86 Your Good Roots Are Greater than Making Offerings to 40 Billion Buddhas! How Do We Know?

  • Опубліковано 17 вер 2024
  • Being able to believe in the Pure Land Method, you must have enough good roots. Now, not only do you believe in it but you also aspire to be reborn, you must have made offerings to 40 billion Buddhas in your past lives. How do we know? Venerable Ding Hong told us a great story in The Infinite Life Sutra to prove this inconceivable roots. As long as you dare to undertake it and practice conscientiously, you will no doubt at all be reborn in this lifetime and you can also help someone who have made heinous sins with your good roots!
    To delve deeper, this is a good reference. We based on this video to make the videos of "To Enlightenment #83, #84"
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