1983 Ryen Family Murders - Chino Hills, CA Part 2 of 2

  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024
  • On this video I state my opinion based on all that has been said about the Ryen family murders. The documentary that came out recently in regards to the murders was in my opinion disturbing. This leaves with a question: Where there more suspects involved?
    UPDATE 12/24/18: Apparently Governor Jerry Brown ordered new DNA tests be conducted on key evidence. This will be interesting...


  • @forreal245
    @forreal245 6 років тому +22

    Joshua Ryen's court statement in the Kevin Cooper execution case
    Joshua Ryen made the following statement during a hearing in U.S. District Court in San Diego on Friday, April 22, 2005. Ryen is the sole survivor of a 1983 hatchet massacre in Chino Hills in which his parents, sister and friend were killed. Ryen, then 8, survived the attack despite having his throat slashed.
    The first time I met Kevin Cooper I was 8 years old and he slit my throat. He hit me with a hatchet and put a hole in my skull. He stabbed me twice, which broke my ribs and collapsed one lung. I lived only because I stuck four fingers in my neck to slow the bleeding, but I was too weak to move. I laid there 11 hours looking at my mother who was right beside me.
    I know now he came through the sliding glass door and attacked my dad first. He was lying on the bed and was struck in the dark without warning with the hatchet and knife. He was hit many times because there is a lot of blood on the wall on his side of the bed.
    My mother screamed and Cooper came around the bed and started hitting her. Somehow my dad was able to struggle between the bed and the closet but Cooper bludgeoned my father to death with the knife and hatchet, stabbing him 26 times and axing him 11. One of the blows severed his finger and it landed in the closet. My mother tried to get away but he caught her at the bottom of the bed and he stabbed her 25 times and axed her 7.
    All of us kids were drawn to the room by mom's screams. Jessica was killed in the doorway with 5 ax blows and 46 stabs. I won't say how many times my best friend Chris was stabbed and axed, not because it isn't important, but because I don't want to hurt his family in any way, and they are here.
    After Cooper killed everyone, and thought he had killed me, he went over to my sister and lifted her shirt and drew things on her stomach with the knife. Then he walked down the hallway, opened the refrigerator, and had a beer. I guess killing so many people can make a man thirsty.
    I don't want to be here. I came because I owe it to my family, who can't speak for themselves. But by coming I am acknowledging and validating the existence of Kevin Cooper, who should have been blotted from the face of the earth a long time ago. By coming here it shows that he still controls me. I will be free, my life will start, the day Kevin Cooper dies. I want to be rid of him, but he won't go away.
    I've been trying to get away from him since I was 8 years and I can't escape. He haunts me and follows me. For over 20 years all I've heard is Kevin Cooper this and Kevin Cooper that. Kevin Cooper says he is innocent, Kevin Cooper says he was framed, Kevin Cooper says DNA will clear him, Kevin Cooper says blood was planted, Kevin Cooper says the tennis shoes aren't his, Kevin Cooper says three guys did it, Kevin Cooper says police planted evidence, Kevin Cooper gets another stay from another court and sends everyone off on another wild goose chase.
    The courts say there isn't any harm when Kevin Cooper gets another stay and another hearing. This just shows they don't care about me, because every time he gets another delay I am harmed and have to relive the murders all over again. Every time Kevin Cooper opens his mouth everyone wants to know what I think, what I have to say, how I'm feeling, and the whole nightmare floods all over me again: the barbecue, me begging to let Chris spend the night, me in my bed and him on the floor beside me, my mother's screams, Chris gone, dark house, hallway, bushy hair, everything black, mom cut to pieces saturated in blood, the nauseating smell of blood, eleven hours unable to move, light filtering in, Chris' father at the window, the horror of his face, sound of the front door splintering, my pajamas being cut off, people trying to save me, the whap whap of the helicopter blades, shouted questions, everything fading to black.
    Every time Cooper claims he's innocent and sends people scurrying off on another wild goose chase I have to relive the murders all over again. It runs like a horror movie, over and over again and never stops because he never shuts up. He puts PR people on national television who say outrageous things and then the press wants to know what I think. What I think is that I would like to be rid of Kevin Cooper. I would like for him to go away. I would like to never hear from Kevin Cooper again. I would like Kevin Cooper to pay for what he did.
    I dread happy times like Christmas and Thanksgiving. If I go to a friend's house on holidays I look at all the mothers and fathers and children and grandchildren and get sad because I have no one. Kevin Cooper took them from me.
    I get terrified when I go into any place dark, like a house before the lights are on. I hear screams and see flashbacks and shadows. Even with lights on I see terrible things. After I was stabbed and axed I was too weak to move and stared at my mother all night. I smelled this overpowering smell of fresh blood and knew everyone had been slaughtered.
    Every day when I comb my hair I feel the hole where he buried the hatchet in my head, and when I look in the mirror I see the scar where he cut my throat from ear to ear and I put four fingers in it to stop the bleeding which, they say, saved my life. Every year I lose hearing in my left ear where he buried the knife.
    Helicopters give me flashbacks of life flight and my Incredible Hulks being cut off by paramedics. Bushy hair reminds me of the killer. Silence reminds me of the quiet before the screams. Cooper is everywhere. There is no escape from him.
    I feel very guilty and responsible to the Hughes family because I begged them to let Chris spend the night. If I hadn't done that he wouldn't have died. I apologize to them and especially to Mr. Hughes for having to find us and see his son cut and stabbed to death.
    I thank the judge who gave my grandma custody of me because she took good care of me and loves me very much.
    I'm grateful to the ocean for giving me peace because when I go there I know my mother and father and sister's ashes are sprinkled there.
    Kevin Cooper has movie stars and Jesse Jackson holding rallies for him, people carrying signs, lighting candles, saying prayers. To them and you I say:
    I was 8 when he slit my throat,
    It was dark and I couldn't see.
    Through the night and day I laid there,
    trying to get up and flee.
    He killed my mother, father, sister, friend,
    And started stalking me.
    I try to run and flee from him but cannot get away,
    While he demands petitions and claims, some fresh absurdity.
    Justice has no ear for me nor cares about my plight,
    while crowds pray for the killer and light candles in the night.
    To those who long for justice and love truth which sets men free, When you pray your prayers tonight, please remember me.

    • @MrNico2964
      @MrNico2964  6 років тому +5

      Wow! This is one statement that I have not seen. Interesting that he mentions right after the murders that there were more than one involved in the murders. Very strange...

    • @bonniemccormack1361
      @bonniemccormack1361 6 років тому +7

      Yes, it is. I believe they counselled him a little too much. Nurses and a detective also know he said 3... Heart wrenching testimony ... cooper is a serial rapist. He's not an innocent man. New trial with proper DNA test on the hair may or may not clear him. Somewhere in this world there are women scarred for life by what he'd done to them. I think his time in jail is justified

    • @christinadeckard7614
      @christinadeckard7614 6 років тому +2

      for real I find it interesting that in the official documentary aired on television that Joshua Ryen couldn't remember anything from that night save some screams and a shadow. I'm a mystery author and if I was writing this the killer would be a cop, relative of a cop or a frame job to get rid of the convict because he had escaped, but this is why I do what I do. :)

    • @serenatwilite4005
      @serenatwilite4005 6 років тому +3

      Bonnie McCormack I too, wonder if maybe he could have been convinced over time that Cooper was the killer, since his original statement that it was 3 Mexicans is so different from this statement. i wonder how he was able to see him go to the kitchen and get a beer in such bad condition. That's an odd statement to me. It doesn't explain the hair in his sister's hand either. I'm sure he would love to think they have the killer behind bars, who wouldn't in his situation? I wonder about the bloody overalls that were disposed of, and I do wonder if someone in law enforcement could have been involved in this in some way. I wonder if possibly the parents could have seen something they weren't supposed to see, that law enforcement felt threatened by. I wonder if maybe they could have been helping Mexicans or the wearer of the bloody overalls smuggle drugs across the border from Mexico, something like that? Or found out about some other illegal dealings they were involved in. That goes thru my mind as to possible motive. The hair in the daughter's hand appears to be either white or pale blond. Is it possible she could have grasped at her brother's hair trying to get help in the midst of the struggle? As far as Cooper goes, I agree with you, he deserves his time in prison just for the rapes alone. I certainly can't feel any sympathy for him. I do find it hard to believe though, that one person could have had the stamina to do that much killing, unless they were filled with an incredible rage, or on some heavy duty drugs like amphetamines or something. Criminal profilers always say repeated stabbing is such a personal thing, and usually requires a lot of anger toward the victim.

    • @bieni78
      @bieni78 2 роки тому

      "Bushy hair "? Joshua claimed he first saw 3 white/ Mexican men shortly after the attack. Then during the trial it changed to one man with bushy hair. In his latest interview he states he rembers nothing, at best a shadow.

  • @roxibrunger6077
    @roxibrunger6077 3 роки тому +2

    Thank you for answering my questions!

  • @nomopms1
    @nomopms1 6 років тому +11

    Saying that only 1 person did this, is ridiculous. Lacks common sense. Test the darn hair!! My heart aches so much for Josh.

  • @roxibrunger6077
    @roxibrunger6077 3 роки тому +1

    Is this the back of the house or the front?

    • @MrNico2964
      @MrNico2964  3 роки тому

      Based on the odd shape of the house and lot, it’s either the back or side. The trail is on the south side.

  • @macspeed5464
    @macspeed5464 9 місяців тому

    Every time I think of chino hills I think of Lavar ball and the ball brothers. Idk what kind of trip you're on but they put the city on the map

  • @YesEthan
    @YesEthan 6 років тому +3

    Just speculating, but it may have something to do with bikers that deal meth, life threats, and greased palms. I read the station wagon had 3 seat bloody seat imprints.

    • @MrNico2964
      @MrNico2964  6 років тому +2

      Interesting that you say that. There was a local bar that is no longer there that entertained bikers. Rumor says that someone heard a couple guys talking about murdering the night before. Not sure if this was part of the investigation.

    • @YesEthan
      @YesEthan 6 років тому +3

      The police probably did. I'm sure when Furrow was in prison he met some folks that run around with bikers who dealt meth. The lady that found the bloody coveralls said they did drugs. San Diego was the meth capital in the 80s. Or maybe the Ryen, the husband saw something he shouldn't have and they were murder in retaliation.

    • @MrNico2964
      @MrNico2964  6 років тому +1

      Well, the bottom line and also speculating is that there had to be more to these murders. I have no ties to the Ryen family, Its just that the house keeps appearing when I go to specific places in Chino Hills. I've never had a strong gut feeling about something as I do this.

    • @hertribe1978
      @hertribe1978 6 років тому

      No Meth dealers-not related, to this story,

    • @serenatwilite4005
      @serenatwilite4005 6 років тому

      Solarius This is where my intuition goes as far as theory and motive. i think some of law enforcement in the area were probably getting their hands dirty with it (drugs) and were involved in this murder. i think they must have thought the Ryen's knew something that could incriminate them, or possibly the Ryen's were involved themselves in some way.

  • @jeanettemc14
    @jeanettemc14 7 років тому +2

    That poor family this was an horrific crime and it sounds like the escaped prisoner was the culprit because of the DNA evidence. Did he work alone? maybe not. It sounds like he was there, lots of evidence to back it up. My thoughts and sympathy are with the family not the perpetrator, he deserves whats coming to him.

    • @MrNico2964
      @MrNico2964  7 років тому +1

      I'm not sure how the survivor Josh Ryen feels about this today. Although he may want to forget about this tragedy, I feel he was a brave hero, and I think the City of Chino Hills should name the community park that sits below the house after him.

    • @jeanettemc14
      @jeanettemc14 7 років тому +1

      I have read that Josh Ryen believes that Cooper was the murderer, it sounds abit too convenient that he was hiding in the house next door but claims he had nothing to do with the crime, he didn't mind killing these innocent people but now he wants to save his own worthless butt. It would be a nice idea to call the park after the Ryen family.

    • @markuseggern515
      @markuseggern515 6 років тому +1

      Guilty... with evidence

    • @ryanmoore6801
      @ryanmoore6801 6 років тому

      Not really. Considering how corrupt san bernardino is and the funny business surrounding it.......Yeah I'm going with Lee Furrow

    • @orvil9223
      @orvil9223 6 років тому +2

      The evidence was planted - read the NY Times article.....www.nytimes.com/interactive/2018/05/17/opinion/sunday/kevin-cooper-california-death-row.html

  • @ZeldaZelda-RichesToRags
    @ZeldaZelda-RichesToRags 6 років тому

    I used to live in that area and Mira Loma, Norco, La Sierra 50 yrs ago....oyeee, i'm getting old...green mist? is that from that dam south of Chino Hills..I also lived on Pinehurst, a dairy in Chino.

    • @MrNico2964
      @MrNico2964  6 років тому +2

      Zelda Zelda The “Green Mist” was due to the testing of chemicals at Aerojet in Chino Hills. This chemical would produce a green gas, and when it was foggy, a green mist would occur. Back in the day it was considered a place to take your guy/girl friend. 😎

    • @jshearouse
      @jshearouse 5 років тому

      The green mist. We'd take people not from the area up there. It scared the hell out of them! Ha! After the murders, never again.

  • @catmagic2226
    @catmagic2226 6 років тому +3

    there is a doc somewhere about a woman who TURNED IN THE COVERALLS.
    There was a witness in a bar/restaurant who saw 2 men who where acting bizarre.
    Cooper was in the wrong place wrong time.
    There were 2.
    Not black.
    I too am sure the wrong man was arrested for this.
    I'm with u...if I could, I have some cases I'd like to do what you're doing now.
    Thanks for doing this.
    I know the boy said at first 3 men then he said he never saw anything.
    I think there is caution in case of reprisal.

  • @angshusarma1908
    @angshusarma1908 5 років тому

    Test the God daam blond hair

    • @MrNico2964
      @MrNico2964  5 років тому

      Angshu Sarma At the beginning of the year it was ordered to have ALL evidence go through DNA testing. We should here some interesting results soon.

    • @angshusarma1908
      @angshusarma1908 5 років тому

      @@MrNico2964 ...then it's good. The family should get justice.

    • @bobbyowens7945
      @bobbyowens7945 4 роки тому

      The test of the hair will be big in this case....just don't understand why it wasn't tested back then....make you wonder....alot is not adding up....Cooper is innocent of this crime.

  • @broeheemed32
    @broeheemed32 10 місяців тому +1

    You "seem like" the kind of guy that should never serve on a jury. It doesn't matter how you "feel". There was more than enough evidence to prove that Cooper was there, that he butchered those people, and stole their car afterward. Your theory that one person couldn't kill all those people is not accurate. All he did was attack the man first. One or two serious stabs would have put him out of commission quickly. The other victims were considerably less of a threat to Cooper, so he just attacked them one after another. There are so many bits that point straight to him, and zero to suggest anyone else. One that no one talks about is that the Ryen's car was found (with his DNA in it) by Long Beach harbor, and Cooper was arrested shortly afterward, on....... a boat. This isn't about "social justice" or anything racial at all. It's about a feral animal lashing out at the world he hated, and about a beautiful, happy, successful family that was brutally erased from this Earth.

  • @kimlersue
    @kimlersue 6 років тому +9

    Cooper was an escaped prisoner.....and his DNA is all over the crime scene. HE WAS THERE!

    • @ryanmoore6801
      @ryanmoore6801 6 років тому +4

      Uh no there wasn't. Only one blood stains was actually proven to be his and THAT wasn't even the case since Gregonis purposefully wasted the sample AND was caught lying about it (he claimed that he didn't lie about his notes when he did and went back to change his results when it got a different enzyme)

    • @orvil9223
      @orvil9223 6 років тому +5

      His DNA was NOT anywhere! The same lab technician who "found" the evidence against him was convicted 10 years later of planting evidence in another case - Kevin Cooper was in prison for burglary and had ESCAPED - escaped convicts don't do things to draw attention to where they are and there is a TON of evidence as to who the real killers were....www.nytimes.com/interactive/2018/05/17/opinion/sunday/kevin-cooper-california-death-row.html

    • @mreastla2953
      @mreastla2953 4 роки тому

      Kitty Watson all over really. You mean the sample that was found smeared on the wall by the detective who framed him

    • @harlzworstt
      @harlzworstt 3 місяці тому

      The blood drop that was planted on him ?

  • @forreal245
    @forreal245 6 років тому +3

    "...kinda sad..."? No. A horrific tragedy committed by a psychopath... yes. Unsure how Joshue feels today, go to Daily Bulletin Special & read:
    The lone survivor of a Chino Hills hatchet massacre made the following statement during a hearing in U.S. District Court in San Diego on Friday, April 22, 2005.

  • @donnamason354
    @donnamason354 Рік тому

    This appears to be a COVER UP!!!!
    I believe that if Cooper had been been involved, that he would have given up the names of those that were accomplices.

  • @MrZola1234
    @MrZola1234 6 років тому +8

    I believe the original house was torn down. As for, did he act on his own? One man could do the crime, if he got to the parent's room without them waking, and got a very good blow to the father, then hit the mother as she woke and screamed. This would have been a very risky proposition to undertake though, which would make it unusual for one perpetrator to try.

    • @MrNico2964
      @MrNico2964  6 років тому +1

      A very bizarre event. By the way, the home where the Ryen's lived is still there. However, its been remodeled. The house where Cooper hid is still there. A public trail (Eucalyptus Loop) runs past both homes.

    • @forreal245
      @forreal245 6 років тому +1

      MrZola123...I totally agree. Incapacitate the sleeping husband with an ax blow, strike the wife down, finish off husband, then wife. 3 small children against an adult with an ax & knife...they didn't have a chance.

    • @bark8650
      @bark8650 6 років тому +3

      Why would he do this savage butchering? Then take car and leave cash behind when he was on the run? It seems maybe he tipped off others of the family as a target and assisted them but, for what? Revenge not robbery. What is missing here is motive. We need the hair DNA.

    • @MrZola1234
      @MrZola1234 2 роки тому

      @@bark8650 his DNA is already tied to the actual house of the crime…the only question at this point is did he act alone. The hair DNA one way or the other does not change that his DNA was found at the scene of the crime. Keep in mind, motive is not an element of any crime, prosecutors present it as part of the story, because jurors want it for getting to beyond a reasonable doubt.

  • @kimlersue
    @kimlersue 6 років тому +11


  • @jshearouse
    @jshearouse 5 років тому +3

    If he was in the home, he knows who else did it. Speak up.

    • @MrNico2964
      @MrNico2964  5 років тому

      To be honest, I don't think he was. The blood that placed him there contained the chemical used to preserve blood in a vile.

  • @melpost8117
    @melpost8117 3 роки тому +2

    Its possible it was people the parents knew or acquaintances as just the car was taken , no money or valuables so what could the motive have been ? majority of murders occur by someone they person knew . Someone knows something and perhaps they are too scared to speak up but those individuals or individual are most likely either deceased or elderly . Agree this case should not be forgotten as justice hasn't been served , Joshua his relatives deserves answers so that the family can rest and find some peace , beyond horrific beyond sad 😢

    • @MrNico2964
      @MrNico2964  3 роки тому

      Many have said that it was an Arabian Horse deal that went wrong.

  • @timhawks4090
    @timhawks4090 2 роки тому +1

    My dad was a San Bernardino County Sheriff when that happened and he said they had to remove an entire wall for evidence

    • @MrNico2964
      @MrNico2964  2 роки тому

      Yes! And if I recall the walls were stored in a hot climate that destroyed evidence.

  • @roxibrunger6077
    @roxibrunger6077 3 роки тому +1

    Was the Ryens house ever torn down?

    • @MrNico2964
      @MrNico2964  3 роки тому

      Many thought it was torn down. But it’s still there…just remodeled.

  • @roxibrunger6077
    @roxibrunger6077 3 роки тому +1

    Has the house been repainted sense 1983?

    • @MrNico2964
      @MrNico2964  3 роки тому

      The house has been remodeled since 1983.

  • @robertjordinelli3041
    @robertjordinelli3041 2 роки тому +1

    I had an aunt and uncle who lived down the road from the prison on a cattle ranch. We used to drive down the 71 when it was a 2 lane highway. Earliest memory of them was feeding baby goats with bottle when I was 3 in 1969. Also used to picnic with my family in rural park in Los Serranos, possibly same park. Later, I worked at Chino hills Lowe's. I have a lot of memories and I remember being shocked by this case in 83.

  • @hydro1334
    @hydro1334 Рік тому

    If anyone comes to this house and someone who is NOT law enforcement tries to tell you to leave PLEASE LAUGH IN THERE FACE 😂😂😂

  • @serenatwilite4005
    @serenatwilite4005 6 років тому +1

    Very interesting to see the video you did on this, and to hear your recollections about that time. I understand your attitude too, about not caring what the neighbors think, because it is unbelievable to me that neighborhoods want to think that they can just bury their heads in the sand, and people will forget about that kind of a massacre. Even more unbelievable to me, is the fact that people can move in, and live in houses where something like that occurred. I don't care how much remodeling you do, how do you sleep in a bedroom at night knowing someone died right where your bed is placed, or on the floor beside it? When there are so many other choices of places to live? I really wonder what kind of mentality that takes, to be able to live happily in a place like that. Not judging necessarily, just curious as hell about it. I lived in a neighborhood a few decades ago where a murder had occurred, where there was a lot of struggle involved. Somebody did some remodeling and moved in pretty soon after. They claimed to be from out of town and knew nothing about it, but it was a case that garnered a lot of newspaper coverage, and eventually had a book and documentary done about it. I used to drive by it occasionally, it was a very ordinary looking house and it was just bizarre to think about what had gone on in there. You can't help but be curious about something like that. Even more bizarre, it was a next door neighbor who had been the killer. He was a firefighter who had grown up in the neighborhood and was thought of as a local hero before his conviction.

  • @florencewheatley6378
    @florencewheatley6378 5 років тому +3

    I think law enforcement tampered with evidence. And they should without question test that hair sample...and be held accountable that they would not test it.

  • @Christine-dg1rc
    @Christine-dg1rc 3 роки тому

    Where is Part 1????

  • @ZeldaZelda-RichesToRags
    @ZeldaZelda-RichesToRags 6 років тому +3

    Very puzzling story indeed...My family all lived in Chino Hills...something about this case is terribly messed up...thrown away coveralls, hair in childs hand never tested...what the heck?
    Justice has not been served and those doing the sloppy work and responsible for this murder will face God one day..one guy cannot do all what was done to the 4/5 victims.

  • @skippiejames779
    @skippiejames779 5 років тому

    Have ever heard of the "buddy system"? If not this how it works, if you in all will be done to protect you if not well nothing will be done to help you. The buddy system sticks together. I think it was more than one person. Is there a relationship to anybody involved?

    • @melpost8117
      @melpost8117 3 роки тому

      I have a strange Erie feeling the parents knew the attackers or knew of them as nothing but the car was stolen also the manner in which the victims were murdered was over kill which screams rage to me the individuals were full of anger . The blond hair needs to be tested as the family deserves justice

  • @00SynchronFan00
    @00SynchronFan00 6 років тому

    are there still horses on the ryen proberty? Were all horses sold or took somebody the stable over?

    • @MrNico2964
      @MrNico2964  6 років тому +1

      Ryen home is located in an area where many board their horses. If I'm correct, whoever bought the Ryen home annexed the property next to them for horses, and other animals. I think there is a Equine Hospital there as well.

  • @jeffhelm7581
    @jeffhelm7581 6 років тому

    Dude, that's private property, please stay off. The house was torn down years ago. The bar people mention was the Canyon Coral. There was some sloppy police work in the investigation and when I heard Tidwell was the lead sheriff things got more suspicious. I'm curious about the father, what was his deal ?

    • @MrNico2964
      @MrNico2964  6 років тому +3

      Jeff Helm I heard that Tidwell should have not been Sheriff of San Bernardino County. There are many articles about him. I filmed this on a public trail called Eucalyptus Loop. Many people utilize it. Also, House is still there, just remodeled. There are so many articles, and speculations about this. I just can’t believe how this investigation was screwed up...just my opinion.

    • @jeffhelm7581
      @jeffhelm7581 6 років тому

      articles.latimes.com/2004/may/11/local/me-sheriff11 . His kids were pretty wild as well, in fact when his son got busted is what led law enforcement to the Sheriff. My dad was a local realtor at the time, He had that house listed at one time. I was told they leveled that house, I'm going to check that out. My good friend lived across the street at the time and I was at Chino High School. Once they had evidence Cooper had been on that property, the SB sheriff wanted a conviction. Tidwell just became the Head Sheriff of the county too. Very sloppy work for sure

    • @ingridclare7411
      @ingridclare7411 6 років тому

      If you look up the house and its recent property listings, (2951 English Pl/Rd) you see under the property notes that the house was built in 1981..Likely built for the Ryen family... So it wasnt torn down by the sounds, just altered, added too etc etc..

    • @jshearouse
      @jshearouse 5 років тому

      Jeff, I believe we went to school together. Chino high, class of '86. My last name waa Bakies. Krys was my older sister.

  • @Anita-k
    @Anita-k 6 років тому +1

    Same here. Even think that Josh and his grandma were forced to pretend believing inthe DNA results and the system. Very sad case, should be investigated again but probably never will. Or maybe in a few decades whenall people involved are dead and Josh is an old man. Very tragic case indeed!

  • @jshearouse
    @jshearouse 5 років тому

    I grew up in Chino. I will never forget the night it came on the news. "Chino summer of fear". Christophers father found them. So horrible.

    • @MrNico2964
      @MrNico2964  5 років тому

      It was sad. My kids go to school there, and I can't help thinking about it.

    • @jshearouse
      @jshearouse 5 років тому

      I was in 9th grade. My friend lived in Chino Hills. They could see the house from my friends bedroom. I remember Christophers dad lost it. He found all the bodies. Everyone felt so bad for him.

    • @MrNico2964
      @MrNico2964  5 років тому +2

      @@jshearouse It was a terrible situation. I always remembered seeing those unique palm trees going up their driveway. . .even before the murders.

    • @jshearouse
      @jshearouse 5 років тому

      @@MrNico2964 Christophers dad used to walk around Chino, asking if anyone had seen his son. My heart broke for him. Kind of the forgotten victim.

    • @MrNico2964
      @MrNico2964  5 років тому

      @@jshearouse Oh my goodness! I never knew that. Is he still living?

  • @catmagic2226
    @catmagic2226 5 років тому +1

    I know that guy didnt do it.
    They found blond hair in the daughter's hand.
    The coveralls.
    I mean, come on.
    Initially the boy said he remembered 2 men.
    Later he said he remembered nothing.

  • @heehehehehhehehheheh1106
    @heehehehehhehehheheh1106 4 роки тому

    The boy said that he saw three men in the beginning so nobody told him to say that like really why would he do that I thought he’s just trying to get justice and answers and the people who we rely on coached him that there were one person in the house and that’s just this disgusting to me