

      Nightblue3 DAAAAAMN ... roasted

  • @darkque3052
    @darkque3052 7 років тому +42

    *blitz flash q*

  • @Loope28
    @Loope28 7 років тому

    Man the sound effects are on point especially when j4 came soaring in with the mario jump. I loled at work in the break room. Keep up the good work.

  • @rudoodles1272
    @rudoodles1272 7 років тому

    That bit at 5:40 was super funny and well edited. Props. Lmao

  • @OK-dp5qc
    @OK-dp5qc 7 років тому +59

    Finally a girl with a normal voice.. and not one of those crazy anime chicks. Nothing against anime tho but if girls make/have those anime voice it just annoys me

  • @nathanaelmaly3236
    @nathanaelmaly3236 7 років тому +7

    4:48 - buying duskblade song? please

    • @thesadman8280
      @thesadman8280 7 років тому

      Nathanael Malý I am searching the same thing too 😂😂

    • @kingbhoy76
      @kingbhoy76 7 років тому

      Metallica - Carol of the Bells

    • @Levi_Ackerman_005
      @Levi_Ackerman_005 7 років тому

      darude sandstorm

    • @zhepche2476
      @zhepche2476 7 років тому

      darude sandstorrm

    • @Sourcelighteer
      @Sourcelighteer 7 років тому

      It's Metallica's Carol of the bells Here's the link to that part

  • @nasseralhaji3126
    @nasseralhaji3126 7 років тому +3

    what is the song name at 7:00

  • @shafaf0
    @shafaf0 7 років тому

    dude you're one hell of an editor , every single video you upload makes my day, thanks NB3

  • @ulisesmora4440
    @ulisesmora4440 7 років тому

    what Version of Carol of the Bells was the one in this video?at around 8:29

  • @meggoodlad1925
    @meggoodlad1925 7 років тому +3

    The editor did an especially good job in this one.

  • @Get_Ogre_Here
    @Get_Ogre_Here 7 років тому +21

    What does Garen keep in his freezer?
    Just ice

  • @zehamainee
    @zehamainee 7 років тому +5

    How many account do u have?

    • @JackyTheCoww
      @JackyTheCoww 7 років тому +6

      zehamainee enough to play with idiots to make videos like this

    • @daniilkodyrev8963
      @daniilkodyrev8963 7 років тому

      I think he just changes names for rp

  • @mostafa.e782
    @mostafa.e782 7 років тому +1

    The edit at 5:48 was Genious!

  • @samibenabdallah3659
    @samibenabdallah3659 7 років тому +1

    What is the song in the background at 4:20

  • @Fuyukori
    @Fuyukori 7 років тому +65

    Thanks NB3 for giving me one Kappa Award it was my dream since Years ago when i started watching your videos 😍

    • @Fuyukori
      @Fuyukori 7 років тому +1

      Andrew McAllister Why? I got it how is it sad LOlL

    • @kadler5659
      @kadler5659 7 років тому

      You so Lucky!😂

    • @Fuyukori
      @Fuyukori 7 років тому

      Kadler 565 Thanks

    • @Fuyukori
      @Fuyukori 7 років тому +1

      Andrew McAllister u too literal

    • @robertonita1279
      @robertonita1279 7 років тому +1

      its sad your lvl of stupidity xD

  • @understqndable8778
    @understqndable8778 7 років тому +4

    I guess you could say..... BLITZCRANK
    is now BLITZGANK

    • @sadtimes7270
      @sadtimes7270 7 років тому

      Id like you to know that your are a piece of human shit x)

    • @HJRosa22
      @HJRosa22 7 років тому

      Lmao I found this way funnier than it actually is

  • @dreamhater3457
    @dreamhater3457 7 років тому +8

    why cant NB3 play Trundle
    Because they will think hes troll-ing

  • @AaronBeSpeedy
    @AaronBeSpeedy 7 років тому

    This is an amazing video!! Loved the commentary and the gameplay was fun. Love seeing a blitz game!

  • @TheFamilyLedger
    @TheFamilyLedger 6 років тому

    That song at 6:53. Does anyone know the name of it? it sounds good from the 1 second clip.

  • @uwuowo1713
    @uwuowo1713 7 років тому +40

    Senpai NOTICE ME PLZ

  • @PedroAugusto-vr5pt
    @PedroAugusto-vr5pt 7 років тому +4

    Brazil is watching you LIKE

  • @AliBlitz184
    @AliBlitz184 7 років тому

    Can anyone tell me the name of the song starting at 4:24 when he kills Vayne and Soraka?

  • @sageblackbear8543
    @sageblackbear8543 6 років тому

    Bro the edits are necessary the yeet! At the end was so funny

  • @esslowmotion9351
    @esslowmotion9351 7 років тому +3

    What do you call a shyvana who's AFK
    :))) Statik Shyv

  • @loursalcoolique
    @loursalcoolique 7 років тому +7

    That was a blitzprank x)

  • @GintokiSakata1
    @GintokiSakata1 7 років тому +22

    Senpaiiiiii notice me * - *

  • @alluraambrose2978
    @alluraambrose2978 7 років тому +1

    5:44 brilliant, give your editor a raise.

  • @elucirplsr9072
    @elucirplsr9072 7 років тому

    Mr. Nightblue can you please tell me the sequence of the items you bought on master yi when you farm?

  • @NarlyJeff
    @NarlyJeff 7 років тому +16

    6:30 your such a masterbaiter lol

  • @leot7427
    @leot7427 7 років тому +6

    hi nb3 ! notice me senpai

  • @m0li.t0v4
    @m0li.t0v4 7 років тому +5

    Give me my heart NightBlu3

  • @cedricc3451
    @cedricc3451 7 років тому

    what rotation do you do for jungle blitz?

  • @clogwater
    @clogwater 6 років тому

    I think that Electric Light Orchestra edit is my favorite part of any of your videos so far. 👌🏼

  • @nguyenphuongnam9832
    @nguyenphuongnam9832 7 років тому +3

    song at 6:55

  • @Speedylel
    @Speedylel 7 років тому +4

    Where is mike?

  • @dragosbarba1264
    @dragosbarba1264 7 років тому +3

    atention everyone !
    thank you for your atention

  • @kryptidkore
    @kryptidkore 7 років тому

    It's the best thing to hear you enjoy yourself and have fun!

  • @lucioiva7146
    @lucioiva7146 6 років тому

    Yo that kill on Vayne at tri was the best editing ever hahahahaha

  • @Duudu.m
    @Duudu.m 7 років тому +6

    Could you bring a translation into Brazilian Portuguese?
    I'm very much your fan, and I would like to see your videos subtitled.
    Thank you!
    Solado maluco!

  • @yukai325
    @yukai325 7 років тому +10

    I am come!!!!!!!!

  • @kaleb3953
    @kaleb3953 7 років тому +3

    what u called when a tree drink a coffee?

  • @MHFUEvO
    @MHFUEvO 7 років тому +1

    That new Adam Jensen Song is sooo cool!!!

  • @raafatsadder6053
    @raafatsadder6053 7 років тому +2

    5:45 nice edit :D

  • @marcosariellopez9818
    @marcosariellopez9818 7 років тому +10

    Give me a you heart

  • @RedEagle713
    @RedEagle713 7 років тому +5


    • @Nightblue3
      @Nightblue3  7 років тому +3


  • @androxz7
    @androxz7 7 років тому +1

    whats that song's name at the end of the vid?

    • @filiplass7442
      @filiplass7442 7 років тому

      Adam Jensen - Street Fight (
      It was in the description btw. Always look there

    • @androxz7
      @androxz7 7 років тому +1

      thanks...I never read descriptions sorry xD

    • @filiplass7442
      @filiplass7442 7 років тому

      No problem mate (y) That's okay, I was like that too :D

  • @spiderman4486
    @spiderman4486 7 років тому +1

    How did nightblue manage to make his breakfast this morning if he is playing ad blitz

  • @light165
    @light165 7 років тому

    When you came on a party, there comes Ezreal just saying: "you belong in a museum" spamming in the all game to get the honor. Thanks always nb3 for Running in the 90s :3

  • @killix3808
    @killix3808 7 років тому

    I like to listen to your videos before bed because I love the sound of monekys

  • @290014
    @290014 7 років тому

    is it bbc's david attenborough's frozen planet i hear at 2:18 ?

  • @wiktorporemba7802
    @wiktorporemba7802 7 років тому

    what music in 4:16? I love this but i dont know. Pls help :)

    • @cri5ta57
      @cri5ta57 7 років тому

      Adam Jensen - Street Fight where he goes friend

    • @wiktorporemba7802
      @wiktorporemba7802 7 років тому

      thanks dude :P

    • @cri5ta57
      @cri5ta57 7 років тому

      np m8

    • @morfigasoulslayer
      @morfigasoulslayer 7 років тому

      its rezero 1st opening or ending i cant remember its called helix something

    • @wiktorporemba7802
      @wiktorporemba7802 7 років тому

      João Almeida thanks. I was watching re zero month ago and i forgot the name of song lol

  • @13lightFall
    @13lightFall 7 років тому

    You're pretty much the only UA-camr that I watch anymore who does group strategies for fun, so I have an idea for you.
    5 tank team (or at least champions who typically benefit from building HP) .. So something like Urgot ADC, Alistar Support, Chogath, Sion, .. You get the idea. .. and have EVERYONE take Demolish. Everyone stacks HP and eventually 3-5 man dive a tower and nuke it. There would be literally nothing the enemy could do about it. GG

  • @boxenn_boxenn_3205
    @boxenn_boxenn_3205 7 років тому

    I liked the editing in this video very well! ggwp

  • @thought800
    @thought800 7 років тому +1

    11:06 "Dude, I crit them for so hard"
    -Nightblue3 2017

  • @lifeismemeingless8462
    @lifeismemeingless8462 7 років тому

    Hey captain.....i just subscribed .....even though....i watched you for 2 years when u were still playing with anklespankin...very nice

  • @schrodingh6049
    @schrodingh6049 7 років тому

    Nightblue where can i dowload your wallpapers? You download it from wallpaper engine?

  • @F4ilcr0ft
    @F4ilcr0ft 7 років тому

    I know the song at 3:15 but can somebody tell the name of the Anime?

  • @aurelshehu9136
    @aurelshehu9136 7 років тому

    the music at 9:30 does anybody know the name of it?

  • @lukazivic9797
    @lukazivic9797 7 років тому +1

    Hey NB is your level plus 50?

  • @dreup4251
    @dreup4251 7 років тому

    Your editor makes your content more entertaining.

  • @avgitidis2685
    @avgitidis2685 7 років тому

    Where do you have the abilitys?

  • @lubillaud2110
    @lubillaud2110 7 років тому +1

    I was surprised when I heard some Papa Roach. Very good surprise ! I like the musics you hear ;)

    • @hoi8125
      @hoi8125 7 років тому +1

      Lu Billaud yeah me too man

  • @viice_
    @viice_ 7 років тому

    Finally the shoping music is back

  • @Juniorndresss
    @Juniorndresss 7 років тому

    what is the name of the song he plays at 5:42?

  • @boombam3055
    @boombam3055 7 років тому

    Night blue is like my teacher, their all nice in class but out side of class they swear and aren’t as nice

  • @kevinsullivan5530
    @kevinsullivan5530 7 років тому

    Every recommended video is your channel

  • @haoyongtan8433
    @haoyongtan8433 7 років тому

    Hey NB3 can i know what time do you stream usually?im been asking in your stream for like 20 minutes and u didnt reply me any answer

  • @Roppm
    @Roppm 7 років тому

    Y do u max q when u go full ad?

  • @chronobretz9511
    @chronobretz9511 7 років тому

    Are you ever going to stream again nightblue?

  • @avenjiang167
    @avenjiang167 7 років тому

    What do you call when gosu plays yasuo?

  • @yolked1360
    @yolked1360 7 років тому

    How/where do I get those motion backgrounds?

  • @xenocrypt5671
    @xenocrypt5671 7 років тому

    Thanks for the video on my twentieth birthday nightblue ;P

  • @abob9044
    @abob9044 7 років тому

    These endings with champion vocals are just so damn epic I Wish there was a montage or something like that of them

  • @brycewallace1856
    @brycewallace1856 7 років тому

    “oh no you didn’t” one of the best theme tunes for a game ever!

  • @calebzylstra4940
    @calebzylstra4940 7 років тому +1

    What's the song at 5:40?

  • @ShamanElementalLord
    @ShamanElementalLord 7 років тому

    Seeing a salty Vayne is so nice.
    Matter of fact, legend has it ..."their tears have such special powers, each time they cry, an angel is born"

  • @lucasbranco5195
    @lucasbranco5195 7 років тому

    Dude, how could you leave the rune page in the video? Great video, congratulations XD

  • @TobiasNorregaardGissel
    @TobiasNorregaardGissel 6 років тому

    Love your videos. Pls keep making Them!😁

  • @Azaelthus
    @Azaelthus 7 років тому

    What's the song name when he catch soraka at 3:34?

    • @gearmastr123
      @gearmastr123 7 років тому +1

      Yui- Again

    • @matheusfili
      @matheusfili 7 років тому

      Want to know also.

    • @Azaelthus
      @Azaelthus 7 років тому

      It sure is from the asiatic looking girl xD

  • @Pn0ystylez
    @Pn0ystylez 7 років тому

    That uncut scene from Guardians of the Galaxy @5:40 xD

  • @luigizanc1620
    @luigizanc1620 7 років тому

    Massive HOOKSTRUCTION, well done master!

  • @sportsfanatic8792
    @sportsfanatic8792 7 років тому

    that soraka "no" at 10:40 killed me lol

  • @tanboonming9593
    @tanboonming9593 7 років тому

    Senpai what song at 3:19 plz answer me QAQ

  • @gafretasmhere1462
    @gafretasmhere1462 7 років тому +2

    At one point nb said oh your such a good masters baiter lol

  • @OxMaaBxO
    @OxMaaBxO 7 років тому

    when will urf be up ??

  • @achuajithx
    @achuajithx 7 років тому

    Music at 1:33 please? :P
    Thanks in advance.

  • @seemly
    @seemly 7 років тому

    from your special one million subs video till here, i repeat, we demand a house tour X)

  • @spiderman4486
    @spiderman4486 7 років тому +1

    What happened when teemo saw nightblue's plays?
    He blinded himself

  • @RyoukenDofus
    @RyoukenDofus 7 років тому

    EPIC nightblue, like always

  • @fazrynaqasha3647
    @fazrynaqasha3647 7 років тому

    Nightblue3 why dont you go predator jinx (her passive) when she kill or assist

  • @LittleBobMarley
    @LittleBobMarley 7 років тому +2

    That Initial D music xD RUNING IN THE 90'S

  • @Jonathan-bd6vl
    @Jonathan-bd6vl 7 років тому +1

    NB3 "Vayne gonna Q to the left" *vayne Qs to the right* NB3 " I lagged" Vayne "YEET"

  • @alexghastproduction9808
    @alexghastproduction9808 7 років тому +1

    What the music at 1:34 ?

  • @theoc2547
    @theoc2547 7 років тому

    What is the name of music ? 3:06