Celebrating Father's Day Without My Dad || Mayim Bialik

  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024


  • @ashley3461
    @ashley3461 6 років тому +94

    I can relate. My dad passed away in 2014 from cancer and I miss him so much.

    • @Falka_Targaryen
      @Falka_Targaryen 6 років тому +4

      Ashley my dad also passed away from cancer on 2014 so I feel you so much

    • @ashley3461
      @ashley3461 6 років тому +2

      Eri Patricksdóttir I'm so sorry. At least our dads aren't suffering anymore and are finally at peace. 💜 My thoughts and prayers go out to you.

    • @adrianablanton6736
      @adrianablanton6736 6 років тому +3

      Same. Cancer. Lung. Stage 4. 7 weeks from diagnosis to death. ❤️

    • @vickipopp9671
      @vickipopp9671 6 років тому +2

      It's never easy. Lost both parents to that horrible disease. God bless u.

    • @meadowlarkptarmigan4757
      @meadowlarkptarmigan4757 6 років тому +3

      Me too; 2016. It is nice not to feel so alone about it around Father's Day.

  • @savannahrobb986
    @savannahrobb986 6 років тому +1

    I lost my mom in 2002, I love the way your whole face let up when you spoke about your father. Such peace and love.

  • @vickipopp9671
    @vickipopp9671 6 років тому +1

    My dad was a jazz musician. He played upright bass & was great at it. Cancer took him when I was 13 - I'm 39 now & I miss him every day. My mom died in 2000 so now I just cherish every memory & photo I have. Thank you for sharing your story. Glad to know I'm not alone.

  • @delaviper8417
    @delaviper8417 6 років тому +16

    I lost my father when I was 18. I loved him so much not only because he was my father but because he was my best friend! We had so much respect for one another and we were always there for each other!
    After he died my vision changed about everything! I learned to look at life differently. I learned not to take it too seriously for my problems were either gonna be solved or forgotten!
    Except that I spent years thinking that my father's death was the biggest problem that I can never solve!
    After I watched your video I came to the realization that "death" is not a "problem"! It is a truth in everyone's life in this universe!
    I am sure your father is proud of you for all the girls (including myself) are now looking up to you! May his soul rest in peace!
    Thank you for sharing!

  • @whbrown1862
    @whbrown1862 6 років тому

    Thank you for this. I miss my dad too. He passed in 2009 due to cancer. He was 6 foot, 6 inches tall from the North Carolina mountains. He was a racing car mechanic, softball pitcher, and worked for a labor union for 45 years. He would give the shirt off of his back for anyone and tell wonderful stories. I can see that I am turning into him - the older I get. I agree - I do miss him every day.

  • @horvathl2699
    @horvathl2699 6 років тому +16

    This is so emotional. I am right there with you. My dad passed away in 2016. I miss him every day.

  • @kookienutquacker8692
    @kookienutquacker8692 6 років тому +1

    That was beautiful, Mayim. I’m all choked up. You and your family were lucky to have had him in your life. You see, my dad abandoned me thirty-two years before he passed away in 2012. He broke my heart but I still love and miss him. So for me, Father’s Day is a sad one. For all you dads out there: love your children forever. They will always need your love. Happy Father’s Day!

  • @clarketogether
    @clarketogether 6 років тому

    Just had the pleasure of watching this. My father passed in 1993. I was 16. I’m 41 now and I still look at pictures and smile....you truly never forget that feeling.

  • @sburris65
    @sburris65 6 років тому +1

    I'm very blessed to still have my dad. And I've always been a daddy's girl.

  • @kathryngarcia8800
    @kathryngarcia8800 6 років тому +1

    My dad was a WWII pilot, an honorable man who stood up when a woman walked in the room, never cursed, always kind. He has been gone about 8 years, and at age 63 I still hold him as a standard for other men. He wasn't perfect, but he acknowledged that, too.

  • @cherylcolby5539
    @cherylcolby5539 6 років тому

    I have completely fallen for your you tube channel. I loss my dad 12 years ago and every Fathers Day is still hard. I loved that your pictures bring back that love and joy even for a moment in time. Thank you for sharing and allowing us into your life just a little bit.

  • @hollyshoemaker
    @hollyshoemaker 6 років тому +10

    Definitely missing my dad this year. He passed away February of last year and he was my best friend. It was a very unexpected passing and it shattered me for some time. Now I try to focus on our happy time together and that generally gets me through whatever I'm feeling at the time. He was a huge jokester. When I was around 14, we had some new neighbors move in. My dad took a blanket and wrapped it around his shoulders like a cape. He then proceeded to go intro

    • @hollyshoemaker
      @hollyshoemaker 6 років тому +2

      He then proceed to go introduce himself to the neighbors and warn them about the weirdos in the neighborhood.

    • @ps6474
      @ps6474 5 років тому

      Holly Shoemaker...First, I´m very sorry to hear about the loss of your dad. I also lost my beloved father very unexpectedly this past November. I lived with him and my mother and worked with him, we worked together the day he passed, he was fine, just had been feeling a little tired for few days( which wasn´t like him) he was going to play his usual Friday tennis match that afternoon, then low and behold he had a massive cardiac arrest, I had stepped away from home to quickly run to the grocery store to get something to make for dinner for him, my mom and I, well...as soon as I got the first item, I got the devastating frantic call from my mom to come home asap, telling me your dad is unconscious and 911 is on the way. I almost fainted at the store, I sped home and about 8 minutes after the call, the paramedics showed up. Too cut it short(sorry for the long explanation) he never regained consciousness, he was taking off life support 4 days later, there was nothing they could do. I am still shattered, we had a very close bond and he was also a big jokester, especially with his punchlines, everyone always told him he should´ve been a comedian. Anyway, now it´s learning to live the the grief and to continue on. He´s on my mind daily, I miss him dearly. Hope youŕe doing better. Together your dad and mine are in heaven.

  • @thederpylemon
    @thederpylemon 6 років тому

    This video is so special to me. I didnt lose my dad, but my mother at 12, and parental loss is so often undiscussed. Looking back is such a beautiful thing. Thanks Mayim! God bless all the fathers out there.

  • @samanthadiaz7372
    @samanthadiaz7372 6 років тому

    My Dad was my hero. He was kind hearted and gentle. He never raised his voice. My dad was everything to me and more. Happy Father's day to all the dad's out there.

  • @kristinewithak8265
    @kristinewithak8265 6 років тому +1

    These are sweet stories and I'm glad you shared. My father died when I was 6 (and my mom died when I was 26) and the photos are everything to me. My memories are dim but the stories of him are not. Amazing family man, hard worker, volunteer fireman, part of the Drum Corps and if I ran into someone now, who knew him before 1975, they would smile fondly and tell me a story. Happy father's day 💜

  • @judith3192
    @judith3192 6 років тому +1

    I really appreciate this. My mom died when I was 13, two days after my Bat Mitzvah. On Mother’s Day, I miss her, and I love watching home videos. She becomes present tense again, and I allow myself to get lost, just for a short time, in the sweetness of allowing what was to become what is. Thinking of you, Mayim. Thank you for this celebration of your dad.

  • @Historian212
    @Historian212 6 років тому +1

    Thanks, Mayim. I'm older than you are, and both of my parents have passed. Dad died in 2011, so it'll be seven years in October. I appreciate it when anyone acknowledges that these holidays can be difficult for people whose parents are no longer here. Please know that it does get a bit easier as the years go by, but there's a sadness that lingers. Which is as it should be. I'm glad you can celebrate all those good times with your dad, and I enjoyed seeing the photos. My father was a WWII veteran, and I don't think he ever fully recovered from being in the war. So I don't have many dad-daughter memories of just him and me. Nevertheless, he was there, he cared in his way, and he did his best. He put food on the table and a roof over our heads. And sometimes, there were card games and jigsaw puzzles and miniature golf. And always, there were dinners together as a family. I miss that most of all. Happy Father's Day to all.

  • @bri3149
    @bri3149 6 років тому

    My dad passed away on May 7th; he was hilarious, brilliant, stubborn, weird, outgoing, limitless, charming, and I miss him so much it hurts to breathe.
    The way you articulate your feelings resonates with me and describes a lot of what I'm processing. I can't thank you enough for this extremely relatable little glimpse of mourning such a profound loss.

  • @sherrydesmarais7032
    @sherrydesmarais7032 6 років тому

    What a beautiful hommage to your dad. My Dad left us 34 years ago but I still miss him terribly. But my memories, like yours, will keep our dads alive in our hearts forever. Thanks for sharing. 💕

  • @dragonmac1234
    @dragonmac1234 6 років тому

    I Iost my father in 1986 when I was 22 years old. For the first few years Fathers Day was hard to get through, but as the years have gone by I find it easier to remember him without getting angry at the heart attack that took him from us. He is gone but he will never be forgotten.

  • @KitKat170
    @KitKat170 6 років тому

    My dad was an amazing kindergarten teacher. He loved volunteering in so many ways in our city. He had a big heart for helping others and he taught me what loving others really looked like. I miss him everyday. Thank you for this video Mayim. I know all of those emotions this being my third Fathers Day without him.

  • @Leglag724
    @Leglag724 6 років тому +1

    My dad is alive but suffers from alzheimers and has no memory of me for the past 4 yrs. I still send him cards for the holidays and his birthday but can't bring myself to travel to see him since it's an 11 hr drive and I have no place to stay since he's in a alzheimers ward, plus I don't want to remember him the way he is now. I will always have my memories of the strong gentle man I grew up with. It's made it easier that when he does pass to be with my mom and brother who passed in 2010 days apart that I'll be able to be there and not fall apart. I do understand your feelings of loss and all the other emotions. Bless you for being the strong woman you are from all you have experienced.

  • @redbeardnc6684
    @redbeardnc6684 6 років тому

    My dad served in the Air Force before starting a graphics business off of our family farm. In 1984 he became quadriplegic after a car accident, but managed to keep his business run and his family fed. I'm his name sake, his oldest son, and his spitting image. I got my love for music and music ability from him. He could sing like Elvis, and he passed that on to me as well. He had a stroke in late 2015, and I was there when he died. I felt his spirit pass on inside of me, and that reminds me that he is always going to be there with me for the rest of my life. Thanks so much for opening up to us, Mayim, for having taken of yourself and having shared with us. And thanks for reminding me that my father is with me always.

  • @homeschoolsquad7431
    @homeschoolsquad7431 6 років тому +1

    Mayim, this was beautiful! What a great way to honor your dad. I lost my Dad too and carry a lot of wonderful memories and hope to make these memories for my kids as well. Thank you so much for sharing this video.

  • @playerdag5387
    @playerdag5387 6 років тому

    This November will be 9 years since my dad passed. I miss him everyday and it does get easier but there are still those days where I just want him to be here holding me as I cry from a guy breaking my heart. I know that he is watching me and my brothers and my mom and would be proud. As much as I miss him, father's day is just another day for me .

  • @CinnaFae
    @CinnaFae 6 років тому

    Hearing how you spoke about your dad it was touching. I enjoyed listening and hearing the love in your voice. For me I think I feel just a bit envious. Just because my dad left the minute I was born. So I will never get to have wonderful father daughter memories. But hearing how you spoke about having memories and hearing about how you are healing from him passing on. Its so beautiful and sad a bit. You are an inspirational person to me. I am sure your children will remember you just like you remember your dad! You are amazing!!

  • @scl97
    @scl97 6 років тому +1

    This was so touching! Thanks for this! It makes me really want to treasure the time that I have with my dad right now.

  • @sarahlewis2866
    @sarahlewis2866 6 років тому +5

    Mayim, my dad is asleep in the next room, but this made me weep in anticipation of a time when we will be buying flowers instead of a ancestry test for him. I watched your face intently between pictures, and while I listened to your words, your face was so much more telling. I may have had to turn it off to have a proper cry if it wasn't already a short video, so thank you for THAT too!

  • @craigd6261
    @craigd6261 6 років тому +1

    Another beautiful, poignant video from you Mayim. You are always
    able to discuss sensitive subjects with such deep thoughtfulness and love.
    Your video is spot on. I sadly lost my father only two weeks
    ago (like so many here, to cancer), so this will be the first Fathers Day
    without him. It’s hard and all around are reminders you just can’t avoid, even
    walking through town you see cards and gift ideas in the stores, but this is
    the time to remember and be proud and grateful for all of the good times your
    loved ones gave you. Our Fathers and Mothers are the people that made us who we
    are today, and we owe them so much. Don’t be sad at their loss, celebrate their
    lives, all that they achieved, and all that they gave you.
    Love and my thoughts to all at this time.

  • @fawnrobertson4844
    @fawnrobertson4844 6 років тому

    I love ur post. It make me tear up. This the 3rd Father's Day w/out my Father. I was blest in that he passed at 87 yrs old. I praise God every time I think of him that I had him so long, but I praised God nearly day starting few yrs before he passed. Sundays are the hardest. When we were younger we rode horses together, then mules (they're a smoother ride). When we stopped riding it turned into blueberries pancake Sunday. Without fail we spent Sundays together, as I'm a Sabbath keeper we rare saw each other on Sabbaths, except when he came to church w me. Thank you so much for sharing. I feel ur loss. God bless

  • @sommerleonard7751
    @sommerleonard7751 6 років тому

    Thank you so much for making this video. This is my first Father’s Day without my dad. He passed away in October and I miss him everyday.

  • @helenascribe210
    @helenascribe210 6 років тому

    My dad passed twenty years ago and I still have dreams of family camping trips, birthdays, playing cards till the wee hours, and so many small random moments. Dad had a wonderful sense of humour and had a great outlook on life. His best advice was that no matter what you do to give it your all, to be kind to others, and always take care of your family. As much as I miss him, and wish my sons had grown up with him around, I'm deeply grateful to have had him in my life. It sounds like you also had a great Dad and Fathers Day is a toughie. Look back on all the wonderful moments and realize how proud your Father would be of the woman you are.

  • @PatrixRaider
    @PatrixRaider 6 років тому

    I want to say thank you. This year i lost my dad to cancer. Already had his first birthday without him. It was hard. This video made me feel better. Thank you again.

  • @snake_babezxx8009
    @snake_babezxx8009 6 років тому +70

    Am i the only one who cried a little watching this.... 💔

  • @sloane.2747
    @sloane.2747 6 років тому

    I really love how serene and content she is in this video Mayium is such a genuine person and I admire that so much 😊

  • @thaisfantine167
    @thaisfantine167 6 років тому

    Yesterday, June 13, it was my father's birthday, he died four years ago, he really was my best friend, my example of a virtuous human being, I was thinking of him all day, and I come across you, my dear, another example of virtuosity. My heart is with you.

  • @nicr5911
    @nicr5911 6 років тому

    Thank you... I lost my dad at 17 and find this day hard... He was fab... I now have 3 boys their dad isn't fab... Not gone from this earth but gone from their lives which makes this day even harder... Just nice to know some people struggle also for whatever reason

  • @Vandermin011
    @Vandermin011 6 років тому +1

    Wonderful photos Mayim, thank you for sharing❤️I lost my dad at 2 y.o. so my memories of him are faint but remain. The last thing we collaborated on was one of those paintings of our hand prints all over a canvas. It’s very colorful and I have it with me. Whenever I see a picture or a mere figure of a hand like on a sticker, or a crosswalk, I always say “I love you Papi” to myself, and I know he’s in my head and heart.

    • @deemariedubois4916
      @deemariedubois4916 6 років тому

      Cinder Lock Thank you for sharing, that is so sweet.

  • @jj123123123100
    @jj123123123100 6 років тому

    Man this made me tear up. Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful memories

  • @kimeikeo
    @kimeikeo 6 років тому

    I’m at two years without my dad and his passing in May makes Father’s day the next holiday. So. Hard. Being the “strong one” in the family, I always feel like I have to keep it together for everyone. My mom is the one hurting the most , but Father’s day is tough for all of us. Thanks for bravely sharing your memories, Mayim. It helps me quietly welcome memories I normally push to the side. My dad was a quiet, southern man who was very distinguished in his own way. He loved to garden and tinker, and had a brilliant engineering mind. He has a gruff exterior with the softest, tenderest heart inside that few ever got the chance to see. I remember gardening silently in the hot sun so many summers with him. It’s easily my favorite thing about him-how he loved to silently share his favorite things with the people he loved.

  • @ReaTexas
    @ReaTexas 6 років тому +1

    I love the “twinning” picture of you and your dad! Y’all are a beautiful family.
    My dad was a professional fine artist, as was his mother. I am an artist also, taught by my father from the age of two. He was my mentor, my first crush, loved by all who met him, missed by all when he passed. Thank you for sharing your dad with us.

  • @catenystrom6506
    @catenystrom6506 5 років тому

    I have no idea how I'm going to deal with losing my parents.....wishing you peace and love, Mayim.

  • @cswizzle3939
    @cswizzle3939 6 років тому

    Thank you for making this video. I'm crying as I write this comment, but my dad was also a really amazing man. He died on January 31, 2018 after 161 days in the hospital and a whole lot of strength and all the fight he had to give. He was an Aircraft Technician, a wonderful husband and best friend to my mom, and a great dad to my sister and I. I miss him so much and I'm not sure how I'm going to get through this Father's Day, the first without him, but I guess I will. Thanks again.

  • @krystalallen4948
    @krystalallen4948 6 років тому

    My Dad passed away this January from esophageal cancer making this my first father's day without him. He hung on to life to see his grandchild born and I will forever cherish those 8 months he had with my son, the grandchild he never thought he would have.

  • @ramonaschober600
    @ramonaschober600 6 років тому +1

    Mayim Bialik, Thank you for making this video. I was particularly needing to hear your statement about the healing that we are doing now. That it is about remembering the good times and also, about what we choose to forget. I've had three earthy fathers : my birth father, who neglected and abandoned me(never met him, he died in 1985); my adoptive father, who loved and molested me(he died in 2016); my husband's father, who loves, supports, encourages and accepts me - who calls me daughter, (my favorite endearment), darlin' and sweetheart. I'm incredibly grateful to have my Dad Schober, who has been a great example to me of unconditional love and helped me to understand God the Father and His unconditional love. Again, thank you! You are wise, beyond your years, and I appreciate your transparent honesty. May God bless you and your family! Especially this Father's day...

  • @CJonestheSteam72
    @CJonestheSteam72 6 років тому +1

    Powerful video, my father died last year after having cancer for 5 years and then deterioration in the last 18 months. But unlike you I did not have much of a relationship with him as my parents divorced when I was 5, the time before his death allowed me to work things out for myself fortunately. Hold on to the memories you have and give your kids an extra hug to cherish the time you have with them. C'est la vie

  • @amschulte
    @amschulte 6 років тому

    I was just thinking about Father's Day and how I'm not sure how I feel. I lost my dad unexpectedly almost two years ago. I'm torn. I want to acknowledge the day because my husband is a wonderful father but I feel empty inside without my dad. Thank you for posting this.

  • @alichan3772
    @alichan3772 6 років тому +2

    I’m so sorry for your loss this video made me cry 😢

  • @bethanymiriah
    @bethanymiriah 6 років тому +1

    Hands are the things I always remember about people.

  • @nikkic4661
    @nikkic4661 3 роки тому

    I can't believe it's been 12 years since I lost my sweet daddy. This father's day seems to be more difficult
    You had an 💙💌amazing bond with your dad I can tell

  • @catherineporch5116
    @catherineporch5116 6 років тому

    My father was an amazing man. He died 3 months ago due to a car wreck. He and my mama raised 5 girls. He was my first love. He was the person who pushed us to be strong, independent women, who dont need to rely on a man to do anything for us. My sisters and I can do anything a man can do, possibly even better. My favorite memory (of many!) is when he was in the delivery room when I gave birth to my son. He sat right by my head because he wanted me to have my privacy, but wanted to be in the room as well. He would wet some paper towels and dab my head and tell me I can do it, and how proud he is of me. This is the first fathers day without him. This year is the first year of everything without him. Thank you for this video!

  • @karenterrell8843
    @karenterrell8843 6 років тому

    Touching video, Mayim. My father was a minister, with a beautiful, generous, servant’s heart. I miss him greatly.

  • @sandraallen6360
    @sandraallen6360 6 років тому

    I have the same problem with Mother's Day, since my mother passed away in 2008. I love seeing all your old photos, thank you, #Mayim, for sharing your memories with us.

  • @kaffepojke
    @kaffepojke 6 років тому

    Thank You for sharing your memories. I to am missing my father, but his wonderful memory is always with me.

  • @TheBagmaven49
    @TheBagmaven49 6 років тому

    This video is a perfect description of what many of us feel on Father's Day. I lost my dad in 92. He was only 61, the age I am now. He was amazing! My first husband died very young. He was only 31 at the time. My dad was heartbroken over this. And he was very close to my 2 children and basically acted like a daddy surrogate for my kids. The first fathers day without him was tough for myself and my daughter. The obligatory artwork in school for kids dads was so very sad for my oldest child. She asked her teacher if she could make the card out to grandpa Mel instead. He was there for my kids and he was also very loving to my step- daughter after I remarried. Thank you for sharing Mayim! This video made my day. 💗💗💗

  • @YouTubeCritic
    @YouTubeCritic 6 років тому +1

    I lost my father as well. He died when I was 15. But believe we can both overcome this.

  • @malkaringel7864
    @malkaringel7864 6 років тому +3

    Mayim I lost my dad in my late 20's'. My time with him was short, but meaningful. Thx for sharing through personal photos.

  • @freespirit_17
    @freespirit_17 6 років тому +10

    Mothers day is the hardest for me. I don't like it or think about it. It's been 10 years and still painful as if it happen yesterday. When does this pain go away.
    Thank you for sharing your memories. ❤

    • @kerriwarwick3253
      @kerriwarwick3253 6 років тому +5

      FreeSpirit At last it's been 12years since my dad passed, 8 since my mom passed, and 5 since my stepdad passed, I don't think it ever "goes away" 😢

    • @AStri-zg5xc
      @AStri-zg5xc 6 років тому +5

      You're right kerri, it doesnt go away. You just learn how to make a place for it.

    • @daisy10727
      @daisy10727 6 років тому +8

      It never really goes away, you just try to learn to live with the pain. I remember when my Grandfather passed and my Grandmother was trying to figure out why my Mom was more upset than she was, my Mom had the best explanation I’ve heard she told my Grandmother “you had a life before him...I didn’t.”

    • @LAVirgo67
      @LAVirgo67 6 років тому +1

      My father died 25 years ago. The pain and longing never goes away. You just learn to live without them in the now and with memories. I know my dad is with me all the time. I miss him very much. Hope that you can find peace.

    • @ps6474
      @ps6474 5 років тому

      @@AStri-zg5xc Exactly! You learn to live with it.

  • @mrsrudd07
    @mrsrudd07 6 років тому

    My father passed away in 2013 on Christmas Day, he had liver cancer, it was from many years of drinking..my father was not always the best person in the world, but I do miss him every day and think about him, especially since I welcomed my son into the world 2 yrs ago..thank you for this video..❤️

  • @brigittewilliams8786
    @brigittewilliams8786 6 років тому +4

    Very moving video, you are truly blessed to have had him and the memories you shared.

  • @erntaku
    @erntaku 6 років тому

    Mayim, I heart this video so much! It's so dang endearing. Thank you for sharing this part of you.

    @MELODYMUNRO 6 років тому +1

    I lost my dad to cancer in October of 2016. We were told he had two years to live, but he was dead in two weeks...it was a bit of a shock. I was not close with my dad. He never told me he loved me, never held me after I turned six, never said he was proud of me for anything I accomplished and he was a brutal disciplinarian. Despite this - I loved him. I know that his own upbringing was difficult and painfull and he did the best he could. I knew my dad through music. Mum and dad would play their old record collections and share stories as they wandered down memory lane...and I will never forget him jumping up and down on the couch when his soccer team won the FA Cup (Ipswich Town). He died two weeks after my birthday...when my birthday approaches that is when I think of him, and all the father/daughter issues I am still working through bubble to the surface..

  • @rhondawithrow917
    @rhondawithrow917 6 років тому +1

    I’ve lost both of my parents and I completely relate and appreciate this video😊

  • @pb4hand
    @pb4hand 6 років тому +1

    Thank you thank you, just thank you for sharing 💓

  • @anthonypalma9126
    @anthonypalma9126 6 років тому

    Thank you for keeping it 💯 That’s what makes you strong and beautiful

  • @jamiegnosis4876
    @jamiegnosis4876 6 років тому

    Absolutely loved this! My mom passed away a little over a year ago. My dad has not been in the picture since I was 9 months old. My mom, who I called Tot, was such an amazing woman. I always celebrated Fathers Day with her because not only did she teach me womanly things like cooking but she taught me to change oil in my car and how to fix things around the house. I swear, any dilemma I had she had a solution. She was my best friend, genuinely my best friend. I have anxiety and have never made friends easily so it was always her and me. This Fathers Day hit me unexpectedly hard. I am never sure how such significant days will affect me. I look at old photos a lot and it makes me smile so much! Of course there are tears but it's just because I miss her so much. Thanks for sharing this. Pretty tough topic to talk about❤

  • @carolineann5518
    @carolineann5518 6 років тому +1

    My dad was my first love, he served queen and country in the Royal Air Force for nearly 30 years. We would watch football together we support the same football team and American football team #cowboysnation. We would watch all the old war films we had a tradition on every bank holiday we would watch the great escape and now that he has passed I still watch the film on these days. My dad had the most generous heart he would help anyone that needed help. He passed in February 2016 and as he spent his whole life with myself and my sister, he now gets to spend time with my twin brother that died at birth. Treasure all those moments with your dad if he is still alive id give anything to have one more conversation and tell him I love him.

  • @secretgardentarot3988
    @secretgardentarot3988 6 років тому

    Thank you...I miss my Dad everyday... not just on Father's Day, but especially on Father's Day. He passed away on 6/17/1989. Every 4 years, Father's Day falls.on his anniversary. He used to drive around the campus of the University of Delaware and point out the buildings and say "one day, you will go there..." and he never got to see that day arrive. This is the 30th Father's Day without my Dad.
    He had a penny collection, and this year, I have added to it.
    Mourn your loss, but know that you never have to wonder if he knew you loved him.
    He did and (since I'm a Catholic, believe he still) does.
    Thank you, again & Happy Father's Day

  • @Parmesana
    @Parmesana 6 років тому +1

    my dad's birthday is June 16th and often on fathers day...He's been gone 22 years..and now that I am grown, I sure would like to know how he feels about things. We don't know what to ask our parents until they're gone. Dad was an electronic engineer,,,a real nerd and invented things in the basement at his work bench. I'm proud to have that nerd DNA..a creative soul and an introverted extrovert...just as I am

  • @TeresaTifor2
    @TeresaTifor2 6 років тому +1

    I lost my father when I was 16 to colon cancer. I also lost a dear friend on Father's Day to a freak motorcycle accident. I love remembering our loved ones through photos. TFS! :-)

  • @RubyAngelBakes
    @RubyAngelBakes 6 років тому

    Love that you shared this. Thank you.

  • @HealLiz
    @HealLiz 6 років тому

    This is such a great video. Thank you. I miss my dad this father's day. Lucky to have a good daddy to my kids though! Life is good!

  • @juliaarthur6361
    @juliaarthur6361 5 років тому

    Mayim I have not long subscribed to your site and you are such a lovely sincere and funny person and very clever. I lost my Dad when I was 15yrs old he was 51yrs old he had a brain haemorrhage and seeing your photos it was a memory I had of my dad I loved him with all my heart and life was never same without him. but it beautiful your dad and yourself had music love Julia xxx

  • @katehill1191
    @katehill1191 6 років тому

    Thanks Mayim , I too miss my father every day. He was much like your dad it seems. Very musical, taught me to dance, took me everywhere like his little sidekick. I have four older brothers and we too are four years apart each...lol Although sad, it's nice to know I'm not alone xx

  • @harveyabel1354
    @harveyabel1354 6 років тому +1

    That was very sweet, Mayim -much love and warm memories to you.
    I am not a biological father, but I have a heart daughter -- way better than
    just a step daughter! I'm truly blessed :)

  • @rachelwilliams1568
    @rachelwilliams1568 6 років тому

    My Dad was an amazing aerospace engineer. He was so passionate about what he did and curious about the world around him. He loved to teach my siblings and I, and loved to be outside. He died when I was 15 suddenly from a rare disease called amyloidosis. I miss him everyday and I would not be the person I am today without him.

  • @reecedarlene
    @reecedarlene 6 років тому +1

    My dad passed away in July 2010, only a few weeks after my high school open house, so the months of June and July are difficult ones for me. I regret to say most of my memories with my dad happened in the last 2-3 years of his life, when I was 16 and he and I could finally have more peer-like conversations. But overall my dad was a quiet work-aholic and I didn't really get to know him. I know he loved sweets and didn't really care much about eating healthy. I know he worked hard so my mom could raise us and we could have a good life. I know he was a perfectionist, and taught us lots of skills so that we could go into the world more prepare than he was. I know he liked a lot of things that most of my family didn't, like books and plays. And I know that he pretended to hate the dance lessons my mom made him go to with me a lot more than he actually did. I'm lucky that my parents were together for a long time, and my mom has, over time, given me a lot of information about him that I cherish. Things that help me understand me, because I take after him in a lot of non-physical ways. This video resonates with me because I am a true sentimental and always feel pretty down and empty during this time.

  • @mrsrunningmommy
    @mrsrunningmommy 6 років тому

    Thank you so much Mayim! This will be my first fatherless Father’s Day. I am now among the parentless adults of the world. I enjoy your videos very much and share them often. This one has been particularly helpful to me. Thank you for sharing and helping us fatherless adults get through another one of life’s challenges together.
    I believe you still have your Mother? If I my offer my experience, all family celebrations can be quite tough on the surviving parent. Please hug her extra tight. She might need it as much as you? I wish you and your boys a very Happy Father’s Day with their father!

  • @pamelacrandell2015
    @pamelacrandell2015 6 років тому

    Thank you I needed this. I was feeling very anxious about this Father's day without my Daddy. He was my rock and Iiss him more than words can express. Sometimes I feel like I am the only one that feels this way. My Daddy cut the tip of his ring finger off when he was a teen. When I was little I is to ask him what happened and he told me a fly bit it off and I was terrified of flies. My Mom finally made him sit me down and tell me what really happened. I remember telling that story at his funeral and everyone just about fell to the ground with laughter. He was a jokester. Hugs to you on this coming Father's Day

  • @cactuslily1754
    @cactuslily1754 6 років тому

    I too have a complicated relationship with Father’s Day,and fathers in general. It’s always a painful day for me for so many reasons. My “donor” who abandoned me before I can remember him. Chose someone else’s child to raise and love. Then, I find out he had another child of his own years later with another woman. that child was the same age as my first first born. I found out that he had died on the internet...thank you google. However, I had a wonderful grandfather who stepped in and up in more ways than I can count, and then a stepfather many years later who showed me what a dad was. To all the men out there that step up and do the right thing...I salute you. It’s really not that hard. Just keep showing up and doing the next right thing. Happy Father’s Day to all the dads out there.

  • @clairehiggins7120
    @clairehiggins7120 6 років тому +2

    My dad was an Irish man who enjoyed making people laugh, he was murdered when I was 7 and I miss him very much, explaining to my daughter why her grandad John in the photos she looks at can’t be here with us is the hardest thing I have ever had to do.

  • @lezbotiger8894
    @lezbotiger8894 6 років тому

    Even though it's been 18 years without him it still feels like yesterday. I still miss him. My dad was loved by many. He made everyone laugh with his jokes and story's. My dad would give my mom, me, and sister's flowers and candy on Valentine's day. We were his favorite girls in his life. I can go on an on about him, but this is long enough. I got to save room for other comments.

  • @jimaleekell5433
    @jimaleekell5433 6 років тому +1

    Thanks mayim! I miss my father too.

  • @pbustos4145
    @pbustos4145 6 років тому +1

    My husband passed 6/3/18 and this will be the first Fathers Day my children will celebrate him without him.....💔

    • @deemariedubois4916
      @deemariedubois4916 6 років тому

      P Bustos I'm so sorry for your loss. My condolences are heart felt. My husband is my best friend. I know Father's Day will be painful for you and of course for them. May God ease your and your children's pain. God bless.

  • @nehemiedorvil5479
    @nehemiedorvil5479 5 років тому

    My Dad always love Father’s Day

  • @malkaringel7864
    @malkaringel7864 6 років тому +7

    I think you had a wonderful family that exposed you to so many talents. Sorry for your continued yearning through the loss of your dad. Somehow it's not a reminder yearly as I just accept it, matter of fact. My story is too long: so I will just state that my father was a wise n complicated man, who could not discuss certain direly important topics. Lets clear the air n settle something. No, we swept feelings under the carpet n pretended that nothing in the family was amiss ! Worst action. Too much was wrong-keep it inside n it will eat you alive...lost to cancer n brave fight. He was just 60, may he rest in peace. Love you Mayim. Thx

  • @Arixad
    @Arixad 6 років тому +1

    such a moving and lovely video, thank you

  • @glendaharris4776
    @glendaharris4776 6 років тому

    I lost my dad a long time ago 1977 and I lost my mom last year, I am a 58 year old orphan lol, you never stop missing your parents. Keep them in your thoughts and prayers.

  • @journeebell7119
    @journeebell7119 4 місяці тому

    This is the second father's day for me and my siblings without my dad

  • @ccl005jn
    @ccl005jn 6 років тому +1

    I didn't meet my father until I was almost 18. He left my Mum and 3 kids, I'm the youngest and just went off to live his life. I have only a few memories of my Dad and they are from adulthood. He died 11 years ago and I never got to a place where I could ask all the whys rolling around in my head. Why did he leave, why did he never contact us until we were grown. When he died I cried, not for him but for what should have been and never was. Fathers day only started to mean something to me when I had children, my husband is a good Dad and when I gained a father-in-law who has been more of a Dad to me than mine ever was. You have some lovely memories . P.S Today would have been my Dads birthday, I still remember it every year whether I want to or not. P.P.S. Your Dad was quite a looker.....lol.

  • @FlagsoftheWorldTube
    @FlagsoftheWorldTube 6 років тому +1

    Happy Fathers Day All!

  • @k8lynmae
    @k8lynmae 6 років тому

    Oh Baba, such a sweet video and what an Amazing, Special and Loving relationship You had with Your Father. That says a LOT that Your father was happy to be woken up. Shaaa. I also love the part when You said You were still in Your Mothers tummy waiting to be created and born. SO Beautiful, Mayim xoxox

  • @truediva18
    @truediva18 6 років тому

    Mother's day and Father's day are horrible days for me. My dad died in 2015, and my mom died in 2017. Holidays have not been good for me, even though we didn't have the family bond. Everyone just lived separately in the same house. I have no pictures of my father, and very few of my mom. I don't have fond memories of my dad like Mayim. I always said that if I have to have children, things would be different. The love that I wish I got from them, I have placed on my niece, godchildren, and my friends' kids.

  • @patriciagallant8133
    @patriciagallant8133 6 років тому

    Your parents actually look like the couple from US. My father passed away in 2006 of a massive stroke. So unexpected, such a shock. And yes, I think about him and talk to him every single day. I miss him so much. Happy Father's Day John The Bird.

  • @tonianne776
    @tonianne776 6 років тому

    My dad was around in my life untill i was around 5 years old. My parents devorced and he remarried. The bond between us faded has he didnt make much efforts with me and my bio syblings anymore. And eventually at age 12 the contact stopped.
    Its bitter sweet farthers day has i wish my dad loved me. Hes alive always known where i am but yet never comes. Ive not seen him in 14 years

  • @micheleoftheoaks5506
    @micheleoftheoaks5506 6 років тому +1

    My dad's hands are something I remember also.

  • @maddimoomanga790
    @maddimoomanga790 6 років тому

    I'm in the same situation my dad passed away in 2014 when I was only 16. He died of type 2 diabetes he didn't even know he had. And I found his body. It was probably the most horrible experience of my life. 4 years on I still miss my dad and I still cry sometimes thinking about how much I wish he could be here still. My dad wasn't just a dad to me he was my best friend. We used to sit and talk for hours when I would go to his house (my parents were separated nearly all my life). I really miss talking to him.

  • @RZ-th9hj
    @RZ-th9hj 6 років тому

    Loved this. Thank you for sharing with us ❤️

  • @danatov1099
    @danatov1099 6 років тому

    Why are you so amazing?
    I love you Mayim!

  • @zitahorvathova9716
    @zitahorvathova9716 6 років тому

    My father is dead since I was 1yo, teenage years were the worst whiteout him, but then I realized life must go on, and now I am very positive person and mentally strong. So each disadvantages have its advantages.😊(sry for grammar I am from Slovakia)