• @marekimura2371
    @marekimura2371 6 місяців тому +1

    I decided months ago to declutter. My birthday is on the 27th so I started getting rid of 27 items per month. They didn't have to all be clothes. BUT, I started with some blouses and pants that I had cleaned from my corporate days and donated to the women's re-entry program for women who were getting out of abusive situations or in recovery programs and re-entering the office/working environment and were required to dress up. Felt good. Onward with the 27 items per month. Some items were tossed, some given away. They all counted. If your birthday is on the first, then make it 15 items. You can do it!
    Get in touch with a battered women's shelter. If your dentist gives you a toothbrush and little tube of toothpaste every time you get your teeth cleaned, then don't just throw them in a drawer, ask if a battered women's shelter can use them. Some of us know what's it like to arrive there without a toothbrush or a comb.
    I'm go on for so long. I'm kinda passionate about some things and how to help.

    • @Jill4Today
      @Jill4Today 6 місяців тому +1

      Wow! What a great goal to measure out how much you'll declutter and what it will be. Excellent place for good clothes, etc
      , to go. Women's shelters of all kinds can use help . Thanks for sharing your experience

  • @MaryG-hy4qo
    @MaryG-hy4qo 3 місяці тому

    We had a wonderful Thanksgiving when we were moving. I used all my old mismatched dishes. When we were finished, all 10 of us threw our dirty dishes into a black trash bad smashing every one! What fun!
    Then we finished packing and moved with less unwanted items.
    Everyone still remembers that holiday.

    • @Jill4Today
      @Jill4Today 3 місяці тому

      That is radical! You were brave to do that. Bravo!

  • @ellenwhidbey
    @ellenwhidbey 11 місяців тому +1

    I consider myself as somewhat of a minimalist, but, I still have “stuff” I can’t seem to part with that has of no use to me for so many years. I can relate. I, like you, think, “well, maybe someday I’ll have a big party and will be so glad I saved it”. That someday hasn’t come about in years and probably never will. Thanks for the reminder. I’ll be reevaluating my “stuff” that I haven’t used in at least a year. Out it goes! Cheers!

    • @Jill4Today
      @Jill4Today 11 місяців тому

      Hey you! So good to see you. I know exactly what you mean. I had four platters that had not been used for probably 5 years. I don't have dinner parties or large groups in. So why keep 4 large platters just because I thought I'd need them sometime in the future? Out they went!

  • @sandysanzenbacher7313
    @sandysanzenbacher7313 11 місяців тому +4

    I seem to have moved every 5 years or so and then I would clean out all the stuff I don’t need. So even with that I accumulate way more than I should. So that old saying is still a good one……1 thing in…..1 think out. You have done well if you can see some empty shelves in your closet. We all know what you’re talking about.

    • @Jill4Today
      @Jill4Today 10 місяців тому

      Moving as often as you did, the decluttering thing sort of came with the move. That was so helpful. The idea of one thing in, one thing out is amazing! Good idea!

  • @ChrysanthsMum
    @ChrysanthsMum 7 місяців тому

    My daughter bought a house 3 years ago. I did a lot of decluttering then.
    Thank you!

  • @sweetjane71
    @sweetjane71 11 місяців тому

    At 52, I’m finally fed up with having too much “stuff”. It’s definitely a process. I feel as though I got in this mindset because I recently lost my nephew 33 and his mom shortly after, she was 55. Gone way too soon. But our stuff is what’s left behind. I want to leave behind treasures, not my “stuff”. Thanks, I needed to see this.

    • @Jill4Today
      @Jill4Today 11 місяців тому +2

      Hi -- yes, I totally understand. Like I said in the video, I don't want this to be a burden for anyone to deal with. My sister-in-law lost her Aunt. She had to go in and take care of getting rid of the belongings. It was a nightmare!

  • @blue_jm
    @blue_jm 11 місяців тому +1

    I wish I could do the same with the electronics I have. Old cables, headphones, alarm clocks, computer components that are incompatible with anything modern. I have several boxes under my bed of them but the thought of just recycling them is really hard. Woe to my brothers if they have to some day clear out my place if something happens to me or woe to me if I decide to move.

    • @Jill4Today
      @Jill4Today 11 місяців тому +1

      I know, I know. We had a box like that with cords, cables, plugs, thingies.....arrgh! We pitched it. We knew it was all so outdated that none of it would have been useful.

  • @snipsalott
    @snipsalott 11 місяців тому +4

    I have never had a set of china or silverware and would love to have it. I would get rid of all the stuff I use for every day and use the the good stuff. As I age I am tired of saving things for "best" I want to use the best for now.

    • @mousenation3867
      @mousenation3867 11 місяців тому +1

      I started doing this with my clothes no idea why I used to keep the nice ones unworn and use only the tatty stuff ?

    • @Jill4Today
      @Jill4Today 11 місяців тому

      Hi! Yes, I do not like to keep the best for last. Like good bottles of wine served in beautiful glasses. Things like that are special to us. Why not drink the best now? Who are we leaving it for, right?

  • @Ladythyme
    @Ladythyme 11 місяців тому +1

    I purge every year…it’s the “what if” that gets ya……if I say “what if” when deciding on something …I get rid of it…. Means i clearly d know When I will use it… If there is something sentimental which I don’t really “use”, I now take a picture of it so I can still see it and be reminded of the thoughts behind it if I want too…..but I get rid of it…donating anything worth donating…..I got rid of so much when my husband passed when I needed to downsize and just kept going. I only keep the essentials now and if something comes in, something goes out…I have told everyone to please NOT buy me anything ….if one must do something, spend some time with me…let’s have tea or take me to lunch or dinner…or get me a universal gift card if they just have to do something….one I can use to buy what I do need/want…especially things that will just sit on a shelf….Stuff is smothering.

    • @Jill4Today
      @Jill4Today 10 місяців тому

      Wonderful ideas! And, it's so smart of you requesting valuable time with friends and loved one instead of more "stuff." Thanks so much for sharing.

  • @mousenation3867
    @mousenation3867 11 місяців тому +1

    You explained this really well so I think I’ve a little decluttering to do. I love your energy you have a real warmth about you which is very relatable.

    • @Jill4Today
      @Jill4Today 11 місяців тому +1

      Thank you so much! Go do it!

  • @nadinecarson3259
    @nadinecarson3259 7 місяців тому

    I needed to watch this. It’s so true. And I cleaned out a closet a few wks ago & felt not only better but free. I have more closets I’ve got to clean & your video helped me to get more motivated.

    • @Jill4Today
      @Jill4Today 7 місяців тому

      It does feel good look into the closet and see room! Good for you

  • @Laineyslife
    @Laineyslife 11 місяців тому

    Totally agree. I downsized so much when we moved. And now I’m accumulating more 🤦🏻‍♀️.

  • @mochamollybradbury247
    @mochamollybradbury247 10 місяців тому

    I love you! Thanks for the inspiration! So happy to have stumbled on your channel. There's a reason for everything! ✨️

    • @Jill4Today
      @Jill4Today 10 місяців тому

      You are so welcome! Welcome -- I hope you'll continue to enjoy the channnel

  • @debbiehaney2467
    @debbiehaney2467 11 місяців тому +1

    I know exactly what you’re talking about. I started decluttering in earnest about 3 years ago and it was hard to get started. The more I let go, the easier it became. I realized I attach too much sentimental value to stuff. I still struggle to let go of many things, but it’s getting easier. I finally decided the peace of mind I had by not having so much clutter was worth more than the $ I had spent accumulating, and whether I kept stuff or got rid of it, I wasn’t getting that $ back. This video chat is very timely because I’ve been “talking” to myself the last couple of days that I need to get back at it.

    • @Jill4Today
      @Jill4Today 11 місяців тому

      I dwell too much on how much $ I spent on the item. The money is gone! Get over it, Jill, and get rid of it. I really appreciate your comments

  • @tamsondarland8951
    @tamsondarland8951 11 місяців тому

    I'm in the same boat Jill. As I listen to your thoughts, I'm thinking it sounds like myself trying to make those crazy decisions too. I've got an extra room upstairs for storage that i know let's

    • @Jill4Today
      @Jill4Today 11 місяців тому

      Oh, gosh, a whole room! That could be dangerous! 😉 thanks for writing

  • @ggbice
    @ggbice 11 місяців тому

    Hi Jill!
    Everything you true.
    My Mother always said that our homes become places of storage if we keep accumulating "stuff". She was great at buying and keeping only what was needed.
    It made it easy after she passed away. My sister died suddenly, and I had to clean out her home too. She followed in our Mother's belief.
    I'm bad, but I try to declutter several times a year.
    I too have the China issue, ugh! GW and Homes for Humanity will accept, if they have space. Mine is going, come Fall, period.
    I do have a rule and I'm sticking to it regarding Housewares. If I buy new, one or more similar items, must be donated. It's been working.
    Yes, it is definitely a feeling of relief when we can enjoy the extra space.

    • @Jill4Today
      @Jill4Today 11 місяців тому

      Hi Francine -- yes, it's a great idea to get rid of stuff throughout the year. I think that way you also get to evaluate the shopping tendencies. I think Amazon has become a real habit for some people. It's easy to shop. I buy only what I need now. I really look at the "what would I LIKE, not what I NEED. It's a real game changer

  • @peterpyrreb470
    @peterpyrreb470 11 місяців тому

    Oh, how I relate to every one of your words! I am exactly the same, and it's good to know I am not alone. Its so hard isn't it? I think my only salvation is to become a Bhuddist monk.

    • @Jill4Today
      @Jill4Today 10 місяців тому

      Thanks so much for making me feel not so alone! It is a hard thing. Buddhist monk -- not a bad idea. :-)

  • @tlsnana9539
    @tlsnana9539 11 місяців тому +1

    As your speaking, I’m thinking of a beautiful wok that I’ve used only once since I got it in 1991. What do you think? Will I use it?

    • @Jill4Today
      @Jill4Today 11 місяців тому +1

      That's the million dollar question. I too had a beautiful wok. It's sat in my cupboard for at least 3 years without a stir fry to be seen. Out it went!

  • @suewilliams1145
    @suewilliams1145 11 місяців тому

    Where did you get rid of the China? We are facing the same problems.

    • @Jill4Today
      @Jill4Today 11 місяців тому

      I've not been able to get rid of it -- no matter how hard I've tried. It's a real problem. I can't just give it away.

  • @wendi67
    @wendi67 6 місяців тому

    Hi Jill, hope you are doing well! There is a china replacement site that may buy your set from you. I'll msg you the link because I can't post it here. Happy New Year, Wendi!

  • @garputhefork
    @garputhefork 11 місяців тому

    We don't have a house with storage for china, crystal, etc.

    • @Jill4Today
      @Jill4Today 11 місяців тому

      It is definitely a commitment of space. We have a small place too.

    • @garputhefork
      @garputhefork 11 місяців тому

      @@Jill4Today I have to wonder, too, like with my grandparents' generation, it was a means for a woman to support herself for a bit, should the relationship go south? (Like before women really worked, could have a bank account, credit, and so on.)

  • @semicountryliving3095
    @semicountryliving3095 11 місяців тому

    OMG Jill4Today, downsizing as well. But my sister is the hoarder. She sends me crap in her junk drawer for my here's one crystal droplet from a chandelier our mother had...what the heck am I supposed to do with that? I've told her for YEARS that I'm decluttering and she continues to send me crap. FINALLY I said, JUST CARDS FOR GOODNESS SAKES! (I have to throw away the crap she sends me because she doesn't want to). Jill, just GET RID OF IT ALL. NO REGRETS! 😘 PS: I have China too. NOBODY WANTS IT! I may have to donate it...yes it was my mothers..but not even family wants it.

    • @Jill4Today
      @Jill4Today 10 місяців тому

      I love the crystal chandelier drop. OMG! Right? Well, it was supposed to be thoughtful. All it really did was to put more in your drawer on "stuff." Has your sister stopped sending you stuff, and no only cards? The china is a really struggle. You're right - pitch it. Ugh.....a real emotion tug of war.

    • @semicountryliving3095
      @semicountryliving3095 10 місяців тому

      @@Jill4Today yes she has! She finally got the message. Took 5 years. xoxo