Unfortunately the festival is being redesigned according to the event's website with more information due to be published in the future, suggesting that next year's event might not look like a tattoo similar to those produced since 2017. Keep up to date with the festival on their website though! musikfestbw.de/
I just love listening to mass military bands. This is a beautiful sound
Sehr Schön! Riff Raff...Alte..
Wo bekomme ich Informationen über den Termin in 2025
Unfortunately the festival is being redesigned according to the event's website with more information due to be published in the future, suggesting that next year's event might not look like a tattoo similar to those produced since 2017. Keep up to date with the festival on their website though!
Fliegergeist, not Fleigergeist 😉
My apologies, thank you for alerting me to the slight spelling issue!