Bucharest Romania | Inside Palace of the Parliament | Biggest Administrative Building in the World

  • Опубліковано 16 січ 2025


    @VREMESS 7 місяців тому +3

    o cladire superba

  • @ragoonsgg589
    @ragoonsgg589 2 місяці тому

    Is it like this every day in Romania? Or is it a special event ?

    • @TravelHub4K
      @TravelHub4K  2 місяці тому

      It was opened for public with free entry on children’s day. Normally, public access is paid and on specific days. Here is the link for more details www.getyourguide.com/-l4247/-tc123/?cmp=ga&cq_src=google_ads&cq_cmp=6657312655&cq_con=80200236214&cq_term=palace%20of%20parliament%20tickets&cq_med=&cq_plac=&cq_net=g&cq_pos=&cq_plt=gp&campaign_id=6657312655&adgroup_id=80200236214&target_id=kwd-310139619087&loc_physical_ms=9197708&match_type=e&ad_id=456152901272&keyword=palace%20of%20parliament%20tickets&ad_position=&feed_item_id=&placement=&device=m&partner_id=CD951&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADmzJCM9J-NsPu0oUHWHGgsF0NbHS&gclid=CjwKCAjw1NK4BhAwEiwAVUHPUDdR1crBUCeXcAzCPIe-Zr2jiT6jfl1syQ7YieQh1yduWAoIUT3CCRoCzS8QAvD_BwE

    • @MihaiMarinescuJr
      @MihaiMarinescuJr 2 місяці тому +3

      I can add that the military equipment was indeed a special event. Of course we do not have tanks there!😂

    • @ragoonsgg589
      @ragoonsgg589 2 місяці тому +2

      @MihaiMarinescuJr lol it looked so lively and exciting