How rare earth mining threatens traditional ways of life in Sweden | Focus on Europe

  • Опубліковано 25 вер 2024


  • @JoanZMedia
    @JoanZMedia Рік тому +6

    The translations are a bit off- the jist of what they're saying is said although the dub is meh. Also think it's about time Sweden gets back to creating export chains again. Compared to our neighbors, we've been taking it easy and sitting on what we've got and we're in need of a new economic boom to prop us up after the last decade. We see lots of development in "green" solutions to energy- although in just about everything else- we've just settled it feels like. I haven't seen very much change, improve or excite lately- although it could just be where I live.

  • @illernpiller
    @illernpiller Рік тому +4

    While I think the sami should have respect etc they aew a bit hypocritical. They want their snow mobiles, computers, phones etc. But if the minerals to make them are extracted in Sweden they want to stop every mine. And they are also overly reactive on the reindeer being affected. Basically the reindeer's don't care one least bit about traffic etc.

    • @illernpiller
      @illernpiller Рік тому +4

      @queerdo because without the mines they would have no snow mobiles. But as long as the mines are not on their land they are totally ok with it. If you are against mines then stop using the products the mines ore produces. It's as simple as that, but no they won't. I'm all for environmental aspects etc but mines are needed and the Swedish mines have the strictest enviromental regulations in the world.

    • @peabase
      @peabase Рік тому +1

      @@illernpiller You've come across a universal phenomenon: NIMBY -- Not In My Back Yard.

    • @illernpiller
      @illernpiller Рік тому +1

      @queerdo the problem is the sami is against any mines opening on what they deem their land, which is basically 40% of Sweden roughly. It doesn't matter how environmentaly safe it is. And it doesn't really impact the reindeer's which they in any case often move by truck.

    • @illernpiller
      @illernpiller Рік тому +1

      @@peabase yeah I know, and it's hillarious. And every summer I spend like 5 weeks in Northern lappland with reindeer's among gold miners. They don't care one least bit about machines etc.

    • @peabase
      @peabase Рік тому

      @@illernpiller True dat. Some years ago, I took part in a veterans' biathlon event. Reindeer nearly ruined everything because the dumb animals decided to have a town meeting in the middle of our firing range. Warning shots didn't convince them otherwise till the army regulars got the big guns out. Only then were they suitably impressed and decided to reconvene elsewhere.

  • @Pou1gie1
    @Pou1gie1 Рік тому +1

    What about giving a percentage of the profits or value of the material resources that are being extracted to a trust for the Sami, so that they can use the money to advance their causes and interests? And they should give the Sami dedicated land that is theirs to do with. If you are impacting their way of life, there should AT LEAST be mitigating efforts that are tangible and monetary.

  • @dirreeN
    @dirreeN Рік тому +3

    Sweden is around 60% forest, and majority of that forest is up north and only country that has more forest is Finland which is right next to us.. The reindeers are not in trouble, not even close

    • @brendatenorio5721
      @brendatenorio5721 Рік тому

      Talk about reindeer and not the Sami and the reindeer and environment.

    • @stalminidentitet
      @stalminidentitet Рік тому

      Yes, but that forest is either way denser that it has been for hundreds of years, leading to less lichens for the raindeer to eat, or it's a clear cut where ground scarification methods completely remove the lichens. The forestry industry is also very bad at taking the movement of raindeer in landscape into consideration when planning where to cut.

  • @alexanderbjorling6825
    @alexanderbjorling6825 Рік тому +1

    The translation is completely off, then again Sami people do not own the land as it's mostly the government who owns it.
    The Sami have many rights, they are a recognised minority and are promised their own culture and language before the law and are given a lot of territory where they can herd and sustain their culture and lifestyle. They even are given government funding to be able to sustain that.
    We're talking about a land mass that's 2/3 the size of Germany only in Norrland where these rare earth metals have been found, 60% of our country is covered in forest and has not been touched by agriculture, mining and city building. Norrland holds only 11% of our country's entire population and by those only 20 000-40 000 are Sami people.
    These rare earth metals are needed to create a greener Sweden/Europe and the economic benefit for Sweden is going to be huge. How is it fair that not even 1% of the population is going to stop the progress of the ENTIRE country?
    It isn't.
    Everyone always wants to talk about rights and rights and rights, but never about your duties and sacrifices. This is so that our country can be more prosperous and eco friendly and to achieve that everyone needs to sacrifice, Swede and Sami alike.

  • @foilhat1138
    @foilhat1138 Рік тому +3

    Hopefully ChatGPT will save us.

  • @paulantohe3783
    @paulantohe3783 Рік тому +1

    Man, that lady ROCKS 🎉😎, Respect from România 🤗

  • @sanctherion4468
    @sanctherion4468 Рік тому +14

    This is hard to watch, knowing that climate change threatens people's lives in some parts of the world, while in other parts of the world it's the ways to combat climate change, that threaten people's lives.
    I really hope it's possible to increase recycling of the already mined minerals in the future, as said here.

    • @Starship737
      @Starship737 Рік тому

      No such thing as climate change

    • @voyd1507
      @voyd1507 Рік тому +3

      It is not the climate. It is big business, mines owners, banks, Google, Microsoft and others, who need those rare elements for computers, smartphones and cars which YOU BUY. Yhey devastate it in the name of greater good, in reality - for big profits.

    • @Whackpacky
      @Whackpacky Рік тому +5

      @@voyd1507 good points. Where did you type this comment on? Phone? Laptop?

    • @voyd1507
      @voyd1507 Рік тому

      @@Whackpacky 14 years old laptop, which I do not intent to change for the latest model.

    • @Funkywallot
      @Funkywallot Рік тому

      The Sami will be OK. They are State funded for their Rein-Deer herds decades ago, because it is not sustainable to stand on their own feet. The way of life for the modern Sami-Tribe includes Helicopters, and state of the art snow mobiles for producing meat that nobody really wants to buy on the market. All subsidies from the swedish tax payers through laws that have been put down in the 70`s . The Samis are just showing of how their uneraned status as people that really can not survive on their own. Imgagine the shame and self-deception
      The Sami people have quickly adapted to the habit of receiving cash support from the state of Sweden. And they have really nothing to offer in return really.

  • @ciprianpopa1503
    @ciprianpopa1503 Рік тому +2

    well, a city that was build around a mine that feeds it can't complain when some parts are affected by the mining underneath. Either you comply or you shut down the mine and the city.

  • @jhanzaibhumayun5782
    @jhanzaibhumayun5782 Рік тому

    I don't see the problem as long as they are compensated well. This mine could reduce our relience on China while also improving Sweden's economy.

  • @ciprianpopa1503
    @ciprianpopa1503 Рік тому +1

    Regarding the herders they should stop bitching about. They are riding snowmobiles, which I bet are subsidized by the Swedish state. They should look to their Eastern neighbors how they herd, in wooden slates and tents under freezing conditions. What their are mumbling about their traditional ways of doing things is pure gibberish. That is purely modern subsidized luxury agriculture.

  • @stalminidentitet
    @stalminidentitet Рік тому +5

    As a swede, the small excerpts that I can hear are translated completely wrong.

    • @Mangeol
      @Mangeol Рік тому +3

      I agree, Idiomatically it's a bit off, but we have to keep in mind that they sometimes have to compress and use other words in order to convey the main part of the message in a more timely manner. Sometimes that means losing some details of what's being said during translation.

  • @teropiispala2576
    @teropiispala2576 Рік тому +3

    This is highly dramatized video. I've been hiking in Swedish Lapland and around Kiruna for decades. It's a vast area with practically no-one living there. Possible mines are not actually threatening everything. In their best, they'll cover only small fraction of the land, which us mostly owned by government. This is purely a mental problem. As the man said, these are our lands, we don't want anyone here.
    What comes to Kiruna, it's a mining town, entirely formed around mine. Mining company is paying the rebuild, so for people, it's just losing the old neighborhood. It's about town apartments, not homes where people are deeply rooted.

  • @AEVMU
    @AEVMU Рік тому

    ''Indigenous''? What does that even mean??? They have not been in Sweden significantly longer than the other ethnic Scandinavians. Both groups came in many thousands of years ago. Scandinavians are just as ''indigenous'' they just formed modern society.

  • @williamlai29
    @williamlai29 Рік тому

    DW News: Rare earths vs reindeer
    Me: So who won?

  • @thomasbjarnelof2143
    @thomasbjarnelof2143 Рік тому +7

    "traditional ways", Well.. using snowmobiles and helicopters ?

  • @randyrobey5643
    @randyrobey5643 Рік тому +6

    Whenever humans' needs conflict with the earth's needs, the earth loses.

    • @ciprianpopa1503
      @ciprianpopa1503 Рік тому +1

      i bet that you spit out that wisdom behind your rare earth laden electronics in a comfy heated house.

  • @cmotherofpirl
    @cmotherofpirl Рік тому +7

    It’s happening in China and in Africa by China.

    • @nbgoodiscore1303
      @nbgoodiscore1303 Рік тому +5

      Nobody talks about that. Isn't it interesting?

    • @stunstar4553
      @stunstar4553 Рік тому

      Compare per capita carbon emissions or per unit area emissions, which country is the biggest polluter?

    • @cmotherofpirl
      @cmotherofpirl Рік тому

      @@stunstar4553 I am referring to gobbling up rare earths. The biggest polluters are China and India.

    • @Whackpacky
      @Whackpacky Рік тому

      @@nbgoodiscore1303 we do talk about it. But we want to not depend on China.

    • @袁大陸
      @袁大陸 Рік тому

      @@Whackpacky nonsense. All countries under the God ,are interdependent. No country can get rid of other countries. You every day use many goods made in China.

  • @skrallan100
    @skrallan100 Рік тому +8

    Last indigenous people of europe.. stop these lies.

  • @graveperil2169
    @graveperil2169 Рік тому +10

    snowmobiles, synthetic thermals and electronics all the modern perks created by industrialization so that he can play as a reindeer herder
    its time for the Sámi to pay for those perks

    • @stalminidentitet
      @stalminidentitet Рік тому +3

      The main reason why they need that is because of modern industrial society. Had we not had power plants in every river affecting the ice quality, and had we not had large roads that divide the landscape, had we not had wind turbines scaring the raindeer, had we not had modern forestry practices affecting lychen availability and creating areas that raindeer can not cross, then it would not be the same need for trucks and snowmobiles.

    • @Lajosen
      @Lajosen Рік тому

      @@stalminidentitet lappjävel

    • @abrakkehakka1357
      @abrakkehakka1357 Рік тому


    • @abrakkehakka1357
      @abrakkehakka1357 Рік тому

      When the dams for the hydroelectric energy production, the many mines (many that aren’t in operation any longer but are leaking heavy metals that no one wants to pay for cleaning up), and the natural forests were completely transformed to artificial industrial forests, it become impossible to herd in a natural way. The reindeer has to be transported at places and be guided to where’s there’s lichen-and where there isn’t industries and modern habitations-in a much mire complicated way. You can’t really do it with wooden skies.
      And you can say the same about any agricultural production… We can say that the massively subsidized non-Sami farmers are “playing farmers” and now must begin to “pay for those perks”… E.g., put a wind mill generator on each farmers land outside of Stockholm, Göteborg. and Malmö. H€ll, those who lives in those major cities refuses to accept building wind power plants out at sea because they just don’t like how it would look at the horizon. Even if it would mean far much cheaper electricity for them. (Instead) Europes largest wind power park(s) are being built on traditional reindeer herding land (and land used for other agricultural production) in northern Norrland.
      The gains from the mining (and electricity production) are all taxed in Stockholm where the headquarters are, or nationally, so there has only been costs for those “playing reindeer herders”. Perhaps if some one the tax gains stayed locally-as it does in Norway and Finland-people would be more positive locally. But now it pays for infrastructure in Stockholm instead… And not so reindeer herders, miners, forestall workers, etc. don’t have to travel 150km in a blizzard to get hospital treatment for a stroke or to give birth.

    • @stalminidentitet
      @stalminidentitet Рік тому

      @@Lajosen Nä, inte alls faktiskt. Jag har bara förståelse för andra människor.

  • @bupingbao7060
    @bupingbao7060 Рік тому +1

    Dream in Utopia.

  • @gnhonho
    @gnhonho Рік тому +1

    Isn't it cute? The people who caused the damage are demanding sacrifices from the people who never took part in the destruction...

  • @marcob1729
    @marcob1729 Рік тому +2

    Seems like a situation ripe for compromise. Notice that the urbanite is relatively fine with losing their home, but that is because they most likely got fair compensation. Treat the Sami with fairness, and demand that rare earths be handled with the significance that has us dredging the ocean floor and mining the arctic for.

  • @christopherx7428
    @christopherx7428 Рік тому +4

    If the reindeer were headed towards a railwayline in April, that is a giant non-problem! There is exactly one railway line in the interior and the trains run only June - September.
    It is strange that even though the north of Sweden comprises some 250.000 km² it never fails: Whenever someone wants to develop something, e.g. open a mine, exactly THAT spot is crucial for the reindeer. This is always the argument. The rare earth metals may be very valuable, not from an economic point of view but to break the dependency on communist China. If they invade Taiwan, we need to sanction them and will be glad for any alternative source we can get!

  • @revolutionarydefeatism
    @revolutionarydefeatism Рік тому

    This is the ideology of benign power, green power! The reality was in Congo Free State!

  • @b4onlyme1
    @b4onlyme1 Рік тому

    Bahut sari kamiyan hain jinka faida satta paksh utha sakte hin or utha rahe hain

  • @vansf3433
    @vansf3433 Рік тому

    All the current human development is heading toward an inevitable self-destruction

  • @harrymaciolek9629
    @harrymaciolek9629 Рік тому +6

    It won’t stop the earth magnetic field from weakening, and it won’t stop the solar storm that’ll turn those electric cars into bricks. Those reindeer may end up their best future transportation option.

    • @JG-xi4tu
      @JG-xi4tu Рік тому +2

      Should earth's magnetic field fail, it won't be the cars that have problems, it will be us. Technology can be adapted to solar winds (like we can already do it with satelites?!), but we can't be adapted so easily.
      Beeing against electric cars because earth's magnetic field may weaken too much is like pretending to be smart, but understanding nothing.
      Which part of the electric car is supposed to fail?😂

  • @amadeuz8161
    @amadeuz8161 Рік тому +1

    Easy slution. Reindeer is the main source of income for the sami(I assume it still is). Make the sami own the mines and let them gain the profits to pay for the lost income from the reindeer. Like they will loose only a tiny part of the total herd so food wont be an issue, its the profits that feed their other needs that will be the problem. Personal losses will be bigger for some and smaller for others.
    Yes there will be a historical and cultural issues but the economic can be solved. Our Saami brothers rather wants the snow in the north even for their grandchildren and get some income from "not cultural" sources than fight renewables. They love the nature in a way central Europeans doesn't understand as we their siblings do too, but they also know that the damage done to our mother is the only way we can improve our ways without causing a shock through the spoiled people in the world.
    Yes I would also complain if they built an wind turbine next to my house but as long as I get the option to at least get a new house in a similar location for free I would understand the sacrifice I had to make. So I hope they wont try to "steal" the land because then I will protest with my siblings.
    The future will be a field of wind turbines and solar panel roofs to feed our energy hungry habits so sacrifices has to be made either by reducing the need or to produce the needed energy ourselves.
    Still, if we don't fix the problem there will be 0 reindeer herds because their food will stop growing when the climate in the area changes too much. Their food source is already pretty demanding.

  • @brendatenorio5721
    @brendatenorio5721 Рік тому

    It's very sad.

  • @lordbaboon1110
    @lordbaboon1110 Рік тому +1

    Go go Beowulf !

  • @Frank-dv3st
    @Frank-dv3st Рік тому +6

    They need Climate activists
    sticking themselves to roads and mining vehicles.

    • @graveperil2169
      @graveperil2169 Рік тому

      I wish they would it could be days til the authorities find a safe way to unglue them, Climate activists killed by the Climate

    • @Whackpacky
      @Whackpacky Рік тому

      Then they would get killed. 😢 that is dangerous.

  • @user-zz8lb6bd7p
    @user-zz8lb6bd7p Рік тому

    Without mines north above Stockholm has nothing to offer except electricity, the discussion is silly, without any mines all people will have to move south.... Samis way of live is supported by the Swedish government yet you dont mention this....

  • @rjclue2630
    @rjclue2630 Рік тому +1

    Oil, gas, guns, wars and war machines. We need resources. Destroy the earth 😮

    • @JG-xi4tu
      @JG-xi4tu Рік тому +1

      Well this is specifically to reduce oil and gas. So go sweden go.

  • @segurosincero4057
    @segurosincero4057 Рік тому +4

    It could be fossil fuels or rare earth materials. We have to drill and we have to dig mines.

  • @CUXOB2
    @CUXOB2 Рік тому

    Ah yes, 97% of biomass of the planet is gone, let's start talking. Humans are funny.

  • @nimenea
    @nimenea Рік тому

    constantin barbu , a lingivstic historian that helped many countries to complete or give answers to their puzzles regarding their old manuscripts showed the whole world that romania is the only country that has manuscripts older than 2500 years.
    He showed on your language ,history and lingvistic history that romania is the oldest country. Now ,before orthodox christianity romania was pagan. One of the apostoles of Iisus Hristos ,named Andrei came 2023 years ago in romania and since then ,romania became orthodox.
    church of west ,catholics and Church of east ,orthodoxy ,were toghether for 1000 years but ,the church of west went in herezi and they put head of the church as pope. Orthodoxy did not accept that beacause head of church is Iisus Hristos.
    In 2016 they made ecumenical sinod for all other denominations(sects)along with catholics to unite with orthodoxy and have head the pope.
    Today orthodoxy is split in two :
    one is ecumenistic
    One the real and only true faith ,wich is for 2023 years ,wich still has Iisus Hristos as its head..ou

  • @sna_fu
    @sna_fu Рік тому

    let em have their reindeer

  • @johncollins2037
    @johncollins2037 Рік тому

    Just a thought how much CO2 does China, Pakistan, India and no hope countries produce as a percentage of CO2 emissions? compared to the rest of the word. Before comments arrive i now China is the highest of my examples. Europe is not the only problem with emission's.

    • @stunstar4553
      @stunstar4553 Рік тому +1

      Compare per capita carbon emissions or per unit area emissions, which country is the biggest polluter? It is unfair to compare emissions by country, as large and small countries are not at the same level

    • @twostop6895
      @twostop6895 Рік тому

      @@stunstar4553 lol

    • @TheShaitt
      @TheShaitt Рік тому +1

      @@stunstar4553 the planet doesn’t care what’s “fair”, it’s gonna warm up regardless.

    • @christopherx7428
      @christopherx7428 Рік тому

      @@stunstar4553 I agree, but by now, China exceeds the per capita emission of the EU.

    • @wumaobot
      @wumaobot Рік тому +1


  • @bm-kb8kh
    @bm-kb8kh Рік тому

    DEMO cracy

  • @袁大陸
    @袁大陸 Рік тому

    If USA needs rare earth,Sweden dares not say no.

    • @JG-xi4tu
      @JG-xi4tu Рік тому +2

      Em.... Everyone in the west needs it?

    • @袁大陸
      @袁大陸 Рік тому

      @@JG-xi4tu Rare earth refining is very polluted, so Western Countries were very selfish to push China producing rare earth for polluting China, now Western Countries want polluting poor countries other than China.

    • @peabase
      @peabase Рік тому

      Sweden would only get excited and opposed it, if the US made demands.

  • @maxsmith3580
    @maxsmith3580 Рік тому +1

    1st world problems

    • @CosmicHarmony58
      @CosmicHarmony58 Рік тому

      I support the West because you’re just an edgy Internet user. Btw, you’re on UA-cam LOL where’s Russias own version of it? Poor Country L

    • @peabase
      @peabase Рік тому

      We get it, Russia is a developing country.

  • @Starship737
    @Starship737 Рік тому +1

    Normalize trade relations with Russia. let Russia have the eastern Russian speaking parts of Ukraine..let sanity and peace prevails. This is the only way to save the delicate eco system of Northern Sweden

    • @martins3885
      @martins3885 Рік тому +1

      Shut your mouth bot

    • @DasenSWE
      @DasenSWE Рік тому +1

      simple minded fool

    • @jurgislv
      @jurgislv Рік тому +1

      What does that have to do with anything? And no, we will not let Russia kill their way to obtaining new territories. More than 300,000 people have already died because of Russia’s war. And we should reward them for that? Never.

    • @graveperil2169
      @graveperil2169 Рік тому

      I say let Russia have the whole of Sweden after all the Swedish empire is no more its time it all of Sweden was under the care of the Russian Motherland

    • @JG-xi4tu
      @JG-xi4tu Рік тому +2

      Increase dependency on russia again so they can as*f*ck us next time they feel like it? Nope.

  • @Lajosen
    @Lajosen Рік тому


    • @hkbergdahl1853
      @hkbergdahl1853 Рік тому

      You can dream about it but basement dwellers are not cool anywhere

  • @jieli3313
    @jieli3313 Рік тому

    Today's government has become a privileged government for a few people! So we need a brand new organization! Perhaps we should accept the rule of artificial intelligence! Because artificial intelligence is very fair! Establish the world's first artificial intelligence country!