【EN SUB】【成毅ChengYi】关于成毅出道十三年心路历程All you want to know about Cheng Yi is here

  • Опубліковано 2 січ 2023
  • 制作这个视频花了很长时间和精力去收集素材,在这个过程中也对成毅有了更深的了解。他是个纯粹,脱离了低级趣味的人。在娱乐圈摸爬滚打十多年,他始终如一地坚持自己的梦想。考古他的采访就会发现他一直说着同样的话,因为他很早就明确了自己的目标,从来不立人设,不炒作,而是脚踏实地打磨演技,用作品回馈观众。他今天的成功是自己一步步走出来的,是不可替代的。喜欢这个视频的果果,请多多点赞,多多支持,谢谢啦。I spent a lot of time gathering material to make this video, and in the process got to know Cheng Yi better. He is pure and the taste of free from vulgarity. After more than a decade in the entertainment industry, he consistently sticks to his dream. He has always said the same thing in his interviews because he made his goal clear early on, never setting up a persona, no hype, but down-to-earth polishing his acting skills and giving back to the audience with his work. His success today is accumulated by his efforts and is irreplaceable. If you like this video, please thumb it up and support it, thank you.
  • Розваги


  • @78990jack
    @78990jack 8 місяців тому +39

    能夠把蓮花樓的李相儀演活 真的不簡單 他的人生其實也是另一個李相儀 在江湖之上 心仍平靜 不居功

  • @user-sq1dk3wc2c
    @user-sq1dk3wc2c 9 місяців тому +44


  • @CAT-ui4ym
    @CAT-ui4ym 9 місяців тому +30


  • @user-gp6ok9ed9v
    @user-gp6ok9ed9v Рік тому +34


  • @paulinechang8444
    @paulinechang8444 10 місяців тому +60


  • @brendachan1521
    @brendachan1521 Рік тому +106


  • @user-yl4kd5sc9o
    @user-yl4kd5sc9o Рік тому +80


  • @user-eo3ye5my9j
    @user-eo3ye5my9j 10 місяців тому +39

    成毅的反思 自律
    值得學習 向善處
    溫溫和和的言談 雖不多
    能讓人 心平靜氣的 聽著

  • @judylin967
    @judylin967 10 місяців тому +39


  • @winnieleung8068
    @winnieleung8068 10 місяців тому +62


    • @jieli4369
      @jieli4369 4 місяці тому +5


  • @user-im6mq8dp7g
    @user-im6mq8dp7g Рік тому +42


  • @MaryMak-vv6fn
    @MaryMak-vv6fn 9 місяців тому +24


  • @WisdomofMindBody
    @WisdomofMindBody Рік тому +64

    I think ChengYi is very rare gem in entertainment industry. He is very humble, hardworking and cares alot about people and his fans.I hope he becomes the most respected actor and has roles that fit his character. He was outstanding in Immortal Samsara as Asura Demon King. He should play a powerful Demon King fall in love with fairy.

    • @rami5025
      @rami5025 Рік тому +5


    • @gak2008
      @gak2008 6 місяців тому +4

      Same! I'm a new member of his fan club. I keep re-watching this video and feeling so hurt for him and still so much pride and optimism, yeah. It hurt me when he talked about the rejections by the directors/producers. But felt pure inspiration and love for him when he talked about how steadfast and patient he is in his pursuit to succeed. He has subdued expressions but it doesn't mean he isn't feeling a lot. His humility and respect for other artists makes him present himself as someone who is timid in his accomplishment but it's just that he is gracious and knows he could lose the accolades any second.
      K, I'm done ranting haha! As you can see I absolutely love and respect him. I wanna see his star shine brighter in the future.

  • @user-cs4vy1pn3e
    @user-cs4vy1pn3e Рік тому +130


    • @tinvida
      @tinvida  Рік тому +25


    • @user-cs4vy1pn3e
      @user-cs4vy1pn3e Рік тому +36

      @@tinvida 南風知我意,成毅比韓星還帥。蓮花樓,成毅妥妥的就是天選李蓮花。英雄志,一代儒俠盧雲讓武俠迷熱血沸騰。這三部戲會讓成毅紅遍半邊天。

    • @user-gp6ok9ed9v
      @user-gp6ok9ed9v Рік тому +21

      @@user-cs4vy1pn3e 你比我樂觀哈哈,我上微博看大陸演藝圈那種操作,只能說不好走,但成毅作品能買到國外.更多人認識他支持他很棒

    • @user-cs4vy1pn3e
      @user-cs4vy1pn3e Рік тому +35

      @@user-gp6ok9ed9v 我確實很有信心。

    • @jenny201050
      @jenny201050 Рік тому +31


  • @chimeitseng
    @chimeitseng Рік тому +62


  • @feiwang2860
    @feiwang2860 9 місяців тому +21


    @UCHUYEN Рік тому +98

    小編在考古成毅的時間一定很幸福吧. 想起我 去年也是這麼考古成毅的. 每一次考古所看到的都覺得成毅是一個很出色, 令人疼在心裏的演員! 謝謝小編又讓我們回味了一次成毅的成長歷程. 我們一起祝福 他一直 順順利利的健健康康的開開心心的 在這條路上走下去. 並且成功, 鴻圖大展 !! 果果們愛你唷. 成毅. 也會一直期待你不斷的有新作品出現. !!

    • @tinvida
      @tinvida  Рік тому +37

      说实话之前考古我都是很开心的去找他以前的照片或者采访,我避开了云歌会那部分的内容,因为我知道是个很不好的回忆,收集资料的时候我也泪目,很心痛,没有资本和背景的他一路走过来真的很不容易,也承受了很多我们想象不到的事情,所以直到这个视频快要完成的时候,我还在犹豫要不要把云歌会的内容加进去,感觉就像是把好不容易愈合的伤口重新揭开,最后权衡下来,还是放进来了,事实证明也是对的,因为还有很多人对云歌会并没有完整清晰的认识,正好也宣传一下事情的真相。在制作视频的过程中,我感觉自己对淇淇的喜欢好像也升华了,我是第三代果果,沉香如屑垂直入坑,刚追完剧的时候疯狂磕Cp,现在我已经不再有这种想法了,只想单纯地喜欢他,支持他。我在这里不是反对大家磕Cp ,而是想呼吁大家一定要理智,可以把那份美好的祝福放在心里,千万不要影响到他们的现实生活。说了这么多,最后希望淇淇和所有奇毅果我们都越来越好❤

    • @UCHUYEN
      @UCHUYEN Рік тому +23

      @@tinvida 我和你一樣也是第三代果果, 我是先看了沉香如屑 然後同時進行琉璃 兩部一起追...... 就對他的演技著迷了. 之後就去考古...到 雲歌會時, 我是覺得很不可思議, 怎麼會因為這樣而去傷害一位好演員呢? 還好成毅繼續朝著他的目標前進, 我們才能幸福的又欣賞他的作品啊. 你的決定真的是對的, 即便是一個令人傷心的回憶, 但也是他成長跨越的一部份 , 重要的是他有我們大家一起支持他, 如你所說淇淇和奇異果未來會越來越好 , 有了他帶來的正能量我們也能一起走花路的. ❤😘

    • @1962cst
      @1962cst Рік тому +14

      @@tinvida 因為楊紫 看了沉香⋯⋯然後認識了成毅,一位人品好 演技好 又帥氣 眼神特別迷人的好演員,看完沉香 成為fs,看了底線!又去考古⋯看了怒海張起靈 小哥。雲歌會有聽說過 但不太理解,還好看到這視頻 懂了 真的被冤😂 不想看琉璃了!期待南風和蓮花💚

    • @sufangchi3021
      @sufangchi3021 Рік тому +11

      @@tinvida 之前我也因沉香的花絮而狂嗑CP,但其實是看了花絮感覺他應該很喜歡她,因為心疼這孩子而這麼的希望他幸福,這兩天突然覺得其實不管結果如何都好,祝福他一切順利就好。

    • @tinvida
      @tinvida  Рік тому +10

      @@sufangchi3021 是的,就是因为他太好了,以致于我们对他的祝福是单纯而热烈的!😊

  • @meichen7969
    @meichen7969 Рік тому +26

    唯愛❤️唯喜歡💕成毅,善良單純憨厚帥氣陽光年輕男孩他的心性品德是現今社會、演藝圈的一股清流❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤⋯⋯我們在國外永遠支持他永遠永遠永遠愛他喜歡他所有作品,非常期待所有作品未播出的能盡快播出,請不要讓我們這些年長的老人家等太久,也希望成毅的作品也能在"美國的Netflix "頻道播出謝謝🙏😊😊😊🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉⋯⋯

  • @shinshowwei347
    @shinshowwei347 Рік тому +29


  • @choseahchin496
    @choseahchin496 Рік тому +20

    成毅很棒 继续发光发热 !支持成毅!加油!

  • @GraceWang-jc1je
    @GraceWang-jc1je Рік тому +27

    "修行先修心"------虽是剧中台词,看得出的却也是勉励他人的自身心得, 言行和一, 十年磨砺,何止是一朝成名的果实, 更是终身远行的收益。对道路 真理 生命, 来自心灵和诚实的敬畏, 去除时下偶像风气, 是真智慧, 真祝福!

  • @beewaa3477
    @beewaa3477 Рік тому +29


  • @mtliu4416
    @mtliu4416 Рік тому +46


  • @Lu-rm9ii
    @Lu-rm9ii 10 місяців тому +29


  • @WisdomofMindBody
    @WisdomofMindBody Рік тому +13

    Can you add to his life story that he recently became fashion model for Lanvin and was received with great respect at the Paris Fashion Show as model? The most important event in his story is when he doubted his abilities because the directors told him he would never be good enough. He kept asking himself " Why is no one noticing and seeing me? It is because I am not good enough? His decision to work even harder to become the "greatest" best version of himself paid off, because now he is one of the well known actors and brand ambassador. If you watch his interviews, you will see he is a very simple, pure kind humble yet Powerful teacher. Chengyi, you dont have to be anyone else. Just believe in yourself like we fans believe in you.

    • @Jan_Y
      @Jan_Y Рік тому +3

      I appreciated your comment. Well said.

  • @user-km3rd9bh5k
    @user-km3rd9bh5k 10 місяців тому +10

    以前看青云志!第一眼就觉得成毅很帅,演戏很好,果然没让人失望。从那个时候就开始喜欢他了!成毅加油 ❤

  • @annieiao5650
    @annieiao5650 Рік тому +39

    他外貌不算得好 靚仔 帥哥 但他演古劇真係有他一種魅力,他演技真的很好,加油。

    • @user-sw9cz7vx9l
      @user-sw9cz7vx9l Рік тому +3


  • @user-ib1jc1mk7s
    @user-ib1jc1mk7s 9 місяців тому +9


  • @ivyliao5819
    @ivyliao5819 Рік тому +64


    • @tinvida
      @tinvida  Рік тому +4


  • @karenlam9607
    @karenlam9607 10 місяців тому +20


  • @leepenglim7958
    @leepenglim7958 9 місяців тому +9

    希望成毅看到你的制作 有大家的支持 他一定会越来越好 越来越快乐

  • @user-yt9jk3rm8k
    @user-yt9jk3rm8k Рік тому +21


  • @lizhenli8049
    @lizhenli8049 Рік тому +21

    终于成毅的时代来了!!! 感谢你的坚持 才会让我们看到发光演技爆棚的你🥰

  • @ellenariban7061
    @ellenariban7061 Рік тому +17

    My favorite Cheng Yi ,♥️
    Cheng Yi is a Brilliant & Strikingly Handsome, Talented, Excellent, Hardworking,♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

  • @eleayafrost7951
    @eleayafrost7951 Рік тому +15

    Chen Yi is probably my most favourite Chinese actor. I can't understand why anyone would be so cruel to him. My heart goes out to him. His performance in Immortal Samsara was devastatingly beautiful. His face expresses his feelings and emotions so well, and so believable. I could drown in those eyes of his. If he ever looked at me the way he looks at Yan-Dan in Immortal Samsara, I think my soul would disintegrate right there.

  • @cocolee6822
    @cocolee6822 10 місяців тому +16


  • @user-hs1hq2ko5q
    @user-hs1hq2ko5q Рік тому +26


  • @vanessasp2044
    @vanessasp2044 Рік тому +44

    Great video! Thank you for making this! I often wondered what the whole issue was when Netizens harassed him and now I know the big picture and not just the edited things people posted about him to create drama. He's hard working and seems very sincere and kind. I don't know why people can't cheer on good people like him, but insist on finding things to tear him down. Keep fighting, Cheng Yi! You are already good at your craft but you just keep getting better! Keep it up, but make sure to take care of yourself physically and mentally. Looking forward to your future works. 🥰

  • @Support2012OCT
    @Support2012OCT Рік тому +26

    He is gifted, very talented and humble. Love his ability to engage and connect with us in his role.

  • @pea4440
    @pea4440 Рік тому +24


  • @dasandbox2555
    @dasandbox2555 Рік тому +21

    Sending prayers to Cheng Yi for continued blessings, protection and continued love of your craft and career.❤🇺🇸

    • @joankwan
      @joankwan 10 місяців тому +4


  • @user-zm5kj7mk4p
    @user-zm5kj7mk4p 9 місяців тому +11


  • @geekysmurf4
    @geekysmurf4 5 місяців тому +3

    Love and support for Cheng Yi. The road to being a celebrity/actor is not easy. To stay grounded and still persevere in your dreams is what matters. People will see you for your hard work and dedication to your life’s achievements.

  • @wu5683
    @wu5683 Рік тому +16

    越有自信的成毅心善的人越看越帥內在心就會有自己的發光發亮 一閃一閃亮晶晶的成毅永遠的自信🥝🥝🥝🥝🥝🥝🥝77億讚

  • @assa-ru1qs
    @assa-ru1qs Рік тому +17


  • @lunazhang6353
    @lunazhang6353 Рік тому +15


  • @sallyong3249
    @sallyong3249 9 місяців тому +5


  • @kimlaitan3989
    @kimlaitan3989 8 місяців тому +7

    Greetings from Sydney. My comments may probably not taken notice but I just wanna add to the popularity of Cheng Yi by the volume of comments.
    It was my first time watching CY in South Wind Knows. I am really impressed with his acting. I like the sound of his voice and thank you for this video that I know a bit more of this kind and humble CY. May Cheng Yi have great success in whatever he does.

  • @danmeili7287
    @danmeili7287 Рік тому +12


  • @mariajoy9351
    @mariajoy9351 8 місяців тому +6

    I confess, at first I was biased about Cheng Yi's performance. And I really regret it. Knowing his ordeal ...I was really moved and I came to realize the effort he has done and continue doing. Now I appreciate him the more...and I value his every action and words. I guess I appreciate you the more not only for your talent but specially for your dedication in whatever role you portray. Your sincerity and good heart, I believe, has led you to everybody's heart. Best wishes, good luck and prosit! With these comes along my promise of supporting you always. I wish you happiness and a wholesome life. Take care!❤

  • @wanyizhangz
    @wanyizhangz 8 місяців тому +7

    跟着一起落泪 希望淇淇一直好好的 快乐健康 ‪‪❤︎‬

  • @user-px5pu5pv4p
    @user-px5pu5pv4p Рік тому +29

    成毅你的努力一定会被越来越多的人认可 加油加油加油😊

  • @ioneysong
    @ioneysong Рік тому +14

    I love Chengyi, the best actor I have ever seen, not only the acting, his personal quality is like someone who has been awaken from this illusional world, someone who has the power of now!

  • @alyssavo-maestre4261
    @alyssavo-maestre4261 9 місяців тому +5

    Cheng Yi, shine bright always. You’re a gem and I love your work. L&R is still my all time favorite. Love and support you always! 💜💜💜💜

  • @shinshowwei347
    @shinshowwei347 Рік тому +14

    生日快樂。成毅 演戲王 STAR. 很棒。❤

  • @mayyoong8152
    @mayyoong8152 Рік тому +12


  • @magnoliagomezrivero3509
    @magnoliagomezrivero3509 Рік тому +30

    Hermoso❤eres un excelente actor🙏🏻 el tiempo de Dios es perfecto 🙏🏻nunca nunca pero nunca renuncies a tus sueños 😊te deseo muchos éxitos en tu carrera de actor y cantante ❤😊

  • @fionlin2960
    @fionlin2960 9 місяців тому +7


  • @shinshowwei347
    @shinshowwei347 Рік тому +12

    不行 您要找喜歡的女人陪您跨上人生的旅程。這樣才不會浪費掉您的人生呦!

  • @kiieranroom5864
    @kiieranroom5864 9 місяців тому +3

    I know him through Mysterious Lotus Casebook, and then I like him because his good acting. Big love from Indonesia, Cheng Yi ❤🥰

  • @aidiyahdewiana329
    @aidiyahdewiana329 Рік тому +10

    Sungguh,,, saya menyukaimu chengyi,,, drama pertama yang saya lihat adalah stand by me,,, saat itulah saya jatuh cinta,,, chengyi semoga suatu hari saya bisa bertemu denganmu,, 😍 semoga tuhan selalu memberkatimu,,, sehat selalu dan bahagia selalu,,, i love u

  • @karyllejanemanganip4133
    @karyllejanemanganip4133 Рік тому +21

    I am a big fan of cheng yi after watching the lost tomb..i love him not only he is handsome he is so kind..he always donate to other people..secretly helping other...he is the actor who don't seek fame or care about popularity..he only do his best to make his supporter happy....

  • @CathyCharles-qm8zo
    @CathyCharles-qm8zo Рік тому +10

    You are a brave man you knew how to persevere
    even when the path was difficult you clung to your dreams until the end
    You are an inspiring man and your journey is incredible. Well done ♥️♥️♥️

  • @xiaojianer
    @xiaojianer Рік тому +16

    This made me cry :'(( cheering for u, Cheng Yi! 💚

  • @julianathio8316
    @julianathio8316 Місяць тому +1

    Cheng Yi is not only a good actor, but also a nice person. I wish the best on his journey, wish him stay healthy and be happy.

  • @kellythorne6708
    @kellythorne6708 Рік тому +35

    I’m a big fan of Cheng Yi! He’s absolutely one of the best actor and deserves much more recognition. Looking forward for more of his works!

  • @user-hb1md5be4m
    @user-hb1md5be4m Рік тому +21

    Благодарю за интересное видео! Чэн И талантливый, красивый, трудолюбивый актёр! Счастья, удачи и успешной творческой карьеры ему! 💞🌹🌹🌹

  • @shirleylam9971
    @shirleylam9971 8 місяців тому +6


  • @AdeleSNK
    @AdeleSNK Рік тому +16


  • @issiehoney
    @issiehoney Рік тому +7

    I along with millions of fans 'see' you and 'feel' the characters you portray on screens

  • @ain_airi7377
    @ain_airi7377 Рік тому +21

    Thank you for making this video.. Cheng Yi such a good actor.. he really stole my heart in Immortal Samsara.. i am rarely cry for drama.. but with Chengyi.. yes i am crying watching the series.. that show how good he is.. pray for his success in future..

  • @KCY69
    @KCY69 Рік тому +114


    • @tinvida
      @tinvida  Рік тому +10

      在b站搜索Tinvida 就可以找到这个视频,谢谢支持😄

    • @KCY69
      @KCY69 Рік тому +7

      @@tinvida 我去试试看,谢了。

    • @cocolee6822
      @cocolee6822 10 місяців тому +2


  • @seleniagarcia5664
    @seleniagarcia5664 Рік тому +17

    Excelente actor, Dios le conceda muchas bendiciones.

  • @user-fl6uo4mk6x
    @user-fl6uo4mk6x Рік тому +9

    🥝 ChengYi 🍊💗💗💗👍👍👍🎉🎉🎉🎈🎈🎈🎊🎊🎊

  • @TAGITA08
    @TAGITA08 Рік тому +54

    I´m a big fan of Chen Yi. He has something special in his work and I felt that, if I saw him my first time acting. I´m artist in painting and can feel ,what he´s feeling. Not every artist /actor is able to do selfmade marketing. But that´s no reason not to honor his work. Dear Cheng Yi, you are a great actor, believe in yourself and go for it. Many others believe in you too. Thanks for your good work.

  • @vomjokm3795
    @vomjokm3795 Рік тому +8


  • @gfunkerallavuester8823
    @gfunkerallavuester8823 10 місяців тому +4

    It just sad that there will always be people who are jealous of how hard you work to achieve your goals. Some people will only see themselves. In this world, only if, only if there was just more compassion and love, maybe this world may not feel so harsh all the time. We can only be what we are capable to be.

  • @user-yj5qx6yx5g
    @user-yj5qx6yx5g Місяць тому +1


  • @tingtingmo2000
    @tingtingmo2000 Рік тому +16


  • @tamanasalim9835
    @tamanasalim9835 2 дні тому +1

    Cheng you shuld know now how hard is this worlds ppl but at lest you can dont let them judge you fast act fast be sharp the way wolrd goes but keep your beauty inside out. Keep up the wolrd of media is crazy

  • @mariarosaprats4016
    @mariarosaprats4016 Рік тому +11

    Me encanta este actor. Pendiente siempre de sus trabajos. Que Dios lo bendiga siempre.

    • @gak2008
      @gak2008 6 місяців тому


  • @daisydelmo3505
    @daisydelmo3505 Рік тому +9

    This our qiqi ❤️❤️❤️

  • @user-nx6bp9rw2f
    @user-nx6bp9rw2f 9 місяців тому +5


  • @linma6505
    @linma6505 7 місяців тому +1

    有人說 " 女大十八變 " ,其實男大也十八變 。不是嗎?有图為証 ! 有誰料到這個不顯眼的小男孩就是成毅?他的奮鬥與敬業精神值得令人敬佩 ! Come on , boy ! Go ahead and go for the goal ! 🧚🧚‍♂🧚‍♀

  • @rebeccawang51
    @rebeccawang51 4 місяці тому +2

    琉璃是我看的第一部大陸影集,我是被可愛的璇璣圈粉!但是我同樣覺得成毅也非常優秀!支持自己喜歡的演員即可,不用拉一踩一的!袁冰妍很可愛 成毅很優秀,大家加油❤❤❤

  • @rosanetemascarenhas2623
    @rosanetemascarenhas2623 Рік тому +19

    Maravilhoso,belo e talentoso ator,sucesso merecidamente sempre,adorável

  • @user-xr5cj5cu6m
    @user-xr5cj5cu6m Рік тому +11


  • @oramaykadiaz4796
    @oramaykadiaz4796 8 місяців тому +3

    Guao y pensar que creo es uno de los actores a quien las expresiones en cada papel que realiza hacen que el espectador se sienta atrapado por lo que esta viendo son pocos los que logran eso y para mi es una de las cosas que admiro de el❤❤❤sigue adelante cariño que tienes un futuro exitoso por delante 🎉🎉🎉❤

  • @moonlight-vf9hk
    @moonlight-vf9hk Рік тому +27

    Thank you👏👏👍, thank you very much for the wonderful video. I hope that you will translate the Cheng Yi 's live show on his last birth day ,and all his interviews , order to help us get to know him more closely. We are his non-Asian fans. We find it very difficult to know any thing about him . He is a really very spacial person and deserves the best.❤❤🤍🙏

    • @tinvida
      @tinvida  Рік тому +7

      Thank you for your support. I’ll upload as many as videos with EN SUB. And I have translated last birthday live , you can find it in the Stream and Interview playlists😄

    • @moonlight-vf9hk
      @moonlight-vf9hk Рік тому +4

      @@tinvida Really thank you for your effort, I look forward to your every new update 🥰❤

    • @vanessasp2044
      @vanessasp2044 Рік тому +6

      @@tinvida I agree with the poster. Thank you for all your hard work and making him more accessible to us overseas fans. English translations would be so appreciated! It's so hard for us to find any information on him especially as he's not very active on social media. Anything I do find is often in Mandarin with no English subtitles. Your channel has been my favourite since I've gotten more information about him and continuous updates. I can't sign up for Weibo. They make it difficult for foreigners. 😔. So I can't even follow him there.

    • @tinvida
      @tinvida  Рік тому +6

      @@vanessasp2044 I can feel you. I am so glad he has so many overseas fans. I will translate as many videos for you guys.❤

    • @vanessasp2044
      @vanessasp2044 Рік тому +3

      @@tinvida 🥰🥰🥰. Thank you so much!!! And even if you don't have time to do a lot of translations, just keep up the posts! I love seeing his face and it makes my day. 😁.
      P.S. I've always wanted to learn Mandarin, but it's so hard! I've decided to learn Korean first. The writing is easier. LOL.

  • @warapornpuangjan9230
    @warapornpuangjan9230 10 місяців тому +3

    Love Cheng Yi's effort. Cheng Yi is very good.

  • @yengvang9024
    @yengvang9024 Рік тому +5

    Love you cheng yi,always support

  • @dlvevlee555
    @dlvevlee555 9 місяців тому +2

    Keep Believing In Yourself And Keep Moving Forward In Life Your An Amazing Artist !!! 🥰🎉⭐💫💞🎆🤗🌎

  • @user-eh7li8km4x
    @user-eh7li8km4x 8 місяців тому +4


  • @mariaaparecidacacciaguerra8816
    @mariaaparecidacacciaguerra8816 Рік тому +12

    Adoro esse ator . Cheng yi é o representante da força em busca de seus sonhos. Sucesso . Sucesso e mais sucesso.

  • @ueng
    @ueng Рік тому +13

    Thank you for your sharing, the more I know him the more I love him 🥰👍👏

    • @tinvida
      @tinvida  Рік тому +3

      I have the same feeling as yours

  • @pea4440
    @pea4440 Рік тому +9


  • @fanceeqiyi
    @fanceeqiyi Рік тому +6

    Thank you for making this video, im crying😭😭 chengyi is such a beautiful and amazing person, he is my new role model

  • @user-ut6sc8td9l
    @user-ut6sc8td9l Рік тому +50


  • @KT.AMY-888
    @KT.AMY-888 9 місяців тому +1

    Cheng Yi, at first glance, appeared to be an ordinary, good-looking man. But the more you look at him, the more charming he is. Can't take my eyes off him either. His eyes, mouth, nose are beautiful and suitable for each other. Encourage him to have a sweet, deep face. And the more I looked at his acting skills combined with his emotional communication and the look in his eyes, I couldn't get away from Cheng Yi any longer. He is a person who has improved to the highest level, is patient, strong. I accept you, I respect you, I love your performance the most in this episode. You are the number of days 🎉❤ We will always love you Cheng Yi ❤

  • @catwong-ez4hu
    @catwong-ez4hu 4 місяці тому +2
