Protect personal data-Video surveillance at work in the workplace. Arbitrage practice

  • Опубліковано 13 вер 2024
  • I will talk about Video surveillance at work in the workplace. Arbitrage practice. Protect your personal data.
    *) The concept and basic principles of video surveillance in the workplace.
    *) Video surveillance by the employer of their employees.
    *) Judicial practice - Decisions of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine dated January 20, 2012 No. 2-rp / 2012 -
    By the decision of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine dated January 20, 2012, No. 2-rp / 2012, which examined the issues of what should be understood as information about personal life, as well as whether there is a collection, storage, use and dissemination of information about a person by interference with his personal life, personal life of an individual is his behavior in the sphere of personal, family, household, intimate, sociable, professional, business and other relations outside of social activities, which is carried out, in particular, when the person performs the functions of the state or local government bodies. The Convention and Practice of the European Court of Human Rights, in accordance with the provisions of Article 17 of the Law of Ukraine "On the Execution of Decisions and Application of the Practice of the European Court of Human Rights", is a source of law for Ukrainian courts when considering cases.
    For those who are here for the first time, the Expert channel `` IMPLEMENTATION OF LEGAL RIGHT '' is dedicated to legal CONSULTATIONS, aimed at increasing the literacy of the population. The video is accompanied by ready-to-use guidelines. All the stories from practice, where I solved similar issues. Galina Kovtun, specialist in the field of law. Known for its unconventional look and practicality. I place emphasis on value, the benefit at which you will save, earn, acquire.
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    Circulation scheme.
    1) Please describe what result you want to get (your task, goal)?
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    4) We will determine if my service can solve everything that you described. + I voice what documents for work will be required from the client. It is important for me to find out exactly what tasks my client has now and in the future, and only then I propose a solution.
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    Normative base:
    Convention about the seizure of human rights and fundamental freedoms.
    Constitution of Ukraine.
    Code of Laws on Pratsyu Ukraine.
    The Crimean Code of Ukraine.
    Civil Code of Ukraine.
    The Law of Ukraine "About the decision and storing of the practice of the European court on the rights of the people"
    Law of Ukraine "About the seizure of personal tributes".
    Decision of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine dated January 20, 2012 No. 2-rp / 2012 for the Constitutional Submissions of the Zhashkiv district for the sake of the Cherkasy region as well as the official regulations of parts of the first, other Ukrainian statutes 32, parts of other statutes 34, parts of other statutes