• @abdollahsalleh2502
    @abdollahsalleh2502 5 років тому +18

    As a doctor and a surgeon, it would be impossible for me to practice medicine and surgery without ignoring some hadith. For example, I do not subscribe to the hadith from "Sunan of Abu-Dawood Hadith (Hadith 1796)
    The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: There is no hamah, no infection and no evil omen; if there is in anything an evil omen, it is a house, a horse, and a woman.
    " There are many versions of this hadith from Bukhari. (There are many other problems with this hadith which I will not discuss here).
    What is against my principle as a doctor is the part regarding '"no infection" i.e. disease are not contagious. Of course, there other hadiths which suggests that the prophet believes that leprosy and plague are contagious. Also, there are modern day apologists who tries to soften the prophets stance by adding in parenthesis "(no contagious disease is conveyed without Allah's permission)". This is also problematic. For us who follow the scientific method, we believe that when Allah created His creation, He also give them their fitrah. We believe ,that micro-organisms can give rise to infection and the infection spreads. All modern doctors including myself included, that this is highly probable and we fashion our practice of aseptic technique, isolation, vaccination and use of antibiotics around this belief.
    So it does come to my mind, "Am I guilty of not following the teachings of the prophet?"
    But another hadith that I learned as a fourteen year old saved me. There are three versions of this hadith from Muslim regarding cross-pollination of date flowers {mistranslated in this version below as grafting). The hadith reads:
    Sahih Muslim Hadith - 1099
    Narrated Talhah ibn Ubaydullah
    I and Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) happened to pass by people near the date-palm trees. He (the Prophet) said: What are these people doing? They said: They are grafting, i.e. they combine the male with the female (tree) and thus they yield more fruit. Thereupon Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) said: I do not find it to be of any use. The people were informed about it and they abandoned this practice. Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) (was later) on informed (that the yield had dwindled), whereupon he said: If there is any use of it, then they should do it, for it was just a personal opinion of mine, and do not go after my personal opinion, but when I say to you anything on behalf of Allah, then do accept it, for I do not attribute lie to Allah, the Exalted and Glorious.
    With this hadith I can practice scientific medicine without guilt.
    I believe that many things said by the prophet are his personal opinion and unlike so many people who believe that the hadith are also revelations from Allah.
    Therefore I do not prescribe blood-letting/cupping (Shartati mihjam), no drinking camel urine no ajwa as part of my treatment.
    I wish many more people know about this hadith. I suspect it is purposefully hidden. I also know some who claim that the parts of it are false additions.

    • @shah555
      @shah555 4 роки тому +16

      The fact that there are indeed a serious problem with hadith and yet the Muslim scholars or Sheikhs failed to address this problem such hadiths which are considered authentic. And if you say something against hadith or be critical, you are labelled heretic and to some extend you will be physically harm. This is the situation of most Muslim Ummah. We muslims have indeed gone astray and fabricated hadiths played a big part in it. Only God knows how much the islamic history is true and is falsified. So many fabricated Hadiths which is regarded authentic has done an immeasurable damage to Islam.

    • @undercover_secret_agent1726
      @undercover_secret_agent1726 4 роки тому +1

      Very good comment and interesting analysis, mashaallah

    • @abdollahsalleh2502
      @abdollahsalleh2502 4 роки тому +4

      @@undercover_secret_agent1726 Now with the Covid 19 epidemic, the scholars are singing a different tune. The now quote the hdith that says "Do not enter a town where disease is prevalent" and "If there is disease in the place you reside in, do not go out to other places". These hadiths are more in agreement with current thought. So the scholars hide the hadith I mentioned earlier. No one dares to declare that the earlier hadith contradicts the latter hadith. They just sweep things under the carpet.

    • @barebasics
      @barebasics 3 роки тому +2

      @@abdollahsalleh2502 the scholars turned Islam into Matthew mark Luke and John we should stick to Quran and the Hadith that teaches us how to pray and that’s it

    • @Junior-yt6cx
      @Junior-yt6cx 2 роки тому +1

      @@barebasics We can't just pick and choose though. Stick to Qur'an alone.

  • @jiamjiao1187
    @jiamjiao1187 7 років тому +11

    Assalamu aleikum Dr Shabir ally. I really love this show. You inspire me. Am from Niger republic, but currently am abroad. I have been watching your show for quite long time. Recently i came across one of

  • @ojammeh
    @ojammeh 5 років тому +22

    The most religious critical thinker of all times according to me

    • @osmanbinhamzahosman5894
      @osmanbinhamzahosman5894 2 роки тому +2

      Very true

    • @nobleprince1238
      @nobleprince1238 2 роки тому

      @@osmanbinhamzahosman5894 Critical thinker, but not truth-speaking. He didn't speak the full truth about Albani in this video.

    • @Truth_Seeker1
      @Truth_Seeker1 2 роки тому

      @@nobleprince1238 He doesn’t lie. But he has made small mistakes.

    • @calebacrutto9601
      @calebacrutto9601 2 роки тому

      @@nobleprince1238 Really? Do explain for the benefit of all. He's a big boy and doesn't need defending, but would seem serious to call him out and say he wasn't truthful.

  • @mohammedrizwan7242
    @mohammedrizwan7242 6 років тому +20

    Some missionaries of other faith sometimes attack by using these problematic hadiths.

    • @Sheikhhamiz
      @Sheikhhamiz 4 роки тому

      @martythemoslem not ever He said, "The LORD came from Sinai, And dawned on them from Seir; He shone forth from Mount Paran, And He came from the midst of ten thousand holy ones; At His right hand there was flashing lightning for them. Deutronomy 33:2

    • @Farhadmoh
      @Farhadmoh 9 місяців тому

      True and many people beoome ex Muslims because of these problematic hadiths

  • @cody7875
    @cody7875 7 років тому +37

    I respect your critical analysis of the hadith and bravery to present what any reasonable prudent person would conclude after reading these hadiths. However, I am sure you will recieve backlash from the muslim dogmatic orthodoxy and orthopraxy. Nevertheless, I appreciate your content and opinion. Remember, you still wear the best kufis in the game, :) .

  • @HitherandYarn
    @HitherandYarn 4 роки тому +16

    There are some Hadith I just can't believe are from the Prophet, even though their isnad is supposed to be good. But some people equate what the Prophet said with divine revelation, because Allah said we should do as the Prophet does. This is how they justify child marriage, which we now know is not good for the child. I am not of that mindset, just because of what you are talking about today. They also say that everything in the Hadith is for all time, when, to me, that is just not so. So many things said by the Prophet only applied to circumstances his Ummah was facing at that time. Some of the things can be applied to our present circumstances even though times have changed. Some can't.

    • @fatimaxo4885
      @fatimaxo4885 3 роки тому +5

      You also have to realize that the prophet saw was amongst many hypocrites that he wasn’t aware of. Now if he didn’t recognize them, I’m not sure how we from each a distant time and place can give credibility to one hadith or another. Which brings me to my second point, a lot of hadiths were deliberately fabricated to hurt the image of the prophet by those same people, so you can imagine that amount of falsehood that was being pumped out in his name. We also can’t say the prophet said such and such thing appropriate for his time, in fact there’s doubt he made such comments to begin with.

    • @Truth_Seeker1
      @Truth_Seeker1 2 роки тому +1

      That time marring young was normal people also died younger.

    • @Farhadmoh
      @Farhadmoh 9 місяців тому +1

      @@Truth_Seeker1Quran speaks of mental age also not just u passed puberty and that’s ok, mental age now is 16 or 18, 9 or 10 is not the standard should be applied today

  • @stochasticxalid9853
    @stochasticxalid9853 2 роки тому +4

    Only 353 likes so far says a lot about how we are not able to recognize wisdom. Baraka Allah fik Dr Ally you answer a lot of the questions that tormented my life.

  • @rteetfghhv3785
    @rteetfghhv3785 5 років тому +7

    The hanafi madhab has been hijacked by others its the most rational Madhab keep it up

  • @QuranforTheWest
    @QuranforTheWest 10 місяців тому

    So in what Hadiths after Allah and His verses will you believe? -Quran 45:6

  • @zz4357
    @zz4357 5 місяців тому

    We are assuming that the prophet was the messenger of God. Danger is that we may risk removing hadiths that may be attributable to the prophet because they are not factually true.

  • @বিবিধ
    @বিবিধ 6 років тому +1

    Thank You! 🌺

  • @Toolgdskli
    @Toolgdskli 4 роки тому +1

    Thanks. This clarifies that even sahih hadith is not all sahih, it contain errors and it is up to you to believe which parts are true. Humans have the responsibility to think and decide which parts of the hadith are reasonable and morally good to follow. Drinking poison after eating 7 certain dates to follow a hadith is clearly a fatal stupidity.

  • @zakirzico99
    @zakirzico99 3 роки тому

    Thank you😍

  • @michaelbourdages4777
    @michaelbourdages4777 7 років тому

    what is the ruling on smoking cigarettes, cigars or hookah ? Is there a difference between the 3 of them?

    • @tazboy1934
      @tazboy1934 6 років тому +4

      147852369 cigarette contain poison and do more harm than fact their is no good in cigarette...while chocolate or food is our source of energy...of course we should eat modestly not in excess according to our activity...don't compare food with is ibadaah in islam

    • @jenniferlatifa1314
      @jenniferlatifa1314 5 років тому +2

      Remember Allah swt went in stages with alcohol. At first it was a Shifa , if used correctly and we are sinners who abuse things, then Allah swt commanded don’t come to the prayer drunk and afterwards he made it haram to drink. Step by step revelations. Back in the 70s and 80s we didn’t know it caused cancer and you see some scholars saying it’s makrooh. Now we know it’s harming our body and it’s clearly haram. We as humans abuse things. Even food can be haram if we are acting gluttonous. And Allah azzwajal knows best ☝🏻

  • @sir-cassian4183
    @sir-cassian4183 5 років тому +1


  • @abdrahman7022
    @abdrahman7022 7 років тому

    What people will say just to keep their certificates

  • @IbrahimAhsanFarooqui
    @IbrahimAhsanFarooqui 7 років тому +4

    Aslamolikum, I've mentioned before how dr shabbir is an inspiration for me but I dont agree with his stance towards ahadith. May Allah help us all.

    • @tazboy1934
      @tazboy1934 6 років тому

      Mohannad KHADHRAOUI how do u implement the law brother's through the sunnah...

  • @faridasherkhan
    @faridasherkhan 6 років тому +1

    Please don’t interrupt Shahir Ali while he’s talking with your questions.its annoying viewers please ask him at the end of his talk.

  • @jiamjiao1187
    @jiamjiao1187 7 років тому +2

    Assalamu aleikum Dr Shabir Ally. I really love this show. You inspire me. Am from Niger republic, but currently am abroad. I have been watching your show for quite long time. Recently i came across one of your videos, on jinn. In that video You basically said you dont believe in exorcism since it is not mentioned in the qur'an. Honnestly, as a fan of you i felt uncomfortable because exorcism is real. The prophet s.a.w used to perform it on his grandsons and other people possessed by the jinn as well. He ( prophet) even showed us in authentic hadiths how to do exorcism by reciting ayats from al Qur'an. My question is, can you explain why you dont believe in exorcism ? Or can you clarify your position on exorcism ? Thanks, look forward for an answer on your show. Nassir Halil

    • @tazboy1934
      @tazboy1934 6 років тому

      Jiam jiao even Jesus in Bible did exorcism...not like I believe Bible...

  • @islamicprince8537
    @islamicprince8537 6 років тому +6

    Hadith is not a scripture or the Scripture of Islam. Qur'aan is THE Scripture of Islam. Qur'aan is the authority and is obligatory on all Muslims.
    Hadith is just a collection of tales, stories and unsubstantiated narrations collected by men from Central Asia. Those men never sat in the company of the Prophet or his companions or even in the company of their grand children.
    Many of the ahaadith are ridiculous and absurd. They do not stand correct under the scrutiny of Qur'aan.
    Any hadith that does not stand correct under the scrutiny of Qur'aan should be discarded and trashed.
    Instead of Hadith, Muslims should read, study and understand Qur'aan.

    • @bilalamarumosi8282
      @bilalamarumosi8282 5 років тому

      The problem i have with this brother is that he knows that many hadith are just pure bs and the others are doubtful or somewhat acceptable. The elephant in the room is the hadith themselves should be put in their proper context as just heresay. Instead i see ACCEPTING certain good hadith is sort of pushed instead of pushing people back to the Quran. I mean the name of the program is called Qur'an speaks. Smh

  • @breakbeat9229
    @breakbeat9229 3 роки тому

    Islam is called the perfect religion. Islam consists of Quran and Hadith. But if hadith is a broken element of the religion how can Islam as a religion still be called perfect?

    • @ElGhoulSoufedj
      @ElGhoulSoufedj 3 роки тому +3

      No, just Quran and Sunnah. Not Hadith written by people, as a backdrop on the life of the prophet to the best of their ability to keep the most genuine hadith to help us understand further his life and sunnah. Stick to the Quran and Sunnah

    • @breakbeat9229
      @breakbeat9229 3 роки тому

      @@ElGhoulSoufedj Doesn't matter. The sunnah is still in hadith and a broken element since it is flawed.

    • @ElGhoulSoufedj
      @ElGhoulSoufedj 3 роки тому

      @@breakbeat9229 if you got to this conclusion means that you need to study how we got to know whether that is correct and true or not, some stories are true as they are related by many sources and well documented, some have fewer sources. But if you can just stick to quran and what you know is sure from Sunnah like how to pray etc... you are doing just fine. Sometimes when you have doubts you just need to read the Quran. Good luck ;) peace and love

    • @ElGhoulSoufedj
      @ElGhoulSoufedj 3 роки тому

      @@breakbeat9229 also understand that hadith is a field in theology too. So don't expect that any hadith you find you will understand fully. It's for theologians and people who have a deeper understanding of the situation of when the hadith came, who narrated it, through whom etc...

    • @breakbeat9229
      @breakbeat9229 3 роки тому

      @@ElGhoulSoufedj Sure but some stories are not true. If Isam as the perfect religion includes text that is flawed it simply insn't perfect. same when you would claim a car perfect while it has flat tires.

  • @thomasdoubting
    @thomasdoubting 5 років тому

    So close to conekting the dots, but If your social standing and even safty is at risk i gues its hard

  • @afsaljamal9226
    @afsaljamal9226 4 роки тому


  • @Jj-tq8wt
    @Jj-tq8wt 5 років тому

    Jkr sheikh. Are you saying that we can accept or reject hadeeth based on weather it is believable or not?

  • @Truth_Seeker1
    @Truth_Seeker1 2 роки тому

    Prophet Mohammed could have said those things (not a divine revelation) we have to remember that was a time of ignorance. I don’t think he said them.

  • @abdurrahmana.abdullahi99
    @abdurrahmana.abdullahi99 2 роки тому

    Its d lady for me though. is she taken?
    Well tbh, he's 100% right but thankfully his thoughts and believes align with the sunnah of d Prophet. one thing we most always remember is that even d companions of the Prophet are fellow humans, so that means they are bound to commit mistakes which in time we'll discover with facts and good intuition and intentions and if we do so, they as our predicessors have objectively thought us to discard any mistake or err that they commit... Alhamdulillahi. thank u for this

  • @diaralcasanibrahim6582
    @diaralcasanibrahim6582 6 років тому

    Bismillahir rahmaanir Rahiim!
    Why hadith is problematic when forbidden even to Prophet Muhammad pbuh in Quran 69:44-46. It is the cause why the One Ummah was divided into sects also forbidden in Quran 30:32; 42:14-15; 43:64-65; 45:17, 28.
    Please do not mislead the Ummah of your lack of understanding of the Quran or you will be a candidate to Hellfire.
    Masha'allah! Subhanallah! Alhamdulillah! Allahu'akbar!

  • @angelicafoster670
    @angelicafoster670 5 років тому +2

    finally a scholar being honest. Hope muslims wake up soon.

  • @onecreator451
    @onecreator451 6 років тому +1

    I WOULD BE SO THANKFUL TO Dr. Shabir if he would enlighten me on the Seventh Day Adventist "remnant" church & Ellen G White's teachings. Asking for help from Allah. He is All Knowin & Wise. Inshallah. Humdillah.🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

    • @onecreator451
      @onecreator451 6 років тому

      Forgive me. I spelled wrong.

    • @ahmedadem6169
      @ahmedadem6169 6 років тому +1

      Serena Worden there is documentry about seven day Adventist and Allen g white by former member making clear that Allen g white was a plagiarist you can look up on that if it helps.

    • @onecreator451
      @onecreator451 6 років тому

      Thank you. I was more praying he had better insight on this. I have listened to "former members" they are not as "clear" about it all. May Allah bless us all and increase our knowledge. Inshallah.😀🙏

  • @ajalahupfront
    @ajalahupfront 5 років тому

    I hoped to hear something about Carmel urine. But alas.... And zam zam water

    • @emranba-abbad8335
      @emranba-abbad8335 4 роки тому

      Not every Hadeeth we don't understand we try to discount.
      Camel's urine was proven by prof. Fatima Khorsheed to be a beneficent treatment for cancer. Please note American Dr. Brosinski MD, PHd proved urine has cancer fighting compounds which he synthesized later.

    • @stanlee6487
      @stanlee6487 3 роки тому

      @@emranba-abbad8335 hahaaaahh.

  • @jaymoolnivasi8228
    @jaymoolnivasi8228 5 років тому +2

    What is the real name of Hinduism? Here is the shocking truth. Hinduism is not the name of this discremetory religion "Brahmanism." There is no such thing as Hinduism. The word Hinduism is not found in any of the Brahmanic scriptures, such as the Vedas, the Puranas, the Upnishades, the Ramayana, the Mahabharata, and the Bhagwada Gita etc. This Brahmanic ideology's real name was/is "Varna-Shrama-Dharma" . Varna means "color". This means, the Aryans were a fair-skinned colored people. "Shrama" means, labour /work . "Dharma" means, the duties, and the social norms given by the Brahmins to the working classes (ie, castes) people of the Aryan race, namly the Kshatriyas, the Vayasias, and the Sudras. And the Brahmin stands at the apex of the societal pyramid and reserves all the power, privileges, benefits, and all the freedoms. Thus, the full definition of Varnashrama Dharma is, " the duties & the social norms given to fair-skinned Aryan working castes by the Brahmins." this forms the basis of "the Bramanical Social Order." The Mulnivasi Bahujans were outside this social order; therefore, they were called the "out-castes," the "mlechhas" (ie., outsiders). During medieval times when the Brahmin Shankra Charya was arguing and fighting the Buddhists, he changed the name "Varnashrama Dharma" to "Sanatana Dharma" meaning "ancient religion". The Brahmins wanted to hide the "racial & casteist" nature of Varnashrama Dharma, due to widespread positive influence of Buddhism. Brahmins, as a counter strategy, started to taunt and criticize the Buddhists by calling their religion "a new, and a heterodox (rebellious) religion; " whereas, calling the bramanical religion as the ancient and the pure one. Why we Muslims should concern ourselves with this above mentioned issue? These here are the reasons: 1: The threat of "Home Coming" ie., "ghar vapasi" that is, forcible conversion of the Muslims to Hinduism is real. 2: the Muslims have been turned into 6th rate citizens, even lower than the Dalits Untouchablees according to the Sachar Committee report. 3: since 1948 the Brahmins killed Muslims in the genocidal kilings, which they termed as "Hindu-Muslim" riots. In fact, these were not riots, but they were well planned genocidal mass murders by the Brahmins, and they amount to 65000 riots since 1948 to this day. The cost of lives, families, limbs, and the properties of the Muslims destroyed by the Brahmins amount to kharabs and kharabs of rupees. The killings of the Muslims and discrimination against them still continues. Jay Buddha, Jay Muhammad

    @DAWAHTIME1 4 роки тому +2

    shabir ally has some serious flaws in his knowledge of Hadith. he said some Sahih / Hasan Hadith are not workable but did not give any example of this. Very rudimentary knowledge of science of Hadith and he has the audacity to opine on the subject. Don't talk about the subject if you are clearly not a Muhaddith and an expert in this field. Only misleading and confusing people.

  • @AbdulKahar
    @AbdulKahar 7 років тому +8

    I stopped watching Dr Shabbirs talks. He is doing more harm outing his opinions to the general public by confusing them by dumbing down the science of Hadith and labelling authentic Hadiths problematic. He clearly has problems with Hadiths that deal with the metaphisical. He clearly hasn't seen the affect of black cumin seed oil or pure honey, or senna has when treated on patients afflicted by jinns, for example. I haven't heard him say but he probably will also discount Hadiths that narrated a snake bite patient being completely cured when surah fateha was recited on the wound by a sahabi.

    • @AbdulKahar
      @AbdulKahar 7 років тому

      Actually there are now psychiatric researchers who are working undercover in mental institutes and jails who have confirmed that majority of the patients are inflicted by entities as opposed to genuine mental health issues. And the administration of drugs make it worse for them to the point that they are left with metal complications even after the entity leaves.
      Do a UA-cam search and you will find some interviews on this

    • @AbdulKahar
      @AbdulKahar 7 років тому +1

      I don't disagree with what you said about abuse leading to depression in jails but that is part of the story of course. Evil takes many forms. Shaytan can interfere many ways not just via possession but magic, music, drugs, abuse, propaganda, television etc...
      The government and the secret services institutions know this all to well. There are millions of non religious people who have evil spirits experiences. They have given this other names like ghosts and Aliens which of course can be attributed to Holywood brainwashing peoples mind into covering the truth.
      UA-cam can also contain recorded research and experiences of experts, academics and general people like you and me. One does not have to believe everything you hear or see. You also have to verify it with other sources and I'm not telling you this without verifying.

    • @AbdulKahar
      @AbdulKahar 7 років тому +2

      Without rebutting everything you said I will just stick to my original contention since the discussion has honestly become too varied and taken out of context.
      If someone needs to seek knowledge then they should learn under a scholar. Nowadays there are many academic courses offered with flexible hours - this can't be replaced by short UA-cam videos since there is no way for the student to go back and clarify a confusion, especially when Dr Ally is raising controversial issues that has been researched studied and accepted as authentic by scholars of all ages more learned than him.
      The listener will be left scratching more of the head then he started with. Let's just stick to basic Islamic teachings and nasiha on these channels and leave the academic subjects in its place - in the class rooms. There are levels to subject matters. If you study a discipline there is always a caveat or prerequisite that one will have to fulfill before they sit in a course.

    • @AbdulKahar
      @AbdulKahar 7 років тому +2

      Narrated Abdullah: The Prophet said, "The best people are those living in my generation, and then those who will follow them, and then those who will follow the latter. Then there will come some people who will bear witness before taking oaths, and take oaths before bearing witness." (Ibrahim, a sub-narrator said, "They used to beat us for witnesses and covenants when we were still children.") Bukhari

    • @AbdulKahar
      @AbdulKahar 7 років тому

      Hadiths were compiled, critiqued analysed, in the first few generations. They were the best people to do it. They have put them under rigorous testing and classified the Hadiths and thus Allah has preserved His religion using the best people. You and I have separate roles to play. No matter what we do we will not know better than the people who were closest to the prophet peace be upon him.

  • @salehinkhan6853
    @salehinkhan6853 2 роки тому

    problematic ,questionable !!!!! based on what ? science ? human knowledge ? judging Hadith based on science ??? then you are siting here to ,rewrite islam .May Allah protect us .

    • @calebacrutto9601
      @calebacrutto9601 2 роки тому

      Maybe you should be looking at it from a different angle. If a hadith has been classified in the past as veritable, but the morsel of knowledge in it is flawed, is it possible that the classification is wrong? Who in this case would be the one rewriting? I for one would not attempt drinking engine coolant after eating seven dates. Is that science or common sense?