Getting My Orchid to Bloom Again | How to Make Your Phalaenopsis Orchid Rebloom



  • @marciahofer4502
    @marciahofer4502 2 роки тому +4

    Hi Mike! Orchids are another of my favorite flowers! Happy you purchased a Phalaenopsis as your first Orchid. I use an Orchid fertilizer only from early spring until fall and use cool water. Mine bloom almost constant. Don't trim the flower spikes back and they will bloom many times on that same spike. I only trim the spikes when they are dead. One interesting thing about the Phalaenopsis is that when the mother plant has reached near the end of it's life span, babies will form at all the nodes on those healthy stems! I have had that happen a few times and I have been able to share with friends and family. I just carefully remove the babies when they get to a good size, with a sharp knife. The babies form nice roots before I remove the babies and I just mist the roots. It is so much fun to watch the babies form and grow into healthy plants!! I told you before that I had a problem with getting the leaves wet and lost my Orchids twice. They were planted in the Orchid medium. The problem was the water puddled at the base of the leaves and didn't evaporate quickly enough and rotted the point where they joined the main body. I noticed these two had more of a place for water to actually collect and sit. Also, they started getting spots on the leaves where the water sat. What you said makes perfect sense, their natural conditions in the jungle, they're getting frequent showers and heavy rains. Maybe because they're attached to trees, like Palm trees 🌴 in Hawaii, they're partially protected from the heavy rains. Just a thought.
    My son and family moved to the Big Island of Hawaii last summer. They bought 6 acres in the rain forest, but sold 3 acres to a family member. They have Orchids growing on Palm 🌴 trees and other places on their property. How lucky are they?! They send pictures often, and of gigantic ferns that he is going to try to send me a baby from his. I can hardly wait to take a trip there! Our 15 year old grandson is coming on June 1st to visit us for 6 weeks and then my husband is going to fly back to Hawaii with him. My husband's cancer has most likely returned, so I wanted him to make the trip to visit our son and family. I won't be able to go to Hawaii til possibly next summer, depending on health issues, but will definitely be checking out all the varieties of Palm trees 🌴, Orchids and other flowers! Have fun with your Orchids!!

    • @MikeKincaid79
      @MikeKincaid79  2 роки тому +2

      I love Hawaii. That's so cool that your son has property there now. I'd be growing all the tropical plants I could there, including tons of plumeria.

  • @JesusismyGOD
    @JesusismyGOD 2 роки тому +2

    I really enjoy the energy and enthusiasm you have for growing plant life.
    Thanks, Teresa

  • @charleswilder2985
    @charleswilder2985 2 роки тому +1

    Mike, it took two years because it dares not bloom until it re-fills the larger pot with roots. Phals grow primarily on branches and in crotches on trees on hillsides, where breezes dry them quickly after each rain. Cloud forests! If they are not wedged well into their locus, any breeze on those big blossoms would blow the plant out of the tree, to die. Phals like to be re-potted, because every year or two that fir bark breaks down and compacts. Most of us growing them insist on using redwood bark, which does not break down so quickly. When you try to re-pot this one, its roots probably are stuck firmly to the apparently unglazed interior of your pot, and will get torn up.

    • @MikeKincaid79
      @MikeKincaid79  2 роки тому +1

      Should they be in a glazed pot? The roots are definitely latched on tight along the rim. Really cool plant. The roots are almost like tentacles gripping the pot.

  • @sbkhider
    @sbkhider 2 роки тому

    You could see how strong the leaves got! They were very droopy and soft but WOW at the end you could see how sturdy they got. Beautiful!

  • @RRaucina
    @RRaucina 2 роки тому +2

    So you finally mention the personal relationship - mystical sort of connection - many growers have to their plantings. Only those that know this, CAN know this. it's a sort of secret club that we don't want to talk about because it's a little bit weird for otherwise very grounded people. I can look at a plant and know something about how it's feeling.

    • @MikeKincaid79
      @MikeKincaid79  2 роки тому +1

      Some of us are a little more advanced than others, lol. You must be in the club.

  • @robertdurkin7596
    @robertdurkin7596 2 роки тому

    Orchid are wonderful flowers, perfect for decorative at your house make beautiful to look at them !😁👋🌺🌺🌿

    • @MikeKincaid79
      @MikeKincaid79  2 роки тому +1

      And it's still blooming. I didn't know they bloomed for so long.

  • @olliepoo
    @olliepoo Рік тому +1

    I love orchids. I’ve always had good luck with them. I only buy rescues from the stores that sell them and end up almost killing them. But I recently bought an orchid that I missed seeing the mealy bugs on. It wiped out my twelve plants down to three. I’ve been fighting to keep them alive. Spraying them with half and half listerine is a good treatment. But weekly I take them to the sink and wash off any mealy bugs that persist. I know I’m winning. There are less and less bugs each bath. One I think is cleared but I’m not ready to stop until all three are clear. But the leaves are stretching out and up instead of flopping down so I know they are getting healthier. And I agree with you about watering them from the top. Everyone says don’t cause of crown rot but I take a corner of a paper towel and dab at the crotches to soak up excess water. I’ve been doing that for about twenty years. Thanx for the video. I haven’t gotten a plant to have two spikes at the same time yet but I’m hoping.

    • @MikeKincaid79
      @MikeKincaid79  Рік тому

      You've certainly got a lot more experience with orchids than I do. I love the idea of buying up the rescue orchids at the end of the season. Much cheaper that way and they don't seem too difficult to revive. Just takes patience.

  • @bartb217
    @bartb217 2 роки тому +2

    Very nice and informative video and in the end a beautiful orchid.
    I always get the orchids from friends and family, when they have almost destroyed them with too much or too little water.
    In my experience orchids focus on root and leave development in spring and summer (more light) and blooms in fall and winter.
    I use transparent pots (the roots also absorb light and help photosynthesize) with holes drilled in the sides for better airflow to prevent root rot.
    I use big chunks of bark to put them in and keep the stem above the bark and only the roots in the bark.
    When it is very hot and dry, I put them on a saucer with water in it that can vaporize.
    In fall I put them further away form the light and heat and give them less water and fertilizer to let them experience "stress" so they feel the need to bloom.
    They bloom every year for months.
    In nature, orchids grow upside down or sideways so water runs of, so no chance of crown rot or water spots on the leaves, I think you were very lucky you orchid did not get that.
    Propagation is very tricky, I would avoid the seed path (you basically need a lab for that), but try to get a keiki or cut the stem in half between a set of leaves and both parts having leaves and roots.

    • @MikeKincaid79
      @MikeKincaid79  2 роки тому +3

      Love all the info, thanks. Will definitely try propagating them at some point.

  • @maloo1031
    @maloo1031 2 роки тому +1

    Beautiful, patience and love did it!

  • @amourdeparis
    @amourdeparis 2 роки тому +4

    Bravo Mike! It looks like you've done a wonderful job with your orchid. I grow many orchids and I highly discourage getting water in the center of the phalaenopsis orchid as that could cause crown rot. I have lost so many orchids in the past for that reason. I suppose that watering from the crown would only be okay if you live in somewhere tropical like Florida or have a great greenhouse that simulates the high humidity of the tropics so that the water quickly evaporates. In nature, these orchids don't grow upright, but at a downward angle so water doesn't collect in the crown. Also, in the tropics, the heat would cause any water in the crown to evaporate quickly.

    • @MikeKincaid79
      @MikeKincaid79  2 роки тому

      Thanks for the info. I definitely need to read up more on orchids. Had a lot of fun with this one and just recently found out that they bloom for months so I'm more intrigued than ever.

  • @vonries
    @vonries 2 роки тому

    I'm not much of a flower person, but I have to admit that is beautiful. Great job Mike.

  • @geraldskinner63
    @geraldskinner63 2 роки тому +1

    Whoa Mike.. I saw your video in my notifications and it looked like you were flipping off the camera? Lol.. Hope all is well up there! Glad you are still making great videos and sharing your world

    • @MikeKincaid79
      @MikeKincaid79  2 роки тому +1

      Haha, I'd never do that to ya Gerald. Sure seems to have made a lot of people do a double take.

    • @geraldskinner63
      @geraldskinner63 2 роки тому

      @@MikeKincaid79 Oh I know..but made me look! Lol

  • @aaronowen4425
    @aaronowen4425 Рік тому +2

    Great video! one thing about the watering from above and the water collecting in the leaves - a lot of the time you can do that and it will be ok but it can cause crown rot. You are right about them growing in the jungle and being rained on from above but there are two differences from growing them in the pot and their natural habitat. one is they are way up in the trees and get A LOT of air movement. so if you are going to water from over head you def. need a fan or something blowing on them to help dry the water out. Two and probably the biggest thing is the way they are grown in the pot is not the way they naturally grow. In the pot for space and aesthetics sake they are grown up right, but in nature they grow on the side (picture your pot laying over on its side) the leaves grow outward and hang down more than up and they grow on the side of the tree and the water cant collect in the crown. This causes the water to drain away from the crown. However, with that being said if you have good air movement unless the plant gets weak most of the time it will be ok. A couple of tricks to getting them to bloom is in the fall -shorter days and allow the night temps to drop down into the 50's for a few weeks while the days are still warm (some phales need the shorter day light hours and cooler temps to initiate blooming and some dont. The problem is most phales at stores are HIGHLY hybridized and a person doesn't know what species are in their linage so if they have plants in their linage that need the shorter days and cooler nights then it needs that to bloom. Again great video!

    • @MikeKincaid79
      @MikeKincaid79  Рік тому +1

      I can definitely appreciate the idea that they grow up in trees where there is more air movement. I'm sure that contributes to keeping them healthy and rot free in nature. My only experience with orchids is with this one and so far no rot from watering overhead. I have heard many people say it will rot, just haven't seen it yet after several years with this particular orchid. As you mentioned, I picked this one up from a store and have no idea of the exact lineage. I was pretty surprised at what finally caused this one to bloom. I originally brought it out into my kitchen near a window where it's cooler, thinking that would trigger blooms. It sat there and did nothing but grow new leaves all winter. When I finally put it in the warm, well lit, still air tent, the flower spikes started growing almost immediately. After that, I was a little lost as to what makes these things bloom, lol. I'm going to try to replicate it again this winter and see what happens. Thanks for the comment and advice, I appreciate it!

  • @NinjaOrchids
    @NinjaOrchids 2 роки тому +1

    I dont understand how people call these peasant orchids! Just because they are so common and readily available! I absolutely love them for that. Unfortunately I have 300+ orchids so I don't have much space for more than the ones I have, but I think they are magnificent 👍🏼

  • @itsaaron113
    @itsaaron113 2 роки тому +2

    Hey Mike! Been following you since your earlier vids. So excited to see you do an Orchid video. Orchids are actually what got me into plants! Great info and awesome video!

    • @MikeKincaid79
      @MikeKincaid79  2 роки тому +1

      Thanks for your support Aaron! After recently finding out that these plants hold their blooms for months, I'm more in love with them than ever. Now I want to start collecting them and having orchid blooms all around the house, lol.

    @RCCRAYZ 2 роки тому

    Yes! Breaking out the old school music! Lol

    • @MikeKincaid79
      @MikeKincaid79  2 роки тому

      Haha, yep, occasionally have to bring it back retro style 😂

  • @송하와제라늄
    @송하와제라늄 2 роки тому +1

    Thank you so much for your enthusiastic explanation. Thank you very much

  • @453421abcdefg12345
    @453421abcdefg12345 2 роки тому +1

    Well! That is a coincidence, our experience exactly follows yours, I also bought an Orchid exactly similar to your one 2 years ago, I read all the "expert" advice about not watering from above, but could not see how that could work in a natural environment where it would be deluged several times each day, so I have been spraying it regularly, I also spray occasionally with an Orchid "food" spray, then, 2 years after we bought it, it started pushing up flower spikes in February, it is still in flower after3 months! So it must be happy, the only thing I have not done is to re pot in a larger container, it has sat in a East facing window all this time. Good Luck with yours, Chris B.

    • @MikeKincaid79
      @MikeKincaid79  2 роки тому +1

      Thanks for sharing that Chris! I appreciate exchanging this kind of info to further our success. I thought it was really odd that I had put this into the cooler conditions that everybody says to do for blooms, only to have it hibernate for 2 years. Then, after putting it in a bright grow tent with warmer conditions, it blooms. Thanks for letting me know your watering style. It confirms that what I'm doing isn't so strange after all. Also appreciate letting me know how long it's been blooming. I only found out recently that these plants hold their blooms for months. I'm pretty excited about that and it makes me want to get even more of these.

  • @carmengarceau2943
    @carmengarceau2943 Рік тому

    Thank you for your quick response. I have 8 orchids, bought them at different times. I will experiment with two of them and plant them in an orchid pot. I have been waiting for over a year and a half for at least one of them to flower. I won't give up as the leaves and roots are very healthy. I will let you know the outcome. Thanks again for your informative videos. 🥰

    • @MikeKincaid79
      @MikeKincaid79  Рік тому

      I'd love to hear how your experiment goes. I struggle with getting mine to flower too. This video was the one and only time I've gotten them to bloom in about 3 years. I plan to experiment more and see if I can find a surefire secret to getting them blooming again.

  • @JesusismyGOD
    @JesusismyGOD 2 роки тому

    Oh THE ORCHID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I bought a purple monster huge size one yesterday! It is lovely!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @joaniebonaparte86
    @joaniebonaparte86 2 роки тому +1

    I'm happy for you and I'm going to take your tips for mine as well, thanks for sharing 👍

    @RCCRAYZ 2 роки тому +1

    That is beautiful, makes me want one now lol

  • @celticqaidbear
    @celticqaidbear 2 роки тому +2

    I got one, major retail store. rebloom in one year. right sunlight and just water.

    • @MikeKincaid79
      @MikeKincaid79  2 роки тому

      Awesome! You beat me to the blooms, lol. Probably same retail store.

  • @noracifuentespaiz6174
    @noracifuentespaiz6174 2 роки тому

    Hi Mike, beautiful orchid! Last year for my birthday My niece gave me an orchid, but after the flowers died I just left it there and water it sometimes. One month ago I put it on a tree, it receive lots of light but not direct sunlight and water from the garden . When I went to check how it was doing I saw it was beginning to bloom and this was after almost 3 weeks! I live in Guatemala where the beautiful weather helps a lot.

  • @shieldwolffalcontrainer9040
    @shieldwolffalcontrainer9040 2 роки тому +3

    Very beautiful! I like to put tree bark that has living bark moss growing on it into my orchid containers. The moss lets me know if its getting a little dry for the orchids. The orchids seem to really like the mossy bark as well. For the summer I place them on the north side of my house out of direct sunlight. Summer rains do them very well. Rain water is my goto for my orchids(high alkaline tap water here). I recently learned how to pollinate them. Enjoy the beauty that orchids give. Thanks for the video enjoyed it very much.

    • @MikeKincaid79
      @MikeKincaid79  2 роки тому

      That's a great idea putting them outside for the summer. Thanks!

  • @603chefmon
    @603chefmon 2 роки тому +2

    Great job, I got a little orchid crazy years ago ended up with 25 or 30 in my first apartment.

    • @MikeKincaid79
      @MikeKincaid79  2 роки тому

      Haha, I can see myself headed in that direction.

  • @mariohernandez-wg6fb
    @mariohernandez-wg6fb 2 роки тому

    Amazing job Mike !!!!!!!!! ...... You are the Best !!!!!!!! .......

  • @AeiSedai1976
    @AeiSedai1976 2 роки тому

    That you had those videos and could find them amaze me 🥰🥰

    • @MikeKincaid79
      @MikeKincaid79  2 роки тому

      It wasn’t easy but I found them 😂. Glad it worked out.

  • @mersgm7730
    @mersgm7730 2 роки тому

    Congrats again Mike! I’m smiling while watching 😊 I love your enthusiasm!
    I know the feeling of excitement while waiting for the flowers to come out.
    I’ve bought an orchid at the flower show few years ago. And did the same.
    Added crushed eggshells, watered it with rice water(first wash), that’s Philippine’s style 😄and tlc 🥰
    After almost one year, 2 spikes came out and each spike got 4 branches. It was an amazing feeling watching all the flowers
    I’m very happy for you and hope to see more orchids in your garden in the future. 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
    Cheers! Mercy G

    • @MikeKincaid79
      @MikeKincaid79  2 роки тому +1

      There definitely will be more orchids in my house. Thanks so much for your tips "Philipine style", lol.

  • @camicri4263
    @camicri4263 2 роки тому +1

    Hey Mike, every orchid I bought or received dried up and died. Thank you for this. Gorgeous flowers!Hugs🤗❤🤗

    • @MikeKincaid79
      @MikeKincaid79  2 роки тому +1

      Lots of water. I think that as long as they are planted in a course and chunky material that drains right through, you can water them all you want.

    • @camicri4263
      @camicri4263 2 роки тому

      One of the problems I see right off the beginning, I didn't transplant them. I will try again whe wouldn't be so stressed out with no patience. That was an awesome video Mike! So glad you made it! 🤗💜

  • @mikedan297
    @mikedan297 2 роки тому +1

    I grow my phalaenopsis in terracotta pebbles. I don't use wood chips because they break down over time. I use rainwater from my aquarium to soak the whole pot for 30 minutes every 2 weeks during the summer and less for fall and winter. I don't use fertilizer because the nutrition comes from the aquarium. What makes the orchid bloom is bright light. Phalaenopsis in the tropical jungle grows upside down on the tree, so they never have water in its crown, for this reason, at home, people should avoid letting water stand in the crown of the plant, as there is not good air circulation to dry the plant quickly. You are lucky that your plant is still alive. Maybe your room is dry enough for the water to evaporate throughout the day. My orchid blooms again every spring. I grow 2 different colors in each pot.

    • @MikeKincaid79
      @MikeKincaid79  2 роки тому +1

      I think it's all the chunky material I have it growing in. No water can collect and cause rot. The bright light theory is interested. Most people say to put it in fall conditions with cooler temps but this one did the opposite. When I put it in fall conditions, it went into hibernation just like any other plant would. When I put it in the grow tent with bright light and more warmth, it almost immediately started growing flower spikes for the first time in 2 years. I'm going to keep playing about with this. I wonder if the cold weather, ice in the pot, and other remedies like this are folklore that just keeps getting passed down.

    • @mikedan297
      @mikedan297 2 роки тому

      ​@@MikeKincaid79 Phalaenopsis are easy to grow. At home we just need to place them near a bright window, they will bloom every spring once per year. Orchid growers have a system for manipulating temperature and light so they can sell flowers all year round. At home we don't need to do so. Once per year enjoying the flowers for a few months is good enough. Every plant has its cycle of life, we shouldn't push them to do more than they can normally. I don't heat my room during winter, so the temperature drops to 59-64 F, that is the ideal condition to trigger the orchid to grow flower spikes. The more leaves the plant has the more flower spikes it will grow.

  • @ninaahmadz7973
    @ninaahmadz7973 2 роки тому

    Great Orchihds. Mike! Long time Ive been away.

  • @baldyeti
    @baldyeti 2 роки тому

    That was friggen cool, Brother. I took some serious notes (yet again), and I’ll be ready to take one of these on at the next opportunity
    Now the big challenge-propagating this hummer like a PRO!

    • @MikeKincaid79
      @MikeKincaid79  2 роки тому +1

      Haha, that would be cool. I need to do some serious digging to figure out how to propagate it.

  • @jodimcmanus5997
    @jodimcmanus5997 3 місяці тому

    Long story short, if you ever break or trim roots or any part of ochids, put them in a clear cup with mulch below and on top to get new plant in two weeks, not years. Keep it on coldest windowsill in your house to enjoy repeat blooms. Bottled water from fridge works best for brightest blooms
    I give mine. Around five ounces three times a week or whenever mulck looks dry but water from the icemaker works well too since it is filtered

    • @MikeKincaid79
      @MikeKincaid79  3 місяці тому

      Thanks for the tips. I need to get this plant blooming again.

  • @Celticman1961
    @Celticman1961 2 роки тому

    Hi Mike, I have been enjoying your videos so much. I find your enthusiam really infectious :-).. Now, I went and bought myself one of those growing tents and have been having loads of fun growing Chillies from seed. When I mention this to friends well, they all want a chilli plant now, so im going to be growing chillies from seed all year round by the look of things. Having watched your orchid video, im just going to have to get one in my grow tent too. Greetings, Mike.

    • @MikeKincaid79
      @MikeKincaid79  2 роки тому

      Glad you’re enjoying the videos! The peppers are a lot of fun. I lost mine due to cold weather this winter but have more varieties germinating now. Good luck with the pepper business and have fun with it!

  • @Dreamzz101
    @Dreamzz101 2 роки тому

    NICE! 🌷

  • @shirleywilhelm1495
    @shirleywilhelm1495 2 роки тому

    I like the bag babies. They have different kinds. Dendrobiums are nice, there reasonable.

  • @joeparker6070
    @joeparker6070 2 роки тому

    Hi Mr Kincaid. Wow another Beautiful video. I'm now off to B&Q (like your Lowe's I believe) to buy a few of these. Never really took much notice before. Such a lovely plant thanks again mate. My place is filling up with so many plants. You do a video. I buy the same plants. I propagate them plants and now I have a forest cheers Joe 👍

    • @MikeKincaid79
      @MikeKincaid79  2 роки тому +1

      Haha, love to hear it! You can never have too many plants. Enjoy your trip to the garden center.

  • @Torfinn71
    @Torfinn71 2 роки тому

    I have several orchids, that are blooming year after year. It is something that i do take good care of. The same is for my 2 porcelain plant, not shure what the latin name is. And over 13 years ago i baught an ananas fruit in the food store, i then chopped the top of it. Plantet it an placed it in the window facing west, where there is lots of sun in the afternoon, after 5 years something start happening. but i did a big mistake, i place itt out side when the summer came and it died. I then new that it is possible to something with an ananas from the store, i started all over again. And 5 years later with the plant in the same window, we got our own ananas. And i live in Norway, it just shows that anything is possible. Jan-Erik

  • @donnaradamgarcia8121
    @donnaradamgarcia8121 2 роки тому

    Hello Mike thanks for this lovely instruction how to take care an Orchid plant .. I have not try to plant this yet.. I need to find a special soil for this beautiful orchid .. hope it will it grow with nice flowers .have blessed day Mike and family .. goodnight from Philippines

  • @BjorkL
    @BjorkL 2 роки тому

    I definitely needed this video! I'm terrible with orchids.

    • @MikeKincaid79
      @MikeKincaid79  2 роки тому +1

      Me too, lol. Took 2 years to get these blooms.

  • @saraaria4864
    @saraaria4864 2 роки тому

    Craezy man

  • @richards5843
    @richards5843 2 роки тому

    I did the same thing you did with your orchid and baby it for two years and finally got two stems and had about 15 bulbs and when I checked on it the next day all of the bloom bulb fell off. I only fertilize once just like you did. Had bright light plenty of root room. So I gave up on Orchids. Got rid of the plant and when Home Depot have them on sale I just buy one that already bloomed. My brother did the same thing and his bloomed.

    • @MikeKincaid79
      @MikeKincaid79  2 роки тому

      That’s a bummer when you put so much time into something and it doesn’t work out. If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.

  • @100foldreturn1
    @100foldreturn1 2 роки тому

    My Orchid plant re-bloomed a year later after I bought it. I honestly thought it was history since I've not had success with these plants in the past. But I kept it and really kind of forgot about it until I noticed the new stem with flower buds on it.

    • @MikeKincaid79
      @MikeKincaid79  2 роки тому +1

      I feel like there is a lesson in this plant, as there is in just about anything you want to be successful with. Once you find the secrets that were closely guarded by the plant, the blooms come easier and easier.

  • @carminepetracca7518
    @carminepetracca7518 2 роки тому

    wow, mike, this sure was different and a very good video at that. you taught me a lot of what I did wrong with an orchid way back when. i waited 4 years for it to do something; but nothing. i threw the plant out. == have you ever seen ice cubes in the jungle? don't use them. bought a mini orchid a few years ago with the instructions to use ice cubes, that was another casualty. poor thing froze to the great beyond. the next one I tried was tied on a board and I kept that one in the bathroom for humidity, yep fungus amongst us. that was the end of orchids. I'm waiting on an aspidistra - going hardcore - to arrive in the mail. my green thumb is getting browner with age. see ya! carmine p.

    • @MikeKincaid79
      @MikeKincaid79  2 роки тому +1

      Hahaha, well thanks for helping me to avoid the pitfalls with orchids, lol

  • @bwo5492
    @bwo5492 2 роки тому +1

    Ice has the potential to burn the roots, not a good idea. I water weekly with a weak fertilizer solution specific for orchids. My orchids are healthy and bloom once a year. They set bloom spikes in the fall.

    • @MikeKincaid79
      @MikeKincaid79  2 роки тому

      Good to know. Heck, maybe It’ll bloom this fall again. Love the fact that they hold onto the flowers for so long.

  • @suziekeld6172
    @suziekeld6172 2 роки тому

    Wow that's beautiful, I thought they needed a pot that would allow the roots underneath to have daylight, I need to re-pot mine, thank you xx

    • @MikeKincaid79
      @MikeKincaid79  2 роки тому +1

      I'm not a pro at this plant yet but everything I've done seems to be working beautifully! Good luck with your orchid.

    • @suziekeld6172
      @suziekeld6172 2 роки тому

      @@MikeKincaid79 Thank you so much, I think you are amazing and I have copied all sorts of things you have suggested and they've all worked for me as well :-D

  • @ellietobe
    @ellietobe 3 місяці тому

    There is a lot of controversy about how to grow orchids. Some types of orchids need different kinds of conditions and different kinds of medium.
    Orchids in their natural environment grow ON trees in jungles. They do not grow in the ground which is why we grow them in bark and/or moss. They are tropical plants. They do NOT like ice. That is a marketing ploy. They love humidity but they also need air which is why you see those orchid pots with holes in them. It should not take two years to get your plant to bloom. I am amazed that the one in this video is still alive since it has so little drainage or air availability.
    Do not pour water on top of the orchid plant itself unless you are going to lean the pot on the side and let all of the water drain off and then put a fan on it to dry the crown. A crown that is wet for too long will begin to rot. Roots that do not get air will rot.
    The reason that it took that poor orchid so long to bloom is that it had to grow all new roots because they rotted after swimming in that pot.
    Once again. That particular type of orchid grows ON a tree trunk and they usually lean sideways on the tree and the rain drains off so the crown doesn’t rot. The roots are exposed so they get oxygen and humidity.
    I was given my very first orchid as a gift. The person knew that I was a gardener that loves flowers so they bought me that beautifully flowering pot of flowers. I never ever intended to have an orchid. I thought that they were too fussy and needed a hot house or that type of conditions in order to thrive.
    I knew enough not to be water it with ice cubes but I really did not know what to do with it after it was done flowering. I could not stand to see a plant die so I researched the type of orchid that I had and simply purchased a really good brand (and I do not mean big box type) of orchid medium. It was a combination of pine bark, large perlite, a bit of spagnum moss (NOT PEAT MOSS) and a little charcoal. I soaked the medium in water and then repotted the orchid in that wet medium. Within a few short weeks I noticed a new leaf forming and new roots growing. A few months later it grew a spike that grew three branches.
    Some people warm the water that they give their orchids. I use room temperature water. I submerge the orchid pot into a pot of fertilizer water and let it soak for about fifteen to twenty minutes and then pour out the water. When the medium is just about completely dry it gets watered again. I fertilize for three consecutive waterings and then the next time that I water I use clear water to flush the roots. The orchids are by windows but since we do not get much light they also have grow lights. Despite supposedly being “low light” plants many orchids do require more light than you would think.
    My Phalaenopsis go through a cycle of blooming and then growing a leaf….then repeat. I have never lowered the temperature in order to get them to bloom. Yes, after I was able to get my first orchid to rebloom I bought some more. Orchids are kind of addictive for some people.

  • @jodimcmanus5997
    @jodimcmanus5997 9 місяців тому

    4000K bulbs from your construction video was labeled daylight but my orchids bloom best on my west kitchen windowsill. Orchid fertilizer has its own NPH but ice is used to water with out drowning orchids, 2-3 cubes stop the bark twice a week. Got mine on clearance like yours in plastic pots but they need sealed ceramic that does not leach moisture. Mine died back last spring due to ice maker problems forcing me to use city water with chemicals that kill.When you turn on your furnace, use humidifier for your family's health and your orchids as well as keeping them in steamy kitchen or bathroom. If you see new roots or leaves breaking the surface of orchid bark potting material, your orchid may be dying and using the last of its energy to start a new generation through trailers called kiriis. I had to ask florists about most of my orchids over the years but hope you have this all figured out before orchid month in February when prices for all orchid supplies triple from what I have seen

  • @prinses999tube
    @prinses999tube 2 роки тому

    What worked for me to get the (phaleanopsis specificaly, but I have other species) to bloom time after time during fall-winter-early spring: ONLY water with rain water (soak fully for 15-30 min once per 5-7 days in summer or 7-10 days in winter, depending on your humidity), keep them in the same (relatively cool) spot (20 celcius in winter for me, (of course it's warmer in summer, but they don't bloom then) year round, NOT on top or near a heating element of some kind (!). I do not fertilize, the rainwater has enough minerals to fertilize as it seems. They live in a west (sun up) window all year long
    I LOVE LOVE LOVE orchids, the flowers are so extraordinary and beautifull. Happy growing :-)

    • @MikeKincaid79
      @MikeKincaid79  2 роки тому +1

      Thanks for the tips Judith. I'll definitely be getting into these plants more over time.

  • @carmengarceau2943
    @carmengarceau2943 Рік тому

    Hi Mike, I love your video on Orchids. I have been waiting for mine to bloom for over a year now. The leaves and roots are very healthy. It is June and I decided to place my orchids on my closed in porch. It gets light and at night the temperatures are cooler. I don't know if this will work, but I've had it under grow lights for a year and no flower buds. Another question, can I pot two orchids in a large pot? I also use bark. 🍃🤢

    • @MikeKincaid79
      @MikeKincaid79  Рік тому

      Not sure about the 2 in a large pot but I'm almost 100% convinced that it will work. I recently took a trip to the Fort Worth Botanical Garden and they have orchids packed in tight and growing well. As far as getting them to bloom, I hear ya. I've had mine for about 3 years now and seen it bloom once, lol.

  • @Jay_Jay
    @Jay_Jay 2 роки тому

    In your thumbnail are you giving us the bird!?! Haha hope your well mate.

    • @MikeKincaid79
      @MikeKincaid79  2 роки тому

      Haha, sure looks like it and more than one person has mentioned that. Nope, I wouldn't do that to you, lol.

  • @jennydanks1075
    @jennydanks1075 2 роки тому +1

    I watched your orchid episode & noticed your watering segment. It has nothing to do with your medium. In the wild they grow tilting downward so the water they get runs right off & doesnt have the chance of sitting in the leaf joints. That will cause an irreversible root rot. So Never Never water the leaves unless you plan to dry them very well o have them tilting down. Otherwise your orchid video was ver interesting. Love your videos. Never miss one.

    • @MikeKincaid79
      @MikeKincaid79  2 роки тому +1

      Thanks Jenny. I’ve actually been watering this orchid like this for 2 years. Maybe it’s the particular variety and I’ve been lucky.

  • @zaviahopethomas-woundedsou9848
    @zaviahopethomas-woundedsou9848 2 роки тому

    Two years ago I purchased seeds for white orchid trees, they will grow in zone 8. I almost killed them last year by not watering them... oops. But they are alive and only about 8 inches tall now but I look forward to seeing the trees in full bloom one day!

  • @Ettesun
    @Ettesun 2 роки тому

    Nice orchid you have. I give my orchids two ice cubes each every Sunday and they bloom almost continuously. I haven’t repotted mine yet. I’m wondering what fertilizer you use.
    Thanks for the great video. Now I will try to be brave and repot mine. 🥰

    • @MikeKincaid79
      @MikeKincaid79  2 роки тому +1

      I love the ice cube idea. I think I'll try that this time around. Just read that orchids bloom for months so I'm excited to have these blooms for awhile.

  • @kimpollard6021
    @kimpollard6021 2 роки тому

    What did you fertilize it with? I have one blooming this year and it has been at lease 2years since it bloomed. The other no blooms :(

    • @MikeKincaid79
      @MikeKincaid79  2 роки тому

      I just used standard miracle gro a couple times over 2 years ago. That’s it.

  • @samanthaf6482
    @samanthaf6482 2 роки тому

    I have one that was developing buds then all of a sudden started dropping the buds and dripping sap. What do you think happened?

    • @MikeKincaid79
      @MikeKincaid79  2 роки тому

      I have no idea. I’m fairly new to orchids and these are the first blooms I’ve gotten. I’m definitely in love with the plant and will be researching and experimenting with it. More videos to come.

  • @thebluebutterfly5177
    @thebluebutterfly5177 4 місяці тому

    Can I ask, the pot you used, does it have any holes in the bottom of the pot? As we often see orchids are bought in those clear plastic pots and then placed in ceramic pots but you’ve removed the plastic which is great. So many of mine do just get so dry. Such a beautiful colour in the flowers.

    • @MikeKincaid79
      @MikeKincaid79  4 місяці тому +2

      Yes, there’s a hole. You definitely need good drainage with orchids.

    • @thebluebutterfly5177
      @thebluebutterfly5177 4 місяці тому

      @@MikeKincaid79 thank you! Loving your channel and content! Thank you so much for taking them time to come back to me. 🙏🏻

  • @nelsonbrann8306
    @nelsonbrann8306 2 роки тому

    Hi Mike I"m 65 from Maine and I have wild pink lady slippers in my yard is their any way to propagate them without hurting them they grow under a couple of pine trees.

  • @tylerkovacevic99
    @tylerkovacevic99 Рік тому

    I have tried to grow orchids and I have had no success growing them came you help

    • @MikeKincaid79
      @MikeKincaid79  Рік тому

      There are more experience people than me when it comes to orchids but the biggest driver of success I've found with them is patience. It took 2 years to get the blooms. Plant them in a very course and airy medium that drains really well and give them plenty of light but no direct sun. I only water about once a month or so.

  • @KristiTalk
    @KristiTalk 2 роки тому

    I was scrolling by and it looked like a middle finger, so thumbs up for the double take and laugh. 😆😄😂😃

    • @MikeKincaid79
      @MikeKincaid79  2 роки тому

      Hahaha, I've been getting that. I didn't even notice it when I posted it but people are letting me know now, lol. I guess the double take is a good thing, haha.

  • @russellsherwood2315
    @russellsherwood2315 2 роки тому

    Mike I never tried to grow orchids, hate to tell you but there are orchids that are native to the United States and a bunch of states as well, sorry our native orchids are protected by the law for the most part, thank you for the tips, info,and ideas,,,, peace, love,and loads of fun

    • @MikeKincaid79
      @MikeKincaid79  2 роки тому +1

      Didn't know that. Not looking to break the law. This one sure is nice.

    • @russellsherwood2315
      @russellsherwood2315 2 роки тому

      @@MikeKincaid79 the type you buy in a nursery are the best ones to grow as they are not the protected native ones,, the native ones don't look as showy as the commercial ones grown for the market

  • @RRaucina
    @RRaucina 2 роки тому

    2 Brown Turkey/ Mission Fig Plants in 4 Inch Containers, Well Rooted and Sturdy!
    Brand: Daylily Nursery
    3.7 out of 5 stars 591 ratings
    -23% $13.02 at Amazon. I got 5 from Home depot mail order same nursery and best little figs I ever bought - $10 each delivered. Amazing roots.

  • @wereallmadhere7921
    @wereallmadhere7921 Рік тому

    So many things done incorrectly. I couldn't watch. I'm glad that little orchid found a way to survive.

    • @MikeKincaid79
      @MikeKincaid79  Рік тому

      If you couldn't watch, how do you know it was done incorrectly? lol

    • @wereallmadhere7921
      @wereallmadhere7921 Рік тому

      @@MikeKincaid79 the mistakes I saw were presented very quickly. Maybe do more research on orchid needs before you give advice on them. I will leave you too figure out the errors.

    • @MikeKincaid79
      @MikeKincaid79  Рік тому

      This is a video about my experience with my orchid, and what I've done here has proven to be very successful. So I'm not sure what you're referring to, and since you won't tell me, I'm not sure why we're having this conversation, lol.

    • @wereallmadhere7921
      @wereallmadhere7921 Рік тому

      I am glad that it worked out, life will always find a way. I meant no disrespect. We can end this conversation.

  • @charlescoker7752
    @charlescoker7752 2 роки тому +1

    What method did you decide was the best way to root, or propagate rhododendrons?

    • @MikeKincaid79
      @MikeKincaid79  2 роки тому +1

      In my opinion it's the Nearing frame method.

    • @charlescoker7752
      @charlescoker7752 2 роки тому

      @@MikeKincaid79 Never heard of that method. Explain please?

    • @MikeKincaid79
      @MikeKincaid79  2 роки тому

      I’ve got 6 hours of video on my website that explains it all in great detail. There’s a link in the description of every video. The videos are paid but it supports the channel.

  • @allaboutplants984
    @allaboutplants984 2 роки тому

    nice! very beautiful orchids...
    done watching it.I also subscribe to your channel..😊..

  • @donnaradamgarcia8121
    @donnaradamgarcia8121 2 роки тому


    • @MikeKincaid79
      @MikeKincaid79  2 роки тому

      I water mine about once a month. Sometimes I go 2 months.

  • @isashikijungonzales4649
    @isashikijungonzales4649 2 роки тому

    How are the willows doing

    • @MikeKincaid79
      @MikeKincaid79  2 роки тому

      Just posted an update a couple weeks ago:

  • @tylerkovacevic99
    @tylerkovacevic99 Рік тому

    Should I try a small orchid and see how it goes

    • @MikeKincaid79
      @MikeKincaid79  Рік тому

      Yes, start with something cheap. This was an end of season clearance orchid. I think I paid 3 bucks for it several years ago.

  • @emadahmed9615
    @emadahmed9615 2 роки тому


  • @johnman559
    @johnman559 2 роки тому

    Mike Kincaid, the Chael sonnen of horticulture.

    • @MikeKincaid79
      @MikeKincaid79  2 роки тому +1

      Lol, is it the resemblance or plant promotion? 😂

    • @johnman559
      @johnman559 2 роки тому

      @@MikeKincaid79 Hahaha!!🤗

  • @HA-hd1zc
    @HA-hd1zc 2 роки тому +1


  • @yolyrom7233
    @yolyrom7233 2 роки тому +1

    Don’t ever use ice!!!

  • @zaviahopethomas-woundedsou9848
    @zaviahopethomas-woundedsou9848 2 роки тому

    Orchids remind us the greatest beauty is birthed out of a mess (the messy looking air roots).

  • @tylerkovacevic99
    @tylerkovacevic99 Рік тому

    When should I get a orchid

  • @travlinpartner
    @travlinpartner 2 роки тому

    Remember, there is NO ice in the tropics.

    • @MikeKincaid79
      @MikeKincaid79  2 роки тому

      Thank you and good point. I always thought the ice thing was strange for a tropical plant.

    • @travlinpartner
      @travlinpartner 2 роки тому

      Yes, Mike, I am in a couple orchid groups on FB and most say that this is a bad idea and can kill the roots and eventually the orchid. Most say that this means the quantity of water to use. (two ice cubes worth of water) Many many opinions on those groups. Thanks for your great videos, btw !

  • @karenpennington5073
    @karenpennington5073 2 роки тому

    Ah,mine rebloom every year.🤭. However my rose cuttings always die.

    • @Ettesun
      @Ettesun 2 роки тому

      Mine too. I’ve never been able to start rose bushes from cuttings… 😣

    • @MikeKincaid79
      @MikeKincaid79  2 роки тому +1

      That's my next goal then. Getting my orchid to rebloom in less than a year! Don't give up on the roses.

    • @karenpennington5073
      @karenpennington5073 2 роки тому

      Mike Kincaid Help!!! Lol

  • @CarolCornils
    @CarolCornils Рік тому

    Hey Mike, just a few tips here from an orchid hobbyist. Phalaenopsis grow hanging from trees sideways and even downwards in nature, so water rarely accumulates on their axis, that's why they can withstand so much rain in their natural habitat. Until now you've been very lucky that no pathogen has found the wet axis of your plant, maybe the temperature and wind in the room manage to dry the axis before anything ugly settles there (Which is something that some commercial nurseries push). Just consider that at home we have a lot of pathogens in the air (specially bad with high humidity), so you could be pushing the luck of your plant if it isn't a lab kind of sterile environment.
    Another thing, since you Phal has been living in that bark for 2 years it could be time to change the media for new chips to avoid root rot once the flowers fade. Bark tends to decompose into a fine powder which clogs the air pockets after a while
    I would recommend you to watch MissOrchidGirl's youtube videos on Orchid care, she has amazing info to keep orchids strong, alive and reblooming for many, many years.
    good luck!

    • @MikeKincaid79
      @MikeKincaid79  Рік тому

      Thank you Carol. I'm still learning about orchids. It's amazing to me that this orchid is doing so well. I've been top watering for about 3 years now and it's still healthy as ever and growing new leaves at this time. Maybe it's the specific variety that likes that, not sure.

  • @peggymarvelle6520
    @peggymarvelle6520 2 роки тому

    Can’t believe you didn’t rot that orchid by soaking it from above…guess it shows the “experts” don’t know it all!

    • @MikeKincaid79
      @MikeKincaid79  2 роки тому

      That's very true. I learn new things in the garden every year just by taking chances. Mike Kincaid-killing sacred cows since 1979, lol

  • @davehalaby8377
    @davehalaby8377 2 роки тому

    Watched this with my wife. She has over 200+ orchids. She’s screaming about watering from the top. If you water from the top and you don’t have enough airflow and light for your orchid, you will get crown rot and kill the plant. It’s touchy but it’s safer not to water the top.

    • @MikeKincaid79
      @MikeKincaid79  2 роки тому

      Tell her to calm down, lol. I've been watering from the top for 2 years and you see the results. I think the loose chunky soil definitely has something to do with it.

    • @davehalaby8377
      @davehalaby8377 2 роки тому

      @@MikeKincaid79 all about air flow and light. Consider yourself lucky then bro!

  • @pcwzion
    @pcwzion Рік тому

    No, don’t use ice cubes. No, ice. Orchids said.

  • @maryr7800
    @maryr7800 2 роки тому

    Mike, I don't know how you managed to get that orchid to grow, much less bloom when you did nearly everything wrong that you possibly could do wrong for an orchid ! Phalaenopsis roots need good air circulation and that's why they need to be in plastic pots with holes and slots, not in solid pots. I don't even set mine in a ceramic cachepot unless they're top heavy with bloom spikes. Getting water in the crown can cause crown rot and kill an orchid. Orchid experts say if you accidently get water in the crown to dry it up quickly with a paper towel or cotton swab. In nature Phals grow on trees where they hang down, so when it rains the water runs off and doesn't get into the crown. I don't think it was a good idea to stuff all the aerial roots into the potting medium. Aerial roots absorb moisture and nutrients from the air. The one thing you did right was to use an orchid potting medium. I've never heard of anyone who potted an orchid in potting soil, but I'm sure it's happened. Also, you're only supposed to use distilled water or rainwater to water orchids, not tap water. Please don't bother with the ice, that's just a way of watering the plant, but not needed for blooms. When the blooms are gone, don't cut the spikes unless they die and turn brown. If the spikes stay green, you may have a keiki (baby orchid) show up on one or both. Keep on doing what you're doing, and I hope your orchid keeps on blooming and thriving for you.

    • @MikeKincaid79
      @MikeKincaid79  2 роки тому

      Maybe I did everything right! Sure is a beautiful plant. You can't deny the healthy plant and beautiful blooms despite doing everything "wrong", lol. Maybe the orchid growers need to go back to the drawing board and scratch their heads. But seriously though, this one boggled my mind. In the beginning, I did everything like everyone told me and the plant seemed to go into hibernation. As soon as I put it in a warmer environment with bright light, it bloomed. I'm obviously not an orchid pro but I think these things require further investigation. I'm even more excited about these plants after recently finding out that they hold their blooms for months. I've definitely be getting more of them and experimenting.

  • @jojonich4405
    @jojonich4405 2 роки тому

    Opposite of everything thing I’ve learned from Orchid experts # pot was way to big ,

    • @MikeKincaid79
      @MikeKincaid79  2 роки тому

      The results speak for themselves, albeit a little slowly.

  • @chloeuntrau4588
    @chloeuntrau4588 2 роки тому

    My orchids bloom every year, with just some water every week...

    • @MikeKincaid79
      @MikeKincaid79  2 роки тому

      I want to get to the point you’re at. I’m in love with orchids now.

    • @chloeuntrau4588
      @chloeuntrau4588 2 роки тому

      @@MikeKincaid79 yes me too! Mine are by a window on the south west..Some are 8 years old ...bought them in a supermarket, thus nothing fancy! watering under, not from the top!

  • @doncarlson8143
    @doncarlson8143 2 роки тому

    It looks like you are flipping off everyone on your cover picture

  • @007trudig
    @007trudig Рік тому

    Little more action, a little less talk

    • @MikeKincaid79
      @MikeKincaid79  Рік тому +1

      Is there anything you enjoyed about the video, Trudi?

    • @007trudig
      @007trudig Рік тому +1

      @@MikeKincaid79 yes. I took out my hearing aid. Read a book until you got to the point.

    • @007trudig
      @007trudig Рік тому

      I'm 85. Afraid I'll die before you get it out.