This Is Why You Need To Obey God's Word - Powerful Video

  • Опубліковано 7 вер 2024


  • @GERBERTH-r8y
    @GERBERTH-r8y 2 роки тому +3

    Amen to this all, give your ENTIRE EXISTENSE to god.

  • @comingsn2519
    @comingsn2519 2 роки тому +37

    God u r more powerful than anything. you are more powerful than any circumstance.

    • @noah.derayy
      @noah.derayy 2 роки тому +2

      Anything is possible if you put god first 🙏

    • @brendaepperson676
      @brendaepperson676 2 роки тому +3

      l agree with COMINGSN. You are MORE POWERFUL GOD than any thing or any one!!! Thank You The One True GOD!!!🏳‍🌈

    • @christina1826
      @christina1826 2 роки тому +1


    • @warrioroftorah3709
      @warrioroftorah3709 2 роки тому

      Really? Churchianity is lost.
      God is a deity of fortune and so, as you can see on a dollar bill that says, "In God We Trust," it could be saying, "In Fortune We Trust."
      The favorable King James Bible was authored by Richard Bancroft, a Catholic and Archbishop of Canterbury, London England in honor of King James the first of the 16th century.
      And so, God and Jesus was an invention of the European.

    • @warrioroftorah3709
      @warrioroftorah3709 2 роки тому

      The Bible clearly reveals that salvation is available in only One Name: Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other Name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved -- Acts 4:12.
      The Name the angel Gav'riel gave to Hebrew speaking Miriam and Yowceph was Yahshua, meaning "Salvation of Yah."
      This original Name has been made a hybrid by translators and changed to a Latinized Grecianized name Jesus ---- a name that came into our language about the time of Christopher Columbus.

  • @strongbelieveroftheholybible
    @strongbelieveroftheholybible 2 роки тому +8

    John 14:15 “ If you love me keep my commands. Lord Jesus Christ is coming soon 🙏🏼❤️🕊Repent, believe in the Gospel, Be Born Again

    • @adamendicott5922
      @adamendicott5922 2 роки тому +1

      Amen to that ?

    • @upsidedownworld8416
      @upsidedownworld8416 2 роки тому +1

      JOHN 14:30 KJV

    • @landsberga9793
      @landsberga9793 2 роки тому

      Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back 1:51:17
      „Luke I am your father.“
      -Darth Vader
      Luke Skywalker, Born to Senator Padmé Amidala and fallen Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, he was the twin brother of Leia Organa, grandson of Shmi Skywalker Lars and nephew of Owen and Beru Lars. Raised as a wet farmer on the planet Tatooine, he was initiated into the Jedi's lore by Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi at the age of 19. As a result, he joined the Rebel Alliance and was directly involved in the Battle of Yavin, where he shot down the Empire's first Death Star with one aimed shot.

  • @francisdoss8642
    @francisdoss8642 2 роки тому +3

    Thank you GDN, for reinforcing the need to Obey God's instructions...We Pray that his instruction guide us all the days of our life...Amen.

  • @stuartbarnes182
    @stuartbarnes182 2 роки тому

    When I'm struggling Jesus gives me real hope and strength to carry on the love of Jesus will indure forever, seek him while he is near,

  • @michelliebrown9041
    @michelliebrown9041 2 роки тому

    Father please accept every single word of this prayer from our pleading hearts to Your heart in Jesus Christ name amen amen and amen! ❤️🙏🏾❤️🙏🏾❤️🙏🏾❤️🙏🏾❤️🙏🏾❤️

  • @adamchancellor9011
    @adamchancellor9011 2 роки тому +4


  • @NDaNameOfJesus
    @NDaNameOfJesus 2 роки тому +8

    We love you father God

  • @cruzerm8681
    @cruzerm8681 2 роки тому +6

    May GOD bless you in abundance & grant you the physical, mental & spiritual strength to help you to overcome all the adversity in your life. In JESUS glorious name. AMEN 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  • @markanthonyholt5775
    @markanthonyholt5775 2 роки тому +8

    Amen 💖🙏🙌 thank you lord god almighty

  • @cruzerm8681
    @cruzerm8681 2 роки тому +7

    If you're feeling through difficult times. GOD never promised everyday would be full of sunshine. Sometimes it rains & our lives go through storms.
    If your life seems like it's falling apart, it may actually be falling into place. GOD has a way of bringing good out of a bad situation & just because you don't see a way, doesn't mean GOD doesn't have a way. GOD is the way maker. Whatever you're going through, you are never alone. GOD is right there with you. Remember that GOD loves you, He always hears your prayers & you can trust him. GOD is the promise keeper. Keep praying, keep believing & NEVER GIVE UP! GOD is the miracle worker. He is the light in the darkness. He will see you through the storm. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

    • @Lili-Benovent
      @Lili-Benovent 2 роки тому

      Sunday is our special day, HOORAY It's the day all Heathens celebrate as their day of fun, go out and sing, dance, get stoned, drunk and celebrate the good life of fun and hedonism, Lord Ahriman has set aside this day as a tribute to our liberator, Satan, we are all so fortunate that the real meaning of life has been revealed to us and we want to share it with you. Join us.

  • @debragreer8210
    @debragreer8210 Рік тому

    Amen praise God for his faithfulness and endless love 🙌❤️🕊️⛓️

  • @tracyoguntokun4284
    @tracyoguntokun4284 2 роки тому +5

    Amen 🙏❤️🙏✝️

  • @ryantravis242
    @ryantravis242 2 роки тому

    No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.

  • @jacquelynnacopoulos1278
    @jacquelynnacopoulos1278 2 роки тому +1

    Hello, Thank You Amen 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • @ryantravis242
    @ryantravis242 2 роки тому

    Love the picture of the wrecking balls breaking it is truly amazing

  • @TheChameleonCarroll
    @TheChameleonCarroll 2 роки тому +2

    Thank you for this video

  • @chrisgen1807
    @chrisgen1807 2 роки тому

    Obey the Love of the LORD GODFATHER in Christ and you shall be the Love of the LORD GODFATHER in Christ.and the Love of the LORD GODFATHER in Christ can not Think Evil and Hell to Anyone.Think Positively Good to Everyone so that you can not Think Evil and Hell to Anyone.

  • @adamendicott5922
    @adamendicott5922 2 роки тому

    God and Jesus is the most powerful spirit that I ever knew !!

  • @karljustinecanlas8325
    @karljustinecanlas8325 2 роки тому +1

    Amen 😇

  • @ernestdaniel3764
    @ernestdaniel3764 2 роки тому

    God you are so lovely 😍

  • @jacquelynnacopoulos1278
    @jacquelynnacopoulos1278 2 роки тому +1

    Hello, I am ready to go home to Heaven anytime. Thank You Amen 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • @mikaelhagstrom9381
    @mikaelhagstrom9381 2 роки тому +1

    Beautiful..Message..❤🙏 ..Amen..❤💪🙏😇

  • @bintabeebee5808
    @bintabeebee5808 2 роки тому +1

    Amen 🙏 thank you for this beautiful reminder 🙏

  • @monalisa6264
    @monalisa6264 2 роки тому

    I only follow Jesus

  • @kevinclint7588
    @kevinclint7588 2 роки тому


  • @vincentbudna9398
    @vincentbudna9398 2 роки тому


  • @joennepease3655
    @joennepease3655 2 роки тому

    Amen.. A good platform to start a study upon.. Blessed🌺🛐

  • @singwithpowerinfo5815
    @singwithpowerinfo5815 2 роки тому

    We’ll, when a god actually comes and speaks to us, I’ll listen to his word. The Bible? No, not a god’s word? Jesus? No, not a god.

  • @sonofgod7358
    @sonofgod7358 2 роки тому

    Cree que Jesucristo murió en la cruz por tus pecados y resucitó de entre los muertos tres días después y arrepiéntete del pecado. El juicio está llegando a este mundo. También arrepiéntete constantemente. Jesús vendrá pronto. En cualquier momento puedes morir y si no estás bien con Cristo, te irías al infierno. Si murieras ahora mismo, ¿irías al cielo o al infierno?

  • @robertstefan8665
    @robertstefan8665 2 роки тому


  • @billbrock8547
    @billbrock8547 2 роки тому

    Conduct your life according to the instructions in a collection of books written by Iron Age men who knew less about the natural world than today's third-graders. What could go wrong?

    • @christopherhorn1161
      @christopherhorn1161 2 роки тому

      Conduct your life so that you are knowledgeable about all things. Wether religion is real doesn't has really shaped human history so it helps to be knowledgeable.

  • @robertstefan8665
    @robertstefan8665 2 роки тому


  • @sonofgod7358
    @sonofgod7358 2 роки тому

    Believe Jesus Christ died on the cross for your sins and rose from the dead three days later and repent of sin. Judgement is coming to this world. Also repent consistently. Jesus is coming soon. At any moment you can die and if your not right with Christ you would go to hell. If you died right now would you go to heaven or hell

  • @tommytomtom320
    @tommytomtom320 2 роки тому

    If You Truly Follow the Path of Man, and Religion backwards. It will Bring you to Mesopotamia a Region of Southwest Asia in the Tigris and Euphrates River System that benefited from the area's Climate and Geography to Host the Beginnings of Human Civilization.
    The Civilization is majorly known for is Prosperity, City Life and its Rich and Voluminous Literature, Religion, Mathematics and Astronomy.
    They believe Sumerian Civilization first took form in Southern Mesopotamia around 4000 BCE-or 6000 years ago-which would make it the first Urban Civilization.
    Mesopotamians are noted for Developing the First Written Language, and Religious Scripts around 3000 BCE: wedge-shaped marks pressed into clay tablets.
    Scholars' working on the Scripts published there findings and Information in the International Journal of Nature, and said the Civilisation Predates Egypt's Ancient People (7,000 BCE to 3,000 BCE) and could mark a Significant Shift in the study of Ancient Societies.
    The Literature Written can be Traced through out all other Civilizations Literature after that.
    Rulers with Religions Through out time has used this Literature to create there own Religions how they see fit. Basically Misleading People for 1000's of Years. Making Things up and Telling Lie's to Benefit There Own Agendas and Control. Religion, was actually Developed and Used as a System of MIND CONTROL to Produce Slaves that Believed God Decreed their Slavery. That's why there are 1000+ Religions. And there story's are so Similar. “SO MAN DID WRIGHT THE BIBLE”...
    Your Living Life as a Lie. If You Can't Understand This, It's Not My Problem.

  • @rarefacere2387
    @rarefacere2387 2 роки тому

    Why should I need to obey the word of a fictitious entity that is openly sadistic and malicious?

  • @rosiebaker4250
    @rosiebaker4250 2 роки тому

    Why you know my body did any one put in my body cos I had two cat scan what is clear m so may I know waat inside my Body

  • @crystal-bn4qq
    @crystal-bn4qq 2 роки тому +1

    What are the instructions

    • @marksingleton7199
      @marksingleton7199 2 роки тому

      The Torah.
      The insrtuction manual for many products is written by the manufacturer in his language. The instructions are then poorly translated into the language of many nations. Those that know, teach. Many that think they know, also teach. Thats why the people of Earth are at war with each other.
      We look at the world with our eyes and try to understand it and profit from it until we have enough to make ourselves comfortable. Then you get bored and desire what will make you happy until your body dies. You live to be an individual that is self sufficient.
      The reason you think like this is for 2 reasons. You were designed to think like that for a purpose which has been twisted so badly that it is no longer recognisable.
      You were designed to look at God. God cannot look at himself in his wholeness. The I AM is aware of I AM. There is nothing else. God forms a pocket or void and fills it with Moses describes as water.
      This is pure thought energy without knowledge. In the void, the energy connects like neurones in a childs mind. It forms basic structure i.e. The Earth. Then comes basic consciousness i.e. plants and animals. Then comes man. Everything is connected and is developing until it becomes aware of itself. God says own this land. This means own your thought that you made under my super vision because you are me. God now has a consciousness that does not know what God is. When it looks upwards it will think and give an opinion. God sees himself on all levels of awareness. God has taken his building blocks and thrown them into a mixing bowl. Eventually the parts will mix together and make God. I.e. the parts will return to their true state. God will know himself. God says out loud in Heaven Now they will know good and evil like us.
      This happens because Eve eats the knowledge of God and God now knows what He is and is not. Eve falls away from God onto Adam and they create seperated life from God. As God created Heaven, Eve creates within Adam. As God looked at himself so Adam looks at himself. As God poured into a mixing bowl so does Adam. Adam does not know the truth so what is in Adam cannot return to a pure state of wholeness.
      A father will lovingly try to rescue a son and daughter in trouble. God sends messengers to Adam to show him how to reconnect. The son is so confused and the thought within him is too busy fighting for the power to rule. The mind focused on God before the fall. Know it has to teach itself and every neurone wants to be incharge. God forces his way into Adams thought via Moses who writes a self help book. The Torah.
      God gives the 10 commandments and civil laws. God says dont look at yourself because you will be lost. Look at me. I AM the way home.
      When in danger does not a father say to his child Just look at me and keep walking to me.
      Can you now see how the text in the Bible has been made into a book of fear rather than love.
      When you loose a child does your body wrench in pain. So it is with God. If you wish me to go further in detail please say and I will.

  • @1Infeqaul1
    @1Infeqaul1 2 роки тому

    Discern which god you decide to worship, for only evil desires then demands authority, these kind are not God's at all

  • @bibledefinedbymartycozad
    @bibledefinedbymartycozad 2 роки тому

    First off, Christ speaks the Fathers words. Paul speaks from some bright light claiming to be Jesus; Compare both gospels; Study by subject; Paul revelations 2; Clues to the truth.
    Is Jesus talking about Paul in rev 2:2?
    Acts 18:27b
    Helped those (Jews at Corinth) who through grace had believed,
    Acts 19:1 (Paul is teaching his gospel of Grace)
    Paul passed through the inland country and came to Ephesus. There he
    Found some disciples.
    Acts 19:9b, 10
    He withdrew from them (the Jews) and took the disciples with him, reasoning daily in the hall of Yrannus. 10. This continued for two years, so then ALL the residents of Asia heard the “word of the Lord”. Both Jew and Greek.
    Acts 14:14
    But when the apostles Barnabas and Paul heard of it, they tore their garments. (First I heard Barney was called that?)
    Acts 20:16
    For Paul had decided to sail PAST Ephesus, so that he might NOT have to spend time in Asia, for he was hastening to be at Jerusalem.
    When the seven days were almost completed, the Jews FROM Asia, seeing him in the temple, stirred up the whole crown to lay hands on him.
    II Tim 1:15
    You are aware that ALL who are in Asia turned away from me. Even Phygellus and Hermogenes.
    Rev 2:2 (Ephesus church in Asia)
    But have tested those who call themselves apostles and are NOT and found them to be false.
    (The old testament never said anything about saved by grace.)

  • @stevenhall4444
    @stevenhall4444 2 роки тому

    Why would I want to go heaven knowing it's not worth it for me there nothing there for me. And even if I did follow his word all I get out of it is being treated like crap and I get to be bored to death. Not to mention I have to deal with being attack by everyone just for following his word. And besides God hasn't delivered on any of his word or promises to me. I feel like Christianity is just a form of control with zero benefits.

  • @ohitsustu1835
    @ohitsustu1835 2 роки тому

    I do wisheth that America would stop idolising the KJV. Makes them feel more 'relkgious' I guess.

  • @ammelia3301
    @ammelia3301 2 роки тому


  • @1Infeqaul1
    @1Infeqaul1 2 роки тому

    Only a god of lies, would claim authority over inocents.

  • @upsidedownworld8416
    @upsidedownworld8416 2 роки тому

    Really another European Jesus that just 😷 " O God, how long shall the adversary reproach? shall the enemy blaspheme thy name for ever?
    PSALMS 74:10 KJV

  • @watersabove.below7
    @watersabove.below7 2 роки тому

    Why it should be easy to follow? If you dont have communion with God you make communion with everything else that rejects God. That's a very ugly, evil and horrible group to be with and not hard to admit to. YeS, those who say they "follow" God can can be just as bad but truly which side can you confide with?!

  • @bobbydominguez8754
    @bobbydominguez8754 2 роки тому

    Amen 🙏🏼

  • @urbangorilla6733
    @urbangorilla6733 2 роки тому


  • @mariaedwards1538
    @mariaedwards1538 2 роки тому

    Amen 🙏 🙏 🙏 ❤️ ❤️ 💖

  • @robertstefan8665
    @robertstefan8665 2 роки тому
