I just bought a bunch of tumbled amozonite. I love holding a couple to feel it's energy after running my hands together to amplify the energy. I sense the crystals energy better this way. Many thanks! 🙏🏻
@4:50 I have a peice that looks just like that & could never figure out what exactly what it was... I went to a gem mine in NC mountains (spruce pine) and purchased several large buckets to w different types of gorgeous raw stones & quartz. 1 even glows under blacklight (Hyalite Opal) but I also have a few that I've looked all over the internet for and still don't know what they are.
Theres a pendent i have where I thought was either aquamarine or this 1. Yes kinss has the bits of tan beige in it and aquamarine very more blue. This gorgeous thanks
🙋🏼♀️✨Mine is a bracelet...a fee different colors,as you explained.I absolutely love it.Wear it all the time.I have alot of anxiety and was told it helped for that.But when i received it,it said it was the Hope Stone✨and Boosts confidence and optimism...But Thank you❤️ You just touched on Many things...it does.I feel better now.I never give up on My Crystals ✨✨✨
I have always loved crystals and stones. I have collected stones for several decades. I really didn't know the healing quality of them. I am now learning about chrystals and healing stones and find your videos very informative. I will continue to watch this channel. Thank you.
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This incredible stone is one of those that just feels soooo good when you hold it.
I just bought a bunch of tumbled amozonite. I love holding a couple to feel it's energy after running my hands together to amplify the energy. I sense the crystals energy better this way. Many thanks! 🙏🏻
It's sounds like the perfect crystal for these times! Thank you for the great information!🎷🎷
my friend got me a bunch of amazonite for my birthday and it’s helped so much 🥺🥺
I love working with this stone i just love the color have some around my shower and i use it in spiritual baths
Amazonite is my go to for almost any physical discomfort
I need to find this in jewelry form.
I do not have an Amazonite crystal yet but I def need one😊💫
It is such a beautiful stone with so many incredible benefits! I ordered about 40 pounds raw a few months ago, I would love to get a sphere.
I have raw carved Amazonite beads on a new bracelet, it feels like it chose me because it was a gift mix up
Love the info, enjoying the Jazz, remix for quieter music and louder clearer voice --starts strong gets lost
@4:50 I have a peice that looks just like that & could never figure out what exactly what it was... I went to a gem mine in NC mountains (spruce pine) and purchased several large buckets to w different types of gorgeous raw stones & quartz. 1 even glows under blacklight (Hyalite Opal) but I also have a few that I've looked all over the internet for and still don't know what they are.
Love learning about crystals
Thank you for Amazonite information
Learnt so much about amazonite. Thank you
Beautiful and useful stone. I love it!
The "background" music is so loud it makes it difficult to hear your words. Did you say to wear it, or NOT to wear it?
Thank you! am really enjoying all your great information! love amazonite!
So nice colecsion jit stoune
Amazonite is such an eye catching crystal to me🍀💰💙
One of my favorites!! Such a beautiful color and texture.
I Have Amazonite in its Raw Form, I Love the Tumbled Crystal! 💙💜💙
Theres a pendent i have where I thought was either aquamarine or this 1. Yes kinss has the bits of tan beige in it and aquamarine very more blue. This gorgeous thanks
🙋🏼♀️✨Mine is a bracelet...a fee different colors,as you explained.I absolutely love it.Wear it all the time.I have alot of anxiety and was told it helped for that.But when i received it,it said it was the Hope Stone✨and Boosts confidence and optimism...But Thank you❤️ You just touched on Many things...it does.I feel better now.I never give up on My Crystals ✨✨✨
I have always loved crystals and stones. I have collected stones for several decades. I really didn't know the healing quality of them. I am now learning about chrystals and healing stones and find your videos very informative. I will continue to watch this channel. Thank you.
It really is beautiful. Needs to be a necklace!
i love amazonite!
Well, that's cool; I keep my amazonite necklace under my router anyway, so it was a good move. Thanks!
love the stone just recently saw someone serenity herbal and i ordered amazonite they have so many other 2
Thank youu!! Great video, and your voice is amazing 💚
Beautiful video thanks x
Love learning about the crystals. Thank you.
Is amazonite safe to wear? I was just reading it could be toxic.
love this stone!
I have one it beautiful
Amazonite is naturally radioactive, is it safe to wear every day?
I love to sleep with this stone under my pillow !
Magyar felirattal kérném.!!!