Woman Knits Herself a Husband and Grown-Up Son

  • Опубліковано 9 вер 2021
  • Marieke Voorsluijs has always knitted realistic items but thought it would be hilarious to craft a bearded, grown-up son "new and improved husband" after she got divorced.
    The Amsterdam-based artist decided to knit the woolly son after her own son became too old to want to cuddle. Due to the reaction that received, she decided to fashion a husband too.
    Marieke wants people to know this crafting project was only for fun, she explains: "I am a professional knitter from Amsterdam who likes to knit cool things for my brand clubgeluk.nl.
    My husband left me after I knitted my son for the first time, a few years ago so, I knitted a grown-up son and a new and improved husband."