Zero Turn Hydrostatic Transmission Fix - NO REMOVAL!!!

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @3acreHomestead
    @3acreHomestead Рік тому +20

    I was sold on the subscription when you pointed out your mistake. That’s genuine and exactly the type of people I want to be watching and taking advice from.

    • @MowerMike
      @MowerMike  Рік тому +2

      I appreciate that. I am different than the other guys fixing mowers on UA-cam, I don’t do this professionally and thus make a lot of mistakes. But that is half the fun right, welcome aboard.

  • @njstorozuk
    @njstorozuk 9 місяців тому +1

    I'm here to very carefully explain that this is extremely valuable to me as a landscaping business owner who functions as his own mechanic.
    Thank you for these in depth, high quality videos.

    • @MowerMike
      @MowerMike  9 місяців тому

      Very cool, glad it helped out. I am just winging it here

  • @ducttape4177
    @ducttape4177 2 роки тому +25

    Mower Mike, I was having hydrostatic transmission problems with my Cub Cadet ProZ 500/560 until I watched your video. I followed a few of the tips you offered in the video. Thanks to you and less than an hour of my work, I was able to resolve the transmission problem WITHOUT having to pull the transmission. I'm from Texas and living in Virginia. Keep up the great work & posting brother!

    • @MowerMike
      @MowerMike  2 роки тому +1

      That is great to hear. Thousands of people of watched that clip but no one has actually told me it helped them fix their issue till you. Time to get to mowin!

    • @rpmzzz
      @rpmzzz 2 роки тому

      @@MowerMike Great channel, never had a problem with this just wondering what to look at next?

    • @MowerMike
      @MowerMike  2 роки тому

      @@rpmzzz Should look ontop of that plate and see what is leaking not under it

    • @M8NTIS
      @M8NTIS 15 днів тому

      What was your issue and how did you fix it? I’ve got a Pro Z 554S with issues. Parker HTE trans.

  • @deanspavingexcavating2435
    @deanspavingexcavating2435 Рік тому +1

    Hey Mike thanks for getting back with me. Hat off to you brother for these very informative videos you make for all of us. I just did mine ordered the fluid it took about an 45 minutes or so to finally get it running smoothly again! I couldn’t have done it without your guidance!!

    • @MowerMike
      @MowerMike  Рік тому +1

      That is great news. Well done on tackling a transmission and not being scared of it. Merry Christmas!

  • @richardmoore1110
    @richardmoore1110 8 місяців тому +1

    I really appreciate your post, I’ve been having trouble with the steering on my Badboy for a while now, I was about to trade the ol boy in I’ve had it since 2011 BUT i watched your video with an easy fix (loose belt who would have known not me lol). Running like a new champ again. Thanks for sharing your knowledge and advice.

    • @MowerMike
      @MowerMike  8 місяців тому

      Hey that is great news, well done. Sometimes it is the smallest things!

  • @dobermangang6216
    @dobermangang6216 Рік тому +4

    You just fixed my zero turn, my pulley was stuck and not getting my belt tight, now it’s like a brand new one. Thanks a lot Gravely zt1540

    • @MowerMike
      @MowerMike  Рік тому +2

      Nope you fixed it, congrats! I am about to drop a lot of Gravely videos, those are some great mowers. Stay tuned!

  • @rbabusrisaisakthi2893
    @rbabusrisaisakthi2893 Рік тому +40

    I expect this mower will last several seasons with decent care. also recommend Also, I ran across the problem with it not starting the 2nd time I used it. There is a safety switch which is pushed in by the chute or mulching piece being attached to the deck. I took the cover off and it wouldn't start. Put it back on, no problem. It takes only a minute with 2 easily accessible wingnuts and no tools. This mower starts up first crank each time and it is a joy to use. It also mows in reverse by putting the key to the reverse area after starting and pushing in the triangular button. It will stay in reverse mode until you turn it off. All in all, for my homeowner needs, I really like this mower-and at 70 bucks a cut here in Miami, it's already more than 1/3 paid for itself in a month.

  • @pappirango
    @pappirango 2 роки тому +7

    Dude! You saved me a ton of cash with this!
    2 mower shops said it needed a new hydro gear.

    • @MowerMike
      @MowerMike  2 роки тому +1

      Nice glad to help. Was it just the charge pump tube?

    • @pappirango
      @pappirango 2 роки тому +2

      The pump/plate, total win thanks to your video.

  • @princesstinkerbell7297
    @princesstinkerbell7297 3 роки тому +11

    Hi Mike,
    Tori here. Thanks so much for the video! My Troy-Bilt Mustang RZT 50 trans’ (BOTH) feel weak and are whining. I’ll take a look at “him” (I named my Zero-turn “Steve”🥰) today to see if the trans’ are serviceable. If so, I am confident I can make Steve strong again thanks to your very clear and concise content.
    I just subscribed to your channel because, well, Steve has a few things needing repaired. If I’m being honest, I have downright neglected poor Steve because working on zero-turn mowers was intimidating before finding your videos.
    One last thing. I want you to know that your content is not only helping me, a single mother, save a TON of money, it is also being utilized to teach my two amazing young men (13&14) essential life skills! They may not have a man in their lives to teach them “manly” skills, but mama’s got their back! Thanks again for sharing your skills so I can pass them along my young men. You are a blessing!
    Many blessings,
    Me: *Walks out to check on Steve singing ‘INVISIBLE’!* 🤣😂🤣

    • @princesstinkerbell7297
      @princesstinkerbell7297 3 роки тому

      Well, as you may have guessed, they are not serviceable. 😒 I need to order some parts and seals etc. from Amazon and crack them open one at a time to service them. I’ll be doing lots of research first though. Wish me luck. 🤣

    • @MowerMike
      @MowerMike  3 роки тому +1

      Ah shucks you are making me tear up here. I appreciate the kind words. Good luck with Steve just take it one step at a time. I will keep churning out videos so I can teach those boys everything I know about wrenchin!
      My dad didn’t teach me a thing about working on stuff, is all self learned. Whatever their passion is in life they will find a way to dive in and learn. Mine just always seemed to involve speed and gas motors lol.

    • @MowerMike
      @MowerMike  3 роки тому +4

      One more thing, before you start tearing apart the transmissions make sure Steve has a good tight belt. It both trans are equally whining and weak I doubt that they need to be rebuilt. Usually it would just be one goes bad. My guess is the belt is loose or worn out since that belt runs both transmissions.

  • @chairrider2462
    @chairrider2462 3 місяці тому +2

    Those little seals are called triple o ring seals. On my 14 year old ZT3100 Hydro's the right side was making screaming noises as those triple o ring seals had dried up shrank and hardened over the years. The dealer told the previous owner they needed to change out the whole hydro for big bucks. The owner balked at that and sold it to me as a project for a very fair price. Mine was so old that those little seals were actually just double o ring seals. They had shrank as were loose in the bores (Hence the screaming noise of high pressure oil bypassing them) making it pretty easy to wriggle and then pull out. I lubed up two new seals and pressed them in. Installed the upgraded cover and gear and o ring kit to replace the bottom cover. Did a thorough burping procedure and all set! It did take a few hours of use to then fully burp the system and stabilize oil level in the tank. But it's been running like a dream now all Summer for me! Thank you for this great info!

    • @MowerMike
      @MowerMike  3 місяці тому +1

      Man that is so cool. I have a very old Gravely I am going to do the same thing on to bring her back to life.

  • @frankmanibusan8406
    @frankmanibusan8406 15 днів тому

    Thanks for sharing Frank from the island of Guam in the middle of the Pacific Ocean

    • @MowerMike
      @MowerMike  9 днів тому

      Wow Frank. That is a long way from Texas. Glad it helped.

  • @chrisbenjamin9394
    @chrisbenjamin9394 2 роки тому +6

    Great video! Saved me big time! Turns out it was an under tensioned belt! I was going to take it apart🤣

  • @jamessquibb7433
    @jamessquibb7433 Рік тому +1

    Mower Mike, Thank You for this video. I have a CC 54 ZT1. On the left side, the Brake Shaft keeps moving out. It as 2020 model. Any ideas

    • @MowerMike
      @MowerMike  Рік тому

      Nope never worked on a brake shaft. Good luck

  • @mikebetts3573
    @mikebetts3573 Рік тому +2

    That is a outstanding video I have never done it and it would been nice back in my younger times to work with motors I have an LT1000 Craftsman and it does not want to move now I can start looking thank you very much

  • @puterami123
    @puterami123 Рік тому +1

    Good video. I did change out the o-ring on both of my ZT-2800s since they leaked. Of course, also changed out the oil and filter on both after making sure I could remove the air bleed screws. Yet, even after going through the purge cycle 6 times, my left hydro no longer works. The disengage seems to be working correctly I verified that I put the pump cover on in the right configuration. I am at a complete loss now as to why I cannot get it to work at all any more.

    • @MowerMike
      @MowerMike  Рік тому +2

      Try unhooking the fill tube and use a funnel to fill it directly to help purge it.

    • @puterami123
      @puterami123 Рік тому +3

      @@MowerMike - Appreciate the reply. Turned the pump cover 180 degrees. I cannot for the life of me figure out how I got it turned. Even a service manual shows the cover was on right. Oh, well. Live and learn.

  • @conwayconway2177
    @conwayconway2177 8 місяців тому +1

    Hey Mr. Mike....hey what causes a hydro to work great at first then after some use it starts getting noisy and eventually doesn't want to sorta jumps in a way

    • @MowerMike
      @MowerMike  8 місяців тому +1

      My only suggestion is to make sure it is full of fluid and bleed properly

    • @conwayconway2177
      @conwayconway2177 7 місяців тому

      You think I should change the pump parts n seal like you done

  • @johnhayes81
    @johnhayes81 Рік тому +1

    Out of curiosity, do you have to drain the fluid before swapping the seals? I just changed the fluids then found the leak coming from the charge pump cap. Just trying to figure out if I need to have fluid ready to go to fill after changing them. Thanks for documenting the fix.

    • @MowerMike
      @MowerMike  Рік тому +1

      All the fluid will come out when you swap those seals so may as well be ready

    • @johnhayes81
      @johnhayes81 Рік тому

      @@MowerMike I figured so based on the hydraulic diagram, but didn't see it draining out when you pulled it so wasn't sure. Appreciate the response.

  • @Flyingaceful
    @Flyingaceful Рік тому +1

    Good video! Do you know if the Hydro-gear 2200 series can be serviced? I am thinking abut purchasing a Cub Cadet ZT1 50 which comes with hydro-gear 2200. Thanks.

    • @MowerMike
      @MowerMike  Рік тому +1

      Check out my zero turn transmission playlist. Have all the videos you could ever want on that

  • @999benhonda
    @999benhonda Рік тому +1

    I run heavy-duty, hi-lift blades. Lift is created by the kickup on the back of the blade. The megmo blades don't have much of a kick up. I've run X blades but stopped because my machine is a high end residential mower and you need a commercial machine to run them.

    • @MowerMike
      @MowerMike  Рік тому

      No idea what you are referring to but great advice (I think)

  • @simayeux1717
    @simayeux1717 Місяць тому

    Have an exmark lazer
    X series. Left side is weak. Would it be the seals

    • @MowerMike
      @MowerMike  Місяць тому

      No idea. Can adjust it to go faster

  • @enriquesanchez5703
    @enriquesanchez5703 6 місяців тому +1

    Thank you for your video!! Saved me 2000 dollars

    • @MowerMike
      @MowerMike  6 місяців тому

      Wow very cool. You fixed it though not me.

  • @markchidester6239
    @markchidester6239 5 місяців тому +4

    Maybe they should include a seal removal tool so the pump surfaces don't get gouged up from using a screwdriver to remove them.

  • @bobplummer3986
    @bobplummer3986 Рік тому

    Mower Mike, My Cub Cadet RTZ 50 has no filter or method of draining.. If I pull the bottom cover to replace the seals how can I replae the oil?
    Thank you for the video. It will be a great help.

    • @MowerMike
      @MowerMike  Рік тому

      Check out my channel have 3 videos on removing and draining a hydro with no filter.

  • @DCGdds1
    @DCGdds1 3 місяці тому

    The video said you over tightened and stripped bolt holes. Did you just retap the threads to fix? Mine is still leaking because I think I did the same thing and wondered how to fix it.

    • @MowerMike
      @MowerMike  3 місяці тому +1

      You can try tapping it with the stock thread size or just going a touch bigger. I have a video on tapping threads

  • @zappatx
    @zappatx Рік тому +2

    Thanks man!! I had no idea what I was doing so this helped majorly.. Love my Cub Cadet.

  • @Goodellsam
    @Goodellsam 3 місяці тому

    Get a set of picks from Harbor Freight. There are several in different configurations for $ 1.99. They are awesome for removing O rings and such. You might want to sharpen them a bit if the points are a bit dull.

    • @MowerMike
      @MowerMike  3 місяці тому

      Great idea. I have a set of craftsman picks now and use them all the time

    @GONZOFAM7 Рік тому

    Do you have a video on fixing/adjusting reverse? My forward speed is great, reverse not so much. Slow, sluggish and will not go up slight grade anymore.

    • @MowerMike
      @MowerMike  Рік тому +1

      Check out my zeroturn playlist. I have one on adjusting the throttle.

  • @kellystrickland2875
    @kellystrickland2875 Рік тому +1

    Thanks Mike! Tips like this save a bunch of money!

    • @MowerMike
      @MowerMike  Рік тому

      Yep glad you enjoyed, just a few tricks I have learned over the years

  • @SteerNahring
    @SteerNahring 10 днів тому

    Mike, I tried to release the transmissions on my ZTR50 one released the other didn't. Now when I tried to move it the right side is locked up. Is there a key or pin that might have broke on the release

    • @MowerMike
      @MowerMike  9 днів тому

      I have no idea. Can try wiggling that neutral lever onto of the trans. Good luck

  • @RetroCheater81
    @RetroCheater81 4 місяці тому

    If only the left side was not moving right would that be due to lack of tension on the belt or would that be a different issue?

    • @MowerMike
      @MowerMike  4 місяці тому +1

      Depends if there are two belts

  • @jremeee1599
    @jremeee1599 9 місяців тому

    I bought a used mzt61 with 3400 hydro gear transmissions. They are LOUD. It’s up near the fans from what I can tell. Both are noisy. The fluid is full. No issues with moving just noisy. Not sure if it’s ever been changed at 420 hours. I pray it’s only dirty fluid and the transmissions ain’t toasted.

    • @MowerMike
      @MowerMike  9 місяців тому

      Man they shouldn’t be loud, but as long as they are working that is the key part. I have heard mine start whining when if they get low on fluid

    • @jremeee1599
      @jremeee1599 9 місяців тому

      @@MowerMike good news, it was both idler pulleys screaming! All good to go now.

    • @MowerMike
      @MowerMike  8 місяців тому +1

      @@jremeee1599 Nice easy fix, well done

  • @marknye51.thefixitguy
    @marknye51.thefixitguy Рік тому

    On my comment that I had posted I was having an issue with a zero turn z4200 toro and what do you think the problem was ???? The belt was slipping on the left side pulley. We put an additional spring to tighten the belt and that Silver the problem ,but we went ahead and installed a new belt with a heavier spring and the mower runs and turn great.

    • @MowerMike
      @MowerMike  Рік тому +1

      Very cool, that is a relief when it can just be fixed by belt tension and not pulling the whole thing apart. Well done

  • @travisfultz
    @travisfultz 8 місяців тому

    Any ideas on how fix the hydro by pass the brass lever seem like it stuck in neutral is there way to adjust it without taking the hydro apart?

    • @MowerMike
      @MowerMike  8 місяців тому

      I would just try whacking it. Get something long and see if you can move it. Good luck

  • @c50ge
    @c50ge Рік тому

    At 2:37 you belt seems to be riding the bottom of your pulley. Belts are designed to ride on the sides of the grove not on the bottom. Not only is there less surface area for the pulley to grab the belt it is riding on a spot that will turn the at a different speed.

    • @MowerMike
      @MowerMike  Рік тому +1

      As long as she gets a ride!

  • @russudvp
    @russudvp Рік тому

    I have E355z JD. Can't find a video for this one on the hydrostatic

    • @MowerMike
      @MowerMike  Рік тому

      Never worked on that big boy but it should be similar. I have a drive belt change video on a Deere zero turn, check that out to get the belt out of the way and then you can drain the hydro based on my hydro oil change videos

  • @victoriabanaston9773
    @victoriabanaston9773 3 роки тому +1

    Hi Mike have a huskarvana sweeper with hydrostatic transmission drive . Fitted new belt but doesn't seem to want to drive . Another thing that we noticed you couldn't push it without disengaging on off lever but now we can any suggestions.

    • @MowerMike
      @MowerMike  3 роки тому

      Hi Victoria, let me first ask what is a Huskarvarna Sweeper? Is this like a parking lot sweeper

    • @victoriabanaston9773
      @victoriabanaston9773 3 роки тому

      @@MowerMike it is a ride on sweeper used for big packing sheds in Australia gearbox is upside down on this. Peerless hydrostatic transmission

    • @MowerMike
      @MowerMike  3 роки тому

      @@victoriabanaston9773 Interesting, To disengage a hydro trans there is usually a separate lever to put it in neutral. You may check it there is an adjustment on the actual drive handle to see if you can get it to push further forward. On a mower there is a screw you can shorten to let you push the handle further. Sorry I am probably not much help, I don’t even know what an Australia packing shed is lol.

    • @victoriabanaston9773
      @victoriabanaston9773 3 роки тому

      @@MowerMike your funny Mike same as your videos . It's where you pack oranges potatoes grapes and all other fruit and vegetables in boxes . If you Google k1250d karcher sweeper you will understand more. But as you have stated most of these transmissions are throw away s .

    • @MowerMike
      @MowerMike  3 роки тому

      @@victoriabanaston9773 hmm Google isn’t working on this one. All I bring up is sweepers, seems like they would mash up the grapes. Haha I am not much of an Australian agriculture guy though. Sounds like I may need to fly down and investigate.
      And no I never said these are throw aways, I still don’t know what this machine even is. All I can picture is one of those big sweepers on an ice hockey ring but pushing around oranges and taters???

  • @davidmingee3153
    @davidmingee3153 2 місяці тому

    Please show me how to change the hydro fluid on a zero turn Toro Timecutter

    • @MowerMike
      @MowerMike  2 місяці тому

      Check out my zero turn playlist. Have several, the process is similar as to the videos I have on Deere.

  • @marknye51.thefixitguy
    @marknye51.thefixitguy Рік тому +2

    Really great video and awesome explanation on how these hydrostatic axles work.
    I am a small engine tech and have a business in Kaneohe Oahu. I'm working on a Z4200 Toro zero turn mower model 74360.
    The right side transmission works great but the left side just barely turns.
    The belt seems a bit loose but we didn't think that was the issue since the right side works great
    We've made sure there is fluid and have did all the adjustments we can think of but it still wont turn any faster.
    Is this transmission in this Toro the same as in your video ??
    If not ,what else could cause this transmission to not operate properly. Thank you for the great video.

    • @MowerMike
      @MowerMike  Рік тому +1

      Wow I had to google that town, long way from Texas. Random Wikipedia fact did you know Kaneohe was home of the Hawaiian royals and they had 30 royal fish ponds! Wow what it must have been like to fish in a royal fish pond!
      Well after all that I have to say I have no idea about you hydrogear. Everything I know about those transmissions is on that video. You can always just take it off and rebuild it. There are some other videos on that.
      Good luck!

  • @stevenmiller681
    @stevenmiller681 Рік тому

    So I opened up my hydro gear 3100 on a 2011 z force S. Took the pump off, it was def leaking. But I was surprised when I didn’t find any pump seals to remove. Do some not have them?

    • @MowerMike
      @MowerMike  Рік тому

      Inside those there are not seals in the guts of it. There are some other videos online about rebuilding the unit. Good luck

  • @scoobalou
    @scoobalou 5 місяців тому

    What would cause the fwd/rev lever to have slack in it between fwd and rev function?.. everything is tight on the linkages, except something "internally"... Specifically, moving drive lever towards reverse, it moves about 2" more than the other side, with a slight "detent" feeling before engaging reverse, a bit rougher than it should..
    The right side is as smooth as a perfectly operating hydrostat drive should be, but the left side has developed a problem...

    • @MowerMike
      @MowerMike  5 місяців тому

      There is a dampener arm that goes from the arm to the top of the transmission. My guess is that it is wore out, they are super easy to replace. Good luck!

  • @samhendricks8544
    @samhendricks8544 Рік тому

    Does the flat end on the charge pump cover go towards the inside or outside or does it matter?

    • @MowerMike
      @MowerMike  Рік тому +1

      No idea lol am sure it does

  • @kutzbill
    @kutzbill 3 роки тому +3

    Hi Mike.
    I have 2 mowers I have to work on. My 2014 Cub Cadet Z-Force L 48 has a weak left drive. I have not really looked hard at it, but I now it has a good oil supply. My other mower is a 1996 725 Grasshopper gas 3 cyl. Again the left drive is weak. It has 1510 hours on it. I recently purchased it from a man who let it set a long time. It has the drives that has the filters on it, and a supply tank for the oil.
    Do you have any idea why the left drives seem to go out and the rights are still strong? I am used to larger transmissions, as I just rebuilt the Allison 6 speed in my box truck. I wanted to say thanks for the info as where to get the parts. That saves a lot of time.

    • @MowerMike
      @MowerMike  3 роки тому +9

      Both trans are completely independent so there is no reason one would go bad over the other. It just means that either the belt is slipping on that one or it’s seals/internals are weak.
      But before you do anything check the handle, there should be an adjustment screw on each side that will allow you to push that handle further forward than the other. Showing that screw is a good idea for a video now that I think of it.

  • @dougbas3980
    @dougbas3980 Рік тому

    Wow, exactly what I need to do! Thank you.
    I have a problem. My 12 YO Exmark Phazer model PHZ19KA443 s/n 641119 has Exmark part number 109-2240 for the trans-axle. It looks like the one in this video but maybe different. To get parts I need to know the Hydrogear model this trans-axle is. Is there a cross reference to get this info? The parts manual does not give part numbers for the components of the trans-axle so I am dead in the water. Any help greatly appreciated. parts for a trans-axle this old are not easy to find. Thanks, Doug

    • @MowerMike
      @MowerMike  Рік тому

      No idea I would go to your local mower shop and ask them

  • @doylecovey
    @doylecovey 4 місяці тому

    I know this is an old video but hopefully you read this and can help me out.
    I dont see any leaks. Does that mean my seals are good or should I still open it up and replace them? Spring is tight, drive belt is tight, no leaks that I can see. Only one side works and the other doesn’t.

    • @MowerMike
      @MowerMike  4 місяці тому

      Not sure what you are asking here. If it isn’t leaking then the seals are not leaking.

  • @DennisKenneybees
    @DennisKenneybees 2 роки тому +21

    Great video but watching you digging and poking with that screw driver instead of using the proper puller is nerve racking as you could damage the seat of the seal.

    • @MowerMike
      @MowerMike  2 роки тому +3

      I agree I am a complete amateur at Hydro fixing haha

    • @trojanyacht2518
      @trojanyacht2518 2 роки тому +5

      Auto transmission internal expanding snap ring pliers have serrated outsides for flat snap rings to expand outward. Just insert into plug bore and squeeze for a good grip on i.d. of plug bore and pull out. No screwdriver frustration or risk of damage to seal or bore. You're welcome!

    • @joemamma8633
      @joemamma8633 Рік тому +2

      Did u keep watching?

    • @markchidester6239
      @markchidester6239 5 місяців тому

      ​@@MowerMike I see that

    • @danielherlihy4685
      @danielherlihy4685 5 місяців тому

      I see you point. What a caveman.

  • @joec5402
    @joec5402 3 роки тому +2

    Mike - I have a 2006 husqvarna ez4217. My right side just went dead on me. Spins fine in forward and reverse on jack stands but no go under load. Has like a shuttering sound like it’s trying but it just won’t grab. Ever come across this, any ideas? I changed the fluid and it looked like coffee with a lot of creamer but I didn’t see and metal shavings anywhere. Im also able to turn the wheel even without the bypass lever engaged. Thanks

    • @MowerMike
      @MowerMike  3 роки тому

      Hmmm not sure on that one. Good luck

    • @andycalcutt2177
      @andycalcutt2177 2 роки тому

      Got the same problem with Cub Cadet ZT150. Pulled under shed after about four hours mowing all was well. Next day right axle wouldn't turn, took my truck and pulled to my shop after disengaging pumps, but right wheel is locked and dragging like a brake was on the right side. Any ideas would be GREATLY appreciated? Both sides have a few vines around axle, but left side functions fine with same or more debris around it. Going to lift up tomorrow and see if I can tell what's going on, have a bad leg so it's tough to get under it. Used to have small engine shop 40+ years ago, but not familiar with zero turn hydraulic drives. Thanks in advance to anyone for advice.

  • @miket8336
    @miket8336 Рік тому

    Any advice on when they get jumpy? For example, when I am turning, it starts turning ok, then the tire will sometimes just stop...making it jerk. Thoughts? Thanks!

  • @kr5289
    @kr5289 Рік тому

    on my gravely I have replaced that seal twice over last couple yrs. recently it started leaking again so before I mowed today, I added some oil to the reservoir as I have been doing until I get a chance to fix it again, however today as I was mowing, I guess it leaked out lot worse and one side locked up. any advice as to where to start or you think it's done too much damage. Thanks

    • @MowerMike
      @MowerMike  Рік тому

      I would fill it up with fluid and see if it will unlock and just try to run it

    • @kr5289
      @kr5289 Рік тому

      @MowerMike yeah tried that

  • @tigergreg8
    @tigergreg8 2 роки тому +1

    This may be unrelated to the video, but I do have a 2009 Cub 48" ZForce. The problem I'm having is, the left lap bar seem to be lagging the right one. What I mean is, the left bar when pushed forward seems to be working against the right bar. It's as though it's acting as a brake from going straight, or esp, from going faster. If I use just the right, it goes fast and seem fine.
    How can I adjust this left bar to make it track like the right one?

    • @MowerMike
      @MowerMike  2 роки тому +1

      Got ya covered, check out this video. Let me know if it helps.

  • @bartolo213
    @bartolo213 4 місяці тому

    How about the non serviceable transmissions? Do you have any tricks for those? Cubcadet is requesting me to change the whole left transmission and I just can’t pay for it right now! Help please

    • @MowerMike
      @MowerMike  4 місяці тому

      I have all sorts of videos on that. Check out my playlist. You will have to remove it to flip it and drain it. It is a PIA I would leave it alone.

  • @garrieparsons2265
    @garrieparsons2265 Рік тому

    My blades stop turning when I run into the grass . I ordered a new pto switch I’m not sure what’s going on . Can you help ??? Blades free of snags . The blades rotate but no strength now

    • @MowerMike
      @MowerMike  Рік тому

      I bet your belt is slipping check the tension sprint

  • @doncarter1769
    @doncarter1769 Рік тому +1

    Great video, but I'm surprised you didn't mention to check for sloppy arm linkage where that Allen bolt gets lose. That is my problem with the same mower in your video and I'm searching now how to fix it.

    • @MowerMike
      @MowerMike  Рік тому

      Hmm not familiar with that one. Maybe it is a worn out ball joint

    • @tennesseejed884
      @tennesseejed884 Рік тому

      could you elaborate

    • @doncarter1769
      @doncarter1769 Рік тому

      @@tennesseejed884 Where the black control bars join up with the gold pieces that go to the transmission linkage, there is a poorly designed joint with an allen bolt. When this bolt gets lose, you lose some of your forward and backward control. I fixed the right side on mine and it's like new now. The left side is harder to get to since you have to take some panels off, and I haven't fixed it yet. Always check this first. So happy I don't have transmission problems like I first thought.

  • @treebeardtheent2200
    @treebeardtheent2200 3 роки тому

    Very good video. Excellent tips. 7:56 finger cuts happen, but that's why it's best to watch someone else first before learning one's own bloody lessons.

    • @MowerMike
      @MowerMike  3 роки тому

      I am always cutting myself with flat head screw drivers you would figure I would get smarter as I age but nope lol. Thanks for the comments

    • @treebeardtheent2200
      @treebeardtheent2200 3 роки тому

      @@MowerMike You're smart enough to avoid trying to make a name for yourself as a wood carver.
      One of my rules of life is this: Freedom is messy.
      I suppose I could also add that it's better to live free than it is to live "safe"

    • @MowerMike
      @MowerMike  3 роки тому

      @@treebeardtheent2200 Haha excellent advice sir!

  • @jerryw238
    @jerryw238 2 роки тому

    Couldn't find the link to Amazon to get the new replacement parts upgraded parts

    • @MowerMike
      @MowerMike  2 роки тому

      Click down in the video description, they are all there. Good luck

  • @randolphsnyder1505
    @randolphsnyder1505 2 роки тому

    I have a JD455 the right side control lever has a lot of resistance with engine not running,the left side lever moves freely,belt squeals on hard turns under load.machine does not have equal power left and right lever.Any ideas where to start ?

    • @MowerMike
      @MowerMike  2 роки тому

      First I suggest check that it is full of hydro fluid. Then you can adjust the speed to match each side. If you already watched my videos and tried that I am out of knowledge for ya on hydro transmissions. Good luck, check out the video below on adjusting speed.

  • @strongbob90
    @strongbob90 2 роки тому

    Does the RZT have a removable cover for the seals?

  • @iopak001
    @iopak001 2 роки тому +1

    Hi Mike, I bought a used cub cadet zero turn zt1. I've been noticing that it sometimes whines and struggles to reverse to the right. Any idea what to check?? Thanks a lot for all the advice...

    • @MowerMike
      @MowerMike  2 роки тому

      All I know about hydros is in that video. Good luck

    • @kmnremtp
      @kmnremtp 2 роки тому

      Mine too! Let me know if ya figure it out!

    • @delly0416
      @delly0416 7 місяців тому

      Mine too same problem, love to hear anything you find out

  • @Mr.Brightside8810
    @Mr.Brightside8810 Рік тому

    My left hand pump won't move forward or back. Do you think in your experience that one of the tricks you've shown here will address that?

  • @mar1video
    @mar1video Рік тому +2

    Great video bro ❗️
    Thanks for sharing !
    I guess it’s time to upgrade some parts .
    I wonder if upgrading to a bigger spindle on the engine side would make that transmission (pump) to spin faster, thus producing a higher pressure.
    Good luck with your projects !

    • @MowerMike
      @MowerMike  Рік тому +1

      No telling, let me know what ya find out if you do it though. Sounds like a fun idea

  • @ken48827
    @ken48827 5 місяців тому

    How do you replace a "hydraulic dampener" no a Hustler Dash? They told me that is wrong what's with mine and I don't even know where to find it. Is it a DIY repair? (my left control arm is not hitting the safety switch)

    • @MowerMike
      @MowerMike  5 місяців тому

      If you look at the bottom of the forward/backward control arm there is a rod connected to it that connects that arm to the top of the transmission. It should have a clip in each end that pops off, is super easy to replace.

  • @albertwaltersjr2480
    @albertwaltersjr2480 Рік тому

    My turo mx5060 cuts for about an hour then my left hand drive motor gets really weak and makes a whining noise. Any suggestions on fixing this problem.

    • @MowerMike
      @MowerMike  Рік тому

      Stop cutting your yard after an hour??? Haha I have no idea good luck

  • @showmethemuddy
    @showmethemuddy 6 місяців тому

    I just redid both sides and one side doesn't want to prime. The charge ports seemed to seat all the way (same amount on both gears). Any ideas?

    • @MowerMike
      @MowerMike  6 місяців тому +1

      Just keep trying, it can be finicky getting all the air out. You can try a very small funnel to make sure it isn’t blocking anything to top it off.

    • @showmethemuddy
      @showmethemuddy 6 місяців тому +1

      Thank you for the reply. I ended up figuring it out. I had to rotate the charge pump cover. It was facing the wrong way🤦‍♂️

  • @Bendc1970A1
    @Bendc1970A1 2 роки тому

    I ordered some replacement oil for my zero-turn transmissions. I got some high zinc motor oil of the correct viscosity. But I noticed it is "NOT" synthetic that won't make a difference will it?

  • @robertyearian227
    @robertyearian227 2 роки тому

    I've got a zero turn toro time cutter the right trans doesn't turn it turns real slow if you jackit up and with wheel off ground they say there not serviceable any suggestions thanks in advabce

    • @MowerMike
      @MowerMike  2 роки тому +1

      There should be a screw on top of the trans that you can remove and add oil or pour it out. I plan to do a video on the non serviceable hydros in the future

    • @robertyearian227
      @robertyearian227 2 роки тому

      @@MowerMike thank you sr

  • @inezhicks5052
    @inezhicks5052 Рік тому

    My dad has an early 2000s tank with Kawasaki 23 hp engine and it is leaking between the motor and pump on the left side. The hydraulic oil is just 20w50 engine oil. Have you ever worked on one of them?

    • @MowerMike
      @MowerMike  Рік тому

      It is similar to this one. If it is leaking along the main seal on the hydro you will probably have to take it off and take the cover apart and re silicon it.

  • @cstrong312
    @cstrong312 7 місяців тому

    Just replaced my zt2200 non-serviceable hydrogear
    I’m getting a whining noise.( What causes this)
    New belt installed and was told the new pump comes preloaded with oil
    Ive seen notes that refer to a friction pack nut to loosen 1-2 turns …. Can you help I don’t wanna spend another 850 for a new pump

    • @MowerMike
      @MowerMike  7 місяців тому

      I suggest making sure it is topped off with oil. Remove the plug on the top of the case with a 3/8 in extension. They will whine when they are low on oil or have not been bleed right.

  • @linearburn8838
    @linearburn8838 Рік тому

    So silly question if you spin them transmissions faster will the mower move faster or are they governed

    • @MowerMike
      @MowerMike  Рік тому

      No idea, give it a shot and let me know

  • @bradh6185
    @bradh6185 Рік тому

    I'm using a Hustler Raptor SD. After about an hour of continuous running, the right side starts to make a grinding noise and loses function. After sitting and cooling off for a while, the symptoms aren't present. Any ideas? Could it be the part in this video?

    • @MowerMike
      @MowerMike  Рік тому

      Everything I know about these things is in that video. Good luck

  • @leslietompkins3461
    @leslietompkins3461 2 роки тому

    im wondering if this is a fix to my issue. When im cutting thicker grass it boggs down going forward but not in reverse. Same thing when I dont have the pto engaged and Im going uphill. I have a m48 tank from 03'.

    • @MowerMike
      @MowerMike  2 роки тому

      Well I assume by M48 tank you are running a Cub Cadet zero turn, or is it the M48 main battle tank we used in Vietnam??
      So if you are running the Cub you may just have a belt that is slipping under load. Check out this video and check your tension and spring.

  • @paulmitchell9903
    @paulmitchell9903 3 місяці тому

    My zero turn cub cadet won't move forward or backwards I think a spring came off too how do I fix this please?

    • @MowerMike
      @MowerMike  3 місяці тому

      Put the spring back on

  • @stevenfowler690
    @stevenfowler690 2 роки тому

    Mower mike I have a Hustler fastrack zero turn mower it keeps steering to the left I was told it needs a new transmission this is my first zero turn I know little about it I live in Hartman Ar can you recommend a person or shop to have it checked out .

    • @MowerMike
      @MowerMike  2 роки тому

      I suggest checking the speed adjuster on that side and see if you can increase the speed of that side first. No idea on a rebuild place.

  • @jamesgarris289
    @jamesgarris289 Рік тому

    5-7-23, 2000 hours, upgraded both charge pimps, when purging air on right transaxle I was reengage the bypass arm and heard a small pop noise. Ever since right side starts to pull than stops. Any thoughts would be helpful. Thanks in advance Jim

    • @MowerMike
      @MowerMike  Рік тому

      Wow that is alottt of hours. The pop is probably coming from the linkage somewhere between the handle and the throttle. I would take the wheel off and move the handle back and forth and see if you can find where it is popping.
      As far as stopping you may not have it bleed all the way, I would keep working on the bleeding procedure. Good luck

  • @terrelldouthetjr4785
    @terrelldouthetjr4785 2 роки тому

    hey I have a 2012 John Deere z225 mower any won't go forward or backwards is it easy to fix

    • @MowerMike
      @MowerMike  2 роки тому

      I have no idea. I do suggest you start with making sure your belt is working.

  • @DSFiveO
    @DSFiveO Рік тому

    Having problems with mine rightnow.. when i stopp and make a sharp turn my transmission slips and when i go straight, it doesnt catch back until about 2-3 seconds of going straight. Going to try these

    • @MowerMike
      @MowerMike  Рік тому

      Sounds like the belt maybe slipping, good luck

  • @deanguando1335
    @deanguando1335 2 роки тому

    Hi Mike - I have a 2011, 5060 toro timecutter zero turn.
    Left side is fading. Non servicable.
    I got a lot of use out of this machine.
    Where would you start. It sucks that I can't check the fluid level - let alone add any if needed.
    I'll check the spring. Still has the original drive belt.

    • @MowerMike
      @MowerMike  2 роки тому

      Just have to make sure the belt is tight and it is spinning. You can drop it off the machine and drain and replace the fluid there should
      Be a plug on top of the hydro gear. But if it were me and I knew the belt was tight and it was still spinning I would just buy a rebuilt unit. Just google the part number that is on the case and find a new one. They are not hard to remove and swap out.
      Side note check out my video on removing the Governor and see if you can adjust the speed faster on that one side before you do anything.

    • @deanguando1335
      @deanguando1335 2 роки тому

      @@MowerMike Thanks for answering back Mike - didn't expect a response. They want ridiculous money for a new one - as for rebuilt - where would I go to find one? I can't find anything on ebay. I would love to swap it out if it was cost effective. The unit absolutely got used - probably more then most. Worth fixing

    • @MowerMike
      @MowerMike  2 роки тому

      @@deanguando1335 Try going on UA-cam there are quite a few videos on how to rebuild them. You maybe able to just buy a seal kit and fix it yourself. No harm in taking it apart if it is already broke.

    • @deanguando1335
      @deanguando1335 2 роки тому

      @@MowerMike Your right Mike - I have nothing to lose. I have a few ideas. But I really appreciate you taking the time out to try and help.

    • @MowerMike
      @MowerMike  2 роки тому

      @@deanguando1335 Anytime, I never figured anyone would watch me fix mowers but am honored y’all do. Am happy to provide whatever help I can. Let me know how it turns out. I am going to dive deeper into the hydros over the summer and do some more videos on them.

  • @russelljohnson6079
    @russelljohnson6079 2 роки тому

    Hi. I just subscribed and enjoy your videos. can the outer seal on the shaft operated by the lever be replaced without disassembly of the hydro unit? On a commercial Toro 60 inch mower.

    • @MowerMike
      @MowerMike  2 роки тому

      I have never tried. But, if you can get a pick and pry it out and then use a socket to press it on you maybe able to get it to work. Just depends on if there is a snap ring there you can take off that will give you access to the seal. Let me know how it works out

  • @rickbayer7730
    @rickbayer7730 2 роки тому

    Hey Mike, My wheel was working but it had problems only on the left side wheel and I purchased the upgrade charge pump cover and seals changed everything and now I cannot get the tire to move at all. I did notice on the gears in the charge pump has a dot stamped on them do these dots go up toward top of mower or downwards, I have read they can only go 1 way. Not sure what I have done wrong. Any thoughts on this Mike. Thanks a bunch

    • @MowerMike
      @MowerMike  2 роки тому

      Not sure on the dot but keep trying to bleed the system to get the air out. If all the air isn’t out it doesn’t work.

  • @MrBdb402
    @MrBdb402 2 роки тому

    My zero turn cub cadet has the hydrostatic transmission that does not have filters on it it moves just fine for about an hour and then the left side pretty much quits working I was wondering if there's a way to change and flush the fluid on the sealed ones without filters

    • @MowerMike
      @MowerMike  2 роки тому +1

      Stay tuned am working on that video right now.

  • @johnteal5014
    @johnteal5014 2 роки тому

    Can you show how to disengage these cub cadet tank hydro drives please? I can’t find diddly on the net and no serial number to access the Manuel, real PITA. I broke the tensioner spring but when I replaced it she only drives with the right hand side, just going in circles hoping that maybe the hydro is disengaged as I got this mower 2016 Tank L60 with broke spring. Thanks and nice videos I’m subscribed

    • @MowerMike
      @MowerMike  2 роки тому

      Welcome aboard. My only suggestion is to make sure your belt is running the pulley ontop of each of the hydro drives.

  • @leonass9467
    @leonass9467 2 роки тому

    Hey Mike I have a 2004 Mustang RZT Troy-Bilt zero turn and sometimes when I pull the metal parking brake back into drive the right side doesn't turn at all frontwards or backwards only the left side works and it goes and circles what should I do

    • @MowerMike
      @MowerMike  2 роки тому

      Sounds like you need to check your brake linkages

  • @silentninja8156
    @silentninja8156 2 роки тому

    Will these parts you mentioned fit my Hydro gear transmission? It’s a cub cadet Z-force 48 inch

    • @MowerMike
      @MowerMike  2 роки тому

      As long as it is a hydro gear it probably will

  • @bennaylor3658
    @bennaylor3658 Рік тому

    Are all makes using the same 2 trans?

    • @MowerMike
      @MowerMike  Рік тому

      Most are hydro gear brand but different models of transmissions

  • @CurtisTheFlyer
    @CurtisTheFlyer 2 роки тому

    My simplicity Courier has a leaking 1759444YP hydraulic drive. Is there some way to know if this is the same as a Hydro Gear ZD-AUBB-2A7B-3XPX ? Also, How do you replace the lost fluid ? Thanks. Great Vid !!

    • @MowerMike
      @MowerMike  2 роки тому

      No idea but check out my videos on changing the hydro gear oil and you will see how to fill them.

  • @markjessen7475
    @markjessen7475 5 місяців тому

    Mike, will the parts you listed (hydro gear 72274/72994) work on a 2006 zforce48fab with Hydro-Gear IZT transmission?

    • @MowerMike
      @MowerMike  5 місяців тому

      I have no idea. The hydrogear website is really good I would ask them.

  • @Picklenick0
    @Picklenick0 2 роки тому +2

    Hey Mike. I have a used exmark radius x.
    Ever since I've owned it, the steering levers have been super flimsy. I struggle to go in straight lines at higher speeds. It feels like there's little no to resistance on the levers. I also notice that my hydro fluid is below the full line.
    I've tried replacing the dampers and it didn't change anything.
    Do you think I would just have to replace the hydro fluid ? Or is there something else at play here ?

    • @MowerMike
      @MowerMike  2 роки тому +1

      I would start by filling up the fluid. Then adjust the hydro speeds. I have a video on it

    • @Picklenick0
      @Picklenick0 2 роки тому

      @@MowerMike okay awesome I'll look at your video after filling it

  • @barbershop7277
    @barbershop7277 2 роки тому

    I am thinking buying a toro timecutter 50 in and I just realized that the left seal is leaking and it lags just a little compared to the right side. Is this expensive to fix?? Or worth fixing?? Or do I have to replace that whole side??

    • @MowerMike
      @MowerMike  2 роки тому +1

      There are lots of seals on a hydro. My vote is yes it is worth fixing

    • @barbershop7277
      @barbershop7277 2 роки тому

      @@MowerMike thanks

  • @anvilsvs
    @anvilsvs 2 роки тому

    Transfer tubes can be easily removed using an easy out of the correct size. Mush less trouble than prying with a screwdriver.

  • @LeoSchmaltz-f6e
    @LeoSchmaltz-f6e 9 місяців тому

    How do you fill the trans when you have two

    • @MowerMike
      @MowerMike  9 місяців тому

      Check out my hydro playlist where I change the hydro oil.

  • @regitrueman3385
    @regitrueman3385 3 роки тому

    My enforcer wont go forward but goes backwards on the left hydro? hoping there is an easy fix or could it be internal? thanks

    • @MowerMike
      @MowerMike  3 роки тому

      It sounds like the pump is working atleast. I am not sure everything I know about Hydros is in this video and my speed adjustment video.

  • @warcotm
    @warcotm 2 роки тому

    My forward failed suddenly but I still have reverse. Any idea what it might be?

    • @MowerMike
      @MowerMike  2 роки тому +1

      No idea, all I know about hydros is in that video. Check the linkage though and make sure it is clicking into forward on the lever ontop of the hydro. Good luck

    • @warcotm
      @warcotm 2 роки тому

      @@MowerMike lever and linkage all move appropriately.

  • @shanepipkin4041
    @shanepipkin4041 2 роки тому

    I need help my jd 930m tuff torc is leaking small I can find it pretty sure it on top what should I do?

    • @MowerMike
      @MowerMike  2 роки тому +1

      I suggest checking the fill hose that feeds it ontop of the trans and make sure it isn’t leaking and put a hose clamp on it

    • @shanepipkin4041
      @shanepipkin4041 2 роки тому

      @@MowerMike it's the tuff torq hydro

    • @shanepipkin4041
      @shanepipkin4041 2 роки тому +1

      @@MowerMike fill hose is fine I got up under and saw on top there is a plug with a magnet under on the diagram this looks like where it's leaking from

  • @SergioGarcia-lu5yo
    @SergioGarcia-lu5yo 2 роки тому

    My hydro gears spin on their own and won't stop. I put the brakes on, but it keeps spinning and the pulley belts keep burning and ripping. Can you suggest any help?

    • @MowerMike
      @MowerMike  2 роки тому

      Well that sure sounds dangerous. Check the linkage on top of the hydro that leads to the bars that you drive it with. Maybe it is binding and not letting that linkage push back and go into neutral. You can also put it on jacks remove the wheels and run it and play with that linkage by hand and see if you can get it to go into neutral. Good luck and be careful with that thing

  • @kennyplay5982
    @kennyplay5982 2 роки тому

    Hello. My hustler FASTRAK left drive started to get sketchy today... It feel like it's "sticking" at times.. And it doesnt want to glide back in forth easily like the other side. Any ideas??

    • @MowerMike
      @MowerMike  2 роки тому

      Check that is is full of oil and the belt is tight first. Good luck

  • @maureenh1785
    @maureenh1785 Рік тому

    I have a Dixon speedster 42" old mower. last fall one side stopped turning. we tried adjusting a few screws and its still stuck not moving. then I got underneath it and saw it is leaking from the hydrostatic gear box...please forgive me if I dont know the correct names of thing, btw. I am just an old lady trying to keep from having to replace it til I can afford to (I have a 7 grand vet bill I am paying off right now) I called the place where we bought it and they dont even sell them anymore. They tried to sell me something new. they said the hydrostatic system is closed and has to be completely replaced if it is leaking and its thousands to replace. so I happened to see a video the other day by Scotty Kilmer talking about amp-205 and it stops leaks and can be used in a hydraulic fluid. Is there a way to add this fluid to the hydrostatic steering system ?

  • @tylersamson3567
    @tylersamson3567 2 роки тому

    Mike, i have a 54” toro myride timecutter. 83 hrs…. Left side makes a whine, currently trying to let air out and see if it helps for tomorrow… any idea why it would whine? Let me add this, it goes in forward and reverse, sometimes slips… and is stiff.

    • @MowerMike
      @MowerMike  2 роки тому +1

      Make sure she the hydros are full of fluid and make sure that belt it tight. Sounds like the belt maybe slipping

    • @tylersamson3567
      @tylersamson3567 2 роки тому

      @@MowerMike im not mechanically inclined 😅 how do you tighten belts?

    • @MowerMike
      @MowerMike  2 роки тому

      @@tylersamson3567 The spring is what keeps it tight make sure you have a good spring or add a second one like I did. You can grab the belt and feel how tight it is

    • @MowerMike
      @MowerMike  2 роки тому

      @@tylersamson3567 watch the video, the spring loaded tensioner pulley is what keeps the belt tight

  • @andrewk6844
    @andrewk6844 2 роки тому

    That's a new one to me ,about the Hst trans . The pump drives a swash plate pump . Forward reverse and speed is done by moving the plate

    • @MowerMike
      @MowerMike  2 роки тому

      Yep, as long as it has good pressure. I am no expert on hydros this is just some light fixes to try.

  • @Francolandscaping735
    @Francolandscaping735 3 роки тому

    Give me some advice, I changed the same thing only because it was draining oil, but when I refilled the oil, I no longer go through the pomp

    • @MowerMike
      @MowerMike  3 роки тому

      I don’t follow your question. I suggest making sure you bleed the transmission very well. Check out my other zero turn hydro oil change video.

  • @Cayenada
    @Cayenada 6 місяців тому

    Anyone know where i can find info on Z4219 husqvarna hydra gear info

  • @caladd83
    @caladd83 Рік тому

    Hey Mike i replaced the pump charge cover on my scag because i noticed mine was leaking during winter. I changed the oil and both filters and made sure the belt was tight. Ive done the purging process many times and still cannot get one wheel to turn. Do you think the charge tubes would help in my situation?

    • @MowerMike
      @MowerMike  Рік тому

      Did you double check the neutral for that side isn’t engaged?

    • @caladd83
      @caladd83 Рік тому

      I just checked the tires with dump valves in neutral and that tires has more resistance. I just need to figure out how to adjust that.

    • @MowerMike
      @MowerMike  Рік тому

      @@caladd83 Try unhooking the brake spring to that side and see if it releases it???

    • @caladd83
      @caladd83 Рік тому

      I will do that

    • @caladd83
      @caladd83 Рік тому

      My mower only has one spring for the parking brake i took that off and still having the same issue. When i first changed the oil and started the purging process that tire spun for a couple of seconds and it hasn't spun since. Do you think it could have anything to do with the bypass valve?

  • @stefanieracette6117
    @stefanieracette6117 3 роки тому

    Hey Mike,
    I replaced both charge pumps on the transaxles just like you did and I accidentally over tightened the screws and stripped the hole on the transaxle. How do I fix it?

    • @MowerMike
      @MowerMike  3 роки тому

      You will need to get a tap set and a drill out the whole to the next size, tap it to put new threads in it and put a slightly larger bolt in. Don’t let it intimidate you it isn’t too difficult and it is easy to make that mistake since the cases are aluminum. Good luck

    • @MowerMike
      @MowerMike  3 роки тому +1

      Actually hold off, I will put out a video over the weekend to show you how to do this. It is a very common issue, I did it myself lol

    • @danloeb4059
      @danloeb4059 2 роки тому

      @@MowerMike Hi Mike, Did you post the video of how to fix the stripped out screw holes on the charging pump? I barely tightened mine and one of the screws stripped.

    • @MowerMike
      @MowerMike  2 роки тому

      @@danloeb4059 Yep I did the same thing. Check out this video
      Stripped Bolt Thread Repair; How to Use a Tap and Die Set