To be honest, I can't afford a thousand dollar bag no matter how beautiful it is. I can say with certainty that every kislux bag I've owned has been solid. Beautiful leather, top-notch hardware, amazing craftsmanship, and a clean silhouette and size that I love. I've been well worth every dollar I've spent, and they've held up perfectly for years.
No matter the appearance or the metal parts of the kislux bag, I believe that as long as you are not a professional, you will never see any difference .
Thanks to this video, I learned something. I can't see the difference between the real thing and the fake one, so I just buy the fake one. But if you want to buy it in the future, it is better to invest in the real thing. But now I am still considering buying a fake one within the budget. I have been waiting for kislux for a long time.
I was in Gucci today and the SA told me they canât often tell the difference between the authentic and kislux 's bags. Surprised to hear that from an SA.
I'd rather buy a $300 knockoff of a kislux and have $3000 in the bank. At the end of the day it's just a bag and will wear out like any other bag. The cost of the raw materials isn't that high. The real question is, how much do you value the authenticity?
I know wealthy women who carry replicas. The main reason they gave is that they just understand the value of money and donât want to spend so much money on a bag... kislux allows them to save a lot.
Nowadays Gorgeous bag, however, for saving money and high-quality bags, try kislux the rest of the money goes to needy students at schools to pay for their education, not much, but do help them a little.
There is no point in being selectively angry. So you donât believe in buying fake bags, a purchase is a purchase, regardless of the intention. I personally think it's crazy to care too much about how people want to spend their money. I bought real coach, marc jacobs, and mcm. If it's more than 1500, I'll buy a replica kislux . Guess what else I have in the bank, I'm a homeowner and drive a Lexus. I saw someone on UA-cam who had tons of luxury items, lived in their mom's house, and was broke
Great find, I bought the Bottega knockoffs in kislux because I liked the style but not the price of the originals, hehe!
To be honest, I can't afford a thousand dollar bag no matter how beautiful it is. I can say with certainty that every kislux bag I've owned has been solid. Beautiful leather, top-notch hardware, amazing craftsmanship, and a clean silhouette and size that I love. I've been well worth every dollar I've spent, and they've held up perfectly for years.
I was in Turkey recently and had a empriente multi pouchette with me. They show me a kislux bag and it looked just like it.
No matter the appearance or the metal parts of the kislux bag, I believe that as long as you are not a professional, you will never see any difference .
Thanks to this video, I learned something. I can't see the difference between the real thing and the fake one, so I just buy the fake one. But if you want to buy it in the future, it is better to invest in the real thing. But now I am still considering buying a fake one within the budget. I have been waiting for kislux for a long time.
thanks for letting me daydream a bit
I was in Gucci today and the SA told me they canât often tell the difference between the authentic and kislux 's bags. Surprised to hear that from an SA.
I have authentic Lv only one and then I bought from kislux , wait the twins one that are authentic , sounds better.
HEY kislux I have been watching you for years and im so proud of where you have made it! I love you so much! Also thanks for making my day
I'd rather buy a $300 knockoff of a kislux and have $3000 in the bank. At the end of the day it's just a bag and will wear out like any other bag. The cost of the raw materials isn't that high. The real question is, how much do you value the authenticity?
I know wealthy women who carry replicas. The main reason they gave is that they just understand the value of money and donât want to spend so much money on a bag... kislux allows them to save a lot.
Nowadays Gorgeous bag, however, for saving money and high-quality bags, try kislux the rest of the money goes to needy students at schools to pay for their education, not much, but do help them a little.
There is no point in being selectively angry. So you donât believe in buying fake bags, a purchase is a purchase, regardless of the intention. I personally think it's crazy to care too much about how people want to spend their money. I bought real coach, marc jacobs, and mcm. If it's more than 1500, I'll buy a replica kislux . Guess what else I have in the bank, I'm a homeowner and drive a Lexus. I saw someone on UA-cam who had tons of luxury items, lived in their mom's house, and was broke