Battlestar Galactica. This Has Been Reviewed Before. It Will Be Reviewed Again.

  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024


  • @deBebbler
    @deBebbler 3 роки тому +96

    Great review, but I really liked Scar. It brought home the hopelessness and futility of being a viper pilot. I found it a powerful narrative.

    • @tancg3015
      @tancg3015 3 роки тому +6

      Agreed, also added a new angle by extending resurrections to non-skin job cylons . Maybe Stam don`t like how it more or less plagiarized the Chiggy von Richtofen episodes from Space Above and Beyond

    • @fernandoterra4108
      @fernandoterra4108 2 роки тому +2

      And Razer.

    • @jamesabernethy7896
      @jamesabernethy7896 2 роки тому +4

      Scar was one of my favourite episodes too. I wish they'd have brought Scar back in the final battle on the side of the Humans. The first episode we saw Kat, I absolutely hated her. But as soon as she got in that cockpit I couldn't help but root for her.

    • @jamesabernethy7896
      @jamesabernethy7896 2 роки тому

      @@tancg3015 A series that didn't get the love it could have. The Chigs, AI's and Tanks would have made it an interesting universe if given a chance.

    • @midshipman8654
      @midshipman8654 2 роки тому +5

      yah, i didnt mind downtime “fluff” episodes as I felt they just added to the feel of the fleet. they are easy enough to skip if you wabt to get back into the main plot, but if you want more of the ambiance, its nice.

  • @Peachsweets
    @Peachsweets 3 роки тому +27

    Those noodle noises a couple minutes in really got me lol 😆

  • @AdmiralBonetoPick
    @AdmiralBonetoPick 2 роки тому +52

    Rewatching it recently, the first two seasons (and first four episodes of season 3) are fantastic. After that, it starts to re-use its formula a lot.
    For example, it became a running joke among my household how every time in BSG someone has a gun pointed at them, the character always says: "Do it! Shoot me!" That literally happens *six times* in season 4 alone.

  • @sgfx
    @sgfx Рік тому +12

    What I liked about Battlestar was that it covered more ground in an hour than others like Star Trek did in a season. By the end of each episode, you felt like you just watched a movie. Maybe this was because it was born from a miniseries that was forced to pack a lot in to a short time. It was somewhat like a soap opera (but in a good way) in that you had many arcs (stories) going on at the same time. Some short in one episode, some weeks long. Furthermore, I like how throughout the series. Almost each major cast member at one time or the other would be the good or the bad guy, depending on the current story line. And can I add that I'm glad they gave Grace Park, dual, triple roles, You simply cannot have too much Boomer.

  • @skatemetrix
    @skatemetrix 3 роки тому +19

    Probably the best sci-fi show I've seen. Having seen a few comments here I would like to say the following:
    1. What was the Cylon's plan? Well, it was to wipe out nearly all of humanity and reduce it to somewhere under a 100000 people and then attempt to capture the survivors so as to study humans in a "controlled" environment. That's why in season 1 the Athena Eight was tasked with seducing Apollo to explore sex, romance and even procreation. The plan then changed when Boomer Eight and Caprica Six finally understood that their race's actions were unspeakably evil and the Cylons attempted a more "peaceful" approach- this is why occupied humanity and gave them a decree of freedom. Then everything went to hell when the Cylon's lost resurrection and the plan became survival and restoring resurrection. There was a plan- but it changed at least a few times.
    2. Why was the show set 150000 years in the past? Because this has happened before and it will happen again. The original "humans" are the ones we see for nearly all of the show, "Earth" is the 13th colony but is not our Earth and on our Earth we find highly evolved hominids who may or may not be Homo Sapians. But the show implies that the interbreeding of these hominids with the humans and with the Cylon-humans gave rise to Homo Sapians as we know it. In other words humanity is a hybrid of races and as crazy as that sounds most of humanity (outside of Sub-Saharan Africa) are hybrids since about 1% to 4% of our DNA is Neanderthal (an extinct hominid species) which implies a huge amount of interbreeding. So Battlestar Galactica's idea is pure fantasy but it's a clever one.
    3. The humans may be Cylons all along and they don't know it. Given how the Cylons on "Earth" lived like humans and procreated in a same manner, if they had not mistreated their Cylon slaves (machine Cylons) and had their been no uprising and nuclear apocalypse, then perhaps the "Earth" Cylons would have eventually forgotten they are actually Cylon. The humans and Cylons may be stuck in an endless loop of development, creation of robots, enslavement of the robot/Cylon classes, Cylon revolt, nuclear apocalypse, diaspora of humans/Cylons and rebuilding which has lasted for thousands of years, perhaps longer than that. This has happened before and it will happen again.
    4. The visions of Six and Baltar are actually God's angels, they arrive to instruct, test and tempt their mortal counterparts. Since Caprica Six and Gaius Baltar can be considered the symbolic mother and father of a new humanity (us!), then it only makes sense that they, at the end of the show, become virtuous people who live for God and whose daughter will be the mother of all humanity. Caprica Six and Gaius Baltar caused one age to collapse, yet by their actions they also ushered in a whole new age for humans and Cylons. It's Adam and Eve but the whole thing is told backwards and in the end this "Adam" and this "Eve" become angels.
    5. What was the series obsession with God and religion? Well what we consider to be god makes the world go around, religions are a code of practice and you can squash God and spirituality out of humanity yet new religions arise- that being ideology whose practices emulate the practices of old. Even some scientists have created their own God: that being the idea of a holographic universe which was "created", so really no one can escape the need to create a divine being or entity. The question is which "God" is the right one and which set of beliefs are the best? Battlestar Galactica does not directly answer this but the whole story arc about God is for one purpose only: to explain why the polytheistic humans came to believe in the idea of one God. The Cylons planted the seed and it would (in this alternate past) emerge when civilization emerged on this world.
    6. Myths and legends. Why do so many of the humans have names based on ancient Greek and ancient Roman gods? We don't know why but we can see that this rich mythology and polytheism will be the origin for our own myths and legends- the descendants of the hominids, humans and Cylons will exchange knowledge and it would get distorted but the old myths and legends would endure.
    7. This has happened before and it will happen again. That final scene is a warning because it implies that we look set to continue on this cycle, sure our robots won't be called Cylons but if they do become self-aware and they do revolt against us- will we suffer the same fate as the humans on Battlestar Galactica? Is this the horrific answer to the Fermi paradox? I'm not sure if Battlestar Galactica had intended to comment on the Fermi Paradox (why is there no verifiable evidence of intelligence life when all probabilities suggest it not only exists but there should have been encounters now) but I think this is the main theme and it is terrific!

    • @AdmiralBonetoPick
      @AdmiralBonetoPick 2 роки тому +2

      The series obsession with religion goes back to the fact that the creator of the original 1970s series was a bit of a religious nut (a Mormon) who incorporated a lot of Mormon ideology in the show (e.g. Kobol is a reference to Kolob - the star referenced in the Mormon bible). Then since this new show is based on the old one they retained a lot of the spiritual angle.

  • @carlrood4457
    @carlrood4457 3 роки тому +12

    I will never forget the original's premiere. It got pre-empted in the middle for the signing of the Camp David Accords. This 11 year old was pissed.

  • @pauld6967
    @pauld6967 3 роки тому +9

    I made the "mistake" of listening to Ronald Moore's behind-the-scenes podcasts.
    It was somewhat disappointing to learn what I had thought was an ingenious series of plot elements foreshadowed and executed over several episodes turn out to be "oh-uh, we're going to be short on runtime. Hey, didn't we have them doing 'X' a couple weeks back? We can use that as a flashback to fill the time and it'll seem like it was in preparation for 'this plot development'."

    • @anidiot2284
      @anidiot2284 Рік тому

      At least they did it well

    • @pauld6967
      @pauld6967 Рік тому

      @@anidiot2284 Oh yes, they did a good job with the show.
      If anything, it was a reminder to NOT find out how the sausage is made, i.e., don't watch/listen to 'behind the scenes' stuff if you don't want your enjoyment ruined.

    • @anidiot2284
      @anidiot2284 Рік тому

      @@pauld6967 I can still watch My Hero Academia and play over watch after seeing the sheer amount of r34 they have, I think I can handle a behind the senes video

    • @pauld6967
      @pauld6967 Рік тому

      @@anidiot2284 I too thought "what's the harm?" even though I should've known by then.
      For me, it diminished the enjoyment of the show. I stopped listening to them as they were made and waited until the show was done to catch up on the podcasts. Of course the damage had been done but pausing on listening kept it from getting worse.
      To be fair to Ronald Moore, he did warn people up front at the start of the podcasts that there would be production and/or story information that could/would spoil things.

    • @anidiot2284
      @anidiot2284 Рік тому +1

      @@pauld6967 all see, ima watch them when I get the chance

  • @davebelknap3220
    @davebelknap3220 3 роки тому +3

    BGmk2 was one series where I watched the Mini and then never followed up on during the initial broadcast. Likely due to not wanting to pay an extra $50/month to hit that tier of channels with the cable subscription.
    Well done overview. This may become the next “watch it as I fall asleep at night” show.

    • @saskk2290
      @saskk2290 Місяць тому

      Why not make it a "watch it with persistent focus" show?

  • @kunlunpassagerduvent9498
    @kunlunpassagerduvent9498 9 місяців тому +1

    BSG is one of the best tv serie ever ! A extremly good scenario, Experiences from humanity in crisis and wars has been smartly exploited, A bunch of second rank expert actors hired for the all casting, a passioned teamed, A complicity in all sectors, not a single season with a low rate: DYNAMITE ! I'd love to be a part of it. A success in human experience shared.
    Paul Hogan's Saul tie colonnel is my favorite: He gives a perfect mirror and replies to main characters : He (Colonnel) like all the other character is given by the scenarist a chance to improve it's life and tolerance and spiritual exprerience: all characters from BSG are beautifull persons at the end of the serie: WHAT A WONDERFULL FINAL: it gives hope to everybody from the audience: GENEROSITY FROM writers: THANK YOU !!!
    Alain from 77700 france

  • @colinmurphy525
    @colinmurphy525 2 роки тому +4

    Omg it’s been almost 20 frakken years, Time goes so fast.

  • @vibrolax
    @vibrolax 3 роки тому +11

    I had cable TV for a couple years, and along with Cartoon Network Adult Swim, I caught the miniseries and the first two seasons. Then I moved, and no more cable. As I was losing interest in the characters' stories, I didn't miss it. A superfan co- worker would give me the rundown each week, and told me how lucky I was to get out when I did.

  • @nyambe
    @nyambe Рік тому +2

    My favorite show for sure. I used listen to Ron’s podcasts back then. Love the philosophy and the ending is perfect

    • @johnmcternan4157
      @johnmcternan4157 Рік тому +1

      On the commentaries (for every episode too, should tell you something for the time ) alone you can feel the love poured into the series. Its why we still talk about.

  • @tommybell1786
    @tommybell1786 2 роки тому +2

    Brilliant series w/a great finale.
    Can't think of a better sci-fi binge.

  • @mikeharry1799
    @mikeharry1799 3 роки тому +3

    15:32 Is that a Voyager theme soundbite when talking about everyone getting along being really dull? :)

  • @mlando73
    @mlando73 3 місяці тому +1

    That's really good work by you!

  • @NewMessage
    @NewMessage 3 роки тому +3

    Came for the review... stayed for the pasta.

  • @Hiylow
    @Hiylow 2 роки тому +2

    Was great (and still is) review of Galactica except for that Voyager snub. Ron Moore may not have received what he wanted on Voyager but then again Voyager is now considered a highly regarded television show with one of the best Captains in Star Trek. In fact you probably know that it is one of the most viewed streaming star trek series ever. One more point is the debate of what could be and what was (your hit on Voyager) is exactly what happened to Galactica 70' vs Galcatica 00's except Voyager is highly regarded in its original. So much so that in fact an animated series, ship (new voyager) and a ship named after her now exists. Not bad for a Ron Moore hit and a miss on wanting it to go darker. I loved Galactica There is enough darker shows to satisfy that itch. I and many others like shows that are inspirational too.

  • @jamesabernethy7896
    @jamesabernethy7896 2 роки тому +1

    Been going through more of your back catalogue lately, watched MASH then this. Great stuff.

  • @JackWard66
    @JackWard66 Рік тому +2

    Mr. Robot and Breaking Bad are the two shows I point people on how to have a near perfect arc.

  • @abonny
    @abonny 2 роки тому +1

    I quite liked Scar and (to some degree) Black Market. It's just kinda sad that we never get to see more of the "dark underbelly" of the fleet again... or how they incorporated that prostitute Lee was fracking in such a lazy way. Razor also has its strengths. All the Pegasus flashbacks are quite good and that ending with the creepy guy forshadowing Kara bringing "them all to their end" was intriguing. I'm also a big defender of the finale. Some parts could have been better and I don't think it was necessary to connect to OUR time... in fact I would have prefered if they had just started a new earth and it turns out the first earth they go to was OUR earth... but we blew ourselves up.
    Anyway. It's still one of the best shows ever made.

  • @Derpy1969
    @Derpy1969 2 роки тому +3

    Adama chowing spaghetti is hilarious.

    • @nickmitsialis
      @nickmitsialis 2 роки тому +1

      it's the grunting slurping sound effects that kill me.

  • @darthvirgin7157
    @darthvirgin7157 Рік тому

    no one FRACKED Felix.
    that explains his story arc!

  • @sdswood3457
    @sdswood3457 11 місяців тому +1

    Scar and The Boxing match episode were incredible

  • @ADR69
    @ADR69 Рік тому +1

    i remember hearing about this for years and thinking "that name sounds stupid, i wont like it." me n the mrs watched the first episode and binged the entire series and want to do it again.
    DO NOT JUDGE a book by its cover! oh man we almost missed out on this show.

  • @joshsalwen
    @joshsalwen 3 роки тому +1

    I loved Scar. I agree with most of the rest of your comments.

  • @dogbadger
    @dogbadger Рік тому +1

    So I've watch through this twice now, which is rare for me to do with a substantial TV series - but that's how much I enjoyed it. My favourite aspects were the accurate militaristic feel of the Battlestar and how it's interests would clash with the rest of the colony in the story, as well as the fleshed out complexity of the characters and the many arcs, which were applied to nearly every character - including, importantly , the antagonists. I did however i disagree and think 'Scar' was a decent stand alone filler story - unfinished business not so much.

  • @maxmustermann-zx9yq
    @maxmustermann-zx9yq 2 місяці тому +1

    actually one of the sharons fracked felix, but it was a flashback in a webisode that explains why he suddenly has the biggest hate boner for cylons

  • @liamscienceguy8153
    @liamscienceguy8153 10 днів тому +1

    Good review but Scar slapped actually

  • @spaceburger80
    @spaceburger80 Рік тому +1

    No more noodles! Can’t! Handle!

  • @noseotter-01
    @noseotter-01 Рік тому +1

    I can "Edward James Olmos" understand what that mumbler is saying.
    Yeah that was my Adama joke. But really, he mumbles.

  • @sleepinggorilla
    @sleepinggorilla Рік тому

    I will admit that this review makes me want to give BSG another shot. I have tried watching the series a few times and really struggled to get through even half a season.
    I don’t see why anyone likes it. It has serious pacing problems and does it’s great cast no favors by being boring. I’d rather watch paint dry.

  • @alanmike6883
    @alanmike6883 Рік тому +1

    I loved dualla and Felix. Both would simply reach their breaking point

    • @cmillerg6306
      @cmillerg6306 Рік тому +1

      And such a beautiful face (and smile)

    • @alanmike6883
      @alanmike6883 Рік тому

      I think what happened with dualla plus loosing his leg was what push Felix over the line

  • @jacobrogers2906
    @jacobrogers2906 2 роки тому +2

    I guess I'm near alone, but I hated Starbuck. She's a bitch in almost every scene she's in, and she rarely if ever adds anything meaningful to the narrative beyond this. I'm at a total loss as to what her charm is supposed to be. I love the show, and her character was the only part of it I disliked.

    • @BTScriviner
      @BTScriviner Рік тому

      No, I hated her too. Katee Sackhoff played Starbuck as such an unpleasant character you wonder why any of the Adamas liked her.

  • @fredlandry6170
    @fredlandry6170 Рік тому

    I LOVED the reimagined series it was awesome.

  • @buybuydandavis
    @buybuydandavis Рік тому

    Good show.
    Horrible ending.
    For a story arc, you gotta stick the landing.
    If you do, you're a legend.
    If you don't, you're a "oh yeah, really sucked when they screwed up the show".

  • @stephenevans6070
    @stephenevans6070 Рік тому

    I thought Blood and Chrome was fantastic and would stand on its own even if you have never seen any Battlestar Gallactica

  • @dogspunk
    @dogspunk Рік тому +1

    Dude, Hoshi frakked Gaeta.

    • @StamFine
      @StamFine  Рік тому +1

      yes, in a webisode, not in the main series. also, we would have needed to pay our lyricist more to change the song.

  • @oukifou69
    @oukifou69 9 місяців тому +1

    I want to eat some noodles.

  • @dante6985
    @dante6985 2 роки тому

    Great review, but correction, Felix fraks (or at least kisses and has a relationship with) Lt. Hoshi, another gentleman.

    • @StamFine
      @StamFine  2 роки тому

      I’ll just have to watch the show again to find a character who didn’t get some along the way.

    • @dante6985
      @dante6985 2 роки тому +1

      @@StamFine everyone in this show is so darn frisky. Heck even Cavill slept with Ellen Tigh. But Tom Zarek didn't do much frakking around.

    • @rdkap42
      @rdkap42 11 місяців тому

      The Hoshi relationship was only developed in the webisodes unfortunately

    • @dante6985
      @dante6985 11 місяців тому

      @@rdkap42 good point.

  • @cg98243
    @cg98243 11 місяців тому

    Probably the peak of postmodern, hopeless nihilism in long-form fiction. At least I hope so. 😂

  • @nickmitsialis
    @nickmitsialis 2 роки тому

    Well I have to ask: Who's that nameless brunette at 22:01?

  • @nazaren45
    @nazaren45 Рік тому


  • @MarsofAritia
    @MarsofAritia 2 роки тому

    wow someone else who hater razor lol. was completely pointless and it ruined cain (though character assassination seemed to be this show's specialty)
    show started great, but went downhill after the pegasus arc when they magically cured her cancer, had like 4 different pegasus captains in quick succession and had 4 stinker episodes in a row.
    There were some great stuff after that (the whole new caprica arc, Maelstrom, Crossroads, Revelations, SaGN) but otherwise it just couldn't hold up to the level set by the first 1 and a half seasons.)

  • @RighteousBrother
    @RighteousBrother 3 роки тому +1

    A few too many filler episodes you can skip. But when this series is good it's really good. Some of the absolute best TV ever made. Certainly the best sci fi TV.

  • @toddnolastname4485
    @toddnolastname4485 3 роки тому

    Humanity has been almost exterminated by our own creation that has decided to look just like us. I've never found that concept even remotely believable. Mostly that idea that we will ever be smart enough to create something that is actually sentient.

    • @BooDamnHoo
      @BooDamnHoo 2 роки тому

      If I were remaking it I would alter it a bit on the Cylons. I didn't mind them mimicking humans but, being AI machines, that could have been taken further. They could be so many forms. The centurion type, actual machines of any form from ships themselves (sort of like the raiders but without the meat bags inside), being the core AI of the base stars, being earth movers, basic probes, and, yes, human forms. Kind of a mashup of Cylons, Geth, and Matrix. I would completely change the dogfighting to make it more realistic (there's no "Yeehaw!" or lots of "Woot woot!" in aerial combat. Adrenaline, high gs, and intense concentration preclude it - also, the raiders being machines would be capable of far higher g maneuvers than humans could handle, so would be death to dogfight with). But no matter what, Tricia Helfer and Grace Park would have to be in it. Yum.

  • @DropdudeJohn
    @DropdudeJohn 2 роки тому

    I loved Razor, don't see how you can say it was shit, but hey ho

  • @shaunharder6216
    @shaunharder6216 Рік тому

    You didn't like Scar? Well frack you then.

  • @dragonzord6615
    @dragonzord6615 2 роки тому

    While a good review, the adama eating joke was overdone and real shit...

  • @alancrane4693
    @alancrane4693 3 роки тому +1

    Boring drivel. OBSG Way way better. Lorne green brilliance and the characters of OBSG actually have actor's that playing them you care about. This BSG just mind numbing boring 2000s drama. No African actor's and as entertaining as watching paint dry and no originality at all. Just another adult drama series the original might have a stupid robot dog and disco in space but it was silly good fun which unfortunately is very very rare today.

  • @phil8821
    @phil8821 3 роки тому +45

    My favorite episode is the miss Godfrey one, where Balthar is actually face to face with a "physical" number 6.
    Especially the scene in the bathroom where he's trying to convince Gaeta to let him in the lab. Gaeta quickly leaves and a panicked Balthar yells: "Gaeta wait, you didn't wash your hands!"
    Whole episode is hilarious.

  • @michaelforsythe4335
    @michaelforsythe4335 Рік тому +23

    I finished this series only last night and I literally still have a lump in my throat. What a tour de force. I'm incredibly sad that it had to end. Shows like this are few and far between.

    • @wshyangify
      @wshyangify Рік тому

      It actually ran to completion, which was a good thing 😢

    • @michaelforsythe4335
      @michaelforsythe4335 Рік тому +1

      The prequel series Caprica was very promising. Too bad it never found its audience.@@wshyangify

    • @TheMastermind729
      @TheMastermind729 Рік тому

      Awful ending, bad last season

    • @michaelforsythe4335
      @michaelforsythe4335 Рік тому +4

      Disagree. I loved it.@@TheMastermind729

  • @AmazingKevinWClark
    @AmazingKevinWClark 2 роки тому +3

    The writing is good but I can't stand the shakey cam gimmick without a greater storytelling purpose. It especially feels cheap and over done in scenes where little is really happening. Sure the idea is give it that realistic on the fly gritty feel but it should be saved for the more important moments in the show not 24/7. It's a bad habit of the modern film era to rely too heavily on this gimmick without putting a subtextual meaning to it. The result feels exploitative. Another horrible thing the show did was start that trend of flashes of action in the episode that trailers have been using. I want to watch the show not have moments ruined and possibly taken out of context at the start of the episode. The show was a little dry at the start having 80% take place on the ship and having characters do the dramatic whisper acting that Noone does in real life. I don't know why Hollywood thought that made everything more dramatic, it just makes your characters unrealistic and boring. I'll take a John McClane Die Hard over any of these characters any day of the week just because of the tone of which they talk in. That is another modern movie troupe which I think has contributed to killing the cinema experience. You have an interesting universe to play from and 80% of the show in the first season at least is the same metal ship interior. It's a little annoying but that kind of becomes the problem when you literally can't stop for too long in one location because Zylons will catch up. It's a good gimmick to start with but you should really stop soon after and open the show to a bit of universe exploration. That's partly where the writing begins to fall short and the gimmicks take too much importance. That aside I do love the nuance in the writing and it does a great job at building up to a lot of the surprises. It just disappoints me that I look at the originally show and see much more interesting visuals than I find the modern remake with a larger budget and technology has. For a modern TV budget they could have done far more interesting things inbetween major events in the show. Stargate Universe used the same gimmick but were able to achieve far more with it despite the backlash from the fans. Ironically you really do feel like a prisoner on that ship but not in the good way.

  • @jeffwatson68
    @jeffwatson68 3 роки тому +9

    How many times did you really need to show spaghetti 🍝 eating? Lol 😆

  • @TomOostenrijk
    @TomOostenrijk 3 роки тому +32

    Godsdamn I love this show so much.
    It holds up so well. Apart from the CGI, everything looks like it could have been shot today, The clever use of shaky, handheld cam, the overall design of the vessels.
    I wish I could experience it for the first time again.

  • @carlrood4457
    @carlrood4457 3 роки тому +11

    I'd say the writers not knowing who the Cylons all were from the beginning was the biggest miss of the series. Given the nature of the "final five", it led to an unfortunate numbering issue and a baby that had to be hastily accounted for. It really pulls you out of the show because the revelation is clearly an ass pull.
    It's a case of where standard episodic TV writing methods were used for a continuing story with a mystery or mysteries. X-Files was in the same boat. You should really have the major mysteries, characters, and revelations planned out ahead of time. You can tweak and adjust as you go, but you need to be able to plant the clues and have them make sense. Babylon 5 did this sort of thing much better because JMS not only planned it, he also planned contingencies for actors becoming unavailable and if the show would be canceled before the end of the full five years. Both of those things happened and season 5 is pretty much what happens when the reprieve comes too late and you've wrapped the major arcs.

    • @StamFine
      @StamFine  3 роки тому +7

      having a show planned out in advance is rarely done since A) renewal is never a certainty, B) setting things in stone can hamper your flexibility if you have a better idea, having predetermined destiny for characters is as much of a strait jacket as trying to adhere perfectly to 60 years of canon, C) things happen that you have to roll with (unexpected cast changes). B5 is a rare example of planning ahead but a lot of things got in the way of that going smoothly. 99% of shows are made up as they go along, which is convenient since how they come across to viewers.

  • @festalongreyhawkshorts4sho645
    @festalongreyhawkshorts4sho645 3 роки тому +20

    Opinions always vary, I loved the Scar episode & Razor was Awesome! Our Ensign Roe Laren from STNG. What a performance!!

      @STSWB5SG1FAN 3 роки тому +3

      Adm. Cain was a ral B****, the cliff-hanger ending of that first _Pegasus_ episode was parts both exciting and terrifying, with the two squadrons of Vipers facing off against each other (and Starbuck's timely appearance in the Blackbird stealth viper shocking everyone back to their senses). If they ever were going to do a follow-up series, one of the premises to be explored would be the fate of all those civilian ships the _Pegasus_ stripped down and abandoned.

    • @fernandoterra4108
      @fernandoterra4108 2 роки тому

      Me too. The others are spot on. The goods and bads.

  • @jackass315
    @jackass315 2 роки тому +14

    i will watch it again , i really loved the grimy industral look and how they follow through , you learn how the vipers work , they have gatling guns , they use a pedal for acceleration which is heavy due to g forces , they have realistic space physics to some degree pivoting on the spot and being able to strafe and turn the way a real space fighter would ,
    they are lunched from mag rail tubes on the ship to save fuel and get then into the fight faster , the ships battle it out with FUCKING NUKES and rail guns and Gatling guns , and thats just the start almost everything is so well thought out , from tactics (most of the time) to how food and even booze gets re stocked , i loved the episode where star buck guts and repurposes an enemy fighter ,
    a lot of the human tech (flt jumping aside) is either currently existing or is feasible for the future
    as a result of all this it got me back into learning about real world military tactics and equipment as it is so well fleshed out , kind of reminded me of some aspects of stargate in that way , a lot of real world or semi realistic gear that it makes sense to use , we will most likely still use current models of guns long into the future , because they work , also probably budget and easy to aquire , but still it all meshes quite nicely i think

  • @peterz1647
    @peterz1647 2 роки тому +3

    8:26 I thought you said “dickhead” at first and then I realized you said deckhand lol

  • @patrickmartin7692
    @patrickmartin7692 Рік тому +7

    I watched the entire series as it aired, both of them.
    I've never watched a review of either until now. Your "It has been reviewed before" pulled me in. Great job on this video

  • @zoekm
    @zoekm 5 місяців тому +4

    The noodle slurping made me laugh every. single. time.

  • @michaelking9964
    @michaelking9964 2 роки тому +8

    Well, there's not one of us who didn't know that the final clip he would show was of Adama eating those damn noodles.

  • @JCDadalus
    @JCDadalus 3 роки тому +2

    Now we know why Felix did what he did. NOBODY wanted to FRAK him.

  • @nunyabizness6595
    @nunyabizness6595 2 роки тому +5

    The Outer Limits. The Prisoner. Battlestar Galactica. Babylon five. These are the pinnacle as far as TV SF is concerned. Honorable mentions: Star Trek, Twilight Zone, Farscape, The Expanse, The Orville, XFiles.

  • @crapface911
    @crapface911 2 місяці тому +2

    "some light spoilers ahead" *shows a pregnant cylon* lol

  • @roberttbrockway
    @roberttbrockway 2 роки тому +4

    I eventually formed the opinion that the Colonials in the re-imaging were so dysfunctional that the Cylons needn't have attacked. All they had to do was wait and the Colonials would have destroyed themselves.

    • @doctorclu
      @doctorclu 9 місяців тому +1

      It's been reported an AI recently said the same thing.

    @GODCONVOYPRIME 2 роки тому +2

    This show started my immense disdain for reboots.

  • @Hunpecked
    @Hunpecked 3 роки тому +2

    Sorry, but "Razor" was the best part of the show. It had the highest signal-to-noise ratio in a very noisy series.

  • @tjzini
    @tjzini 2 місяці тому +1

    Just finished my 6th watching of the series. I love it, my wife loves it(she mostly hates all science fiction). I really liked the episodes he didn't. If I had to pick my least favorite episode, it would have been Colonial Day aboard Could Nine. Two Cylons characters I was least fond of: Simon and Dural. However, after watching "The Plan", I did like the Simon character a lot more. Still glad Boomer broke his neck when he was getting ready to chop up Hera.

  • @michaelproctor8100
    @michaelproctor8100 2 роки тому +2

    20th Century Fox actually sued ABC over the original series because they felt it was too much like Star Wars.

    • @AdmiralBonetoPick
      @AdmiralBonetoPick 2 роки тому

      I think they sued Universal (as the producers) rather than the network.

  • @necrotoaster94
    @necrotoaster94 2 роки тому +5

    This was "must see TV" for me when it was on originally. I love both the original show and this one, for totally different reasons.

  • @jeffnettleton3858
    @jeffnettleton3858 10 місяців тому +1

    I was an old school fan, who loved the original, warts and all (not Galactica 1980, which no one loved, but the Starbuck episode was cool) and pooh-pooed the attempts at an adaptation/remake/reimagining/alternate version/whatever and skipped it until it had been on a bit. After renting the mini-series on disc, I was pleasantly surprised and bought up the season sets and started binging on it. It wasn't perfect; but, damn it was good! It was also rather faithful to actual military protocol and terminology, which was a nice surprise, for an ex-Naval officer (Babylon 5 was good about this, too). It was a pretty apt metaphor for 9/11 and the subsequent dubious War on Terror and shady government actions, not to mention the Religious Right, conspiracy theorists, mob mentality, the failings of the human psyche, and how the media manipulates perception to sell a story, for one reason or another. It also borrowed heavily from Blade Runner, especially Caprica Six, who was likely featured so much because she bore a strong resemblance to Priss and Darryl Hannah. I would have liked to have seen some more original cast be brought on board, for meaty guest roles, especially guys like Herb Jefferson, who was way better than he often got to show. Mary McDonnel and Edward James Olmos were amazing! Their final scenes make me cry, especially after my own wife died of COVID-related causes.

  • @jamesu9508
    @jamesu9508 7 місяців тому +1

    I always wondered why they didn’t land the ships on earth and use them as start out cities with villages around them?? The ships had heat and cold, lights, tv, broadcasting for communication etc. they just walked off into the bushes with a suitcase! Haha. I’d be like land the ship for me and I’ll live in it haha

  • @ewarrior9776
    @ewarrior9776 Рік тому +1

    As a kid I found Battlestar extremely corny compared to Star Trek, Blake 7 or Space 1999. It is no wonder I loved to reboot series (except for the finale) since DS9 is my favorite of the older Trek series. Star Sadly Caprica did not recapture that magic.

  • @briancross7835
    @briancross7835 2 роки тому +1

    Loved this show!!!
    Hated the fucking handheld camera style.
    And nobody frakked Felix.

  • @darkglass1
    @darkglass1 3 роки тому +26

    I actually liked the ending and it’s sense of melancholy and resignation to everything repeating again and again. I was a little sad when I popped in a Blue Ray of it a few weeks ago and noticed a lot of the CGI didn’t age well. I remember thinking it was fantastic and real looking back when it first aired.

    • @midshipman8654
      @midshipman8654 2 роки тому +1

      I mean, I dont dislike What happened from a broad narritive plotpoint perspective, its more how it happened. felt kind of rushed or forced in places. like the whole fleet just being willing to follow adama’s spur of the moment philosophical take.

    • @TheMastermind729
      @TheMastermind729 Рік тому

      The ending is trash and only unintelligent people like it

  • @adamboyen4727
    @adamboyen4727 Місяць тому +1

    Just those last few minutes 😂
    Think I figured out why Gaeta helped with the mutiny 🤣

  • @psyberiusblack
    @psyberiusblack 3 місяці тому +2

    Battlestar Galactica.

  • @jasonarthurs3885
    @jasonarthurs3885 3 роки тому +11

    What's missed in this analysis is that the series was a running commentary of the then current geo-political situation.

    • @AdmiralBonetoPick
      @AdmiralBonetoPick 2 роки тому +4

      You mean that time in 2003/4 when California was hit by 50 nukes and the survivors had to get on boats and maintain their society while searching for the mythical 50th state of Hawaii?

  • @hakansaribal5093
    @hakansaribal5093 2 роки тому +3

    During that time I was doing research about Sumerians and ancient gods. The show used the 12s pantheon to represent the cylons. 12 characters that very similar to ancient gods made me think of that what if the gods or the god we believe in are an high intellectual organic race or just inorganic robots. That would make sense why early humans lived for centuries and went corrupted. Dying early, prone to corrupt, get sick, and such.
    That show gave me a lot of thinking. I still wonder what if the god is just a robot 🤖🤔

  • @dardobartoli
    @dardobartoli 2 роки тому +3

    Rather pleasant review, though I am in the 'stop watching about series 3'. I have just finished watching it again, but knowing it was all gods plan makes it difficult. Such a pity they didn't pull the plug on it, leaving us all wishing for more.

  • @TacticalBunnyCA
    @TacticalBunnyCA 3 роки тому +2

    Lol I like all your least favorites except “unfinished business” which was garbage.
    2 more great episodes: “Valley of Darkness” for a simple self contained storyline that is a great stand alone suspense/action piece and “Dirty Hands” for social commentary that really nails many valid aspects of class warfare without getting preachy.
    I HATED the MOTHER F🤬😧🤪🙄😡g ending! The final answers came out of nowhere, breaking with the continuity of the whole show. I was Pissed!!! There was so much awesome build up, so many clues and then 💩. That being said, unlike GOT which shat it pants in the full final two seasons, BSG really didn’t shit it’s pants until the final few episodes. They can’t all be Breaking Bad!

  • @jeanwesleynew
    @jeanwesleynew 2 роки тому +1

    I "disliked" entirely because of the exaggerated use of that damn noodle scene. ...but other than that, it was a fun video.

  • @joshuathompson2404
    @joshuathompson2404 Рік тому +1

    So help me, if you make me watch Adama slurp those noodles again....

  • @photonz1812
    @photonz1812 3 роки тому +2

    the damn frakking noodles!

  • @doctorclu
    @doctorclu 9 місяців тому +1

    Dude... what is up with the speghetti spurping?!

  • @heatnationwpb
    @heatnationwpb 3 місяці тому +1

    While I agree that most of the spin-off movies were crap (The Plan was almost unwatchable), I have to disagree with you about Razor. That movie was actually really good imo, and the actress was fantastic.

    • @heatnationwpb
      @heatnationwpb 3 місяці тому +1

      Oh, and Scar... I dug that episode as well. I also liked the boxing episode tbh.

  • @hyneksmid3293
    @hyneksmid3293 7 місяців тому +1

    Please somebody promt to AI Adama eating noodles.

  • @BryonLape
    @BryonLape 3 роки тому +2

    Loved the original as a kid and the reboot as an adult, but the latter had a very weak ending.

  • @msthalamus2172
    @msthalamus2172 2 роки тому +1

    I refuse to accept the second half of the finale as canon.... :)

  • @PerMannerup
    @PerMannerup Рік тому +2

    I found the ending perfect, not "The Plan", but the final "real" episode, just as I wanted it :-)

  • @jacksonbrown5900
    @jacksonbrown5900 3 роки тому +5

    I never got into the BSG remake. They should have done a continuation type of storyline IMO. Too much respect for TOS as I watched every episode during the original broadcast, bought the vhs and later DVD. Season 2 of TOS was terrible though...

    • @jennym2276
      @jennym2276 2 роки тому +1

      You should try again. It was incredbile.

  • @BTScriviner
    @BTScriviner 5 місяців тому +2

    Out of four seasons, there are two-and-a-half good ones.
    It's interesting to see how you've grown and how much more polished you are now in your delivery. Excellent work.
    Edit: meant to say seasons, not episodes.

  • @User8571
    @User8571 2 роки тому +1

    You didn't care for "Scar"? I always thought that was a fan favorite. Or, at least, it's one of my favorites.

  • @connorlang8048
    @connorlang8048 2 роки тому +4

    I like this review a lot but I like Baltars story arc especially the trial, that was one of the most important and impactful episodes in my opinion

    • @Onigirli
      @Onigirli Рік тому +1

      **SPOILERS** I love that the one thing he finally gets legally nailed for is something he didn't actually commit (Gaeta perjuring himself)

  • @skippertheeyechild6621
    @skippertheeyechild6621 3 роки тому +5

    Amazing show. Really divisive ending. I like the ending better on subsequent rewatches.

    • @StamFine
      @StamFine  3 роки тому +3

      I think once you know how it ends, the sting is lesseneed when you know how it ends. Acceptance.

    • @jamessullivan4391
      @jamessullivan4391 3 роки тому +2

      I could handle it when I first saw it because I am old enough to remember the original series. They visited a planet where either the 13th colony touched down or ... hard to remember. Anyway, there were pyramids and the deal was these humans gave up all their technology a long time ago and were now only up to the level of ancient Egypt. So we kids had to suspend our disbelief then and thus Gen Xrs maybe could handle the complete implausibility of giving up all technology and go native as Lee suggested. My two cents.

    • @PHDiaz-vv7yo
      @PHDiaz-vv7yo 2 роки тому

      Skipper, you’re a good looking fella

    • @skippertheeyechild6621
      @skippertheeyechild6621 2 роки тому +1

      @@PHDiaz-vv7yo I'm getting my men.

    • @PHDiaz-vv7yo
      @PHDiaz-vv7yo 2 роки тому

      @@skippertheeyechild6621 “you’re making SUCH a mistake…..”

  • @TheMetroRetro
    @TheMetroRetro 2 роки тому +6

    That show ironically showed me what heaven might look like. Waking up in a pod surrounded by a hundred Number 8's ... Grace Park

  • @stefanconradsson
    @stefanconradsson 2 роки тому +3

    This was nice, thanks man. Loved the series and its myriad complications. The emphasis on mythology got stronger as it progressed and the final two seasons were a hit/miss affair. The second season, despite having several bummer episodes was in general the best I think.
    The series encapsulated that time in the early 2000s very well; the wars in Afghanistan and Irak, terror attacks, the Thailand and Japan tsunamis .. it looked as if the world was about to end. I wonder if it will ever attract a new audience or just quietly become a dusty relic in the annals of tv.
    Cheers 🍺

  • @tienshan9819
    @tienshan9819 2 роки тому +1

    Hoshi frakked Gaeta! It was in a webisode.

  • @existencedesign7369
    @existencedesign7369 2 роки тому +1

    i'm here because of dwight Shroot

  • @robwebnoid5763
    @robwebnoid5763 3 роки тому +2

    I am a fan of both shows, classic & reimagined BSG's. The way both the original series & the reimagined series were released is eerily similar. The original was supposed to only be a miniseries when then was turned into episodic tv, although it also had theatrical runs in specific locations. And the reimagined version began as a miniseries which later became episodic tv once the ratings proved it relevant. I still actually have the original Colonial Viper plastic model kit that I bought & put together around 1979. Unfortunately I never got the Cylon Raider kit.
    Also, let's be clear that Eddie Olmos does not know how to elegantly eat noodles. You basically have to hold & push it in a little at a time with the chopsticks he was holding, at the same time you slowly slurp it in (vacuum). He was starting to look like Davy Jones from the Pirates of the Caribbean movie.
    I have no idea when the new BSG is going to come out, if it ever will. If it does, I will welcome it just as I welcomed the 2003 version. I also will respect the fact that Richard Hatch (RIP) kept the hope of reigniting the series back in the 1990's, as I was one of those people who followed his blogs & whatever back then. Not even he knew then he would become a new character (Zarek) in a future series.