As a pyke OTP, I like watching high tier pyke gameplay but the thing that I find hard is that these pyke players love to pick different item builds which I find hard to reason as to why they'd pick it like in this video where he picked cyclosword first item. The slow wouldn't be proceed as often because of the dual spell shield and if he wanted damage, wouldn't opportunity be better? Just a genuine question from a lower ranked pyke otp
As a pyke OTP, I like watching high tier pyke gameplay but the thing that I find hard is that these pyke players love to pick different item builds which I find hard to reason as to why they'd pick it like in this video where he picked cyclosword first item. The slow wouldn't be proceed as often because of the dual spell shield and if he wanted damage, wouldn't opportunity be better? Just a genuine question from a lower ranked pyke otp
Mostly just for fun I think, pykes first item doesn't matter too much compared to other champs
ashuai is the best pyke in china
Bard,rell pls