After listening to all the problems you guys encountered with failures of your power units,I think the best solution is for the regulators of your sport to "dumb it down a bit" for you.Reduce the RPM,maximum valve lif/durationt,CR,etc,so more time,effort and budget can be better utilised on the actual racing.I think engine development is best left to the genius' at Honda HRC, for example,that have the resources and budgets to do the job correctly.All the theories for four-stroke power production were established back in the sixties by companies like Honda,Ferrari,Cosworth,etc.,you are not going to find any breakthoughs in your line of work.The employees used by Honda,Coswoth,etc.are brilliant engineering graduates bordering on genius.My suggestion is that you contract out your development work to these companies,slot the power unit into the race car,and enjoy the benefits of all their know-how and engineering excellence.
Thanks for posting this....We love Keith...I was married to Randy. The Dortons know their engines!
Thank you! We appreciate it!
What’s up doc
Shoutout! from Jans grandson Justin. Great guys
@dudewell thanks for your comment. Yes, he is a very talented man.
After listening to all the problems you guys encountered with failures of your power units,I think the best solution is for the regulators of your sport to "dumb it down a bit" for you.Reduce the RPM,maximum valve lif/durationt,CR,etc,so more time,effort and budget can be better utilised on the actual racing.I think engine development is best left to the genius' at Honda HRC, for example,that have the resources and budgets to do the job correctly.All the theories for four-stroke power production were established back in the sixties by companies like Honda,Ferrari,Cosworth,etc.,you are not going to find any breakthoughs in your line of work.The employees used by Honda,Coswoth,etc.are brilliant engineering graduates bordering on genius.My suggestion is that you contract out your development work to these companies,slot the power unit into the race car,and enjoy the benefits of all their know-how and engineering excellence.