@@bl00dFairy I mean I did learn English all by myself but I started consuming English content at such a young age, also Korean is much harder to pick up
I’m not Korean but I can tell you’ve learnt through entertainment as your pronunciation is pretty good. I’ve been learning Korean the same way, so that’s how I can tell. I’ve seen enough kdramas to spot a rubbish accent. It’s kinda like how you learn your native language; listen and repeat, therefore your innotation is better. I’m not as well spoken as you, but hopefully in the near future I can start to use korean more and practice speaking with others, which will definitely boost my confidence and skill. Keep up the good work! Congrats on gaining so many subscribers.
That was actually pretty cool! You are doing something really great, whether you know it or not! Multi-Lingual people should be proud of that. In much of the United States, being multilingual is very rare because we are just that lazy about it. We stick with one language so we can learn other things with that time. Languages are important though so I WISH I had taken classes much more seriously while I was in school. I also wish my family actively spoke other languages on a regular basis. Basically got shafted over here but part of it is my own fault. Now it is too late for me, my memory is SHOT and I am going senile. Too many other things to worry about to try learning anything new, if my memory won't allow me to retain any lessons. I feel so stupid and useless these days.
I had to subscribe. I always see guys doing it but it’s refreshing to see a girl doing it and a beautiful one at that. I have a feeling this channel is going to blow up!
진짜 너무 대단하고, 진짜 최고네요. 텔텔님 유튭보고 왔는데~ 너무 신기하네요^^ 텔텔님 유튭 댓글에 레베카님 한국이름이 "예백화"라는 글보고 빵 터졌네요~ 조상이 한국인이였을꺼라고..ㅋ 그만큼 진짜 뉘앙스 느낌이 완전 한국인 같아요. 유튜버로 성공하실것같아요 구독하고 가요~ 영상 종종 올려주세요 한국 40대 아줌마가^^
for someone that learned korean JUST by watching korean content…that is SO impressive. even the way you pronounce things is so good. it gives me so much motivation to deeply study korean bc I also tried learning korean (studying) but I gave up bc it wasn’t something that kept me interested. I can speak conversational but I want to build my skills more so I also watch korean content and talk to korean’s online to expand my knowledge more. you’re so incredibly good im motivated once again 💪🏼💪🏼
I do want to be but I’m a final year university/college student during exam season like I mention on all my videos’ description boxes so I cannot be atm.
@@rebeccaestrella Fair enough, I'm in second year at Shef Hallam and I'm constantly doing uni shizzle. Looking forward to when you can start uploading actively, I feel like you'll blow up
Hah I laughed when she said she didn't study but just know Korean from watching video and such..cause the same happened to me, you see English is not my first language but ever sense I was young I watched UA-cam video and played online games and that helped alot
Your face is gorgeous. I learned English by myself too. Kinda wish I had watched Korean and Japanese too now. Love to learn to speak and understand those. :D You're awesome.
Hi Rebecca, I just came across your video. I will subscribe, too! Your Korean sounds great (although it doesn't mean much since I'm not Korean, nor do I speak it). Looking forward to more of your videos! ✌🏾😊
as a korean guy i feel obligated to warn you about how sleazy some of these dudes can be (although i'm sure you experienced that by going on omegle lol) you seem very bright so don't want to overstep but just be careful out there, your videos have been great so far :D
I love your ambition and drive ... I wish I had it when I was your age .. you can indeed learn by listening and repeating... I will be back as I have subbed to you
new subs here! love your content. do more of this :)
상대방이 반말하면 레베카님도 반말하세요 남자분 무례하네
동의 합니다. "반말하시면 나도 이제부터 말 놓을께!! 편하게 얘기하자" 라고 하시면 될 듯 😉
its so nice of you to not upload people without their permission
im so jealous, surely you didnt get to this level from just watching K-entertainment. keep up the videos this has motivated me to keep studying korean
Definitely not that would be impossible but her korean is good
Yeah I wanna be that good in Korean too someday 😊😊
I also think it's unlikely, so why does she lie about it?
Some people have a knack for languages, even if they didn't properly learn it. I know someone like her, so it's def not impossible lol.
@@bl00dFairy I mean I did learn English all by myself but I started consuming English content at such a young age, also Korean is much harder to pick up
다음 영상도 빨리 보고 싶습니다.☺️☺️🥺
한국도 안 와봤는데 이 정도 구사하는거면 진짜 언어천재인듯
I’m not Korean but I can tell you’ve learnt through entertainment as your pronunciation is pretty good. I’ve been learning Korean the same way, so that’s how I can tell. I’ve seen enough kdramas to spot a rubbish accent. It’s kinda like how you learn your native language; listen and repeat, therefore your innotation is better. I’m not as well spoken as you, but hopefully in the near future I can start to use korean more and practice speaking with others, which will definitely boost my confidence and skill. Keep up the good work! Congrats on gaining so many subscribers.
탤탤 ㅎㅎ 태일 유튜브에서 정말 놀랐습니다. 한국어 정말 자연스럽게 잘해서 정말 놀랐습니다. 존경스럽네요..저의 아내보다 잘하네요...제 아내도 외국인입니다. ㅎㅎ
한국 콘텐츠를 좋아해서, 독학으루 배워 한국사람이랑 대화를 영국식 한국발음을 하시는 레배카님 대단해요.독학으루 이 정도 실력이면 언어 천재네요. 문법이 완전 반대일건데...레베카님은 한국어를 영국사투리로 하시는듯 😅
Your channel will blow up, with you being fluent in those languages.
얼굴 예쁘고 영국발음 섹시하고 언어천재이고 못하는 게 뭔가요
엉엉 날 가져요
앨프시네요 넘 귀여워 미치것네..😊
That was actually pretty cool! You are doing something really great, whether you know it or not! Multi-Lingual people should be proud of that.
In much of the United States, being multilingual is very rare because we are just that lazy about it. We stick with one language so we can learn other things with that time.
Languages are important though so I WISH I had taken classes much more seriously while I was in school. I also wish my family actively spoke other languages on a regular basis. Basically got shafted over here but part of it is my own fault.
Now it is too late for me, my memory is SHOT and I am going senile. Too many other things to worry about to try learning anything new, if my memory won't allow me to retain any lessons. I feel so stupid and useless these days.
I had to subscribe. I always see guys doing it but it’s refreshing to see a girl doing it and a beautiful one at that. I have a feeling this channel is going to blow up!
Taletale 보고 왔어요. 정말 한국말 잘하네요. 그 때 보다 더 자연스러워지신듯.
You are great Rebecca 🥰
유투브보고계정찿아서 유투브시청 하고 있어요 한국와서 배우해도 됩니다 무조건.
지난 영상 조회수가 날아갔네요. 힘내요 고생했어요.응원해요.💖👍
Love your content! I’m learning English and Korean, also interested in Spanish, your channel is a treasure to me, keep uploading 🎉
복잡하다 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 재밌는데 신기하고 어이없는데 흥미로웤ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 혼란의 도가니
Very fun and inspiring for my own language goals. Keep it up and best of luck on your exams. :)
I'm a new fan Rebecca.
I hope to see more vids one day when you have more time.
All the best.
레베카 님, 한국어 발음이 훌륭하세요. 외국인 억양이 전혀 없으세요. 한국어도 잘 하시고 예뻐서 칭찬합니다. 구독하고 응원할게요. 좋은 영상 계속 부탁드려요.
진짜 영국 사람들 언어 습득 능력에 감탄 한다. 거의 천재적 능력이다.
존경 스럽기 까지 하다. 글구 레베카 ^^ 넘넘 예쁘다.. 지적 호기심에 반짝이는 눈이 몹시 아름답다.!!!!!!!!
사랑 스러운 소녀다................
우와 유튭 시작!
예쁘요! 한국어가 수준급이네요!응원합니다 💋💘
라이브도 기대하겠습니다
진짜 너무 대단하고, 진짜 최고네요. 텔텔님 유튭보고 왔는데~ 너무 신기하네요^^
텔텔님 유튭 댓글에 레베카님 한국이름이 "예백화"라는 글보고 빵 터졌네요~
조상이 한국인이였을꺼라고..ㅋ
그만큼 진짜 뉘앙스 느낌이 완전 한국인 같아요.
유튜버로 성공하실것같아요
구독하고 가요~
영상 종종 올려주세요
한국 40대 아줌마가^^
your korean is so gooddd
얼굴도 예쁜데 목소리까지 예뻐💕🫶🏻
아하~ 1명이 영상에 나오는 걸 허락했다가 철회해서 기존 영상을 내리고 다시 편집해서 올리셨군요. 고생하셨어요~🥰
for someone that learned korean JUST by watching korean content…that is SO impressive. even the way you pronounce things is so good. it gives me so much motivation to deeply study korean bc I also tried learning korean (studying) but I gave up bc it wasn’t something that kept me interested. I can speak conversational but I want to build my skills more so I also watch korean content and talk to korean’s online to expand my knowledge more. you’re so incredibly good im motivated once again 💪🏼💪🏼
얼굴도 한국말도 넘사벽이에요.❤
You are very good at korean 😊 정말 잘하시네요! 저도 한국어를 배우고 있어서 유트브로 한국어를 늘어고 싶어요~ I really want to hear you speaking in spanish~ Estaba divertido el video
Wow!! Great!! Awesome!! *^~^*/
한국에 한번도 와보지 않은
영국 여성이
이렇게 잘한다니요!!
정말 대단하십니다!!
언어에 재능이 있으시군요!!
You are genius!!
모지이고... 욀케 자연스러워 ㅋㅋ 짱짱맨~~
헬로우톡에서 봤던분이 이곳에...와우...한국어 실력이 완전 좋으네요.
엘프님 한국오셔 연애인 또는 모델 초대박 나실겁니다 꼭오시길~😊
Got to be more active with the uploads though
I do want to be but I’m a final year university/college student during exam season like I mention on all my videos’ description boxes so I cannot be atm.
@@rebeccaestrella we will be waiting :) Good luck with final year!
I will wait till you meet Kazu Lanaguese he study korean too will be cool to see youtubers interact with each other
@@rebeccaestrella Fair enough, I'm in second year at Shef Hallam and I'm constantly doing uni shizzle. Looking forward to when you can start uploading actively, I feel like you'll blow up
@ZOWAAAAA she doesn’t have to if she can’t, so why put pressure on her?
재미있네요. 발음이나 단어 사용이 너무 좋으시네요. 구독눌렀습니다.
한국어 잘하는 분😊😊
레베카 정말 한국어 정말 잘해여
레베카 응원합니다^^
Hi, Rebecca.
Greetings from the U.S.A.
I just subscribed.
Keep posting Korean language videos.
I love the element of surprise.
I love your video from 🇳🇬. You hypnotised me with that korean accent ❤
Hah I laughed when she said she didn't study but just know Korean from watching video and such..cause the same happened to me, you see English is not my first language but ever sense I was young I watched UA-cam video and played online games and that helped alot
off topic but ur voice is so relaxing 🥺
누나 안녕하세요 ❤
한국말 너무너무 잘해요❤
한국어 잘하는 외국인에 놀라는 한국인도 재미있네요 ㅋㅋ
탤탤님 방송 보고 왔습니다.. 그냥 지리네요,, 와우 ..
Great video, keep up the good work! Waiting to see more with our your languages! Subscribed!
Language stuff on OmeTV is always fun to watch
Your face is gorgeous. I learned English by myself too. Kinda wish I had watched Korean and Japanese too now. Love to learn to speak and understand those. :D You're awesome.
발음이 완전 한국인입니다. 독학으로 배웠다니 믿기 힘듬. 언어천재?
예쁘시네요, 알고리즘에 떠서 봤어요.
Wow. Your korean is so good. Ojalá estuviera a ese nivel pero me falta mucho
뭐야 이천재
존예긴해 ..
Do more of ometv videos😍love it sm! You inspired me to start learning a new language
당하는 기분이 이런거라고 간접경험이 되네요
영상 감사합니다
I just subscribed and can't wait to see future videos. I wish you much success with your youtube channel.
Please upload more videos. It's fun to watch ❤😊
독학으로 한국어 마스터 한 언어천재 엘프녀❤
Hi Rebecca, I just came across your video. I will subscribe, too! Your Korean sounds great (although it doesn't mean much since I'm not Korean, nor do I speak it). Looking forward to more of your videos! ✌🏾😊
as a korean guy i feel obligated to warn you about how sleazy some of these dudes can be (although i'm sure you experienced that by going on omegle lol)
you seem very bright so don't want to overstep but just be careful out there, your videos have been great so far :D
You’re so underrated !! Keep up the good work 🤭 I hope you remember me in the future
므찌다 그냥 ㅎㅎㅎ
I like your videos, they feel really genuine
i really like you, keep uploading, you got the content, it's fun nice n cool, wish ya all the best amor
ㅎㅎ 이렇게 하나씩 시작하는거죠 오늘 탤탤님 영상 다시 보다가 옆에 채널영상이 보여서 들어왔더니 이런 영상이 ㅎㅎ
이제 동생분하고 하던건 안하시나봐요? 혼자만 나오던데
눈 감고 들으면 한국분 같이 말합니다. 와..진짜.. 잘 하시네요.. 발음도 악센트도 거의ㅣ 완벽합니다. 한국 좋아해주셔서 감사합니다.
I love this channel already i wish you the best of luck! ❤
i just want to say that you’re so pretty
super impressive!
Nice work on the channel bruh.. keep it up 👍
너무 예뻐요
누나 너무 예뻐요~
탤탤에서 봤는데.....^^ 반갑네요
I can definitely see you in any K-drama 😂
You should continue. You could become very popular with the shocked reactions.
탤탤님 영상도 올려주세요~😊
어떻게 목소리와 발음이 이렇게 좋을 수가 있는지.. 신기 하네요.
레베카님 이신가요? 더 아를다워지셨습니다.
영상 기대가 많이많이되요~
tell the people to subscribe, because you deserver subscribers, you have so much viewss!!!!
LOL "You speak English well" 🤣
재밌어서 구독했어요
1:00 무례하게 반말하냐???? 😡😡😡😡😡😡
Nice! ♥♥♥
they only skip because they’re nervous because of your beauty
typical simp
@@Human-hx8yp ? are you dense or what
@@usernhdefjhruhu12 U need immediate medical attention from a psychiatrist
@@Human-hx8yp와, 정말 강간범 지지하는 거야? 참, 그딴 쓰레기 좋아하냐니. 이 여자는 너보다 훨씬 예쁘고 대단해. 원정맨 개 좋아? 좀 더 성숙한 취향 가져봐!
Annyeonghaseyo Im dutch im learning korean too with duolingo and other learning apps.
재업하면 조회수 많이 빠지던데 아쉽겠다. 그 사람은 이 분이 유부버라는 걸 어떻게 알고 찾아와서 영상에서 빼달라고 했대?
Your so pretty!!
I love your ambition and drive ... I wish I had it when I was your age .. you can indeed learn by listening and repeating... I will be back as I have subbed to you
Agora posta um vídeo falando em português pfv
1:52 쿨찐 냄새 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
I hope you continue! Good luck for the future !
탤탤은 구독버튼을 안눌렀는데 이곳에서는 곧바로 구독 눌렀습니다.
태일님 유튭보다가 왔는데..
솔직히 말해봐요..
한국분이 가면쓰고 영상찍은거죠?;;