I’m optimistic it’ll get better but no. The movement, peekers advantage, and dying behind walls collectively makes the game unenjoyable. I cant play a game now without feeling like I’m wasting my time.
I can deal with the game being shit, but the progress is soooo slow. Basically everything that was bad has been bad for the past year, with zero to little improvements (FPS, movement, death behind walls, cheaters, etc.)
@funtourhawk Compared to CS:GO it is indeed shit. I personally didn't need this update, it gives me less FPS, less hitreg, movement issues, more cheaters and some other wonky stuff.
The “progress” you are talking about is mainly small bugfixes and tweaking that can often create new major gamebreaking bugs and exploits, valve isn’t even addressing the cheater problem or the general jankiness of the game so who the fuck knows when this game will have meaningful improvements.
@@doliniplanini2260 Isnt the same happening in CS 2 just hella worse. Game is just a noobier version on cs go, people say better graphics. Look at the cs go maps and compare them to cs 2 its the absolute same just brightness changed. I would not complain if the game was good. But it unenjoyable in every way. 64tick, subtick sucks, laggy hitboxes, run and gun, more rng, more jumping headshots than ever, hitreg, responsivness etc etc. Game is broken and boring. Coming from a guy who has 7k hrs.
2016? cs go was the perfect game after 2018-19. And Im more willing to say the game was perfectly polished in its last 2 years, the 5 bullets for the awp came in 2022, I think this is what perfectly polished the game.
the default skins for the AK-47 and AWP make them look like plastic weapons, it's so strange, not to mention the spray which is so strange, it seems like the shots take a long time to hit the figures.
with all the cut content, hitreg being more inconsistent, movement being shit and no new content in a year? it would be mad to think this is even acceptable.
Absolutely not, I am a OG. Cheating is worse, servers are worse, hit registry is worse. Outside of graphics being better it’s a worse game all around. The devs don’t care they get paid from the steam market and Ignore all those issues
i came back to cs2 after a 2 year break and everything feels janky, AK, movement even air strafe b hopping and weird jittering when dying as if i get glued which made me stop playing again. Oh and i hate the new graphics everything looks like its fucking washed out with too much bleach even the skins on many guns
@@O6i yeah but u kinda need high brightness for fps games, these guys suck at their jobs took more than a decade to push out a half assed major update and now riddled with hackers. Fuck them
I like CS2 more than csgo from a visibility standpoint. I dont know if anyone remembers how dark csgo was compared to CS2. I think the following changes in order are most needed: Good Anticheat, Better spray, improvements to subtick, Optimization, Smoother Smoother gameplay with mid to higher ping, Then lastly content like an operation or case.
But we just asked for 128 Tick and working Matchmaking in CS GO... And they said F you guys we take stuff away.. so you never want to ask for anything again..
No way, this game may as well be in beta still. The stability and performance from day to day varies way to much. Also its unplayable on Linux CSGO performed so much better on Linux than on Windows. Right now feels like CSGO did in 2016.
Nicolas Cage is a great actor. He can play grounded roles when asked to, and his over the top performances fit the role he is given, and the story they exist in. His best known scenes only seem ridiculous when pulled out of context. He is marvelous. End of discussion.
My fav. and the only good change change: the smokes negatives are endless but what i hate the most: subtick i doubt it will get better any time soon, because they will hold on to subtick. I'm at this point where i play CSGO through a 3rd party website.
Lest we forget CSGO was terrible at-launch, but here's IMO what they should add as someone who played CSGO semi consistently since 2014: fine-tune subtick to get rid of hit-reg bullshit/some kind of networking to make it feel a little crisper new case, new operation if only to feel cared about add overpass back to the pool (please) ADD SHORT MATCHES BACK (PLEASE)
I lower all settings anyway. I don’t need CS to be a visual treat. Last time I played was during 1.6. And I like the plain look of it. So I lowered all settings to get a really old school look super pixelated and stretched heads. Yields 720fps max on some maps.
It's been a year, but I still prefer CSGO. The shooting inconsistency, the movement, the performance issues, and the overall 'feel' for the game just doesn't sit well with me. I'm an avid fan of the game, but I can never sit on the game anymore and have that drive to get better because of how it 'feels'
The live water simulation in ancient t spawn kills my pc every time the team does a rollout. It caused me to miss at least one timing on the red room smoke because of it.
Awnser is no as a higher skill player then most we notice it worse i die so many times behind walls some shots dont register it feels very delayed as an awper the kills look evenn worse.
@@zakurazt I was never an amazing player but I had good fundamentals and knew when I made mistakes. In CS2, everything I do feels like a mistake. I can never trust my spray control.
I think it's the worst game ever made and they should have kept csgo its own thing I really don't agree them thinking that making CS go into CS2 was a great idea no one asked for that
I personally feel the smokes lack the verticality than csgo. CSGO was wildly more consistent, and just better overall, missed opportunities by not keeping the clients seperate or at least synchronised via the skin market with cs2 as a option.
Most upset thing is Cheating problem ... I dont care about fps i dont care about fucking subtick I love this game as it but the cheaters are like cactus ...
The netcode is dreadfully horrifying. Dying behind a wall, getting kills I didn't even deserve, by aiming slightly ahead of the target's direction and somehow the game feels awful for me with Nvidia reflex. When I disable it - the game feels more responsive. I have a high-end PC that doesn't struggle with more demanding games, but I can barely scrap for 250 FPS in a game with already aging Source 2 engine. Don't forget Valve are worth around 8 BILLION. I don't know what uncle Gabe is doing, but if they improve the servers or just admit that their services are bad is gonna be a win at this point.
Cs2 will be better than csgo, a lot of aspect is better, main problem is subtick,spray with guns and movement, if it will be similar to csgo it will be a better game at all but now it isnt
The run and gun is what made me quit cs2. Why Valve spends so much on anticheat, but allow anyone to create new account and get a huge rate so fast, I'll never know. But u used to need a 1k hour to start being decent, but now a 200 hour random player is 15k rate. If they trying to make the game easier, like fortnite, and thats why you can run and HS everbody. Performance wise, not gonna mention that a 8k computer cant get 200 FPS consistently.
Beta lvl of cs 2 is better then years of development of cs go that made it 99% finished game ? You have to have serious mental issues to even think to compare cs 2 in its current state to cs go.
it's pretty inconsistent, I'm guessing the subtick messes it up. Sometimes I start off trying to bunnyhop, and I'll just occasionally just immediately hit the ground and not bhop at all, not even once. Sometimes I can bhop five times, but it's rare
No. I am using Old Xeon with old hardware to work, I still like playing CSGO at the freetime, but it is so laggy and I have bad experience. This game is just around 60 70 FPS although I have 36 cores CPU, GTX 1060 6GB, SSD and 144HZ Monitor. Hope you guys bring old CS back or at least Players can choose old graphics or new graphics CS which like League of Legends in 2015 - 2016 when they were developing new client but players can play old client if they want!
I want to give them the benefit of the doubt, but it being a year with little info from them, removing a ton of option for us and how polished deadlock is in its beta, it's getting hard to excuse them.
Only once they fix the movement (specifically, the clipping/bug where you get sent back down for no reason when trying to jump up onto any obstacle) It happens so often it’s insane.
monesy and zywoo said CS2 is the future and we should help devs for the game...i agreed 100% BUT Valve doesn't listen our voice, i mean what actually we want like VAC
It’s a lot better. New smoke physics and grenade drops brings much more variety and pro scene is more fun to follow on mr13. The graphics are without a doubt better. I haven’t stumbled upon glitches and issues that a lot of people are complaining about either
Are you delusional, peekers advantage is off the rails, 64 tick subtick system is pure ass, sprays are inconsistent, movement also, graphics are not better (everything is just brighter except water), running ang gunning, hitboxes, mr12 and economy totally ruined everything. Get your head straight, it is a noob friendly phone version of cs go.
Grenada drops were implemented in csgo and MR12 doesn’t make for easier following of the pro scenes. Strategizing can be just as sophisticated or simple as MR15. If you’re talking about viewer retention rate, sure shorter games can produce better results, but personally I enjoyed the longer games while having the shorter game option of MR8 as they did at the end of csgo. The new smoke physics definitely do enhance the game making for creative play opportunities though. But as for glitches and issues, mainly involving subtick, it’s certainly been a rough and frustrating development process. Though you may not feel it yourself, there are more than enough of clips of recurring issues to fault it in its current state. By no means am I implying csgo was flawless or better in that regards though. The existence of the term csgo’d is enough to prove that. But out of everything, I am truly sad to see how CS2 has killed its large community server fanbase, removing many fun game modes, some of which I would even say I spent playing more than the base game. Though the servers and community maps may recover over a very long period of time, I do feel that the transition could have been much smoother as to not lose so much of it in an instant
@@zelostial Mr13 is better in pro scene for viewership because more viewers enjoy watching shorter games, I know I do. Also, I like it more because to me a 30-40 minute game is more enjoyable and less demanding to play than a game that usually lasts around 50 minutes. And I have more time to play sinse the matches don’t take as long. When it comes technical issues in the game there are some issues and Valve pushed the release too early on. Also the anti cheat was horrible until recently. Then again, this allows players to be more interactive in the development of the game if Valve cares about its community
I'm curious what the game would be like if they weren't so concerned about carrying over in-game purchases like skins. It would have looked even better
In some ways it's better and other not, people that keep on crying and complaining are not helping at all. CSGO was much worse at release. Everyone was complaining how 64 tick servers suck, now we got something better and now the same people are complaining
CS2 is in the top 3 of the list, above the game where there is the most cheating, it's a scandal. If you play DM and a player has 45 kills, and 95 headshots, and you want to kick him out, you get screwed, and get kicked out yourself. It's a game where if you cheat and are toxic, you survive. Faceit, which many play on, their anti cheat doesn't work. But it's a money machine, that's why they don't care if people cheat.
Hah, ESL..... You dont like someone telling the truth and trashing your amazingly polished game. Its because of people like you that we have got this awful game!
At the moment no it isn’t and granted progress is stupidly slow as well as annoying however it’s important to note the game is still only in its first year so there’s lots of improvements to be made.
If I had the choice between CS:GO 1 year after release or CS2 1 year after release, I would take CS2 every single time. It's not even a contest which one is better. CS:GO 12 years into development or CS2 1 year into development? A bit trickier, but with the prospects of what CS2 can be with some more time in the oven, I'll take CS2 still.
Comparing csgo 1 year into development and cs2 1 year into development doesn’t make sense, As csgo was the new direction the franchise headed to, being more competitively focused than 1.6 and source. While cs2 on the other hand was built on the foundation of csgo with over a decade of updates and changes, so you would think valve would at least be competent enough to test cs2 especially after drastic changes to gameplay like subtick, mr 12, premier mode, map changes and etc before fully releasing the game, not saying it’s supposed to be perfect at release but god damn it sure still feels like an open beta a whole year after release. And while i do agree that it has potential to be better than csgo, with the way valve has been treating the game so far i doubt it will get better in the near future, as shroud said csgo dies with 2.
@@Jyjhbakbj2819 Shroud is a trend grifter, he played PUBG and it was the best until it wasn't and then it was the worst when he moved on to the next most popular thing. His opinion means as much as yours and mine. As for testing the game, there is only so much 20 dudes at Valve can test compared to millions of players a month. It just isn't feasible to test such a finely tuned game like Counter-Strike. They got it close enough and released for more testing. The only mistake Valve has made with CS2 in my opinion is saying it's fully released, if they had gone the Deadlock route calling it an alpha, beta, it's all testing. I think the community would have accepted it a tad bit more. To play devil's advocate to that, they did do that to begin with, but player numbers were quickly dwindling in favor of CS:GO. If the goal is to get the best Counter-Strike game ever, forcing everyone over onto CS2 was the only real option. As for the comparison, at least CS:GO was built on the same game engine as CS:S was. They didn't need new tools, training, knowledge. It was also built on the same networking as always. CS2 has changed all of that. So I would say while it's not a 1:1 comparison of course, they aren't too far off either.
@@dummykeir1717 They're Valve, they always get a free pass no matter how awful the things they did. even abandoning a game for 10 years is considered a good thing for Valve fans
Not a single person thinks that. Valve are the worst game devs ive ever encountered. Not a single piece of content we've asked for over an entire year. I expected them to actually develope their own maps for once and they can't even develope team deathmatch.
Cs2 feels great. Obviously not perfect, but the game gets better and better with updates. Anyone who says different is just a hater. They also forget how coding works and except a new engine to be perfect 😂
I’m optimistic it’ll get better but no. The movement, peekers advantage, and dying behind walls collectively makes the game unenjoyable. I cant play a game now without feeling like I’m wasting my time.
This right here 💯 that and all the closet cheaters
Yeah exactly
Dying behind walls is an old story, had that in CSGO too, but the rest, I agree.
And the gunplay is just not smooth, especially when compared to CSGO
Peekers advantage 😂 cope more
Sadly, Nope.
I like CS2 More because the skins look better.
@@Pumpkin8_i like my other car more that won’t start but it looks better
It's not even close
@@Pumpkin8_I like CS2 better because I finally have an excuse not to play it
@@Pumpkin8_Rip printstrrams 😭
I can deal with the game being shit, but the progress is soooo slow. Basically everything that was bad has been bad for the past year, with zero to little improvements (FPS, movement, death behind walls, cheaters, etc.)
saying the game is shit is so dramatic...far from "shit"
@funtourhawk Compared to CS:GO it is indeed shit. I personally didn't need this update, it gives me less FPS, less hitreg, movement issues, more cheaters and some other wonky stuff.
The “progress” you are talking about is mainly small bugfixes and tweaking that can often create new major gamebreaking bugs and exploits, valve isn’t even addressing the cheater problem or the general jankiness of the game so who the fuck knows when this game will have meaningful improvements.
CS2 needs like 3 more years to be comparable with CSGO in 2016...
Exactly, to even be comparable let alone to be better xD.
@@doliniplanini2260 Isnt the same happening in CS 2 just hella worse. Game is just a noobier version on cs go, people say better graphics. Look at the cs go maps and compare them to cs 2 its the absolute same just brightness changed. I would not complain if the game was good. But it unenjoyable in every way. 64tick, subtick sucks, laggy hitboxes, run and gun, more rng, more jumping headshots than ever, hitreg, responsivness etc etc. Game is broken and boring. Coming from a guy who has 7k hrs.
2016? cs go was the perfect game after 2018-19. And Im more willing to say the game was perfectly polished in its last 2 years, the 5 bullets for the awp came in 2022, I think this is what perfectly polished the game.
CS2 already better than 2016 csgo.
no, this shit game killed every core mechanics of our beloved cs series. its now noob friendly trash game
the default skins for the AK-47 and AWP make them look like plastic weapons, it's so strange, not to mention the spray which is so strange, it seems like the shots take a long time to hit the figures.
with all the cut content, hitreg being more inconsistent, movement being shit and no new content in a year? it would be mad to think this is even acceptable.
Absolutely not, I am a OG. Cheating is worse, servers are worse, hit registry is worse. Outside of graphics being better it’s a worse game all around. The devs don’t care they get paid from the steam market and Ignore all those issues
And even graphics are not changed, everything just got brighter and cartoony. Textures are almost the same on every map except reworked inferno.
they should have not overridden CSGO...
They should have figured out a way to make it optionally playable
i came back to cs2 after a 2 year break and everything feels janky, AK, movement even air strafe b hopping and weird jittering when dying as if i get glued which made me stop playing again. Oh and i hate the new graphics everything looks like its fucking washed out with too much bleach even the skins on many guns
Turn ur brightness down to 80. But yea valve sucks
@@O6i yeah but u kinda need high brightness for fps games, these guys suck at their jobs took more than a decade to push out a half assed major update and now riddled with hackers. Fuck them
I like CS2 more than csgo from a visibility standpoint. I dont know if anyone remembers how dark csgo was compared to CS2. I think the following changes in order are most needed: Good Anticheat, Better spray, improvements to subtick, Optimization, Smoother Smoother gameplay with mid to higher ping, Then lastly content like an operation or case.
But we just asked for 128 Tick and working Matchmaking in CS GO... And they said F you guys we take stuff away.. so you never want to ask for anything again..
Lol you mistook today for April 1st.
No way, this game may as well be in beta still. The stability and performance from day to day varies way to much. Also its unplayable on Linux CSGO performed so much better on Linux than on Windows. Right now feels like CSGO did in 2016.
Nicolas Cage is a great actor. He can play grounded roles when asked to, and his over the top performances fit the role he is given, and the story they exist in. His best known scenes only seem ridiculous when pulled out of context. He is marvelous. End of discussion.
can tell you before the video, no, no its not.
My fav. and the only good change change: the smokes
negatives are endless but what i hate the most: subtick
i doubt it will get better any time soon, because they will hold on to subtick. I'm at this point where i play CSGO through a 3rd party website.
Lest we forget CSGO was terrible at-launch, but here's IMO what they should add as someone who played CSGO semi consistently since 2014:
fine-tune subtick to get rid of hit-reg bullshit/some kind of networking to make it feel a little crisper
new case, new operation if only to feel cared about
add overpass back to the pool (please)
I lower all settings anyway. I don’t need CS to be a visual treat. Last time I played was during 1.6. And I like the plain look of it. So I lowered all settings to get a really old school look super pixelated and stretched heads. Yields 720fps max on some maps.
It's been a year, but I still prefer CSGO.
The shooting inconsistency, the movement, the performance issues, and the overall 'feel' for the game just doesn't sit well with me.
I'm an avid fan of the game, but I can never sit on the game anymore and have that drive to get better because of how it 'feels'
Cheater problem seems worse than ever. Anti-cheat **still** can't detect obvious cheats like spin-bots
I don't think they will do anything for a year or two. With those HL3 leaks it doesn't look good for CS2
The live water simulation in ancient t spawn kills my pc every time the team does a rollout. It caused me to miss at least one timing on the red room smoke because of it.
Right now, it's not better than CS:GO. Will it ever be, I'd say probably, yes.
Awnser is no as a higher skill player then most we notice it worse i die so many times behind walls some shots dont register it feels very delayed as an awper the kills look evenn worse.
@@zakurazt I was never an amazing player but I had good fundamentals and knew when I made mistakes. In CS2, everything I do feels like a mistake. I can never trust my spray control.
I remember when people said wait it will get better its only beta now full game
I think it's the worst game ever made and they should have kept csgo its own thing I really don't agree them thinking that making CS go into CS2 was a great idea no one asked for that
How the f can you even ask that question considering the state of the game?
Valve probably run the cheats websites low-key. Just getting bank. Smh.
No, and never will be
I personally feel the smokes lack the verticality than csgo.
CSGO was wildly more consistent, and just better overall, missed opportunities by not keeping the clients seperate or at least synchronised via the skin market with cs2 as a option.
What a troll question cs2 is a joke..
Most upset thing is Cheating problem ... I dont care about fps i dont care about fucking subtick I love this game as it but the cheaters are like cactus ...
Agree 100 percent
it will be better in 3-5 years but definitely worse right now.
The netcode is dreadfully horrifying. Dying behind a wall, getting kills I didn't even deserve, by aiming slightly ahead of the target's direction and somehow the game feels awful for me with Nvidia reflex. When I disable it - the game feels more responsive. I have a high-end PC that doesn't struggle with more demanding games, but I can barely scrap for 250 FPS in a game with already aging Source 2 engine. Don't forget Valve are worth around 8 BILLION. I don't know what uncle Gabe is doing, but if they improve the servers or just admit that their services are bad is gonna be a win at this point.
went from playing like 2 hours on average every day to only watching my favorite team when they play
hear me out.
-ancient -anubis -vertigo
+overpass +train +cbble
bro ancient and anubis are sick maps, -vertigo -dust2 instead
Cs2 will be better than csgo, a lot of aspect is better, main problem is subtick,spray with guns and movement, if it will be similar to csgo it will be a better game at all but now it isnt
main problem is subtick guns and movement and thats all there is in cs, there is no other aspacts
I agree, i prefer cs2 as well
its been better since launch
@@doliniplanini2260 Nah. Spraying feels awful, and the game isn't responsive at all.
The run and gun is what made me quit cs2. Why Valve spends so much on anticheat, but allow anyone to create new account and get a huge rate so fast, I'll never know. But u used to need a 1k hour to start being decent, but now a 200 hour random player is 15k rate. If they trying to make the game easier, like fortnite, and thats why you can run and HS everbody. Performance wise, not gonna mention that a 8k computer cant get 200 FPS consistently.
Beta lvl of cs 2 is better then years of development of cs go that made it 99% finished game ? You have to have serious mental issues to even think to compare cs 2 in its current state to cs go.
I can't bhop after cs2 dropped. Literally just cant
it's pretty inconsistent, I'm guessing the subtick messes it up. Sometimes I start off trying to bunnyhop, and I'll just occasionally just immediately hit the ground and not bhop at all, not even once.
Sometimes I can bhop five times, but it's rare
No. I am using Old Xeon with old hardware to work, I still like playing CSGO at the freetime, but it is so laggy and I have bad experience. This game is just around 60 70 FPS although I have 36 cores CPU, GTX 1060 6GB, SSD and 144HZ Monitor. Hope you guys bring old CS back or at least Players can choose old graphics or new graphics CS which like League of Legends in 2015 - 2016 when they were developing new client but players can play old client if they want!
I want to give them the benefit of the doubt, but it being a year with little info from them, removing a ton of option for us and how polished deadlock is in its beta, it's getting hard to excuse them.
If they fix the movement and the sub tick, i would say yes. Now I can t even bhop like the previous updates
Only once they fix the movement (specifically, the clipping/bug where you get sent back down for no reason when trying to jump up onto any obstacle)
It happens so often it’s insane.
@@Greyimm they fix it small steps at a time, e.g the Mirage boxes and the Nuke silo have been redesigned to prevent clipping
@@pauloavg2410 congrats only took a year
@@quidin7551 yeah haha it’s like they don’t test the maps before release… 1 match on each map and u got a full list of issues
don't worry guys, just wait 8 years and CS2 will be playable :)
monesy and zywoo said CS2 is the future and we should help devs for the game...i agreed 100% BUT Valve doesn't listen our voice, i mean what actually we want like VAC
Smokes bloom volumetrically, like water or cats.
Brilliant, truely a man of culture!
It’s a lot better. New smoke physics and grenade drops brings much more variety and pro scene is more fun to follow on mr13. The graphics are without a doubt better. I haven’t stumbled upon glitches and issues that a lot of people are complaining about either
Are you delusional, peekers advantage is off the rails, 64 tick subtick system is pure ass, sprays are inconsistent, movement also, graphics are not better (everything is just brighter except water), running ang gunning, hitboxes, mr12 and economy totally ruined everything. Get your head straight, it is a noob friendly phone version of cs go.
Grenada drops were implemented in csgo and MR12 doesn’t make for easier following of the pro scenes. Strategizing can be just as sophisticated or simple as MR15. If you’re talking about viewer retention rate, sure shorter games can produce better results, but personally I enjoyed the longer games while having the shorter game option of MR8 as they did at the end of csgo. The new smoke physics definitely do enhance the game making for creative play opportunities though. But as for glitches and issues, mainly involving subtick, it’s certainly been a rough and frustrating development process. Though you may not feel it yourself, there are more than enough of clips of recurring issues to fault it in its current state. By no means am I implying csgo was flawless or better in that regards though. The existence of the term csgo’d is enough to prove that. But out of everything, I am truly sad to see how CS2 has killed its large community server fanbase, removing many fun game modes, some of which I would even say I spent playing more than the base game. Though the servers and community maps may recover over a very long period of time, I do feel that the transition could have been much smoother as to not lose so much of it in an instant
@@zelostial Mr13 is better in pro scene for viewership because more viewers enjoy watching shorter games, I know I do. Also, I like it more because to me a 30-40 minute game is more enjoyable and less demanding to play than a game that usually lasts around 50 minutes. And I have more time to play sinse the matches don’t take as long. When it comes technical issues in the game there are some issues and Valve pushed the release too early on. Also the anti cheat was horrible until recently. Then again, this allows players to be more interactive in the development of the game if Valve cares about its community
Hell naw cs2 is shit
cs2 is only better in smokes skyboy and looks. Other u cant even compare
I'm curious what the game would be like if they weren't so concerned about carrying over in-game purchases like skins.
It would have looked even better
No it´s not
Im here to stay and see cs2 develop
Honestly, anubis and ancient out, overpass and cache back to active duty map pool
In some ways it's better and other not, people that keep on crying and complaining are not helping at all. CSGO was much worse at release. Everyone was complaining how 64 tick servers suck, now we got something better and now the same people are complaining
64 tick sucks and sub tick sucks
CS2 is in the top 3 of the list, above the game where there is the most cheating, it's a scandal. If you play DM and a player has 45 kills, and 95 headshots, and you want to kick him out, you get screwed, and get kicked out yourself. It's a game where if you cheat and are toxic, you survive. Faceit, which many play on, their anti cheat doesn't work. But it's a money machine, that's why they don't care if people cheat.
I tried my best on cs2. Came back after each big update. Still not playing it, like I did csgo.
Finally ? 😂 It will probably take at least two years until it may be better.
Hah, ESL..... You dont like someone telling the truth and trashing your amazingly polished game. Its because of people like you that we have got this awful game!
At the moment no it isn’t and granted progress is stupidly slow as well as annoying however it’s important to note the game is still only in its first year so there’s lots of improvements to be made.
If I had the choice between CS:GO 1 year after release or CS2 1 year after release, I would take CS2 every single time. It's not even a contest which one is better. CS:GO 12 years into development or CS2 1 year into development? A bit trickier, but with the prospects of what CS2 can be with some more time in the oven, I'll take CS2 still.
Comparing csgo 1 year into development and cs2 1 year into development doesn’t make sense,
As csgo was the new direction the franchise headed to, being more competitively focused than 1.6 and source.
While cs2 on the other hand was built on the foundation of csgo with over a decade of updates and changes, so you would think valve would at least be competent enough to test cs2 especially after drastic changes to gameplay like subtick, mr 12, premier mode, map changes and etc before fully releasing the game, not saying it’s supposed to be perfect at release but god damn it sure still feels like an open beta a whole year after release. And while i do agree that it has potential to be better than csgo, with the way valve has been treating the game so far i doubt it will get better in the near future, as shroud said csgo dies with 2.
Glad to hear that Valve can do 'Overwatch 2' without getting the overwhelmingly negative ratings in Steam reviews.
@@Jyjhbakbj2819 Shroud is a trend grifter, he played PUBG and it was the best until it wasn't and then it was the worst when he moved on to the next most popular thing. His opinion means as much as yours and mine. As for testing the game, there is only so much 20 dudes at Valve can test compared to millions of players a month. It just isn't feasible to test such a finely tuned game like Counter-Strike. They got it close enough and released for more testing.
The only mistake Valve has made with CS2 in my opinion is saying it's fully released, if they had gone the Deadlock route calling it an alpha, beta, it's all testing. I think the community would have accepted it a tad bit more. To play devil's advocate to that, they did do that to begin with, but player numbers were quickly dwindling in favor of CS:GO. If the goal is to get the best Counter-Strike game ever, forcing everyone over onto CS2 was the only real option.
As for the comparison, at least CS:GO was built on the same game engine as CS:S was. They didn't need new tools, training, knowledge. It was also built on the same networking as always. CS2 has changed all of that. So I would say while it's not a 1:1 comparison of course, they aren't too far off either.
@@dummykeir1717 They're Valve, they always get a free pass no matter how awful the things they did. even abandoning a game for 10 years is considered a good thing for Valve fans
The most annoying thing is The cheaters.
Please Valve solve this, rest we can live with.
"WATER IS GORGEOUS" gameplay critic LOL....no its not better . we keep suffering
Not a single person thinks that. Valve are the worst game devs ive ever encountered. Not a single piece of content we've asked for over an entire year. I expected them to actually develope their own maps for once and they can't even develope team deathmatch.
Valve are the worst game devs you've ever encountered? What the fuck are you smoking?
if valve is the worst game dev you've ever encountered my boy you are privileged
For me it's better
Where are factions?????
The reason CS2 will never be better is because valve are petty and won't admit the game is worse.
Poor Nicolas Cage getting kicked while already lying on the ground
dunno about cs2 but nic cage is actually a good actor.
Please solve the hitbox problem
The smgs are just to powerfull in my opinion,you can run and shoot with a rly great accuracy nonsense...
No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No.
Not. Even. Close.
most upset with cheaters. most happy with smoke changes
Cs2 feels great. Obviously not perfect, but the game gets better and better with updates. Anyone who says different is just a hater. They also forget how coding works and except a new engine to be perfect 😂
Cs 2 - trash
Cs go - forever
Nic Cage is a seriously good actor lol.
worst thing is the lack of content. We need an operation desperatly.
add fking maps valve wtf
hell no
csgo somewhat more satisfying than cs2
No but wtf else am i suppose to play, valorant LOL. Im held hostage if i want to click heads :(
i more liked the csgo smokes and prob everthing from csgo. in cs2 i more like the... nothing i hate cs2
No it is miles away, the game feels so bad and it is broken af
to be honest I dont see any fkin difference between csgo and cs2
its not and it wont be. You can make the game better you just dont profit from it so you just keep players on a loophole.
No, absolutely not.
i already uninstall it by cs2
Give us a working Anticheat FFS
Yes. The first weeks it was laggy and not as smooth. But it is better now.
no its not. crazy but true
no but its getting better