Baptism Is Necessary For Salvation, BUT... - All About Baptism #2

  • Опубліковано 25 жов 2024


  • @chrisstegink4402
    @chrisstegink4402 2 місяці тому

    A tough topic and u did well at it. Full divulgence of the matter i dont think the disciples were privy to or werent allowed to teach it. So u did well. Wonder if its just as much, if not more about,
    the baptizor than the baptizy? This is how the groups are to function even though there are special cases. All in common is a willingness to be put to the refiners fire. Top to bottom, to do
    obedience to what is commanded of the Body of Christ. We dont know what happened to the eunuch after Phillip as far as joining other believers. He was kept from going Awal w/ Phillip is all
    it reads. Salvation comes terms and conditions. Hb5:9KJV Repentance/change so much of it to be called born again/drastic change. Endure to the end. Shall be saved.??? I can, will, might be. Not I are saved. OSAS is false. Hb4:1KJV This is what i believe. Thank you for sharing with a humbleness that shines Christ's light.

  • @JohnSpencer90
    @JohnSpencer90 2 місяці тому

    If baptism is not absolutely necessary for salvation, then logically it is not necessary at all. If belief in Jesus as God is absolutely necessary, then people who have never heard about Jesus, ( which is a lot), cannot be saved. What kind of God would impose such strange and seemingly unnecessary rules?

    • @robertemard9452
      @robertemard9452 2 місяці тому

      Regarding your first sentence, there is some validity in the statement by itself and I think the resolution to the seeming illogic is that baptism is absolutely necessary for salvation but not necessarily water baptism. I'm sure the faith of the individual will matter to God.
      Regarding your second sentence, there is illogic in your phrasing as you are conflating belief in Jesus as God with people who have never heard about Jesus. While there is a minority in this world who may have never heard of Jesus (ie African tribe), there would obviously be a much larger number who have heard of Jesus but just don't believe he is God.
      Is belief in Jesus necessary for salvation and does this belief must necessarily include that Jesus is God? The simple answer is yes. Those that believe in Jesus for their personal salvation but don't believe that he is God are, in my opinion and without me judging anyone's salavation, in danger. However, there are questions about 3 potentially difficult situations in this regard: 1) people who die before age of accountability, 2) the Jews who believe in God but not Jesus with respect to God's promises to the Jews not having expired and 3) there is some debate as to whether Romans 2:14 refers to someone in an African tribe who has never heard of Christ.
      It is my belief that John 14:6 is correct: "Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.". It is also my belief that this verse is true for all people of all time; including old testement people of faith even though they did not refer to Jesus.

    • @JohnSpencer90
      @JohnSpencer90 2 місяці тому

      @@robertemard9452 Thanks for the feedback. For a matter as important as salvation, a reasonable God would not leave it to chance (Romans 2:14) that people will infer His existence based on instinct. Instinct is not a reliable pathway to truth, and depending on it can lead you along multiple paths towards multiple religions and understandings.
      Additionally, it would be quite unreasonable for God to use Jesus as the gateway to salvation unless this knowledge was explicitly available to all from the beginning of the human race. What you seem to be arguing is that people who have never heard John 14:6 are still impacted by its claims. This, of course, would be immoral and unlikely to be taken seriously by anyone who believes that God is just. This makes it clear that the belief that Jesus is God is not required for salvation.
      Question: Why would any God need an intermediary or intercessor, is this not placing Jesus in the role of a secretary?

    • @robertemard9452
      @robertemard9452 2 місяці тому

      ​@@JohnSpencer90 I'll get to your question but let me address your first point. Romans 2:14 does not seem to address whether or not someone infers Jesus' existance or not. The verse seems to address someone's actions as being sinful or not.
      You are correct that instinct (alone) is not a reliable pathway to truth and it is because of this there are so many religions and even numerous "Christian" denominations which are of the flesh. However, instinct for a believer should be influenced by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and the believer's desire to follow God. One might say this is faith.
      You are stating that it "would be immoral and unlikely to be taken seriously by anyone who believes that God is just" if people who have never heard that Jesus is the only path to salvation are impacted by this fact. It is pretty clear from reading the scriptures thoughout and John 14:6 that they are impacted; now whether or not negatively or positively impacted is the question. Matthew 7:13 seems to say that most people will be negatively impacted by their choosing the wide path that leads to destruction.
      As for not believing Jesus is God being required for salvation, I'll let God do the judging but the fact is Jesus is God. A couple of verses that essentially directly say Jesus is God: John 1:1 "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." (word is Jesus in this case) and John 8:58: "Very truly I tell you,” Jesus answered, “before Abraham was born, I am!"
      Now to your question: "Why would any God need an intermediary or intercessor, is this not placing Jesus in the role of a secretary?". Well, the fact is, he did so the question is not "why would he" but rather "why did he"? The simple short answer is, sin and God don't mix as abundantly evidenced by the entire bible and "for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23). Sending Jesus to pay the penalty of our sin is hardly a secretarial role.

    • @JohnSpencer90
      @JohnSpencer90 2 місяці тому

      @@robertemard9452 Respectfully, you are reading from the Bible, a book that makes many unverified claims. I too was indoctrinated from birth to accept these claims, but later realized that the important ones do not align with simple logic or sound reasoning. Christians are just one among many groups competing for legitimacy in the religious space, with messages rooted more in culture and geography than in the truth of their claims. In this regard, Christians are making a special plea for Christianity, but how are Muslims any different in relation to Islam?
      For example, if I am to believe the Bible, then God is playing a rather childish and immoral game with humans. Why would an omnipotent, self-sufficient God, intentionally create anything (humans or a universe) ? Was it loneliness? Did he have an overpouring of love? Is he playing a game against himself? Are humans mere pawns in an immoral, childlike game? The answers to these and similar questions have been disappointing and often reflect a surrender to beliefs that would normally be considered childlike and irrational. We may not have all the answers, but we should at least be able to exclude the irrational and illogical ones.
      Here is a simple case: If God did decide to create, why is his creation not perfect? Think about this: if God is perfect, then his creation would be perfect unless he deliberately chose to make it imperfect. Additionally, given that he is omniscient, He would already know who would pass his salvation test even before creating them, yet he proceeded anyway. This is either sociopathic behavior or incompetence. Clearly, you would agree that this contradicts the behavior of a benevolent God. On this basis, the Bible is not a pathway to truth, and our understanding of God is therefore flawed.

    • @JohnSpencer90
      @JohnSpencer90 2 місяці тому

      @@robertemard9452 I fully understand that some people choose to believe without proper evidence. I consider that to be irrational, but that does not change the fact that these people are a part of my reality.
      For example: We use the word sin as something that is so bad and evil , its presence in the world created the need for a savior, but even if that is our perception, how did sin get into the world in the first place ?

  • @robertemard9452
    @robertemard9452 2 місяці тому

    Still digesting your videos regarding physical water baptism.
    I don't feel like I have a good grasp on this subject like I think I do about other topics like salvation, sabbath, marriage, and a few others. But I think I have an adequate knowledge of it. At this point, I think it is a mistake to assume that the word "baptize" in the bible always refers to physical water baptism.
    I view baptism as a necessary component of salvation but water baptism sort of in the same category of Lord's supper, maybe foot washing, and other things that Christians ought to do but not necessary to become saved. I view "water baptism" as a public proclamation of what has already taken place in the heart however, especially if one is to be baptized immediately following conversion, it is very concievable that what happens in the heart happens at the same time as water baptism.
    I was water baptized as a baby because of catholicism at the time and got water baptized as a teenager after becoming saved.
    Look forward to your next videos on the subject.

  • @aussierob7177
    @aussierob7177 Місяць тому

    Firstly will you guys stop calling it "water" Baptism. it is Baptism by water and the Holy Spirit.
    Reconciliation is the forgives of sins through the Sacrament of Penance/Reconciliation.
    Christ gave his Apostles the authority to forgive sins in his name (Whose sins you forgive, they are forgiven. Whose sins you retain, they are retained.). The apostles also had the authority to pass this Scripture to the successes of the apostles, whom today are the Priests in the Church.
    Christ died so that our sins could be forgiven. If they are already forgiven, then there is no need for Baptism. But the Scriptures say you have to be Baptised for the forgiveness of sins and salvation. Protestants say all your past, present and future sins are already forgiven and Baptism is just a work.
    Jesus spoke of Baptism as a "second birth" (regeneration). ,saying truly,truly, i say to you unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the Kingdom of God and Saint Paul tells us that this new birth through Baptism is salvific, stating that God saved us not because of deeds done by us in righteousness but in virtue of his own mercy by the washing of regeneration and renewal in the Holy Spirit And again in 1.Peter 3.;21 Baptism now saves you not as a removal of dirt from the Body, but as an appeal to God for a clean conscious through the resurrection of
    Jesus Christ. This washing of regeneration (re-birth) was instituted by Christ as an instrument of salvation.
    Baptism is the only way we are freed from the stain of original sin.